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felt . Ik- lattc cmi-lecMg tribune TUESDAY and FJtlDAY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 24, 1922. No. 92 ITAILED 0 FFICIAL i ELECTION FIGURES FlOUIUiS ON COUNTY OFFICIALS FKOM COUNT 1Y THK ritliCINCTS In the race for County Treasurer there wero tliree candidates. The following la a resort of tho official canvass of the election returns by wards and precincts. Tho highost vote was given Mr. Souder In tho third ward of North Platte and tho lowest was to Mr. Larlmoro in Tablo precinct where he did not get a vote. Here is tho vote: Souder Larimoro Payne First, Ward 323 10G 105 Second Ward 274 91 107 Third Ward 352 91 112 fourth Ward ll4 89 190 Mail Vote -T 22 14 D East Hinman 57 32 38 Antelope 35 18 20 -Table 13 0 10 North ltosedale 13 4 7 JBirdwood 23 11 7 Box Elder 7 3 18 Brady '9.2 CI 29 Buchanan 25 17 " 21 Cottonwood 44 18 22 Cox - 14 9' 8 Sprlngdale 15 2 , 3 "JJeer Creek 31 26 7 Dickens 4p 23 34 Fairview 24 . 21 21 Fox Creek 18 40 41 Garfield -21 13 11 Gaslin 22 21 17 Hall 1 28 13 18 Harrison 15 3 b "Hinman- 37 37 17 Hooker 4 7 5 Kim 20 8- 4 Jiosedalo 18 12 4 Lemon' 10 6 . 11 Maxwell 89 53 4C Medicine ' 82 29 44 Miller ir-:M7" 13' 17 Sutherland li242 68 35 Myrtle 19 5 20 Hershoy 130 116 40 Nowell 25 26 12 Payne' 57 7 32 Osgood 35 15 30 Peckman 39 20 34 Plant 23 6 33 Jeffrey - H " 9 Sellers -125 16 22 Somerset , 27 14 21 Sunshine 1 40 17 24 Vroman 21 26 16 Wallacq-i 101 77 20 Walker" : 44 20 , 13 Well -'l7 8 40 Whittier ' 1 15 10 19 "Willow 23 5 C Total 2792 1381 '1440 . :o: Trtasurer Souder received notice yesterday from C. C. Magaw, general attorney for tho Union Pacific that they would not commence the pro posed tax injunction suit. Several days ago tho railroads announced they would apply to Federal Judge Munger for an injunction against the CQunt'y treasurers -of tho Btatc, ag ainst their collecting tho 1922 tax on account of unjust assessments. It 18 thought the decision not to press the case further Indicates tho early payment of the tax in full. DRUG SPECIALS SATURDAY $1.25 Plnkhami's Vogetablo Compound 98 42 .60' Sloan Liniment . . f " .60 King's "New Discovery - M ,60 California Syrup of Pigs - 12 .42 .00 Danderino , .60 Jorgen's Lotion r Popsodcnt Tooth Paste 1' Cuticuro Soap .10 Say man Soap Bayer Aspirin, 100 tablets Woodward's Chocolato ChorrleB, 1 lb. box .08 North Side Phone 6M To . Send someone after my dollar. Have him bring me card In the Lincoln County Chaptertof the Amcrican.Red I Signed (Fill out the blank above, clip it out and mail it to either Miss Anna C. Kramph, president qi A. W. Shilling, secretary, North Platte and watch them smile. You wear tdie button and get someone else to go in with you on this good work Editor.) DIRECTORY IS OUT SUIMSUINTKNDKNT ISSUI5S VAL UAI1LK INFOHMATION FOK THK rUIJLIC The Lincoln county school direc tory for 1922-23 is out and has been sent to teachers, school officers and others interested. It contains a list of nil schools In tho county, arranged in order of their numbers. Other information is given regarding the names and addresses of all tho school officers, tho valuation of property in each school district, the number of mills levied, the number of months of school voted, the name and ad dress of tho teachers and tho salary paid. Tho directory lists 135 dis tricts of which twenty-five employ two or more teachers, twelve did not report complete information, nnd ninety-eight are one-room schools. J It is interesting to study tho re I ports of the one-room schools, two 'districts report a two mill levy, one j reports a thirty-eight mill levy. The j average seems to be about ten mills. ; Eighty of these schools will maintain nlno months school, seven an eight months term, seven a seven months term and one a six months term. iThe salaries in the one room schools run from ?70 to ?125. Since this is nn interesting record It is given in tabular form below: Monthly - No. Salary. . . . Schools ? 70 75 8.0 85 90 95 '---r 100 ' -- 105 ' 110 115 125 The information for tho . 1 10 16 20 19 2 21 0 2 1 3 graded schools is complete and interesting but is not easily tabulated nor com pared as tho number of teachers and j tho size and valuation of tho dis tricts is so variable. Drug Store, Wa Dallrw I'll Help The Red Address. j IMPORTANT CHANOIO IN MANAGK. MHNT OF POPUIiAll IM2STAUKANT ! The Owl Cafo waB Bold tho last of i the week by Mrs. Ida Lemon to J. iC Higg of Holdrcge. This business , was started here about ton years ago I and has become a popular place for out of town people who wanted a ' j home-cooked dinner. Mrs. Lomoni ! lias built up and enjoyed qulto a business nnd it was this which Inttracted Mr. and Mrs. Itlggs to make linr nn offor. Wlinn nnkort nliniit her futuro nlans Mrs. Lemon said alio did not know just what she would do or whether she would leave North Platte or not Mr RIues Avas in-tho restaurant business In Hastings, ; later moving to Holdrege where ho conducted tho Itigg cafe. Having sold that several months ago ho look- oa nhm.t frtr n itM inontinn r.n.1 'decided on North Platto as tho com. lug city of Nebraska. Mr. Wife is ; making some changes in the e3ulp - I , . . ..... i muni ana mier on may uuuiuu 10 give night and day :o;- service. . Victor, the sixteen year old son ot . .. . ' . . . r away at Vineyard Haven, Mass. after 11 IT. II II II IVI I'H . .1 V . lilllllll'l I niHKHII I an illness of three years. Tho fun- .oral was held yesterday at 2 o'clock land burial waB made at Vineyard I Haven, Victor was tho oldest sonot My, and Mrs. J. V. Ilomjgh and be sides ids parents ho leaves twiJ)ro- jlhers, Phillip and Orrin. :o: There wero fourteen criminal cases 'on tho docket of tho District court I at its opening last Monday, ten of these cases wero disposed of without ! trials. Two cases havo been decided by jury and there are still two cases to be brought up. Tho jury returned a verdict of not guilty In tho- case of tho Stato va Pasman. charced with the possession of equipment for tho manufacture of intoxicating liquors land this morning another Jury brought in-a verdict of cuilty in tho case of'Chas. Slmffor. charged with ti, nnDnsoinn f tm nmi ,r,noi, This is tho caso whoro Sheriff Salls - bury raided a house in tho west end of tho city and found Shaffer in tho house with the still. Tho jury was out all night. -:o:- CUntons for spectacles. Every Part of your Body is Controlled by Nerve Energy Hinder tho flow of tho norvp onergy to any part of tho body and tho part affocted Immediately BoaaoB to function properly. Tho Chiropractor body. known this Tho Chiropractor knows how to flnd tho' vertebra that is pressing on tho nervo that loads to tho affected part;,. Tlio Chiropractor knowB how to adjust this vortobra bo that naturo may mako you well. Consultation and analysis free. BATCHELDER & BATCHELDER CHIRO?nACTORS . Oror Star ClQtlilng Hbuso Office Hours North Plutto, Nob. 0:00 a. in. to 12t00 a. m. 2:00, p. m. to 5:00 p. m. Phono 109 7:00 p. m. to 8:00 p. m. Other Hours by Appolntmout. Cross a button and. a membership Gross. . TEST HOLDS INTEREST MANY PIiOPL AltK INQUHUNG vhout Co-operative , ADMiKTISINO Tho doublo page spread of advor- "k ' arousedi considerable interest in tho namo "nd,nS cash discount contest nnd ,ntlulries aro pouring into this .office asking for particulars. Tho ;hnlr P"go Wank has been studied in V11U,L lu KUl Hlrieu ngni in iuo .... nffn.l J- ..... .X ... . . . . ,. contest. Ono hundred dollars is a. , lot of '"oy these days and is WOrth j'ne for. Some ono will win It. successful person will bo tho ono !who docs the bcst ' folKwIng Iflv&wnys: . - "iur 01 i-urcnaaesrnis moans XT 1 -r. . . . ADVERTISER'S tno number of times you went. Into ' copies or mo Triuuno wun tuo;fferil locnl boy8 wnllo throo Voro one of thn stoma nnmn! nnri mrtHa nrfTeport- blank mai' bo obtained at p........ . .., "," ;; , , ensh purchase. ou will keep ac - icount yourself and your record will. ,,,,,, ,,. , , .... . i w vivv.nv,u T llll V11U OiUlUa 11 till jaro winner. Tills will count ton points In the finals. Amount of Purchases Tho total um'ount of money Bpent lu each of tho advertising stores each week should bo put aown on tho report, j This will also bo checked up and 1 valued at ton points. 1 Misspelled Words You count tho , number of misspelled words in eacn ( ad and put the number on tho report This counts fifty points or ono-half j !oE tho whol contest. XTnmA T.I I.. .1 1.. 1. own namo and find tho letters in the 1 lottors in each ad which aro ln your , nmo- Flnd out now t,mos I 'our niimo ,s contained in each ad moui repealing any euers or us-; ln leUors ln Ul aa- 1 ut Ith0 number down on tho report and I 'it will count fifteen polntB. In tho i wldo column of tho report place tho nnmo ot tho arUcl each morchant Is advertising and it wlll count ton vohits and tho general noatness of I tno report will count five points. Tho total number or poiniB possiuio is 100. Each paper will thus bo scaled indisputdblo law of tho human COUNTY AtilONT TO IlKIiP THE TI5ACIII3HS OF IiUItAI, , I SCHOOLS ! Qodrgo U. Kollogg, counjy agent of Lincoln county Is famishing hot' hunch outlinos to schools unon re- uuost. This is a part of tho sorvico j which tho Lincoln county Farm Huroau U giving ho rural schools of this county. The Farm Bureau ' spent n lof of money getting Dr. Hedgor hero lust month and thoso ' who heard Dr. Hedger sneak realize , j how Important it is to havo at least ! one warm dish In the children's noon lunch. The outlines nro freo to any teacher jii3t for. tho asking. :o: miss Anno kudis returned mommy from Des Moines, and Spencer, IowaJ whero she has been visiting with rel- atlvcs. ;o. Charles, tho nlno year old son of .Mr. and Mrs.C. C. Long living north- oast of town was scverly injured while climbing a flag polo. Loosing his hold on tho polo ho fell and was ! caught on a hook that was about five feet from tho ground. Tho hook CIIIIlMi him In flirt mlrt.llo nr Mm chest tearing a big hole in tho flcfth. Tho commissioners havo partitioned off a small spaco In tho west end ot tho lower hall in tho court Iioubo for tho headquar tor's of thcnutomobilo socuoii or uio Treasurers ornco. Tno rules roquiro that tho casos of number """u ' on auto owner can bo Bupplicd with. Ms old number it ho desires. That moans about 5,000 licenses on hand nnd Within easy reach at all times. Miss Harriot Murrin is to havo charge ,.f tl.r. non. ,nn.lnn ., .1 ...111 l.n " there during tho rush ot securing now , nuT plotoB boforo tho first of Jnn- After that she will go to the automobile record room only when : oro Is a call for a license. rwl M. l,l,.1.nt ...111 l. ,l.n n,nnn ; " " thla offlPn in lnntr n thnv innt ('"um.a"l"lul ana lW0 "om. "ram. 1 U,1B onico aa l0"B as thoy last at ThiR nIrtWM nn nnrnun nvni,f IlV0 cents, icememner anyone can Lntor thn ronir-Ht nn it i not nnni.n,i , -w- . ....... to tribune subscribers. Ask us to jho,P J'ou if you do not understand t,1Q conditions. FATHER IS WONDER1NO i J ABOUT TO TRY IT WHEN HE tJft - 1 -manet mo Tint I t5?, i rJ Scene from Bringing Up Father On his Vocation, Keith Theatre Next DeFOREST CASH GROCERY Phono 212 NORTH SIDE Phono 212 Freo Delivery to any Part of tho City Salirrday and Monday are crowded with real values and remember we sell only quality goods. Itox llncon "The Tasto Tolls," nico nnd lean, by the piece per lb. .20 Graham Crackers Fresh and crisp per lb. .11 Nut Margarine, lb... M Malt Syrup Hop Flavor, per cn , OIngor Snaps, lb .12J4 Peanut Hrittlo candy por lb. .20 Early Juno Peas ,12 Fols Naptha Soap 4 bars for .25 X-Nox Gelatlno 18 Don't Forget td take advantage oi our wonderful Thanksgiving values in Groceries. Order Early. SHORT STORIES OF PEOPLE Ml THINGS ITKJIS OF INTEREST A II OUT KE CKNT IIAPl'EiNIN(3.S I.v'tHIS COMMUNITY Quite a largo section of plaster on tlft colling of tho second story of tho old court house foil Monday morn ing but no ono was Injured .The plaB- tor fell at tho ton of thn ntnlrn nml nn thu rloor ot tho uppor hnllmiy. Word waa received hero that Nick Logas who loft here several wcoka i ago for Mayo Bros. Citnlo was op erated on Nov. 20 at St. Marys hos pital for spinal tuberculosis. Ho Is reported to bo gotttng along fine. A party of. Past' Matrons of tho Eastern Star left Wednesday for aionburiJ to spend tho day with i,,,Hl bW. Thoy wero Mos- 'dames Hosier, Cummings, Sklnnor, , Hartmun, Stuart nnd Finn. A. S. Allen, Lincoln county clOTk, was oporated upon Tuesday nftor noon for appondlcltis. Tho opera tion took place nt the local hospital and the latest reports aro that ho la ' BCttlns nloDS tlao- n-iu. mmWo nf n. fnnhnii nnm nml COttche(u ,eIt thla mornIng ror h , , ney team tltia afternoon. Tho Sid ney team is not one of tne fastest , teama Qf iho jwo games this season. Tho boys Will return this ovcnlng. The, members of tho local Do Molay initiated a class of eleven now can dldatus into its order at a meeting llolil Wril unoiln v nvnnlrif nV ilin r aonic hall. Six oi tho candidates 12.5 in tho local chaptei -:o:- Mrs. Joseph Schotts of. Omaha 18 visiting in the city with friends for a few days. . , IP THE DOARO WILL HOLD TWO AND IS SEES MAGGlfJ. THEN. OOOD NIOHTI Tuesday Night. Puritjin Skinned Hams xs. or whole per lb. ,2a Fancy Evorgrecii Corn Por can .12 Ooblln Soap 3 barn for .10 Star Naptha Wanning Powder " pkgs. for ,io Trilby Hand Soap 3 bars for & Cookios, per lb.. y ,19 Olives, 22 03. Jar .43 Flako Whito Soap,, per bar .05