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Newspaper Page Text
IJorth TUESDAY and FJtlDAY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 12, 1922. No. 97 9 LOCAL PRODUCE S! r A Christmas Tragedy Fr Pop LINCOLN COUNTY HAS GOOD OUT LET FOR FARM 1'llODUCIl lIIiUE Whll o each of the towns In Lincoln county Is n center for tho collection of farm produco for shipment, North Platto Is the big shipping center for some lines nnd It is a distinct advan tage to tho whole country to have such a conter. A local dealer In ex plaining his Idea regarding North Platto as a produco center said in a conversation yesterday "Take- chick ens as an example. Only this week wo shipped a carload of Hvo chickens to San Francisco. Tho chickens in this shipment weighed about nineteen hun dred pounds. They were gathered from all points in tho country. Wo bought them in crates from retail merchants in tho smaller centers and they had bought them from the farm ers. Wo sent our last carload to Now York City which is our best market. Wo can pay a better price whore wo send to tho leading markets in car load lots than those who ship their produco In small shipments." Another buyer told of tho cream market. Ho said in part, "Wo have bought and shipped during tho past yoar probably half again as much cream ins over before. Farmers havo turned to tho old cow to pay off their debts. The same is true of eggs nnd other produce. And what I say for our selves Is true for the other produco men of this city." While tho price of produce fluctuates from season to reason it is a great advantage to jknow that there is ulways a buyer waiting for tho produce of tho farms and that he will pay as much as you can get anywhere njlowing for the difference In freight. Lincoln .county people are not slow to' realize this ad vantage and production of poultry, cream, butter and eggs is increasing Tapidly from year to year. :o: I AAUtSOtS'o MAMrAk? AO- NO -NO'. -FOND PARENT TRViNG TO fc. ( PADDV HASN'T AACVTHAG BUT llllS' RX GROCERIES! AOW RAJN ANP Jp AND IS CAUGHT M THE ACT- npf V ?LAV N THE KITCHEN yiftWW CHAMBER OV COMM13KOI3 WILL MUSPAKli LIST OK KX S12KVICI3 MUX Tho following Btatoment was iss ued last wook by the offlcors of tho North Platto Chambor of Commerco , nnd explains ono of tho Intost nctlv- i Itlos to bo undertaken by that body. As part of Its community work, the North Platte chambor of com- morco Is proparlng n list of all ex t sorvlco men of Lincoln county with tho object of having this sorvlco list form part of tho records of tho county. It is tho purposo to socuro tho namo of each man, his rank, com pany, regiment and division (or branch of sorvlco alphabetically card- CHRISTMAS SEASON S REALLY JIT LI1SS THAN TWO WEEKS TO ME l'AHK FOlt THE GLADDEST DAY OF YE All Chrlstmns Is at hand. Tho churches, tho schools, business, tho homes aro WI looking forward to tho day of days. Tho rush and bustle of preparation Is everywhere. Boys nnd girls aro i counting tho number of shonnlnc days lng and indexing each name, enclose otu MotliorB nnd Bweothoarts aro theso cards In n proper rcccptnclo .numbering tho stitches until tho pros nnd deposit them in a court housp , Cnt of a denr ono is complotod. Hugo vault. Lator it is tho lntontion to , express vans loaded with packages tablet tho names and placo tho tab lets in ono of tho rooms in tho now court houso. Tho American Loglon posts of tho county havo. boon asked to furnish lists of tholr membership, but as there aro probably qulto a number of ox-sorvlco men who aro not Loglonaires, it is requested that thoso who aro members sond tholr name, rank, company and division to Ira L. Baro, (secretary Chambor or Commerce, North Platto. KEITH OUNTY'eDITOH TELLS HOTAHIANS ABOUT STATE LAWS aro backing up to tho storos all day long and unloading merchandise or dorod for tho spocial holiday Bhop por. Sonio of tho churches havo al ready announced their programs for tho colobration of Christ's birthday. Tho Methodist Sunday school will glvo a program on Christmas ovo whllo tho program at tho Lutheran church will bo hold on Christmas night. And each of tho other churches will announce tho tlmo whon It's special Borvlcos and programs will bo given. Tho Woman's club will sco that every needy family gets a dinner and whoro tlloro aro children tho campflro girls aro dross- IJASKET HALL OFFICIAL'S CON FERENCE TO BE HELD IN NORTH PLATTE Coach Schulto of tho University of Nebraska has announced a series, of basket ball conferences over the stato, one of which will bo hold at North Platte on Saturday, December 16th" from 6:30 to 9:30 p. m. This conference is for all l coaches and officials of basket ball in this part of the, Btate. Tho nearest conferen ces will bo at Sidney on tho west and Keariey on tho east. No charge or fee will bo made and all interested are invited. Tho placo will be an nounced later. A similar conferenco SHORT STORIES OF PEOPLE HID THINGS NORTH PLATTE LOSES TO SUTH E BLAND IN PRACTICE GAME ing dolls to Bond with tho Christmas J. S. Kroh, editor of tho Keith . dlnnors. An Invasion by moro than six County Nows and senator-elect from ty collogo boys and girls will begin thnt district drovo down from Ogal- a fow days hoforo tho groat day with alia yesterday morning nnd wns tho nn cXodus of nearly as many teachers guest of honor nt tho rogulnr noon- of tho city schoolB to tholr homes in Try Columbine Lump Coal, $12.00 jWas held by tho football people last per ton delivered. The Artificial Ice fnn ana proved to be interesting and and Cold Storage Co. j valuable. Our windows suggest hundreds of :o: original Xmas suggestions. Dixon, the E. E. Carr transacted business in Jeweler. t Kearney yesterday. ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT RE CENT HAPPENINGS IN THIS COMMUNITY County Clerk Allen continues,, to improve following his rocont oper ation for appendicitis and is now at his home where ho is gaining in strength quite rapidly. Tho demand for 1923 auto licenses is gaining oach day. Every auto own er in the county is subject to arrest if ho appears on tho highways after January 1st, driving a car without a 1923 license number.. day luncheon of tho Rotary Club. Ho many states. Evoryono will think of Sutherland was victorious over 8Pko on B0 of the problems which homo and try to got thoro if possible. North Platto in a double head practlco ' confront tho coming session of tho j A proposition is on foot to Havo a com gamo Saturday evening, winning from j legislature which is republican whllo , munlty tree but tho matter has only tho boys"" by a score of 11 to 18. Tho j tl10 governor is democratic. Ho is for , just boon suggested nnd no ono haa boys game was livoly and full of pop tho codo 1)111 w,Ul such modifications yet boon found who will undortako and life from beginning to finish. At 08 w111 mn,t0 11 moro etfectIvo at a to Pt tho mattor ovor. Tho stores are the end of tho first half, tho score loworel c08t- Ho favors ronowlng tho full of eager Bhoppors who aro mak was 10 to 2. Rector and Shaner show-' rur yoar dollar matching ngrooment ( lng marked inronds on tho big Btooks ed fine playing and starred for North i wUu tho federal government in order: of holiday goods which tho merchants Platto, whllo Winder starred for 10 Bet tl10 road Program of tho west- havo purchased hut the nholvos are Sutherland. Tho local team. aro adopt- orn countlos completed. Ho Is In favor again filled from tho'rosorvo stocks lng a now stylo of playing this year1 of ucttor education but ho wants to ,130 that tho cholco has not yet dlmln nnd when they havo accomplished tnko out 801110 of tl10 frllls ,f thoy i ,8UC1' Tho secrecy and planning aUd this, North Platto will havo a toam,can 1)0 ll,8Pcnsd with at a loworcd charnKto tho preparation and unless that it may well bo proud of. Tho cost for tll waol Program. Ho was ; something jinusunl happens tho people girls played a livoly gamo but the ' varmly rocelvod and his program was of Lincoln county aro going to havo Fur Cap Sale Only the best quality skins used in making these Caps, LOT 1. Consists of Hudson Seals and French fiyd AT Nearseals that sold for 312.50. Now.... V? Lot 2. Natural Northern Muskrat that sold for $22.50. Now $7.95 These will make excellent Xmas gifts .and will not last long at these low prices. ho B. Edwards Co. James V. Vosolphka passed away yesterday at tho ago of 77 years. Ho is tho father of John, Will, Georgo and Volesta of this city, besides several other relatives, hold to-morrow houso at 2:30. Sutherland girls wero too much for , sonorally commended, Watkins starred for North Platto whllo huyjav tct Hiram a v Betty Roberts starred for Sutherland. ' 'AN S UNDAY Both teams will play a return gamo mJuMM at Sutherland Dec. 10. j Rov paul Snonk.bolloveB ln hnp. terday at Lexington nnd discussed pln0BS ,ind 1,0 lms worked out a tho question pretalnlng to tho heavy ' sorlos of slx sermons onj topics which bar docket in this Judicial district. wi11 mako fiooI'10 haPPy by making Thoso representing Lincoln county thom ,auB and think and then thoy Tho funeral will bo , woro J. J. Halligan. J. O Boeler and wlu B out nnd mako oers happy. afternoon from tho y, e shuman. Tho first of tho series was given at tho Baptist church last Sunday ovon At a meeting of Harry E. Brown ing on tho topics"Two Frogs ln a Camp No. 11 United Spanish Voter Milk Can". Following aro tho topics ails wlllfih Wild linlfl "Woiln noil nv nmn. r . ,ir. i council will bo hold at tho Vinovard . ' i lU4 ulu IUBt ul ul u'. ''"i ovia- L Z linB at tho Flremans hall tho follow- sors and tho Mountain", "Itlng tho ,ing officers .woro elected: A. W. Christmas Bolls", "Laughter and ; Brown, commander; W. S. Baldwin, Success", "A Bit of Heaven on senior vico-commnnder; Julius Hoga, ( Earth" and "Ma, Pa and tho Kid." i junior vlce-commandor; Chas. Hanor :o: Sarbon Announcement has been made that tho annual meeting of thq Boy Scout at 12 M. Wednesday, Dec. 13th. Im portant reports and other business is to be attended to by tho members of tho council. Tim lnfllna nf tlin T.lnpnln Holinnl Officer of tllO llnVI Roliort M. WpoVh. MlSS MlniUO SUUnlan Of Parint-Teacher Association sho)wcd j off cer or tho guard; Andrejpr Schar- shopped in tho city Saturday. tho proper pop when thoy put on an mnnn, trustee; Luther I. Tuckor, 1 If you're working tho contest, bur oxchango last Saturday at tho Davis Quartermaster and A. W. Shilling, jg u yorA s nlmost corlalii to win furniture store and took in ovor a adjutant. Installation will bo hold io $100.00 prize. hundred dollars, $103.45 to bo exact, some timo next month. IIENDY-OGIKR AUTO CO. This Is considered a good exchange and ono which will sot a standard for other similar organizations. nn unusually fino Christmas this year. yoar. i - , , Q Mrs. J. T. Stuart returned Satur day from Denver whoro alio has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harris Stuart. Mrs. C. S. Calhoun and daughter loft Sunday for, Los Angolos, Calif., whoro they will mako tholr future homo. Buy your Christmas candy nt tho Epworth Leaguo booth at tho Meth odist Bazaar Friday afternoon and evening. A happy thought If sho hasn't had a now wrist watch, licro's your oppor tunity to mako a gift sho'll appreciate. Wo havo n wonderful assortment of gold nnd whlto gold wrist waches In a vnrloty of designs and shapos. Theso watchos are, from tho best makers, and aro guaranteed, yot thoy aro mod oratoly priced. Clinton & Son, Jowcl-ors. I A committee representing thp Lln ! coin county bar association mot with I tho Dawson 5ounty association yes- M 2 JO COLU LUMP! N Special Exhibit of 1855 Wednesday, December 13th Albrecht's special representative will be at our store all day witili the finest collection of Fur Coats, Capes and Fancy Pieces that comes to North Platte. This is your chance to buy what you wish from the most reliable lino of furs shown. Wilcox Department Store A Car of Nice Columbine Lump Cpal now on Track Good Lump Clean Coal; $12.00 per ton delivered. Also car of fresh Hanna Coal now on track. We sell clean coal, guarantee full weight and guaran tee our coal to be as we represent it to be. Wo handle only grades of coal and hav a coal for every purposo. If our Conl pleases You ,Tell your Friends, If it docs not Toll Us. The Artificial Ice & Cold Storage Co. To A Good Boy" from a Good Santa You may bo sure Son will think you a mighty flno Santa, It you wlsoly chooso nttractlvo shirts such as these, which wo Boloctcd specially bocauso their patterns aro tho kinds Doys like. Hndrns nnd Oxford $ 1 .00 $1 .50j f 2.00 Silk Pongees $3.50 Star Clothing House. 000 E. Front Street Phono 10.