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3lorth TUESDAY and FIIIDAY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 19, 1922." No. 99 S CHARGE AGAINST CITY STATEMENT BY EXECUTIVE IN REPLY TO CHARGES MADE BY MB. SIIUMAN Tho following statement is address ed to tho public and will bo read with much interest by those who read tho article in tho 'last issue o tho Trlbuno by Mr. Shumnn. Mr. Evan3 has signed the article and stands responsible for its contents, just as Mr. Shumnn signed lift article and stands ro - sponsible for it. Tho letter should help to .clear up some of the uncor - talnties which have bothered the citizens recently. To the Public: In tho issue of the North' Platto Trlbuno for December 16th, there ap pears tho following statement; "How can an officer of a county, school dis trict or village profit Dy any contract such officer makes? The Jaw pro vides that no such officer can have any interest direct or indirect, in any such contract. That law has been violated frequent ly during tho last two years by tho officers of the county, of tho City of North Platto, and of other government subdivisions." In so far as the above statements refer to the officers of tho City of North PJatto, the same to tho best of my knowledge are unfounded and un-; true, and I desire to reassuro tho poo- pie of this city, of what thev alreadv i know, that the contracts of tho city j during tho past two years, aggre-! gating about three-fourths million of J dollars, have, been advantageously. made, beneficially performed and ab- solutely free from taint of graft or! crookedness. , I The City Council will meet in regu lar session Tuesday evening, and tho Tribune and tho public all generally are, invited and requested to bo pres ent and filiform or bo informed with respect to any phaso of this matter and especially as to the relation of anyNpfficer to any contract. Respectfully, E. H. EVANS, Mayor. -:o: Christmas perfumes and toilet I waters. Rincker Drug Co. Leather pocketbooks at $1.25 to $3 each. Hotel Palace Bazaar. North Platte Lincoln basket ball game will bo played here Saturday, December 23, See Our Christmas candles. 15c per pound and up. Burke Cash Grocery, f.21 E 4th Street. f New floor lamps, bridge and Junior Models, genuine CJieney silk shades guaranteed not to fade. Dixon, tho Jeweler. MissCaroHno Bolton will leavo in a fow days for California, after spending tho past month at tho homo of hor sister, Mrs. W. II. McDonald. AT MAYOR EVANS VAUDEVILLE KEITH THEATRE Wednesday and Thursday. RALPHS AND MAY Club Juggling nnd swinging, Jap spools, Dovil sticks, Mat Spinning and balancing. This act has played in fourteen countries with suc cess and Both members do equal amount of work. Neat and fast all tho way through. HABBY LEE v Tho Ventrllpqull Bell Hop. An artist of exceptional ability. Ho has won for himself a nnmo in tho east as an ontortalner. This is his first tlmo west and you will like him. Ho is different. His pleasing voico is a great asset to his offering, rendering many now popular song hits. EVANS AND MAYE Harmony and dancing. Thoir offering is clean, wholosomo and very well presented. Following soveral refined selection, Miss Mayo offers her dancing numbers. Nothing in this lino can compare with hor dancing. , THE OBPBEUS COMEDY FOUB THE GBOUCH KILLEBS From tho moment they appear until they finish- their act is ono long laugh. Tho appearanco of tho four garbed in tho costumes of characters they aro to portray starts tho rlsabllitles and it is all off but tho laughter. As a singing quartetto thoy rank with tho best as comedians. Thoy aro in a class by themselves. " v A chango of pictures each night. TWO .FARM "WOMEN ARE ELECT ED TO COUNT!" FARM BUREAU DIRECTORS At the annual meeting of the Lln-'i coin county Farm Bureau which toon. , nlace nt Firemen's hall last Friday aftornoon Mrs- Ruth Gibson of Wall- aco and Mrs. II. C. Rahmoyof wore , uiuuieu 10 mo oonru ot directors in tho places of Aaron Knno and An drew Howard. A. D. Colvln was elected in the place of Nath Bratten and S. J. Koch and Jas. Shoup was re-elected. "Hickory Gone" Sullivan spoke for the Farm Bureau and Jas. Lawrence of Lincoln for the Exten sion Service. The president: A. H. Leavitt, secretary and Fred McCly mnt, treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Koch v01"0 elected dolegatcs to the state convention of tho Nebraska Farm uBureauwlth Mr. and Mrs. Shoup as Alternates. Tho attendance was not I largo but was representative of tho best farmers county. of all parts of tho :o:- PRESHYTERIAN SUNDAY SCHOOL TO GIVE INTERESTING PRO-. GRAM FRIDAY NIGHT Tho following Christmas program will bo given at the Presbyterian church Friday, Dec. 22. Song, Hark the Herald Angles Sing; Recitation, Loulso Hollman; Christmas Greet ings, Mrs. Curtis' class; Song, Silent Night; Recitation by Raymond Deata Alice Vernon nnd Irvln Theas;; Solo,' Royor Hastings; Recitations by Gladys Robblns, Robort Allen and Ella Jane Otten; Piano Solo, Dorothy Elder; Recitation, Edna Scott and Lois Braham; Luthor Cradlo Hymn Primary Room; Recitation, Horace Crosby; Reading, Ida Payne; Solo, Gertrude Rltner; Three minute talks on "The Happiest Christmas I Ever Had" by Rov. Patterson, Mrs. M. E. Crosby and Miss Georgina McKay; Song, O Littlb Town of Bethlehem, -a- Shades for electric lamps at 35c to $20. Hotel Palace Bazaar. Incense burners at 25c to $3.00. -All flavors of Incense. Hotel Palace Ba zaar. Miss Alburta Callcndcr who Is teaching at Sarben spent the week end in tho city 'with her parents Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Callender. Mats made of beads to put dishos on make very attractive Christmas gifts. All colors and sizes. 75c to $2,00. Dixon tho Jowelor. Mrs. F. S. McDannol left yesterday for hor homo In Hastings after .visit ing in the city at tho homo of her daughter Mrs. Iva Longnecker. Miss Wilma Coates will arrive homo Friday from Lincoln whero sho is attending tho University to spend tho holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coates. E. Gowdy, chief dispatcher for tho Union Pacific has been appointed ' trainmaster on tho soventh district. Mr. Gowdy will bo succeeded by Mr. ' Smith, former night dispatcher at Cheyenne. THE 8 SHORT STORIES OF PEOPLE m THUGS itisjis OF INTEREST ABOUT BE C12NT HAPPENINGS IN THIS COMMUNITY Superintendent Ailcon G. Cochran says another call has como to l(3r offlco for clothing for a family Of threo children. In tho family aro a girl of twelve,-a boy of ton and a boy of seven "years. Sho asks that nnvnnn having clothing suitable for these children should phono 502W. Professor W. W. Fry of Philadel phia, Penn. arrived hero Wednesday or last week to visit for a fow days with M. H. Fry and family of this city and O. F. Fry and family of Hershoy. Mr. Fry i3 at tho head of the Palmer Business College of Phil adelphia, which institution has moro than a thousand students. Press dispatches toll of tho elec tion of P. R. Halllgan of Lincoln as commander of Richard L. Harris post, of tho Veterans of Foreign Wars. Mr. Halllgan was an officer in tho 34th division overseas and Is a Major In tho Nebraska National Guard,., Ho is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. .J. Halllgan of this city and lived, here until ho. enlisted for tho war. A letter to the Tribune from Mrs. Robert Simmons of Scottsbluff, says Mr. Simmons has selected Lourenco H. Malono of O'NeUl as secretary whllo in Congress. Mr. Malono served Con gressman Klnkaid in tint capacity be fore tho war. Ho resigned and enlist; ed in tho army. At tho close of tho war ho again becamo Mr. Kinknld's secretary and was serving in that capacity at the time of Judge Kin kaid's death. Hejs now' with Judge Humphrey at Washington. At what rate do birds fly in this vicinity? People owning automobiles can make calculations which would bo Interesting If they were compared. Sometimes a bird will fly up from the center of the road for some distance. If someone in the car would notice tho speedometer and thon observe if the car is gaining or losing on tho bird, tho approximate speed of tho f STORE OPEN EVENINGS 'TILL XMAS I, I V II . mi ,v . -Am. ,T.. MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS A PRESENT SUBE TO PLEASE Men's extra quality pure linen handkerchiefs. Largo side specially priced. Three hand kerchiefs in Xmas q t box for ... p Jon's fancy colqred border handkerchiefs. Tho popular handkerchief for tho woll dressed mnn. Special prlco each t)5C Men's beautiful Pongeo silk handkerchief is tho now novolty handkorchief. Extra f heavy silk each J)l lien's fine silk cotton handker chiefs packed ono in a pnekago. Theso handkerchiefs nro largo sizo and soft finish. CA Four for DuC Men's initlnl handkerchiefs very Hno quality nnd with beautiful embroidered Initial. lZn Snoclallv priced oach J 3C Men's largo sizo whito handker chiefs, soft finish fn Special price 0 for.. OUC NOBTH PLATTE S BEST CLOTHIERS FOB MEN AND BOYS STOBE OPEN EVENINGS 'TILL X3fAS H 1 -Sr-r BEBT1IE ANNOUNCES SELECTION OF 1IEBS1IEY MAN FOB DEPUTY Sheriff-elect V. L. Bcrtho mndo tho announcement tho last, ot tho wcok that ho had soloctod Joint Lannin of Hershoy as his Deputy. Mr. Lannin has Hvod in Hershoy for a nunibor of yoars and 1s well known thoro but hns novor taken any part in county politics. Ho nnd Mrs. Lannin oxpoct to make their homo in tho Jail build ings whero ho can bo on hand at all' times. Hershoy pcoplo say Mr. Bofthe has made a good solectlon. -:o: Mr. and Mrs. Simon Whilo of Suth erland aro visiting in tho city nt tho G. W. Slzomoro homo. bird could bo determined. It is cor tuin that birds do not really travol ns fast as they liavo been given credit for trnvellng. Tho Bird Lover will bo glad to hear of such reckonings whether made by young folks or ad ults. . Just when it scorned that thingii woro gottlng along nicely In tho pre parations for ho state convention ot Volunteer Firomon which is to be held hero next month, announcement comes that plans havo gono astray m rogard to tho banquet. Tho com mitteo in charge of Fred Dick had been asked to allow tho American Legion Auxiliary to servo tho ban quet in the Lloydjopora houso and it was understood that tho Auxiliary! was considering tho matter favorably ! when word camo that tho Auxiliary! has decided not to take It up. It I seems that tho firemen want to : guarantee a thousand plates at ono ' dollar each and tho Auxiliary did not ' think it could handlo such 'a big ' proposition. Mr.. Dick and his com mittee aro looking for - Bomoono to take up thoir proposition and havo received oncoragomdnt from sovoral organizations although nothing def inite has boon hoard from anyone. There is now only' five weeks until tho convention. Buy A for all your 1 k V:' ' Dodge B LOCAL BASKET BALL TEAM TO MAKE CHRISTMAS TRIP Plans havo boon mndo for the loonl i bnskot ball tonm to mnko a Christmas j trip through Nobraskaf Wyoming nnd Colorado The team and tho coach will Iohvo horo tho morning of December 2Cth, returning January 4. Tho sched ulo for games is as follows: Sidney, Dec. 2G; Chcyonno, Doc. 27; Greeley, Doc. 28; Ilouldor, Colo., Dec 30; Colo rado Springs, Colo., Jan. 1; Sterling, Colo., Jan. 2; Julesburg, Colo., Jan 3. On Docombor 31 the tonm and the conch will mako a trip through tho Royal Gorge. This trip will bo very educational for many ot tho boys havo novor had tho opportunity to mnko! such a trip to tho mountains, besides tho team will meet somo ot tho most representative teams of tho west. Tlu nnmes of tho boys who will mako tho trip will bo announced later. :o: EVERYONE INVITED TO ATTEND THE PARENT-TEACHERS MEETING WEDNESDAY A meeting of tho Paront-Tenchers will bo hold to-morrow afternoon at 3:00. Tho following program will bo given: Flying Doves, piano duct by Freda Johnson nnd Lena Mary Stone, Solo, ChristmaB song, "I Onco Loved a Boy", Miss Roxann Erb; piano solo, Lois Hart; Travol Loguo "Eu ropo", Mrs Elizabeth Waro. Mrs. C. C. Williams is tho president and Miss Laura Murray. -:o: Mrs. C. R. Brotornltz roturnod Saturday from Sidney whero sho spent several days visiting with rela tives. Miss Elslo Waltomath arrived homo Sunday from Omaha whero sho has boon visiting ,Jwlth friends for tho past fow weoks. Claudo and Alvln Woingand arriv ed Saturday from Boulder, Colo, whero thoy havo been attending tho School of Mines. Thoy will visit in the city with relatives. See. this New Car. Christmas family for all year Here is winter comfort and known Dodge dependability at an unheard of price for a full four door closed car. Come in and examine this new car which is now on our floor. Consider if . this would not be the year's best present for your own folks. Prlco Is $1,51(50, dolivorcd here. ' J. V. ROMIQII, Dealer. All Dodge Models' now, on 'display at our,.' salesroom. " . , r other Pttenti PendJni ADJOURN JURY TERM Of DISTRICT COORT LARGE NUMBER OF CASES ARE SETTLED IN AND OUT OF COURT ROOM Tills wook will seo tho wind up of an important term of Lincoln county District court. Judgo Towell dis charged tho Jury Saturday night and is spending several dnys horo Bottl lug up cases which do notorequiro a Jury a,nd conferring with lawyers in rogard to tho futuro of ponding cases. In summing up tho work of tho la3t llvo 'wcoks yesterday Judgo Towell said tho court had disposed of at leaBt 150 cases which wore on tho docket. Ho said a number had been settled out of court tho settlement being hastened by tho cnll for trial. This loaves about 125 cases on tho docket but when It is romomborcd that a number of theso cases aro not subject to trial until ns long as nine months after thoy nro filed tho con dition is hotter than it appears. How over, Judgo Towell nnd tho lawyers had about agreed last night to call a special session with a Jury on Jan uary 15 and continuing two weeks with tho Idea of cleaning up ?ib, many cases nt that timo as possible. It is not expected that tho docket can bo cleared nt any timo ns now cases nro being filed all tho time but tho court is trying to hold Its own and not got behind. In only seven of tho cases tried Woro tnon sentenced and of those not ono was below twonty-ono years of ago. Judgo Towoll will leavo this week for his homo In Sidney whero ho twill spend tho Christmas holidays with his family. -:o: Trlbuno for'Chrjstmas. $1.60 year ' Present round use. -V- M V