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Newspaper Page Text
X TUESDAY ana FltlDAY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 22, 1922. No. 100 ( NORTH PUTT EH SUKi THIS YEM Favorable Conditions In Many Lines Cause Rejoicing At This Season Of The Year Worthy Poor To Be Providid For. North Plntto Is just closing preparations for the 1922 Christmas celebration. It is to be a religions celebration and tho lead is to bo taken by the churches. All of tho people are invited to Join and it is with a spirit of goodwill to men that tho response is to bo met. More than one hundred Christmas dinners are being propared for tho deserving poor. Tho North Platte "Woman's Club is leading in this work. Tho Campfiro girls have dressed dolls and theso will be sent to children in deserving families. Tho church colebrations will start on Friday night and extend until Monday night. Presbyterian Church On Friday night the Sunday School will give a program and thoro will bo a Christ mas treo. Sunday morning at 9:45 tho Sunday school will givo its Christmas Missionary program to bo followed at 11:00 by the church service at which Hev, Patterson will preach using as his subject "Tho Promlso Fulfilled." In 'the ovenlng ho will uso "After tho CHRISTMAS EDITION OF HIGH SCHOOL PAPER IS OX TIED AND GREEN PAPER Tho pupils of "the North Platto High School not to bo outdono by anyone in expressing tho spirit of Christmas issued a special Christmas number of their high school paper vestorilnv. Thn tinner consisted of Advent-What?" is tho subject of his L pagefJ prlntod on red paper aud discourse Baptist Church Sunday morning tho pastor, Rev. Paul Shenk will preach a sermon on "Glad Tidings." In the ovenlng tho choir will render special Christmas music and the sermon sub ject will bo "Ringing tho Christmas of tno virgin Mary to the Protestant Bells." Tho Christmas services by, world." at tho mornlne service Sun- four on green and tho entire Issue was full of pictures and cartoons appropriate to the season. H. R. Roettger is in charge of tho class In Journalism which Issues the paper. the children of tho Sunday school wjll bo held at the church at 7:30 Monday evening. Episcopal church At 11:00 Sunday morning there will bo special music and a Christmas sermon by Rev. Jlooro. At 7:30 there will bo special Christmas service for tho children of the church school followed by a Christ mas treo in the basement of tho church. At 11:30 Christmas eve tho usual Christmas midnight service will bo held. Christian Church Tho children will give a program? for children at three o'clock Saturday afternoon at which ' time tho Christmas treat will be given On Sunday the morning service will be appropriate to the day with a Christmas sermon by Rev, Stevens. At 7:30 there will bo a Christmas pro gram entitled "Tho Gift of God" a story of Christmas in song and pan tonine. An offering will bo taken at that time, tho money to go to tho benevolent work of the church and tho clothing and foods to tho Child's Sav ing, Institute of Omaha. Lutheran church Rev. Koch will preach on the subject, "Tho Message day with music appropriate to tho day On Monday morning at seven o'clock there will be a Christmas musical with a sermon on tho subject" "Tho Christmas Lyrics." The musical will include such numbers as "Tho Mag nificat" by Mrs. Arthur Tramp, "0 Holy, Night" by John Peterson "Christmas Eve" (Lefebyro), "Angels from tho Realm of Glory" (Shelly), "Shepherd's Christmas Song" (Aus trian), "There Were Shepherds" (Marzo) and "Festival ToDeura" (Buck). There will also bo special organ numbers and Christmas Carols, At 7:00 p. mi Monday evening tho chii dren's service with tree and treat will be held. Methodist church Sunday morning there will bo Christmas services with a sermon by Rev. Hess on tho subject "Tho Babe In tho Manger." Tho choir will reader special music. At 6:30 there will be a union Epworth Loaguo service followed at 7:30 by tho Sunday school Christmas program with a treo and treat. Rev. Hess will dellvor a Christmas sermonetto and there will bo music by tho Sunday school orchestra. -. - THE VINEYARD -. - Hotel Timmerman Entrance Thru Lobby Christmas Dinner TABLE D'HOTE $1.00 t Turkey Soup Olives Celery Roast Nebraska Turkey Oyster Dressing Cranberry Sauce or Roast Watertown Goose-Baked Apple Lettuce and Tomato Salad Snowflake Potatoes Sugar Corn Sweet Cider Hot Mince or Pumpkin Pie . Cream Cheese Tea Coffee . Milk (Coffee Served with Whipped Cream) TABLE D'HOTE 75 CENTS Turkey Soup Olives Celery Roast Native Duck-Baked Apple or Baked Young Chicken Oyster Dressing or Roast Prime Rib of Beef-Au Jus or RoastfLoin of Pork-Sweet Potatoes . Lettuce and Tomato Salad Snowflake Potatoes Sugar Corn Sweet Cider Hot Mince or Pumpkin Pie Cream Cheese Tea . Coffee Milk SHORT STORIES OF PEOPLE AND THINGS ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT ItE. CENT HAPPENINGS IN THIS COMMUNITY Tho City Library will bo closed all day Christmas day. COUNTY CLERK APPOINTS WOR THY YOUNG MAN AS HIS S DEPUTY A gift of eight books has been re ceived of tho Womans Relief Corps of this city by the City Library. In this way tho various organizations, aro showing their Interest in tho library. Tho members of the Senior Hich school will bo entertained this after noon by members of the public speak ing class who will give a little play "Tho Florist Shop". This evening tno Mgh school will hold a mlxcnJn the auditorium. Luke Mooro of Dickens was 1n tho city yesterday with nlno coyoto hides. He said ho had secured tho bounty on thirty-fivo hides so far this season. Ho uses dogs in catching the coyotes, ono dog having recontly cost him fifty dollars. Ho also Btated ho has caught about 300 skunks this year and has sold their hides. County Clork Lowo announced yesterday that ho had decided to appoint Ralph Robinson as Deputy County Clerk for tho now term to begin January 4 th. Mr. Robinson is at preseut connected with tho S. & R. Service Btatlon and is tho son of tho late J. V. Robinson and Mrs. Robinson. He has been a resident of Lincoln county for a number of years, being in tho employ of tho Union Pacific railroad at ono timo in which capacity Mr. Lowo camo to know and respect him. -:o:- OMAHA PRINTING COMPANY RE TURNS AMOUNT OF IRREGU LAR WARRANTS Overland passonger traffic is said to bo as heavy now as it has been at this season for a number of years. Local traffic la very light. It seems that tho special rates for overland travel has induced people to make long trips while tho regular rates tend to keep people at homo or cause them to uso their autos. C. L. Baskin, local attorney for tho Omaha Printing Company appeared before the Board of County commis sioners this week and mndo tho fol lowing statement "That whereas from an examination of tho records it was learned that County Warrants Nos. 22263, 222G4 and 222G5 of Novem ber 20, 1922 for tho total sum of $2,323.97 were orronlously Issued ho tendorod tho Board their draft for tho return of tho amount". Tho draft was accepted. This Is tho amount for which charges of embezzlement wore brought last week by County Attorney Keefo against Carl Goucher travolUng representative of tho Omaha Printing Co., and A. S. Allon, county clork of Lincoln county. , :o: You will bo surprised at tho valuo In tho now Edisons. Tholr tono quality excels all music reproducing Instru ments, Tho Now Edison plays all makes of records. Cabinet models from $105.00 up. Dixon Music Shop. 1 1 ill OAS IS 111 Xmas Is Not Complete Without CANDY Special Home Made Candy 20c per lb. Special Prices on Box Goods. POULOS BROS. GIRL'S CLUB MEMBER IS AWARD. EI) FREE TRIP TO STATE CAPITOL SWEEPING ill Corrino Hlghborgor has boon award ed a froo trip to Lincoln somotlmo In tho lattor part of May to rccoivo tho bonoflts of club wook, as a reward for oxcollcnt work done in tho sowing club laBt summer. County Agent Kol logg has Just rocoived word from tho Extension orfico at Lincoln that n princess slip which Bho made has boon solocted for exhibition In tho store windows of Omaha and Lincoln and for tho week of Organized Agriculture bho also took third prizo at tho stato fair last Soptombor. Voma Harvey Is to bo hor altcrnato in caso sho can not -make tho trip. :o:- . NEW ROOKS ARE ADDED TO PAY SHELF WHERE LATEST FICTION IS. Miss Wheeler announced this week that tho following, new books have been added to tho pay Bhelf at tho cltv library. Tho cost to patrons 1s ton conts a, week. It Is considered worth that amount to havo tho now books whllo they aro populnr. Hero is tho list of now ones "Breaking Point" (RInohart), "Mario Chapdolaino", (Hemon), "Mr. Prohack" (Bennett), "Tho Judgo" (West), "Tho Secret IPlacos of tho Honrt" (Wolls.) "Ono Thing Is Certain" (Korr), "Figures of tho Earth" (Caboll), "Robin" (Burnett), "On Tiptoe" (Whlto), "Figures in tho Making" (Robinson). Tho last-named book is said to be tho basis of tho now application of psy chology to sociological questions. It is suggested that patrons road It bo foro tho noxt McFarlano locturo. :o: . JIAKICET WALL TEAM AND COACH LEAVE NEXT WEEK ON PROLONGED TRIP Tho basket ball team will loavo noxt Tuesday for a scheduled trip through Wyoming, Colorado and Western Nebraska. Tho first gatno will bo played with Sidney, on tho night of tho 26th. Choyonno, Wyo.. will bo tho noxt Btop on tho 27th and tho 28th will bo spent at Greeley, Colo., whero thoy Vvlll nlay tho samo evening. Boulder preparatory school will bo played on tho 29th. After a long trip across tho stato of Colo rado tho boyB will play Pueblo on tho 30th. This team won tho Colo rado stato championship laBt year. Sunday tho 31st tho boys will spend this day in tho Royal Gorge. From Puoblo thoy will start homo playing Colorado Springs, Jan. 1; Sterling Jan 2; and Julcsburg, Jan. 3. Tho lino-up will probably consist of tho following boys: Georgo Shancr, Den ver Wilson, Mohin Yates, Lawronco Hubbard, Gordon Schwaigor, Elmer Pease, Georgo PItnian, Fayo Yeara- loy and Edwbi Rector. They will bo accompanid by Coach Roettger. :o: Gold filled wrist watches at attrac tive prices, 20 year guarantee $12.50 $14,00. $16.00. $19.50, $25.00 and up. Dixon, tho Jeweler. ORDERED BY BOARD COUNTY ATTORNEY ORDERED TO MAKE COURT HOUSE INVESTIGATION . At a mooting of tho Board of Coun ty Commissioners, hold 4nst Wednes day tho following resolution was passed: WHEREAS Certain alleged Irregu larities havo come to our attention with reforenco to tho conduct of tho county clerk's office and WHEREAS.Thcro Is publlq interest in tho presont condition of tho un finished court houso and of thp ex pondlturo of money horotoforo made with reference thereto and WHEREAS tho Board invites and desires full investigation and know- lodgo of its doings and aqfs. THEREFORE Bo It resolved by tho iboard of County Commissioners that tho County Attornoy bo and is hereby authorized and dlrocted to proceed forthwith to invostigato in nil phases tho conduct of tho clerks offlco and of tho contrnct lotting, tho construc tion of and monoy oxponditurcs on tho now court houso and mako report of all of his findings and tako any action npproprlato in tho promises. AND FURTHER That upon tho expiration of tho term of tho presont County Attornoy, If tho duties out lined by his resolution shall not havo boon completed that hrs employment for theso purposes bo continued until such Investigation shall havo beon comploted and that ho shall bo authorized to employ such account ants and assistants as shall be neces sary In tho premises to effect a com ploto and full discharge "of the duties horeln imposed. E. H. Springer . T. M. Collagen t Henry Cokor North Platto, Nobr. Decombor 20,. 1922. Hk y, NORTH, vPLATTE HAS ANOTHER PRACTICE GAME WITH SUTHERLAND Tuesday, tho local basket ball team and It's coach, accompanied by basket ball fans Journeyed to Sutherland whero thoy played tho samo ovenlng. Tho game was fast and exciting al though North Platto was defeated by in score of 23 to 14. ' This was tho souona pro-soason gamo this yoar. Tho first game of tho isoason will bo played hero tomorrow night at tho Franklin auditorium when !tho North Platto boys will play the 'Lincoln High School team. Season tickets aro now on sale at $2.00 for adults, $1.00 for high school nnd 50c for grade schools. ;o: Why not a corsage of violets or swootpoas for Christmas? F. W. Daniel, tho down-town florist. Get The Habit! f What Habit? Why tho Cash habit. Call this Cash Grocery every morning. We make free deliveries and our "Live Better for Less" prices will help you to save and of course we sell only quality goods. . . , Mr, Farmer are you taking advantage of our "Live ' Better for Less" prices? Your neighbor is Try us. DeForest Cash Grocery, j,(Coffo' served with Whipped Cream) (Coffee Served with Whipped Cream) Phone 212. North Side. Phone 212. v