Newspaper Page Text
f emi-Eeclili) Irimtt TUESDAY nnd FltlPAY NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 29th, 1922 THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR No. 102 Jtorth V J L 1E1G OF BUSINESS MEN HELD ijfEMHKits or tiik domino CIIESTIIA TO MAKE 0'E WEEK TOUK OR- CimriJEU OP C03DIEKCE DINES AND HEAItS KEPOKTS OF OFFICERS Eighty professional nnd business men of North Platte gathered in tho new banquet room of tho Hotel Pal aco last night and enjoyed a four course dinner prqpared and served by tho hotel management. At tho short business meeting which was held following tho dinner President Mooney presided. Tho roport of Ira li. Bare, secretary of tho Chamber, was tho principal topic of tho program. It has been carefully proparofl and was read so that all could understand. It was warmly applauded. Short talks were made by John B. Edwards, J. Q. Wilcox and Harry Dixon, after which subscriptions were taken for tho 1923 budget and .the meeting ad journed. Tho voting for four now directors took place during tho din ner and tho result was announced during tho business meeting. L. B. Dick, Henry Hansen, W. H. McDonald and 0. H. Thoelecko were elected. Tho retiring members of tho board of directors were W. B. Starr, W. J. O'Connor, Carl Simon and S. M. Sou dor. North Platte owes these men a debt for tho service they havo so will ingly given. If tho follows who crltl- ciso the Chamber of Commerce were to givo ono-tenth as much timo and effort to the public good as these men have given during tho past year, North Platte would not need a Cham ber of Commerce at all. Everything would be dono before they could get to it. Tho niombors of tho Domino or-1 chestra leavo Monday on a ono week tour playing at several different towns throughout tho state. Their schedule for tho week is as follows: Jan 1, Paxton, Jan 2, Sutherland, Jan 3, Gothenburg, Jan. 4, Lexington, Jan. 5, Kearney and Jan G, Ogallala. This orchestra is composed of all local young men. SHORT STORIES OF PEOPLE 10 T FLOATING ICE DAMA- HINGS E NAME-FINDING CASH-DISCOUNT CONTEST WINNERS ANNOUNCED ITEMS OF INTEREST AII0UU RE. ITHREE SPANS SINK ONTO ICE AND CENT HAPPENINGS IN THIS COMMUNITY During tho absence of Jas. T, Reports from tho Hall precinct shy Tho wlnnors in tho fo-oporativo advertising contest which ran In tho Tribune for tho past flvo wooks woro announced last evening. Whllo hun dreds of pooplo started in tho contest only two qualified at tho cIobo. They are Mrs. AHco Richards, 402 W. Elovonth street winnor of tho first prizo of $100 and Mrs. Dcssio Coghill, S01 K. Third street, winnor of tho largo section of ico on tho North liil ntl9f rst tOK PlmMra will Itnl CULL FOR TAX-PAYER'S IS OTHERS CONSIDERABLY DAMAGED PROGRAM OUTLINED IN TRIBUNE OF TUESDAY CARRIED OUT A meeting of thirty or moro Lin- that a delightful Christmas urogram 1 'Platte rlvor innnnoi ! , bccohu prizo oi o. u uu , t farmers was hold in tho mat a ueuglitrui Christmas program i latto rlor, ioosonod by tho recent; ,niled today to each of thoso ladles.! court ,n(jt Tll0a(lflv nftornoon was civon bv tho minlls and toachor warm u-nnflmr ii-i,i .i ' . . . . ' courl room iaai xuosuay aiiornoon Keefo, who is spending the holidays of tht a Christmas tree and i stream and the following call was issued to with homo folks at Sioux City, Mayor' ,ptnna rnfrfta,nnnfa n.nrn nninvnA xvotTm, . Jr:J.l?l Fnt National Dank nnd H. D. Wolsoj Lincoln county taxpayers and signed i delicious rofroshmonts wero oniovod watron lirlilcn nnvih nt i. ... . , 1 u. u. uans is acung as couniy ni , tj.OSQ nrogpn 1 0,i ,iinni nfc t i,i... . .as follows. Ho Is not verv busv at this " 1 . . . " " "u,u" luu "uluri having quamiou lor mo uuru, lourui . x .' " . tornoy season of tho year but had occasion to Tho North Platto Woman's level. Thrco sections of tho bridge 1 and fifth prizes fho amount will bo CALL OP-TAXPAYERS CONVENTION UU Wntlt flAlt.. ..trx .It. . rt ! - ... . ' m. . . . .. . filo complaints against several minor signed contracts Wednesday to servo offenders during tho absence of Mrr' the banquet nt tho state convention Keefo up to yesterday. I of tho volunteer Firemen. Tho ngree- went down onto tho ico. A forco of turned ovor to tho Associated Char i men sot to work removing tho wreck age and a pilo driver is expoctcd to- flftV tn ant tinur itl(nn- rpi, ment calls for eight hundred plates ',,, 1 . " . ,, UB O. H. Thoelecko has reason to be'at oM domr each Th(J b t w tlumtod hi morning at five or six proud of the vote ho received as ho ( bo Lloyd opera house. ! tTJ t u i i u ? b0l,Jg,?0" vas high man among the twenty-five 1 . toured via tho Lincoln Highway brldgo names nominated by tho directors. Miss Vena Warrington has sold hor , cast of tho city until tho repairs can Ho has earned this popularity bo-1 lino of Noodle work to Miss Irma Mo- ho made. Tho water in tho river is not cause of hlB unselfish attention to Michael. Miss McMlchael has taken ""usually high for' this season of tho whatever public activity ho has been ; a room In Block's storo and will bo J'cnr' called unon to undertake in tho past. readv to onen in thu now location on Je tties. CHURCHES AND CLUBS TO UNITE IN NEW YEARS WATCH NIGHT SERVICE Such men aro appreciated. Tho nomination of Henry Hansen to tho board of directors was a liappy thought and met with a quick response from tho membership. Mr. Hansen IVffnr II B ... January 3. Sho will handle a com-' , Ul uoluonuurg VIB" pleto lino of Art and Needle work and ltotJ ln tho clt' w,th fr,cnda Wodnoa also Toilet articles. 1L i twonty-threo thousand dollnrs yostor- L. B. Dick and W. H. McDonald havo earned recognition from the member ship of the Chamber of Commerce by their freely given efforts in tho past to make that organization a success. "Each has in his own way done much Tho associated charities sent out Is ono of tho live, progressive farmers l urday and on Christmas day. There is j ls bolng wRU hcI(1 . company of this section nnd his Interest ln tho otln n need for clothing. There nrountI1 tho courtg ,mvo actod ' ,te advaucomont of Lincoln county wil , TOOro cnlla Umn can bo supplied. There nctkm for R ,owop nMeaBmont of lts be a valuable asset to tho Chamber of lB also noed for a heating stove nndproport, Mr SoU(or t, Commerce in its wider relations , with fcO0lc lstovo th n ovon. Anyone , fu8ed to acc t t, h k , "& " "uu v;a" UUU " ",,a tends tho Burlington must pay nil of osls Some wag placed our namo in nomination for a place on tho board of directors of the Chamscr of Com merce and we came pretty near bolng elected. Wo got six votes. If tho flvo loyal and stannch friends who stood by us to tho bitter end will call on us wo will make It right with them oven to the half of our kingdom. Wo only hope they won't try any recount on US'. report to Mrs. OUIe Salisbury. j (inj irom ino uuriington rnllroad for f Crosby and Rev. Paul Shonk. Mrs. Edw. Burko will sing nnd tho Luther an choir will ronder Ludly Buck's "Festival To Doum." Everyone Is in vited to sco tho old year out and tho new year ln at this service. :o: WARMEST CHRISTMAS DAY AT NORTH PLATTE IN FORTY EIGHT YEARS Next Sunday ovoning a Now Yoars Watch Night sorvico will bo hold In tho Lutheran church beginning at 11 p. m. and continuing ovor tho mid-, night hour. This is to bo called a community mooting becauso tho churches nro to bo joined ln tho sor vico by tho Woman's club, tho Rotary club and tho Klwnnis club. Short talks will bo mado by J. Q. Wilcox, M. E, Thoro is hereby called a roprcsont- njtlvo mooting of tho taxpayers ot Lincoln county, Nobtnskn, to bo hold In tho Firemen's Hall, ln tho city of North Platto, on January 10, 1923 at ono o'clock p. m. Every precinct of tho county and each ward of tho city of North Platto, is roquosted to solcct thrco dolcgatcs to attend this convention. Tho purposo of tho con vention is to lnvcstlgnto tho affairs of tho county, tho county offlcors and tho construction of tho court house. Tho undersigned havo been directed by meetings of taxpayers, hold ln tho dlfforont parts of tho county, representing qulto a substan tial portion of tho taxpayers of tho county to coll this mooting. H. C. Hnrtmarl, chairman A. D. McNlcklo, secretary 1 i Ita taxes In Lincoln county Just as every othor corporation and prlvato j Individual must pay. Tho chock was I returnc(. Othpr county treasurers I aro doing the same. to advance tho Platte. interests of North I F. L. Mooney presented a matter Patrons of tho city library can take overduo books back to tho library un til tomorrow night and get a real bar train bv having tho fine remitted. Tho dates of this library "bargain week" The , North Platto district of tho wero December 2G to 31 and not Jnn-,j50y Scouts comprises four counties uary 2G to 31 as printed elsewhere. nn,i Scout Executivo Stephens has a Borrowers nnd others should mako ug j0b during tho coming year in It a real bargain week by looking j covering such a largo territory. Dur through tho hooks at homo ani pick- jng the past week ho mado a trip to lng out any library books which may Brady, Gothenburg, Cozad and Lex be lost there. Ington and In each place Interviewed I which met with general approval. It' Noel Bullock and bride wero in possible scout leaders vrltlx n vlow to starting real scout work In thoso com Last Monday was Christmas day. Tho thermometer ranged from thirty! degrees nbovo zero to sixty above. Weatherman Shilling announced yes terday that his records covering a period of forty-eight years Bhow only once when tho thormomotcr went nbovo islxty dogrocs. That was Do cemcr 2C, 1890 when It went up to sixty-two. But that year It wont down to twenty-two during tho night mak ing tho mean tomporaturo for tho day at 42 degrees whllo tho menn for last Monday was 45. That mnkes last Mon day tho hottest Christmas ovor known horo. Ih comparison with this Mr. was tnat mo uiruuiui ub""" "North Fiatto mesaay, stopping nerui, ,,f. .,.,. u ,, f K f Tho hold-over members, of tho Woman's section o tho cnamoer o for a few hour8 wMlo on their wed I tlonlng. Everywhere ho was received ', , -n, r. th- w tt Mnionpv. Csinmerco for the business women oi (lln trjp. They wero making tho trip ; ... ,,,, 1111(1111 tllU XV .- OW ' - - H till V.H VII V4tJIlUit (Will Ull,UlvOlil AlUVVIt ilUi V.I A WUIIIMI 1UUI il.v.l. wa.w !. li.. mi.n iftAnan nnd Tins . r i 1 1.. .. n. TiMnniinnn i L E. Mehlmann, F. L. Mooney and E., uio cuy. hum- """ I Dy airopiunu. ou.ri1B ul uuu... , weok ho plan8 tQ mako n Mp from shllllng called attention to Christmas N. Ogicr. They wero elected last year ' sibllities of such an organization were , whoro thoy were mnPr lod Christmas I Wollflect to the west lino of Perkins day, 187G when tho thormomotcr wont for a two-year term ana nave one "."'j " T, ,. . ,i,i " ' " county. down to twonty-nvo uoiow zero nnu never wont nbovo oight during tho day. This year North Platto had exactly Wm. Boatty L. L. Craig W. S. Parson R. L. Craig E. E. Atkinson Scott Shancr Warren Doollttlo C. C. Tlngloy W. H. Anderson Peter Burko P. B. Bloom Arthur Cnrvor J. J. Jacobsen -Frank Carver ' D. O. Cantrall II. F. Nowth I. N. Wells J. N. Lewis J. Q. Dcots John Evarts .4' -:o:- ii i,of 1m fltrnptnrR WOUltl moro year to serve. No director is oruwy maUU . f V nnriv eligible' to re-election at the close of carry out the suggestion at an early his term, date. 1 $ m tt Si nnints in the east where they will visit with "relatives for soveral days. They will return hero later. MOM mo.u3.pT.ori'. NE Oil Buy a good oil for your car it will save you much money in the life of your car. Tiie following manufacturers have sent their approvals and recommendations of Havoline Trucks Cadillac. Dort. Dodge Brothers, Haynes Hudson Oakland Oldsmobile Reo Lafayette Templar Dodge Brothers, Reo 4 Wheel Drive Tractors Aultman-Taylor J. I. Case Holt International The thanks of tho people of North Mr. Bui- iPlatto should bo given to tho people lock will bo In Chicago for tho Auto who did such good work last Satur show in that city beginning on. tho day In preparing" and delivering tho 1 27th of January when ho will havo moro than one hundred Christmas dln- hlo Pike's Peak trophy on exhibition, nors to tho deserving families of tho city. Mrs. Ollio Sallbury was chair man of tho committee and she and hor committee worked hard. Mrs. M. E. Scott as president of tho Woman's club was on the job early and Into to Tho North Platto Light and Power Co.; announced yesterday that It had decided to make a reduction of one half cent per killowatt hour on all .... ii.. inn. - iiignt muB paia ooioro uio xuui ul nial0 tll0 distribution a success. A succeeding month. This is in the f . . . , nature of a discount and docs not ap-, ftnd ,nto 0 got UlQ bagkcls roa(ly and , ply to contract rates, power rates nor hugky boy BCOut8.,lolpeil ln tho do-1 minimum charges. While tho amount , H BOcrotary of tho chamber is not largo for tho avorago consumer,! nnmmnrltn llin whnl0 (lav ln H It will make qulto a sum on tho total j aMym thQ baskct8 1 1 business ot tho company and moans , m M lh(jy wo aakcd to do In tho same way. It was a real community effort and ns such tho peo- County Treasurer's. M. Soudcr re- plo generally should bo gratotul to ceived a chock for something over thoso who actually did tho work. tho samo maximum temporaturo on Christmas day as Los AngolcB and twolvo degrees wnrmor than San Francisco. .Quito a summer resort horo. :o: A daughtor was born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Clifton Noal on Monday. Simon Bros, havo tho contract for placing tho tfavomont tllo roof on tho ccrurt house. Tho tllo aro horo and havo been raised to tho roof whoro thoy nro pilod about tho cornice. Tho concroto bed has been put on and tho felt papor cont has been laid. Layers of asphalt nro bolng pro'parcd and tho tiles will bo placed In this whilo tho asphalt is soft. Tho work is progressing as well as could bo ox pected and if tho good weather holds on, long enough tho roof will bo com pleted boforo long. that much a whole. saving to tho public as MKT CASH GROCERY. If you are using any of these makes you can be certain of your factories est of Havoline. J. V: ROMIGH MBINE Distributor. North 1'latte, Nclrnskn Gth & Locust ( To all Dealers We aro writing new con tracts for 1923 now. C O L U LUMP! A Car of Kico Columblno Lump Coal Now on Track Good Lump Clean Coal. $12.00 per ton delivered. Also car of fresh Hanna Coal now on track. We sell clean coal, guaranteo full weight and guaran tee our coal to be as we represent it to be. Wo handle only tho best grades of coal and have a coal for every purposo. If our Coal pleases You, Toll your Friends, If It does not Tell Us. The Artificial Ice & Cold Storage Co. Phone 212. North Side. Phone 212. FREE DELIVERY. We all want to Save Then why not buy your Groceries here and save the difference. SATURDAY SPECBALS P & G SOAP, per bar 4c PRUNES, fancy Cali per lb. ... WHITE SOAP, per bar. HEBE MILK, large can . 10c SUNBRIGHT CLEAN ER, per can EARLY JUNE 2 cans for . . PEAS, 25c PALMOLIVE SOAP, 3 bars for 20c DAVID HARUM FLOUR, absolut(j1 HC ely guaranteed... y 3 DATES, per pkg 10c GALLON QA PINEAPPLE ....QUI CASTILE HAND SOAP 3 bars 25c OLEMARGARINE, perlb 24k 000 E. Front Street Phono 40 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR EGGS AND BUTTER. "LIVE BETTER FQR LESS' t