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wannMii BnartgiiijijiijiijLuuiuiaHAiwwMiMrainnBg! V xsu3e.juia,i',iirL'T. ijj-jiiijwiii ,ii.i.ti.L.ljjxi.Lijia-i.ujitutjjuixijjiittiLiMnni.uit-r,t jDiimjiuuiuminnBtmaamajm ii.mua)MMMnwri r VOLUME XL I NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1896. NUMBER 5 MB" X. jCTtJMmmwmutiiiiM Jfewbr. ? i y h " t v M" -w ', r- - n j KV,, ' r T j" Ir Uera IdfebHsJfcklld UUKLS Wlltllh ALL tLSE FAILS. Best CoukU Syrup. Tastes Good. in tlmo. sola oy uniaai?ts. jyii. W. W. KEELING, Crrr, Neurak.v, Ofllco first door south of Park hotel, i NMiss Minima Crim, Teacher of Instrumental : Music, NEMAHA, NEBRASKA. Local News. Tlonty of rain. Com shollers aro busy. iRtpm 1b Mio latest, whoroby tho host of results aro guaranteed. I respectfully aslc for a shnro of your patronage l 3-tf My syfi Kerker & Hoover, Dealer In illshest prices pftlti;for hides, lard, tailow gmuo, etc NEMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA. I.C. SUTTON, M. D., Sliubert, Nebraska. Does a general practice. All calls promptly answered, day or night. 7-17 J, L. Mcluin,M.I., JPh. G. fiysiciiud mm SPECIALTIES: Diseases of the Sklu, I)Ih eases of Women and Children Will promptly answer all calls, either day or night Olllco at Keynote Drug Store Nemaha, - Nebraska Cuius Sciilauoer Representing Cooper the rustling Idveryman of Nemaha, Leave your orders for a team, hack or dray, and zzz We do the Rest. Our Hack moots all trains Old settlers' picnic August. 22nd. Old papors for sale at this office, The county teachers 'institute is now being held at Auburn . Judc3 Lambert, of Auburn, was in town Monday morning. Mrs. May Veeder is attending tho teachers' institute at Auburn . Uncle Jimmy Hacker, of Auburn, was in town Wednesday evening. Clydo Harpor, of Shubort, visited his Nemaha friends last Saturday. Mrs. John Davies, of Brownvllle, visited Nemaha friends Wednesday. IVo had a hoavy rain at Nemaha Sunday night ami another one Tuesday night. Miss Emma Crim went to Salem Thursday evening, to attend tho chaus tauqua. Jake Shuck, who has been stopping in Kansas for several months, roturned to Nemaha last week. Miss Minnie Thurman and Mastoi Willie returned to Atchison, Kansas. Friday of this week. Mrs. Lydia Williams, of Shubert. visited some of her Nemaha friends the latter part of last week. On account of increased business an extra freight train is now 1 mining on this branch of the V:& M. AT L'ENTION, REPUBLICANS. Tho republicans of Nomaha precinct and vicinity aro requested to meet at The Advertiser olllco Monday night of next week and elect ofllcors of the McKinley club and transact such other business aB may camo boforo tho meet ing. All republicans aro urged to attend. Mrs. A F. Walsh (formerly Miss Lillio Hoover), of Lincoln, visited her aunts, Mrs. J. P. Hoover and Mrs. J. 13. Hoover, of Nemaha, tho latter part of last week and tho first of tills week, ICE CUE AaI SOCIAL. Tho ladles of the Christian church will give an ico cream sociable lu tho lower room of the opera house Wcdnes day afternoon, Aug, 5th. Everybody Is invited. Low Mather brought us in two rad ishes Wednesday that beat anything wo have seen yet for size, ono of them being over fourteen inches in length without the small roots, and five or six inches through. Seymour Howe had a horse killed by lightning during the storm Thursday night. Tho horse killed was standing in the stable by tho sido of another horso, but neither tho stable nor the other horso were injured. Wo would suggest to our delinquent subscribers that a little money would cjuio very handy these days. T. A. STEVENS, The ': Painter, Has opened a paint shop in Nemaha, and is now ready for House' and Sign Painting, Repainting Carriages, Upliolsteriiig, PaperHanging,Etc. All orders promptly attended to. Work guaranteed. Prices to corres" pond with hard times. Leave orders at Burl Hoover's si or a shop, first building north of hi; ware store. T. A. STEV; Miss Sadie Kurth bought a car load of apples at this point this week, ships ping them to Mankato, Minn. FdgarL. Davis, who hus been stops ping nearFallsCity for several months, returned to Nemaha Tuesday. We will allow 20 cents a bushel foi corn, '15 cents a bushel for wheat and 15 cents a bushel for oats, on subscription. Mrs. E. A. Minick received word Thursday that she had a now grands daughter, the little miss having arrived at the homo of Mrs. Melissa bcofield, now living on her homestead in West ern Kansas a few days previous. J, Kinney, of Brownvllle, gave us a social call Thursday. Ho informs ub that he will open a photograph room in Nemaha the 4th of August nexi Tuesday. He lias rented tho Bankr building, nortli of Anderson's store, Died. At tho residence of the par onts, in Nomaha, Neb., Tuesday, July 28th, 1800, Raymond, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J Chambers, aged 2 years, 1 month and 7 days. The funoral serv ices, conducted by Rev. 0. II. Gllmoro, wero held at tho Methodist church Wednesday afternoon. The sympathy of the community Is oxtonded to tho allllcted parents In their boreavomont. "A precious ono from us has gono, A voico wo loved is Btilled, A placo is vacant in our homo Which never can bo filled. "God in his wisdom haa recalled Tho boon his lovo had givon, And though tho body mouldors hero Our Ray is safe In heaven." CARD OF THANKS . Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Chambors dos siro to return silicons thanks to tho many kind friends lor thoir aid and sympathy during tho sickness, death and burial of thoir darling baby. There was considerable electricity in tho air Tuesday night. It could bo soon running along on tho ground after a (lash of lightning, and Mrs.IIartwick received a shock that paralyzed hor for an instant by stepping on tho ground ihat had jus1; been run over by an elec tric discharge. Tho aamo night Mis. Ollle Scovill also rojolved a Bhock, tho electricity striking tho umbrella she was carrying and running down tho handlo. No serious results fol lowed in either caso. tare Id- Iff" Wf the yaw t e the a wnen .Will IIOL Mr. and Mrs. John E. Crother drove out to Auburn Monday afternoon, to attend the funeral of John It. Maddox's baby. Miss May Brooks, who has been spending the vacation with friends at Lincoln and Corosco, returned to Nes maha last Saturday evening. John II. Pohlmun, of Johnson, was in town Friday night, looking after his chances for getting the republican nomination for iloat sonator. A RED-HOT CAMPA The presont campaign wil most exciting one lought s war. Tuore win not do a d BuiuuuiuiLi ul unusuiii imuruaiv transpire. Tho State J ournal has made up its mind to BHrpass all its former efforts in the direction of news-giving, and will givo its roadors tho most com plete details of tho campaign, giving all the news from an unbiased stand point. Republicans will want Tho Journal because of its staunch republi can principals, it being recognized as tho standardsboarer of tho great re publican party of Nebraska? Populists ann democrats should read it for the news it gives. The Somi-weekley Jour nal will go to thousands of now homes during the campaign. You should sub scribe, as it will only cost you 25 cents from now until November 15. Two papors every week, making it almost as good as a daily, Subscribe through your postmaster or send your order to The State Journal, Lincoln, Neb , or lwml to The Advertiser. Bob Smith says ho has been getting down to hard work about six days in the week.and tho assertion is evident! entitled to belief, strange as it maj seem, as Bob hardly over comes to town, and if ho wasn't sick or at work ho would never stay away so much. As wo go to press we loam that Mr and Mrs. Will S. Thompson's baby died Friday Tho qfuneral service will bo held at the Christian church Saturday afternoon. A farther notice will bo given next week. The bo- roaved parents havo our sympathy. Tho body of a boy ton or twelve years old was taken from the Missouri rivor Tuesday, at Aspinwall. Coroner Opperman hold an inquest Wednesday, the jury rendered a verdict of death from drowning. Tho boy hadevidonts ly been in bathing, as the body had no clothing on. It had been in tho water for several weeks. Thursday afternoon Rabo Elliott, Minor Taylor and Stephen Huntington were sitting on tho sidewalk at the comer of Joo Littroll's yard, Minor reading aloud the news from a daily, when Joo camo out and ordered him to leave thero. Minor refused to go. Joo pulled a revolver, Minor grabbed a brickbat, and it looked like war for a little wiiile, but no blood was shed. Minor went to Auburn tho same af- temoon.,aud swore out a warrant for Joe's arrest. Tho next day Joo ap peared beforo the county judge and asked for a continuance of thirty dia, which was granted on his giving bond for $200 to keep tho peco and for his appearance Frank Woodward and George Kittell went on his bond, NOTICE. . All young men that aro interested in a ball game for picnic day aro res- quested to moot hero Saturday after noon at 3 o'clock. lltVIN TlADLOOK. Take tho wagonette when in Auburn for any part of the city. Easy riding. Quick time. All trains met. John McElhaney, proprietor. FOR SALIifcm TRADE. House and two lots in Nemaha. Apply to Kemp Colericic. Sonator Thurston of Omaha, tho Nt. hraskan membor of tho republican nas tional committee, has made an official statement which settles all minora in regard to tho placo and dato opening tho campaign In this state. Senator 'Ihuraton ofileiallv announces thnf. Roswell G. Horr will speak at Lincoln August 0, at tho mooting of the re publican stato league. After that, acs cording to presont arrangomonts, ho will speak at York, August 0; Hast ings, August 7; Kearney, August 8 and Norfolk, August 10. That will complete his work in Nebraska, unless tho tlmo shall bo changed to givo him an address in Omaha, and if that shall bo done, tho dato will bo August 11. Following Mr. Horr .Senator Thurs ton Bays Sonator Burrows of Michigan, Senator Forakor of Ohio, W. E. Mason of Chioago, and Benjamin Buttorworth of Cincinnati will all probably make moro or less speechos in this stato at dates to bo fixed later. All announcements of prohablo speakers in this state of national Im portance other than thoso horetofoie mentioned. Mr. Thurston says, aro without authority and not official. To tho presont tlmo Mr. McKlnloy has ex pressed no intention of visiting tho west or any portion of tho country on a campaigning tour. What he may do later cannot bo told, but it is con sidered doubtful if ho will loavo Ohio on political business boforo tho election, Mr. Thurston also has considerable work outlined for htmsolf . Ho will make a political address at tho Chau tauqua at Madison, Wis. .July 31, and will open tho campaign in Wisconsin at Milwaukee, AuguU 5, at the meeting of tho republican stato convention. Tho latter part of August ho will go to Ver mont, whero ho Is billed for two speeches. Ho will mako ono ouch in Maine, Boston, New York city, Baltts morfy in West Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessoe, and from two to four each in Ohio, lutliaiia, Michigan and Illi nois. Those speeches aro all conditioned upon his voico being ablo to hold out under that much of a strain. The last weeks of tho campaign ho will bo in tho west, and givo his wholo attention to Nebraska. STATE LEAGUE CONVENTION. Tho stato convention of tho Noh braska ropublican leaguo which is to be held in Lincoln on August 5, prom ises to bo a vory enthusiastic meeting. It Is now certain that Roswoll G. Horr will bo in Lincoln on that day aud delivor an address. Ho is aim of tho most ablo exponents of sound money doctrlno in the United States and will meet with a hearty reception. F. W. Collins, prosident of tho stato league, is making arrangements for a big celebration at the time. Chas. T. Minick, B. & M. night ope rator at Table Rock, is visiting hi mother and sisters and many friend in Nemaha this week. Ho camo oyoi Saturday. Dr. Oppermann, of Auburn, was inf town Tuesday night. He was on his way to Aspinwall to hold a coroner's inquest on the body of a boy found iloatingin the Missouri river at that point. Tho populists hold their primaries Wednesday. The folio whig delegates wero elected: John Stephenson, Robert I Smith, John I Dressier, F M Ander son, Rufus Rowen, Cha3 G Dyo, Wm Mooro. J. J. Blakely Maddox, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John It. Maddox, died Sunday, July 20th, at 11 :30 a. m. at the residence of tho parents in South Au burn. Tho funeral services wore held at the Lutheran church on Monday, at 3:30 p. m. Rov. Chas. II. Gilmoro, of Nomaha, preached tho funeral sermon. Tho bereaved parents have tho sympas thy of their many friends in Nomaha in their afiliction. Those who attended the McKinley and Ilobart ratification meeting at Auburn last Saturday night report a great big glorious time. An im mouse crowd was present, tho opera house was crowded, and hundreds could not gain admission. Judgo Allen W.Field of Lincoln made a spendid address, that awakened great enthusiasm, Con gressman Strode mado a short talk, but said ho was not thero to mako aspeech but would return later in tho campaign to do this. NEW : CASH : STOEE Canned Corn 0o Canned String Beans 0s Canned Tomatoes So Canned Lima Beans be Sugar Drip MolasseB, fine 40 Oat Meal OS All shades in Henriettas 22Jc pr yard Good Prints at 05c Ll Muslin at 05c 24 inch Turkey Red Handkerchiefs 05c 21 inch Turkoy Red Handkerchiefs OSo A now line of Hats from 15c to 82.00 McKinley Hats are beauties. Boys' Suits from 85 cents to $4.00 FURNISHING : GOODS, Rico 5C ''Prunes oc Peaches oo Packago Coffee 20 Mocha and Java Roast Coffee CO Japan Tea 35 Lilly Starch (1 Horso Shoo Tobacco 37 Battle Axo Tobacco 23 Toddy 03 DRY : GOODS : GENTS' JW.jryv Mrs. Gilmore and Mrs. Will, of Cliers okeo, Iowa, tho former Rev O. II.Gil- more's mother and tho latter Mrs.C.II. FRESH COW FOR SALE Gllmoro's mother, arrived in Nomaha I havo a good milk cow for sale Friday, on a visit to their son and half Jersey, four years old. daughtor. R, 0. Morton. Q UEEJS WV1MZJE, Kirkendall Co. Shoes: The best on the market. Every thing at Bed Rook Prices Everything that is kept in a general store can bo found here, with prices to suit tho times. Call and seo mo and got prices. And erson s Gas NEMAHA, NEBRASKA. h Store. a