Newspaper Page Text
.L. w..,-7v-A'Jf, ''' iBjwuwujmiwami mwwm ! iniimniin THE NEBRASKA ADVERTISER ,4, V VT. IV. HANDICItS, l'uMUlicr. NEMAIlX, - NEBRASKA. THE WOELD AT MKGrE, Summary of tho Daily Nowa : "WASHINGTON NOTKH. PnnsmiJNT Ci.kvih,axi delivered o Jnost southing criticism upon indecent Newspaper publications in denying a pardon to .lames Wilson, sentenced in "JJccombor, 1805, in .Indiana to two years' imprisonment for mailing ob iscono papers. Pukhidknt Cr.r.vur.ANi) issued a proc lamation on the 21th calling for an ex tra session of the senate on March 4. , Tun roport of the house sneeinl com. ihitlco to investigate the management of the Leavenworth, Knn. soldiers' ftomo has been completed. It rccom Hnends the removal of the governor of JPhj,, 'Mo homo and the change of all olllcers. .J' Muh. Lktitia (1. Stkvknhox, wife of And "Z110. rotrl"K vico prHllcnt of tho ' United States, was re-elected prcsl- X I dent-general of the Daughters of tin, Thou American Ito.vnluf 1m nt. Wuui. (....,... on tho 25th. " " It was stated at Washington on tho 80th that J. H. llinghuin, of Delta, 0., master of tho National Grange, had fccen offered and hail nccnnfftl tin nf. ilco of assistant secretary of ngrloul ' turc, to succeed C. W. Dabnoy, of Ton l nessco. Tho latter gentleman will re 3 huuio his duties as president of tho uni versity of Tennessee, an oilico which I ll(tr) liiimt 1.,. 1.1 .. . i i . , .ia uv;uii Hum open lor inn uirouirli w..n iiwiiiiujniruwuil. And IliyJ -lil torn i 'r J -.$ dknok ins Lomk, tho Spanish minis "? tcr at Washington, received a cable sfgram on tho 25th statinir that tin mn..ti regent of Spain had signed tho pardon kjoi .iiiiio ounguilly, the American eiti zen imprisoned in Cuba. Mlt. TlIUIlIIKIt. seevntnrv to Mm v-t- ident. mi lil nn t.1w or.d, )., d..,.!.i..i jClovolund had not received the resigna liim t'on of Consul-Oeneral Lee, nor had ho nut gbeen advised of any such resignation, bo aW1' Thurbor lilcowiso made an unquul in fe'jed denial of roports that Gen. Leo ners Viul asked that warships bo sent to JiMlccpub" meunj Sknatoi; Siikiiman has given up tho Bhrlnfnte8t iu tryl"ff to get tlio Anglo 6ciouAmcrilin arbitration treaty rati fled by and tPho senate at this session and inti sugginttC(l that tho new president would BpproirK "s rauncation at tho extra scs of hlllou and that ho was confident that docs J1'0, treaty would bo agreed to in tho irrewA WA8INaTON dispatch stated that WlurcBltlcnt clovolnnd will not nominate Mauk,ny moro P08tnustera while ho is in Hu2awnicc' liimr TlIK Vencz"olan boundary commis i.,Mon appointed by President Cleveland fendin8 miul a volumloH roport, but it nuS!01" intcrcst to tho general public. 1W00MI1, ,lt Washington increasingly WYsocifttcs MnJ- William Warner, of 1 ,.,nn8ns Clt,y mm with cabinet posl "Pn as tho rumors of Col. McCook's ny.olinatlonof a placo multiply. Irf8A I,AIfnsoMK and valuable silver B "blo service was presented to Vico KiiowB.esi,iunt Stevenson at Washington on Ho,cu evening of tho 27th, with an ad tho soioss carrying tho signatures of 85 of uiuo bio uu senators. lirlof addresses were nnd Btido by Senators Hoar, Gullom and joct. ,, ackburn to which tho vico president caro folingly responded. . In . iJKNKKATj IS'ISWS. i!ln.,?nE Bo8ton ""y lolo stated on JJl ?.fl8th ih,lt ono of th0 Inrgestcor witnou.a on wool over uttemitod in thQ uungs i ited States had been formed in llos tipon tt jn anticipation of a tariff on wool vu turaho near future by tho MoKinloy ad liabitplstration. ocky.cuMAX in tho Nebraska sta to trcos from N shortage of over 8500,000 eamo ico, aicn Sheriff Trompen notified ox key by usurer Joseph Uartloy that a eom i;thoi;tint charging lilm with embezzle- Jcrentut ot stato funds had been filed and cousin, arrant issued for him. nro noWtic broke out in the Zauamoro mino The iZacatecas, Mux., and ten bodies larger i0 taken out, showing signs of is not '-lyxiation. It was said that there of blaol no-doubt that 170 miners had being ?Bud. All Zacatecas was a sceno pliming.10""1"!?' wlierc tIK kouiuhma republican stato corn red colouo uro fc'oinff to proparo a bill to ly repueo tno congressional ropresonta Llack v" of tno fitato one-half, beeauco lie aUy voter8 niu'o been disfranchised with aao elcction 1,vw pnsscd last spring, verv dif VICKB from Cuba stntol that in a nnd "t0 nt Ccnizn tl10 loss o tho Spanish cousin Wr Gen Wcj'lor amounted to BOO hn Kf.t'I(1 nn(1 wounded. In tho battles at wo3d to hnvo beon cquliy "8 lnrffo. in It UU4'"i "i tno .."ffb lecislature. has mmln nn rtiu. Tiir North Dakota house of repre sentatives passed a bill on the 27th ex tending tho period of residence in that stato from three months to ono yeur before action for divorce can bo begun. Tun plant of Uie Middlebranch, Port land & Diamond Cement Co. at Canton, O., was burned recently. It was val ued at 8200,000. Over 100 men wero thrown out of employment. A I'JtoMiXKxr business block in Fort Wayno, Ind , was burned on tho 28th, entailing a loss of 3125,000. Three fire men wero caught under falling walls and dangerously hurt. A IJnooKiAW syndicate on tho 27th bought for 8100,000 tho properly for merly occupied by Kcv. T. DcWitt Tal mago as a tabernacle. Foil tho first time in 50 years an In dian will bo hanged in Georgia next month. His name is Murccllus Lowry, and tho execution will take placo in uiynn county. J)n. Kami:, a leading Cuban physi cian, who landed at Key West, Fla., on inouitli from Cuba, stated that there wero 5,000 cases of yellow fever in Ha vana and 150 deaths daily. Wix.h Dkah, colored, convicted of criminal assault, was hanged in tho jail yard at Louisville, Oa., on the 20th. At Como, 111., Ferdinand Stutzke, a farmer, while drunk, slashed Air. and Mrs. S. .7. Wilkins with a knife. Mr. Wilkins cannot live, but his wifo may recover. Tun Nebraska hotiso has passed a bill providing for tho issue of non-interest bearing state warrants, which uro to bo receivable In payment of tuxes and debts duo tho state. It is known as tho stato scrip or flat money bill, and is patterned after a similar law existing in Mississippi. Tiik strike of tho tannery hands at Chicago was thought to bo over, as they agreed on tho 20th to return to work and leave their grievances in tho hands of tho stato board of arbitra tion. .Town IIani.o.v, an engineer on the 11. & O. Southern road, was cut in twain above the hips by his engine near 01 ney, 111. Ho had crawled under it to do somothing and did not set the air brakes and it started up. Fiutz ItowRwiiii, a saloonkeeper at Chicago, was found dead in his placo of business on tho 20th. Ucsldo him laytlio body of his wife. It was be lieved that ho shot his wifo and then committed suicide through jealous'. Tins plant of tho II. P. Clapp Ammo nia Co. at Cincinnati was destroyed by fire on tho 25th. Tho place was sur rounded by tho flood from the river and tho firemen had to rido out in skiffs to got tho hose near enough to play on tho llamcs. Tho firo was caused by the high water coming in contact with a lot of unslackcd lime, which set fire to Bomo chemicals. An Incendiary fire at Palmer, Tex., uctstruycu ii iramo business houses, oc cupied by 22 firms. Tho business dis trict was practically wined out. Tjik report that Dr. William Steinitz, tho chess player, had died is untrue. Ho is still In a hospital in Moscow suf fering from a serious mental malady. Tun payment of tho Cherokee f reed men began at Vinita, I. T., on tho 2!ld3 each frcedmau entitled to draw irottinc 8188. b A NoirrnnouND train on tho Chicago & Eastern Illinois mad and the Colum bia Heights race train on tho same road collided witli, a Calumet electric car at a street orossinir nt eiiicnim nn tho 25th. Tho motorman and two pas sengers wero Instantly killed, two other passengers probably fatally In jured, and tho car smashed into kind ling wood. Tjik supromo court of Indiana d elded against Helen M. Gougor in her suit against tho election olllcers to compel them to receive and count her ballot; In pronouncing tho opinion of tho court Judge Hackney said that under the Indiana constitution wommi cannot vote, and that this provision of tho constitution isniot in conflict with tho constitution of tho United States. Si:vknM)usIiicss houses on Main street in Millbank, S. D., wero burned to tho ground tho other night. It was feared that a man named Andrew Vyg, who was rooming over Molish's bakery, where tho Uro started, had boeu burned to death. Tiik body of tho murderer of Anton Sheop and his bride, killed at Tindall, S. D., tho other dav. hns hin fmm.i' He was Frank liemfc. a noltrhlini. ..,i after killing the Sheeps he drovoawav jwiiisuii. no was foiin. nn Tiir Aurora chair factory and tho Wymond cooper shop at Aurora, Ind., wero destroyed by fire on the 28th. The loss on tho former was 20,000 and ou tho latter SSO.000. Tho two fires threw 500 operatives out of employ ment. KU.VB8T Hi:iim, who was infatuated with a school-teacher at Nebraska City, Neb., asked J. D. Chapman for an explanation of some remarks tho latter Had made and in tho quarrel which followed Ilcrm was fatally shot. Fjvj: floors of tho Hhinklo, Wilson, Kreis fe Co.'s wholesale grocery storo at Cincinnati crashed into the cellar under a load of 1,000 barrels of sugar. Tho watchman was crushed to death and two other men were injured. Lv tho six-day bicycle race which ended at Chicago on tho 27th the scores were: Schinnecr, 1,788 miles 4 laps; Miller, 1,701 miles 1 lap; Ashinger, 1, 727 miles; Lawson. 1.707 miles 1 Ian: Hansen, 1,00!) miles iJ laps. Louis Cuajiv and 'Eugene Ralston wero blown to pieces by an explosion of nitro-glycerino near Pittsburgh, Fa. Tho stuff had just been shipped and they approached it to put it in a ware house when it went off. Surrounding houses wero damaged by tho concus sion. A you.vo negro named Charlie Drown attempted to assault a farmer's daugh- 4 4 in -. . tui iibounuj, xenn., ana wnen a nosso attempted to arrest him ho fatallv shot a deputy. The mob then strung up the negro and riddled his body with bullets. Humous of a probable war between Spain and tho United Stales caused great excitement at .Jacksonville, Flu., and tho arrival of tho cruiser Now York for coal and tho hurried depar ture of tho Newark and Vesuvius to join Adm. Dunce's squadron added strength to tho war rumors. Tin: senate at Olvmnia. Wash.. irkoi1 tho bill for an amendment to tho con stitution conferring elective f ranch iso on women, tho question to be submit ted in tho next general election, in No vember, 1808. As a bill of similar pur port has passed tho house there is every reason to believe that this bill will bo agreed to by tho houso without serious opposition. Sound money men from many cities recently gathered at Now York to at tend tho conference of tho National Sound Money league. It was proposed to have an executive committee of ill uiuiuuers ana to divide tho country into 11 districts, at tho head of each to bo ono of tho vico presidents. Georgo E. Leigh ton, of St. Louis, was elected president. Tun Columbus, Hocking & Toledo railroad has gone into tho hands of a receiver. A tiiain on the Southern railway ran into a wagon filled with people near Chattanooga, Tonn., on tho 24th and seven persons were killed. M. Nicholson, under sentence of death at Tallahassee, Fla., for murder, suicided by taking laudanum. O. W. Dkvinu, a switchman, caught his foot in a frog in tho yards at Nash ville, Tonn., and was mangled to death by a tram. FIGHTING. IN CUBA. News of fttipiKcnicntH Disastrous to tho Spanish Itcucli Utivium. Havana, Feb. 27. Advices from San ta Clara arc that in the battle at Ccnizn Iho loss of the Spanish under Gen. Weyler amounted to 500 killed and wounded. In the battles at Calubazas to BRADSTREET'S REPORT. GEN. MAXIMO GOMKZ. and Cubaiguan tho Spanish losses aro reported to have been equally as large, but tho Spanish dead and wounded wero sent to Sanctl Spiritus, and defi nite figures cannot be obtained. In these two battles Gen. Gomez com manded iu person. THE POST OFFICES. It Is Said rrcHlilctit CIovHiiimI Will Xot Fill Any Moro VncuncIcH. Washington, Feb. 27. No more pres idential postmasters will bo nominated by Mr. Cleveland. The administration has suspended business, so far as tho distribution of patronage is concerned. It stops with about 50 vacancies, to which no appointments will bo made. Then there aro in addition 12'J nomi nations of postmasters hung up in the senate. The most of them aro likely to remain thus suspended until March 4. On that day they will elapse. Tho day after he is inau gurated Mr. McKinley will have-nearly 200 post ofllces of the presidential class to fill and before tho end of March ho will have 100 more vacancies. Appli cations for these post ofllces aro ar riving in numbers and aro interesting their senators and representatives in their cases. Notwithstanding tho wholesale extensions of the civil serv ice law in certain dirnpfinnc Vi...;. dent McKinley will have considerable experience with tho oflicc-seckers. A TERRIBLE FAMINE. J.T. Caldwoll In In St. J.ouls Soliciting Aid for I.oulHliiiiu Drought SufTori'ru. St. Louis, Feb. 27. Mr. J. T. Cald well, of Claiborne parish, La., is in tho city trying to secure aid for the drought stricken people in his parish, "in Claiborne parish, which is my home," ho said, "there arc about 12,000 inhabit- Tho Hush for Steel Itpllfl About Over No Improvement In Trade l'nllures. New Youic, Feb. 27. Dradstrcot'fl re port says: Tho plnclng of orders for nearly 1.500.0CO tons of steel within the past threo weV. Ih tho most Important Inilucncw for improvement In general ' trado since tho November elcction. Tho con tracts fin stccl rilli talenti since, tho break lu the price, tofr-e! h jr wlthexpont'.liuixsnccessnry to lay tin rails inewn tho placing fn circula tion of no l?s t::in $r,000.0.o. The rush for rails ittttt-ars to bj about over nntl tho outlook Is for hi'.'hor pri.e. Consumption of Usssomor plr fron l. In cvcst of production, nntl wlro and wlro mil m!:i are runtitnv full time. Many wookn mills In New nntfaml havo start ed up. Mani'fwturo-t uro burin? In expoctti tlonof a duty "o -lm p'.twed on raw wool. Kc ccnt Iniii-ovo;nent In cAton goods is main tained. At moste'lrn thorojm besn no change fn tho volume or tc.iip'!? of trade. Demand has been nulct, and while expectations favor nn early Improvement, progress thus far has been somewhat disappoint In;.'. Tho most marked gains are nt Chlcajro and JSt. liouls, where visit ing merchant.) have irmdo relatively heavy pur chases of dry goods, clothing and groceries. Jobbers at Cleveland, Cincinnati, Milwaukee and Louisville, in soino instances, regard tho outlook as more favorable. There woro SiS business failures reported, throughout tho United States this week, com pared with X i last week; 271 in tho week duo year ago; i"'ll In tho ktRt week of February, 1605; 12 In the corresponding week in 1691, and as contrasted with 217 In tho liko wool: of 18'J3. EQUALITY ABOVE LAW. th ens rm tifr sottinff forth that ho was bribed f e? for ilonry nlIeM for United w fnnii3 Bcnator' tws said aflidavits Jnf. tfailur character havo been mado ?V Yw othor members. 4 oi CftPlto1 nt Wheeling, W. Vtu, on "J'5thwas entirely surrounded by cepj tue. nud nccessiblo only by boat. a UI"eyeglslaturo was in session three ing visjl wjtj tJl0 temperaturo at 40 do expandej tho members hooping their hats wrinkles ovorcoats buttoned, whole estimated on tho 25th that fi, rously jjorkraen in Cincinnati and tho inff icky towns and cities opposito lie IsBjon thrown out of employment can butstoppago of inundated fuotorics, Avhieh I nothing of those kept from work in Januandfttcd homes. and shot tho return of his team. A Cincinnati dispatch on tho 2ith stated that not less than S1,000,000 loss by floods to lumbermon and farmers was tho rough cstlmato for tho Monon gahcla valley. On tho Ohio there was moro or less loss and damn tn ,.n. roads and muny towns suffered. In Portsmouth nlono on the 24th over 1 -G00 persons were driven from their homes. Sohoolhouscs, town halls churches and all other available build ings wero usea for lodging tho suffer ers and public charity fed them. Tiik branch of the National Reform Tress association, which mot at Kansas City, Mo., ifuvo up all hopo of recon ciliation with tho "middle-of-the-road" wing, which met in Memphis, Tonn. and havo decided to go it alone. Tho result is tho United Kcform Press asso ciation, national in its seopo, which, while it will not combat tho old N. it. P. A., will hnvo nothing whatever to do with it. J. R. Sovereign, of Sul phur Springs, Ark., general master workman of tho Knights of Labor, was chosen president of the new organization. ADDITIONAL DISPATCHES. Tun pope was said to bo preparing a bull instructing tho United States Hierarchy to meet in plenary council inUaltimorc, Md., on May 1 to deal with tho subjects which havo caused such a division among tho American bishops, such as public instruction, na tionalism and secret societies. A itioT was caused at Knoxville, Tenn., on tho 1st by a conflict of au thority between tho United States and city oflleials about tho control of a street car franchise. A negro was fatally shot, tho chief of tho firo de partment sustained a fractured skull and several policemen and special of ficers wero arrested. Tin: American plate-glass factory at Alexandria, Ind., was totally destroyed by firo on tho 1st. Tho loss will reach 5200,000. Tins body of a young woman was found in a storo room of a livery stable in Paducah, Ky., on tho 1st with a knifo wound in her brain. After kill his victim the murderer had undressed the corpse and washed and prepared it for burial. There was no clew to the murderer. A Two-STonv brick building, occupied by several busimess linns, was burned at Cnsej', 111., early on the 1st and a strong wind sent tho flames to two" adjoining blocks, which were soon gutted. Loss, Slf0,000, Tho cause of tho lire was not known. Tiik Japanese government hns de cided to adopt the gold standard at a ratio of 32iJ to 1. The new system will go into operation in October. It was rumored that Nevada was likely to pass legislation which would make tho state a sporting paradise for gambling, horse racing, prize fighting, wrestling and other athletic amuse ments. Skxatoii Tillman nrovokod a t.uriui. lent sceno In the scnatu on tho 1st by uuiirgmg mat armor plato manufac turers had paid agents in that body during tho discussion on tho naval bill, which was afterward passed. Tho houso debated thof bill to suppress prize fight accounts.1 In tho houso tho sundry civil and tho post oilleo bills wero sent to conference and several minor bills wore passed. Ar Itimouskl, Que., tho houso of Evaristo St. Pierre caught firo and his threo children, aged two, threo and live, wero burned to death. St. Pierre and his wifo had e-ono out in visit neighbors, locking tho houso and leav ing the children in bed. The cause of the fire was unknown. anis. -xiiey are nearly all fanners, thero being no cities in tho unvisb nf theso 12,000, a conservative estimate would placo tho number of destitute persons at about 4,000. They arc both black and white and havo come to this condition through no fault of their own. The poorer classes have now ab solutely nothing to live on. Tho stato of Louisiana gave 505,000 for tho assist ance ot tne district, but tins was most ly expended in freight charges. Tho farmers wero asked to nay 25 cents a bushel for the corn. Ono would think that almost anyone could raise 512.50 to get CO bushels of corn, but thero wero hundreds who could not. In this way tho poor get none of the stato donation." M'KINLEY'S VIEWS. Tho FrcKlilcnt-KIoct Oiiimsi.ii . r"..i. Kecugnltloii or Armed Intervention. Nkw Yomc, Feb. 27.-The Journal this morning prints the following dis patch from Julius Chambers, its staff correspondent at Cleveland, O.: Intense curlostty exists to know tho policy to bo pursued rctrardlnL- Piihn i. ., .".". . ministration. I amT.blo to smV t a poHcy on" u.M,,,,f.ho'!5.?uU,orlty nml in th0 eplgranun which it will bo enunciated. Thero will not bo any meddling with tho Cuban it Lurrec t on or any trifling with Spain S c tlan of tho United States w 1 havo tho wlth'n'r01,60110" ,of. thls BovormncnUf war v, lth Spain bo precipitated. Tho first casu of bru a ty to a citizen of tho United States Ul bo followed by immedlato and unmKablo action on tho part of tho ...i,tn., .".." a0I Maj. McKlnloy is opposed to a reeoirnittnn tho republic of Cuba, because h 3n7alns & docs not exist, and tho only exist tig Kovern ment In Cuba is Spain. Tho grant - of boU crent rights to insurant i. i '..."" "I "? "- jle Simla to a lare ica't of the oblfiffi to this government. No claims of a,; - ouizona would Ho against Spain for tho d,. t , woiioi ineir property on tho isinn.i !...; 7X lly Tfils ."Means Ir. Ilrj-nn Would Holvo Hloney (Question. Nkw York, Feb. 27. A well-filled house greeted W. J. Urynn in Carnegio Music hall last night when ho ap peared on tho platform to deliver a lecture on "Money," under the auspices of the Bimetallic association. Tho platform was filled with friends of free coinage. In tho course of his lecture Mr. Bryan said ho would solve the money question by tho principlo of equality before tho law. Tho value of tho dollar, he said, could bo changed by changing tho number of dollars. Tho gold stand ard advocates' definition, that an "honest" dollar was ono that lost nothing by being melted, he declared to bo absurd. Tho gold man, in his definition of honest money, said nothing about its important feature its purchasing power. Tho proper definition of "honest" money was a dollar whoso general average purchasing power was tho same yes terday, to-day and forever. Tho dol lar which rose in purchasing power was just as dishonest as tho dollar which fell. A FATAL BITE. A Drunken Jinn Jluy Dlo ns tho Result of nn Angry Son's Act. Independekck, Kan., Feb. 27. Wil liam Mason, of Lenapah, I. T., now lies in a dangerous condition and will probably die of blood poisoning caused by two of his fingers being bitten off by his six-year-old son. A few nights ago Mason came homo drunk. Tho family had been in the habit of tying him when, ho came home in this condi tion to prevent his injuring any of tho family. In tho scuflle that ensued Mason got two of his Angers into his enn'a tnnnMi ...1. ! l ... o hiuuwi, vviuon so provoked tho boy that ho bit off the ends. In a short time blood poisoning set in and physicians wero called'in, who ampu tated the fingers at the last joint. -Llns did not check the poison nnd a day or so ago Mason's arm was taken off at tho elbow. But tho poison had evidently spread all through his sys tem, for he got no better, and the doc tors say he can livo nnlv n ,in o. lnnrrn?. " :or. ACCUSED PcmisrlviMiln OF LIDEL. Statu Onicera Sn lf.. c r. W..II..... ....... ... "" """''"" "i ii ciiurvh Paper. iiAtwiHuuHo, ra., Feb. 27. The two oi a series of suits for libel first wero brought yesterday against Rev. Dr. S. C. Wallow, of this city, editor of tho Pennsylvania Union, fn,. i, rnnifmo nni-nintlnn i . ijW.J w..ul,ulutl a,,u nuuieasanon of mado "Bot uigii suite oflleials. The suits nre the result of repeated conferences w.w yaau two unys at tlie mansion between (ov. orner state olllem-s executive Hastings anil ff UMl . n..: i .. i.., . "imuw re- -v.ii;ii ,i luiecrnin fpnm claims of American is destruc- surgents. Mai. McKinlov Is nn,,n,: ".."., "" nmnHn. l.-7' ' V"V "l'l"."--tl lO conditiona 7 ... . ""pennon, Holding that Justifying such a stop do not exist. PEACE TREATY. Senator Sliornuiii (Jives Up the Contest to Oot It ItutHU-d Tlili Session asuinotox, Feb. 27.-llcc!Qfrni?inIr ho futility of continuing tho eoiS for tho general arbitration treaty against a determined minority, which is strengthened by tho fact that very F?fVtv E n niU,n the llf0 of the l'ifty-1-ourth congress, Senator Sher man and those who havo sustained tho treaty have given up tho contest for this session, but will renew it durin the extra session of the senate, which will bo convened immediately upon the dissolution of the present congS next Thursday. Mr. Sherman, who, by reason of the fact that he will be at the head of the state department after March -1, speaks with the authority of the incoming administration, strongly intimates that tho new president will urge ratification, and expresses tho i,! SOS- V.n.r V..l- mrn . ..!.... . ... " w.i iuiu ' .. "" 'loS? "a" for any amount below S100.000. UI A Soldiers' Homo mil. tie Grout, a member of the house com- So lThl!1 ihM bCCn lnt!Batl"ff the soldiers' homo at Leavenworth eSerhf;lVOmbly mt S?n?i fl?' Je0 ,nny .disabled soldier aiVwi v ! V , Ul llomo for dis abled volunteer soldiers l, ci.oii i i if me all his no l. main in tho l,m. "..!! "uy r.e' und all pensioners now IHS hir condition upon which they may re- Big all of their pensions except a a pensioner, assign to the ho luMon. lor such tinm lief that at tho annrnnoliin... .!..... don that result will be accomplished." I nccor"ce with thai To Stop I'rlio FlBht Xows Wasiiwotox, Feb. 27!-Tho question of liewsnnnnr .l.uif... uwcsuon fights was i iseusVcd bv the h f PriZ mittee on commSS Una tl lZTC eedirectca Representative AlddeTol Illinois, to report a bill to prohibit th slat" com!nerC0e.,lght3 by mal1 r WaS17 Fnc' Vlndfcated. asiiixoto.v, Feb 07 mm, . committee on public wli 80nat chirloii Uu t I'wouc lands has con- if "lllls authorized a report -hie! w fn " St l:ri propa'ed- issun.1 i.i."ly...thttt tho Patent was aecnwi,..,:. "..., "ior or department in aw and precedents controlling lu such matters. 'fifcAu.1.