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lui'x'jecciTT niitmiji ...i ii'mmui Mmiim'wiuinwiun.iiuiiiijiWnLn iunL.jijMummiiuini.nx ebmsh dvertmr. VOLUME XL1I NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, SEPT. 24, 1897. NUMBER 13 ? HBnMffMJUVnSM Whe &J f Local 3SJ"ews. Warmer weather again. Call and see us for job work. Old papers for aalo at this office. Mrs. Fairbank for fine millinery. County fair at Auburn nuxt week. Wo will take tuonoy on subscription. Tomorrow is republican convention day. Jerry Marlatt drove in from Auburn Tuesday. There morning. was a light frost Monday John Webber is a now subscriber to Tiik Advkiitisisii. Itabo Elliott is buying apples for a Nebraska City linn. Doc Kyle, the veterinarian, was in from Johnson last Satutday. -' i .i Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Williams drove up from Shubert Wednesday. Mrs. C. II. Gilmoro and children drove down from lirownviile last Suih day. Gladys Taylor has a badly swollen face, caused by being poisoned by the f uz on peaches. Mrs. W. A. Wills, of Alliance, Nob., arrived in Noinalia Tuesday evening, on a visit to friends. Harry McCancVNjss and Lance Jones started for Omaha Monday afternoon, to take in the state fair. The boys are making arrangements for a game of base ball between the Tecumseh and huhert bull clubs. Di. Withers will exliact your teeth without pain and make you a set of teeth for 85. A perfect lit guaranteed. Dr. Withers at hotel next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. See him for first class dental work at Omaha prices. Elder Nicholson closed his meeting at the Christian church Sunday night, and on Tuesday started for Hiawatha, Kansas. There will be a grand balloon ascen sion on the fair grounds at Auburn next Wednesday children's day and a bulloon race on Friday. Dr. Withers has a new method by which ho can fill any tooth without pain. Ho has been in practice 18 yeais and fully understands his business. The Auburn steam laundry now de livers washing at Nemaha, having ar ranged with S. K. Anderson to look after the business here. Satisfaction guaranteed. Miss Mellie Minick is not well enough to resume her duties in the school room. She has been suffering intensely for several days witli sciatic rheumatism. The Nonmha and Salem branch of the B. & M. has been transferred from the jurisdiction of Roadmaster E Zook, of Nebraska City, to that of E. P. Bracken, of Tecumseh. Levi Johnson arrived in Nemaha with his saw mill the first of the week. He has moved it just south of town, near the section house, and expects to have it running next week. Wo havo for free distribution a num ber of copies of the premium list of the Nemaha county fair, to bo held at Auburn Sept. 28th, 29th and JJOth and October 1st. Call in and get onu. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor drove from Lincoln the first of the week, ar ilving hero Tuesday evening. They expect to visit friends in Nemaha and vicinity for about two weeks. We will save you money on almost any paper you want to subscribo for. W. II. Englebright'shlpped a car of apples to Grand Island last Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Clark, of north Brown ville product, aro visiting at John Clark's. Seymour IIowo is putting in about one hundred and twenty-five acres of wheat this fall. Johns Hoover, George Kittell. Sey mour Howe and Sam Shuck are having disastrous experience with hog cholera. Arthur Paris says ho is putting in most of his timo theso days burning cholera hogs. Ho has lost a number of nice ones. Mrs. S. A. Huntington and I'etnr Kcrkor have had newsidowulkd laid li front of their residences. Let otheis go and do likewise. Mrs. W. W. Sandeis is not able to sit up yet, and is very little better than she was last week, though she does not suffer so much as she did. Georgf Kittle is taking advantage of the Dingley law and has gone to rais ing sheep. He bought a nico Hock of a Biownvillo man a short timo ago. A freight train madu mutton out ol two of George Kittell's sheep a few days ago. The train ran into five of them at the cue on Kittell's farm and killed two of them. Mrs. A V. Farson, sr sent us in a simple of beans she raised this year. The sample measures twenty-eighl iucho3 in length. It beats anything we have seen this year. A fanner living within a mile or two of Shubert bought a bill of paint of M II. Taylor on Tuesday. He found h could get it hero cheaper than at Shu bert, Stella, or any of the surrounding towns. It. A. Black's B. So M. bridge outfit was in Nemaha from Monday eveninu till Tuesday evening. They wore numbering the bridges and measuring the height and width of the bridges across the Nemaha. Mrs. S. A.Scovill started for Delia, Colorado, Monday, where she expects to make her home for some time with her sons, Jim nnd Fred. Many of her friends wero at the depot to bid her good-bye and wish her a safe journey. Miss Minnie McGee, daughter of J. L, McGee, a former citizen of Brown ville but who lias livod in Beatrico for many years, was married Wednesday to Frank L.Wood, of Chicago a mem bpi of tho stock exchange firm ofWood Brothers. G. W, Fairbrother is being urged by his friends as a candidate for the rei publican nomination for county judge. Mr Fairbrother has had experience in this office, is well posted in law, is an old time republican, and wo would be pleased to see him elected to this or any other lucrative olllce. Tho people of Nemaha are well pleased with the return of Rev. C. II. Gilmore. He is tho ablest preacher Nemaha ever had, and the church going peoplo hero believe ho is tho best pi ciicher in the county today, and one of the best in the conference. He is feirless and outspoken, always inter esting, and draws big congregations. J. W, Webber brought us in a big bucketful of extra lino peaches last Sat uiday. Ho said they were pop peaches but acknowledged that tho trees were set out while ho was a republican, Hhii'h accounts for their being bo good. Wallace says ho was afraid we were hungry for peaches, so ho took pity on u.s. Wo appreciate his feelings of sympathy, and certainly appreciated the peaches. Rlpans Tabulea assist digestion. John W. Hacker died Thursday, September, 23rd, 1807, at his residence six miles southwoBt of Nemaha. The funeral services wore hltJ at t!io Meth odist church at this place at noon Fri day. Rev. C. II . Gilmoro ('teaching the sermon. Tho services were conducted by the Odd Follows, of which order the deceased was a member. Tho deceased was an old resident of Nemaha county, but lived In western Kansas for several years, returning to this county three or four years ago Ho was highly respected wherever known. John Wesley Hacker was born Feb 20th, 181)8, and at the timo of his death was GO years, 0 months and 28 days old . Ho had suffered for years from a com plication of kidney and other troubles. He leaves to mouru his departure a do voted wife (daughter of Mr. and Mis. John Maxwell), and live children, two of whom aro grown Will Hacker and Mrs Win, M. Swanand two broth era, James M. and Win. Hacker, of Auburn. The mourning ones have our sincero sympathy in their gteat bereavement. Married, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs Philip Crolher, in Summerland, California, on Thursday, Sept. 8th, 1S07, Mi. Oliver C. Urother and Miss Imogen Wood. Tho many friends of Oliver Crother in this vicinity extend 'ongrattilatious and wish thorn a long life of prosperity and happiness. Take the wagonette when in Auburn for any part of the city. Easy riding. Quick time. All trains met. John McElhauey, pronriotor. -Has just New Fell & Winter lllinery Everything new and up to date. Come and get bargains. Minor Taylor drove over to Howe Wednesday afternoon, with a traveling man. As he was untying the horbes when he got ready to return they gavo a jump, got away from him, knocking him down, and started for Nemaha on the run. Minor got in tho buggy with Frank Titus, who was in Howe and was just ready to start home, and they started after tho runaways, but did not find them until they got to the hollow by the old Stokes farm, three miles this side of Ho wo, whore the horses had run into tho back end of a ' load of hay. The team had kept in the road, and tho only damago sustained was a bridle broken when tho horses jerked away from Minor and a pole strap broken when they ran into the hay wagon. A whip was lost during tho itni. Cr a t Duquoin, Bevier, Walnut V-'Uii.J-i ijiook, McAiiister and other grades of coal for sale, ranging in price from 82.25 to $-1.00, IIakkv McCaxdmsss, WANTED-PEACH SEED. "We will pay 80 cents per bushel in trade or no cents in cash for 1,000 or 1,200 bushels of peach seed. Tins Titus Nuksisuy. LOANS. Private money to loan. Most any amount- Piefer loans of tflOOO.OO and upward. Will loan on land without buildings. LANDS, FA RMS, EAST AH I) W EST. boveral good so and 100 acre farms to sell and exchange. Want others to sell and exchange. Write me what you have and what you want. Now is a good timo to make a change if you de sire to do so. Address IIbnuy C. Smith, Falls City, Neb. i mm m W. W. Sanders is agent for II. V. Muir's town lots in Nemaha. If you want to lease or buy one apply at Ti;' Advkutisisk office Private money to loan on farm se curity on tho best terms that wore ever made in Nemaha county, by Wesley Dunda8, Auburn, Nebraska. FALL OPENING-. Will have an Opening of FALL AND WINTER HATS, Saturday, Sept. 25th. Trimmed Hats a specialty. Ladies and Children invited. The republican prlinniles for Nema ha precinct were hold at This Advisk tisick olllce last Satuiday. Tho meet ing was called to order by W. IV. San ders, member of tho central committee, and he was elected chairman of the meeting. A motion was made and carried that tho chairman appoint a committee of three to select a list of delegates. The chair appointed Dr. J. L. Molvin, Hobt. Frost and M. H.Tay lor such committee Tho committee retired and after consultation brought in the following list of names as dole gates: S F Bridge, S 0 Lawrence, Rabo Elliott, John Kempthorno, F L Woods ward, M II Taylor, Oscar L Minick, I)r J L Molvin. On motion tho report of tho committee was adopted, and the abovejiamed wore declared the unani mous choice of the republicans of Ne maha precinct as delegates to tho coun ty convention. Tho meeting then ads journed. received- Pi ices as usual, the lowest in the county The M. 10. conference adjourned last Monday, llev. C. II. Gilmoro was re turned to Brownvillc and Nemalia The other appointments in the county aro as follows: Auburn John Gallagher. Johnson S Goldsmith. Peru G M Uates. Brock-Talmage J C II Ilobbs, D B Lake goes back to Syracuse, J G Day to CowIes.William Cowley to Rey nolds, J G Walker to Oak. Geo Shu man goes to Stella, and B 13 Newton to Kulo-Shubert. Hov Po':or Van Fleet Is returned as presiding elder of tho Nebraska City district. Special Cloak Pale. Mrs. Funuio Fairbank is preparing to give a Cloak Sale at her millinery parlors. Full particulars, date, etc, will be given later. J. K. Curzon, Tho Jewel er at Auburn, has removed from Opera House Block to the Cooper BuildinK. 4 doors east of his old stand. W.W. Sanders. Notary Public. Pen sions papers of all kinds made out aos curately. Legal documents drawn up. All business given prompt and careful attention. John Grillin, of Zanesvillo, O., says: "I never lived a day lor thirty years without suffering agony, until a box ot De Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo cured my piles." Nor piles and rectal troubles, cuts, bruises sprains, eczema and all akin troubles Do Witt'H Witch Hazel Salvo is unequalled, M. II Taylor. Wo would like to get in a few hun dred bushels of corn on subscription, and will allow two centra bushel above market price lor the same, 'Tney don't make much fuss about it," Wo aie n caking of De Witt's Little Early Kim-in the famous little pills for constipation, biliousness, and all stomach and liver tioublea. They never gripe. M. II. Taylor. OD1TUAKY. Mason City TriuiHOiipt. Died, at his late homo, four miles oast of Mason City, on Tuesday, Sept. Mth, 1807, Mr. Hichard S. Hannaford, aged 70 years, 1 month and 5 days. Tho deceased was bom in England Aug. 8th, 1818, and was brought to the United States by his parents during his infancy The family settled in Indiana where Mr. Hannaford grew to man hood. Ho learned the trade of a cabU net maker, which he followed during tho years of his early manhood. Mr. Hannaford moved to Nebraska territo ry in isrr, and sottled in Nemaha county, where tho family resided until their removal to Custer county in 1888. Tho docoased served in tho late war as a member of Company C, Second Nebraska Infantry. For aonie years past Mr. Hannaford had been prevented by physical Infirm ities and old ago from activo participa tion in outside affairs. During his ac tivo years ho was known as a good neighbor, a respected, industrious citi zen, a kind and affectionate husband and father. He loaves his aged wife and Bevon children (three sous and four daugh ter), and two brothors to mourn his death. The funeral services'woro conducted at the family homo Thursday morning, by Hov. Mr. Stevens, and tho reuia'iiB interred in tho Litchfield cemetery. L. II. Merrltt and' Irvin Hadlock drove up to Fremont county, Iowa, this week, starting Tuesday morning and returning Thursday evening. Try tho now Union hotol when In Auburn. Everything clean and neat. One block southwost of court house block, John McEllianey, proprietor. 1 1. ' m W There is a time for everything; and tho time to attend to a cold is when it starts. Don't wait till you havo con sumption but prevent it by using One Minute Cough Cure, tho great remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. M. II, Taylor. THE GRANDEST REMEDY. Mr. R. B. Groove, merchant, of CliII howio, Virginia, certifies that ho had consumption, was given up to die, sought all medical treatment that; money could procure, tried all cough remedies that ho could hear of, but got no relief ; spent many nights sitting up in a chair; was induced to try Dr. King's Now Discovery and was cured by the ubo of two bottbs. For past three years has boon attending to bus iness, and says Dr. King's Now Dis covery is tho grandest rooiedy over mfido, as it has done so much for him and alno for others in his community. Dr. King's Now Discovery is guaran teed for coughs, colds and consump tion. It don't fail. Trial bottles freo at Taylor's drugstoro. a, up It heals everything except a broken heart, may bo said of Do Witt's Witch Ilazol Salvo. Files and rectal diseases, cuts, burns, bruises, totter, eczema and all skin troublos may bo cured by t quickly and permanently. M. II. Taylor. All you guess about difficulty In Bell ing Stark Trees may be wrong. If you wish to know tho truth, drop postal to Stark Nursery, Louisiana, Mo:, or Rockport, III. Name references. Cash pay to salesmen each week th year round. Outfit froo takes no money to try tho work. Also want club makers get their trees freo, ItlpauB Tabuloo euro iudlgestlon,