Newspaper Page Text
'iiMiijiimjHMHUWJui1 mm. r.:,'i-l-li'Hiii li iw- xrrKttiiumiuiiLi.uiLBAj.iiji.i KMHUMULLMJunLUMJim nwiiun i , n miuiii j lumMtwrara The Nebraska Advertiser I. If. H.aj'ltmiN I'ubHthtr. -- - SUUSOItll'TION, - 81.50 IMCll YKAK FRIDAY, NOV. fi, 1807. tVSA&i, ?Z?? Miss May .Swan wont to (Jnif Mon day, to visit lior sister, Mrs, Fannie Oathcart. Nebraska elects! Sullivan, tlio fusion candfdato for supremo judo, by a ma jority of about 20,000. Ohio goes republican, ho does Iowa, Pennsylvania and Maryland. New York stato goes democratic. VanWyck, the Tammany candidate was elected mayor of Greater New York by an overwhelming niajoiity. LECTURIC ON Til 10 HOLY LAND U. Grant Houston, U So., will give a lecture at the Methodist chinch in Nemaha on Saturday night, Nov. 1.1th. Subject: "Wandering through Canaan in tlio Footsteps of Jesus. Visions of Cnnaan from Nebo to Jerusalem " Mr. Houston accompanied Hev. T. DoWitt Talmage in oneof his journeys thiouuh Palestine, and was baptized by Dr. Talmage In the river Jordan Dec. 0th, 1880, an account and illustration of which is given in Talmage's book. Ad mission to lecture, 15 cents; school children G couts. A light occurred in Island precinct this county across the river from Peru on Friday of last week winch Is likel to bo attended with soiious results and may add another to the chapter of murders in Nomaha county. Lafe Stanton and Claud Taylor engaged in a heated discussion over tlio assessor or assessment of tlio precinct. Hard wotds were exchanged and a light en sued in which Stanton seized a club and struck Taylor over the head. The blow fractured Taylor's skull. Tun iu- jured man was conveyed to his home! nml Stanton placed under arrest. Tay lor is iu a critical condition, his death being expected any moment. Last, accounts from there Thursday morn ing say he is sinking. Tlio shoriir went to Island precinct, yesterday af ternoon and will bring Stanton to this city for safe keeping, and to await tho result of Taylor's Injuries. Auburn Ilorald. BURLINGTON ROUTH-CAL-IFORNIA HXOU US IONS. Cheap; quick; comfortable. Leave Omaha 4 :!55 p. m., Lincoln 0:10 p.m. and Hastings 8.50 p. in. every Thursday iu clean, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfer; cars run right through to San Francis, co and Los Angeles over the Scenic llouto through Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars aro cui-potad; upholstered in rattan; luivo spring seats and backs and are provided with curtains, beds ding, towels, soap, etc. Unl formed porters and oxpoi fenced excursion con ductors accompany each excursion, re llovlng passengers of all bother about baggage, pointing out objects of Inter est and In many other ways helping to mako tho overland trip a delightful ex perience. Second class tickets aro honored. Berths 85. For fold or giving full Information, call at nearest Burlington Kouto ticket ollice, or wrlto to J. Francis, Getieral l'assonger Agent, Omaha, Nebr. Small precautions often prevont great mischiefs. DeWitt's Little Early liisors aro very small pills In size, but aro most effective in prevent ing the most serious forms of liver and stomach troubles. Thoy euro consti pation and headache and regulate the bowels. M II Taylor. 1 mm Hlpans Tabules euro dyspepsia. Tetter, Snlt-lthoum niul Eczema. Tho intonso itching and smarting inci dent to these diseases is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain' 8 Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases havo been permanently cured by it. It is equally offlciont for itching piles and a favorite remedy for soro nipples: chapped hands, chilbhiinB, frost bites and chronio soro oyoa. 25 cts. per box. mi . i t am m .. Dr. Cadv'B Condition Powders, aro juBt what a liorBO eeds when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifugo. Thoy aro not food but medicine and tho best in uso to put n horso in primo conation. Prico 25 cents per wWv Republican I HRlfi Newspaper Tho Licks 1000 hnanao and Papor. We arc Informed that tlio 180i Al manac of 1'rof Irl It. Hicks Is now ready, and judging from its past his tory, it will not be many weeks in finding its svay into homes and ofllces all over America. 11 is much larger and finer than any previous Issue. It contains 110 pages. Is splendidly print eil iitid IlliiHir tied on line book paper having the finest portialt ever given of Prof Hicks. It can no longer bo denied that the publications nf Prof. Hicks have become .i necessity to tlio and comtUHjclal lit' of this country His journal, "Woitn VNi Womcs," aside lioin its sloi m. weather and as tronomical featuies. has taken rank with the be-a literary, scientillc and family nnigiztncs of tlio age. Do not believe heaisay and reports. See the Hicks Almanac and paper for your self You will then know why they are so populut. 'I hey aro educators of the millions, and unrivaled safe lmihkIs to pioiierly and human life. It is a matter of simple tecord that I'rof, I Hicks has foretold for many years all great st'irms, floods, drouths and tor nadoes, oven the lecent terrible drouth I over all the country The Almanac nloiio is 25 cents a copy. The paper is SI. 00 a year with the Almanac as a premium. Send to WO It I) AND WORKS PlJIl CO., 2201 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo Moments die useless if t rilled away; ami dangerously wasted if consumed by delay in canes whom One Minute Cough Cure would lirlug immediate relief M II Taylor (1UAHAN PKIilMiUHB FOR FILES Wo have a never failing cuio for piles of every description. Tried thousands of times and never known to fall So conlident are we of tho merits of the gieat Indian Pile Romu dy. that we will send free to any read er of Tut ADVMtnsKit a liberal sized trial package, only asking the small remittance of ten cents to cover cost nf postage mid packing. Don't suffer omzci hut send at once for a trial ot lliis great remedy Inclose ten cents. Write name mid post ollice add less plainly, and menti m leadinir this arti cle in line AovKimsKH Addtessall letteis to the Indian Pile Remedy Co., Spting Valley, Minn W. W. Sanders Is agent for It. V Muir's town lots in Nemaha If you want to lease or buy one apply at Tif Advkktisku ollice ONE DOLIiAlt TO 18IM). For a dollar bill The Semi-Weekly State Journal will bo sent lrom now until Jan. 1, 18!)'.). A good lonir time to get two lii papeis every week with all the news of tlio whole woild; all the state news and iu fact iinue news and general leading matter than you get in any other state paper. The Journal is spending monej and effort In writing up the Inteiests of Nebras ka and setting our state's advantages before the people of tho whole coun try. Nebraska's prosperity will bring thousands of farm buyers to our state. You should read the Journal which is not an Omaha paper nor a Lincoln pa per, but a state paper iu Its truest sense, "What will be for tho best ins tcrests ot Nebraska V" is the KibI question asked by the Journal when called upon to decide. Every Nobras kan should do Ids best to keep the Statu Journal before the people and that best means by sending iu One Dollar which will pay for tho paper to January. 1S0I). After you read it Bend it to your friomls in tho oast and ot them see what great things wo are doing In Nebraska. Send in your dol lar to the State Journal Lincoln, Neb. Tho sooner you send tlio mmo papers you will get for your money. THE TOLEDO WEEKLY HLADE. Every intelligent family needs in additional to the local paper, a good national weekly. The greatest and most widely known general family nowspapAr is the Toledo Weekly Mlade. For thirty vears it hau been a regular visitor iu every pait of the Union and is well known iu almost ovwry one of tho 70,000 postoilices In the country. It Is edited with reference to a nation al circulation. It is a republican papor, but men of all politics take it, because of its honesty and fairness in the discussion of public questions. It ia the favorite family papor, with something for every member of tho household, Serial stories, poetry, wit and humor; the housohold department, (host in tho world). Young folk, Sun day school loasons, Talmage's sermons, the Farmstead, tho question bureau (which answers question for subscri bers), the news of tho week in com plete form, and other special feat tires. Specimen copies gladly sent on appli cation, and if you will iend us a list of addresses, we will mull a copy to each. Only SI a year. If yon wish to raise club, write for terms. Address Tub Bi.adk, Toledo, Ohio. EE9MMm;l(rfkl liUKtb WHtHt AIL HSf FAItS. Bt Couth Bjrur. ToaUmi Oool. Vr in iinia. Mold by drtvirlfU. Nemaha Cornet Band Is now prepared to furnish good music for entertainments, picnics, niemotial services, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges reasonable 15. E. Mu.mioiu), 1'ies. J. E CiiOTiusit. Sfo'y (J. N. Sandkijs, I..i rt WE piinh week to moil nil over IT noil Htark 'I ri w .neM, rimr. 1) iv Outllt free ImIwm no moe y i J X tiiv llio work. AImj wan o b 1 A til J nukern nut llicli t c.Ur ! V AOXJ iih jiDHtulj iiuine rnloi-iicS. Sui k Nursery, Louisiana, Mo , or Horkpo. I 1.1. THE NEW WAY. WOMEN used to think "fe male diseases could only be treated after "lo cal examina tions" by physi cians. Dread of such treatment kept thousands of modest women silent about their suffering. The in troduction of Wine of Cardul has now demon strated that nine-tenths of all the cases of menstrual disorders do not require a physician's attention at all. The simple, pure taken In the privacy of a woman's own home insures quick relief and apsedy cure. Women need not hesitate now. Wine of Cardul re quires no humiliating examina tions for its adoption. It cures any disease that comes under the head of "female troubles" disordered menses, falling of the womb, "whites," change of life. Itmake3 women beautiful by making them well. It keeps them young by keeping them healthy. $1.00 at the drug store. For advice In cases requiring special directions, address, clvin? symptoms, tho " Ladles' Advisory Department," The Chattanoon Medicine Co., Chatta nooga, Tenn. W. 1. ADDISON, M.D., Cary, Miss., says: "l use Wino of Cardul extensively In my practice and find It a most excellent preparation for female troubles." Bucklin'sArni n . alve l in lies' salve in the world lor cuts, bruises soies, ulcers, salt ih'Miin. fever soies, letter, chapped hands, child-. Mains, corns, and all skin ei options, Hint positively cuics piles, or no pay required. It is guranteed to give per fect satisfaction or money refunded Price '25c per box. For sale by M II. Taylor. No man or woman can enjoy life or accomplish much in this world while suffering from a torpid liver. Do Witt's Little Early Risers, the pills that cleanse that organ, quickly. M IITay lor. Take the wagonette when in Auburn for any pint of the city. Easy riding Quick time. All trains met. John McElhauoy, pronriotor. HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand iwent, four hours ; a sediment or settling Indicates an un healthy condition of tlio kidneys. When linn stains linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble. Too frequent desiio to urinate or pain in the back is also con vincing proof that tho kidneys and bladder are out of cider. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-ltoot, tliu great kidney remedy lallids every wish in relieving pain in the buck, kidneys, liver, bladder ami every part of the urinary passages. It conects inability to hold mine and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects tallowing use ot liquor, winu or beer, anil overcomes that unpleasant necessi ty of being compelled to got up many times during the night to urinate. Tho mild and extiaordinarj effect of Swamp Hoot is soon realized, it stands the highest for its wonderful cures of tho most distressing cases. If von nred a medicine you Hliould have the bust. S.)H bv druggists, prico fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample hotlltiand pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention Tins Advkutiskk and HNtuI your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., lltnghampton, N. Y. The proprietor of this paper mmranteea tho genuine ness of thiB offor. If yon have evorsoou a little child in a paioxysm of whooping cough, or if you have been annoyed by a con stant tickling in tho throat, you can appreciate tho value of One Minute Cough Cure, which give quick relief. M II Taylor. l: ;i Wineli Mscelaneous AT MeEVIIV oirs. Prints, Standard quality, per yard L. L. Muslin, unbleached, per yard Cotton Toweling, fair quality, pur yard... Cotton Flannel, fair quality, per yard .... Shaker Flannel, fair quality, per yard.... Outing Flannel, good, per yard Shirting, strong and servicable, per yard . . Cotton Hut ting, good quality, per toll Cotton Blanket, full size, per pair Ladies' I'IihIi Capes, good quality, fur Men's Nobby Suits Mens' Nobby overcoats 5.00 Youths' suits, Icim punts, good siyle 3,50 Ladles' ribbed vests, irood 10 Mens' heavy underwear 25 Ice Wool, per box 40 Mens' dock coat, heavy blanket lining 05 , .i i i i.i i I meiia uucK coat, uuavy uiaiiKei lining, rubber interlining.. . .1. 48 Mens' extra heavy overalls 40 Wo will occupy this space each weok hereafter, with a new list of bar gains, but don't wait for us to toll you all about our stock. Wo won't get through tills winter. Come and see what Cash, Enterprise and Unequaled facilitiies can ac complish. Tie Great IM -OF- A.A.MININCH& SON BUOWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. J.L. Jlclrii), JW.J.. I'll. . mm mm PKCTA. ul'S: lie Wlcln. Ills. O (MM I Women uii'l 'hllilren Will proinp nsuer nil falls, ill her day or nlijlit. oillco lOHlilwncc. NEMAHA STOCK FA11M J. H. SEED, Prep NKMAIIA, - NMUtllASKA. Hroedurnnd Shippor of Duroc Jersey and Poland (Jliluit, Hogs Best tie, low prices, south of Nemaha. Farm one mile TliH"Hieyclist's Hear. Friend" is a familiar name for DeWitt's Witch Haol Salve, always ready for umerg encies. While a specific for piles, it also instantly relieves and cures cots, bruisos, salt, rhtiem, ecPina and all affections of the skin. it never falis M II Tavlor Father Time's Pleasure, tr There is joy for Father Time in a Btoco of timopiucos that may bo depended on for all time. It is a pleasure to those who insist on a first class tlmo piece to got into a such as ours whoro the clocks and watches may bo depended upon. We sell the best time pieces at a yrico you might expect to pay for a poor one- Come and see us. S.H.AVEYIC0. AUBURN. NEB. r. x x ' rri vv.v u-vyi I r Jl Bargains 03& 3& IK 5 30 trimmed 4 CO 5.00 Mens' Domet Shirts ,10 Saxony yarn, per skein 05 Ladies' yarn mittens 12 Infants' kid Moccasions 10 Rd Table Linen, per yard 19 Ladies' lleece lined hoso, per pair.. .10 Scarlet Flannel, heavy, all wool, twilled 13 Ladies' bordered handkerchiefs... 01 Mens' Turkey Hed handkerchiefs... 03 Heat thread, per spool 03 ts 0. Sl-IUCK, Proprietor of the jSTEMAHA. V-aIXEY Berkshire : Farm. Breeder of 'I horonghlircd llerltshlre Iioh, Prize winning slock. No belter iul.. My prlees me in iiueorduneo with tho times. See Hlock mid kuI prleus. Kami 4 miles north west o' Neninhii. i NKMAIIA, - NKUHASKA. Wo nro IloproioDiiiif; and lntroducliiK Mi.J.M. Workman j tlio rustling Liveryman ok Nemaha, Succcbsor to S.Coopor I.euvo your orders for a team, hade or dray, and WE 1)0 TIIK ItKST. Our Hack meo'HJill tinliiH jQU. W. W. KEELING, Nhuaua City, Nijhhaka. Ollice lirst door south of Park hotel. W. W. SANDERS, Notary :- Nemalia City, Nob. I'll M-.E9 S MU1K Vit V, PLASTERER Acme nml AkiUUo work a Kpeolnlty. Cis terns liullt. Pnpor IIimi;liiB, KaUoinlnliiK and Whllewat-hlni; done. Low prises, All woik wariantoil. L. IT. MERR1TT, Contractor and Builder. All kinds of Carpenter work dono on Bhort notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. NEMAHA, NEBRASKA. Kerker & Hoover, Dealer lu UlKhost prloen paid for hides, lard, tiulow gime, elc NKMAIIA CITY, NEBRASKA, UPtMH A Y i