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u V X r pvttirtutiKWii'iiri'fnwx'-' 'Ji'i'ii!ivwuijiiut'tiuurrii.nriuTiiu)tm-ijiwwtuNi4itMxfnjivurimtMfiirirMii &3L3l9Ii13 fM fr.K :Oiits viiuit Ail ut Couch Hrrtip. en tfood. In lltno. Holrt by 1 niirelrt. 22i2E5I QU. W. W. KEELING, NHMAUA OlTV, NlSHIlAKA. Office at tho drug stoic. W. W. SANDERS, Notary Public - ! Nemaha City, Nob JC K BMP SMJ.MIS Till IT PLASTERER Acmo nntl Auntlto work u Hpcclnlty. CIk crnn litilll. l'npor Hnnglng, ICulHomlnliiK ml WlillnwiiMliliiK iloiio. Low prises, All lorlt wnrrnututl. Kerker & Hoover, Denier lu MEATS ItlKliost prlcoH paid for hides, lard, tnilow, file NEMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA. J. H. SEID, Urocdor of Thoroughbred Poland China HOGS. NEMAHA, NEBRASKA- "W"0 huvo tlio rlt-n, when you would drive; Our tennis look woll, tlioy itronllvu, H,Iks lioro tlmt Hlilnc; tlioy are O. K. ICcop truok of Workmiui'H ovory tiny. Men lllco our teiuiiH; llioy'ro inmlo to go, And lu tlio harness titivor hIow, INoxt l'mo J""11 tlrlvo, you traveling moil, Souk Workuinn'H plaoo, mill como again. Xi"ic up tlilR pliicu whou teams you food. .' n lioro tlioy'ro trontcd woll indeed. Very low our rates aro found Evory tltnoyou drlvo iiround. RltfH, linelcs mid drays and Iiothoh best. Y"i givo tlio word, wudo tlio rest. Workman's ; Livery, NEMAHA, NEBRASKA. It 1b very hard to Htand idly by and boo our dear ones suffer while awaiting the arrival of tho doctor. An Albany (N. Y.) dairyman called at a drug store there for a doctor to come and see bis child, then very sick with croup. Not. finding tho doctor in ho loft word for him to come at onoo on Ida return. Ho also bought a bottlo of Chamberlain's Cough Itomody, which he hoped would givo some relief until tho doctor should arrive. In a few hours he returned suylng tho doctor need not come as tlio child was much better. The druggist, Mr. Otto Scholz, says the family has sinco recommended Chamberlain'b Cough Remedy to their neighbors and friends until ho has n constant demund for It from that part of the country. For Hide by Keeling, the druggist. Food does more harm than good when not dlgestod. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure dlgosts what you oat. It provonts wsstlug diseased and cures stomach troubles. It cures Indigestion, sour stomach and IHohin? and allows a woniout s'omneh rest. It acts in atnntlv. W W. Keeling BUY GOODS IN CHICAGO SJ Have you tried Ihe Cataloguo system ol buyinn EVERYTHING youuso nt Wholesale Prices? We cansavoyoul5lo40pcrcor,t.onyourpurchases. We ore now erecting and will own nnd occupy tho highest building In America, employ 2,000 clerks filling country orders exclusively, and will refund purcnaso prico il good3 don't suit you. Our General Cataloguo -1,000 panes, 16,000 illustrations. 60,000 quotations costs us 72 conts lo print and mall. Vo will sond it to you upon receipt ol 1G cents, to show your gocd faith. HOHTSOHERY urn u MICHIGAN AVE. AND MADISON ST. CHICAGO. FAILS. 73 PN Urn 3 inB ff Ir J li HIvVfiiT v j n b-vn rM K,paMiiwjttag ki aasKjnKlgSfeSaaHMWj The Nebraska Advertiser SailSOIIII'TION, - 81.50 I'KK YKAH FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 18IJH. ray rp Farm Journal and get a r- w UlK prize. F'VG Years. j Hy special nrrangoinont inndo with tlio publishers of tlio FAKM JOURNAL wo are enabled fo odcr n fi-yenr Htil)Hori)tit)n to flint papor to ovory now subscriber who pays for TUB ADVtiKTISEll one year nliend; nntl tho Htuno offer is nmilo to ovory old subscriber who will pay nil hack dues nntl ono year in ndvnnco both papors for tho prico of ours only. n order to got tho Farm Journal an n premium for ndvnnco paymont it will bo necessary to walk right up to tho enptain's oflleo, for wo havo only n limited numbor t)f fi.yonr subscriptions to disposo of. Tho Farm Journal Jh on solid foundation and to porfectly trustworthy. Two and orie-liftli inches of water Toll in tlio ruin and liuil Htortn Vvcdnos day afternoon. A young limn by tlio imrno of Sum nor, living northwest of Brownville, attempted to commit suicide by tuking poison a low days ago. Tlio neighbors brought him througli all riuht. Tho follow was despondent becmieo bia girl bad gone back on him. Win. Willing, tho former hardware king of Nemaha, has been rusticuting near St. Derotn for a week or two. Will baa forty acres Hot out in fruit tie 03 which ho Ib watching carefully, as ho expect a it to bring him in a good income in the not distant future. Tho arguments for a rehearing in the Argabright murder caso were heard by Judgo Lolton Tuesday night. Tim motion was denied and tho prison er sentenced to tho penitentiary for life. lie was taken to Lincoln by Sheriff Cole Thursday. His attorneys will at once carry tho case to tho mi prome court. Messrs Geo Lewis, L (J Davenport, Dr I 0 Sutton. Warren Hutchlns, E A neacock, John Colgla'ier, W G Me Gechio, Grant Aynes and Henry Hole jack, of Shubeit, occupied front seats at tho opera house Thursday night and listened attentively whllo Joo Jones told of their besetting sins. They came uy on a handcar. Rev. W. W. Halhiin preached at tho Christian church Sunday morning, but announced that thoro would be no services that night as he was informed that Rev. Joe Jones would preach at tho Methodist church. Tho latter church was well filled and theaudlenco were considerably disappointed that Mr. Jones was not present. Frod Hawxby was in ihe competi tion for a place In the oratorical con tost between tlio stato university and tho university of Kansas, and as we undoratand it won a placa. Ho stood fourth in a class of over fifty contest ants. Fred in achieving a roputation as an orator as woll as a deop student nnd a lino instructor. He graduates from the ntato university this spring. Win. Varnoy, an old resident of Lon don precinct, was found dead at his residence last Saturday. Ho had been drinking considerably and was found dead lu his chair. He had prepared u moal but had not eaten any of it. Tho funeral services were hrld at Browni vlllo Monday, conducted by the G. A. R., the deceased being an old soldier. Rov. C. II. Gilmoro preached a short sermon. James Thompson, who has been stopping with his noice, Mrs. W. V. Rolf, for soma timo, died very sudden ly last Saturday forenoon. He had baon in poor health for somo timo, but was able to come to town tho Saturday boforo be died. A little while boforo bodied ho got out of bed, rofusing tho assistance of his nelco. When ho laid buck in bed again ho gave a groan and when Mrs. Relf got to him he was dead. Tho funeial services wero hold at tho Christian church at a o'clock Sunday atlernoou, conducted by Rev. W. W. Hallatn. The deceased was a brother of Lewis Thompson, and was an eld soldier. GARDEN SEEDS Go to Kerker & Hoover for till kinds of fresh bulk Garden Seeds and seeds of all kinds. They aro tho Old Relia ble Seed House in Nemaha county. Call and see, "mi'mjMnn. - naar1 Mrs. Elonor Dressier died Friday, April 21st, at 4 o'clock a. in., lrom an attack of pneumonia. Grandma Dress ier, as she was usually called, has been in poor health for a long time. She was almost 82 years of ago, Tho do" ceased was the mother of John Dress ier, II. M. Dressier, of Auburn, Mrs. V". P. Peabody nnd Mrs. Davidson, living near Stella. For some time alio has made her homo with herdaughtor, Mrs. V. P. Peabody. Tho funeral ser vices will bo bold at tlio Christian church Saturday afternoon. Wra. Bergo, who Is farming two miles north of Shubert, was in town last Saturday with seven young timber wolves that ho was taking to Auburn to get tho bounty. Ho had caught them the day boforo. The old wolf was seen several times during the day while Mr. liergo was at work and was ovldently kept away from her pups through fonr. As Mr. Uorge went to suppor ho heard the pups whining and easily found the nest. Ho came back from Auburn Saturday afternoon 821 richer for hit) lucky find. The same day a man living near Peru took Bevwn young wolves In to tho county clerk's olllco. Thus 842 was paid that day for wolf scalps. Rev. Joo Jones, of Atlanta, Georgia, began n week's mooting in Nemaha Monday night, The first aermon was preached in the Methodist church, but It was seen that the church would not near hold tho crowd, so tho next day tho opera house was secured for the night services. The afternoon services are held at the church. He will preach at 11 o'clock a. in. aud at 3 o'clock p. in. on Sunday, in tho opera house. Tho sermon Sunday afternoon will bo to men only, we understand, and will bo his last service In Nemaha. Ho goes fiom hero to Brownville, preaching theio Sunday night. Bro. Jones has been greeted with large audiences at all his services. Ho lias told many truths in a blunt aud forcible manner, has interested tho community, has of fended many, and caused many to do deep thinking. The amount of good done is a problem. SENSATION AT BEATEIOE. A Man "Who Outrivals Sohlatter is Healing tho Multitudes- A fellow by the name of Kharas is at Beatrice and is curing cripples and all sorts of invalids without tho uso of medicines. His hands nro said to givo a shock as strong as a battery. He cannot bo a fako for ho charges no money In advance, but usually gets well paid for tlio good he does, and from reports ho is doing lots of it. Ho is not a "faith doctor" or a "divine healer," but says he learned tho science In India. Boforo ho went thoro ho graduated in medicine at the universi ty of Kentucky, yet he does not "prac tice." Peoplo nro flocking to seo him, and not a worn is said against his vork. Filly Republican. Chas. W. Roberts bad an exciting exponenco with a runaway last Satur day. He had been to town and was on his way home. When ho got to tho bridge across the Nemaha at tlio Ben nett mill his team became- frightened at somo lumber that was lying on tho bridge. Mr. Boberts got out of the wagon to quiet tlio mules, wiion tliev j Btartod to run. Ho caught hold of oiib of tho braces to the bridge, thinking he could hold tho mules, but they joikod away, hurting his hands and bruising ono leg. Mrs. Itoboits and two daughters and a young lady school teacbor wore In tho wagon. The mules did some lively running but kept the road. When they got almost to tho old Muntz blacksmith shop Charley Thomas and another man ran out and stopped tho mules. No damage was done except to Mr. Roberts, but it might have been very serious. The lumber has been lying on the bridge for about three months. A number of horsos huvo boon frightened, and a se rious, accident is liable to occur at any time. Tho lumber should be moved or the county may havo a damage suit on hand. A.R.DeFluent.editor of tho Journal, Doylestown, Ohio, snfferod mr a num ber of years from rheumatism in his right shnuldor and side. Unsays: "My right arm at times was entiiely useless I tried Chamberlain's Pain Halm and was surprised to receive relief almost immediately. Tho Pain Halm has been a constant companion of mine over since aud it never falls. For sale by Keeling the diuggiat. BwnuiwtagJi:wiiniragRa FEW POlfilPFOV Al Granulated Sugar, 18 pounds for 1 00 " Light "C" Sugar, 21 pounds for 1 00 . Lion Coffee, per packago 10 Arbucklo's Coffee, per packago '.. 11 German Coffee, per package.... 11 Chickory, good quality, per packago oif Beans, choicest handpicked navy, 10 lbs. for 25 ' Cracked II othiny, 20 pounds for 2a Tapioca, por pound 05 Macaroni, por pound . 05 Lenox Soap, 10 bars for 25 Diamond C Soap, 10 bars for 25 Phconix Soap, 12 bars for 25 Pearlinc, 3 packages for . 10 Lewis' Lye, per can 07 American Lye, powdered or hard, per ca'n 05 , Greenwich Lye, powdered or hard, per can- - 05 Merry War Lye, por can- 05 s Yeast Foam, per package 03 On Timo Yeast, per package 03- Dwight's Soda, per pound 05A- Church's Soda, por pound 05- Soda, oxcollont quality, G pounds for 25 Starch, in bulk, per pound...- 03 Starch, in one pound packages - - 04 Corn Starch, in one pound packages, 3 for 10 Prices subject to market changes. Do you buy at those prices? If not, come to tho Big Store, where you can buy hundreds of other articles equally as cheap. le iiniiii Casb i! OF A. A. .MCININCH & SON" BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. No Riglit to Ugliness Tho woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always havo frionds, but one who would be attract tivo must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down she will be nervotid aud irritable If she has constipation or kidney trouble her im pure blood will cause pimples. blotches, skiu eruptions and a wi etched complex Ion. Electric Ritteis is the best mtdis cine in tho woild to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify tho blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth velvety skin, rich com plexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-down inval id. Only 50c at Keeliug's drug store. Old papers for sale at this office, o A Suro Sign of Group- Hoarseness in a child that is subject to croup is a sure indication of the approach of the disease If Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough has appeared, it will prevent tho attack. Many mothers who have croupy children al ways keep this remedy ut hand ami Mud that it saves them much trouble and worry. It can always be depend-, ed upon and is pleasant to lake. For sale by M. II. Taylor. DON'T LOSE ANY TIME ABOUT IT. If you expect to go west this spring nsk tho nearest Burlington Route agent about tho specially reduced rates now In effect to Montana, Utah, California, Washington and Oregon points. Ask about them right away today They mav bo withdrawn at any moment. Through tourist sleeping ear service to San Francisco and Los Angeles every Thursday to Butte, Spokane and Seattle overy Tuesday and Thurss day, A21 SEND Wrlto Inclostnff this ail. and BOo and wo will semi you this bimutlful Muudolino by oxpross, C. O. D. subject to cxuxnlna. tlon. If found exactly as roprenonted you oan pay tho express itRontour SPECS 1AJ. OlTEll prico, $0.00 lesu tlio 60 cents, or 85.50 and express charccs. This is a roRiiltxr 415.00 liiBtrutnout, solid rosewood hody, fancy pearl and obouy cliocltorud ciIro, beautiful pearl 1 uttortly cuard pluto.rosowootl ilDRoruoard ami nlcVeltail pL oo. Von can havo olthor a Mandollno, Utiltnr.nnnJnorVlolIn on tlio BamoturmB. wrttoror tuisr. musical mtnioRi'c. h it,Wi f nuurcKS, J noaoe. wumiin,neii, 9 Digests what you cat. It artificially dl gests the food and aids Nature in strengthening aud recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SlckHeadache,Gagtralgla,Cramps,ancV all other results of imperfect digestion, Prepared by E. C DcWItt A Co., Chlcaao For sale bv Keeling, tho druggist EXXKI Binder: Our famous "niuo Label Jlrnnil." 1 l'rluL'S and saniiilea ready April UOth. Write Twine now ami wo wu ecnu when ready, I'rlcea will tie lower tlmn you tliliik. We deliver from Clilcairo Omaha or St. 1'aul, as desired. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., CHICAGO. THE WAY TO GO TO 0ALIF0ENIA Ib in a tourist sleeping car Personally conduced via the Burlington Hmite. You don't change cats. You nuke last timo. You be tlio flu est scenery on tho globe, Your oar Is not so expensively fin isbod nor so line to look at as a palace sleeper but it is just as clean, just as conifoi table, just as good to ride in, ailll NEAllLY S20 OHISAPUU. Tlio Burlington excursions lnive every Thursday, reaching San Francis co Sunday nnd Los Angeles Monday, l'ortor with each car. Excursion man ager with eacli party. For folder giv ing full Information call at nearest B. & M. dopot or write to J Francis, Gen'l Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. Western Tree Planters. Those who contemplate planting Trees can save money in buying direct of us. We have a complote line and general assortment of Ntusery Stock at verv low prices. Surplus nf Apple, 'oft Maple and Box Klder Profs. Send for prieo list. Achats Wanted: Write for tor U130KR & STILSOX, Corwith, Iowa. Wo will send the Kansas Cltv Jour nal and Tine Advkutisku both one year for only jSi.uo. mm Store I Dyspepsia Core. y .x r r .. -J??rvirjtiK!itm'mn)m