Newspaper Page Text
r THE NEBRASKA ADVERTISER W. V. HANUKIf, 1'ulilUlipr. NEMAHA, NRBUASKA. TUB WOULD AT LARGE. Summary of tho Dally Nows. Tl'ASlIINOTON NOTIiS. Tub board of brevets untl moduis at Washington on tho 10th reported tho names of tho men to whom mcdulH of honor wore grunted for extraordinary services and bravery during the Span ish war. Tho board also awarded 189 certificates for bravery. Tin: department of state was in formed on tho Ulst by the consul at San Salvador that the city of San Vin cento had suffered from severe earth quakes and that no telegraphic com munication could bo had with that city, which was reported in ruins. lCx-Oov. Loin), of Oregon, declined tho tender of the mission to I'ersia. KX-SlX'ltKTAHY till It UMAX WIIH OIIO of President JMcKinley's callers on tho !51st. Although his recent severe ill- uess lias left Htm wan ami linn no thin looked remarkably well considering his advanced age. The president greeted him cordially. Mr. Sherman remained but a few minutes. A iii:Ui:st was made to dipt. Cogh lan, of tho Raleigh, by Secretary Long for a statement as to whether ho was correctly reported in his recent speech ut Now York respecting tho relations between tho Clermans and Americans during tho blockade of Manila bay last year. Tho London papers denounce tho utterances of dipt. Coghlan as "in discretions" and "violations of good manners." Fuom a dispatch received by Secre tary Long from Admiral Dewey on tho SJJd it was evident tho latter was still in the dark respecting the whereabouts of Lieut. Gihuoro and party, of tho Yorktown, who, it is thought, were ambushed and captured by a party of Filipinos while on a voyage to rescue Spanish prisoners near llalur. J. It. Scott has been appointed re ceiver of public moneys at Perry, Ok. ci:M:uAii ni:vs. Okx. Otis is making a determined ef fort to prevent tho spread of disaffec tion among volunteers under his com mand in tho Philippines by censoring dispatches sent to them by opponents of tho policy of expansion of tho ad ministration in tho United States, es pecially in Boston. Tho dispatches which tho general has suppressed de clare that tho volunteers are entitled to Immediate return homo and make tho volunteers feel unwilling to re-enlist or to stop until they ean be spared. On tho night of the 2!ld tho Missouri river was a raging torrent at Omaha, Web., tho Hood conditionH'hcing more alarming at th'ft point than for IS years. Over 201) people were driven from inundated homes, little of their household goods being saved. Fouii men and a boy lost their lives "by an explosion in a coal mine at Mad rid, N. M., on tho 21st. AitMKD with pitchforks, Horace Scott, colored, aud Kdwurd Zikmond, a young white man, fought a duel to death In thu alley at the rear of 181S0 Indiana avenue, Chicago, on tho 21st. Scott was stabbed in the breast and died after a few minutes. Zikmond surren dered to the police. Hutson Coi'iMii.MA.V, who pleaded guilty a month ago to swindling Jacob Bernstein, of Cincinnati, out of Stil.OOO "by means of tho gold brick scheme, was entencod by .ludgo Newberger at New l ork to four years and ten months In tho penitentiary. Saul.laeobs is now serving a sentence of 1i years In Sing Sing for tho crime committed by Cop pclman. AmintAi. S-jcm.KY will visit Omaha, Nob., about May 1 as tho guest of ex Senator Mauderson. Tn ii Chicago & Alton Railroad com pany increased the wagon of 800 section men in Illinois, on tho two divisions be tween Chicago and lUoomlngton and "between Dwlght and Peoria, from SI. 10 to 81.25 per day. A hcoutino plirty of volunteers en countered 200 Filipinos near Taguig the other day. They engaged tho enemy and stood them off until reinforcements arrived. Tho Insurgents were then speedily repulsed. The Filipinos lost '12 killed and a number wounded. The American loss was three wounded. Skvi:icai tenement houses belonging to tho Virginia Coal and Iron company ivero burned at Stonegap, Ky., and Grant Rose, a Tennessoenn, was cre mated. Charles Stuart was fatally burned. It was believed Roso was mur dered for money and tho flro started to cover up tho crime. Gov. Gi:.v. ltitooiCK, in tho dtstribu button of thu 8:1,000,000 to tho Cuban soldiers, has determined to accept the Cuban lists as correct. Tin: wrecking steamer Rokouo is bo - ing fitted out at New York for a trip to Santiago do Cuba to tow tho raised Spanish cruiser Roina Mercedes, of Ad miral CVrveru's fleet, to Norfolk, Vu. In u factional fight betwen rival com panios of Chinese highbinders tho other night at Fresno, Cal., three men wero killed and two others fatally wounded. Moro trouble was feared In Chinatown. A thousand Toledo (O.) carpenters will strike on .May I unless their do inaudH for 25 cents an hour and eight hours' work uro agreed to by tho con tractors. This decision was reached ut u mooting on the'-20th .uttondud by 200 meu. ; . "' .' JN tho presence of nearly 2,000 people Sam Hose, a negro who had killed a man and assaulted his wife, was burned ut tho stake near Ncwnan, Oa., on tho 2!ld. Heforo tho torch was applied to tho pyre the negro was deprived of his ears, fingers and other portions of his anatomy, which tho mob eagerly seized as souvenirs. Tin: British university chess players defeated tho American university chess players, the score, being Vt to M. Tho game was played by cable. Tin: steamer Gen. Whitney sank flO miles east of Capo Canaveral, Fla., on tho 22d. Ono boat with 10 men in It at tempted to make a landing and it up set, 1!) of the men being drowned. Fifteen men in another boat were afterwards picked up near tit. Augus tine, Fla. j At Maxwell, La., a crowd of white men made an attack upon the negro I quarter, which resulted in the death of t ono negro and the wounding of two j others. There had been trouble be ! tween the races at that point before. Tho whites ordered the blacks to leave. -Many cigar dealers throughout tho country will be innocent sufferers as u result of tho operation of tho counter feiting gang arrested at Philadelphia and Lancaster, I'a., as all cigars in boxes bearing tho bogus stamps will bo seized and tho dealers who have them will be liable to Hue and imprisonment, In a shooting affray near Treval in Trinity county, Tex., Kdward Harding and .lames Trebatlian were killed and I. C. Harding fatally wounded. The cause of the trouble was not known. Almost the entire S.",000,000 that tho citizens of St. Louis have proposed to raise to clinch the proposition of hold ing a world's fair there is in sight. Tin: steamer Glcnoglc crashed into the steamer City of Kingston off Brown's Point, Wash., on the 2Ud and tho latter was cut in two. Tho passen gers were saved. tilt.v. Buooki:, now governor general of Cuba, will, it was said, soon request a change of station on account of his health. A I'iMMi, at the Shelbourno school for boys, located near Sun Rafael, Cal., perished in a fire which destroyed that institution on the 2ild. Tin: mutilated body of Miss Juno Brunot, a wealthy woman of Dannu, hid., was found buried in an abandoned well of her sister-in-law near Pana, 111. Mrs. Anna Brunot, her son, Henry Brunot, and Frederick Sibley are un der arrest charged with the murder. Sunittrr .1. S. Dawson, of Cook coun ty, Tenn., was killed near tho North Carolina line, not far from Walkervillo, N. C. Tho sheriff, accompanied by a party of deputy marshals from Knox vllle, Tenn., was on a raid and they all walked Into tho ambush. It was said tho moonshiners had gathered In con siderable force and reinforcements were to bo sent to the deputies. Gov. Si'onk appointed Matthew Stan ley Quay as senator to servo until the next session of tho Pennsylvania legis ture. A tiiain on tho Burlington railroad was wrecked near Aurora, 111. The fire man was killed and several other per sons were injured, but none of the pas sengers was seriously hurt. The din ing ear and ono couch were burned. Isaac IIittm:u, u stockman, was killed by a train at Cheeotah, I. T. A l'ouci: of 200 Filipinos attacked the American outposts near Taguig, but were routed after two hours' flghtintr, leaving 12 men killed and several wounded on tho field. A company of r00 rebels was also encountered near Boeave, but after a little skirmish tho rebels retired in good order. The Amer icans exhausted their ammunition and returned to their camps. WiirritCAi'S took Lucindy Davis and her three daughters from their home In Powell's valley, near Middlesboro, Ivy., and, after severely beating them, burned their house. Tho four women were given 21 hours to leave tho county. 'Pin.' M..wl.i TI.,11... !.. ... r'l.l.... ...'. ..v. luiiiv, i.iiiiui.111, iik uuujiiu, con ceding all damage claims tn the states between the Ohio and Missouri rivers, estimated on tho 20th that tho winter wheat crop promises 27,000,000 bushels, or 55,000,000 bushels less than last year. The board of education of Cleveland, O., intend to erect and equip a factory from which will be turned out all the school furniture needed for tho school buildings in that city. The board be lieves a largo sum can be saved annual JoitN Fi.oua, whose trial was set for tho 20th for the murder of Jessie Bur ton, was fatally injured in the tail at Paoli, Ind., tho previous night by a crazy prisoner name l Wall. Wall sud denly became mad and, seizing a poker, beat Flora so that he cannot recover. Tin: national society of tho Sons of tho Revolution accomplished all tho business of tho triennial meeting at one session at Denver, Col., and ad journed to meet at Washington April 10, 1002. A resolution was adopted in docslnir tho erection of a Lafavettu monument In Paris. Nearly all the old ' otllcers wore re-elected. Tun recent government mile of mules , at Chlekamauga Park, Tenn., was a I remarkable success. Something over !J00 animals wero sold, nutting in tho neighborhood of 820,000. Fully 1,000 1 buyers, largely farmers, from Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas and Tennessee wero present aud wero tho largest purchasers. i Tuiiici: buildings in thu business see- I tton of Halifax, N. S., wuro badly I duinagod by fire. A panic ensued among the guests of tho Arcadian ho tel aud the. Mayllowur house, which are In' tho rear, of .thu burned build lugs, 'bul all escaped safely Tin: warehouse of tho Kingman Im plement company at Omaha, Neb., was totally destroyed by lire. Loss, S170, 000; insured. In a house near Mount Carbon mine at Mnrphysboro, 111., two women were found murdered. Tho house had been plundered. FoiMt men of the Nebraska regiment, including Col. Stotsenberg and Lieut. Slsson, and three men of the Fourth cav alry were killed and 1 J wounded In an engagement ut (hiongua, near Malolos. The Filipinos retreated with small loss. The engagement developed into a dis astrous, though successful, fight. Tho insurgents had a horseshoe trench, about a mile long, encircling a rice field on the edge of a wood. The Americuus retired, currying their wounded, under fire with great dilllculty, being closely, pursued, a fog enabling tho enemy to creep up to them. Tin: national headquarters of tho Grand Army of the Republic have been established in Cincinnati. Itusiness headquarters and the records will re main in Philadelphia. A Ti:iiiinii.i: cyclone ravaged tho coast of Queensland during the month of March. The ollicial report placed tho loss of llfeat-lll, whiles vessels, chiefly engaged in coral fishing, were wrecked and 51,000,000 worth of property de stroyed. A Japanese steamer which reached Hrisbuno reported having steamed through dead bodies for two days. Oni: of John B. Glover's dogs went mad at Dubuque, la., tho other morn ing and attacked ox-Alderman Phil Itydcr, as, with his two children, ho was returning home from mass. Mr. Ryder fought a desperate battle with tho brute. Ho was bitten in three places, including his cheek. Tho dog, after biting several other dogs, also a child, was finally killed. Tint jury at Philadelphia on tho 2 1st declared Senator Quay not guilty of the charge of using the state funds iu the People's bank. Senator Quay re ceived quite an ovation afterwards. Fouiitkkn thousand regulars are to be sent to reinforce Gen. Otis at Manila as soon as tho necessary marine trans portation ean be provided. It was an nounced that the army in the Philip pines will bo increased to .i5,000 men, whether tho Filipino rebels abandon the field or not. Tin: attorney general of Arkansas has instituted 510 suits for S5,000 each at Little Rock against tho Connecticut Fire Insurance company, charging it with being a member of a combine. The suits are brought under the now anti-trust law of the state. Sitvr.N women and ono child wero seriously injured in a collision between a State street cable train and an omni bus at Chicago the other day. Three others were slightly hurt. Gov.'LiNi), of Minnesota, received tho following cablegram from Manila on the 20th: "The regiment must be or dered home and mustered out of tho service at once. Olllcersof Regiment." Gov. Lind said he was unadvised as to the exigencies at Manila and was wholly in the dark as to tho real signifleanco of the message. ADDITIONAL UISPATCIIKS. Tin: German government has entered a formal protest against tho language used by dipt. Coghlan, of tho Raleigh, at the Union League club banquet in Now York the other night. Tho pro test was lodged with Secretary Hay through the Gorman ambassador. At Trenton, N. J., tho American Plumbing Supply and Lead company was incorporated on the 24th with an authorized capital of 8!15,000,000. On May I the reservation of tho south ern Utes, the last groat Indian reserva tion in Colorado, will be thrown open to settlement. It comprises a tract of about 0:iO,000 acres and includes both valley and mesa, or uplands. Tin: Wade beef board at Washington held its last open session on tho 2 tth. Au:xanih:k S. Skinni:u, traveling from Cleveland, O., to California, was drugged, robbed and thrown off a pas senger train near, Gibbon, Neb. Tin: body of Ligo Strickland, the ne gro preacher implicated by Sam Hose in the killing of Alfred Cranford, was found swinging to tho limb of a tree about one mile from Palmetto, Ga., on tho 21th. The ears and fingers were cut oil' and on the body was pinned a placard bearing these words: "We must protect our southern women." Adi'iNAi.iu) was reported on the 21th as being at Calumpit with a largo force of 1- illplno Insurgents. The Americans wero advancing on thu place and a battle was expected at any time. The rebels attempted to burn thu railroad bridge near the town and succeeded tn badly warping tho Iron framework. Jack Pr.ritw, 18 yours old, killed his father at Ardmore, I. T., by shooting him. The quarrel was over a trivial matter. SroriKi) fever was raging to an alarming extent south of Nokomls, 111., on the 21th. Tiik snow blockade, which has pre vented trains entering llrcokenrldge, Col., since February 4, was broken on the 2 tth when a rotary plow steamed up to the depot, followed by a passen ger train. Tiik levee gave way on tho 21th at a point live miles below Raeeland, Lu., and the waters poured over the planta tions, Inundating hundreds of aerenof cane and corn. I'.NMidV. RltllAltll .1. OOI.KMIIY foil deud near Lincoln, 111., on the tilth. He had been lu ill-health for miiiui time. He servud iu the Mexican and civil wars, served two turins as govuruor of Illinois ami. one term us United Stuto, Mutator. He wuh bprn duly J5, 1MM. THE COGHLAN INCIDENT. Navy Department OMclnlM Are Wultliif- fo nn Kxiiliumtloti of the Captain' Speech Vli'M of London 1'uperH. "Washington, April 24. Navy departs mont otliclals say that no word has been received from dipt. Coghlan, of tho Ra leigh, in response to a request made of him by Secretary Long for a statement as to whether he was correctly reported In his recent speech at New York re specting the relations between the Ger mans and Americans during the block ade of Manila bay last year. Jt is the custom of tho department when it takes notice of remarks made by naval ofllcers which may be regarded as im proper or offensive to an individual or a nation, first to call upon the offend ing person for a statement as to wheth er ho has been correctly reported, in preference to taking what may bo printed in the newspapers as a basis of action, dipt. Coghlan's answer to tho department's request, therefore, will bo awaited before any further attention is given to the matter. London, April 21. Tho morning pa pers unanimously denounce the cabled utterances of dipt. Coghlnn, of tho United Stiitos cruiser Raleigh, regard ing the relations between Admiral Dewey and the German nuval command er at Manila as "indiscretions" and "violations of good manners." Most of them express tho opinion that Ger many will treat tho incident with "dig nified silence." WAS THE BANNER YEAR. Our Knrelf-ii Truth) In 1808 Win the Litrcst Ker Itt't'ortlt'tl, AVhlln Imports TiVero Kce iittoiiully .Sin. til. Washington, April 21. Tho fiscal year of 180S was the banner year of tho foreign trade of tho United States, our exports being tho largest ever recorded for a like period and our imports ex ceptionally small. According to a com prehensive report just prepared the to tal value of our domestic exports reached tho enormous sum of 81,210, 2111, 01!t, exceeding tho record-breaking figures of tho preceding year by 8178, 2S,:$10. On tho other hand the imports during 180S wero tho smallest since 18S5, their value being 8010,0 10,051, a decline of 8148,080,758 from the figures of 1807. Broadly stated, for every dol lar's worth of foreign merchandise brought into tho United States two dol lars' worth of our products found a market abroad. Our domestic exports, as compared with our imports, showed an excess of 8504,242,250, or more than twice the excess for 1807, which was the largest previously reported. TRAVELING MEN ALARMED. They Iiviugm-ate, an OrKunlrittlon lo Op. poso '1'riiHtH, Which Tliey Allege i:ilml- imto Competition. Chicago, April 21. Traveling and resident salesmen of the United States will bo called upon to join an organi zation to prevent salaries being reduced in the future and to secure, so far as possible, a reinstatement of tho sal aries paid before the business depres sion of 18015. Twenty representatives of tho salesmen of Chicago held a meet ing at tho Palmer house to discuss the purposes of the proposed organi zation. A resolution was adopted re citing that "it has become necessary for organized opposition to trusts by wage earners, as a protective meas ure." An appeal was issued to sales men to organize clubs all over tho country "with a view to demanding such legislation by tho government and by each state as will destroy the illegal concentration of capital and the cur tailment of vast industries, which eliminate competition aud destroy our usefulness." Deuf Muto Girl Killed. Kansas City, Mo., April 24. One of tho most distressing accidents that luis occurred in this citj' for months took place when the Missouri Pacific passen ger train from tit. Louis ran down two little deaf mutes, four and six years old, tho daughters of Dillon Schneider, in tho cast bottoms, instantly killing the older. By some trick of fate one of tho children stepped from the track, unheeding and unconscious of the ap proaching train, aud escaped death, only to turn and see her elder sister ujuiigii:u iiuucaui ino cruoi wneeis. An Kyo for An I'ye. Charleston, S. C, April 24. As an outcome of the Greenwood county ne ro lynchlngs the negroes of Rlehard sonvillo have determined to prevent ne-;-ro lynchlngs and whttecapping. Tho plan adopted is to murder a white man or burn the homo of a white man for avery negro lynched or whipped. They ire said to have banded together for this purpose, led on by a negro preacher who inflames the passions of his flock by constant repetitions of the Phoenix slaughter of negroes ami other outrages indicted upon tho race. KtUitlilWheil llciiiliiuurtcrx ut Cliicliumtl. Cincinnati, April 21. In accordance with the action of the exeoutlve com mittee of the council of administration, IS. A. R., at l'hiladelphia, April 12, ionlor Vice Couuniindor-ln-Oiicf W. 0, loluisou, of this city, has assumed com mand and established the national headquarter, at room 1121 1'llco build ing, Ciiiuinuatl. Ho has appointed dipt. W. II. Folgor, of this otty, a u Ihtunt utljutuut general, lu uhuryu of liendi'iuiu'tcriv Courage and Strength in Times of Danger. ' ' cead the 'warning between: the lines. What is that warn ing? It is of the danger from accumulation of Badness itv the blood, caused by the usual heavy living of the Winter months. Spring is the clearing, cleansing time of the year ; the forerunner of the brightness and beauty of glorious Summer Follow tho principle that Nature lays, down. Start In at onco and purify your blood with that great specific, Hood's. Sarsaparilla. Jt never disappoints. Tumors "A tumor as big as a largo marblo camo under my tonguo and instead of ' Hting my physician operate on It, I used. mv favorite spring tonic, Hood's Sarsapa rilla. The bunch snnn disappeared." Mrs. II. M. ConuiiN, 570 Mer'USt., Lowell, Mass. Rhoumotlsm "Ibad rheumatism for flvo years and ean consciculictisly say that Hood's tiursaimrllla has given mo cntiro relief. As a blood purlllcr It helped my children wonderfully." Mas. S. A. Saoah 83 Frnuklln Avenue, Passaic, N. J. jbod&$t Ilood'H I'lll euro liver Ilia; the non-lrrltatlne anfl' only cathartic to tuko with Hood's S.trsaiiarllln. AN ORDINARY OLD COIN. Bat It Served to IlrliiK Out the fnil liiKH of "Weak Iluuiniilty. "Say!" said the street car conductor to a. mild-mannered man who was deeply en grossed in his newspaper. "Say, young fel ler, 1 don't want this quarter. 1 can't use it." The mild-mannered man continued to hold out has hand for his cluuige, but paid no other attention to the conductor. "See lu'ic!" yelled the conductor, getting; red in the face, "you can't pass no quarter like that on me.' It's slick. 1 can't take ifc for more than 20 cents." The mild man looked up and said: "I'm sorry, because you gave me that very quar ter yourself last night, and I've been laying for you since. Well, give it here." He took the quarter and gave the conductor a nickel. As he took the quarter from the conductor he suddenly dropped his newspaper and, gave a chuckle. "Well, well!" he exclaimed; "here's IucU: Bless mc if that isn't an 18U2 quarter with 14 stars and an arrow. It's worth 3.82." He slipped it into his pocket with evidence of much satisfaction. A hungry-eyed man in the corner, who had overheard the conversation, jumped up audi said to the conductor: "Isn't that the very quarter T gave you yesterday morning? 1 missed that quarter. It was a pocketpiece and a valuable coin. I remember now that I gave it to you. I de mand it!" lie said, looking fiercely at the mild man. "If you are a gentleman you will give it to me." "It jsn't yours. You never gave it to mc. My wife gave me the coin by mistake; it's, part of a collection that's been in the fam ily since 1827!" yelled the conductor. "I tell you it's mine," said the hungry-eyed'. man an. 1 1ms they wrangled and quarreled all! the way downtown. Tso, said the mild man to a neighbor, aff he stepped from the car. "It's only a plain, ordinary old shiny quarter that I've been trying to pass off for a week. We were all lying. It's worth about 22 cents." Chicago, jnter Ocean. Father "Tommy, stop pulling that caf3r il." Tommy "I'm only holding the tail; ic oat's pulling it." London Tit-Uits. tail th There's no denying the fact that Boston is one of the has-beans. L. A. W. Bulletinu Slander is like mud; it only sticks wherei it fiuda affinity. Ham's Horn. iSSfcs j-5vi'?-TkW & li -Jl iv' j 7 it a t mm SMi: An Excellent Combination Tho pleasant method and beneficial effects of thu well known remedy.. Sviuji' of Fios, manufactured by thci Camkounia Fio Syiitji' Co., illustrate, tho value of obtaining tho liquid Inxa tivo principles of plants known to be-, medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to tho, taste and acceptable to the system. It . is tho ono perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing tho system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches aud fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its noting on tlio kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, mako it tho ideal lnxutlve. In tho process of manufacturing figs uro used, us they uro pleasant to tho taste, but tho medicinal qualities of the remedy uro obtained from hcnnii ami other aromatic plants, by u method known to tho Camvoiinma Fio Svium Co. only. In order to get its benolleinl effects and to avoid imitations, plensn remember the full iiuiiio of the Company printed on tho front of every puokugo. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAH rllANCIHCO, GAI tOUtaVIM.1!. KV. NEW YOUK, H. V. ForMlc ty nil IJniKuliU.r-l'rlcc KM. rcrlxMUn wTJUL I'JSSSBtMw jy. . -k ur7w?A, .a" mmmmsw&yj SssS&mEvB FES-"--1" lKV -e:Kl n r ! i T