Newspaper Page Text
'VKW '7TrnTT,Prr w!W ?.r.y1 y SISTER AtfAINST SISTER. KonxnMiiniil StiUoinent Miuln by Mr. l)r, lluycn In tli Ciiro of Mr, Holme, ClintxoU with Murtler. Dallas, Tex., .Tnn. 14. The most Im portant nnd sensntlonnl testimony yet given in the trial of Mrs. Carrie Holmes, charged with the murder of her hmdjand by poison, at Brown wood, was that of her sister. The -witness is the wife of Dr. T. Al. llnycs, the family physician of the Holmeses. Mrs. Hayes testified that, on returning from the funeral she and her sister rode alone in n carriage, and that Airs, llolmvs confessed to her that she had murdered her husband so that she might be free to marry .7. V. Hamlin. Airs. Hayes declared that she felt it to be her duty to testify to the confession of her sister, be cause expressions of suspicion had been made in certain directions that her husband, Dr. Huyes, had poisoned "Walter Holmes. ATTACKED BY A LAWYER. lloiilll unit Tiuiiiiioii, Proprietor of tlin Demur IMt, .Sorlmirfly Wounded In Tlmlr OIIIoii Snturdiiy. Denver, Col., .Inn. 14. Frederick G. Bonfils and II. II. Tammen, proprietors of the Evening Post, were both shot in their oillce at noon Saturday by V. W. Anderson, a prominent local at torney. It is not believed that either was 'mortally injured. Both were able to walk to carriages that carried them home. After the shooting An derson walked out of the oillee un molested, but. was later arrested. The exact cause of the shooting is not known. Anderson went to the odito ,rial rooms of the Post and entered the oiucc of Bontils and Tammen. It is understood that Anderson objected to something that had appeared in the Post and demanded ratraction, and that Bonfils and Tammen both attempted to put him out of the of fice. Then he commenced to shoot. THE SYSTEM ROTTEN. Becrwtnry Kant Will nt Oncn Ttifttltute Swi'cplnv: ltufornm In Ctili.i' Judl- i'lul mill 1'rUiui IHctlunl-t. Washington, Jan. 14. Secretary Boot has taken steps to institute at once sweeping reforms in the judicial system in Cuba, the animating pur )osc being to correct as soon as pos sible the Cuban prison abuses which have already been the subject of rep resentations to the war department. To accomplish this purpose, the sec retary has decided to appoint a com mission comprised of three Americans and equal number of Cubans. EVERY SOUL PERISHED. - At Lo:it Fifty Mull Winn I.oxt In tlin Wreclc of tlit Unknown Sti-.iiiinr lit St. JMiiry'H Hay. St. Johns, X. i!., Jan. 14. Bodies and wreckage from the unknown steamer, which was battered to pieces on a reef in St. Alary's bay continue to come ashore. Nothing has yet been found, however, that would lead to the ves sel's identity. Even if only a tender she would carry a crew of from 3.r to W) men. It. is certain that every soul aboard her perished. Honor to Unit. VU-tor Illno. New York, Jan. 14. Lieut. Victor Blue, of the. navy, was honored Satur day on board the battleship Alassa ehusetts, at the navy yard, by the women of South Carolina, the lieu tenant's native state, for his heroic work on land and water during the war with Spain. Ex-Ciov. Hugh S. Thompson, of South Carolina, pre sented the lieutenant with a gold medal. Credited with Tuiilvn Wlvc. Cheyenne, Wyo., Jan. 14. Ileber Kicks, who claims the states of Wy oming and Idaho as his place of res idence, is credited with having 12 wives, CO children and 200 grand children. It will not be necessary to state that this venerable disciple of the polygamist faith is a Mormon, for he is not only a Alormon to-day, but has been for CO years. lioturn for .Mure Mill". New Orleans, Jan. 14. The Tona, Corinthian and Kildona, l?ritish transports which took out eargos of mules to South Africa, have returned for more, which they have begun to load. The Corninthian took out 1.180 mules and lost 80 and the lona lost only 11 mules. The Kildona had an equally satisfactory trip. Kmlcrnntrt Sull for n Ctilmu Colony. New York, Jan. 15. About ICO col onists sailed Saturday by the steamer Yarmouth for Xuevitas, Cuba. On ar riving there they will journey 30 miles overland to the new town of !La Gloria, which has been founded "by the Cuban Land and Steamship company. This is the second party of emigrants to Cuba. My Knilovr Ottumwn with a I.llirry. Ottumwa, la., Jan. 15. Andrew Carnegie wjii probably endow Ot tumwa with a $50,000 library building-. The only restricting proviso is that the city vote a $5,000 annual tax to maintain uie institution. The city ' council lias tacitly agreed to puss an " ordinance to this effect. MORE ARMENIAN MASSACRES. Some Puirltlvci of 180S lie turn to Tnrkcy nnil llloodnliod Speed liy Follow. The reports havo come of the- renew al of massacres of Armenians in the Tillages of Ereroum, in Asia AUnor. The district of Alashglrd, in which they are said to havo taken place, is near the Busslan frontier, and is. one of thoso from which tho Arcmenian inhabitants wero able to escape across tho border at the timo of tho great massacres in. 1895, and subsequently. Until last spring tho Kussian govern ment allowed tho fugitives tho hospi tality of its territory among their fellow-countrymen who wero delivered from Turkish rule in 1878, but partly on account of tho burden of their maintenance and for political reasons, Mr. Zinovclff, the Kussian ambassador at Constantinople, was instructed to press on tho Turkish government the necessity for provision being mnde for their return to their abandoned homes. Tho Turkish government, however, represented that the villages and farms from which the Armenians hud fled, had been occupied by Kurds who refused to give them up to their original owners, and whom it could not expel by force, nnd that tho re turn of tho Armenians after to long an absence would infallibly rc3iilt in bloodshed. Under tho circumstances tho Kus sian government did not hi&fcY, on the refugees leaving its territory, but many drifted back and rejoined those who had survived tho great mas sacre of four years ago. lb is possible that matters might havo settled down but for tho action, of some revolutionary Armenians who crossed into Turkish territory during the past, autumn, and in the fighting that took place killed a number of Kurds, themselves losing many of their band. The massacre now re ported to have taken place in tho A lash gird district is declared by tho Turkish authorities to have been in revenge for tho killing of Kurds by the Armenians in tho raid nlluded to. Whatever the truth of the matter may be, tho lot of the unfortunate Ar menians in Asia AUnor, more particu larly in tho Kurdish districts, is un happy. They obtain no protection from the government to which they owe allegiance, and they are unwel come in the Kussian territory whero alone they can find sure refuge. Tho European governmentsregarding them as a disturbing clement in a part of the world where they all desire to see peace maintained, have long censed to take any account of their griev ances and complaints; and the r,ixty first article of the treaty of Berlin by which united Europe promised tho Armenians an amelioration of their condition lias long since become n dead letter. These hist massacres, therefore, receive only a passing no tice. N. Y. Sun. . Itcltiilvu to Hypocrisy. Sir Algernon West in his "Recollec tions" records tho rebuke given to the Norwich Bible society by Lord Orfprd. The sporting character of that nobleman was well understood and he himself was disgusted with the incongruousness of the choice, as the following extract from his reply shows: "I have long been addicted to the gaining table. I have lately taken to the turf. T fear I frequently blas pheme. But 1 have never distributed religious tracts. All this was known to you and your society, notwith standing which you think me a lit person to be your president. God for give your hypocrisy." Chicago Time-Herald. THE GENERAL MARKETS. Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 1G. CATTLE noef stuers J I 00 C SO Stockcrs !l CO (Ji G 70 Texuas a 25 p 4 K H0O8 a 40 u 4 75 SHKIdP a CO 4 75 WHEAT No. 2 red 6!) 70 No. 2 hard KJ C24 COIIN No. 2 mixed 20.f() 23; OATS No. 2 mixed 2a "Q 2StA 11YE No. 2....: GO FLOUU Patent, per bbl..,. :J 20 Up a S5 Straights 2 ! a 10 HAY -Choice timothy !t 00 liJOHl Kancy pralrlo 7 00 . 7 GO HIIAN (sacked) C2 (fp V2j, MUTTER Fancy to extra .. 20 24 CHEESE FuU cream 12&fi 13 EGC1S II & Hft POTATOES Homo prown... 05 Q 45 ST. LOUIS. CATTLE Beeves 3 70 C 65 Texans 2 40 4 SO HOGS Packers 4 f0 & 4 G5 BHKEP Muttons 4 TO 5 10 ELOUH Extra fancy 3 10 Of 2 15 WHEAT No. 2 red C7 70 CORN No. 2 mixed Mp 02 BYE-No. 2 G24 BUTTER creamery 25 '30 LAUD Prlmo steam 5 G7J. 5 70 PORIC , ,....10 25 11 87V4 CHICACJO. CATTLE-Beoves 4 00 G 40 UOGS-Mlxed and butchers. 4 GO 4 75 SHEEP Wothors 4 40 4 00 KLOUR Winter wheat .... 3 40 7 a GO WHEAT No. 2 red CG G7 CORN-No. 2 3Hi OATS-No. 2 22ft RYE .10 321j BUTTER Creamery 10 25 LARD 5 974 P-R1C 10 90 NEW YORK. CATTLE-Steers 4 R0 5 CO HOGS Good to choice 4 75 4 85 SHEICP Common to cholco 3 00 4 75 WIIEAT-No, 2 .rcdv. ,....,. 744 ,Wi. CORN-No, 2 ....I.; .K. 401 41 ' OATS-No, 2 , 23 Z3lA Jleiv Cnble Linen. Franco is absolutely dependent upon Eng-' land for news of tho Transvanl war, because ! the cables are under her control, and sho ia i ready to spend n vast sum of monev to free herself. This is like many people, who, after aliowinctlyspensjato seme upon them, spend a fortune secKing deliverance. Save your money and try llostcttcr's Stomach Bitters, the medicine which never fails to cure dy. pepsin, constipation, biliousness, malaria, fever and ague. r Altnorinnl. Alammy I wouldn't want no gal oh min to marry dat 'Sam Johnson. Ditiah Yo' wouldn't? "No. Why, dat fellah am jes' an crazy 'bout dress as a scnsihlo niggali ud bo 'bout watalnnilliona!" Puck. An Apiicnl to Iliminnlty (Jencrnlly. Wo need your assistance in announcing to the world the greatest remedy that Science has ever produced, and you need our assistance to secure relief for yourself nnd friends through SwanWs "5-MIOTS." As surely as tho American Navy has con quered and will conquer all that opposes it, so will "5-DIlOI'S" unfailingly conquer KheumatiBm, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Kidney Troubles, Lumbago, Catarrh of all kinds, Asthma, Dyspepsia, Backache, Slecplcts- ncss, Nervousness, Heart-Weakness, tooth ache, Earache, Bronchitis, etc. "5-DIlOl'S" is the name and the dose. Trial bottles J5e. Large bottles, containing 300 doses, $1.00 prepaid by mail or express. Six bottle for jo.OO. Write now, and the Swanson Illicit matic Cure Co., 104 Lake St., Chicago, 111., will immediately give your older attention. - For the Ilnllilny Trnilo. "What!" she exclaimed, "you want $2.50 for tins? Why, when I priced the samo thing here a month ago it was only $2.20." "Very likely," replied the honest ealcf man. "That was before we began our marked-down sale for tho holidays." Chi cago Post. Many People Cannot DrluU coffee at night. It spoils their sleep. You can drink Grain-0 when you please and sleep like a top. For Grain-0 does not stimulate; it nourishes, cheers and feeds. Yet it looks and tastes like the best codec. Eor nervous persons, young people and children Grain-0 is the perfect drink. Aladc from pure grains. Get a package from your grocer to-day. Try it in place of coffee. 15 nnd 125c. Energy n Factor. All things come to him who waits, but the fellow who hustles docs not have to wait so long. St. Louis Star. . The Million Dollar Pntnto. Arost talkcd-of potato on enrthj tho next is Sunlight; which is fit to eat in X days. Send this notice and Cc to .John A. Salzcr Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., for their great catalog. k A woman's way is to get the best of an argument and then cry as though her heart would break because she has done so. Philadelphia Times. m The Ilcxt Prescription for Clillln and Fever is abottlo or Giiovr.'s Tastklhss Ciiii.i.Tonic. Itis simply iroiinnil qutiitnciu u tasteless lortn. No euro -no pay. Pricc,50u. Clam chowder is often productive of the deepest melancholy. Chicago Daily News. To Cure a Cold In Onn Day Tako Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if It falls to cure. 5o. JVc always criticise; others find fault. Philadelphia Times. Millions of Womeo Us Cut icura Soap Exclusively for preserving, purifying, and beautifying tho skin, for cleansing tho scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and tho stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and healing red, rough, and soro hands, in tho form of baths for annoying irritations, inflammations, and chafings, or too freo or offensive perspiration, in tho form of washes, for ulcerativo weaknesses, and for many sanativo antiseptic purposes which readily sug gest themselves to women, and especially mothers, and for all tho purposes of tho toilet, bath, and nursery. No amount of persuasion can induco thoso who havo onco used it to uso any other, especially for preserving and purifying tho skin, scalp, and hair of infants, and children. Cuticura Soap combines delicato emollient properties derived from Cira cura, tho groat skin cure, with tho purest of cleansing ingredients and tho most refresh ing of flower odors. No other medicated or toilot soap ever compounded is to bo compared with it for preserving, purifying, and beautifying tho skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other foroign or domestic toilet soap, however expensive, is to bo compared with it for all tho purposes of tho toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it combines in One Soap at One Price, viz., Twenty-five Cents, tho ijsst skin and complexion soap, tho best toilot and best baby soap in tho world. KaTAll that has heon paid of Cuticura Soap may ho said with even greater omphaala of CtmcunA. Ointment, tbc most delicate and yet most efl'ectlve of emollients, and fjrcatcit of Hkln cures. Its use In connection with Cuticura Soap (as per directions around each fudcao), in the "Ox:: NiaiiT Cum: roit Soitu Hands," in tho "Instant Itnunp Tukatmknt fois Disfiguiunq Itciii.n'us and Iuiiitations," and in 'A Shampoo-roit. Falling Il.vnt, and Itching, Scaly," and in many uses too numerous to mention, 13 sulllclcut to provo its superiority over all other preparations for the shin. (pticura SET 5li2b ? w in'US Ireo llenfae-n Can not He Cured by local application-, as they cannot reach tho diseased portion of tho car. There is only one wny to cure deafness, and that ia by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mil cous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When this tube gels inilnmed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect heating, nnd when itis entirely closed deafness is tho result, nnd unless the inflammation can be taken out nnd this, tube icstorcd to its normal con dition, hearing will he destroyed forever; nine cases of of ten are caused by cntarrh, which Is nothing but nn inilnmed condition of the mucous surfnecs. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Denfnosa (caused by catarrh that cannot be cured hv Hall's Catntrh Cuic. Send for circit'ars, free. 1 ,1. CIiciipv & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's rnmily Pilla ate the best. AVoras n ii ! Their IStTrctn. "Do you believe ia the influence of single words nn a person's character? Some poet ical fellow lias advanced tho theory, you know." "Yes, I do. There's my wife, for in stance. She rises m the morning pale and listless. She picks up the morning paper. Suddenly her eye brightens, her faco flushes, her whole npppnrnncp changes, A single word has wroimht the niimclc." "What's the word?" "Bargains!" Cleveland Plain Dealer. Lnri;ct seed Grower In the World. The John A. Salzcr Seed Co., La Crosse. Wis., recently shipped Twenty thousand bushels of seed potatoes to Alabamn, FIoit da, Texas and other southern points. This firm is the largest grower of beed potatoes as also farm seeds in the world. Alcn who have committed no primes some times lie awal,e nightB nnd can't sleep, but the women don't believe it Atchison Globe. We refund 10c for every package of PUT NAM FADELESS J)Y US that falls to ijivo satisfaction. Alonroo Drug Co., Uuionviilc, AIo. Sold by all druggists. A man can't make his homo brighter by making light of his wife's trouble. Chicago Dispatch. I enn recommend Piso's Cure for Con sumption to sufferers from Asthma. E. D. Townsend. Ft. Howard, Wis., Alay , '01. your face Your skin covered pimples' rounh and blotchv? It's vour liver! Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure constipation, biliousness, and dyspepsia. 25c. All druggists. F Want your mouslucho or board a beautiful I urnnn or ncii dirck t xiirn nay BUCKINGHAM'S BYE IMS iimiiinin -V U1.U t-AU , " Wif Look at vourself! In wiih Complete External ancJ Brctcrnal Treatment for Evoiy Humeri ConsUUiiffofCUTlcmu So.vr (iV-..), to clcumu tlio Uln of oninta nnd bwiIuh ami roftcn tliu ttncUenod cutlclo, CutIcuka Ointment (.W;.), to Inauntly nl ay Itcliln;?, Jnlluntuiatlon. .mid Irrttiitlnn, ami bootlio nml lien, ami CUTicua.1 Unsoi.VK.NT (W)c), to wo nntt climtiBo tins liluuil. A Si.oi.i: Sirr In oftun uulllclunt to euro tho most wgrW U sa COX iftiu:, A tssy is SWirsm PSnkhantm Hon H;seat corrospondonco is unsSoo hoi own svswi vision Evopy woman on this cantittOBst should tmdlar- stasnsi that sho can writo fosaiy to Mrs Pinkham shout foes gthysica9 co dStionE3coaus9 MssB Pank- ham is amxS hocawso illo'Sa PEstk foatva mqvgs violates con fsdanso ami because) sho knows ntoro about tho ills of woman than any oiSasr person in this country B.ys5Ss3 Em Pinkham's Vegctablo Compound has cui'ed a annlSion sick wo mena Every sssiicjhboi fooodp &Bnt)Qst ovcry family? contains women relieved of pain by this great medicine MILLIONS OF ACRES now nponi'rt for ncUlonipnt In Wctcru Vuiiuilit. uuro m KIU1TII HI" emu- united No. 1 llnrclVVlK'iU, which lirlims Uio lUKlicut prlco In tho mnrkot or tho world. 'J'hoiiKtuiila of emtio nro fnttcneil foe mnrkoLurltlioii Dicing fed Kmlii.nntUvlllioutailiijr'B kliollur. timid for lnfor iimtlou nuil hoouro n freo homo In WnMorn Canada. Wrlto tlioHiiiiurlntondentof ImnilKriitlon, Ottawa, or nddroKB tlio Umlcrtiluned, who will mall you atlascB, jHUiuihlotH, olo.. tteoof coat. K. l'KDM.Y, Huit. of liimilkTiilloii. (Htnwii, Unnndiii or to .1.8. UliAWKOltn, HMWoat Ninth HI., IUuimin City, Mo. W.V.UBNNCTT, MI1N. Y. I,lfol!ld.,Oinulia,Nob. VIRGINIA FARMS for SALE-Good land, good nclulililiora, ecliooU ami cliurclim convenient. Jllhl, rolil. lumiinvcjiniuie, iron irom oxireiiimor noui nonmiKi loiftio. l.nw prirm nniiimnr ivnnn. wrno ir irrocniA- H. 11. CIIAKF1N A CO. (Inc.), HlCllMONU, Viu FUN AND MYSTERY MS'ySlS whorovor Introducod. Anr boyenn noil twodOiaa ntnrliool. Sninplo IDclR. To nuotitsHlotN. udoxon. UUNKUlt MFU. CO., fill lllvor Blroot, CU1CAUO. rlEXrfcOCV kw ihscovkuy; Bi7ca OirelT I aiilclcrcllcfandcurmworfl cnM-'n. Hook f tent Imoiilnln nnil l dn' trntmnt Kreo Il.dllKKN'a MONH, lloxl), Atlnl,tt. A. N. K.-l) 1796 AVIIKN tVKITINO TO ADVEHTINKICH pli-iiko lute that you uw tho AdvcrlUo. incut In till pmier. fiiolu lro;s., Vailon. Cvud for "A Book . Slit .1 4 i "B ii ii m '- ' u.. -aj -. fit-.'AiiiAiinWiSiAiiui tisJuual