fW:' *
Mr. and Mra. John Smith are rt*
jolcing over a son born Nov. 12th.
Mother and baby are getting along
Mr. and Loyd Kriter are the proud
parents of a son, born Sunday morn
ing, Nov. 9tb. Mother and son are
doing tine.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Duffey of
Petersburg were in the city Tuesday,
having come up to attend the wed
ding of Mrs. Duffey’s sister, Miss
Margaret Holland.
A special meeting of she Royal
Highlanders will be held next Mon
day evening at 8 o’clock. Deputy M.
M. Mosrlsey and wife will be present
and all members are requested to at
tend.— E. M. Merrlman, Illustrious
Miss Alice Ooykendall returned last
week from South Dakota, where she
has been holding down a homestead
the past summer. Miss Alice will re
main In O’Neill this winter and will
engage In the dressmaking busslness
In this city.
The seven months old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burge died at
their home In this city last Wednes
day morning, after an Illness of three
months. The funeral will be held
this after noon at 2:30, Interment in
the Protestant oemetary.
Nick White of Omaha was in the
city last Saturday, looking after busi
ness affairs. Mr. White has purchased
a home In Omaha and will probably
make thatolty his permanent home,al
though he still thinks there Is no spot
on this universe as good as old Holt.
The members of the local lodge or
the Degree of Honor will hold a re
ception at the K. 0. Club rooms next
Friday evening at 8 o’clock In honor
of Mrs. Oleaver, grand ohlef of honor,
who will be In the city on that date.
All members of the local lodge are re
quested to be present.
Mrs. Arthur Oowperthwalte left
this morning for Columbus, Neb,
where she will visit for a few days
with her aunt, then to Beaver Cross
ing where she will visit her mother
for a short while when she will be
joined by Mr. Oowperthwalte and
they will proceed to Long Beach,
California, for the winter.
Mrs. Rate Shaw and family drove
over from Tonowanda to visit Mr.
Shaws mother for a few days then on
to visit her father and mother, Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Wolf. Mr. Wolf expects
to leave soon for Louisiana where he
has extensive real estate. Mrs. Wolf
will remain here while a couple of
the boys will accompany the father.
M. O. Coffman, who has been hold
ing down a homestead in Colorado
the past year, arrived in the city last
Monday morning and will spend the
winter here with friends and rela
tives. Mr. Coffman is in love with
the section of Colorado in which he
lives and is of the opinion that they
will have a great country there when
it becomes developed.
County Judge Carlon left last Sun
day morning for Chicago where he
will spend a week or ten days visiting
friends and relatives. The Judge was
a resident of Chicago some thirty-five
or forty years ago and likes to make
__-.1 „: __i ..it... t... !
Uli uuiiuui vv Viiwu viu; uw
see what old land marks are left. Dur
ing his absence L. C. Chapman is act
ing as county judge and Lewis is till
ing the position with dignity.
Ewing Advocate: O. K. Wright
suffered a severe loss last Thursday
evening by having his auto totally
destroyed by fire. He was on his way
home from town and in traveling a
straw covered road the machine
gathered up such a quantity of the
covering that it became stalled. In
trying to back, the straw took lire
from the exhaust and the whole was a
mass of tlames in a few seconds. All
wood and rubber were consumed.
William B. Brittlan, the genial dis
penser of tiquods at Arthur Ryan’S
popular emporium, left for a couple of
weeks vacation the latter part of last
month and improved the opportunity
while away to join the ranks of the
benedicts. He was united in marri
age on November 1st at Columbus,
Nebr., to Miss Bessie Shull of Central
City, Nebr. They arrived home last
Sunday evening and are living in the
old Skirvlng home on Fourth street.
Billies many O’Neill friends extend
congratulations to himself and bride.
The Commonwealth, a small news
paper Issued by the Commonwealth
Insurence Company of Omaha for the
benefit of their agents and customers,
in its last issue contained the follow
ing regarding two former O’Neill
men, who are dow in the employ of
that company: “The two Drs. Mullen,
G. M. and W. H. of Creighton and
Bloomfield 'respectively, are writing
from $30,000 to $35,000 each every
month. Each has an auto, which
greatly facilitates writing business.
They are certainly mrklng a record
for themselves as well as the com
Cause of Insomnia.
The most common cause of Insomnia
is disorders of the stomach and con
stipation. Chamberlain’s Tablets
correct these disorders and enable you
to sleep. For sale by all dealers. Adv
Card of Thanks.
We desire to extend our heartfelt
thanks to the many kind friends and
neighbors whoso kindly assested us
during the death and burial of our
beloved husband and father.
Mrs. L. Finnigau and children.
Farm Loans.
I have a good strong Farm Loan
Company with plenty of money to
loan on ranches and farms. If you
want a loan on your place, ljust write
me a letter and 1 will go out and see
you. Write to 16-13
Adv. Joel Parker, O’Neill, Neb.
■ 111 ' 1 ■ - ■ ■ - ———————————
Dressmaking School
In O’Neill
Come to the McCafferty building,
second door from Doty &. Jordan
Monday Afternoon and all Day
November 17 and 18
; There will be a demonstration every
half hour of the
Boughman Adjustable
Dressmaking System
Come and see for yourself and be
I convinced of our superior method.
Everybody welcome.
Josie Neiers, O'Neill.
Think This Over
Let us do your Laundry
work. It makes no difference
what the weather is, hot or
cold, raining, windy, it is al
ways done in the same time
and the same way. We do
everything systematcally, we
guess at nothing, every thing is
weighted and measured, that
assures satisfaction and quality.
O’Neill Sanitary Laundry
Phone 209
Corn cribs at Brennan’s. 18-tf
Shoveling boards at Brennan’s. 18-tf
Second hand stove pipe at Bren
nan’s. 20-tf
Maybe its on the 9c counter at Bren
nan’s. 20-tf
Shoveling boards $1.85 at Bren
nan’s. 20-tf
Dr. Corbett, dentist, in O’Neill
every day. 15-tf
All kinds of buskers supplies at
n* «(
uiuiuiu'j a. *w-v»
Any kind of a lump chimney at
Brennan’s for 9 cents. 22-tf
Wanted—Girl for general house
work—Mrs. P. D. Mullen. 21-tf
For Sale—A medium size hard coa
burner, in good condition.—Dr E T
Wilson. 20 If
Wanted—A school girl to work for
board and go to school.—Miss Mary
McLaughlin. 22-2p
Fine Candles and Hot Chocolate.—
McMillan & Markley’s Bakery and
Candy Kitchen. 22-tf.
Wanted—Every person in the coun
ty to read The Frontier, Holt county’s
best newspaper.
Star Brand Shoes are better, no
substitute for leather ever used. For
sale by Fred Alberts 51-tf
Try Frank and Vince Suchy’s tailor
shop for French Dry Cleaning. Their
work can’t be beat. 1-tf.
For Sale—My residence property in
the west part of town. Six lots well
improved.—R. H. Madison. 48-tf
On Christmas Day we are going to
give away a bicycle and a parlor clock.
Ask us for particulars.—J. 0. Horis
key. 21-3
Lost—Tws weeks ago last Tuesday,
on the streets of O’Neill, a light grey
overcoat. Finder please leave at this
office and receive reward.
Own your own home. Monthly
optional payment plan. Call on
John L. Quig, O'Neill. 18-tf
Ask us about our bicycle and parlor
clock that we are going to give
away on Christmas Day.—J. C. Hor
iskey. 21-3
Roomers Wanted—I have a few
furnished rooms to rent in the old
Skirving house.—Mrs. G. E. Law
rence. 16-tf
For Sale—As I havejdeclded to leave
the city will offer at private sale all
my household goods. Goods must be
sold at once.—Mrs. Lawrence Finni
gan. 22-1
We are going to give away a bicycle
and a parlor clock on Christmas Day.
Ask us about particulars.—J. C. Hor
iskey. 21-3
For Sale—As I have decided to
leave the city will offer at private sale
all my household goods. Goods must
be sold at once.—Mrs. Lawrence
Finnigan. 22-1
Our 4*1 is torn firs will havp an nnnnr.
tunity to secure a bicycle and a parlor
clock free on Christmas Day. A*k us
for particulars of these gifts.—J. C.
Uoriskey. 21-3
For Sale—Two choice full blooded
Duroc Jersy male hogs. Also have a
full blooded Belgium stallion that I
will sell or trade.—Fred P. Wood,
Route 1, O’Neill. 22 2p.
WTe do French Dry Cleaning in our
shop for all ladies and gentlemen's
garments. Nothing but first class
work turned out. At Frank and Vince
Suchy’s tailor shop. 1-tf
Taken Up—At my place seven miles
north and two miles east of O’Neill,
three head of horses. Owner can
have same by proving property and
paying for the cost of advertising, etc.
—J. P. Sullivan. 22-tf
For Sale—The Ferdinand Kreuger
farm. Tills is the southwest quarter
of sec. 17, twp. 25, range 11. Price,
132 50 per acre. For particulars see
A. E. Kreugar, Chambers, Neb. 21-8
We are now prepared to do your
draying and transfer work and would
appreciate your business. Any time
you are in need of a dray call phone
210.—O’Neill Transfer Co., Walmer &
Hall, Proprietors. 21-3
Ouart’s Photo car Is now open.
Photo cards and Portraits. Photo
car stands in between O Neill Nation
al bank and Nebraska State bank
building. Call and see me—F. E.
Ouart, Photographer, O’Neill. 21-2p
Declare War on Colds.
A crusade of education which aims
“ that common colds may become un
common with the next generation’’
oas been begun bv prominent New
York physicians. Here is a list of the
“don’ts” which the doctors say will
prevent the annual visitation of the
‘ Don’t sit in a draughty car.”
‘‘Don’t sleep in hot rooms.”
“Don’t avoid the fresh air.”
“Don’t stuff yourself at meal time
Overating reduces your resistance.”
To which we would add—when you
take a cold get rid of it as quickly as
possible. To accomplish that you iind
Chamberlain.s Cough Remedy most
excellent. Sold by all dealers. Adv.
(First publication Nov. 13)
Order of Hearing on Original Probate
of Will.'
State of Nebraska, Holt county, ss.
At a county court1 field at the coun
ty court room, in and for said county,
on the 11th day of November, A. D.
Present, L. C. Chapman, acting
county judge.
In the matter of the estate of Rolla
F. Miner, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of Julia M Miner praying that the
instrument, tiled on the 11th dav of
November, 1913, and purporting to be
the last will and testament of the
said deceased, may be proved, approv
ed, probated, allowed and recorded as
the last will and testment of the said
Rolla F. Miner, deceased, and that
the execution of said instrument may
be committed and the administration
of said estate may be granted to Julia
M Miner, wife of deceased, as execu
Ordered, that Friday the 5' h day of
December, .\ D inis, at 10 o’clock a.
rn , is assigned for hearing said peti
i ion, when all persons interested in
said matter may appear at a county
court to be held in and for said coun
ty and show cause why the prayer of
petitioner should not be gram ed; and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and the hearing thereof, he
given to all persons interested in said
matter by publishing a copy of this
order in The Frontier, a weekly
newspaper printed in said county, for
three successive weeks, prior to said
day of hearing.
(Seal) L. O. CHAPMAN,
22-3 Acting County Judge.
supervisors rroceeaings.
(Continued from last week.)
from tlie high school Rind of district
No. 232 to the general fund of said
district. F. O. Hammerburg’
fl. W. Tomlinson,
Motion carried
Stuart, Nebr., Sept. 3, 1913.
To the Honorable Board of Commis
sioners of Holt county, Nehr.
Please have county treasurer to
transfer all high school funds remain
ing in bis hands from tax levies be
fore and up to 1913, in school district
No. 58, to general fund of same dis
trict No. 58, Holt county, Nebr.
M. Fuller, Treas. Dist. 58.
O’Neill, Nebr., Sept. 9, 1913.
Mr. Chairman: I move you that
the county treasurer be instructed to
transfer the amount of $212.51, now in
high school fund in district No. 58, to
general fund of said district, accord
ing to request of district treasurer.
D. M. Stuart,
J. (O. Hubbell.
Motion carried.
Mr. Chairman: I move you that all
practicing physicans in the county be
and are hereby appointed health ofli
cers in their respective districts and
the county clerk is hereby ordered to
notify the same of their appointment.
C. A. Fauquier,
F. O. Hammerberg.
Motion carried.
O’Neill, Nebr , 1913.
Mr. Chairman: I move that the
county clerk be instructed to draw an
order of $30 on the county treasurer in
favor of Mrs. Mary Farley, in Atkin
son township, in accordance with the
order of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska.
D. M. Stuart
C A Fauquier
Id the District Court of Holt county,
State of Nebraska. Plaintiff,
Mrs. Mary Farley, et al, Defendants
Now on this 9th day of September,
1913, the above cause came on to be
heard upon the petition and evidence
« » aI a r . . I 1 a m /I a a m a! a f a hnn R a i n .v
had in the matter the court finds that,
the allegations of the petition are
The court further finds that the
children of Mrs. Mary Farley, namely:
John Farley, Velma Farley, Edna
Farley, Ellen Farley and Ettie Farley
are dependent children and that their
parent, Mrs. Mary Farley, is a poor
woman and unable to properly care
for said children, and that their
father is deceased.
The court further finds that the
mother, Mrs Mary Farley, is a proper
guardian and that it is for the best
welfare of said children that they re
main at home under the care and in
the custody of their mother.
It is Therefore Considered and Ad
judged by tlie Court that there be
paid to the mother, Mrs. Mary Farley,
for the support and care of said child
ren the following sums, to-wit:
On the tenth day or September
thirty and no 100 ($30.00) dollars; on
tenth day of October, thirty and no
100 ($30.00) dollars and on the tenth
day ol November, forty and no 100
($40 00) dollars; and that a copy of
this order be delivered to the county
board as their authority for the pay
ment of said sums. By the Court.
It. It. Dickson, Judge,
On motion board adjourned until 9
o’clock tomorrow morning.
Th. D. Sievers, chairman.
S. F. McNichols, county clerk.
O’Neill, Neb., Sept. 10, 1913, 9 a. m.
Board met pursuant to adjournment)
all members present.
Mr. Chairman: Your committee
appointed to look over supervisor’s
Must be Watchful
For great efforts are being made in
this vicinity to sell baking powders of
inferior class, made from alum acids
and lime ph osphates, both undesir
able to those who require high-grade
cream of fer'^r baking powder to
c can and healthful food.
The official Government
tests have shown Royal
Baking Powder to be a
pure, healthful, grape
cream of tartar baking
powder, of highest
strength, and care should
be taken to prevent the
substitution of any
other brand in its place.
Royal Baking Powder costs only a
fair price per pound, and is cheaper
and better at its price than any
other baking powder in the world.
district No. 6 to see what bridges
were needed. We beg leave to report
that we find there is a 16 foot bridge
needed on section line one half mile
north of Atkinson between sections
7 and 8, and 29 and 14, and we find
there are two bridges needed on sec
tion line between 10 and 11, 29, 15, we
would recommend that the bridges
between sections 10 and 11 will not be
put in until the section line is grad
ed up. J O Hubbell,
D M Stuart,
F O Hammerturg.
On motion report of committee
was accepted.
To the Honorable Board of Super
visors of Holt county, Nebr.
I was erroneously assessed on the
wl of the nwi, sec 2, 26, 13, el of nwl,
sec 3. 26, 13, for the year 1912, both
being assessed at $2400 each, which
should have been $800 each, having
paid the taxes on this land I respect
fully ask you to grant me a refund for
the amount over paid.
Gotleib Nieman.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 17th day of May, 1913.
W J Doherty, Notary Public.
My commission expires April 4,
1916. (Seal)
To the Honorable Board of Super
visors of Holt county, Nebi.
Gentlemen: In making the assess
t\ ~~~7j
Bargain Day
Now is t*ne time to subscribe or
renew your subscription to the
T wentieth
Century Farmer
Subscription Price $1.50 per year
Pay your subscription now for the
> whole of next year and we will give
you the balance of this year free.
pays your subscription to
January 1, 1915.
This bargain day offer closes Dec, 1.
- Send us your subscription at once and
get the full benefit of our free offer
Do it now—today
l-' ~ I
ment for 1912, I made a mistake in
the assessment of the following des
cribed lands: W^nwi, sec'2, 26, 13,
and the ei nwj, of 3, 26, 13, I assessed
it at $39 per acre and it should have
been $10, therefore, I recommend that
you make the change.
W R Bell, Assessor for Chambers
Substribed and sworn to before me
thi821st day of July, 1913.
W J Doherty, Notary Public.
(Seal) Commission expires Apr 4, 1916.
Mr. Chairman: Whereas it appears
to the satisfaction of the board that
an eiror was made in the assessment
of Gotleib Nieman on the wi nwj, 2,
26, 13, the ei nei, 3, 26, 13, for the
year 1912, therefore I move that the
prayer of the petition be granted and
the county clerk be and hereby is in
structed to issue a refund warrant for
$34.56, the amount erroneously paid,
and to correct lire tax list by chang
ing the valuation from $30 to $10 per
acre in accordance with the sworn
statement of Wr R Bell, precinct as
sessor of Chumber precinct.
C A Fauquier,
M P Sullivan.
Motion carried.
On motion board adjourned until 1
o’clock p. m.
Th. D. Sievers, chairman.
S. F. McNichols, county clerk.