Newspaper Page Text
» tff** r~- ' *• — -T " ■ r-~' - We Like to Sell Zipp Coal Because it Gives Satisfaction Economical people burn it because It is reasonable in price. Particular people burn it because it givei better results and burns with little SOOT. Try it. Phone your order today. 0. O. SNYDER Pnone 32 O’Neill ALFALFA LAND. The Prince of Monaco was amazed at the “Twenty Miles of countless stacks of alfalfa” on both sides of the Burlington through the Government Shoshona Project near Powell, Wyo., and was further surprisep to learn that all this wonderful development had taken place within five years. FARMERS ARE MAKING MONEY feeding this alfalfa to sheep, beef steers, dairy cows and hogs—thd easiest and most profitable kind of farm ing. 60 WITH ME TO THE Rig HORH BASIN and file os one of these Govern ment irrigated homesteads where alfalfa means money. YOU HAVE TEN YEARS TIME without interest to repay the Government the actual cost of water right and you have plenty of water for ir rigation. You pay down $4.70 per acre and then skip two years before next payment. Write for map and particulars. 0, CLEM DEAVER Immigration Agent 10M Tamm Street, Omaha, Nebraska Wright & Brewer 1 The Up-To-Date Auctioneers I We cry sales anytime or anywhere and guarantee satisfaction, r Big ranch sales a specialty. For dates see any of the O'Neill banks, I or 'phone us at Ewing, Nebr._ This is to certify that Wright & Brewer cried our sale H on our ranch, on Dec. 13, 1911, amounting to $23,000.00 in three hours and five minutes. We were very much pleased p j and would gladly reccomend them. Fisher & Berigan O’Neill Harness Shop John L. Sciimelkr, Prop. Successor to J. H. Davison Harness Repairing a Specialty. Harness Made to Order Prices are right. Come in and I will convince you. Will also |l carry a complete line of flynets, covers, collars, saddles, top I dusters, pads and everything pertaining to the trade. y Dr. E. T. Wilson PHYSICIAN and SURGEON •RKCiATUta: CYR. CAR. Noac AND THROAT pMtaal.i oorr.etlT fltt.d And SupplUd. Office and RelldenOe—Rooms No. 1, and 3, Naylor Block 0*NRILL. NRB. A a. iiRRtid AWtiitt CoRyin Title Abstractors Office in First National Bank Bldg dr. Jk P. GILLIGAN Physician and Surgeon Special attention given to DI8EASE8 OF WOMEN, DISEASES OF THE FYE AND CORRECT FITTING OF QLAS8ES First publication Oct. 23. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale, direct ed to me from the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, on a judgment obtained before R. R. Dick son, judge of the Fifteenth Judicial district in and for Holt county, Ne braska, on the 14th day of October, 1912, in favor of J. A. Oowperthwaite and A. L. Oowperthwaite, as plain tiffs, and against Frank F. Boggs and Maggie A. Boggs, his wife, and J. J. Harrington, as defendants, for the sum of Sixty-three hundred seventy dollars and ninety cents, and costs taxed at $44.50, and accruing costs, 1 have levied upon the following real estate taken as the property of said defendants, to satisfy said order of sale, to-wit: The northeast quarter (ne*), of sec tion eighteen (18), in township twenty-nine (29), north of range eleven (11). west of the Sixth Prin cipal Meridian, in Holt county, Ne braska, and will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the 24th day of November, A. D 1913, in front of the court house, in O’Neill, Nebraska, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill, Holt county, Ne braska, this 22nd day of October. 1913. FT. D. GRADY. 19 5 Sheriff of Said County. ■a——OWMili ~' .. i —» First publication Oct. 16. Sheriff’s Sale. By virtue of an order of sale direct ed to me trom the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree rendered by said court on the 19lli day of June, 1912, in favor of the Durland Trust company as plaintiff and against J. F. McMahon, Myrtle E. McMahon, A. O. Savage, trustee, Nye Scbneider-Fowler company, J. 11. Faubion and the Warder, Bushnell & Gleasner company as defendants, for the sum of *4,016.68, *48.70 and *367.65, found to be first liens on the following described real estate, to-wit: The southwest quarter and the south half of the northwest quarter of section 17, township 29, north of range 12, west of the Sixth principal meridian, in liolt couuty. Nebraska, and the further sums of *2,292.40, *26 25 and *208 75, which last named sums were found to be tirst liens upon the following de scribed premises, to-wit: The north west quarter of section 19, township 29, north range 12, west of the Sixth principal meridian, in ilolt county, Nebraska; also on a judgment in favor of the defendant Nye-Schneider Fowler company and against the de fendant, J. F. McMahon, for the sum of *43.10, which judgment was found to be a second lien against the south west quarter and the soutli half of tile northwest quarter of said section 17; also on a decree in favor of the de fendant, A. O. Savage, trustee, and against the defendants, J.F. McMahon and Myrtle E. McMahon, for tire sum of *15,820.12, which is found to be a second lien on the northwest quarter of said section 19, and a third lien on tiie southwest quarter and the south half of northwest quarter of said section 17; also a decree in favor of the defendant, J. H. Faubion and against the defendant, J. F. McMahon, Hw, ^ 9 cfiOA OU. S „ favor of the defendant. Warder, Bushnell & Glessner company, and against thedefendant, J. F McMahon, for the sum of $190 00, which said amounts were found to he third lien against the northwest quarter of said section 19, and fourth liens on thesaid southwest quarter and south half of the northwest quarter of said section 17, of equity priority Said decree al so including costs taxed at $118.85 and accruing costs. By virtue of said decree and order of sale 1 have levied upon all of said decrlbed real estate as the property of said defendants,.!. F. McMahon and Myrtle E. McMahon, to satisfy said decree and order of sale, and will oiler same for sale, in separate tracts, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, on the 17th day of November, 1913, at the front door of the court bouse in the city of O’Neill, Holt county, Ne braska, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m of said day when and where due at tendance will be given by the under signed. Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, October 16, 1913. H. D. GRADY, 18-5 Sheriff of Said County. First publication Oct 30. Legal Notice. John Wentland and Kate Wentland, his wife; Gusta Clatfe and Edward Clalfe, her husband; Rosa Burwell and John Burwell, her husband; Leo Nap ralski and Leona Napralski, his wife; Stanislow Napralski and Anna Nap ralski, tils wife; Peter Wentland and Mary Wentland (real name unknown), ills wife; Hattie Doe nee Hattie Wentland (present real name un known) and John Doe (real name un known) her husband; George Went land, Frank Wentland, Frances Went land, a minor; Mamie Wentland, a minor; Dorothy Wentland, a minor; and Ladislaus Napralski, a minor, defendants, will take notice that on the 27th day of October, 1913, the plaintiff, John Rosno, filed his peti tion In the district court of Holt coun ty, Nebraska, against you and each of you, the object and prayer of which is to quiet and confirm in the plaintilf the title to the northeast quarter (ne±), of section thirty-two (32), township twenty-six (26), and range nine (9), west of the Sixth Principal Meredian in Holt county, Nebraska, and to exclude you and each of you from anv t.n. lipn nnnn nr int.prest. in said real estate. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, Decem ber 8, 1913. 20 4 JOHN ROSNO, Plaintiff. By Hodgkin & Power, IDs Attorneys First publication Oct. 23. Sheriff’s Sale. By virtue of an order of sale, direct ed to me from the clerk of the district court of Hoit county, Nebraska on a judgment obtained before R. R. Dick son, judge of the Fifteenth Judicial district in and for Holt county, Ne braska, on the 9th day of December, 1912, in favor of The Bank of Dakota City, a corporation, as plaintiff, and against Charies T. Allen, Mary S. Allen, his wife, Mary Baumgardner, and The Dakota Mortgage Loau Cor poration, as defendadts, for the sum of Six hundred twenty-four dollars and thirty-one cents, and costs taxed at $41.00, and accruing costs, 1 have levied upon the following real estate taken as the property or said defen dants, to satisfy said order of sale, to-wit: The south half of the northwest quarter (si nwi), of section thirty (30), township thirty-two (32), range ten (10). west of the Sixth P. M. in Holt county, Nebraska, and will offer tne same for sale to the highest bidder for cash, In hand, on the 24th day of November, A. I). 1913, In front of ttie court house in O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, at the hour of 10 o’clook a. m. of said dav, when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill, Holt county, Ne braska, this 22nd day of October. 1913. H. D. GRADY, 19-5 Sheriff of Said County. First publication Oct. 23, Sheriff’s Sale. By virtue of an order of sale, direct ed to me from the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, on a judgment obtained before R. R Dick son, judge of the Fifteenth Judicial district in and for Holt county, Ne braska, on the 9th day of December, 1912, in favor of The Durland Trust Company as plaintiff,and against John A. Vankirk and O’Neill National bank as defendants, for the sum of Four hundred thirteen dollars and forty-five cents, and costs taxed at *22 25, and accruing costs, 1 have ] levied upon the following real estate i taken as the property of said cfcefen- ] dants, to satisfy said order of sale, i to-wit: The west half of the southwest quar- i ter (wi sw±), of section nine (9), town- | ship thirty (30), north of range eleven ; (11), west of the Sixth P. M in Holt i county, Nebraska, and will offer the i same for sale to the highest bidder for | cash, in hand, on the 24th day of No vember, A. D. 1913, in front of the court house, in O’Neill, Nebraska, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m. of said i day, when ard where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill, Holt county, Ne braska. this 22nd day of October, 1913. H. D GRADY, 19 5 Sheriff of Said County. __i First publication Oct. 23. Probate Notice. October 22, 1913. In the matter of the estate of Levi B Fuller, deceased: Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceasen will meet the j administrator of said estate, before ' me, county judge of Holt county, Ne- ' braska, at the county court room in said county,on the 22nd day of Novem- ! ber,1913, on the 23rd day of February , 1914, and on the 22nd da v nf Mv, 1914 at lOo’clocka. m. each d.<y, lor the purpose of pr, tyM iiig their claims for 1 examination, adjustment and allow ance. Six months, from November 22, 1913, are allowed for creditors to present their claims, and one year for the administrator to settle said estate, from the 22nd day of October, 4913. ' After six months from November 22, 1913, all claims barred. This notice will be published in The Frontier, for four weeks successively, prior to the 22nd day of November, 1913 (Seal) THOMAS-CARLON, 19 4 County Judge. (first publication Oct. 20) Notice. in the county court of Holt county, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Mary Leighty, deceased. To all persons interested in said estate: You are hereby notified that on the 30th day of October, 1913, Clinton A Townsend, administrator witli the will annexed of the estate of Mary Leighty, deceased, filed in said court his final account as said administrator with the will annexed and a petition for final settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate; that the said final account and petition for final settlement and distribution will be heard on the 22nd day of November, 1913, at 10 o’clock a. m., at the county court room in O’Neill, in said county, at which time and place any person interested in said estate may appear and show cause, if such exists, why such final account should not be approved and a decree of distribution made of the residue of said estate in the possession of said administrator with the will annexed. It is hereby ordered that a copy of this notice be published for three suc cessive weeks in The Frontier a news paper, printed and published in said county. Dated this 30th day of October, 1913. [Seal] THOMAS CAIILON, 203 County Judge. (First Ptblication Nov. 0) Legal Notice. Gilbert L. Wiard, Mrs. Gilbert L Wiard, his wife, real name unknown, BernHard Mattern, otherwise de scribed as BernHard Matters, Mattie Mattern, whose real name is Pbillip plne Mattern, Ford and Keith of Sioux City, Iowa, a partnership, the unknown heirs of Francis F. Ford, deceassd, and the unknown devisees "f Francis F. Ford, deceased, and Jonas II. Keith will take notice that on the 1st day of November, A. D 1913, George Devlin as plaintiff tiled hiu nat.i fr.inn nnfl pnmmoni*orl QPhnn in the district court of Holt county, Ne braska, against you and each of you as defendants, and the object and prayer of said petition and action are wholly to exclude you from all interest in, title to, lien or claim upon the real estate hereinafter described, to-wit: The southwest quarter of section one, and the south half of section two, and the north half of the northeast quar ter of section eleven and the norih half of the northwest quarter of section twelve, in township thirty two, north of range fourteen, west of the Sixth Principal Meridian, and to adjudge and decree the plain tiff to be the owner in fee simple thereof and of every part thereof and to quiet and confirm the title thereto in the plaintiff. The plaintiff alleges in his petition that lie is the owner in fee simple of said premises and every part thereof free and clear of all incumbrance aud that you have no interest in, title to, lien or claim upon , said premises or any part thereof: and , he further prays for an injunction for ever enjoining you from ever assert- ; sng such right, title, claim or demand and for general relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 15th day of December, A. D. 1913, or the prayer of the petition will ne granted. 214 E. II. WHELAN, Attorney for Plaintiff. (First publication Nov. 6) Legal Notico. The unknown heirs of Thomas Me- ; Donough, deceased, the unknown devisees of Thomas McDonough, de ceased, Mary McDonough, her real i name unknown, John Doe, real name unknown, and Mary Doe, real name unknown, will take notice that on the i 29th day of October, 1913, J P. Golden < as plaintiff Hied his petition and com- i menced action in the district court of i Holt county, Nebraska, against you < and each of you as defendants, and < the object and prayer of said petition and action are wholly to exclude you from all interest in, title to lien or i claim upon the real estate hereinafter ] described, to-wit: Lots nine and ten in block twelve, in the original town I of O’Neill, Nebraska, situated on the < northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section thirty, in < township twenty-nine, north of! I range eleven, west of tlie Sixth Prin-, < clpal Meredlan. and to adjudge and ' decree the plaintiff to be the owner in | fee simple thereof and of every part 1 thereof and to quiet and confirm the I title thereto in the plaintiff. The : blaintifl alleges In his petition that le Is the owner In fee simple of said iremises and every part thereof free md clear of all Incumbrance and that mu have no iuterest in title to, lien >r claim upon said premises or any >art thereof; and he further prays for in injunction forever enjoining you rom ever asserting such right, title, ilaim or demand and for general re lef. You are required to answer said >etition on or before the 15th day of December, A. D. 1913, or the prayer if the petition will be granted. 21-4 E. H. WHELAN, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication Nov. fi. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. Stanley S. McCutchan and Mable L iretchtield, non-resident defendants, will take notice that on the 5th day of November, A. D 1913, Horace Bradley iled his petition in the otlice of the slerk of the district court of Holt sounty, Nebraska, against you and sach of you, impleaded with Martha I McCutchan and Mary A. Goree, the ibject and prayer of said petition is to luiet the title to the southwesi quar ser of the northeast quarer, (s»± ol iei), of sooHnp •.. .(i,,j, in township w'n*vi'^ii! (26). north of range ■•even (11), west or the 6th p. m., in Die plaintiff, and to remove the cloud sast upon said tract of real estate by •eason of the recording of a certain nortgage in book number 49, at page »27. of the records of Holt county, Ne braska, and to exclude you and each of mu from in any manner claiming or letting up any interest, right, title or ilairn therein. You are required to answer said betitlon on or before the 15th day of December, A. ID. 1913 Dated this 6th day of November, A D. 1913, at O’Neill, Nebr. HORACE BRADLEY, zi-'j i'iaini.iii REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF DORSEY (Of Dorsey, Charier No. OSS) Incorporated in the State of Nebraska, at the close of business Oct. 21, 1913. ItESOUKCES Loans and discounts .$12,222 27 Uverdrafts. 560 25 Banking house, furniture and fixtures ... 1,079 75 Current expenses and taxes paid . 4,228 20 Cash items. Due from national, and state banks.. $3,479 63 Checks and items of exchange.. 132 19 Currency. 690 00 Sold coin. 85 00 Silver, nickels and cents. 110 00 4,496 82 Total ..$23,687 29 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in. $ 5,900 00 Undivided profits. 5,554 70 Individual deposits subject to check. .$10,039 72 Time certificates of deposit. 2,889 06 Due to national and state banks. —— 12,928 78 Depositors guarranty fund.. 103 81 Total.$23,587 29 State of Nebraska, county of Colfax, ss: I, Jarcslov Folda, President of the above named bank do hereby swear that the above statement is a correct and true copy of the report made to the state banking board. JAR.OSLOV FOLDA, President. Attest:—S. S. Welpton. D. B. Welp ton, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of November, 1913. Stanley Trachto, Notary Public. Commission expires June 11, 1914. (First publication Nov. 13) Notice. State of Nebraska, Holt county, ss. In the county court: Notice is hereby given that, pe tition having been tiled in the county jourt of Holt county. Nebraska, for the appointment of an administrator of tiie estate of Caleb Enbody, de ceased, late of said county, the same is set for hearing at 10 o’clock a. rn , on Saturday, the Oth day of December, 19)3, at the office of the county judge in O’Neill, in said county, at which ! ime and place all persons interested in said estate may appear and be leard concerning said appointment. Given under my hand and official seal this 11th day of November, 1913. Seal) L C. CHAPMAN, 22-3 Acting County Judge. (First publication Nov. 13) Sheriff’s Sale. By virtue of an order of sale, direct id io me from the clerk of the district iourt of Holt county, Nebraska, on a udgment obtained before li. K. Dick on, judge of the Fifteentli Judicial District in and for Holt county, Ne iraska, on the 9tb day of September, 913, in favor of S. J Weekes, as jlaintiff, for the sum of Two Thous ind Two Hundred Eighty Dollars, ind in favor of the Banking House of Castetter, as cross petitioner, for ,he sum of Three Thousand Eight tlundred Sixty-Five Dollars, and in avor of George W. Hutton, as cross jetitioner, for the sum of One Tlious ind Four Hundred Forty-three Dol ars, and against George YV Hutton, Della D. Hutton, The Banking House >f A. Castetter, a corporation, Mel ,'in Van Deventer, and Alcesta Van Deventer, as defendants, said decree iggregating the sum of $7,588.00, and :osts taxed at $54 85 and accruing lusts, I have levied upon the follow ng real estate taken as the propert y if said defendants, to satisfy said irder of sale, to-wit. The south half of Section Twenty five, in TownshfD Thirty, north of ange Ten, west of the Sixth P. M . in lolt county. Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale Hi he highest bidder for cash, in hand, in the 15th day of December, 11 913, in front of the court house in I’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, ai he hour of 10 o'clock, a. m, of said lay, when and where due attendance rill be given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 2th day of November, 1913. H I). GRADY, 22 5 Sheriff of Said County. Farm Lo>.» Farm Loa r.s Farm Loans Farm Loans Farm Loans FARM " LOANS Farm Loans Farm Loans Farm Loans Ft\m Losns Farm Loans JOHN L. QUIC.j CLhe Sanitary )Meat Marker AVE HAVE A FULL LIIJE O* Fresh and Cured Meats, Pure Ho™ Rendered Lard. John Miskimms Naylor Block POone 1 at PeHa hotel Formerly Hotel Evans Rates $i day and up. Sneoa. attention given to farmer trade. li you come once you will want to come again. WM. G. BEHA, Broprietoi the O’EEILL ABSTKA0T* SO Compiles Abstracts of Title THE ONLY COMPLETE SET OF Ah STRACT BOOKS IN HOLT COUNIA I. N„ BOGGS Pool & Billiard Parlor and Box Ball Auex Golden Block - O’Neil FREDS.. BARCLAY STUART, NEB. Makes Long or Short Time Loans on inisa' t Farms and Ranches If you are in need of a Josn drop om a line and he will call and see you. When in Town Stop at the New Ogden Hotel Offering you the double advantaged good service and low rate*. Conveniently located. SHERIDAN SIMMONS, Proprietu, 30-tf DR. P. J. FLYNN Physician and Surgeon Night Calls will be Promptly Attendee* Office: Mrstdoor to right over Pixiev <* Hanley's drug store. Residence phone 96 W. K. HODGKIN Lawyer^ Office: Nebraska.State Bank Bt* RFFERENCt: O'NEILL NATIONAL BANK CNN 'Li Hendricks & Whitman CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Plans and Specifications VurrnshsK on Short Notice. O’NEILL j*j* NEBRASKA House rioving I nave purchased a bouse moving out tit and am now prepared to move huildinge. See me when you have work of tliis kind. i ETER REIFERS - OTSe'H