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CHAFFEE ROARING HORSE •V ERNEST HAYCOX ¥ “Gentlemen, I used to own this bank. It was a good bank in a good country and I made a little money. For my own reasons I sold controlling Interest to Mr. Woolfridge. which he wanted kept secret. His business is not my busi ness. I know something of his affairs, but I have no voice In them. I have nothing to do ■with this land proposition. I sat aside, watched it develop, and fall to pieces. It ain’t a homesteading country. It’s a cattle country. A nice cattle country. I liked it as it was. You boys will never make a penny off it by farmin'. I understand you are broke. What I have to say is that al though I am not in any way responsible for what has hap pened, nor am I able to ob ligate the bank for any sum of money, I do have money of my own which I will use to straighten out this affair. With homesteaders in the land this bank vfrlll go to the wall. With cattlemen in the country It will prosper. It’s to my ad vantage to have cattlemen back and to see you boys on your way to somethin’ better. If you’ll come in the bank to morrow mornin’ and surrender your rights to me I will pay you whatever sum you have paid Woolfridge. You will be free to go. I will assume the business of clearin’ up all af fairs, which will take a long time. But the country can get back to its original business again, which is raisin' beef. That’s all.” And he ducked his bony head and retreated Into the bank, closing the door. A Stirrup S man crowcieu beside Chaffee. “What’s the old duffer mean by that?” Chaffee shook his head, im mensely puzzled. "I don’t know." “He ain’t passin’ out a lot of coin for nothin’. Mebbe he’s doin’ it to get hisself in the clear. Why, he don’t even know Wool fridge is in jail.” “Don’t you think it,” replied Chaffee. "He knows every thing he ought to know. He sees whatever is going on, don’t forget it.” The homesteaders shifted around, talking earnestly. A group of them marched to the bank and tried to get in, but the door was locked. Chaffee started away, thinking of other things. But in passing his eyes caught a light behind the bank cage; under the light Mark Eagle stood, bent over a ledger, black hair glistening. He had on the old alpaca coat, an eyeshade covered his forehead and a pencil lay behind one ear. The Indian had returned to the Ways of the white man. Even that sight, as remark able and thought provoking as it was, failed to hold Chaf fee’s attention. He strode down the street, pulled by a more urgent desire. He wanted to see Gay. He wanted to talk to her, now that he was free. Free and poor. Free to speak his heart, and free to offer her a poor man’s company. Well . . . At the hotel he hesitated, reminded that he had one duty yet to perform over at the stable—to see who those dead men were and to lock the prisoners in the jail before any possible recurrence of mob spirit took possession of the homesteaders. So, both im f>at.ent and tired, he pressed orvard through the shadows. On the verge of crossing the street he heard a man running directly toward him. He didn’t know who it was, nor could he make out the fellow’s face In the darkness. The unknown one halted, almost touching him, the breath coming In gasps And he spoke in a sibi lant whisper. “Jim—hey, Jim! For God’s 1 sake, come to Callahan’s! They got Luke in the back room—killin’ him! Hurry—!” “Who’s that?” challenged Chaffee. But the man was running back. Chaffee raced in pursuit, wishing to call some of the Stirrup S crowd after him. But he was past the Jail and he didn’t want to draw the attention or the anger of the homesteaders down upon the Perrine gang There had been too much ; fighting to start more. So he followed. He heard the un known one sing out again and drop completely from hearing. Thoroughly aroused, Chaffee struck Callahan’s swinging doors with his whole body and knocked them aside. His gun was drawn and he swept the room—to find nobody in it. No customers, no barkeeps, nor even Callahan himself. Yet Callahan’s office door was ajar, back of the counter, and a chair went smashing to the floor as he listened, evoking a high and shrill cry of dis tress. Chaffee vaulted the bar and kicked open the door; it swung halfway, struck an ob stacle and recoiled. He com manded a partial view of the room and saw nothing; some body sighed heavily and, throwing aside his caution, he hit the door again and jumped full into the room. The door slammed shut. Theodorik Perrine, massive and black and sinister, stood against the wall, revolver bearing down upon Chaffee. He had the latter off balance; he had the drop. And he grinned. “Nobody else Here. Just me, Chaffee. I make pritty good sounds o’ trouble, don’t I? Yeah. Jus’ me. My come-on is out in the alley, prob’ly gettin’ away from here fast as he’s able. God knows where the gang is. Some’s dead, some’s in the cooler. Rest went I yella and hit for other parts. But I’m still here. Chaffee. Yeah, I’m here. It’s the end of the trail all right. But I got one more hand to play and I shore wasn’t leavin’ until I played It. Slip the gun back in yore holster. I got yuh hipped.” “Where’s Luke?” demanded Chaffee. “Not here. It was only a stall to bring yuh over. Put back the gun.” “A trick?” muttered Chaf fee. He shook his head, realiz ing how fully he had fallen into the trap. It angered him. 1 He ought to have known better. Yet he thought Luke was in trouble, and Luke was a partner of his. Perrine’s gun was set steadily againsh him, .while his own piece aimed at nothing but a blank wall. Per rine murmured his command again, and Chaffee slid the weapon into its holster. Perrine backed away until ; he was at the far end of the room. “Yeah, a trick. Yore pritty clever, Chaffee. Yuh think fast. I had to ketch yuh quick afore yuh had time to think. So it was a trick. But it ain’t one now. I never knew the man I had to take ad vantage of on the draw. I’m givin’ yuh an even break. But ! i want to palaver a minute.” His own weapon dropped into its holster. Perrine seemed to relax, yet even In relaxing the mighty muscles strained and rolled along his shoulders. He was still grinning, swart features broken into sardonic lines,narrow eyes half closed. “Even break,” he repeated. “Nobody in the saloon. No body out back. Never saw the time I had to have help. Fifty-fifty. One of us walks outen here without hindrance —unless some o’ yore centi pedes ketch Vlnd of it.”_ (TO-BE CONT1NU ED > BANISHED BY GRUNDYISM. From Los Angeles Record-Journal. Some months ago the United State* built a new tariff wall. To promot; “prosperity,” and that sort of thing. Last September, Canada—our best customer—retaliated with a wall of her own. Since then—about nine months— 75 new American industries have moved to Canada. That makes just 4*14 American concerns operating north of the border. More than 50,f>00 Canadians are producing “American” products—in Canada. These 50.000 Canadians are spending $100,000,000 in buying power away from American mer chants. These 50,000 Canadians are spending $100,000,000 a year in buy , ing power with Canadian mer I chants. —4$ By His Bootstraps. Sergeant (drilling awkward squad*: Company! Attention! Lift uo your left leg and hold it straight out in front of you! One of the squad held up his right leg by mistake. This brought his right hand companion's left leg and his own right leg close together, j Sergeant: And who Is that fellow • over them holding up both legs' THE FORBIDDEN YEARS by WADSWORTH CAMP CHAPTER I The first memory to take a permanent, if vague, place in Barbara Norcross’s mind had to do with a revolver shot and the confused moments crowd ing after its vicious snap. Naturally she didn’t know the sound then for what it was; to her five-year-old ears it resembled an abrupt bringing together of an elder’s admoni tory palms, and she sat up in her crib, wondering what fault, unconsciously she could have committed to displease Harley, her nurse. Harley wasn’t to blame after all, for her angular figure, visable in the night-long dusk of the street lamps, rose from the bed across the room, and froze in an atitude. even to a child, abnormally apprehen sive. “Lie down, Bobble.” “But, Harley, I heard a funny noise.” Graceless in her heavy cot ton nightdress the nurse shuffled to the crib and thrust the child back gently. “Lie down. Go to sleep. What’s the noise to you?” It was only when she was grown that the untended irony of the question tortured Barbara. Now she tried to obey and close her eyes, but from somewhere in the house a feminine voice cried in blank terror, and she commenced to whimper. “It s mummy—” Harley’s hand, meant to be soothing, frightened Barbara with its trembling. "I know, I’ll go see. You lie down. Harley won’t be a minute.” But, after she had put or.\ her wrapper, the nurse crept to the door as if retarded by a cord of dread; and, having turned the knob, she opened the door inch by inch, as against a powerful but im material resistance. Except for her thick breathing the house was stifling with silence. Her voice, when she spoke at last, seemed to lack power to pene trate it. ‘‘Oh, ma’am, what’s hap pened?” Barbara hear*! her mother’s tones, still shrill, but capable of forming feverish words. “Quick, Harley! Not bur glars. Don’t wake Bobbie up.” Just before Harley closed the door, the hysterical voice spoke again. “I oppose we’ll have to get the police—” Barbara’s whimper scattered into hard sobs. She had learned to dislike and distrust policemen in the park where she had to keep off inviting grass, and be very careful how she chalked sidewalks for games. Was that what her mother was afraid of, an in vasion of the house bn police men? But why should a sound like a clapping of hands bring policemen? Harley wasn’t fair to leave the child alone in .he artificial twilight of the nursery, awaiting such a crisis, so Barbara got over the railing of her crib, pattered to the door, opened it, and stepped across the sin. The corridor was dark ex cept for a blaze of light from her father’s dressing room at the end. In the midst of that, sketched brilliantly against saffron window draperies decorated with white and blue herons, was her mother’s lovely shape, clothed in creamy silk and lace, and crowned with the heavy gold of her hair. There seemed a profanation in Harley’s inti mate contact with so angelic a creature. Awkward in her cotton nightdress, she held Barbara’s mother closely while both glared at something with in the room an object, how ever. which Barbara couldn’t see since her vista was limited to the space between the door way and the vivid window curtains. Before she could go nearer Harley spied her, and swooped down, scolding with a false ferocity, to carry her back to her crib. Her mother followed. “I wish she hadn't wakened. Never mind. Turn on the light.” Very like an angel, indeed, she hovered over the crib. The child reachen up her arms, and was clasped con vulsively. That wasn’t at all like her mother who seldom had time to snuggle; and her sudden tears were more troub ling than anything else. In the light Harley snapped on they were like raindrops clinging to spring leaves in the park. “Go back to sleep, Bobbie; straight back to sleep.” It sounded more like a prayer than a command. “Why is mummy crying?” There wasn’t any answer. Harley came and leaned over the crib, too, covering her face with bony hands. Marcelle, the maid, glided in without a trace of her habiVual smart ness, looking as if she had at that moment awakened from a gibbering nightmare. Gatins, wearing a wispy bathrobe, stalked after; Gatins, who, in immaculate livery, always made such a ceremony of serving Barbara whenever her mother let her lunch down stairs. Behind him in the shadows of the hall other shapes wavered, unrecogniz able, Why should that one sound, resembling a clapping of hands, have summoned ; everyone from bed in the ! micWle of the night and to I wards Barbara’s nursery; | everyone, that is, except her ■ father? “Why,” the child asked, “doesn’t Father come too?” Silence crashed upon the chaos of the room. Little by little the muttering and sob bing struggled from beneath its massive weight; her mother straightened and spoke with an effect of lifting it single handed. “Harley, you’ll have to get her out of the house right away.” Her voice intended for Har ley alone, continued too audible. “A hotel. Say, the Windham. You’ll hear in the morning ’►what to do.” Harley’s shock made her stutter. “But—but why not to—to—” The golden head shook ve hemently. “Not to anyone’s house. It wouldn’t be fair after this.” Again she bent over Bar bara. “Harley’s going to take you for r ride through the park.” The child stared. A ride through the park in the middle of the night! Her mother’s beautiful mouth t».visted oddly. She started for the door beckoning Gatins. “You *hd f lephone head quarters, Gatins?” He looked so grotesque bow ing in his bathrobe that Bar ter a grinned; but the awe of his voice swept her smile away. “No, ma’am, but I’ll do it straight off.” While Harley was dressing her the child became drowsy. (TO B» CONTINUED) “Farming for profit in 1931,” is the slogan adopted by Alabama Polytechnic institute for the states farm program. Heirs Seek Share Of Buchanan Millions Fayetteville, Tenn. — (UP) — Frank B. Kelso. Lincoln county reg ister, is having a busy time an swering queries in regard to an $850,000,000 estate. More than 300 Lincoln county people claim to be direct descendants of William Buchanan, a cousin of President James Buchanan, and believe themselves entitled to a Vraie in the Buchanan estate. •ehe orooertv consistins of real estate in New York, Pennsylvania, North and South Carolina, Ken tucky and Tennessee, has been leased for 99 years and reverts back to the owners this year. In addition to local queries, Kel so has had requests for aid in trac ing "family trees" from scores of people in such scattered places as Houston, Tex.; Montgomery and Birmingham, Ala.; Louisville, Ky., and the states of California, New York, Indiana, Oregon, Wajhington, Arkansas and Florida PTATTE R1VE1C AT LOWEST MARK IN 60 i i'.ARS Fremont, Neb. — Special) — It the year’s trend to extremes, the sandy old Platte is playing its part It has dwindled from a lusty stream to a mere creek running down the wide expanse of sandy bed. Accord ing to George F. Wolz, secretary of the Freni nit chamber of commerce, who lies been a resident here since 1871, the Platte is the lowest now it has been In 60 years. SHORT CHANGE CHARGES MADF Norfolk Man Said Aleo to Be Identified in ‘Dope’ Peddling Norfolk, Neb. —(Special)— Twi men have been jailed at Neligh aft er a confession of having worked several north Nebraska tow As as short change artists. Jesse Hoggat until recently a brakeman for the Northwestern railroad of Norfolk, about 35 years old and Dean Likens, 28, of Basset were arrested at Hoggat's home in Norfolk. Not only are the men said to be proficient in short changing but it is said they are “dopes” and doubtless peddle drugs In the vi cinity. No dope could be found on the premises, but several hypoder mic needles were found in the house, and tell tale marks were found on the arms of the two men. In addition five pints of alleged whisky and a quart of alleged al cohol were found. When Antelope county officers get through with the men on the short changing charge, they will be wanted here for prosecution on a liquor charge as well as on any fur ther evidence found against them BANKERS FEEL BRYAN’S LASH Governor of Nebraska Sayg One Per Cent Service Charge Is Conspiracy Lincoln, Neb. — (Special) —Gov ernor Bryan, judging from his re marks this week, doesn’t care toi bankers. After issuing the charge on Monday that banks failed be cause their owners were Loo politi cal minded, he has come forth with another statement In regard to the service charge which banks propose to collect on state deposits. Bryan says concerted action by the banks to collect the full 1 per cent service charge where the state treasurer has allowed them !4 of 1 per cent would constitute a “con spiracy.” “I think the state would be very wise to invest its surplus funds in government bonds should the bank ers attempt through concerted ac tion to require the state to pay them an amount to be fixed by the bankers rather than by the state treasurer,” said the governor. “Bankers should know they cannot dictate the public policy of the state.” BIG ATTENDANCE AT FARM UNION PICNIC Homtr, Neb. — (Special) — More than 3,000 people were in attend ance at the Dakota County Farm ers’ Union picnic in Homer. The 25 piece band of Louisville, Neb., all Farmers’ Union members, fur nished music throughout the day, SHOWS TAX TO BE PAID BY EACH COUNTY Lincoln, Neb. — (Special) — A tabulation compiled by W. H Smith, state tax commissioner shows that the various Nebraska counties, on a levy of 2.04 mills, will raise a total of $6,213,418 in state taxes. Smith completed a list showing the valuation of tangible propertj in northeastern counties, togethei with the amount each must pay tt the state treasury on the 2.04 mill: levy. County Tanglible valu- 1931 state Antelope Brown Cedar Dakota Dawes Dixon Holt Knox Rock Thurston Wayne This year’s atlon Taxes $32,297,508 $ 65,887 9,886,118 19,755 48,922.180 99,801 20,768.714 42,369 18.175.954 37,078 38,257.610 57,645 26.002.372 53,045 36.585.955 74«365 6,335,659 12,925 24.161.372 49,289 38.161,218 77,849 state tax will total approximately $1,500,000 less than the 1929 levy. WHISTLED FOR IT London—Stockmen held an ath letic show at the Royal Counties Agricultural Exposition and when the show was over the cattl" herds men and pig men proved so evenly matched that the Judge, Capt. R. P. O'Donnell, called on the contentants to whistle for the prize. The cattle herdsmen, whistling “Tipperary” outwhistled the pig men. TO TEST SANITY OF ALLEGED FIREBUG Ogallala, Neb.—Counsel for Dr H. J. O’Donnell, Paxton physician charged with arson, have made ar rangements to have him examined Friday by Dr. W. E. Ash, head ol staff at St. Bernard’s hospital at Council Bluffs, la, for nervous anc mental diseases. Two brothers of O’Donnell have arrived here. They are C. J. O'Don nell, professor of mathematics and principal of school at Long Prairie S. D., and John L. O’Donnell, ad vertising man at Houston, Tex MercclizetiWax Keeps Skin Young Get an ounce and mbs as directed. Fids particles of a gad •kin peel off until ail defects suck as pimples, liver •pots, tan and freckles disappear Skin is tfieo soft and velvety. Your face looks years younrer. Mer Milised Wax brirnr* out tha hidden beauty of your skin. Ts rtmsvs wiinklM use one ounce Pondered iSaxdits dissolved in one-half pint witch hasel. At drug abort*. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Ramovrs Dcndrofl Stops Hair b aiu*« Impart* Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair Mr and I) .ou at Drasgut* Hhcoi Cbem Patobomis.N T, FLORESTON SHAMPOO — Ideal for use in connection with Parker'* Hair Balaam. Make* the hair soft and Huffy. 60 cent* by mail oratdruff giat*. liiacux Chemical Worka, 1'atcb.osrue, N.l DAISY FLY KILLER Pltmd UMhara DAISY PLY KfLLXR attract* »ni kills ail flics. Nait, clean, ornamental, convenient ud —« cbaap. Lasta all san pM aon. Made of metal; can't >pill or tip ovar; W will Dot foil or Injlira ' anything. Guaranteed. I as la Y upon DAISY FTLY - KILLER rrom your daaur. HAROLD SOMERS. BROOKLYN. N. V. ICt-»taiirant. Estab. business. Splendid loca tion,low rout,modern bldg. Also one smaller town, coal heat ;both making money. Term*. Ahmo. Sales. N. Y. Bldg., St. Paul. Minn. N«w!y-Wed» He—We’ll stop at the best hotel, dear. We only marry once, you know. She—How delightfully old-fash ioned you are, John. Worried Husbands Do your own weariness, your wife'* unhappiness and ‘'nerves1', leave you no peace of mind? Both of you are low ing the joy you ought to find in life and in each other. You can recover the forgotten glow of youth. Take Fellows’ Syrup, which supplies yourbody with vital ingredient* often missing. In a short time you will be eager and fit for work, play, meals, and sleep. Begin now—don’t miss another day of happiness and health. The first few doses will begin to transform you. Fol low the prescription doctors have used for years, and get the genuine Fellows'* Syrup from your druggist today. FELLOWS SYRUP Too Speedy Hanks—Is jour dentist a fast worker? Shanks—I’ll say so—he sends his jill in the next mail. How One Woman Lost 20 Pounds of Fat Lost Her Prominent Hip§— Double Chin—Sluggishness Gained Physical Vigor— A Shapely Figure If you’re fat—first remove tba cause! Take one half teaspoonful of RRUSCHEN SALTS In a glass of hot water every morning—In 3 weeks get on the scales and note how many pounds of fat Iiave van ished. Notice also that you have gained in energy—your skta is clearer—you feel younger In body—KKUSCHEJTI will give any fat person a joyous surprise. Get an 85c bottle of KRUSCHEM SALTS from any leading druggist anywhere iu America (lasts 4 weeks). If this first bottle doesn’t convince you this Is the easiest, saf est and surest way to lose fat—your money gladly returned. Bedroom Golf “I have my round of strokes every morning.” “What course do you play on?" “The cheek and chin course.” Women are naturally foolish, be cause they were made to match the men. STOP Mosquito bites! . Play Safe! Sr** Largest Seller la 121 Conatrlea Siaux City PtB. Co.; No. 34-1931.