OCR Interpretation

The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1901-1982, January 11, 1905, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2012218612/1905-01-11/ed-1/seq-1/

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Longtown Notes.
The Christmas holida ys passed
off very g,riety hereabo ate, only
one sociaole being give a in the
neighborhood that we are aware
of. Notwithstanding this we have
had a very pleasanr Christ
mas, and are thankful tc the Giver
of every good and perfe ct gift for
f the many blessings He has be
stowed upon us, a-2d especially
for the greater bless-ngs, the gift
-of a Saviour to a lost and ruined
. Quite a number of visitors
wore with us during the kolidays.
Dr. E. H. Harrison, of Tex
sskana, Texas, is viing his
father and mother, Mr. tad Mrs.
Jno. D. Harrison, ind <otber rela
tives and friends h ere.
Mr. H. L. Mi 31licherpem , of
Charleston, is visit:ing tWe fawilv
of his~father, Mr. T. W. Maei
Mr. S. 'L. Tidw ell, of Hopriww,
ted the family- of his father,
r. D. W. Tidwell, some time
Miss~Hattie. Mlellic asrr.pe hatc.
turned from a visit to rejlative
Mrs. Jane Weir, of Winnsl,orl.!
spending some time with b -r.
hter, Mrs. Js. C. 'Stewart.
Mias Freddie Reevq a who i
tending school in Ai lanta, Ga.,
at the holidays wi" .h her par
ts, Mr. and Mrs. : C. Reeves.
Miss Kate Melli champe, of
ackville, is visitinf , Miss Hat
Miss Sue and Mr. Howard
ixoi of Blackshot -k, and Miss
bett and Mr. Ed .. Mobley, of
hester, visited th e families of'
essrs. W..D. Har rison and S. L.
ixon some time a go.
Mr. Clarence M ;Eachern spent
elholidays with the family of
is brother, Mr. J no. McEachern.
Mr. J. D. Hari son, Jr., of thel
linton Presby terian College, l
pent the hoLdajs at home.
Mr. S. H. "oIMgan visited rela
'ves and frind s in Chester re
Misses Tile and Laura Stewart. C
we'been on 's tt relatives 1
friends at W9bite Oak. - C
The Longt wa graded school is
ogressing nieeIy under the man
agement of Profeasor West and'
M'ss Curlee, of Greenbrier. r
3 The school in upper Longtown, r
taught by Miss - Edna Dixon, is .C
also getting along ieely. t
Mr. Wm. Ste-vart, of Columbia,
visited his brother, Mr. Jas. C.
Stewart, recently.
Mr. Riley Stewart visited rela
tives here some time since.
Messrs. D. G. Smith and D-. C
J. Weir, who lived at Ridge way, o
last year, have moved back to .r
Longtown. We gladly welcome 'a
them back. E. H.])..
Jan. 7, 1905. . u
Fight WillIbe Bitter.
' Those who will persist in~ clog -
Stheir ears against the 'contixn
~j1r, scemnmendation of Dr. King 's
ge 'Qiscovery for Con sumptic a, '
'will ha ye a long and bitter fig ht
with the ir troubles, if not end3 ed
earlier by fatal termination. Ri -adI
what T. BL. Beall of Beall, Mi ss.,
l. as to say: "Last fall my 1 vife
h. vi every symptom of consu p
ti< in. She touk Dr. King's 'Sew
Di, ieovery after everything else
h.d failed. Improvement <ame li
at o uce and fuur bottles ont.relv
cure. I her. Guaranteed by ; . 1.
McM aster & Co., and Obear .')rui't
Co., denggists. Price 50c, and1
$1.00. Trial bottles free.
\Voodward Gleanings. .v
The 11 -lidays are over, an<1 the
New Yea r began and our little y,
city atill retains her festive robe. c
Mr. anc t Mrs. Sam B3rice gave' L1
quite a de lightful sociable orithe t,
evening of the 26th ult. The
amusemnen ts of the evening were
the old fas bioned games, suc1i as'
inoving household. and kite ben1
furniture, thimble, etc. B c t h n
young ano" old enjoyed th ess a
alike and all were carric l bac.z to
their childhood days. Fruits and a
cakes were served bountifuilly. ti
Mr. and Mrs. W.. M. Patricku
were "at home" to their friends c
Friday evening. The parlor,I
ball and dining room were antis-1
tically decorated with holly andr
mistletoe. Afte' a course supper,
and the guests were assembled in a
the parlor, our hostess announced
that he would have an old fash-*
ion spelling bee. Mr. Lune;
Brice was selected as professor,
and be filled the position as if he
had always followed the callirg.
Miss Emmnie Nicholson won the
first priza, and was presented a TI
lovely china plate by Mr. A. If.
~rie with appropriate remuarks.
!Our "host," who always had the
pleasure of his guest in view,, was
presented with a tin horn as the
booby prize for good spelling.
The wee hours were near by
when we bade Mr. and Mrs. Pat
rick good night, each declaring
that they never spent a more en
joyable evoniug.
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Brice gave
a dining to a few of their friends
Mr.. and Mrs. R. W. Stewart, of
Augusta, spent several days first
of the week with relatives.
Masters Roy a-id George Cole
man weut to Augusti for the hol
Iisses ,Ielen and Katherine
Brice were n the city Thursday.
Miss'Rnt Brice is visiting her
sister, Mrs. L. W. Bri1e, Jr.
Mrs. Pearson is with her daugh
tt r, Mrs. Dave Mobley.
Mr. J. W. Cc''eman has return
ed to the 8. 0. Collego after
spending the holidays at home.
Mi,sses Nar nie and With Brice
v,nt to the Ger,nau in Chester
lst Friday.
Mr. T. W. Boulwi,re. Jr., re
turned to Roanoke after apending
several days with relatives.
Mr. Angus Nicholson, Jr.; is
improving and wt trust he will
soon be able to return to Clem
Miss Nannie Nicholson spent
T-esday in Wi.insboro.
J %n. 2, 1V 05. "Ich Dien."
Healthy Mothers.
Mot hers shou'd always keep in
good be dily health. They owe it
to their 'hildren.. Yet is. no un
asual sig. 't to see,a mother, with
)abe in a. ms, coughing violently
tnd exhibit inVg all the symptoms
>f a consutn vtive tendency. And
vhy should , his dangerous cou
ition exist, iangerous alike to
nother. and - ehild; when Dr.
3oschee's Gern. <an -Syrup, would
nt a stop - it at one? ho
aother should . e without this
ld and tried r medy Wi the
souse-for its' tin tely n e will
romptly cure any lung, throat
' bronchi i trouble i e herself or
er children, Tlhe w, W'-St cogh
r cold ean be speedily. .cured by
xerman *Syrup; so can hoarse
ess and congestion of tl .T bron
hial tubes. It makes - e .,-to
ation easy,' and gives tant
alief and refreshing rest , t
ough-racked .:onsumptive.sos
rial bottles 25i ; large size, -S
'or sale by McMaster Co.
Ridgeway News. .
On last Tuesd~ay evening AIrs.
.P. Wray, t-he popular,president
f the L adies' Eook Club, gave a
cepti')f to the club members
ad me.y outside friends. To
ards the end. of Ithe evening i
s't delightfuil refreshments were
erved. C
Miss Woodru&', of Woodruff, is
se guest of her sister, . Mrs. ~
[ogan. I
Miss Bessie M~cMaster, of I
Vinnsbbro,-has'beE nh spending at
homdays with .isis Jennie
Miss Sallie Davis,,of Columbia, I
pent a few days with relatives in 1
Messrs. J. Q. and Bratton
)avis, of Winnsboro, ha ye been,
isiting Mr. herbert Rff~
Mr. Clarence Spenc~e, of Co
imba, spent th&'olid says at
ome. * ~
Clinton G. Gihnore, of a 5esiox
[ass., is here for the winte r. .1
Miss May Thomas is vi in
!iss Christine Ruff in Rock U[iil
Bishop Capers paid his an W&al
isit to St. Stepheus on last X l-.
Rev. W. N. Tillinghast, - . N
rmner rector cf the Episco; )aI
Lurch, stopped over with I tis
iends for a day ou his way ba. sk
oy's Life SaC rom emra.
Cae rom rnc,
"My little b)oy h:1d a severe attack of
ernbranous er~oup, and only got reli ef
er taking Foley's Honey and Tar,
,ys C. W. Lynch, a proraiinent citiz s
Winhester, Ind, "HY got rel' ef'
ter one dose and I feel thate it sav di
ie life of n y boy." Don't be inpos 4
n by substitutes ofibred for Fole.3 '~
oney~and To'r. Sold by McMast err
No use to strike up the hym n.
hose repudiated carpet b. tg.
outhern bonds will, never 1
le to sing. "I've been redeer a
1."-A tlanta Journal;
Repet from-the Reform School.
J.G 'Superintendent, Pri in
~town, W. a.. writes: "Xfter tryin
other adv' rtised cou':h 'fedicine weQ
ave decide-I to'use Foleys Honey : and
ar exlu~ 'elv in th - ,at Virgi aia
:eforml Sihool. I fiiA ir the most ef
se:ive an:d ab-olutelv aarmiless."' E eM
Fienry W. Grady on the Whiski
To-night it enters an humb
home to strike the roses from
woma.';. cheeks and to -morrow
challenges this republic in t1
hails of Congress.
To-day it strikes a crust fro
the lips of a starving child, ai
to-morrow levies tribute from t]
government itself.
There is no cottage humb
enough to escape it, no pala
strong enough to shut it out.
It defies the law when it cann
coerce suffrage.
It is flxible to cajole, but merc
less in victory.
It is mortal enemy 6f pea.
and order, the despoiler of mi
and terror of wormen, the clo1
that shadows the face of childre
the demon that has dug mo
graves and sent more souls u
shrived to judgment than all til
pestilences that have wasted li
since God sent the plagues
Egypt, and all the wars sin4
Joshua stood beyond Jericho.
It comes to ruin, and it abs
profit mainly by the ruin of yoi
sons and mine.
It came to mislead human sou
and to crush human hearts und
its rumbling wheels.
It comes to bring gray-hairr
mothers down in shame and so
row to their graves.
It comes to change the wife
love into despair and h'er piic
into shame.
It comes to still the laughti
on the lips of little children.
It comes to stifle all the musB
of the home and fill it with silen<
and desolation.
It comes to ruin your body an
mind, to wreck your home, an
it knows it must measure ii
prosperity by the swiftness an
certainty with which it wreel
this world.
Revolution Imminent.
A sure sign of approaching r<
volt and serious trouble in yoi
system is nervousness, sleeples:
ness, or stomach upsets. Electr:
Bitters will quickly dismemb
the troublesome causes, It nev
fafls to tone the stomach, regulal
the kidneys and bowels, stimulal
the liver, and clarify the blooi
Run down systems benefit partii
ularly and all the usual attendin
aches vanislb under its searchin
and thorough effectiveness. Ele<
tric Bitters is only 50c, and thi
is returned if it don't give perfe<
sati-faction. Guaranteed by
H. McMaster & Co., and Obee
Drug Co., druggists.
flard on Doctors.
There ara-two stories that ar
old at the Savage club. Docte
~.sent for to attend a sick womai
n his arrival finds woman deai
y Thy was I not summone
00 ner?" doctor asks, angril:
YmT ,did think of ii," explains thi
ere. wed husband, "but we cot
lude d that it would be cheape
o let hear die a natural death."
On another occasion doctc
rives 'too late. Husband e.
lained: "Ton see doctor, whe
he com, oIaioed of feeling, bad
ave he-r the pill you prescribe
or m, a?ear ago, but which
id .not .tine. It's hawful, I knoa
Ut justs tlCink wot would 'ave
peed>it I'd 'ave taken it.
[ondon LA iter.
;ust the Thig.tor Weak, Pate Childre
- oiumbia. S. C., Nov. 2, 1903.
ier Sirs: I have heen giving D
Tame' Iron Blood and Liver Tonie 1
yx little daughter. She was pale an
weak, and had no appetite. She la
been benefited by your tonic a greg
deal.~and is much stronger, eats wel
.nd looks~ healthier. I cheerfully re
ommend Iron Blood and Liver Tonw
s a splendid medicine.
Yours respectfully,
3. J. Handcock,
No. 1'JS.5Samter St.
A. Missoori farmer gives tlh
ALving simple means of gettin
d'f rats on the farm. He sayi
Snumber of pieces of ol
og4 I put about a half tea
spoonul of molasses and on the
with my-pocket knife I scraped
gantity~of concentrated lye.
ten placed the shingle and tb
ert muornin'g fond 40 dead rai
Qn the premises, the balanc
'leanng for paris ut,known. I hal
since cleared a number of fara
: these pests and have nevt
knwnthe plan to fail. It is
simple remedy to say the lea:
&a ivell worth tryieg.-E.
fay "flurray's."
When -ou've got a bad cough ju
a "M.CRRA Y'S." If a diruggi
des~ you anything but Marray's Hoi
hound, Mullein and Tar you're ni
gett:ig the best and ?aurest cough re
.vl. .Make him give youJ Murmay
A-t. quicker and~( you get a rie~, ej
boittl.fr 2n. Ev-ery duggist has it.
y Columbia a Auld 11arket.
Fifteen years Ago the bulk of
le mules sold in this section were
a sold by the sto.k raisers them=
it selves. Drovers, as they were
le called, would bunch up their
jstock and drive through or ship
m south to the cotton country,
id generally making some good town
2e their headquarters and retailing
out their mules. Nowadays the
le1 business is conducte,l in an
:e entirely different way. The breeder
ships his stock to the wholesale
>t market and they are sole to the
mule merchants who buy them
- for their regularly established
places of business. The mule mau
3e of today buys his mules and
m places them on sale jnst as the
d merchant buys his goods and
n, places them in his store for sale.
re About 13 years ago the Gregory
- Brothers, then doing a good mule
eo, business at Lancaster, S. C.,
fe seeing an opportunity and .be
.o lieving in the future of Columbia,
e opened a retail business in this
city on Plain street. Being sup
ported by a strong concern it
r withstood the financial strains of
193, which told on so.many in all
Is lines of business, and gradually
r grew until the year .1899 when it
was decided to eularge the
d business which resulted in the
r- forming of a corporation known
as the Gergory-Rhea Mule com
's . any. This concern is now known
le far and wide as being one of
some magnitude. They do an
%r extensive business selling mules
by the hundreds and in dollars
o and cents counting way up in the
e thousands. They also handle in
connection quite a large number
d of vehicles. Mr. W. T. Gregory,
d president of the company, is a
,s resident of Lancaster, S. C,
d where he was born and raised.
:s Mr. T. J. Harper, vice president,
is a resident of Columbia and one
of our most substahtial - cit;.xens.
Mr. Jno. W. Qonder, secretary
e and treasurer as wel as manager,
it i: well known in d>lumbia, was
- raised in Columbia but got his
C early training in th ofce of the
r Gregory Brothers it Lancaster.
r He is kndwn as a man that
e repreaentiigoodajuit as they
e are.
-" Mr. Gergory is also the promo
- ter and president of sale stables
g doing business at Lancaater, S. C,
g Bishopville, S. C., Timmonsville,
- S. C., and Charleston, S. C., and
t is considered one of the largest
,t dealers in live stock in the State.
-. Their buyer, Mr. J. M. Hood,
r also one of the stockholders,
spent most of his tirme in the
wholesale markets looking for
bargains for their different places.
He has plenty of gray hairs on
e his head and 'tis said can shut
r one eye and size up a. mule as
i; quick as anyone.-Adv.
A Frightened Horse.
r. Bunning like mad down the
e street, dumping the occupants, or
- a hundred other accidents, are
r every day occurrences. It -be
hooves everybody to bave a reli
r able salve handy and tliere's none
- as good as Bucklen's Araica Salve.
SBurns, cuts, sores, eczema and
Ii piles disappear quickly under its
r soothing effct. 25c, ast Obear
I drug store, McMaster & Co., aud
v J. H. McMaster & Co., drug1
' stores.
Lord Rosebery paid: "The non
~returning of books has ended
more friendships and terminated
more affection~s than any other
cause of which he was cognizant.
SThe man who baorrowed one1
,s volume from a set and never re-I
tturned it was a man who shoald
' be treated like vermin, trapped
c or shot at sight, or any other of
the punishments whichb might be
extended to the least and vilest
lof mankind.".
gA whole lo o ayprsscnb
,written about remiedies, bti ae
facts to prove anythng-good straight
dfacts. And the strongest fact you ever
- heard is that Trannopillne is the best
cure for piles on the market. It cures
absolutely. Has a healing, soothing
a effect from the start.
IAll druggists have it for $1.00 a jar.
e Asi: for Tfannopilinle and don't dare
*take a substitute.
There don't seem to be as much
s hurry about the fanamna canal as
r there was about the organ izaition
of gthe Panams republie.-Wash
t ntnPost.
st for Ifants snd Children.
2 The Kind You Hare Alway Bought
UBears the
Used an Explosive Bullet.
T., Co'urbia correspondE
of the Nets and Courier says:
A 1a' lh.r pretty story has ji
develoi Nd in the past few da
in whi< h Bishop Cape>s t:ikes
part, and which brings ha
recollections of the days of 186
1865, in a very vivid manni
the story tells of the capture
a Federal pri!o'ier by the bishc
then an -officer in the 24th Sou
Carolina regiment, a,d the pa
played by other wernbers of t:
same regimntuut, whose nam
have been forg. .tt-n.
The incidtnt happened <
James Islatnd, wheie a detac
ment of soldiers from the vario1
South Caroliua companies, ju
I raise, we) st:ttioued. Bisb<
Cap< ri and three soldiers we
couing over from the headquai
ers of the officers toward the lii
where sentries had been throv
. Just across the line a Northe:
soldie'r was seen, and it wi
evident that he had landed fi
some purpose not for the goc
of the men on the island wt
wore the gray. He was approacl
ed so rapidly that he had r
chance to escape and was told I
surrender. There was some park
at first, as the man, evidently
brave soldier, did not wish I
he taken in this way withoi
having a chance for a light, bi
the folly of such procedure w<
quickly shown, and he turut
Qver his gun and iarchr a bat
tj camp.
. The gun was kept by Biaha
Capeis for . ears and sever
efforts were mide to find it
owner. Finally bf searchin
over the records it was foun
that the gun b'longe.1 to som
member of the 11th Connecticu
volunteers. Then the traciug wE
a little .easier, and f.ually tb
man who owned the gun was k
cated. His name is Francis (
Cope and he lives in a smll tow
in Connecticut. The gun is no,
being- *epaired and will be rt
turned by the bishop at once. ]
is still a dangerous lookin
weapon, which shot a pap(
gell loaded with powder and a
eslosive bulet,
A Thousand Dollar's Worth of Goo0
"I'have been aficted with kidne
and bladder trouble for years, passin
gravel or stones excruciating pain,
says A. H, Thgrnes, a well known co
operator of Buffalo, 0. "I got no reli
from medicines until I began takir
Foley's Kidney Cure, then the resu
was surprising. A few doses start(
the briok dust like flue stones and no
I have o pain across my- lidneys an
I feel like a new man. :It has done n
a $1090 dollars worth .of good."
After all, it is hard to sa
whether the boll weevil, Wa
street or the government cotto
guess is most responsible for t1
i1 s attendant upon the cotto
panter.-Atlanta Journal.
Thedfcrd's Dl '-Draucht comes
nearer regulatir.2 the entire system
and keep::g the'hody in hecalUx than
any other mi c in adc. It is
-always re-ady i ary emergency to
treat ailmients that are frequent in
:mny family such r.a indigestion.
biliousncss, cod darrheca, and
stomach aches.
Thedford's Elack-Dramr!ht is the
standlard, never-failing remedy fcr
stomach, howc!, i.ver and kidney
troubles. It is a cure for the domes
.tic ills which so fregn:tly summon
-the docter. Itis -',,1for childreni
as it isfor rown i .as. A dosecof
'is iedicine cyc:-r 1:v will i-oon
cure the most obstinate 'case of dys
r1psia or constipation, a::a when
taken as directed! brns quick relief.
I>A.S.*TLLI:, iLL., Dec. 23, 13C2.
Thalford's 2:ackr~-atighs has been ottr
family doc:e for r.vo years and we wr.nlt
nO othor. i."ae at:y of us feel bad!y) wo
- t:M a d'e.a;:nd r.rc all right in tl;cive
ocurs. wu have sptent lots of r.:onCy for
doctor tlls. but get aog just as well
with rlack-Draugiht. ilA U. DERL.
'Ask you:r dealer for a pac';age of
Thedford's Black-Draught a.nd If he
does not koep it scen'.G. to The Chatt.i
nooga Medicino Coa., C'mnttanooga, Tc::n.
and a paci:age wiln be mailed to you.
4. Laxative Brc
Se-e uon boges sold in past I2
th The Kind You Have Always I
,rt in use for over 30 years, I
Ah m6ae-U and h
$ sona,1
awl# Allow,
)m All Counterfeits, Imitations s
b- Experiments that trifle with
is Infants and Children-Exper
What is. CA
t- Castoria is a harmless subsi
e goric, Drops and Soothing E
contains neither Opium, Mo
substance. Its age is its gua
n. and allays Feverishness. It
is Colic. It relieves'Teething I
r and FlaVzlency. It assimnila
d Stomach and Bowels, giving
o The Children's Panacea,-The
y Bears the
Sn Use For Ov
More = Prin,
Advertisements in 1
aERALD bring,
All Commercial Job Pi
neatly done at The l
aoffice on good rr
Sprices most
To Take Advantage of Special Offer
Made by Mcflaster Co.
McMaster Co., the ente rprising drug
Sgists, are advertising today for fifty
men and women to take advantage of I
the sp'eial half- price offer they are
making on Dr. How~ard's celebratedI
spcf or the cure of constipat;ion and '
d7yspepsia, and get a fifty cent package fj
at half p)rice, 25 cents.]
So posit ive are they cf the remak-Y
ble power of this specific to cureths
diseases, as well as sick headaches andi
liver troubles, that they agree to refund]
the money to any~ customer whom this
medicine does not quickly relieve and
cure.. .
With Dr. Howa.id's specific at hand, ,t
you can eat what you want and have
no fear of ill consequences. It -
strengthens the stomach, gives perfect I
digestion, regulates the bowels, creates c
an appetite, and makes life worth the i
This is an unusual opportunity to
obtain 60 doses of the best medicine I
ever miade for half its regular price,
with the personal guarantee of a wel]
known b)usiness lirm to refundI' the
money if it does not give satisfaction.
If you cannot call at McMaster Co.'s
Istore today, t end thern 2.5 cents by mail,
and they wvili send you a package,
.promptly, cbarges paidl.
McMaster Co. have beeni able to sc- T
cure only a limited supply.of the spe- r
einec, so great is the demizand, and you C
should not dleay taking advantage of C
the liberal offer they are making this
Trespass Notice.
All persons are hereby warned imd< r c
u"Tli:inlty of law not to bunt, fish Ic
walk, rie, cut h imber ar allow stock to I
run at large, or ot herwli'e trespas~s upon
lands ownied or controlled by the un- t
dernigned. t
1-4--4t W. F. CLEVEL AND.
wre a Cold in Orn
mo qtuinine Tablets.
ma T'a ,*cnmn .
ought, and which has ben
as borne the signatnre of
is been made under his per
upervision since its infancy.
ao one to deceive you in this.
.nd "Just-as-good" are but
and endanger the health of.
ience against Experiment.
itute for Castor Oil, Pare
lyrups. It Is Pleasant. It
rphine nor other Narcotl
rantee. It destroys Worms.
cures Diarrhoea and Wind
roubles, cures Constipation
es the Food, regulates the'
healthy and natural sleep.
Mother's Friend. -
ignature of
Slways Bought
er 30 Years.
SAV $Tns. new vok amW.
G 19O5
ters' = Ink.
ood returns.
'inting quickly and
fews and Herald
iateria and at
From the Best Tested Seeds.
Now ready for shipmenti,lazge,
trong, healthy, these plants are
~rown in the open air and wvill
tand severe freez3 without in
ury. Early'EJersey Wakefield,
large Type or Charleston Wake
ield,-which are the best knowp
-arieties of early cabbages, alsp
{enderson's Succession, the best
arge, late and sure header, Au
~usta Early Trucker, also a fine
ype of late varie'ty.' Neatly
acked in light baskets. $1.50
er thousand; for fivs thousand
r over, $1.25 per thousand, f. o.
.express office.
Special prices made on large
Youngs Island, S. C.
Trespass Notice.
All persons are hereby warned under.
enalty of law not to hunt, walk,
ide or allow stock to run at large or
therwise trespaiss upon lands owned
r controlled by the undersigned.
12-28-4t T. F. WA LKER
Notice is hereby given, that the mer
antile business, which hias heretofore
een conducted by me under the name
f J. F. McMaster, will hereafter be
ontinued by me under the name of
E. Rt. Me Master.
With thanks for the patronage ex
TInded the former firm I ask a con
inuation of the same.
1-4-4t K. R. McMASTER.
Day Tw as
~01 6VeL2

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