Newspaper Page Text
mm-m , ?g.--C ? "*v?>Tr -:tr -jrr^r~< -? * * c. <*- NKW>: AM) H KKAl;!). : v s. r. fcRDN^S^'sT. ;c. :: : IS"!. ft. ;.VS /> |!7s, K- jTr-r.. _ t. %. n / ; J .voj./>.S. .v-wn.'Ti \Kff-.1. SIh*: w;T? vl-if Y?*fcrn,i.?" I);tv". :uit; i:c 1 pii??i? ol' ajiaiu u?M?ylii;: $ ? N-. ixrr?:r ! t'iat ri:y :i!:ij ( <>ltn:;5;:a. *v,;v;,->s wifi Ski'.v li-.v {!)?> !> : I :*;;?? V.} . a:::* t!r?* Virginia } " vi]J !i:i\*c a Ju::j -VSty 'vt'i -n <?! j >iur !. *!?:? * r ' MhIi'mic i:i ??*?_ (.'nilcd 1 Sfiruft*. v. <: t;-> v '.iSiii! any loMif'-r : yl;h U'i'sn !Itr.v I !t> Ma) !>ai-iv. v have ] ;*.:!< <i t!??* > !*>ir:t:-. a-r<l %v!?y ;;:>t <";!! 4= - n; at ;?'.! ? (.! nr.? \ h it. 1:Sk\.io: p.tijkisj'v W;;irr>. of 2 \\if t::i mayor *?i" :*?a!ti^ i J . *(* i;.Si V."i'l'i> ^>V ? Ct'!aH;t!i'>l|< \ot(*. T fit jn>!ai;-f <. > rrroru. lie i- t*x} j t.-u to r<;fi.ri:i Ore ci:y, liit* ;<:*.riy is,?M"s "'. acrujiv. fYench Ou>imt ha? :i uvw ministry. j. t i< y.t:? ifll exactly > .n* ii?l-l" )W i-i :i!n?i!t. but it, ?.? n-'oro !>; ?* to Tunis. (iunibeila ?; ?:-1:;?! believe in sutllrhnr I'tanee to billed uj> by other }>o\vcr>. > . ? i v hili hayitiir praetieally annexed jr. i ?r?>W>L'<.I t;j? liolivin. the -r' B'in*' (Vufc-creratbrn. not to be < v?^r-r?.- <Vjyt~:ii;?fn.fes flier annexation >;' Paft?jr;uy ?:>]' Uragiviy. am"! p: . . IHy a^jpM?fcst ?rith IJrazth Mr. Blaine V'iv tare his hantfs full if lie content-'>:ninj;- ihe arbiter an?l prace; sfttta*r t.-l'a-lJ" the Eolith American i" MtrnJ^. v \Va>I?iu?5"fon n says: fc -.vuel K. M. \Va?Ia<v, of l<!>u{!! * nwiH be stnmirly u;uv<] for j> *>f nt ? *t ) . iio l.:v> lit:!?l ri-sponsihh? * <?{ !?.*> ;?!(ir:u:r?s c ?? i-w.-'ys ivutlen-.i saiisfariioiJ. Hiv is tho invpn'-sibie T. ?}. I i-kt'.v. has In-fH on all sMc> of r rv *?<>Ii:icaI <nro>tion !br t!?y pas' J v- j. > ? years.** ,:?K si-t-rtit of :!>? diuht? nn<! wining : ? .lie is w;IU to be; r . of ail tin." northern fxnvers i Franco. whose rapid rrotfpemi. . i?a-:urain made her the Ir tc urir <'. O.f powers. In order t<> prevent! t- Latin Union" between j'rani-e. | l .inand truly, Klujj Ilu'.nbert. of I he ; n r Country, has been by the ! 1 of Anslria in order to l>rifiir 7' i ?i: tlioaTr*i-(a:;?ii^i:v?!:i!)in:iriuti. A< rs?:.l Itaiv !rive been quarreiiiur a?*--*:; Tunis, this may be an opportune J u?r Austrian via::ds tv> tie!:!e the a ;s'i..n monarch's palate. ? > -C" <! ? . these dav> oi ii^'titnitiii" dispalchcs : . t rapid transit, small papers have : ;! -rouble in competing" with their; v e-/iit*,iiijKM*ari?r>*. >:i on:* own > ?:?- ?:ks is iijmkirtriif. It it;;.-;, not * i- or twice. but over and i>ver ;:-pua. > s our experience, rhat en any inxX -i-ant occasion when we have ;m;- ? *vl .-it: editorial, j;?>t as it has <*vnn* i ? .e -uunls at* the printer ?>r next r 4 r i \\ ; copy of the JYe/?.# it ml (Jonrim' j . ..AM-- with an editorial on the >wn_' i amKmm' ?r:itsu:netinic,-i embodying the ; .v" ?<? r>>..t. till!* r:!'!-'. ' < . instead-of upj'tun'iiuf :ts a eoinei-: ?. seem* to !>;; an imitation, It is ! t< -v.y j-:tsx>yUt^. k> li.iv.; one's thunder ; l -\ evci! i;' it ix; unconsciously. ."* v;;yr.:-:.yew vril! jxiss before tin* ? ejection. efcht or nine mouths ' ( *Iac meeting i>? tin* State eonven; yet on a!! sides are heard rumors * . ??n!>!t:;;j;on.< to seenre the different 1 ..jUves. Why lists unseemly lr?s;e? . j:<kkI men so scarce in South * r?>in:n tout the people are t-oisisx-iliui r- -rarch :i year ? . v/o in ytlvanHfvi Or is it thai the : j isrweat? of the j e >pic.\ arc j ___ : ..svaiiire formatters to >uit them-; '^"^^'^ ^TsVAre tiio ]?i?IrJic offices places j ?.- :u *-.*>? aiul trust. or are they mere' i- ii- rw?!>r ;wr?vlie<l out amou^a few? . ' are questions pre-mant with the ; p. >-i or <>viJ of the jwirty and to Uie ? ami i? U?!iooves the masses who j ? "he voting pay the taxes to con- | i-... r them before it is too late. I lm ^ " :k i!t.?iitibHo;Uis, i?oin^r. as it "were. j I r>ji,:ir of t!it* K(*]:ubiic, iliat i< to; v .:;pi>icho!:>ivtM?t" their control of'j v Senate. have M-t their to J "c .jk. si !ic\v Stale into ex-! y, ?-:i.T?a Kci?u!)!ic;:n Stale, of course. : will semi two stalwart Senators ; } - .:.r national capital. Dakota i> tin; i vi,viii>fy (.sit wiii.-'i they haveea4 tin::r t-cy eyes. The territory was a lew \ r.; :i howling wilderness, ;iik! ; it has raoidiy developed. stiil | s ;;???;uoiJlines :< $ yet to entitle K to'! 2*?tK.?r of lull sisterhood. The I will. ofcourse, combat any [ .- vrji move to the hitter end, for wt ; fc.s?tr^Si>u^h coJieu h?>rou<rhs already i *?. Lvs??' lis*. of'^-a'eS. Nevada, especial-< l~ -?j.4W jijo c%>l:aj?se of hur mines, ha?i--sS#iv population nor wealth enough '<*> her a tirst-eias* territory, ami i }. : Irt the-Senate her voire i- as pofen[ ! u.-cliii.1 vsi'Niivs York or Pennsylvania. ! TV if?pftielivans nsay is wei! aUtnd-on ; ftieir scheme. I J.tkota laast-sit in the i c <i:I a while longer. A f-AKACK.'.rii iias a^eannl in some i ??v<mr exchanges. to- the efi'-et that * ' General I>i\ittiwi has r:-s:;r;:cd his . :v>ws tor thegovernorship i i fuvor > > w. : ; nMKrnii ?v?: t? i- >: <. ; <.> ?<> tl\ACe i. Lo lis S'iJir -.' at.;! ti;> jk>1 vi.>>\V it iWY iciVt- t?s> .>!!;?.>; :ur.-.y <>-i iah'tviovv^ ! <;> fUiiff tkr s''n:U'tiu,'!! ii: ! -.! 1??mu wSai \v;?k:;;hv ot" Jiit-ur \vr j?>lifr<*(i in i;?'i;iu.-r i> iVii* {!?;> >qtsib.- 1- i< ewrly i-iii" canvas.*, very o?;rly kul.'ed. 11? i: i' any s::c!i report in cirvi?k:&i<?ii. X;> }?.>.N)t>U> *'un conic o? if, wiiclhcr in tail!* ?*r not. Wi'.ii i;; taiiviiii; in:it a:iv e>:Mimii:icnl;:>ii .vith iir.ittua oi! fT.-r ssv:?j?vt, ?:r k:Tovri >ii^ ami k>; uis Ii:j^I: }?{Mvri.:iU?ii ui ttiiiy us ihu; the " ( or; i:i ?,u- -rJtm >> ?k*att?n ;i s :;i\v;iY> ncl i.ihut Mii e N i* /!?*- |?> t 1/* C?>tli>i* 1 i !?; ?i?c*.s ."?(. !f w ti I:j t'uv??r i wr.';<r>f ol < . Ait.,i.-; ; Cv'lv-y1*^ c * i v.* k * v ?i.Kv I .iv /I . % ii <J?( <\ a 1 Ci? * V/ ^ V ?/ <k tfV V 1 ! < C V ? I I ? , : n *.* ' CiiO OvAl \/A ,jt' HO i?li" t*? vl iivKit J ? ^ :. a -w. ?* ? :?.ul e . . .-.^-Z. \ i' |c ft>r !)' t>'*'>t:1?* ?m<1 i!i?* ' :;'!!i ;ti')j!" (<> jpiJcp tin- !! > i lr:-c,i fii." el: of a larif" p? >: - i tit <?( ri:" S*:itf f-r ir-'V'T'inr. siimi \vc f ):-iij vc -til! it: a:i<! i;i> fri?*Ji<!> ::r?* <!? - 1 t:::?t iir not i><* fro\vt!i*ii 1 ?il* ?in* Trie ; i?v ne\v<}>:!>??r s'|?i;i.i .';v::uc<- <?{* 11;?' ojkmimi;* of tii?* c;i?va>?. \ tr:nj">;- of the Knvll-h pfo;?l?. % % < ov.*:;r?J- Ireland ;> miiu io i>e very tinT; . N- \v?*;?a]?fr> :n:l sjwaker- ' <i? 11:Ii<! li;:;! h!o'?d shall l>f >hed t'? J :: >'<:?;i to the !- ?:'lYaeiieaMv . ) he Lea:: e ha? >u?|?end?d. a> it had inevitably to d-? when KiiiflandV ? ; <! eoaN ]<f'i every a*id li'.oi! in the land. The law has heen vindicated. ami Knjrland , -h >n!-i deal iiheraKy with the lri>h. i IVaeri.-a! l???u?*li :~ are already l?s*iiiir 1 df"iveii IVotn the Lu:d Act. a nmnher of reus* having he.-i: lowered at h\-et , thirty i?er eei.r. Ia the meantime ti lata' agitation !::??reached Knji'laml and ' Scotland. A meeting of Jive hundred ( farmer* in Aberdeenshire have Hirrc'd . to press for a rednetio:! ami a laud i?ii! l'-r Scotland at t!.:; next session of Parliament. , lYofe>sor Harris. of St. Loni*. a ;^enof broad virus and philo-ophir . thought. was in Km rope a year or two 1 since, and he repoi ts that in sn?-h <-ii*?rlcs as Oxford and Cambridge ihe,, opinion i< <piietly licld tiiat in a!>on! t thirty years monarchy will disappea: 1 from antl an emiijmenru re-, public wiii ari*e. seems to be; t!it- ?vm??*al tmdem'v ofth.; times. Tin* 1 md laws the hereditary peerage am! < o:her relies ul'okl times are su'il-riiiif ] severe shock*. year by yen?*, .from radi- j cal airitation in K:s?*land and fromLuid > troubles in Ireland. The New tfurk;* tlemM, v- hicli has a word to say about ' everything, and believes iisrlf eompc- . i ?-i:f to n'jrulate the a Hairs of the ( Uuiwrsr. in^Iudin;* comets and the ( Star of lieihleheni. has proposed a " scheme for a irrand Confederation o!" ?tru-.-il o-oVfrlimellt ii i^i . H?hv> ?>'? ?? p- . ? ..?? . Jse several provinces of Km^IuikI. Scot- 1 Iantl. Ireland and Wales and in tin* ( (.'olonini d? pendencies, ami a national 1 body similar to the American Con- ( irress. composed ot* member.-. from the < d:tlerent subdivision*. Whether Waif- ! ' ortlordon ilennett shall be put at the ] head o{" atiairs, the versatile Jlerahl. ] does tmt as vet signify. If monarchy \ j !>e swept away, it is probable that such i .1 i>. . i.r M :i plan as is pmposcu !>y i: e Jienmi will I).' adopted.. I.i the present ooiitli-, | (ion of American is not. ::j?pnrent that cither Ireland. Scotland ur ' linirland would Tare better under re-; ' pubiiraii auspices, than tied as t!n:y ' , now arc to Victoria's apron strings. j ; Tiie Sbate Fair. i i Tin* Stale Fair was lanrely attended. ; and from ail accounts was a success, i A long list of premiuujs was di<lri!?ut-j i-d. of which Fairlield exhibitors eame I i:i tor a gratifying share. Tlio speeta- : ! ciihti* pageant on Thursday night, with i ils pyrotechnieal display ami its hand- ^ so:ne and unique costumes. was quite 1 brilliant, :::;J ir may beeomc a feature offuUire fairs. Tlie Legislature makes 110 wiser appropriation than that. to tiie Agricttl- | turalaml Mechanical ."Society, ami as we grow more proprrous. we see 110 j' harm in still further liheralitv, secur; 1 i:ig a sriil larger exhibit and still denser iiironjr* of visitors. The Zfet Result. ' ! } ' It seems to be conceded that Ma- 1 hone's mongrel combination has earn- ! ft! rim Virginia election, and lie will; , emphasize his victory by li.' I and tnonirrrli/.injr the State. His vie- ' tory was won by Kudical money, and j f!?of vvil! V? V ii U.-i lilUV I I kit I '4.4 J | sufi'-r from ;i repudiation of the;r i honds. The result of this election cannot yet be foretold. Whether it j < will permanently carry the OM J)u-!' minion over, or produce a revulsion j and aNptancl between the ascendant j taction when it comes to a division of < spoils, remains to he seen. It seems ! lo us that this election will cause the ' Democrats in the Africanized States to ( hold more closely together, as they j cannot afford the experiment that Vjr- ' uinia with her forty thousand white ' majority ventured upon. Mississippi. j like South Carolina, has felt the woo : of Utsjjuslructioii, and has stamped ! out her "peopleV Kadi.-al ticket by ' " twenty ?>r thirty thou<a?id. The Democrats have made great 11 ifaius iu >:<nv York, but whether they 1 have entirely redeemed the State is j -till in doubt. They have niade gains . . i:i the Legislatures of Connecticut.f I Massachusetts and New Jersey, and | very heavy gains in Wisconsin. ;. The Eleventh New York ('nngres- j siotiul District flattened out Astor tin- ' <ier a majority of nearly three thou- \ j -and, although <7ra:it and (..'onkiing ' ' personally canvassed his district for : ? hint. This i< a Democratic gain of one :? (.'ongres>maii. and it leaves t be straight i < Ifepublscaus :>i a utluority ofone in the ; 1 House. They must seek (j recti bark j and I'eadjusier alliances iu this bodv < as thev have already swallowed Ma- " hone;iml David Davis in t!io Senate.;' Altogether t>*iirocr.?lic parly has ' ma>l?! rtrttii' ?*ains as the net result oi* the fail elections. , j ? ( The Atlanta Exposition. 1 IJeports front Atlanta irive a glowing | diseripti-m of the inairniflc'ent exhibit made thtTe by all section*,. and especially by t!it; SotKtlx Cotton is there ! from :j!1 parts oi the world, a oollce- ! ' tion <>{ ' the pnufirets t?f other cotton ( prowinjf countries having been fur- , ?il>Jied by Secretary Maine. through I the American Consuls.. Cotton ma- ' rhiwei:yrlVoi?'T&e &st to the l itest and Huproved. is there. and all the: (titterem processes of manufacture are exhibited. Machinery of ail j-orrs i.? ' also displayed tor t-he benefit of the t Southern vi.-i-or>, whiie the natund 1 resources of the South have astonished s al! visitors. Ail kinds of niiner;d> t from the different sections have been : collected. and manufactured iron from v Alabama and Tennessee. The mitive t wood* embrace every variety f":?u::d ~ in ri>iii<h'<riitp iviitus. and tr 11 ?>f nn- i U':rt wealth yet. to l?e cn! from tlio for-. * ests. Six :isn! tiriy ch'l?*ivt:t >peci?tu-ns of demonstrate i:>. adaptability fiu* >!ock niS-iuji. v?'!ii!r t*.?!?r.i'CO is siiown in v:trir!v ami rxcel- ? ienee sufficient Ii> make liy i*:oiiUi.-? of ' the old Diiic'i K.tickoi'lxvki i> waitT * I'Vt'ii i:i tlieir ^rave-. 11 Tilt' exhibit-a> a v. hole. is said to s I!l?> ot I ii-lii.; Cv2!- a i i> a ]<5ty J lit- w::f}i'v.?r.:hit "* y?*itr j'/i \ ^*1 ?i^r?t*i liliillin.u'j i;t? * L%# Li i * L\|to>ui^>?? t.*ui il.ty u.i^iii icur.* new {<[ *?*> ?M2<i In** y tiit. vw . .1.1: " - ' ' ? kvh'.'fi'jii*o?i:h1 tl.i-:::.. Ti.c rniic^irl invr :i! !;i<f ;i<rr?w,tl |n irive ?'*hf?:irf if o :< fM'Sit ;t m:!c i;> :nrl \vi [ ns?!iH? fit rovn'j?:?o::(i;nv"ly <*!:cn; i21 We liojtc to s??i onif of cin/.t.'MS vl-irinir '' * ? ?"?? llii'iv rft' 11 I'll l>i;iv f'TVi lii-ir l*t; favored brethren pome He: >f* \v!i:t! iiiriv l>c .veil there. 'i'iio Kx ,>t>~i:t:?ii i~ hott-id to do a:i;1 th more larp'iy it is siiteiit|?-(] t!i?* 1:1-?r ;(.*:icl;s,Ta! the reMiIt* arcnsiug' 1V?!< i;. Who wii! attend? THE S T.: TE ELECI I OSS. Nt?-.v Y'?r';. X::\v V-h:K. November*.?Allium^! retnr.i- <;?>nie in >lo\v!\ on :u*?-tjti:i! u i In- ii11I iit::n ><*r of sj !ii ti. k i !!! :*? > -ciii.- to 1H! no <1 ;;:])! a- to th Democrat* victory. Even I.'1 |?ui?!3 in ih?* Kit'th Avoiiiic !! ?:< ) ni-ni^Ii .... iii*, * ill" ?: 1 ill tin? thirty t!i:ilL>U!i<I ill t!i Tiic of A?:ur i- th ?*i! ? >ati-;arIorv C'.?:i!!Crt?'?| will y?isj'i;r iniili,>js:sir?,"*i rauv?->. Man; v-?tc(i l-ir Flmvrr. iii Iit- rival. ii|???;i the ground 1:>:i A-t??r i:;t<i ili.-irnu-cil his |>:?riy :iii I hi iiaiui* i;i :i!ti,'iii;>iin^" *>? rarry the (I:*.; kvith iuoiicw !himiltoii. ano:h<*r 1 *< l>s:hlii':it!. has been ha<liy .-cratehetl l>; iii> j?artv. 'iv... i,..* ?c tt.? I ;?t- U' iirtai ? i wi mi * ? % ????. will b" i<> 111:1k" tin- Comity 1 ; rlit- rulers t?|* New York ( ily in ]>I:io il'Tammany. Tin: iii?I**;?**i?tl**iii-t; <> !> ?rh I>eui??rrats ami ii >or;ilcliin^ a hopeful iiul.ration u (ill heller candidates in the fulurc. Vir<ini.i. Riciimonu. November S.?Return ;;>me in slowly. Tin? Readju^ter* elain ro be certain of Cameron's election !'!:;* Democrats have strong' hope? :i:? Mieve that fall returns will c uitin.m [?> increase their gains. Tbe-ReadjnVil, rs claim tt> lliive gained four member >t the tionse ot i>eie:rares over j ?y i )/: Chesterfield. I It'*iiric>>. Culpeper Madison and Green. di>trL*t 'aniline, i* very elose. T!ic Demo rats ex;?re?s eonfid-nee !li:if tliev wil secure t!ie Legislature. or it' n ?t thai i ivill be very close. .Not enough re lurns are yet in to jfive a d -finite id-*: ?:* tIn? result. Petersburg irives Came roil a majority of l.osi. n loss of 2*! ?ver Kichmoml irives Daniel : inajnitv of 1.??!' t. The lieadjustor tarry Norfolk city by 4*>:>. (ioode i: .tefeat.ul there for the House of Dele rates. The Democrats claim that fron :he returns received from thirieei ities and V.'itnties they have niadi rains of .'Jji')'i, and believe they h.iv< made a ?rain of eleven member* of tin Legislature and lost hut one. liUr:iM<>N?. V\.. November JS.?Tin tlicial vote of iiiclunmid for (iovornoi >: l);?!iifl. Democrat..Cameron l'e;tdjusicr, Daniel's m.ijorily Ii; I!; adjuster gain, G73: 106 seal eriny. l'recincls outside oi" JTicli nond jrivu Daniel It!. 101), ('a we rot 1 ; ninkiiiu* the Democratic lie jain 2. P*. Majorities for Daniel an dso reported in twenty-live oilier pre inets :md four e (unties, which make: lis tola! majority as far as hc:ird fron Keturns thus tar indicate tha n the Legislature ihe Democrats ?jaii .-Ieven members and lo.-u one. New J< r Xkw Vouk, November x.? Hettim; m ki ! :i_ jo. indicate that the new Legislature of Nrw Jersey will stand vmate. Republican lot Democrats -s Democratic :raiu M. Assembly. 1* xiblicans, i?2; Deaiycrais,-s? I->o:n _? :ratio gain '1. Mis.*! Mki:h>\x. Novembers.?Foui kvliiti* men wt re killed and tvvo severe y wounded by negroes to?dayat Mari hi Station, in this county. Tlie negroe: ipened lire on the whites at the p ill' A'iiile tlx* election was goin;r on. Tin .vhitcs had no arms To defend them Ives with, and consequent!v none o he negroes surtere'l. One of the niei vilh'd was A. K. Harvey. Demoorath andidate for county assessor. Tin therilF. with posse from this place buud.about 1 negroes barricaded ii he dwelling house of their leader. Kd Vance. The posse. wa,s .fired upon hi ho negroes as they approached tin muse. Another body of armed inei i:ive gone from here to the see in; of j Ik lisrurbanee to assist the sheriff. Wit: his exception the election, -in thi: wuiity has been quiet and ord.-rly. A IIappv Occ asion.?The principa ;vent of the week has been the mar iajre of Miss Emma Christian. Thi 'stiiiiabitr younir lady was married ui LI o'clock a. in. la-t Wednesday to (I i iicv. K. M. jjteveuson, of Kairlicit - utility, S. < \ We had Mtspected a: much. Like oik; other, this younj ji'iit huiiaii had been "iinjrcriti; irouiid" f-?r some tinn*. I?ut lie ha; taujrht lii> Idrdie. A sweet. pretty 0:11 t was. softness, she, and swee it tractive grace." Milton had jus mch a voting hulv in his mind. Tin liYv. W. L. Presley married tlie Imp jy couple. Mrs. Lou. J. IJrowolei ;ave them an elegant dinner. Thi rood lady ha?quiiea reputation at tin stive hoar<i. We know whereot \vi i flit-iii. We have proved our faith In >nr works. A hevv of pretly collect rirls was present, and lent their charm; o the happy occasion. The bride ant rrooni 1? f 0:1 the evening train for hi. tome in Kairlield. Remaining there ; -liort time, they go direct to Virginia he tielil of his labors. -Miss (Jhristiai ivas a general favorite in Due We.>t W'a heard :i young lady wishing some .hing "awful" would happen to liin "or taking her away, and the boys tec ihout the same way. This makes llim jraduates ot the Female College wli. lave married inside of two weeks \nd they do say that, "On Lu ,? <? in.f nml' IVMtilnnlkMl* tll-lt U'A ?! <? nil Kt a dreadful ihreateuing.?Mr. S;cv ru>on is :i tint; looking gentleman, ant ,ve hear, popular with his people ii nrginin. May "the sweet iulhieuet >f tlie l'lciaties" ever hind their lovt in ilie golden chain.?Abb~ciUc JA limn. Messrs. Williams ?.'c Kutledirc.Greenrilie. S. I .'ear Sirs: The piano re entiy pnreha>ed of you i* a great deight to my family, and a souree ol n~i^ewoi ihv co;i.*nent from ail- thr iiu^ieaI oritur who liave examined it l otiiS'lruiy. \\\ K: lil.AKK. Grccmvooil, S. Feb. * ?Victims to constipation and ii.> mtold miseries ?*;tii keep in ?f.?od coalition by :t moderate use of Aver*? 'ills, tin: surest, safest and mu&l relia>le cathartic. * Mothers 1 Liothers ! ! Mother* ! I i Are von di-turbed nt lijjl.t and b.*<ik<-:i >f vmr r< st 1 v a sick rliild sutk-ria^ h:k! n-vin!4-vvit :i fun cxcracin i.'ig pait: ??!' c-U ir?ji tcOtll? if <o. go itt Wet- niul get :i > ?itlo of MliS \V!\ SLOWS soo'l'ij iN'ii Yill'l'. Ii v. iii r? lit-ve t-.<- j u. r uflVrt-r i?u::?u!i?t"ly- depend upon il is no lristalcc about it. 1'is u>! ii mojiH-r uu w':: \? bo ba> >v?-r us <1 .. v. ho will not f..]] y?>n ill uii ? it vi-1 m'vi.ite tin* bowel*, an i n;?e jvslt-i lie v:s?it-ior. and v-!i t an 1 h'*:ltli to tin itild. operating n>?;;i<i. I> i.H p?*rt?vtJv .-.ft* r<> nst- in :>U cases, and t<. b.> tastti. and i> the prosor plu??: <>f "!n t' tlif oldest and if.-si U'iiii'lv p:iv.-:it-iii>s n 1 liars- s in the T*aii:-d St.uc.--. JS??-.i vcv \v;i -re. ^ > ctrius ;i uo.ii^. t}>-c I : x ' y A (!?htorNt?ro l'lit'out ii-?n ?! >r >!<>]?]> . i;. tr-. r-M?hs 'i ;*n Iiirin-.iHi* Iii'nir I'is?c*'s'1 or siiiij.fitn:. Knnva's !)i-H Tro;-}!s cvi f:iill To ifiVt* l iii s?ljn:i i;i i?ii; ii!?is. Ci!ii?l:s. ('atari ii.v\?naa:! Throat i"? birty yu.:;*s tij* 'I r?? -Lits ij.-t-ii r?-c<?iiii-.-inio I M ph\xi::I itis. Mil-i i.1 v;,;v- ?tv(> t . fi-oi i-.iT :-.i;sc! .:>ll. 'I if, Hit hot jj-'tv r u:: rJ'si. l?nt h?vi:i; b -os- t>s;.tu l.\ "jji i f.'-i:-t.tUi us.- ?.?r rt-avly i:i> ?iitsr* I.f'TjU i- Ii. tijfV i'H'.'v WiVi-lij.-V v.?;-k a.-j'-ri-* ? i" ?t*'v sltj'!* r. itir !]? : I." l'il-iliV >!> -aki-rx >iJill's <1*V lii'-ill 1<> i-j.'- IV ;li: i savutiihcj ( :* i < 1???> UwV. ?V /' / y l WW-.. ? ? ? - i- ?*- yi .W .-yl J m _ _ _ ; iNsriMvvV-ii: Lin-; ?' Pifsbytcriiiii Assnrawi' rum?. Yv'i ]::tv St'I" f'tf 111." J-'Vrrt Wlild! vo? t.x'f iv.. ;ui:l iiil. wliu'ili* liisniai.e ;n-n:^ i!:V ci.tsrs. V !) ir?-?-ii"'v yi':rf-:i:r!y v.lllscr rli^s'sin ' j v as by">iK-c!:iI < ! Uisc li: tlif finr | - it-r !i Is iW'-injil. N i rf k fi run ror p ^ H iiiiy if th'* cnri' ,>"r r;ii!itc. :i> <!'< in.-oiialirt* Yon '.;n>r.v v. h '* vr>>i jrty a-I: r *nr. . , V'j'.: '-.Hi Iiaoi:*- 1:; t'si.. you < i.-ji-i .10: 1:; . t j!i >:! ? Xj.-;i-iv ^ oii k!rt!i?t'" ?i; Ii'j pro* <*? n? ! 'v rj-! f or t:i> -aii.? ti? u'o\.:iii !ii- :i ai . . . ?* V')-; fi-t-i ivc ,-t It-iii-ii- of i,v a week S;<*!c or lit; j 1 >! - Id :iIU-:.i! :.'i i ;;-ii!cs->. J; Is i:i<* i-a-i .-! ?a;i'>: w:ty ?u I -nr.- ah tiiii ?:? l:ir of yotir li'.ljiH; . i ifirr > !:' ii.iui'ii> io :> !j^5? !he lio:;<\-vy < ' K.vpn r ili.ii th< luuti;.ii ji!.u. - r, ,i!.!i. .1,,! , ?!; iWi'.l I'iMtM'! <> ii;,' "'i: l;tiyv to i??: urar.o . jisiiaji ? IU"TJ,-> 5.- m. i ij'itli jic ?l Jii.V ir I (*.:?i:iii! !m- -liSj.* It'll !'i til" <if Credit"'".* n-.flit d. v:?vi?i l.iifjil nru; ht j'.oc?r:-s Ml so ! div.-j t Si it. :*! ii:< -'illUl'*. . ? F r "urt'ifr p r?J?*til irs :);:-l ?->u< '<>: ilj-ui'NTr.liJ'i. r.iil ??:J / '? iX>.Vi. 1 S :j?: jm-S.m r.ut'JJt r- i: nrld? ?j?lsit *A N i-:\V K I .\n MY WATCH CASK. 1 New l:e:r;:iisc it is ouly v. l:.'.d:i the f>-v. liiai i: ii.<> liv ii lii;*i,'yved and 1?r??U^ll?. , k iljr re -clt of t-ver.?. one: <?Jii la principle ' ' h . u:-e tl:;.- tins' liivt-sx!???:i x&> niide f..jd Iliy li x: p.iict.; "afcr-ii out m arly nvwt.v visits ?. : aud ivi.^rs at that tluif and worn ( v-t : since, are nearly a.*. ;i.-> new. I,'c;ul the r??!i' lowing, wnls h only oi.e ?f many Uutrirrtit, ] your Jewelers can tell <<; similar ! }J.\xsrii.i.t>. 1*a? May 1*7$. i I have a <-u.-ton:? r who. i;;i4 carried oue <>' j f, UosV l'atrai c.wv Iiri?:e:i.jiur.> ;'w:d 1 kiirw 1. . : (wo year. br'u;>- Ir. ^">t It and It now ! ; ,'G'i'.I for t'*i? ycr.> Uu.trer. K. 1". oI.NHV. 1 Kenirailter lhnt;J is. Dot* Is the o*i!y jui -ni case is:.6U- of twa''fs or solid jjold (o:io out- ; i <*.lo at:d cue iiisldi > 0ov? liii?r every pan. ex i p "<*?<! 'o wear or ' tin* jrreat advantage oJ | ! iIr'sc platesov?*relectro-jrlidlricIs apparent to! j -ver;. one. UoWds Hie only p.-tent ca-KMVlUt V vhl^htl7*re Is given a written,;: dT, "* j will li :he lollowliij i.jti tec Roller* -rj i \ TSa*it<!omwT*wT*?ci;<o?xTy? Cak / - ! \!T> *? SVU.%*?TU?r3 LTOCH / \ ^rttSr?Vflr>ra- tvsputjs cr 10LS / \C010 r"c?t.K Arjt f ryyr^*:*/ . i \i<a3B??sayA'e3Sswi/ j ! rSArigy' j | ; Soe that you ?j?-t tli?? jrijnr:!nlf*<? villi rarh ! ( cm.**. A.?k your jvwclor fur lilintrated rata- i i J ov i ' - TUTTS ~ i I : -2 | . INDORSED BY - PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND j ; THE AFFLICTED EVE5YV/HERE. <' THE GREATEST MEDICAL 1 1! TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. i oaojtir?wrw?..*j STMFTOWS OF A j TORPID LIVER. | : I?ossot uppetite,Nausea.bowels costive, ; : I'nfn mthofi^nd.withu duirseusfttibn in * . the back partT^aiu under the shoulderblade, fullness after eating, with adi??in- ; " , clination to cxertion^of body or mind,' : Irr;t?b:lit" of t-mpcr, Lov- spirits. Loss j ol' ragir.ory. with a fueling ofr.aylng neg- ! le..t^d some duty, yreariacss, Dizziness, . ' >" lutterinKof thwl}l_ewt, DotsJje'foretho ; . i eyes. Yellow Skinj Headache, Heatl^sness at night, lii?hly colored Urine. IF THESE WARNINGS APJl TJXHEEDED, * ; SERiOUS DISEASES WILL SOON 3E DEVELOPED. : * i TUTTS PILLS arc ?*<i>^ci*ny adapted to * 1 mvli riiHVN.unrilii^cftrrl.Dilii'liarliaDKe ! of (Vel'iisrH* to Hfctoiiish the MiflVrer. : Tlipy Iiiwritw !!?? Appetite. nndc?u?e tlie t I b>>;Iv to Tntic on t"le?ti. iLii.s thr system ii noiirUhrd.Mnl by tln-li Ton2c* ArtUiuon tin: " (Irrami, ICey:ilnr xtuoU urc |-r<?durril. 1'rioi: i*? tt-nrs. 33 '.nrrii.y St.. X.V. ! :i TuTmWlYL ! ' OkaV HAinorWHISKTBS fhsnitfw! tou <?L?x?Y ! I v.. i... ? ittmtfi-jtlioii Ot' tilin J)YK. It J " I imports n jinuir*! color, arts Inxtanlniieou!"!}*. j I { I' t*sfr?w ou rw.fipt ol $1. , '; OfYlco, 35 Murray St., New York. | |! (3 Pr. Tt'TT> Jit MMi. ?f ValusM* Infnnnntloo ?od X ^IVful will br m-llnl KREK ??n applir&Uon.j? t ; we desire " ~| i ! TO CALL ATTENTION TO THE - I !*! FACT that our ! ! ?! 1 > STOCK OF GOODS : ' i i . i ;|. ! .! is now opened and ready for in spec- ! II i l t spectioa. Each department will l?e ; -! S - found ! . J I FULL AND COMPLETE. i j Our Goods are all of the 4T>est j 1. Quality." and we invite comparison' ! both in price and quality with 1 j i .j ANY OTHERS' OCK3. '! , ' 11 All sales guaranteed as represent - .! ,a. ' ! Xo trouble to show iroods, and r.n -I i j1 inspection :i . I ;| BEQ,TJBSTED. J "; McMASTEIi, BKICE & KETCH IN. j I oct. 15 . " I _ _ j ;! 3 s /"the tji\ i ii'Sl.ifal .i g|#VICTpRpsi: WrP ! J? S3 ! i -M ' ah ;; aF -I; !! Tbp I ofocf 1 ho. Rpo? i a U m v & Uw' v V 40 J Tvr P**T ** ruparr^-r [ i .ik. L' < t j i U*ik7:? ii ! g ;u:ii!ljcJi:ic.,t fiiiu most coinvlci c) LMSE A2M MASH'HS Wt rroJaeed. j I : J ILLVl.'T^ATSD CIIiCFLARS fTOT j J t : : : :T.;C.VX:O:;. j }7isior Sowing Macbinc Co., j | IlidcLIctoun, Conn. \S<nitlicrn C~cc, Ko. C N. Cha. Ies St. Balii.-iore. Vc!.| TAX TiV/J?$% ? :. ' Th<' l'fir !!: n?Iirriioii of Town , !< r Uic \e?ir. rmlii:^ ' M;i: i'iu iss;?. .*!!? lioiv optMi an?i wiil ' v|mh; on tUi L>l ?i:?v * <' >.wvcu?ln r. 'I in- t:?X mi r**:SI c.-Uit*' tilui i.rn).criv i!:iil>. Ail ritlwn* { ? , V. ! :?' JiiTf'?- <M :.rf ictjiiiuuiw ;i sMv: t?o c.wii.iis. 1,. S. ciiAM'U!;. ( ICi rv JL 1 t / . <i<M -1? '.] ? I'sty \i>nr :-ni?*i-; T Ti::: i "P*.1 J ' ' '-V" -"V * * J ? Sf 1 i 'fll8 ^ ; Hi O-liRH9USE; ; tiiz .vcst : UiUiUh bliim'M i>h\hli I; Jfc>, SUCH AS SHERRY COErLERS. CLARET PUNCHES, SODA WATER. LEMONADES atcl OLD VII C1NIA MINT JULEPS. TJ.T THE CELrXKAl ED SOCK BEES, AUVAY-S. ir^sn Arn) cool. </. c l f, x J) J x i x c. Kin-! v.-vt tliiur Ui W. I; Lut v Co. Free to EferyMj! A BEAUTIFUL IIOOK lor the ASKING Bv-applying por-r>r.a7f\ nt flio T>??n7Vsl ...T 'l"ii K S'tJvGlviC MAN IT\(-TUKlX(i ('I). (.or l.V f:iTil if r?t .1 (listaac<$ f.-uy: Ali-ULT. ].cr-on will l.e nciitjnl yrrf-W; il'viUy iiUl>tr;aoil copy ?f-* 5JE^I"^iKWAR?KB. -. -.- '-: ?uii*<Tirf;? story "f tfe gp-ixG MACHINE containm" a handsome and costly >-N-il ij.Kii.viny t'lon.tiKj-icce also. VX lin?l> ?-ii tawd wood cu *'. and bound iu :tii elaborate b]ue and gold lithographed cover Xo charge wliatrvel- is made for thi.s Mnd-<.ome book whieli can be obtained -onlr !\y application at tin* branch and subordinate ollioes of The Singer Manufacturing 'o. 1'HE SISGKIi MANUFACTURING CO. Principal' Ofticc, 04 "Union Square, nvtv 17-lv . Xe\v York. STAETLI2TO AxxocxckmekT ?or? If FILL GOODS. : 0?0 1\ TAXDECKER <J- Bllfh INVITE ATTENTION TO, and RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT . AN INSPECTION OF, THEIR FALL AND WINTER.STOCK OF :.Tri.i^QXHixG, rv.-Vi-AKij""- : viENTS FURBISHING GOODS. , ?9i . ^ FULL LINE or LONG CLOTH, SHEETINGS, QUILTS, SHAWLS, BLANKETS, UNDEIiVESTS, run r i rvT-no /^rv^o JUAJLUJ&O AM) UX*x> X O. HOSIERY: GLOVES. HAM)KEliCIIIEFS, 1XCHIXGS, ETC. LARGE VARIETY OF OTKEli GOODS TOO ' NUAlEiiOLS TU MENTION, AT PRCES FULL! IN KEEPING WITH THE TIMES. P. LAEDZCE3B & BEO. oct 11 COME AND SEE -MY? ELEG AST DISPLAY >' ~?OFII FALL GOODS. if ** . vr* ' : 77 > ( t * . .. / r .. MY SiCf:t of Dry Goods, Clothing. Shoes. Boots. Hats Ct)>s. .Nations, Trimmings, Millinery. L-nlies' 01< ;tmi. L\) lams .are ^Bo\v ami X itiii happy tu say Hie MUCH CHEAPER tl is f-on son tlwm heretofore. Boys' Clothing and Misses' Cloaks a specialty. I therefore take ^ pleasure in asking my friends and the PUBLIC GENERALLY !o coiue and see what I 'this Itcsptctfnliy, JOS. GROESCHEL or t 11 J. H. OUMMIITC'S will sell the few wac.ons STILL OS il ?.-!> AT LO'A HSL'lfj&S 'OLD II ICKOltV" i HAVE A TH11EE-SKAT TLA'ffoc1i SL'I.IInCi (."i.K. ti l LA aL> vi.vuu.i, luui.u L UFI'Jtil LOW DOWN". A FEW SZT.-j LL'tlGY AN"D WAGON' FIAKN'K.SM. liUV .? hoirs: A LH'<>E ii-t il.o ci.f;:] f t l-llit jCIi_ ?- :<-r tL? prv.*?- ov< i i;i< ? l.i uV? ill 1^1-Oil-. < ;iii s r'ti 1' i* i'\ i-<"' f]. -Ml ' </.. J Li.. k>. 1.x- i J. IN*, -i-l, !> j \ . " . ........ \ , ... >.* > \ I I ~" II I VI I |l II I ll" >!! ! Ill ?OF? THE BROUGHT Arc beinjr felt everywhere. :ti:cl ranned ?;< <:<!> have :;dvan.*r<l twenty ]>or cent. 1 a lanre situ-k. ljt?it*rht previt?n> to tJ.e ii?iv:nu:e. wliieli I will >i-!l low l?v tlu* quantity. J'emeinbcr 1 iruarantee all niv Canned CooiU* to l?e of KIIlJvT QIAI.ITY. or money refunded. ki.esh oku a and tomatoes? crop. fuksir tom atoks. ; fkksii rKAcnr.s. i'll km i sl'ccotasii. f1iks1! STK'lX(i 1?kan>, fkksii lima ueaxs. FKKsil .1iakk1) ueaxs. fijksii cheese, fllesif m acca.uoxi, fkes1! (h1xces. FRESH RAKER'S UlfOMA. l'UMSII MACKERELL. Alb cans. I FIIEi'H SALMON. FRESH TOMATO AUCK. FRESH 1MPORTED OAT MEAL. Eli ESI I SARDINES, Imported and ! Auic'.i an. FRESH 51 ACKEREL, one pound i can*. . - EKESII RJirnARIJorRIEPLANT, : try it. : CONDENSED MILIv, don't pav fancy prices, try mine. Five I'oxes- Rest London Layer Rai>ins?new crop. Try ;ny Pa relied Coffee. I sell yon any quantity you want, and you don't have to jrny tor paper wrapped around 'it. A full line of Sugars and flreen Coffees. My (,.iee v. ill not allow ! further enumeration. ( ALL AND IJE CONVINCEDTIIAT ] keep tlie l?est selected and cheapest stock of Family (Iroeeries in Town. ! I have tin; hest Five Cents Cigar in ! America. Choice Smoking Tohaeco, ti,'i>m; rv\<li / ?Y I >I"T T\*i." Yn . 1 V... .. KXCK1TI0NS MADE. R. m. HUEY. : Oft IS ilEf STOCK li ?IN AT? |f. e l i) e ii' s. MY STOCK of goods for the sea ; son is now in store and open fo) : public inspection. In the DRY GOODS STOIiE "Will he fomid Dress Goods Cali f,es. Ginghams, Linseys. Flannels. Bleached and Brown Shpetincs and Shillings. Drills, Cotton Flange's. . Jeans. Cottonades, Cassimeies. Re. .! |'?(-li;.rif", Brown. Bleached and Turkey Bed Table Damask, Doylies and : V\iv.L-?nc i. " "'I' " i : CLOTHING. HATS. LADIES' AXE CHILDREN* S SHOES. I NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS IX t.lie Grocery Department wil: be fenr.d Sugars, Coffees, Syrups. ; Tea and other necessaries. ?ALSO? Peaches, Pears, Pineapple, Salmon. Tomatoes, Corn Beef, Sardines, Pickles. Cheese. Etc. A lot of fresh | Cakes and Crackers. ? | FISII, FISH, FISH, FISH, FISH. i In half and quarter barrels and j kits. JLickei el in live pound tins. ! IN FACT run c.m get almosl * i anything yon want in either the Dn : Goods or Grocery line. ! "Vrr^niTihTP t I IN I 1 ALL poisons knowing themselves i indebted to either. ir. KLDEIi & I CO., or to F. KLLEIu sue berebv noticed to come np and settle, as ?.]j Maims not. mid bv the FII?ST DAI' of NOYEMBElO'.fter date, will be I 7 : placed in the kinds of my Attorney for collection. | F. ELDER. j: Sept 27 j KE I)UCTI 0 N | ' j EXTKAOKDINAIiX IX BOOTS. ! SHOES, HATS, CLOTHING, | AT THE NEW CASH BOOT axe SHOE STORE. IX order (hat every man, woman i and child in the comity ma\ be sujr; plied with a good 1JOOT OH SHOE, 1 have made a reduction on my tieretol* >r? unknown low prices, and h ?]>(* i my customers will embrace ihi* op| portunity as Mich an out* is seldom met : with. Also heavy ?:oods for mens* wear. .7TST l.'KCKIVKI), . On consignment. a la rye lot ofCrockc"n and (*la?swnre, which will In* sold :ii a close out the entire stock in a limited time. CALL SOON AND SIX'UKE TIIK JJAKCAIXS. i Kemember I lie Store first door south of Daalcvy cS: F.-nit. ! m.m.iiu30y. <> :! I.", not ice. all parties indented to VS FOK OlWNO WILL FIND IT TOTIIKHI ADVANTAGE TO SETTLE FOK SAUK IJEFOKE THE FIIIST OF XOVEMIiEIL AS A FT EH THAT DATE TiiF.V tt ;J.L HAVE TO SETTLE V.'fH (T'iFLXry AN I) LGsI.HElT ' I "O.'i (-'i i :. i:.?!(.' 'A'.LL'Y &. CO. ( e: U ~<-Z- - HL'W ~ i ! ! | ^ ^ d.P ! wii o I i A NICE LOT OF NORTHERN! I I I CABBAGE. ' - c A FINE LOT OF NEW IRISH POTATOES. I j A NEW SUPPLY of MACKEREI | . Oil] ?THIS YEAR'S CATCH. I bal ; j > ; NEW FLOCK and FIJKS1I UOLTKl) MKAL-.ICST COME IN. 50 CALL hOON AND GET THE sel ! FIRST SELECTION. j _ ed, W. H. Donljf. j Jllltr I <; i; A i x! SRAIIff! ?RAIISSli i i : WHEAT. KED Rl'ST PROOF OATS. ! IIYE ANI) RARLEY. I ! JUST RECEIVED A IT'LL STOCK 1 PJ i OF IJAfiGING AND TIES. | ; ! i ! TENNESSEE WAGONS?C fl E A I* j ; AM) crAIJANTEKI) TO HIVE' S\ SATISFACTION. ! j| Always on hand a full and select' & : stock of (J roccries awl Hardware. i gj J. F. McMASTEB & CO. 11 ; ; sept N | ' VDVMI r.unrvnwz J XI U^JlO. V Al VVJUAvjijjv/ CI ATJF constantly 1- fin^ received by me. i a synophis of which I give below. new Orleans molasses and sykupsALL g hades. I _ : SUGARS, FK"M THE HIGHEST TO Till* I LOWEST G1 ? AI ?ES. ' Til E FIN EST FLOU It IN THE MARKET?"THE l'ATENT FAMILY"*?ALSO ALL GItADiK JACKSON'S it EST FAMILY FLO UK. CAXXK1> ?002>8. iDi i CALIFORNIA I'EARS, SOUK'tlnx j j jo1 srcCOTASII, Ik-aus and Corn Combine* ; of j TOMATOES. PEACH E> I PINK API'LE. i : SALMON, SARDINES j ) MUSTARD, j I'Kl'PER. ETC.. ETC i S ! ALSO INVITE YOUR ATTENTION TO 0U1 ! ... j uu L'OASTKI) COFFEE. I C;l ' {-hi I (live rae a call anil ex;>cilue for yourself. : 0 se: Articles too nuiarronsto mention. I). K. IXEX55KES. all "P 14 ' til SALB ; AND FEED STABLES.;^ | ^ |g -5T 1 \ in r if - *?'v** 11 IJAMIWUII, ^7. v.... WVJM. J, l-.-Vk. I ! ! LOOK OIT! ! ! THOSE INDEBTED TO THE UN-j | DERSIGNED. KNOWING TIIEIK j | NOTES FALL DUE ON THE FIRST j | ;;OF OCTOBER, WILL riJEPAKE! | TO MEET THEM. AS FULL 3'AY- j L ' MENT WILL DE REQUIRED. UN-1 I LESS FUKTIIEU A HUANG EM ENTS : 5 i t j AHE MADE, THOSE HAVING j ITIIEIU NOTES CAT?I*IE!) OVLR ' \ i | j | FROM LAST YEAR WILL MEET j : i THEM I'ROMITLY, AS I WILL j j FORCE COLLECTIONS ON TIIEM.; i A. \VI2,I,IFOR3>. | ! | septa ^ | : fi | " ygig^gT^^^^ir^ ' I A g <3 ; ? o "*I pa fa S- g. fl [ ? K * - L 1.2 ' w ^ H ^ ! S' J j? I > | H ^ 0 i :tl> ; p- p. > ca r* S" H ^ *~ ~ fi "u o 5 H > ~ * fi?3 w ? v ft I ^ f ; J o |M: jy i* ^ Jj ro Al ffg%!?S S?|?? ?_ P ^ 5 w 0 ?^? ^ O '& t? J3 ? ^ ta ?' '8 ? <3. M ^ W. ? ?; C-^~ o ^ ^ 55 rs ?~V ^ tq 'J E* K 8-8-?. Cj ff^-r Sj O^" a C ^ Lj *3 ?3 i C P ! ? H! C - t-= 1/2 t g* ^ ^ S3 H* H ? 2 ^ * ?o ^ 0 ill -, S ^ ta rA P H] 9. - u- -Q m a Ul ? ? * 5 ^ I Pi b1 y ^ H ? JT5 R w w 2 ft $ S2 ? s s - >3 * 5 ^ fij i. ~ t- ? m Ci 1? ^ '?-ff" CD g b> C3 i-j . ? ia? H * ^ p? g o l.:H f; ? 5 * J * S ^ ; -: Qi ?~> V ?i f?j * .- H *-> " > - * **' \ "J* n *:. M > ri Uc, M - rc * J . ? '' * N . <1 Ollrt I JlIU* I fill !! ^awa-iwi IIWWM SWEEPING irresistible cnwanl, in eaii ; no claims on the citizens of Winnsbor r. throw on n:v counters giant leadersv O tier, .'maze and astcnisbe both buyer ur - ^ ^ Mi.. 1 i) liross ci ." ciiOOi rjjares, jarge mz< 50 Gicss Slate Pencils, at 5 rents ] 10 Gross Lead Pencils at 20 cents 1000 Papeis of Needles, at 2i cent cnts a ?ioss. 500 packages of hairpins 7H Dozen Turkish Bath Soap at 5 < Ladies' Handkerchiefs at 2? cents MY Pii LCI-S THEY CA 4ND fix the attention of wondering tho r patrons grow more and more nuraeroi .e I sell by the yard. 3000 Yards of Standard Prints red 10 Pieces Kentucky Jeans at 1-J? c. G Pieces Kentucky Jeans at li>. 22, cents per vud. LHOCKEKY AND TIXWAPE - In or< 1 both lines of these <?oodsat seventy-li o sLY. bHOES. SFIOF.S?Two thousand dolla , Now is your time to invest before tin ve monev. let ?oods sell for what thev > / * o ? J. L] nov 8 THE AC \TEW FUEN A li E1YED AM): 0?0? DQNT Jbny no til yon have seen my St* ip unequal ed. and everything AvariuE ilCES LOWER THAN EYE It I lceep on hand mo?t of the LEADING ices to snit the times. Lumber und titly repaired at moderate piiccs. lVE YOUR FREIGHT BILLS AND C 1NG IOUR GOODS OF I!. V PLAIN E 0?0? I AM NOW RECEIVING daily my F y Goods, consisting in part of Domes! eitt variety, Cornets. Hosiery, Gloves, 1 iill kinds, which will be sold as low* as 1 MILLINERY, I AND FANCY GOODS in all the novel* r Milliner from Baltimore, fcas selecte re. and r.o pains will 1 e spared to p-e.->s c above DEiPAJvTMENTJS. .Hiss BLi ison again. IF YOU WANT A SEWING 2IACHI d tlift lifst Fjiwilv Slacbii e cn tLe mail etu being in use in tbis County. {:nd wi y other without basting. }-ou cun find i JTJ*T IN A SUPPLY OF GRCCERIj nd, Cheese, Crackers, Cakes, C:mdi< ?rosene Oil, Bagging. Iron Tics and an; found at J. O. J>OAG'^. on the Cou ei icre. Don't forget to cj:}]. as these are n. AN ASSORTMENT OF I3EDSTEA :ST EECEIYED. J. G. Sept 24 THE ^QUEENBI r-.. ? , ~ " 7"H li IS Hic "QUEEN LESS" Corset and Skri Snj p > :r introduced. It is n. p?r:t< t lifting corsti,? ;?ps, ensilv adjusted to :inv desirefl length. ] TENT t LOTH M'EEE J'EOTE TOi*. v.l kb ;tin^, bat aLso renders i( imjos-.ible to l>rc?2c ul;ir. F01I SALE ONl Y by )i:IV 2(5 M.LTTOi CLOTHING HOUSE. C o ? MOST complete slock of CWlhinir in tin (1 ncckwear in t-mlh-ss variety. ]i<>\ s" Sui : latent styfesaml finish, ;it prices to suit I KINK slme* for men ami hoys. Tay miihi. and \V?-h>fcr"s hrnids >;> nil colors, paea rotifs in all >h:n!e< ami ?fiuilitic.s. Si il Mohair I;us:ers in:il! style.-. AI J, 011DEHS P110M July 7 opor Manufactured by ISAAC A. GHEPP* ass vox zjl'. 'c. TY DtXISVT & IT. m uis&iin of pnnv rivals, in si- >ljj o or surroundings, bat day after -.specialties at puces mm uv ^ 1 j seller. ; \ at 5 cents. per dozen. per dozen, ya. '200 gross of fine bnit ens at % ; at cents per package* cel ts per cuke. . ... up t j 75 cents each. .TCII THE EYE, 'M usands. and as the news spreads is. As the factory sells by the V.3? need to 5 cents. .n ts. ^ 33 up to best goods at 45 and ter to close ont the stock I will .ve cents on the dollar for CASH ' ^ rs worth of shoes to be xacrific# 3 cold weather sets m- I mast > . /: vilL MIMNAUG-H. :| :kxowledged leader. ITUEE! ! rOAlUUYE. ti! : . i >ckv. For. design. and .jyoikm.m- ..u^j ted to be as represented, and A New Supply of Picture Frames, Cfcromos and Wall ... ' - ' .<fl Tockets; Brackets, Hat Racks, Mirrors, .Window Cornices, vj "Window Shades, Tin Sets, a Spring Beds, Mattresses. f MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE. r SEWING MACHINES and at h'Lingles for Sale. Furniture ' >THEB EXPENSES BY BUY- ' i r. PHILLIPS. 'ACTS. i all Stock of Staple and Fancy tics. Calicoes, Dress Goods iu I; Motions, Fringes, Luces, /.uttoos the lowest. m . ies of the season Miss BLACK, d the above goods vith great e our friends :.ud cwstjonseis in X'K will be with tu> the coming i ^ NE, one .that has stood the test, ?\ bet, tbre*; Lund red and fifty of -> i li do a g1 eatt-r range of work than j?| t at J. O BOAG'S. J+. 7 7:J ES, Flour, Meal,. Giift, Eaeon, is, Mackerel, Tobacco, CigaiSy ;.'i pind e ery thing yon want is to j r, as cheap as can be Inrngbt any- | facts and worthy of your atfcirDS, CHAIES, LUMBEB, ETC., . BOAG. ii; ' ; V ---ja 2SS" COSSET. M r*tr is hv far the most com forfait? in?l hius u?-v and improved nhon\d<T [t :il>o Li;? the imtn?-i:S'Jj popniar not only jT?-vrnt? tlr?- steelx iron tlie clasps.- Witrmat^d-iiir <-v**ar pir- ? ";.cJ. M. BEATT & CO. J A TTTi '~**m ' xxJLixy, 'OLUMBIA, S. C. I' :| Sinto. (ient>* fnrmshfnir eoo<? is. Y< ut.U>* Suits ar.?? Mcu>* Suite a the time*. i rgM lor*> eelchrslcfl ?.!arfcinn\rr a?% the iate.-t is tli? Derby Stnj lk Surges ami *iul \j * aj: PTLY FILLED.4 HE BEST IR THE J lrtecn tfinermt >rars ttrri kifWfe. Fire with Krar?>e!e<l Reservoirs. Adaytetf m iquircmeafc, an<i to suit sll pcisc*. EADIKC FEATURES: | >le Wood Doojs, PaSetit Wood Grata'j I stable Damrcr, Intew-hangeafcle Ant?-_ 1 : Shelf. Broiling Door. Swinging IIearth.-?I Svinsrlns Flue-Stop, rcverfibJ;. in- Lo*i;j Cnvo Ficc^. Double Short lts, Rctcry Kin? Overs, Utexninatcd fire s. Nic&et Kn?bs. Nickel Panels, etc. conakd in Material, m Fiaisli, and ia itlon. *' ' S - Ij^SS RD & CO., Da!timore, Mdr i A*iXT, 1Via*i><)4:c?S? C.