OCR Interpretation

The Fairfield news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1881-1900, January 06, 1892, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2012218613/1892-01-06/ed-1/seq-4/

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I ten?i the abhorr
"? .r- A ??r- < husband.
UUd I OM?*i C.. j " ~
; ou mean. tJ
"Be to my faults a trifle blind."?Old Sayins "that tou mar sc
My darling, if your silken hair | prow human 1:
Were just a trifle roc!, j 1 _ 0.,?
And should those small, beslippered feet | wrm.
Fill in their nimble tread '"It es?I mean 1
And make you v;aiic -with lagging pace, vehem^.liCe, "'ana
^ Or e'en a triCc lane, "More"''"
I would not euro a single bit, "Th-r^ ic ?io r
But love you just the same. 1 n~re iS 110 r
?why a human
And if, my dear, thoce pearly teeth disease or lesioi
Were not of nature's o?n. , ., . ,
But purchased at some dental shop ever, nile f^d ai
v...-,! ? did stimulus. I -
Remember, ape takes all we prize, 1 "Hush," she in
And if deprived of such | f
I*d be to those a trifle blind, ^aS - P
And love yoa just as much. ! twitched a little ;
sentence. "I arn
Ah if those lovely ercs of yours mc anythijlg of t
Were not of deepest blue,
I*d know full well that in their depths to tell it. l?ut nc
Love's lizbt burned warm and true; Egbert, I can on
And even if one stellar orb ( pious it strikes
Was made of pure class, j revolt it appea>
I wouid not care a fig, my dear, j , . ? ,
But let that item pass. j lavrs of "Od
] She rose, afte
But if that "ttle nose of yours ? STrept from the r
w ere sugcuy ouioi jciai I , - -u,v
Of course 'twould worry me a bit, j ^ave Cursed hll
But that is 1101 the point; ! The breach D6t\s
If you were so unfortunate few short minut
From all your charms to part, widened. lie mil
1 *c Saa9" her mind would 1
I ort.y want your heart. . , . ,
i. ?F. Parker. Jr.. in Brooklyn Esglo, view O^ his grand
^ everv hint of his <
' A ROMANCE last remnant of
woman had give:
OF she might seek to
rr^XHTf~\ T)T) /"\TTTT?T> O signs. But soon ]
1 Y\ U JbKUiJtlJ^lib. dread and even j
BY edgak FAWCETT, cheek. Were it
Author / "The Confession of Claud," 1
J J look again on the
"The Evil That Hen Do"?4 He went out i
New York Family,"Etc. garden, where h
r ? . _. ,, ,, . . lately rang. Th<
[Copyrighted by th. Author.] hous^ no? and
CHAPTER II. undressed for b
She watched him for a few seconds who had always :
as though it had siiddenly become them early hours,
known to her that he had gone mad. Maynard shudder
Then, obeying a little gesture that he the nearing night
maae, sue louowect mm ana went wicn a pa.m uarwu nm
him into the dusty, belittered room coughed. Then, i
where he had squandered, as it seemed handkerchief wh
to her, so many half-idle hours. May- grew stained, and
^jjgij^losed the window, for too strong , with blood. A par
iTbreez^lew into the chamber. Ashe him. What if he
did so h^^S^-cked a sunset tk? his transcc
simply one "Ulffnge haze, had that cough foi
against which rose clusters of those red less about it. Po:
chimney-pots which-invest with charm tion through whici
the forlomest London purlieus. Then had developed a ft
he suddenly turned, and saw that his of whose real exisl
wife had seated herself. This seemed a vaguely aware,
concession, and he at once paid heed to The last step ia.
it by dropping into a seat opposite her. mont had Tet to
^ c-Virt rli/3 . , v
one uiu .uvu iv-viv tuuvuiatvi,;. om. vii** several nours 01
not even look indulgent. Bnt he strove laboratory that n
not to care how she either looked or fJei;no- strangelv
felt, and flung one hand with intimate jie visited a certai
abandonment toward the chaos of sei- s;c;aEi w}10 told li
entifie utensils that filled the room. sooner heard tha
"You see all these, Georgina? Well, , them, after the fa
I've gathered more than you guess from sumptives. The
my long association with them. I need from -ny pulmon;
not tell you how strong was my pas- his own threate
sion for science when I first came young man, Mayn
over sea to Cambridge. At Columbia with an arterial 1
College in New York I had convinced fccts absolute res'
myself that I could excel as a cnemist, though never en
a physicist, a mart of eager search into 1 SOrt was precisely
the actual." to take. A doubl
"Oh, you need not tell me this, Eg- swayed him. lie
bert. I know it well enough. Why unparalleled drug
_ should I not?" it upon hi- own ir
"But you thought it all waste of time not endow him, h
after you had?I mean, after we were nity from future
married. . . . "Well, pursuing these ; prolong his life f
studies, I became specially fond of the the intense nutri:
wonderful and enticing ways of elec- organs than those
tricity. It happened, about four years His wife watehi
ago, that I employed this great and ; disrelish. She pe:
mystic f6rce during a series of essays was failing; lie
in the line of chemical analysis. One look of a man j
day I drew back frightened from the re- malady, and novc
suit of a certain experiment" sunken checks to]
"Frightened?" repeated Georgia*. She wars previously
was clearly interested. should go and con:
Instantly Maynard felt himseli his studies and e?
thralled by a very enthusiasm of narra- the habit of exilii
tion. He again began to speak with ence while he bri
great nimbleness of tongue, but with two little fellows
sorry disregard of his auditor. Present- and resented bein
ly Georgina stopped him, a ring of fa- would endeavor, s
tiomo in hfvr tones. them for this h<
"I don't understand your technical while giving then
terms, Egbert. They confuse me. But for which they b<
am I right in deducing from what pretty eagerness,
you've already said that you found a cern, or fancy tha
certain new kind of electricity never i of smoldering di:
even conceived of before?'' of their mother.
He nodded eagerly. "Yes?yes; that's One day he ss
just it. I'll be simpler; I should have wild gladness: '
been simpler when I first spoke. Of victory was wai
course you have seen toward what my reach,'' and I ha'
?T-nnVfi +-v~i n.-iorW? r>fFnrt. riri
VONLLL k/?V V\*J-fcV4,VV*.j vwv 0? VMVO ?
not to have seen. One single eternal That evening- he
n flask what he :
I l firmly convinced
JL f i drousiv materia
IRfr. Ifl ' ~H. ."{! f.'H'i ijl very unnerved a
4pry :..' -,v.*~r> worked for man
' i1^S_jL v? least pause. It
KHH 1 sV\?.r=^? o, '^X I* ^ ?"' ' -><? -? ?
5B /?& Z5& aD(l ae went to
wind blow into
clouded, opaque s
window (which h
[ \ 'X&fyiJm 1 ,Wf a wilted rose-bus
^ V/^V J .: * ' , ^ -j-T
I tn round its root soi
\ m ?&'/' he had so lately d
I I '/j-\ ''/r V 0 a oiass :ind made
II } t J f P^fllPI the same source.
- /'in} * |l side the table
/{* " ' placed the plan
*TOU SEE iT.r. THESE, GEORGI^A?" * ^1_t t'10 glass
something- that ;
T\-rinr>ir?1?> r>f lifp. ^nrfTinS tnrOUCh the cvfittvl '
whole universe. That principle, that a mere vision of i
essence, no mortal has ever vet at- powers, burst np<
tained. To attain it, as 1 soon shall do, violence of eonfir:
would in many cases have been defiance stems revived: t]
of death. For such an elixir?" hardy and green:
' Elixir?" his wife broke in, with a stems buds broke
faint jeering- laugh. '"That has a very til pink petals g
familiar sound, and not at all a credi- dividing segmei
ble one." petals unfolded.
He bowed, with curt, swift acquies- born. it was the
cence. "Oh, yes. Xo doubt I used the suddenly turned :
k wrong word. It has a Cagliostro-like to necromancy ai
I echo, I admit. But I don t mean that But now what h
sort of thing a bit, Georgina. I have ac- vnvnnrd. withcc
complished, in a partial war. the '[n~~ eves' ieancd
Refaction of electricity. It is a fluid, 3usll \vas a?ain
as we scientists have always more or ^ jusx ,
less supposed. But none of us have stai'ic and t?lC
thus far been able to And out any thing- ioafa^c? "Wh^t d
concerning it except its effects, "it al- tion niean? Had
ways hitherto, /?? letn. so to speak: wc {u, und wake(1 t
never presumed to say of it that it U other moment hc
anywhere. But I have imprisoned it in win whirled a,
an actual liquid, through processes of floor dropped aw.
molecular and atomic fusion with that darkncss. Gropi
ono elemental bodv which I have ;<
chanced to see that it loves, clings to. gan? * s?nk
and is conquered by. But as yet my scnse * Jf painful
acnieved results are no*, wholly if arTOS f
triumphant. The liquid 1 have obtained th. down in t]
is still too volatile. It evaporates with p^onately recc
enoimous rapidity: it needs a third guicL Wh(Tre ha
force to sup m and prevent this con- was incapablo of
tinual disjunctive trend. Such a force t h Wmted
I am on the threshold of finding-. It But ^ aftonra
will not be hard to find. I almost his v-ife camc hn
I Jvme :t ft this moment I he had ceased to
hxve crossed the threshold of a 0? no*
gF superb conquest: I pause, as it A* great vein hj
^ were, in tne antechamber. And I have bv a thread for d
I paused iniomionally Do ro? know ^ unconscioM
why? ihc excitement has boon too m- <luring which he
I * ^nse. I.,rBh ?r?.m-T t,riu"F1; abont his bed.
9 J?, ' wth me. Uill not von share rt? famiiiar> w al,
YV:ll not you rejoice tf-ith me m this He strove to ask
t magnificence of dis^vcrv^-roaterthan he ^
man has ev^r yet approached, however . n _
I he mar in past rears have dreamed, ' e c0?
through trust in fable and superstition, i "r v"w *"7". "
that he might possibly reach it?" | hlf< f?art ffom
i Georarina had drooped her head j. lit- a ea sess5 u^
tie and pressed her lius tisrhtlv toeetn- ur?s m^re 8 1
^ . rr. Those words -fable" and "supersti- ?nc ai;the
tion"' met her ears with an ominous note. | *u' f?"im S.^>e
She rexembered (had she evW-forgot- js - in? w '
cd skepticism of he: - ;if ' !;. /41J >'I ?
hen." she skrc-lr said. k 'i* i, j| j "T^
>on discover a power xc
ife beyond its natural wF./; ^ i'.?: ?'*'
?! | .r. j ..??/ij I
that," he replied, with ; ^r"y-'v'jij |i $?7 /i.v\ ;$|
11 mean more." j $ { r :! ,>> ' : *i i v/4 1
1 f/\r? ! : f a j- i v J f??\8
eason?none whatever; : .ii&IS \f* a j" ]?:/%\[
beinpr trith no organic j 't : p! ? Vw
i cnrv.i'M Tint. IrrA for- i " . " '. .'"j a! * a'-. \ ,. 1
id buoyed by this splen- ^
terrupted. rising. Her <u ~ "" ~
ale, and her features j
as she framed her next j
sorry that you've told I y-*;iL<" " C
his. I didn't ask you j
>w that you've done so, V?i4, \
ly assure you how imme?what
a shameful
s against the sacred
>7 this, and promptly booit.
oom. Maynard could , , ? . , ,
nself for 'telling her. stren?thlcss frame Georgma entered
een them seemed in a ?nd ho ^er start a little as she bent
OS abvsmallv to have ter p.ze upon him.
*ht Wo w? +>,q+ "You're better," he heard her say, as
Save Sen some such 111 * taU^ 01 ther
. project. Thenceforth | ^vij^ ? mrfa_t0
)lcl love perishes Tii0 \ uu uuu&b nut uu ja?uoi uw
tenderness for this try to sP?ak. The doctor forbids it."
d plaee to a dread lest He d5d not tr? to sP*ak- He had be^n
thwart and balk his de- to think of his Gloved flask again,
tie had controlled such Jt miSht work marvels in him, though,
scoffed at it. Still, he of course, its fight with hi3 disease
:> suited, slapped on the mijst end in final defeat. Still, he
not for the boys he wanted to do a certain thing regardvould
never willingly in? il- ne yearned to enshrine the
face of his wife. formula of its creative process in a sort
Uct Ti'ill on/-1 tflctnrmflnt. fny liis plrlfst
nto the breezr starlit *"Z" ' ~
is sons' laughter had f?n' S-Tlva?' He wondered, as ho my
;v had gone into the ? ?<?. ?"?<? st.ricss, who "the
were ix:rhaD<; bein? doctor wa5' and wliether she h*d not
ed by their mother! ealled in his old friend. Boss Thorndyke.
' Presently he found this true. As
ATi i -rr.fhr.r' Thorr.dyke stood at his bedside (a fair,
. Ah, such, a mother! , Xv ,,,
ed there in the chill of tall stalwart man of his own age) Maj,
and as he shuddered Mi? feebl- stretehed forth oneJsSBL
>ugh his chest and he Inc 7??nff d?ctor took it, -out at oncc
in a little while, the comnx?ncnngly, softly, said:
ich he put to his lips ourau^T speak Egbert I'll get
. somewhat copiously, you jypSr and pencil, old fellow, if
lg of fear now thrilled ~nt?r<-' s ar1-' thing 3 ou ?nust tell me. But
should die bf^^yeom- its a great deal better for you not to
-?7' *,r . j bother vour head about any thing in
Jfefflrtrork? He had ^ fM fhc ncxt five days at ,Jast?
vears. anu oeen caru- . , . , ,. , ,, , . ?
siiblT the very asnta- 1 ",s" that you would bnn? mc'
h he had just passed Maynard was presently writing "the
rtive tag weakness '""p. ll"f,r of whjtcl.qmd which you
xase k. had been bat WL";"ny stu,dy"
Ihomdyke left the room and was
his. grtttt accomplish' fnc a " htUo-. *?? Egbert,"
r he said, on returning-, I can find no
be taken. lie spent trace of the flask of which you speak.
feverish work in his Could it possibly??" and while May.ight
and went to bed nard interrupted him with a quick ne?afeeble.
The next day tive he lifted info sharp evidence sevn
famous London phy- era! phials which he hud brought from
im things which he no the laboratory.
.n he began to doubt Maynard had absolute eonlidenco in
shionof countless con- Ross Thorndyke. They had becia warm
mortal who suffers fricnd.s at Cambridge, and in a manner
iry ill seldom can see had continued so ever since. Two qualning
doom. Still a ities in the young physician had always
ard had been attacked won his devout respcct: Thorndyke bad
lemorrhage whose ef- a crystal reasoning power and a veracit
might have appeased ty ot robust vigor. To be at once so
red. But rest of any lucid-minded and so honorable was in
what he now refused
e incentive hereafter , fedesired
to perfect his ff'M UU
, and he desired to use '/ ''A jfit* p L_
npaired body. It could
e argued, with immu- V-TI t '&
disease, but it might ~'rC- * -^j
or many a decade by |f?-i7'V. ''l|l La v|
ment it gave to other j r.pir* -~+ir~ -J?J??*
i already harmed. |?5x \ \
2d his labors with cold x v?V
rceired that his health |f?\f ' ' ' ' .
had never borne the |j/4 0?V'' J"'^A ' 5 jit V&ff
free from all lurking *&2p" *vQ$vi/'hi
- his glassy eyes and Mi"\ \y}'4^ j&j&M Vii rV-'??
Id a somber tale. Al- ?r4? '}** ? - / '$Y$* / 1 '>6;;#'
willing that his boys h'iMJf ni "s,
le as they chose during Z&- ^ it
cperiments, he got into 4- si. j i'':W
irrtVipm from his nres- fjg^ fiv-y'' Ijf
ooded and toiled. The ~x
loved him very dearly ~a--J23
g thus proscribed. lie geraijd would lay iris wr.m cubes
it intervals, to console against the thin hant>.
ited denial, but often
1 the fatherly caresses itself a passport into Maynard's admira5th
hungered in their tion. "I %vish I could keep Ross up more
he vr.'Uld either dis- than I he had often mused, '"and
it h* discerned, a sort not -ct him drop as I somehow must."
>approvaI on the part Still, since- his marriage, Maynard had
6moked a good many social pipes in the
lid to himself, with a company of his friend, though latterly
It'is found! I knew thev had seen less and less of each
ting- just beyond my 0tlicr> as thc hicr hum and bustle of
rmt -forth 'the one- Loudon nad seemed to slip separatlvely
a grasped it!" . . . between them. While ne now ncaru
poured into a large Dr- Thorndyke speak, an expression of
felt even more than touched Maynard's hueless face,
was the energy, won- swiftly suspected his wife of
ilized and liquefied duplicity; he could not refrain from the
. in its rital sovereign- beMef that she had served him a horrid
universe. He was stealthy trick.
nd exhausted; he had But his brain- at Prescnt thoroughly
v hours without the cleai% saw thc utility of attempting
was nearly midnight, either accusation or remonstrance. The
one of his windows' vrill-tolive was strong in him. If such
.siv, and letting a raw menaced speech, be would strive
the chamber from a to Preserve silence. By a gesture and a
;kv. On the sill of the meaning movement of the features he
e 'fonrot to close) was showed Dr. Thorndyke that he would
* ^T> ACAlr-inrr +/ *
h in a common earth- impose no iuruici ac<uwi. ^
the plant in from its live 0(1 throu?h the preservation of si)f
shelter, and poured ^ence? h? suffered for the next three
ne of the fluid-which days untold tortures. Mentally he was
istilled. Then he took vitality itself: physically he was almost
himself a potion fro \i complete failure of fiber and nerve.
He seated himself be- Georgina would come into his room and
on which he had Per^orm the offices of nurse with careit.
Ee was about to ful exactitude. Now and then she
to his lips when brought the boys in to stand at his beda
saner and less T>as- s^e anc* c*asP their hands. Sylmind
might have called van would be very gentle and demure;
its own over-wrought Gerald would sometimes press his warm,
plump check against the chill and thin
Jkl HUAi T> il.il UCIXVXUUO ~
nation. The drooping Paternal hand, and show with trem blmg
ie faded leaves grew 1\PS and tearful eyes the depths of his
at the ends of the slim Pi12~ aud rG2TCt- Dr- Thomdyke would
, and then swelled un- &<>? in twice a day- always ordering
learned between their continued silence by the elevation of his
its. At once these forefinger, and always uttering, as well,
and rich roses were words of sympathy mixed with cheer,
i magic pf the fairy tale Meanwhile Maynard still suffered bereal"
was the giving yond %\ords, and at last, one evcDing,
1 everv-dav ""oa** , ^e determined to suffer no longer in
ad suddenly happened? j"st ^ same horrible way. He might
ilorless fnci and strain- j he called upon to endure fresh miseries,
? i but at least thev would be of a new and
[ forward 1\h(*
its previous withered If.83 ^a-stl-v ^ind" His wife had left
same old dry, thorny him: the candles were lit in his small
same effete," blighted bedchamber; he was quite alone; it
.id this re-transforma- would 1k? onl^ a stcP to nls laboratory.
he dreamed the fanci- He fclt much stron?er than at anJ time
o the real? In an- since his wakening to consciousness.
rose, staggering; his" Aft<;r slowl-y <luittin? his bed and
id it seemed as if the RtandinS on thc floor' he felt betav
from him in gulfs of ter stdl; A dressing-gown lay on a
ng for the bell-rope, ^ear chair, and he hastily ensneathed
*c or thrice. Then he his fonn m lts folds* The.room was
1-1 1 ~ svswl el inn^rQ
It xras not with any coin, auu ue
fall, however: it was 00111(1 find none- Soon ceasmS" the
:aught him and let him ?uest for them' nc Slided 1x110 the outer
Heir embrace. But he tall, carp-mg with him a box of w.-xaiected
and craved the taP?rs which he ha(i snatched exultantd
he left it? Ah. he *7 from the mantel.
thinking- where. And ,To ?ain his dark laboratory was but
lit, he so wantedfc! . . the work of a minuto" To 15Sht its
.rd?even sooner than S^oomtoolz even less time. There he
rrving into the room- waf> thcLold ^ of bis*?d
know if he wanted it and Jearn&g. W ith gaze that shot
from corner to corner of the wellid
burst. His life hung k^vn room, he sought for his lost
avs. All this while he ,naSK"
i " Then camc a time heav7 anc* repulsive smell, the treachsaw
distorted shapes er-v of,h4s v1fe- Soon hc -avc UP searchand
among- them tho >mZ- ^at lf at an-T moment some nc^
ered face of his wife Flllncss him? And therc ^ his
her for that cherished d!sI5' P?P?r< Pcns'ink" !J'er<: ?
to make his meaning ofolJ' *<> write out the fall recipe of
,, that incomparable drug- would not take
id not cecide; she had than twenty minutes at the most
one >yho even heard ; jj0 seated himself before the desk,
- heedmsr. There was l^Mn This was a mcs
^concern in her feat- . sag.e?perhaps a dying- message?to his
:o him than stone. j son> ^is eldest boy, Sylvan. He .knew
ghosts had withdrawn 1 just how to frame the whole for^j^
s, and_ he found him- he had thought it all out while
? r?:?.. . . . - . .
1 there in his speechless torture. What a TH J i f i'
fine steadiness his hand had! How hi?:
. pen darted along the paper! After all,
was he so ill as Ross Thorndyke had A CONV c NT ION CALLr.'^ If
I thought? Two pages already?four, To jijr~ ,j
six! ttTtt. in a little while ererv
thing would be told. And such a venge-.
ance on his thieving wife, who had; i$i!9 i?P'*r "iaJ
dared to call this wondrous rape from | tfte Ait?ntio?> ot s=3a?h?.>?i v,
the locked vaults of science an insult to I _ , ? ,, ? ,,
. . .,x, . , ? , , , ErerTW>i?r-l--^IcO'J1nr rro.cl
Omnipotence! "Nevermind," he kept i
saying to himself, "if I do fail to recover j Exrhzi.^e.
the drug. Sylvan will get thi*. I'll j august* Ga. Dec. 20.make
Ross Thorndyke swear he'll give j , J .
it him when he's flve-and-twenty. And i a ?0'u sutcna<4n..e o
I'll put a letter inside it, too?if my ' ousiuess rof-n at the rneetin;
strength holds out, if I don't die here j chanje >esterd?.y at noon.
Vir.-frt-rrt T mm fnll'T' t/imvfilrli-st ' ntMiol-.iv ?:iid the ohieCt Of
w+C'i ++ . , ! wad known to all. It had !
lie did put a short letter inside the 1 - , ,, , ,
larger document. Then, lighting- on an ^ S ' *c *as lor the
envelope of more than common sue, he d,Scu^tr;* tn* tot means
wi, , * i I-T 1 J reduction in cottGQ acreage
^ , +, \ . a ^t the cr0p) an(j t0 select delegate:
package thus made into a pocket ox his convention called for th
crown. Scarcely had ho done this be- pose, in Memphis, on Jan,
fore the sound of a step reached him letter had been written to tl
from the outer hall. It was his wife's; Exchange asking informs
he recognized it. Rising, he quietly the scope and possibilities
fronted her as she entered the room, of their meeting, but they fc
with his face like chalk and his biggray been heard from. It was <
oyes full of scorn and wrath TisaOle not to wait to hear
(To bft cont;a*ecJ.) Phis; but f? Proceed at race
_ I ter for themselves, a he
A NOVEL HORSE TrtADE. ready for business.
Hon. Patrick Walsh sai<
. _ t% , _ ? ?? _ ? with any business sense car
A Horse I>?aler Sells 3i? H?tm f?r a necessity of reducing 1
Handful ?f Gold. jn cotton, "if SODQfithiDg 1
Augusta. Ga., Dec. 2o.?There was 40(1 the farmers continue w
- -l ? _i. i., [ tremendous crops and forcii
a horsf! sals ciown at uatts stauifrs, uu ?,, ,?_ ,_
. of cotton down below ins c
Llhs street, earl/ yesterday morning, faction it will mean the j
which was transacted in a peculiar man- the South. The business
ner, and not in common with the gen- comiDg aroused to rhe ne
eraUty of horaesalra It was a bargain SlVmattmhaTb?f c'alle
made on tne spur of the moment, and SOmery and in Memphis,
now one man is out about 850. Early be attended perhaps by per;
in the mernin? Mr. Nick Johnsm came" *vritory, but if it is pos
into the sUbtaJuvto* in one hand a fm
' Jftraful of gold. Seeing Mr. C. C. Dun- growing States shaiVjneet.
agan, he said to him: I am sure, call a meeting -j
-Iwiiu-ire you ali the goHIhavo & ^ .?$2S>?S
in my hand for tha* bay horse ot j?ral convention, a number a
mirs." line might answt-rjrjjg^frff
"All rii'ht," said Mr. Dunagan; "it's I move inj-.Hiswrm.iucm,
a bargain." tee of-ilfree to* prepare reso
"Write me out a receipt, then," said-*-swtfp; ion by rhis meeting. (
Mr. Johnson, "and the gold Is fouia." Messrs. Patrick Walsh, W.
Mr Dunagan, getting a sheet of pa- der and Asbury Hull appeir
per, wrote: committee.
"Received of Mr. Nick Jchuson one Mr. W. J. Cranston said i
handful of gold for roy bav horse. him It waa time the South
[Signed] "C. C. 1)unagan\" something to project hersell
The r^elpt was then exchanged for ton crop of '90-91 was 8,60:
the handful of srold, and Mr. Johnson and this jear it is exp^cte
went back and fot the horse. J 8.000.000. Middling cotton
In the meantime. Mr, I)nua?*n pro- at 7 cents, and seiMng astxt<
cw-d^d to count the gold. J3t the time that. With this sort of thi
Mr. Johnson was in the act of riding Mr. Walsh h*s so well sai
out of the stabies on bis horse, Mr. Dun- of ail the business interests c
?/>Annfiritf t.h<? money, is bound to result. For hitr
a^CXLX Lic*\I UUA.Ui^v* vvw?M ^
and to bis astonishment he found the iieveG the receipts would ce
amount whs on!y 375. off after the holidays and tb
"Hold on." sxid .Mr. Dutagan, "%hr-r? would not exceed 7,750.000.
is only 375 here." ston then read the foilewiiij
"Yes, I Xdow it," was Mr. Johnson's New York Herald:
reply, and start*! to rid* off. "I am capable of neither as
"You are not going off with my nor scoru, says a great mod
horse," a-ld Mr. Hunagun, "I ttus only man; these ire l.hesentimeo
jokinar when I made the bargain." This is all well enough in it
"Joking or no joking, 70:1 hare the any man wb? is a bull on co
money and I hold your reoipt, and the have been astonished at U
horse is mln?," replied Mr. Jctinson. the market to-day and dw
I The two gentlemen then entered into gusted, too. Prices eased o:
an animated discus?slon a? to the owner- drst, owing to a decllna in
ship of that bay horse. Mr. Johnson but speedily rallied on lo
finally said that he wenld return the and shorts covering. Then <
ts ?- 1^ * ?- inrrt the catOD in
| horS8, prOYlGGd a\j~ | >v?w5 1A/O01U ?m?..
turn the $75 a?d 810 additional. This of an estimate on tbe crop
proposition did not meet with the ap- mercial contemporary or 8,4
probation of Mr. Dunagan, and hesnid It struck the market like
he w?uld go I*torn a n.agistr&te and and It fell 18 to 19 points wi
swear oat a warrant ayalnnt Mr. John- While this estimate undoufc
son. The two men then went down to marked effect, old and c
Judg? Hopkins' court. Iler*, after merchants to night say tha
some more talk, seeing that the receipt above or below 8,000.000 b
was dead against him, Mr. Dur.sgan either not be made at ail or
said that he would give Mr. Johnson be made with the utmost <
the 885. good deal of sympathy is I
- * ^ oi
But the delay was a fatal on? ror Mr. Soutnern miere&w, ?ui^w <.i
Dunagan, for Mr. Jofcnson had raised by the abnormal cheapness
his ante $40, and now declared that it and anything like an oven
would cost 8125 for Mr. Dunugan to ?ret. tr,e crop would be greatly
his horse back. This was too much for br merchants of the highe:
Mr. Dunagsn, but he could do nothing in this great commercial ce:
The whole matter was finally settled That estimate above refei
by Mr. Johhsen promising to sell the Mr. Cranston, wheh has
horse at the best price he coulu', and all damage to the South, wa
over 8125 was to be turned over to Mr. street, who receives the gre
Dunagan. Mr. Dunagan Is now a sad- his income from the patron
der but wiser r?an. He is convinced South in buying his boofe
that It is by axperience that we gain spite of this he stabs us on
-ith an nntraseous i
W?9 Mr. L?lt?b Drank?
mL. , ? . -c, . TT ,, ., and is the wildest ana most
Toe Augusta Eyentng Heiald, the But we must see to
first paper that charged Mr. Leltch year's crop Is much smalle:
with being drunk, sticks to Its charge, year's or this year's. Fa
and on the 18th instant published the warehouses full of cotton
advance on crops and bi
following. other big crop on top of tt
"The Columbia Record's informant is there is no telling how low
considerably off. Mr. Leitch, the noted go. We must take seme ac
evangelist, who was spoken of in the matter ourselves, and also aj
Herald's article, was most certainly delegates to Memphis.
drunk and a good old fashioned drunk The committee on resoli
at that. He came to the Augusta Hotel ing retired to get up their
-r. orw* OMil7nw1 tn tnmflfi and Chairman Wals
in trie aiteiuuwjj.
room No. 18. At this time he was so- following report:
ber. About ten o'clock Tuesday night Whereas, The Augusta E:
ho was se?n to vomit on the office floor gir? in every practical wa
and was so drunk that he did not know the interests of th* farmer;
he had done so. Night Clerk R. J. promote the general advai
Wilson then refused to allow him to re- the South; and,
main in the hotel, stating that ho could Whereas, It has become :
not hare the rooms messed up. The , that the production of cottc
Herald never publishes what it cannot ern planters exceeds the c
prove, and, if wanted by the parties the World's consumption at
concerned, the above will be substan- tive prices; be it therefore,
tiated by affidavits from respected citi- Resolved, That a conv^n
zens of Augusta. With all duo respect ton, planters, cotton factor;
to Mr. Pickett, the Herald is compelled men, presidents and menit
to inform the public that his statement rarious agricultural socie
' - 1 - * (..(milhimf
to the Record was a mistake anu mat mi*aioners ui aki.vu
Mr. Leitch was very druuk." era[ states, merchants and i
In reply to this last article of the cotton exchanges in Geor#1
Herald, Kov L. L. 1 ick#?tt, of Coium- acd the South generally, b
bi*, wniir-f the. Record of that city as meet at Augusta M noon, c
follows: day of January, 1892, the
I see the .augusta Il.ra^d d?ni? my the convention being to co-c
statements relative to the arrival of j assist the planters and Allis
Ar. Leitch in Augusta at 9 o'clock formulating some effective i
Tuesday night. It 3ays he came to the jail th? cotton acreage, and
Augusta Hotel in the afternoon. In burden now resting upon t
this the Herald ;s emphatically wrong, tural interests of the South;
Jkr. Leitch and Rev. J. Ware Brown rates given by the ra!lroa<
traveled with nil from Catcrsville, Ga., 'im? oiTering unusual fat
^*orma Rail, mal-inor a SUCCESS O* this m
iniiC UHY, itrnviuj kjh wu ^v?..
road train at 8 p. m. St. Louis (their) securing a large attendance
t ^Mo elock \Vashingion (our) time. The resolutions wer? ui
On leaving the depot Mr. Leitcu was adopted, aDd on motion ch<
perfectly sober. I ^cannot answer for of the Exchange was Ins
1 a ^er hour. Stn(j a special invitation to
Two More Outlaws JLYuch&<]. HDi&h X^USA, CoHjEQlSSlOnCr C
Shulita, Miss., Dec. 28.?John Sims, convention United "?
brother Oi Bob, and Mcslej, a nephew, On motion of Mr. Thomaj
were lynched last ni/jh l, ^nd the lynch-j aoder, the following re.sol
. * Vi^ I naa^d:
6i3 3T0 1Q AOL pursuit v'i c% nct? i u v?u^ r?
was with Bob Sims the night'he mas- Ifr. solved, That acommi!
sacred the Thompson family. Bob's ke appointed to addre?3
dwelling, together with all out-buiid- letter to all Cotton Exeh
ings, has been burned, and every liring Boards of Trade throufhou
thing except the family on the place calling attention to the paral;
has been kilted. The Sims family say now threatening this sectioi
they will leave the country. It is re- overproduction of cotton, an
ported that Neal Sims has gotten to- in?tiiem t0 tak* i? their inv
gether about forty men, and threatens parities some action lookii
r.n hnrn ud VVomack Hill today. Bob to a decrease in cotton acres
T>U? Wil] )")p
Sims' body and these of the thres Sav
ages who were lynched a few nights ago carnival is going oni
have been cut down and thrown in ,-i and those who wish to attea
graveyard. John Savage's body is still *? Augusta at the low rate <
hanging. a mile for the round trip.?(
A DonVtfol st?f. Deat? BT ?ctrlcl
Hon. A. G. Matthews, onw of the re- ,rnfANGE' ~f)"i
. , _ ., , " . Williams, a milkman, was 3
publican aspirants ior trio j?iib6rn3t-oriHl 0l@ctr*c sbock on IIi?b s
nomination in Illinois, has withdrawn o'clock this morning. An>
ftrom the canvass. In explaining his wire of the district messen
withdrawal Mr. Matthews said: "The broke during the night and
party cares butlittle now about men as, the wires or the city lightl
a nomination does not necessarily mean which carry a voltage of !
an election. What the party does want, morning while Williams was
ia fiof.rminnd f.o have, is a strong milk his horse went ahead a
j <.1 uu. ?UL L i i
ticket." When it is remembered that in contact with thc^Tre^r
but a few years ago Illinois was ore of down Williams ran to it:
the stauQchest republican States, and and was struck in the face
could alvajs be counted for republican which he caught hold of
majorities landing: from 30,000 to 50,000 hands and held on to. No
kh?-significance of Mr. Matthews'ai mis- accident. Williams' body r
slon will be realized. Under the banner'the morgue. Roundsman
of tariff reform the democratic orgaoi- found the wire in a dangt
sation in Illinois has become confident tlon early ii^he night^M
and powerful, and witnjul^|^*fcn'
1 in .?''. -,mj~ '- ?" ?:
' 1 i(l\' I s o CO"vV\; 'JK-: A DCG. j AWu.-_
j \ ? : v V ; [*: J J
J ? o.- 3i. j
s AUGUS a niiui. iron. i!;c
W-; > r-.n 'fS. | ftf'I-*:* at <i ispr
I .
| P: UT - 'e , ?0U on Sr.iji ii Bound '-ere. 1. !<c ;rjQ:
Ei:<.-ht!?jfsZ iirtii: > ?'. . al?!;Ul eij'hterL QJilfS ) i"0fl .'i!!rs-;i! > 1)
o3in??* 31-n Oran-jeu srsr in the Fork, was the scene *'f .^extt,U:0r>i
, ? , , awc-tvc iio so<
i m tn. An- of w,;8' :iCWJ,s t0 06 an B2?rorclc?d fcmil7 h;u! bce;
murder on Christmas ir.^ht. It sv:ras Alios'? room w
t ha' h C'-iuoer of men rrerr in the store of her clotJ?:i:g to
-Ther? was .;f 3-iesfcrd Brown & Williamson j-t that found cear her I
M.ricf ms? niohr JlhoilL t'ifiTQt ^<"6 made tOr
reseiuauv e juar vl viw . ~. w
< at ibe Ex- o'eio.-;a wht-n a liispote arose between f^^IA,lKUi!a'1'
President Air. L. M liars and Mr. Guards Mc :r" "lu a itSV.
Gowtn, r;.-!r-nan of what is known as croUcP- aDy a V?
Ueiuecar.g fjje ca;r,u.^ giiIlg on the south man named \\i
been stated Kouad liailnvwi. i'he two men stepped susp:ciou. but i:*;
purpose of o.itside the t>tore to settle their d;mcul- formation. At
to insure a ry} sajiug a.? th<*> did so that they party entered Ft
forthentxt would linht it out. Upon hearing this iVora Use Smith
s to attend Mr. J. M. Way, *ho was also In th<* Miss Allen unco
esamepiir- store, and who is a half owner of the from exposure.
. 6,1892. A town or minus, j Uiupcu OU.V Uk m; . II5U
:ie Memphis door with a lantern in hand,and, draw- consciousness in
ition about ing his y-istol and waving it abour, said s{je armeare < to'
for succpss he would stioot any damned man that roi' J.U*
iad not yet touched that Irishman. iL*
Seemed ad- Mr. Elliott Whetstone, who was f f ?Yh
from Mem- standing near (and whose arm, by -'he ?^e 10 b(
in the mat- wav, was in a sling, having been "frac- .aufJ ,s always
meeting is tured a few hours before by the kick of vv't,> her ass
a muie.) went up to Way and requested i-ense excilem^ni
1 any man him to put up his pistol; that there was ty and if the gu
i appreciate no necessity for his drawing It, and he awiit vengeance
ibe acreage might shoot and injure some one.
s not done At this Way cursed Whetstone, and
aking such said: '-Jesus Christ or no damned man 3 PPlliTP'! P
5 the price can make me put up my pistol." 3 1
:ost of pro- Whetstone replied: "It Is cowardly |A Grzat Oztki
>aralysia of in you to draw a pistol where no one I ee Rbksated,
men are be- else has one; nobody is going to light." ? WEI
T'nnn this. Wav. who was but four i_
l CT">*n*r vr.n tf
tse steps in feetr from ' Whetstone, deliberately fT'y C" .v
d'n Mon': his pistol and dr^ at Whetstone, Lc?sC0 f-^nlsm,
Theae TTiil the ball entering the left breast of the |fng some thtrim
iocs in that latter just below the heart. Whetstone Slargest possible j
aible there fainted and fell almost Immediately. Swipe out all com
vention, at ttay then threw dosrn his lantern, I *
n all cotton and waving his pistol around, fired AXE A
We should, four other shots, though without hitting g L~N?i
U lewst lor anyooe else, after which he dashed on a . ^ ^0< ~ &
' v^^Mina, and disappeared. |size, 15x17 inch <
) get a g^R- The wounded m?n was taken into I?: **Tt'
11.81004 rli^ the store, and the neaiest physician >ent ? ?
fe ptupofle. A for,-bnt he exoirtd within an hour after g aaairi wIm
a commit- \th ^hocti u*. g HaE%e]
lutions Wat's friendvclaims that the ?tea withSipieu
Jarrit-d,and aDoT^t account unfortunate |l'E?N DOiJLA,
F. Alexan- ailair, whicfr-^cai.^Wi^ed bj an e.^e- ?y?u: depot.
ited on the witness to it, does Mr. vv^aljnjustice, ?uo NOT
They claim that Whetstone stfulM^N^ j/i'OL
L ?eem*l to Way before se shot, and that when TWr^nri vcu
? frnrn ;h? lw,b he hod re-I j?walnut frame" ei
was doing was iamu* uvrn u v ?
\ The cot- ceived from Whetstone. It is further Ibacded, the mos!
),000 bales, claimed by them that Way tired only Sto your .xaiJroad";
<i to reach two shots and that the other three shots * I wli! alsobeli;
Is quoted were lirKl by other parties In the crowd, ^consisting oi Bv
'enth under but just who thev do cot pretrnd to ^head Bedstead,
uf kept up, -ay, and :hat no one knows whether a fr? i canfci^a
d, paralysis ball irrom Way's or some one else'* :C ^ocser alxr
>f the South pistol killed Whetstone. ^tc. jor.rdepot. ^
)?eif, he be- We publish both versions of the un- ??un wn,
rtiiinly fall fortunate affair, and our r.-ad-rs can ana ?aj trei
at the crop draw th?-ir own conclusions as to which |:<:<? Trincisw sin
Mr. Cran- is the correct one. ^es&nt large i?nu
* from the Trial Justice W. L. Ehney, acting as liWainct lounge,
o.r.ncr,niiii(i a iurT. and hf-ld ?Lacocsrtamspvi
OOIUUCI, tlUyr..:V..v. ? ?
tonishment an Iftquesc over the remains of Whet- ?! ic&nza ns<cn
,ern states- stone on Saturday. The jury after ex- -^ ertisement, bi
ts of youth, amicing several witnesses, brought In 22,tioi
s w&v, but a verdict that the decease*] came to his houses ana
Won would death by ? pistol shot Or?d hy J. M
ie capers of Way. SLt.mt.rt ijidedly
dls- After the rerdlct of the jury Way, gator**!,*! wareh.
ff a little at who wss in r.he custody of Sheriff gmt> eheiceai proa
Liverpool, Salley was brought to Orangeburg and fries. J&y catalog
c.J buying lodged in jail, where he will remain Sol gooas wai w j
i bombshell until aft-.-r his trial. Ssaj wfcere joa .?a
. the shape Way is a man of family and so was
by a com- WheJ stone, asd the killing is greatly g
90,000 bales, deplored by the friends of "both sides, ??
aynamite, who seem to think that if it had not 2 ^ad<
th a crash, been for th too free use of whiskey by i,
iteoiy had a almost th? entire party the unfortunate
onservative affair never ?* ould have ha^pene-i.
t estimates .?; ?
ales Should XT Au imitator of j?m. QQ YQl
-1 Nashville, Tcru., Dec. 31.?2?lar
CISC Siiuuiu
;aution. A ion and Dave Beatty and Gwrn 13ow'elt
here for den. of Fcltress county, cn the Upper
re depressed Tennestee, lie dead in their houses, and ? SiOSS
4 oi cotton Edrrard Harris, their murderer, 13 a
jstimate of fugitive from justice, with a reward ofst;stat^iojr
'*rec* lor ^iS aPPrckension an(i delivery
Qj. ,> a at JamcfslovTD. Three nionibs ajo, HIM
"red to said ^ar>" sister ef two of the dead
done such men' cau8rc*" l^e arrest of her *wa father
s by Brad- oa a -csndal?us charge, since which
iter part of t!-me she has been living with distant reage
of the latires, Hiram Harris's family. Yesis.
But in terday the Harris family, accompanied i-'H-E-N' ijPI TJ
Christmas oy Mary Beatty, came to town, the latest!
mate or ter to appear before the grand jury to
?n nuthlncr. 1 rest,if* against her father. On their re- .fKk>?S A2*J
unfounded turn home, after court had adjourned
it that next jesterday, they were followed by three EX
meDi W^? comoanded the girl to return
now and if t0 ^er home. When the girl refused to
rlnff 'in an- comPlj ^ith their demand, Marion
ie two last stiu<^ his sister a cruel lash with his
cotton will whip, and also lashed youn* Edward ^ the m?st pi
:tion in this Harris, who attempted to defend her. ieh^erine it^inS
)point three The next moment young Harris had does net pass thr<
drawn a rerolrer, and presenting it qaires no pulley r
itions, hay- squarely at Marion Beatty, he pullee the and money,
report, re- Irigjer. A sharp report followed, and
h made the Manon Beatty fell dead Irom hi* horse. ?"|? A Y
, ^ with a bullet through his heart. By this 1 j
-x? of- hr>*.
renangeae- tim? Dave ueauj u:uiuu*;u vuw
J t? foster and Harris struck him wit 1 the butt of wrTVTrs . V1
i^ement6of l5e revolTer^ b'ca?D? ?ku11* Th e E ART-AND F<
icemeni. or wer8 rewired by Gnju Bowden.
1f t and after finishing him, Harris shot
>n hvinZh. l^are Be*tty through the head while TALBOTT3 5A'
lemands of h? was *ri?ing: ??d ?!J ^WTION .
' reraunera- the ground, ^.iarri* kissed the 5iil asxu v-*
his mother, and taking howdea's hor.-c.
tion of cot- fled. The Bealtjs hare always eujojcu LUA1MUS AN.
j, Alliance- the resptct of the people of the coantrj, xoN GINS AN]
>ers of the and six years a^o Claiborn# Beai'jr was
ties Cora- a representative" in the Ie*isUtur?. lie W(j ^ ^
jt the sev- wt8 engaged in raercnaadue and lumber mes; conlpi
numbers of business. bought aad at bot
a, Carolina
e called to Ab?m so.
>n one L<tb The News ana Courier calls tne .mcepurp?3e
of tiorj 0f ??) Augustus Straker, J. M.-r- vr ^ -jiperate
and eier L^.ng^ton, r. Thomas Fortune, and V. u, Jl
inetmen In j.he reei of the leading colored Republiplan
to cur- canS 0( the country will please make a
relieve the no:? of it, that President Harrison did
ne agricul- not appoint any colored lawyer as a
the special Judge of the new Federal Coarta. He
? at that promised that ht would consider the
;illties ^for matter if he could 2nd a colored Jswyer
eeticf and who whs fitted for a Judge, and as'he
did not appoint ona it is presumed that
aanimouwy he could not find one in the United TKW T.,cn
e secretary state who could fill the wll vTe doubt BEST u
itructed to whether there is one, but it was bocause T , Q .
f ? ?!6re" the colore-1, lawyers are colored and not JJea
)f Agricul- because t ieT are not as good lawyers
attend the ^ S0Ir.e cf their white brethern who * ^
_ ., have hern clothed with judicial fucc
w aw. Trp^idPnt counted them s
7 * Al*v'k 11UU> tiiau ^ ^ vw .v.^? .
ution was ou^ The colored vote in Indiana la! Who are for
sfro-lig enough to defeat Mr. Harrison largo "woman's
;tee of five nex-t year, but the negro will vote the
a circular Republican ticket next "yw* hearse ilflTUP
singes^ and he wasfrewi ix'nraham Lincoln more EH ? 9 | w So
t the South than twenty|five yesrs ago. At the rate IsaU'Slib
psis of trade he is acquiri&g political independence, h i
i due to the the negro wjili still be paying his debt ? remedy Winer
d request t0 the Republican party at the end of & tew weeks be
iividnal ca- the next century. There is no fool lika it of its pall. H
ifeforrT89? a foQl colored - voter." )f both mothei
held while a /.^srinst ure&t o<m?. lands who hav<
,n this city, O'Latiie. Kansas, Dec. 26.?The a Bleasin? to
d can come prisoners in the bounty jail here made ,r
:>f one cent an attempt last .night to kill Sheriff , ' ^E?T9 'L*
- - - - - ?..i. infold, ilyvriie
Chronicle. Easdaie ana escape,cjuo TTC1C UlCTUUecu | , . , .
" by the timely appear<snce of Mrs. Eas- T?either
* , dale, who locked the outeide doors, and ^a;i ?? <.id alto
-Frank E. the pltJCk of the 8heriL* who w23 on J
filled by an tbe jnsid.^ locked up ano\ fighting for r T
treet at 1 nfe with six of the priaoiws. When ; Canci. iu? Jj
Oid unused assistance reached him It Was found ,Jw
ger service that the sheriff had three long gashes drri^riifa. Booh
xeli across jn the he^?one just below P.he right , 2ce
Arrf A^c an(^ anoib*r oa tfte ^ che?ek. The
"'yr: . s wounds were dressed aad ha r^jsta easy :
ndC eoSinf t0"^ay- ?
IS knocked
i assistance. Xk^ York, Dec. 28.?Accorciin? to
)j the wire statements made bj th? warden afod at- j
with both teadants in Ln^^^gjggMMfi'dward
one saw the ;M. Field He i
as taker, tc iag
?<l b\ t yy*j >! ??. I I ? I !
! 5 ^'?V. - x-'. '. ^fcBraa?B
[S. 1? > ?V, ^ V /T'^B
? ijj* llijtiU'Jwt'd JilirSOu^ .' ^ . /:* '*&>* ' I
i t ^ ? *' JwjL?.
resuiei c o! !rsv step- | g^"
?ri. t ? ??;> nj i -s from } ! - ^ ??? ' ^ ;
iy reUrwi it ilie usual s '-'- *" -'*"*" ?& * ; ~ "" .3
'.--'J" ' uVl " "* ' ** "'c,r* I i '. >i: o'i i # K aT * ?
;iug beiore Mr. fcamh | ?.:. "... ^ *a?j\i.S ?
mi d'scovere'l thai the j ; >
i efcioroiormw:. miss j *??
as fouoii vaca?e.1. All j r. ^ I
iccp: her n;alu robe was i S* |
jedsiite. $t-ar':h was at ; . ' if 1 j& ?.**! L?rJ> ?
her, but without avail. 1 '^Lel! i
wived ih;emuh? let- . : ??
davs l>ef)r\ Marshal r^^'v
i,u v .xv'-"'''-) ^U?jj ' ' ;
>?*: > cave, three miles { C -X*> ; ?:>>*ZSfa 2 gs
residence, and found j **fSV'
uscious and nearly, dead j &?.<
lier bands iD<i ieet j .>
badly sw olleu. When j ' ??& %Tx K3S, g- I ST? 5
it! been partly restored 11 ijg sj || J. *** '4?1?!
be sutrcrin^ great men- J fif** gp
ud it is feared Uiat er ! ^ *. 2 .> fe A tVi)llii fultfUni
!. Mi* Ailer, boiong?1 ' a3'jK3 ^adUfe 1 UlflBBj
rsfc families in Go?port 'iSfSf
m jf PP 0" v f S ""i-c'is wW ocl?oa*d tr.iTThot# Moodlito
Uj U LilvJ i i ? f>T. ^tycvf. nwartra)
20 ro xo? dbIjay, s; { [j 9.- k^c f ^UaiSte^
LE THS lEOK 13 HOT." ? J 2 3 tfJS \ ^ I
iloguenow, andeay wha?? 5 '$& $0 g? 8 f i fNnTw-'
lis advertisement in. i 5 % M I M K I fk^
at I sell evervthing thxt* < 3 5 S & il'
ig a home?manufacture a,.
and buying others In the cf p. ?. p., PrS.* a*\ r?* &*?
lots, which enables me to i ?|?^
0? Cooking' Stove, fuij ~ j
mmmmmmiaM *
uxes paid by me, .o.S 533^ Proprietors,
^eil voa ? 3 hole V-oo?\z i ^ewssfca. Upper's siocs, siVASgA^ 8A.
- t
ili iJvuBSSaw^B ) I J 1 < *
. a iiiccplusb Parlor sa 11,|
the: In eoaibUiaiioa org
; ssyJbh colors lor 3i?.00.g ' **
you a nice JBedrJinys m:| ro:
ireaii with glass, l mgns ,
t At th* Sinof Mr- F- EL- Roberts in Rfch- 1
or 16.50, and pay frei?*I ?,nd ft* startiig his Sailor 3
' r I Elevator one ba!? had bean gjoned by the 1
--<?a aa e'etrant BedrotaaS old ?**hod. Just after starting the Eleva- ]
'ass, fuii rnarbh; org *r another bale was ginned from the same -^1
,tf' g pils- Without knowing this fact the cotton *
idelnseriasroiisr* eo? buyer offered one cent per peund more for
rx* .is? nr uvst * >* the bale pnned with the use of the Eleval!c5;
tor> Bead the statements of the buyer and
r window, 1^5* seller;
SnaSn This will certify that ef tw? sample ?1
? feet ef floor ?*&, with? fcft0" ?^jed us today by Mr Rowan S?es
'aetcrv buildins' inethci- tfa? market value of one exceeded that ol
, making in an .he lar-jj ?"* *>y on?
Jiia iind ender oae a:an-| t^gaed.; COPY ^0^8. ^
5*2!!'.a iw?ri Thiss will certify thatthe iro bale, pi
LCltoflaof rne br:.il i?to-g col"?u ?,JeiJa wcrc, ^LU "Vf* %->
e confining UlusuaUoui-i same Hlie ofJ*ed cotton, auc ginned is the
BiaiiwiiliouffiukiiidiJ K??0, One. was earned lo the gin in fl;
* ^gbr-? 1 tte bS!lor "* 1
1' , (Signed.) J. R. RGSK. f
a ft ifAD&ETh Tot b^st Gils, Presses, Elevators, *>
ittU's Furniture 3toTf Enjints and the best macusnery of itil 11
rtij kioos. for salts by jH
riueei, Au&VblA, <*A. XV. R. g1j52j4s, jr.. & co., kj
(yOLL^lBlA. S. C. ^3
fWkWW 1JIasgssT8TOc? f*
WX-' Vwi R OtVX } 407f2?ST PRICES -lj
snii mm m M J
TH3JIAS STEAJ5 is the best plac? in S#uth Carolina **
Southern States to secure satisfaction Id |H
American and Italian Marble Work. XI'
L? SEED COTTON kinusof ?H
'B7AT0K- Cemetery Work
a speciality.
?rfect system in use, un- tartkt?
om wagons, cleaning and
) gins or stalls. Cotton
jugh fan and press re- HEABSTONEb, fl
ier belts. It saves time
M02TOMENTS, Ae. flj
:T & S0HS: Send for prices andf ull lcformattoa.
v7 MILLS, IMPROVED Leesville College. m
00 TO 5600 JH
Vocal and instrumental Music, Art, Elocufl
Mill Men and Ginncrs tion, Physical Culture, Cooking, Dress
ete outfits that can be ting, Domestic Economy, Weekly Bibk^
torn prices. Studies. Nine taachers. Enrollment,
year 180. Pupils from thirreen coanttejJB
' Strong moral and religoua influence. N^^DH
: bar room nearer than seven m9
I A T^TT A TvT \ Healthful location, 700j*5Tabov? the VH
level of the sea, 400 fej^above Columbia, B
128 feet abov? Elegant building.
roung ladies cajRoard with the President.
? . , nrvrT Oaly College inJSie State that makes pro- ?
i^JNiiivAL a i, vision for joj^g ladies to reduce expenses n
by doing dc^mestie work. Seventeen young H
ladiesjaroed this way last year. Exptnsen H
0 | ^ "'literary cow*? and fcoard for ten ^
c. v.. jtq;onth3. $lOi to 513#; musie,?3?; ooojtKeer- ?
/ ing, 520. Xext session opens September 1
/ 23d. For catalojae address 1
/ itesldent,
?' Sep 9-3mos Leesriil?, S. 0 "
severest trial pre offer
Expectant Mottcr3. j
r?* Kf^r? -f^r-v* 'rjrn children LIPPMAN BSCS.. Proprietors, *
jrethor witi hor Last, hav- ! Dreggtets, Llpocran'S 3recV SfiVAUfWB, sa.
??1 four bottles of Moth- j
s a to mothers. | ?. ~ ~Z~1 .- ~?
?n., 1890.g.p.lockwood. jsirst Class work,
s. charecs prepaid, on re.50
per bottle. So.'J by ail
: to Mothers mailed fr^ei
ULAloe Co.. Atsaata. Gfc
Very Low Friea?.
S^, C&rri? >a,
iBqair^ of *pare?t dealer It tliex f >iy Jfl
I tr send for Catel#jv^M?ioau^^J

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