OCR Interpretation

The Fairfield news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1881-1900, November 21, 1894, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2012218613/1894-11-21/ed-1/seq-3/

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\ **
^ -r-^rr ?..ir: -? |
Wednesday. November 21. :: 1894jBAl
L c#r.? CTIoJiS.
. r??!|??cred tr??M3 tl<e
I.trcr b .xm it 11 15 n. m. and 9 p. ?t.
joiflj sontij, *?<* ^ SO p. m. s??-l 9
p. in. going nortli.
Please Observe This.
if von wish to change your
? * - - ^
advertisement, please bring it
is this morning, not this event
Xmm Advertisement*.
Bargains?John A. Desportes, Manager.
" Mtiiycipal Tax Notice?J. A. Hionaot,
School Books at Cost?Winnsboro
Drag Store.
To 'Possum Hanters and Others?
McMaster & Co.
Letters of Administration?5. it.
Jtbnston, Judge of Probate.
?Mr. W. H. Smith presented our
xeporter with tome very fine vinelest
weet potatoes, his own raising.
?Do you want lo buy a cloak or
r.? cape? Caldwell & Kuff have a handsome
tot at bottom price*. adv
- -r-Mr. Q. D. Williford has raised the
k largest cabbage we havejkeard of. It
weighed 19 pouads. Who can beat
^/The delay iu getting off our weekly
pa^fcewas caused by the press bein*
oat of order. We will try uot to be
behind nexTtiooc.
?Mr. Young* Robertson says there
R\*ild gee%e on Jackson Creek this
r, and tkat sach a thing was never
:d of before. \
-The winter weather has come and
\ it a demand for ladies' wraps
Lauderdale is prepared to fcupply.
qnite giving thetn away, bat very
it. adv
Mails from the sireet letter boxes
be collected at 10.30 a. m., and 6
9 p. p. The mail closes at tie
postoffice ten minutes before the
schedule time of arrival of trains.
?Jno. D. Smart has a contract to
bnild a dwelling for Mrs. Brockington
It will be built near Mrs. Bacot's
place. JEIe alio has a contract to add
? i fV,Q Vinnco n/>r?nnipd hv
bUYCIiU 1 Will) lu wv x
Mr. Egleston.
?Cheese don't go fast enough at
present prices, so antil further notice
1 Lauderdale will'sell the finest ci earn
at 15 cents per pound. ady
?Mr. J. H. Skinner says he sold
I one hundred and fifteen tickets to the
fair this week, and says it isiust about
Mfc. half of the number sold last yeaj. At
this rate all over the State, not. more
than fifty per cent jo?--the crowd was
present to-what ^generally there.
?Mr. J. Mv Stewart offered a gentleman
ten /cents for a certain lot of
'eettea?twe- years ago and it was re.
fu$ed. This, gentleman showed the
samples of this identical cottou to Mr
' Stewart this week and was only offered
__ five cents, but he did not sell it. It is
I hard for us to know when to sell. If
L cotton would goto ten cents now some
would eren refuse to sell.
?"The Hufc"is oat in a new auTortiaement
this morning. They are
wantiog to clean oat the house for
L spring goods. They are offering to
H gare you money, and money saved is
V money made. Tbey only ask you to
W inspect their stock and prices?then
they feel sure they will - relieve you of
f the little wherewithal you bave in your
^ pocket. Polite attention and careful
treatment is guaranteed. Give them a
Some of. J. L. Mimnaugh's force
sends his "ad." to us in verse. >ve
, judge from tb? metre and general get^
up of the "ad." that it is kin to Mary's
W~~~ little lamb. At any rate its "all wool"
p stoff-.and in the latest style. They do
not say that the. goods are made from
the wool of Mary'a lamb, but one will
L infer that it grew on a sheep's back
J and not on a cotton stalk. Read it
L for yourself and ask yourself the
ftr - question how do they manage to sell
so cheap.
?All parties wanting pictures in the
v-~ next order will please call aud select
|B 'he frame. The sooner you c#me the
0 sooner you jrill get the picture.
Iadv D. Lacderdalk.
?The drug atore of McMaster &
Co., "The Old lieliable," is trying to
keep you out of trouble. They offer
for sale lanterns and oil, but if you
are unfortunate enough to get hurt in
the darkness thf-y will cure you with
magic liniment. They have lanterns
especially. united for 'possum hunters
and blank boolcs to note the number
cangbt. The seasoning for that 'possnin
way be hacl there also, and if you
' at too much 'possum" they have a
digester for you. Tbey constitute a
regular insurance company for 'pos
sum haulers^- Kead their "ad."
Hi It will astonish yon bow quick JohnIT
son's Magnetic Oil will kill all pains,
W internal and external; $1.00 size50
p cfs.; 53 ct. size 25 eta, Wiunsboro
k Drag Store. *
f Colosed Faib Association.?The
L stockholders of the Colored Fair Association
will meet in Winnsboro on
Saturday, the 17th, to perfect arrangements
for their fair. A full attend~
ance is requested.
Heb Clothing was on Fibe.?Mrs.
Austin went to the front door to
^ answer a call, and as she arrived the
ff colored .girl, who had knockcd, found
' . her dress burning. Had not the girl
seen the smoke it might hare been a
serious matter.
? Dedication Sxkvicbs -The new
j?TT Lebanon Church will be dedicated on
\ the 4th Sunday in this month, Novem|
ber 25. Bey. W. G. Neville, of York,
I ? will conduct the exercise?. Ail are,
Bp1" respectfully invited to be present on
. ^ tkat occasion.
Johnson's Compound Cod Liver Oi
makes rich blood, restores lost vitality,
cares dyspepsia, creates flesh and is
paiatable and easily taken. Wmnsboro
Drag Store. * i
r>vw^-' ' *- ?
Highest of all in Leavening Po*
Two Bold, Bai> Bors ?Geo. Harris
and Harry "Williams, the two tramp
boys who stole Rev. C. E. McDonald's
.Keys on ?unaay vjemug, were uuullaed
ia the guard-house forty-eight
hours on bread and water. Mr. J. E.
McDonald, the intendant, turned them
oat on Wednesday. One of them was
very impudent and said the charge
could not be proven. Mr. McDonald
gave him some pretty strong talk and
sent them out of town on promise not
to return again.
For a pain in the side or chest there
is nothing so good as a piece of flanuel
dampened with Chamberlain's Pain
Balm and bound on over the seat of
TM.Amnf on/1 nprmo.
paiii* JLL auvxuo MUU ?SV?
nent relief and if used in time will
often prevent a cold from resulting in
pneumonia. This same treatment is a
sure cure for lame back. For sale by
all druggists. *
Late Corn.?Our re;oorter taw some
corn on Saturday which was planted
on the 28th day of June. It was not
a six weeks species e?i* the Golden
Dent, bnt the common yellow corn.
The ears were of good iize, well filled
and sound. This coru was raised by
Mr. T. P. Ligon. It appears to us
that this should encourage the farmers
who lo#se a stand. We think everyone
ehould plant earlv, but if they
fail should not be discouraged if it
will come after the 2Sth of June.
Learn to be Wua.-1There is no
excuse now for ignorarcc in this country.
We have newspapers and periodical*
at a small cost. Your children
may attend public schools free of cost;
and now come* Ihe Wiunsboro Drug
Store and says they will cell scheol
books at cost. So you sre inexcusable,
oh, man! They ofter slates, tablets,
pens and pencils at a lo ,v figure. Learn
your child to write while it is young.
If it gets too sick lo talk it may write
on the slate that it wants some medicine
from the Winnsboro Drug Store.
You will find there also the tumbler or
wuie-giass 10 aaouuigur tne wjmiviug
from. And they havo still a little
matter that should interest you?that
little bill.
f ersonaia.
Mr. R. H. Simpsou i;. in town.
Mrs. T. P. Davis left forKilliang,
her home, on Saturday.
Rev. W. S. Stokes hasgone to attend
a meeting of Conference.
Mr. Henry L. Parr, who received
87 sho^iri his body, wis'in town on
Monday. Several sho-, have worked
out on the right side wiuch entered on
the left side. He is getting along very
well sofar, however.
Mr. Robt. Matthews, son of Mr.
R. T. Matthews, who is attending the
South Carolina College, in Columbia,
spent Saturday and Snndav here. j
Mr. and Mrs. G. >1 Wilmot, of
Concordia, New Hamj shire^ are visitiDg
Mr. C. H. Scruggs, th? father of
Mrs. Wilmot. They will spend a
whiJe with Mr. W. J. Scruggs in
Columbia before returning North.
Mrs. Wilmot is very much pleased
with her Northern hone.
Miss Laura Gerig h&s returned from
Orangeburg where she has been visiting
the family of Mr. Sain. Miss
Minnie Sain returned with her and
will remain here some time.
Miss Julia Fripp, after visiting rela
tires for two months in Beaufort,
Savannah, Macon and Atlanta, returned
home last week to take charge
of her school.
Itch on hainan, mange on horses,
dogs and all stock, cured in 30 minutes
by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This
never fail?. Sold by W. E. Afken,
druggist, Winnsboro, S. C. *
Rev. \V. K. Boggs, evangelist of
Bethel Presbytery, will begin meetings
as follows:
FJint Hill, November 23, at 11 a. m.
Bear t;reek# November 30, at 11 a. m.
Ridgeway, December 7, ? at p. m.
Married, at the residence of Trial
Justice W. B. flogan, on the 11th
inst., Mr. John Sims to Miss Olive
Elizabeth Wallace; all of Fairfield
county. Twenty Creek is on a boom;
wedding bells have begun to ring.'
I desire to thank the kind people of
Fairfield County for the attention and
care shown me after I was so foully
shot down in my own door in the night
time. I am unable to see each and
everyone and ask space in the columns
nf Tup Vpws ivn TTro it r? tn rln sn.
I greatly appreciate the kindness of
these gcod people. Henry L. Parr.
Wha; ftops Neuralgia? Dr. Miles' Pain Pills.
Mr. Editor: In your last Weekly
you say that there are some thiugs in
regard to the registration books which
you think need explanation.
I am always ready and willing to
explain anything in connection with'
my office if the public so desire.
W. F. Jackson,
Supervisor of Registration.
Change in the Schedule.
There has been a slight change in
the schedule; the south-bound day
traiu arrives here at 11.07 a. m. and
the north-bound day train arrives here
at 6.43 p. m. The south-bound night
train arrives here at 1.02 a. m. and the
north-bound night train arrives here
at 4.23 a. m. This change does not
suit us any better as we want the
north-bound mail before time to go
hame in the evening; but it gives a
little more timexto persons going to
Columbia on business.
rer.?Latest XT. S. Gov't Report
, Powder
On Tuesday morning death rjbbed
the family of Mr. J. H. Aiken of one
of its dearest members. Miss Mary
Etta Aiken, the oldest living child of
the family, passed away after an illness
of twenty-six days. She was in her
sixteenth year, was a bright and prom-!
"""n" mill hot* Iocs ic n sari
XOllJg J\/UU? touj I UllU UVft iwv ?v ? :
bereavement. The remains were laid :
to rest at Salem churchyard. She had
connected herself with this church and
lived a consistent meaaber. W# ex- i
lend onr sympathy to this stricken
Pro B?no Public*. ,
Desiring to promote the educational
interest in this town and county we
have determined to insert advertisements
for teach?r3, by trustees of
schools, or positions needed by teachers
for the small sum of fifty cents. If
you are a teacher (white or colored)
and want a place send us fifty cents
and we will advertise for you for
three months. If the trustees of a
school need a teacher let them send us
fifty cents and we will advertise for
one for a period of three months.
The cash must accompany the advertisement
as it is a mere nominal price,
and only done to benefit the public
school system.
Call for the Horse Brand of Johnson's
Magnetic Oil. It has no equal
tor the diseases of horses and cattle.
$i.CU siza 50 cts.; 50 ct. size25ctf.
Winusb?ro Drug Store. *
?The prices Mimnaugh is offering
on clothing here; it don't pay to send
off and buy it. ' adv.
The following is the official vote in
this county at the recent election:
For Congress?Wilson, 994; Melton,
For Goveruor?Evans, 778; Pope,
403. State officers 862; Buchanan got
864 and "Wilborn 863. Reform legislative
ticket, 868; League (Democratic)
42s. For School CommissionerStevenson
(Reform), 824; Durham
(League), 434. Probate Judge?S. R.
John8toa (Reform), 836; Broom
(League), 414. County Supervisor?'Tennant
(Reform), 825; Hollis
(League), 425. For constitutional
convention, 721; against, 441.
The vote for Governor and Lieutenant
Governor was not counted at
Horeb, because the managers failed to
certify to this particular count. The
Gladden Grove box was thrown^out;
the managers at this place did not
come for the boxes and opened do poll.
The League Democrats opened a poll
but it was thrown out. There was no
contests at the counting.
As Old Time S*w.
On last Saturday evening the northern
end of town wore an aspect
common to it about fifteen or twenty
years ago. At that time it was tie
place where mo9t of the differences
that arose between men were settled
in the old time war. On this occasion
Ed. Rosboro, the porter at the express
office here, seemed to be in a tigerous
mood, and according to subsequent
testimony tried to play "cow-boy" at
Jno. ChappelPs fish and oyster stand, j
The testimony of Chappeli and others,
was to the effect that Ed. was creating
disturbance and when asked to leave
by Chappeli replied he would net.
A row started which became contageous,
and in the melee Billy Madison
struck Frank Thompson on the
head with a rock and inflicted a painful
wonnd. Madison emigrated at
once and Thompson (who seems only
to have been in the interest of peace),
took out a warrant for him immediately.
Tom Pinkney and Koiboro |
agreed to go out and fiuish it accord- j
ing to Queensbury rules, but as Rosboro
was demonstrating the practice
according to the rules he observed that
Pinkney wa? not observing the rules,
but on the contrary, had Roseboro's
thumb in his mouth. Rosboro therefore
concluded to quit the game. The
police made a drag net haul ana all
went before the Mayor at 5 o'clock.
Everyone was released but Rosboro;
he got $20 or thirty days in the guardhouse.
Rosboro says they were gambling;
if this can be proven there will J
be some more stock to lead to water
from the guard-house for the next ten I
or fifteen days.
Mr. Walter M. Cloud, a traveling
salesman from Norths, on the South
Bound railroad, saw while on some of
his manv trins through White Oak,
what the Lord saw in the Garden of
Eden?that it is not good for man to
be alone. From subsequent proceediDgs
it transpires that he became
thoroughly imbued with this idea.
Accordingly on the evening of the 13th
of November, at ten minutes past six,
he lead to hymens alter one of the
fairest daughters of White Oak, Miss
Sallie B. Neil, the only daughter of
Mr. John H. Neil.
The ceremony took place at the
A. R. Presbyterian Church. The
church was tastily decorated with
evergreens and flowers, such as the
gentle hand of woman alone can do.
The following lady attendants advanced
up the aisle?, preceding the
bride and groom, Misses Eliza Patrick,
Ida Patrick, Nora Hamilton, Jeanette
Patrick, Sal lie Patrick and Addie Huey.
Miss Maggie Hamilton acted as maid
of honor, and Mr. Jas. J. McDowell
as best man. Two flowers girls^Misses
Kittie Patrick and Jannie Fienniken,
i led the procession up the aiile and
opened the gates of flowers at the outlet
of the aisles?the lady. attendants
passing each in front of the alter,
crossed over to the opposite sides from
which they came and took, their positions
on either side.
** We Are
Our large and beautiful
DRY GOODS must be sold te
For the next SIXTY DA'
Money saved is money ma<
cheaper than you can purchase
groom took their position directly in
* a ~e it 3 !>?%,? T A
iruilt UJL 111C ailU. LUC IWft u. *m..
Smith in a brief but beautiful ceremony
made them man and wife. The
ceremony concluded with prayer after
which congratulations and tender farewells
were extended.
The groom wore the regulation black
suit and the bride a grey Henrietta.
The happy couple left on the northbound
train for Rockingham, N.C.,
where they will visit for a while.
The best wiskes of The News and
Herald goes with them.
Henry Wilion, the postmaster at
Welshton, Florida, says he cured aj
case of diarrhoea of long standing in
six hours, with one small bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. What a pleaiant
surprise that must have been to the
sufferer. Such cures are not unusual
with this remedy. In many instances
only one or two doses are required to
gife permanent relief. It can always
be depended upon. When reduced
with water it is pleasant to take. For
sale by all druggists. *
These Froxi Oar Contit; Who Wo a Premium!
at th? Fair.
Laid work quilt, Mrs. G. W. Brooks.
Quilt, by girl under fourteen, Miss
Mabel Ciafke.
Point lace, Miss M. H. Rion.
Outline bed-spread, Mrs. J. H.
Brown, Rklgoway.
Basket cut flowers, second prize,
Mrs. E. J. Garrison.
I'en of Cotswold ewes, J. B. Tamer,
first prize.
Jersey red boar, J. B. Turner, first
Jersey red sow, J. B.Turner,second
Ajershire Bull, 2 years old, Gen.
Bratlon, first prize.
Best cow, 2 years old, Gen. Brattoa,
first and second prizes.
Best heifer, Gen. Bratton, first and
second pr<zes.
Best Jersey bull under 2 years old,
J. S. Eider, first prize.
BeBt Gurnsey bull, 2 years old, J. S.
Elder, first prize; second, LaGjange
, Stock Farm (J. G. Mobiey).
Best Gurnsey bull under 2 years,
J. B. Turner, first; LaGrange Stock
Frrm, sccoud.
Best Gurnsey cow, J. B. Turner,
first; LaGrange Stock Farm, second.
Best heifer, J. B. Turner,. first; La-.
Grange Steele Farm, second.
Native cow, 3 years old, LaGrange
Stock Farm, first prize.
Native heifer, 2 years old, LaGrange
Stock Farm, first prize.
Heifer calf, over 4 and under 12
months, J. B. Turner, first prize.
Best 5 lbs. butter, Mrs. H. A. Gaillard.
Best okra, Mrs. M. A. Wylie.
Best South Carolina display of canned
goods, Ladies' Cannery of Winnsboro.
Dest Delaware grape wine, Miw
Sallie Garrison.
So we see that Fairfield is not behind
in any line. She always wins
something and we hope this will instill
a spirit of progress and push in our
people. Fairfield should be proud of
her record.
As our conierencc year is neaiuug
its close and our pastor is soon to leave
us to go up to Conference, I have
been retrospecting the work of East
Chester circuit under his pastorate,
would like to point out some of its
growth and achievements under his
faithful ministry.
At Ebeuezer there has been completed
(putting in carpet and organ)
and dedicated, a handsome church
building that does credit to the Methodists
of tlat section. An effort is now
- - - ' ?
being maae to enciosc me giA?cjaiU.
At Mt. Prospect they have made
some improvements and ecrpect to remodel
their church soon.
They too have recently purchased an
organ. Also an eliort is being made
to enclose the graveyard. At Sharp's
Chapel within the last few months
has been erected a large church building
when finished will equal any on
the work. At this place is located our
circuit parsonage, as pretty and comfortable
a cottage home as generally
falls to the lot of an itinerant Metho
di6t preacher in the country, w e have
it cnly partly famished.
Bethesda has purchased an organ
and bids fair to stand well amongst
her sister churches in the charge.
At each of these churches there has
been special meetings held -with good
results. The membership has been
increased about thirty. There has
been good Sunday schools at aU four
churches^ also a weekly prayer meeting
at three of the churches. A
! W? F. M. S. at Ebcnezer, Mt. Prospecl
ns. * ba:
Offering Our Cus
i F(ffi WEI
I JM- \/ jbla f /IB a JI
stock of CLOTHING, HA'
> make room for our Spring line
Y"S is the time. A visit to our s
le, aud we intend to save it fo
CJs Your 1
and Bethesda. I feel assured that we ' I
are on the up grade?both spiritually '
and financially. The guardian star of ]
success seems pointing us to undis- .
covered fields of enterprises. Our |
pastor came to us aooui iwo years agu j
to bless us with his presence and!
As he leaves us to go up to Con-'
f?rence we are sure he will leave with |
us some of the sacred fire of his un- j
abated zeal for souls. The initial sen-1
timent and desire of East Chester j i
Circuit is to have him with us yet I j
another two years. However, we are ,
perfectly resigned to any change that
might be for the glory of God. ,
November 10,1894. t
Care For Headache.
As a remedy for all forms of Headache
Electric Bitters has proved to be th very
best. If effects a permanent cure and the i
most dreadful haoitual sick headaches l
yield to its influenca. We urge all who <
are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give '
this remedy a fair trial. In case? of habit- \
ual constipation Electric Bitters cures by <
giving the needed tone to the .bowels, ana ]
few cases long resist the use of this medi- '
cine. Try it once. Large bottles only ]
Fifty cents at Mcifaster & Co.'s Drug
Store. * i
Nobody need have Neuralgia. Get Dr. Miles' ]
Pain Pills from druggists. "One cent a dose." ?
?Caldwell & Raff have a splendid
lot of carpet samples. Price 25c. and
30c. This is the cheapest plan to get
a good carpet. adr
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
For Orer Fifty Tear*
Mrs. Wisslow'8 Soothtkg Syeup has
been used for over fifty years by millions
of mothers for their children while teething,
with perfect success. It soothes the
child, softens the gams, allays all pain,
cures wind colic, and is the best remedy i
for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little
sufferer immediately. Sold by Draggists
in every part of the world. Twenty
five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for
Tcr?T>ol/">Tr'a Rnnt.hinc Svrnu." and i
iUi 0? II lUU^VII W MVW ?g ^ f ,
take no other kind. 5-261 xly
Hftten Baby wta riot, we gave her Castor!*,
TT*ea sb? was a Child, th? cried for Castoria.
Wh?a she bocam? Miss, ?ka cl*nj to Castoria.
WIw ah? bad CbHdren, oho fave tfaw* Cutaria.
JXnsan's Oriental Soap is the most
deli?-4 facial soap for ladies' use in
exi? ice, absolately pare and highly
meaKited. Winnsboro Drag Store. *
* 1 i - - -
7 ! e Community Shocked* !
, st evening, just after tea, while Mr. .
Thoi 'is Hartman, a prominent and "highly- j
resp. | jd citizen, apparently-in" the best of
heal! i and spirits, was reading a newspaper,
the >*et suddenly, fell to -the . floor j he
l>iac^ one hand over his hearty gasped, and
junk back in his chair, evidently unconscious.
The family were stricken with consternation,
and immediately summoned a
I-hysician. But it was too late. The old
gentleman was dead. Physicians gave heart
?iincase as the cause."?.Ho/frrooi Herald.
Every day the papers contain statements
similar to the above. Even youth is no defense
against heart disease, and the awful
rapidity with which it is claiming victims
forces upon all a conviction of its prevalence.
Header, if you have a symptom of this
dread disease do not hesitate a moment in
J* ? TN_1 f 1 J
unending to ic. A/eiay la aiwaya uaugeiuua,
and in heart disease too often fatal. Some
symptoms of heart disease are shortness of
breath, fluttering, or palpitation, pain or
tenderness ;.i left side, shoulder, or arm, irregulur
pulse, smothering, weak or hungry
spells, fainting spells, dropsy, etc.
! Charles Raven, York, Pa.,writes: "I suffered
*rom heart disease 22 years. Frequently my
j eart would seem to jump Into my mouth, and my
r endition made me very melancholy. Physicians
r ive me no relief! I became so much worse that
1 was not expected to live, but was induced a* a
list resort to use Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure. The
Kocond day I felt greatly relieved, and at the end
often days I felt like a king. Hy gratitude is too
dwp for expression."
Joseph Rockwell. TTniontown, Pa., aged S2
vers, says: "For four years previous to beginning
the use of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure I was
t?!fl:cted with heart disease in a very severe form.
Hud taken all so-called cures, but with no benefit
natil I used Dr. Miles' remedy, one bottle of which
cured me."
J. D. Bethtrds, High Point, la., makes the following
statement: " I was a wreck from heart
disease and stomach trouble when I began using
Dr. Miles'New Heart Cure and Nerve and Liver
Pills. As a result of their use I am well."
Dr. Miles' New. Heart Cure is sold by all druggists
on a positive guarafitee, or sent by the Dr.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind., on receipt of
price, fl per bottle, six bottles for $5, express prepaid.
It Is positively free from all opiates or
dangerous drugf. Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver
Fills, 35 cents per box, five boxes, 31.00. Mailed
anywhere. Free book at druggists, or by mail.
By S. R. JOHNSTON,Esq., JudgeProbate.
WHEREAS, T. L. Johnston bath made
suit to me to grant him letters of
administration of the estate and effects
of J Adeline Fife, deceased:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish
all and singular the kindred and cred
itors of the said J. AdeliDe Fife, deceased,
that they be and appear before
me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at
i Fairfield Court House, S. C., on the 3rd
day of December, after publication hereof,
at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show
. cause, if any they have, why the saidadnunistration
should not be granted.
Jriven under my hand, this 17 th day of
m -ember, A. D. 1894.
;jw -20-2 Judge of Probate.
11T r '11 'L " "Ml '?
tomers **
\ d &
rs, BOOTS, SHOES and
tore is all we ask.
r you by selling you goods
> "
3, Manager.
BJ U ^ My Tubular Cushions help wheD all
else fails, as glasses help eyes. Whlswtb
heard. No pain. UTktbW. F. Hiscox, 853 B'way !
Jew York, sole depot. Send for book and proofs FREE*
? ~z:
* * Ml# Ptl0 2 1
?hairkbalsam !
Cleasfot tad b?*n{if.ef tht hair.
Promotes a lusuriint fTovth.
.tre-rer Pills to Bestore GrayHair
to it* Youthful Color.
Cure* scalp disMMt * hdir i*iling.
<6e.acd<L00?t Dnig^iiU _ _
[Ji^SrkerTGlaSer Tonic. I^atHEe worn Cooeh,
SVcak Lrnifrt, Debility, Iadigwtion, Pain, Take is time. <0 eu.
ffiSTcS ST
"By a thorough knowledge of the natural
aws which govern the operations of digestion
ind nutrition, and by a careful application of
;he line properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr.
Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a
lellcately flavoured beverage which may save
is many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the JudlJlous
use of such articles of diet that a const i;utlon
may be gradually built up until strong
snough to resist every tendency to disease.
Sundreds of subtle maladies are floating around
as ready to attack wherever there is a weak
monr ft fatal shaft, tlv
JUIilU. TTC UlUJ Uiuuj ?. .w?w. w?...?
seeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood
ind a properly nourished frame."?Civil Service
Sazetu. Made simply with boiling water or
milk. Sold only in Half pound tins, by Grocers,
labelled thus:
JAMES EPPS & CO., Ltd., Homoeopathic
Chemists, London, England.
Municipal Tax Jiotice.
A TAX of 34 mills on all personal
and real property in the town of
Winnsboro has been levied for the
Municipal year commencing May 1,
1891, and a "commutation street tax of
Two Dollars. Said tax, payable from
the loth of November, 1894, until the
15th of January, 1895,
11-17 Clerk of Council.
n - 'pum - nm
A -VTT> r^TTTTT.'R.S !
In your nightly wanderings you need
light. So before starting oat, come
and get a Lantern. We have the common
Lantern and the Bull's Eye Buggy
Lantern, for sale cheap for cash.
Also a supply of nice Lamps in
stand, bracket,' library, hall, parlor
and kitchen.
Get your Oil from us and you'll
hare a good light. If you should hapcnroin
on in hnntiner.
yKZll kU O^IUiU MM ...
remember we have Magic Liniment,
Fernoline Balsam, Wizard Oil, St.
Jacob's Oil, R. K. R., Mexican Mustang,
Packer's Charm and other liniments.
If you should fall in the creek it
might be well to have a bottle of either
Hegeman's Toln, King's Discovery,
McMaster's Snre Cure, Sweet Gam
and Mullein, Scott's or Koch's Emulsion,
Fellows'or other hypophospbites,
Golden Medical Discovery, Piso's
Care, or one of our 01 her remedies for
coughs, colds, etc.
It yoa would like to keep a record
of the 'possums caught, remember wc
have Blank Books, Day Book?, Ledg
civ, Pens, Pencils, Ink, etc.
After catching, the last bat not least
is to eat the 'possum, and to serve him
in style yon need florae of oar Spices,
Mustard", Pepper, etc., to season him
with, and one of onr largo dishe3 t&
serve bim on, and other Dishes, Caps,
Saucers, Plates, Teapots and Fireproof
Dishes to cook the "taters" in.
A cup of oar nice Tea and then one of
oar fioe Cigars would make you forget
for awhile all earthly troubles and
If any bad after-effects from e&tiug
'possum, we have Simon's Liver Regulator,
Apepsia, Electric Bitters, Seltzer
Aperient, etc., etc. So remember you
can gel what von want at "THE OLD
AI<fcVJM*U<w ?
SchoolBoots al Cost
I People, Look to Your Interest
and Buy Books
From Us.
Worth[of School Books on hand thai
mart be sold in the *ext 30 day?, and
will go at simple cost.
We Have Also
Just received a large line of Stationery,
Pads, Blank Books, Pencils,
Slates, &c., and will sell them at pricef
to sait hard times.
-Another Thing.
Oar line of Drugs is very complete
We ask you to cau on uawucu^u
need anything in this line.
We Also
Have a nica line of Glassware, Turn
blere, &c., and offer them rery cheap
%?The most important thing of al
is: Don't forget that little bill yoi
owe. Come and pay it. We need th<
i Wiansbera Drag Store
- ' -
Has some Overcoats,
And they have velvet c<
T< 1 H - 1 - 1 1
it majtes me peopie jaugj
When lie tells the price
Has some little Suits,
And they are made of t
Mother says they are jusi
To wear to church or s<
Has some Cheviot Suits
In Blue, Black and Br<
Customers say they are ti
They have seen thus fa
Has some Macintoshes,
They are overcoats, yoi
The stvle is late and b<
The swells will tell you
Has some Cutaways,
Becoming every gent;
They look so sweet and ?
The call them Prince I
7v/rr\T\r a
Asks before you buy
To look before you lea]
And if you jump into his
You'll find Clothing go
q. d. willifoe:
An Ordinance
to prohibit the pasturing of uattle
on the streets and in the Park
of the Town of Winnsboro,
and to Prohibit the Confining of
Cattee in Pens Except as Herein
Be it enacted and ordained by the ~
Intendant and Wardens of the town of
Winnsboro in Council met and by the C
authority of the same: r
Section 1. That it shall be unlawful
for &ny person to paiture or graze,
under ant conditions, on the streets of
said town or in the park of said town
any cows, sheep, goats or other cattle
or teat-cattle of whatsoever description.
Sec. 2. That it 8ball oe uniawiunor
any penon to keep or confine within
any enclosure in the corporate limits
of said town, lor a longer space of
time than fifteen days, any cattle where
- mora than twelve head of such cattle
are oonfined within the space of ODe
acre ?f ground: Provided a proportional
area for a larger or smaller number
of cattle so kept oonfined may be
Sbc. 5. That any one violating the
provisions ot this Ordinance shall be
deemed sniltv of a misdemeanor, and
upon conviction shall be fined not exceeding
tbe ?um of twenty dollars or
imprisoned for a time not exceeding 4
thirty days in the discretion cf the
lateudant or the Ceancil.
Sec. 4. This Ordinance shall go into
effect on and after the first day of ]
November, 1894.
Sic. 5. That all Ordinances in con
flict with or repagnant to this Ordi* ^
nance be and the same are hereby re-1 s
pealed. a
Done in Council this tbe 25th day of
October, 1894, and with the
[l. s.] corporate seal of the town
affixed. 1
j. e. Mcdonald, '
? 3 A.
Attest: mtenaanc.
J. A. JIinxant, Clerk 1O-S0
I ? '
Why sacrifice yonr cotton by selling
, at the present low prices when yon can
it and get advances which will
enable you to carry ronr cotton for
[ better price?.
Terms reasonable. For further Information,
| 10-25-2m Colombia, S. C.
A irasMswflsasa
?#k|Hl eaSSOB. WbiapenhisMl.X>ag
jncMm, AttrenfrOMMtttOllialMWliik*
. jfc
? - 1
-*'." '38
l TT/""N TT
- m
h right out
>, Fire Dollars.
. W?
' >:M
' ii
5 too cute
be best v -
r in town. ^
i know;
>und to take.
- if ?
... ,
& ' ;.^i
it so neat,
' :v'5^
. ? '
[ ' -M
P> *
istore, . .
od and cheap.
. m
" . ; m
: ^
D, - - Manager.
... K*
' ^
. j
i^MjfS \JSFft
Iaudsomest Cover Eveb seen.
New Style Skeleton Cass.
The Only Machine tha t will Sew BACKVAED
as well as FOKWARD without
topping. Quiet Running, adjustable in
ill its parts.
cobee8pondence solicited.
PETER, Owner
Toledo, Ohio
V/.L. Douglas _yeuaff
isthc bcst.v ^
VW ?
You can W. I*.
we *re the lujeit manufacturers of
SrtSi work ia Ityle, W^OK^
??Ler cannot supply r??**c?u SoldtoJ
W. J.
7-3 Ridf{ew?y, & C.
. \? . -
7' "

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