OCR Interpretation

The Fairfield news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1881-1900, August 04, 1897, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2012218613/1897-08-04/ed-1/seq-3/

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:Mim anagnaaWlM ama fcrmre
Wednesday, August -1, 1897
?Turnip seed at McMaster Co.'$.
Also fruit jars, <!cc. Read their ad.
?Mrs. U. G. DesPortes entertained
some of her friends 011 Tuesday afternoon
at hor delightful home on the
?The lirst bale of cotton was sold
here last year 011 August 5th, but the
probabilities are that this year the
market wili open at least two weeks
?Mr. ~<V C. Beaty is goiDg to have
his hou?e remodeled and work will
soon be iegun on it. When it is completed
the house wili be much larger
and will bo one of the nicest houses In
-K. Brandt, th'e Chester jjwelcr, is
offering his large slock of glass ware
at a reduction of twenty-five per cent.
This is a very tempting offer, ana
-Ik housekeepers should see his new ad.
this morning.
||||||p^ ?There will be a base ball picnic at
Milling's and Lemmon's Cross-Road-?,
in the grove in front of chapel, on
Friday, August 6th. The public are
invited to attend. The ladies will
serve ice cream.
?The eclipse of the sun Thursday
morning was viewed by almost everybody,
and smoked glas5 was in great
demand. Ttiose who didn't see this
one will be obliged to wait until 1900,
when the next one is scheduled to
..Mr. M. S. Meyers, of Greenville,
N. C., is in town aud expects to open
up a confectionary store in the Wolfe
& building. Mr. Meyers manufactures
his own candy. We welcome him to
WJnnchnrrt snd hnrtfi that he Will
meet with success. j
?An initial party was given on;
Monday evening by Misses Mamie and
Ellen Ellison. This party proved to
be a very uovel and delightful entertainment
and the young people enjoyed
the evening thoroughly. Part of the
evemnor was ?nent in dancins: after j
which delicious refreshments were
?Joe, the blood-honnd that has done j
so much (fifective UetecUve work for
the count v, is dead, and it is generally]
supposed that he W3s the victim of I
fou! p'.ny. During his life he wai a !
terror to burglarp, escaped convicts, J
and evH doer- generally, 3cd there is
I scarce' / any doubt that som? out who
J had a grudge against liim is responsible
for his taking off.
?The road to the rock quarry is in
6uch excellent condition at present
that a bicycle ride to that point in- j
volves ihe expenditure of very little !
? ei eigy. A party made the t ip (seven
miles) Ihursday afternoon in fortyfour
minnies. That is very fast time,
but some of tiie wheelmen think it can
b; improved on, and an attempt will
soon be mad.% to break the record.
?Mr. D. L. Stevenson, County:
Superintendent of Education, has received
a circular letter from President
\ Johnson, of 4'inthrop College, notilyLing
him that the competitive examination
for the Winthrop College scholarships
will be held in the court house i
on Friday, August 13th, at 9 a m. j
HI^'The examination will be open to all i
l||||lpr the girls of tin couiity who are at j
l?ast fifteen years of age, of sound,
physical health, and who intend to
s. teach.
A lice sow, half Berkshire aud half
Essex. R. A. Buchanan, Jr.
^ I ,n
s/fT/7. ^ ;l??
Rig Picalc at Lvles' Ford.
STbe pabli; is cordially invited to
attend a basket picnic at Lyles' Ford
on Saturday, August 2Ut.
f July 26, 1S97. Chaperon.
Now is the Time.
Tbis is the season for planting turnips,
and T. F. Davis ?fc Co. can snp^
ply you .. i;li almost any variety of
^ seeds. In iheir new ad. to day the
^ attention of cjclists is calieJ to tne
fact every afternoon at 5.30 they have
on sale that most delightful beverage,
ice eream soda.
W*. K. Smith's College, Lexington. t?y.
Is where huncheds of clerk?, farmer
: boys and others have invested $90 for
& tuition aud board for an education and
^ are novr getting $1000 and over a year.
Head a3. and keep tbb notice for reference.
Remember in order that your
letters iLav roach this college to ad>
dress only W. R. Smith, Lexington,
On Friday, 1U h, thire will
be & ni.nio ai;d his-ii dew ai Montieel
lo. Evervbodv is invited :o attend,
and a specie-! invitation is given to all
ciircirfsis in Fairfield to
meet wit'-> u?.
Cotna>i5:rc for Gimp A. J. ilcGiil,
|f^ R. L. Mm-isii, J. C. Fcastcr, G. F.
||f|jj^&hL Audrews, W. T. Ft-ttigrcw.
IpppjlffiyCommittee at Large?E. K. Roberts,
M. Edrli!|r5o:i, J. D. Fraz:or, T.J.
ppS?*^ McMcekin, M IS. Martin.
^ Dr. J. li Arlcage died at his home
||l near Winnsboro at 2.45 Monday afternoon
after a l:ugerin<r and painful illness.
The ntws of l.i< death will be
IpP received witb i io most genuine sorrow
by everybody who knew him. There
|g^ was probably no citizen of this county
who commanded to a greater degree
lhs respect and esteem of those with
gy- whom he came in contact. In the
death of Dr. Arledge the community
t in which lie lived suffers an i r re paraIff:
ble loss.
He was at the time of his dea*h in
y the 72ad year of his age. The funeral
services were held at 9 o'clock yesterday
morning, and the interment took
place at the Lyles cemetery at 11
^ IIP ^
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its great lea\en:ig
strength and bealtbfulness. Assures
ihe food against alum and all forms of
adulteration common to the cheap
royal i;akix<; powder co ,
sew toiik.
Culled to Meet in ATinnsboro on Saturday,
August 2Sth.
After consultation with Intendant
Coan and others, we have been advised
to call a mass meeting of the citizens
of Fairfield County o consider the
improvement of the public roads of the
county. This mass meeting or congress
will be held in the court house
on Saturday, August 2Sth. It is imDracticable
to have delegates elected,
because there is no organization to do
it, and too much tiice would be wasted
in effecting the necessary organization.
Every citizen in the county interested
in the subject is iuvi ed to come, and
every section should be thoroughly
represented. The mass meeting can
take steps towards forming a permanent
organization for the improvement
of the roads on such lines and in such
manner as it may thinK oe r,
AFRICAN A will cure Constipation and
is a wonderful Liver ile.iicine. Trv it
A Plot in the Chalogang to Murder the
Guards, and the Convicts Thereby to
Make Their Escape, Exposed.
What might have terminated with
very serions consjqncnce; was preI
vented by Wade Beckham, a convict,
J revealing a conspiracy in the chain
gang. It seems tnai uenry uiomas,
Ivory Williams aud El ward Simpson
had determined to s^:/.i the guns of
the guards on Monday evening when
thev had returned to c imp ;ifter a
day's work, make their escape, a id to
murder the guard- i f it b cjine nee??
sary. Unfortuuate'v, tor thi execution
of the plot, but fortunately for
the guards, Messrs. Chas. Robertson
and Roland Lylcs, ihe conspirators
had taken Wade IJ.-ck'iam into their
j confidence and he "ai I ba?e their d<>
j signs. Sj the fi-ndi.-h purpose was
At a meeting of C:itnp Rion held at
Ridge way on Wed >csday, July 21,
1S97, the following resolutions were
! Whereas, Mrs. Barron has presented
to oar camp a beautiful flag bearing
I the name of "Rioir\ which name our
i catnp bears, and which was named for
| the noble and gallant leader of many
of us during the Confederate war. Be
| it resolvad:
I 1. That ths thanks of this camp be
extended to Jdrs. Birron, and that we
highly appreciate the very handsome
flag, and shall ever preserve and keep
it as a token cf rerp.embrarce of her
aud her gallant father, Col. Jas. II.
!?;< >
2. That a copy of these resolutions
be forwarded to Mrs. Barron and to
The Neavs and IIer.vld for publication.
Joo. D. Harrison, Commander.
George W. Moore, Adjutant.
Cards are out. for the marriage of
Sudie Shannon, ol Lominack, to licv.
W. A.. Ilsffucr, now of Fairfield
Both of these young people at e well
i tnnnrn snri hicrr lv esteemed ill inanV
portions of York County. Toe brideto-be
is a daughter of Mrs. M. E.
Shannon. For several \ears past st.e
has bsen engaged in school teacning,
and whereyer slit- has been, shehis
succeeded in making numerous iriends
Mr. Hatfner is a iccent graduate from
the Theological S :tni;r ry ai Columbia.
T5V??. q fore mnnrrie ivtel ho lias biitin in
charge of two < ! urcl.es in Fairfield
County; but hav ng recently i\ceived
and accepted a caJ. :o he i.e -v church
at Bowling Greer, v i!! move to (hat
neighborhood in the fail
The marriage of Miss Siiunuun to
Mr. Haffuer will take place in Woodlawn
Presbyterian Church at Sharon
on the morningot Wednesday, August
4, at S 30 o'clock.? Yorkville Enquirer.
j Several persons who weie at one
j time residents of Wiuusboro, had a
j narrow escape from drowning' while
j bathing ia the surf at Pawlcy'.-? I Panels
j a few days ago.
Mrs. Lucile liion ami h-r two chilI
dren were in the water, and, venturing
j too far out, were caught by the strong
j under tow and carried beyond their
| depth. Mr. Albert Withers who was
i near, realizing the dnngcr that Mrs.
Rion and her children were in, went
immediately to ih^ir icscur, but the
deadly under current proved too much
for him, and he soon found in
just as helpless a condition a^ those
whom he was trying to save. The
whole party would doubtless have
been drowned had they not been
picked up by a boat which, fortunately,
came along jast at the critical moment.
Mrs. Rion was unconscious when
taken from tlie water but she was in
jafew hours completely rcstoied. It
[ was a fearful txpniei.c^ for those
concerned, and one that might have
j had a most terrible le ut. Their
I friends are sincerely thankful ih.it tlie
| consequences were not motv seri >u>
>'oriuau*s Indian Worm JL'eiiets#
A safe, sure and effectual remedy for
the expulsion of worms, whether in
children or adaUs. i'lven if no worms
exist they act on the liver, removing
I all bile and leave the sy-tem in a
healthy condition. Tiny ; rj 5>nvtll,
nicely sugar-coated sn i oa-y to take.
I Price 10 and ~2~>z. SjUI by all druzi
Ifiho u-eath'T permit?, tar; ;overs i
of good uaii. pln\ i?ivr will have an opportunity
Thursday ;>flernoo.i to see
what is going i<> out; of ilr; most
exciting games < f iIk- hmmhi. Liberty
Hil! will fend over a team mi tl at day
to piav a game for t'.e inter-county
clnmpionshi-. '1 he Liberty Hill boys
have the repntaiion of 1 eing great
i?m11 plajers, a; tl they aro geing to
make a de=re:ate attempt to lake
another <rnme from Winnsboro. Onr
team is now in t xcelle.U shape, however,
and if we aie t;Of very badly
mistaken tl.ev are going to convince
the Kershaw boys cf the fact that
when it comes to ball playing they
don't belong lo the same cla c.
The "rooters" wili be out in full
force to cnco'iaage ill? locals, and lots
ol fan may be expected. The ladies
are cordially invited to witness the
game, and so are the members of the
sterner sex, but the latter will be required
tn pay au admission fee of ten
Martin and Gabriel Ford, two
colored b. v?, were amusing therase.ves
late Friday afternoon by playing witb
a loaled pistol, and as a result Martin
rcciivul a very paiuful wound in the
? arf. ..t his face anil ncck. Mr.
Jas. S Eld r who saw the whole affair
say a th.i Gabriel threatened in a
pking muM;i i* io shoot Martin and at
the same time raised, pointed the
pistol f.t him, and pulled the trigger.
The hammer came down on a loaded
chamber and the bullet struck Martin ,
1 j the fleshy part of the right cheek,
and ranging downward lodged in his
shoulder. The wound is not a serious
one, a:sd as it seems to have been
purely accideutal no arrests have been
Gabriel s*\s ih it only thiee of the
chambeis of the pistol were loaded and
th^t when he pointed the gu 1 at
Mar:iu he had no ide \ of .> hooting hiaa.
Tt.e bo\ s a;c con-ins and were 0:1 the
be;-t of term*, so there is no reivon to ]
j-uspeot that his ?tory is l.ot a true one.
Mr. E'der sa\s he heard no quarreling
whatever, and lie is of the opinion
that the the ting was unintentional.
There is no doubt, however, about
its bein/ a case of criminal carelessnss?j
and the responsible par-y should
bj proseonud. There is but one way
I'J pill K. lUjl 1U I i (J l-V. to Ui luio I
ki id u: cl that is to make the guilty
party pay for his ^ross carelessness by
serving a tetm mi the chai-i san*.
It .l.ef in Six Honrs.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder disease
relieved in six hours by ''New
Great South American Kidney
Cure." It is a great snrprise on account
of its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain the biadder, kidneys
and back, in mile or female. Relieves
retention almost almost immediately. |
ir you wain i^uics. luuei uuu gmc (
this is the remedy. Sold by W. E ,
Aiken, druggUt, Winnsbor"), S. C. * '
_ ]
Miss Laura McMaeter is visiting in 1
York CoQuty.
Mr. Q. D. Williford left Sunday for ,
Edgemore, Yoik County.
Miss Iles^ie Dent is visiting her
brother Rev. T. M. Dent. '
Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Jordan left
Monday for the mountains. j <
Miss De?sie Boobter, of Richland, is vi
iting Miss Louise Ilerron.
Mr. John Davis Keir returned to j
Abbeville Saturday afternoon.
Misses i'armater and Pixley, of
Farraington, s-perit Friday in lown.
Judge O. \V. Buchanan and bis
"auiily arrive 1 in Winnsboro Sa'uV- i
Mr. David JEllisou left Sa urday lor 1
Columbia to commence work in his
ne\> poeiiion.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Douglass and <
~ . I
children are visiting Mr. uougias-.'
parents at Albion.
Dr. and Mrs. T. (J. Robertson, of j
Columbi?, came up Saturday for a
; visit to relatives here.
Capt. VV. W. "Whita, of tuc South
Caroiiaa Military Academy, is visiting
Col. and Mr?. II. A. Gaillartl.
Mrs. T. II. Sli^h, of Lidy Lake,
Florida, and her two children are
visiting the family of Prof. \V. II. \
W ? f Vi a i r*r '
Miss Eunicc Bacot has returned
home from the mouotaios of North
Carolina. She was accompanied by
her cousin, Miss Daisy Bacot, who
will spend some time here. (
"Sweet Peas" declared B1. thewood
on a boom since it takes two to ivport :
the news. "Taffy" is likcil, still there
are few that have ths pleaiiue of enjoying
some of it. No doubt "Sweet <
Peas'-' feels that they are "out of
Miss Lllli.5 Hood U spending awhile
with relatives at Batesbarg.
Miss Bertha Robinson has relumed
to her home in Abbeville after spending
a few months with relatives here.
Miss Emma Ilood has returned home
after spending several months 111 Fort
News is scarce around here.
July 31, 1897. Taffy. I
i un a r iijuo
Cure All
Liver Ills,
BANKRUPT in health,
rnnstitution undermined bv ex
travagance in eating, by disregarding
the laws of nature, or
physical capital all gone, if so,
i Tutt's Liver Pills will cure you.
I For sick headache, dyspepsia,
sour stomach, malaria, torpid
liver, constipation, biliousness
and all kindred diseases.
iTutt's Liver PilSsj
an absolute cure, j
Baby Mine!
|J|i| feels an indexlPiJLi^
scribable dread
^2^8^ of the pain and
^anSer attenc^"
Maru upon me.
Becoming a
a source of joy
suffering and
danger of the ordeal make
its anticipation one of misery.
is the remedy which relieves
women of the great pain and suffering
incident to maternity; this
hour which is dreaded as woman's
severest trial is not only made
painless, but all the danger is removed
by its use. Those who use
this remedy are no longer despondent
or gloomy; nervousness
nausea and other distressing conditions
are avoided, the system is
made ready for the coming event,
and the serious accidents so common
to the critical hour are
obviated by the use of Mother's
Friend. It is a blessing to woman.
$1.00 PES. BOTTLE at all Drag* Stored,
or sent by mail on receipt of price.
RANKS Containing in valuable information of
CDCC interest to all women, will be sent
rnEfc to any address, upon application, t>*
There will be two institutes held in
l.hi-5 r.nnntv rlnrino- the month of
August, one for the white and one for
the colored teachers.
Tne whi:c leachesi' institute wi.'ll
beheld from iho 16th to the 20th of
August. Prof VV. II. Hand, of
Chester, S. (J., will be the conductor.
He will be afi-i-ted by Prof. Colcock
and Miss Ohnprnau a:;d possibly others;.
mi r ^ ~ _ r. c i ,1
1 U1S ii IltJC UIUU1LV il'iu WC liupc Iu
have one of lhe most successful institutes
of the S:ate. The citizens and
trustees especially of the county 3re
earnestly requested to attend. The
teachers who expect to teach in the
f<ee schools cr ibis county are all reinii-ftf?
t/A J> ic ihoir mf'ntino' I
The colored iusiita:e wi 1 be on
August 30 to September 4. Pro):.
J. E. Wfcl'aoc will be ihe conductor.
D. Ij Stevenson,
Picnics are numeniis. There ^as
n roi v 11ir r> ntip fit. TjvIcs Ford Salur
clay, July 24 It was attended by
quite a barge crowd and everyone expressed
themsi-lves as baving a very
pleasant lime. There will be another
one at Lyles Ford on Saturday, Aug.
21. It is hoped that it wili be a success.
Mrs. 0,'a PeUigrew and Misa Minnie
Blair are vi-iting relatives in New*
Mi?s Evel> n McMcekin has returned
home after a pleasant visit 10 Mrs.
J. Iv. Itagsdale.
Miss Rubie Ragsdale, one of Blairs
"fairest flowers" has returned home
after a delightful visit to Miss Carrie
!>les of this city.
Mrs. L. M. Blair ba relumed borne
after a pleasant visit to her sister, Mrs.
J. \V. Blair
Miss Carrie Lples, another one of
:>ur "fairest flowers" has returned
home after a very pteasant visit to
Miss Bessie Lyles of St jot her
Miss Carrie Suber left fur Greenville
last Friday to vi;it friends and
Miss Gu?sie Salycr is now visiting
it Blairs.
Jjlicie Jiisina has iciuh.ch |
liorae after spending a pleasant week
with her grandmother, Mrs. S. E.
Miss Floiviso-j M niii, one of Monti:o!lo's
most be -utisui and charming
voting ladirH visited Misses Es?telle
md Annie Lvles last week.
Mr. J. K. Ragsdale has been a little
ill but is improving rapidly.
Mr. J. S. L les certainly has a fine
rrrof AMmolftri r*.i f
Success to Tiie News and Herald.
Rose Buds.
The Death Angel--Pcrsonals.
The death angel passed over iLis
place last Sunday claiming- Mrs.
rhomas ^Devault and Mr. and Mrs.
Featherston's dear little Boyce. Mrs.
Devault died at eight o'clock a. in ,
- - -i JI < >r?? rin.
BI1U JL>U} CC iicai ivt'ivv;. iuio<
Fault was buried joa Monday at four
o'clock p. m. at Popular Spring church,
of which she was a member. The
funeral was conducted by Rev. II. K.
Ezell. The bereaved ones have the
sympathy of the community.
Little Boyce Featherston was laid
to rest on the same day at Bathesda.
Weep not, clear parents, though you
can not call him back ;o you, you. can
t;o to him in that Home where we
will part no more.
The farmers of this section are in
good spirits. Tiny are through layi
a t ,1 ? U^tU
oy &du navy xuun uuha wiu
and cotton. Trie health of the community
is good..
Miss Bertha Dtrnam has returned
home after spending several pleasant
days in our midst.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Xeil and little
Katie, of East Wateree, were the
guests of Mrs. T. E. Smith on Friday
Mr. II. L. Ilallford has gone to a
picnic to-day to Longtown.
Mr. J. M. Smith has as fine a pice
of corn on VPateree River as I ever
looked at.
Little Maggie Simpson, of Wiuusboro,
is visiting relatives at this place.
Miss Fannie Ilallford is visiting
friends at Oakland. >t. T,
July 31, 1897.
Few people know that all plants
contain digestive principles. Trxv
cannot absorb their food until it :s
digested any more than animals can.
The Mount Lebanon Shakers have
7 ~ i ^ U /-v a of r\f /.vfrootinor rmrl nti!
ltii:'UUU IUC aLL \JX UUluviiiiQ V...V.
izing these digestive principles, aDd it
ie for this reasou that their Shaker
Digestive Cordial i3 meeting with such
phenomenal success in the treatment
of dyspepsia The Shaker Digestive
Cordiai not enly contains food already
digested, but it also contains digestive
principles which aid the digestion of
othnr foods that mav be eaten with it.
A single 10 cents sample bottle will be
sufficient to demonstrate its value, and
wc suggest that every suffering dys
*:" ??l-n ? /-if it A tit- rlrncr
o 1/1 AC* 1 V* 11. AAli; >^.kv-D
gist can supply it.
Laxol is the best medicine for children.
Doctors recommend it in place
ofCastorOil. *
The Law for the Punishment of this Offense
Should be Rigidly Enforced.
The law of this Stnte is ample lo
cover all cruel treatment of horses,
mules, and draught anima's, or be?.sts
of burden. Nothing is more inhuman
5 1 I f fw fr r\ f
Ul ' I I l lit lli'll Ui cut V k l>4? WWS/ V* V
tares and it should be somebody's
busiuess to look alter it. Under the
law any person violating t!u laws in
relation tj cruel tV to animals may be j
arrested aid held, wi hoat warrant, iu j
the same manner as in ca^es of breach
of the peace. The animais m.iy? be
taken and kept until the owner takes
charge of the same: Provided, the
owner shall take charge of the animal
wiihin fifteen days from the date
of notice to the owner. The person
making the arrest lus a lien on the
animal for the expense of tlinr care
and provision.
It is altnott of daily occurrence to
see on oik streets c ueliv to animals.
On Tuesday several gentlemen saw a
; horse hitched in .1 lot in the rear of
Law Range The condition of the
'horse was pitiable; it was literally
" * * * - ~ "i 1
<notning otu i?Kin ano uunc.-. j.uc i
owner, a negro, seemed to have s >mc |
conscience, because he took his horse
oat of the wagon jast us he entered
town and pulled the wagon him-elf
into the main part of town. He was
ashamed of the poor anima'. The
negro was given a good lecture on the
6ubjeet and warned that lie would be
prosecmeu il seen wjiu ?mmal
in such condition.
On Wednesday an eveu wor:ecase
was seen. A negro LCtually drove a
mule nineteen miles without any collar.
The same gentlemen ^aw this
sighi and it was rail.e-: more ihau they
could stand. They took charge of the
1 - _ j :--c (Un
auimai uuu luxuiucu iuc mui
unless he immediately bought a collar
they would have him lodged in jail.
They held the mule until (he collar
was purchased and put on.
Iii this connection, we urge that
there be formed a Society for the Prevention
of Cruelty to Animals, and
that the law be enforced irrespective
of persons.
Norman's Neutralizing Cordial.
The safest, surest aad most pleasant
remedy for all affections of the stomach
and bowels. For all forms of diarrhoea
it is unsurpassed. It cures cholera infantum.
Relieves insteBtly dyspepsia
as it Jicts directly on the weak tissues
of the stemactij mereDv strensiaenius
the digestive orgaD?. Price 25 and 50
cents. Sold by ali druggists, t
The Batesburff Game Claimed l>y lioth
Tli* /if?
#fcv \
The people of Batesburg and the
surrounding country had the pleasure
yesterday of witnessing the finest
game of ball ever played on our
grounds. The team from Winnsboro
and our local team were pitted against
each other. For four innings the score
stocdlto 0 in favor of Winnsboro.
On the oppning of the fifth, the Bates
bur!? boys struc^ luck and brought in |
fonr tnen.
Bat Winosboro had to hive her
part of the inning. The first luan at
the bat, Mr. John Davis, cooly picked
out a nice little curve and drove it to
left field, away over the pine trees.
The result was a horr.e i un. The next
three men at the bat managed to reach
bases, and the crowd vrere expecting
arvmrthincr as El Han<ihan went to the I
bat. lie was called on for a home |
run. ile wa? very obliging and responded
by tapping it over in the
cornfield, bringing in three men and
making a bo ne run himself.
This made it G to i for Winnsboro,
and our little boys realized that something
mn-t be done. In their half of
the six! i ihe? made four runs and then
gave Wiunsboroa goose egg as their
share. In the eight, Batesburg scored
one run and Winnsboro ihree, tieing
(he score. In the ninth Batesburg
failed to score and the crowd went
wild. Winnsboro managed to get
two meu on bases with two outs.
The next man at tne oat Knocseu me
ball to shortstop and was thrown out
at first. The man at third came in on
ills batted ball, but of course it didn't
count. The score stood 9 to 9 and a
(f ilth inning should have been played,
but Winnsboro refused and the game
was given to Batesburg 9 to 0 by the
The game was finely played by both
team?. If it had been played on
better grounds the score would have
been much smaller, as block balls and j
lost balls added greatly to the score on
both sides. Both pitchers did good
work, Jones striking out S and Davis
10. |
Thj young men of Winnsboro made
a fine impression, both on the ball
field and socially.
The above account of the game is
that given by the Batesburg correspondent
of "The State," and some of
the members of the local team say that
this statement is correct, but there is
considerable difference of opinion on
the subject.
The managerof I't Winnsboro team \
claims the winning nn on the ground j
that the b.i-cr referred to above us i
having been thrown ont at lirst base |
by ^tbe short stop reachcd the ba^ [
safely, and was put out, not by the !
shortstop's throw to first, but because
t \ .1 1Inft- I
ne (jne runner^ mriicu iu& iv^ j?. j
stead of the right alter crossing ibc j
bag. lie is backed in hi0 opinion by i
some of the members of the team and
by several of the spectators who were
in a position to ?ee just what occurred.
It is at a!) events a very delicate point,
and one that will probably never be
settled to ihe entire satisfaction of
botb teams.
The Winnsboro boys are now thor- j
nnohiv convinced that tlier can beat j
the Batesburg team wiibout the slightest
trouble, and they have offered
every inducement to secure another
f':ime. The Batesburgers are veiv
* |
,{.'ijy," however, about giving the.
locals ano^i^r chunce and the pros-;
pects for another game between the !
two teams is very, very gloomy. The ,
Batesburg team is, it seems to u?, i
morally bound to meet our team ajjain, j
and it is limped they will consent to I
do so.
Diseases of Women Cure<l.
All irregularitie?, such a3 chlorosis j
or retention, irregularity, painful or j
suppressed periods, Leucorrhcea or
whites, nterine ulceration, ovarian j
pains, and all complaints peculiar to
women are quickly cured with Dr.
Bellany'e Gossypiiiin. Head advertisement
in another column. It is
woman's friend. *
The member- : f i' o f\::in:y Hoard
of Education have tuiide, iur tiu respective
school district:? ot the c>u?ty,
the following appojutiiiCiit-:
School District N;. 1?J. G. Woliing,
I). R. Coleman. II. A. Stevenson.
No. 2?-J. E. Douglas-, C. S Br ice,
R. E ("ra:g.
No. 'j?1L. A IJdlrxi:, 11- lines-1
die!, J Jiut-'cj
No. 4?L. Johnston, John Mc- j
Do well, D. II. l!;bei-tsoii
No. o-R. W. Featlicrsto:?, A. Pcay,
James Ilolli?.
No. C?It. W. floliis, \V. 15. Ilogsm,
X. E. Hood
? *-? / * t r\ n 1
JNO. <JL. ^I'OitCO, d. j/. rainier,
T. E. Rem be; t
X >. S ?I). A. Broom, M. M. Clinkscales,
-J. VV. 15: c\v n.
No. f ? J. li. (,'nr io?-, 11 V. Lc.union,
Thomas Blair.
No. 10?N. I).U'>biTis,Tho<. AiiJct
son, J. W. Clark.
No. II ?D. 11. G ciiii, J. \V. Sharp,
J. B. "urrv.
>y. 12?J. M. Turner, j W. Pope, |
Jr -n Ramsey.
No. 1:3-J. W. Lyles, D. T. Jitni*?, j
j.I. Long.
No. U-J. F. Mo.Ma^tor, T. II j
Ketchin, J. P. Matthews.
No. 15-PI 11 Kobcrtr, \V J Uutlev,
C. JL5. Hibt>.
No. 1G-C. P. Wrav, J. M Wikou.
W. II. Raff.
No. 17?T. (J. Carnal-', Th >s. Smith,
t< r> r
X J- * .
No. 18?J. L. Can:hen, J. 1> Burley.
J. I). Leitner.
"No. 10-A. W. Lad J, G. b\ Andrews,
Chas. Blair.
No. 20?C. S. Ford, J. W. Keistler,
T. T. Lumpkin.
No. 21 ?\V. B Es!es, J. M. Yon^ne,
J. B. Counts.
No. *22?R. C. Reeves, J. II. Stcv/art,
Timothy W\lie.
No. 25?James Macfie, W. D. Park,
J. L. McNanl.
No. 24?C. B. Richardson, Jack I
Cbappell, G. Y.Laogford.
No. 25? M- B. Martin, \V. L. Kiik- j
patrick, M. V. Milling.
No. 2G?J. M. Iliggins, J. W. Bankbead,
\V. S. McDonald.
Tbe trustees will please call a meeting
at once and reorganize their boards.
There will be a meeting of the clerks
of tbe different boards August 14tb, at
10.30 o'ciock, iu the office of (he
County Superintendent of Education.
A full meeting desired.
H'.L. Stevenson,
There is Xotliing so Good.
There is nothing just as good as Dr.
King's Xew Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds, so demand it and do
not permit the dealer to sell you some substitute.
lie will not claim there is anything
better, but in order to make more
profit he may claim something else to be
just as good You want Dr. King's IN'ew
Discovery because you know it to be safe
and reliable, and guaranteed to co good or
money refunded. For Coughs, Colds,
? -u - Af
consumption ai:u iur an euccuvno ui
Throat, Chest and Lungs, there is nothing
so good as is Dr. King's New Discovcrv.
Trial bottle free at Mcilaster Co.'s Drug
Store. Regular size 50 cents and Si.Oo. Did
You Kver
Try Eiec-tric Bitters as a remedy for your
troubles'? If not, get a bottle now and get
relief. This medicine has been found to
be peculiarly adapted to the relief and
cure of all Female Complaints, exerting a
wonderful direct influence in riving
trength and tcne to the organs. If you
have Loss of Appetite, Constipation, Headache,
Fainting Spells, or are Nervous,
Sleepless, Excitable, Me'.anchc Ij^or trou
bled with Dizzy Spe'Is, Electric jjitters i s
the medicine you need. Health and
Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty
cents and ?1.00 at McMaster Co.'s Drug
Store. *
Who is He? lias lie Been Here?
We hear that last week there was a
"scientific" energetic politician sent
oat from Columbia ?o traverse rap'dlv
the Piedmont belt in the interest of
Mr. McLauriu. It is said he had wliisf
A /lf.1 JfAl* fr\
jjeid ilUUi LIUaUVjLidUCiO L\J UUilV/i ~vs
some of the true and trusted leaders
which wonld break any Irby, Evuiis
or Hayfield spell that may have taken
hold on the good and loyal voters of
thissection. We know this gentleman,
have seen him on just a mission belore
when things were hot, but this time it
has boen our good fortune cnly to hear
of l.im and his patriotic work ? Greenwood
For Over Fifty Years.
Mrs. Wixslow's Soothing Syrup
has been used for over fifty years by
millions of mothers for their childien
while teething, with perfect success.
It soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best ren.cdy for diarrhcei. It will
relieve the poor little sufferer immediately.
Sold by druggists in every
part of the world. Twenty-five cents
a bottle. Be sure at:d r.sk for "Mrs
Wi.islow's Soothing S\rup," &nd take
no other kind. 5 26fxly
A FRICANA -w'.ll cure Rhcumaiism and
** Scrcfala to Stay Cured.
Address WILBUR R. SMITH, Fnsident of the
?* *-v?- f t ? ? i wadtn?c
College, which was Awaroea Menai EXPOSITION, I
Refer* to thousands of 5ucccs*ful graduates. Cont to complete
Full Uu^incsa Course, including Tuition, lk>?jks uud Kuard. about
$190? Phonography. Type-Wrilln? an?l Telegraphy tnuzht.
AddrCssWUBi'R li. S'lITaf.tcxinfflon.E;'.
brick fortatej
For price apply to
7-20-lui Ar D. Laadmlali,:js j
A.ZZiZt'trvous Diseases?mailing Hera- >
ory, Impotency, Sleeplessness, etc., caused i
by Abuso or other Excesses and Indiscretions,
They quickly end surely
restore Lost Vitality ir. cldoryouns.end
fit a maa I'orplady, business or marriago. I
!> Prevent Inserti:y and Constimpum if |
tajcen in time. Their nso >hew3 iaincdiato improve- )
inent and effects n CURE vrlicre all other fail la- I
eist npoa having the Kenuine Aiax Tablets. They
have carod thousandsaad willcuroyoc. Wo cive a positive
written suarantee to offset a cure Eft f1 YC in
oach caso or refund the money. Price U S w?per
pcc'icaso; or six pkstos (fu!k treatment) for $2.50. By
mnil in n!ain wraDDer. uiv>rrreceipt of price. Circular
Kor sale by.JN'O- II. McMASTRP. CO.,
WiuRsboro. 5>. C#
IM ii Seaso!
For the next 60 days
onh- T will hp situated
^"V *
so that I can repair
Gins at the old stand.
Those desiring reo
pairs done should
bring their gins without
delay. Fifteen
years experience.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
^"Parties reeding new ribs on their
pins should send in their orders immediately,
as the ribs will have to be
fchioped from the factorv.
To tiie Editor :?I have an absolute ;
remedy for Consumption. By its timely us*.:
thousands of hopeless cases have been already i
permanently cured. So proof-positive am |
of its power tint I consider it my duty to j
send i'xc hotllcs free to those of your readers I
ivho have Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or \
Lung Trouble, if they will write me their :
express and tostonce address. Sincerely, !
I. A. SLOCUM, K. C., 183 Pearl St., Ueiv Tori, j
K5"> Tho Editorial aad Business Management cf I
tiiis Pmier Ciaursjitco tins jjervr-jus Provs-siUoa. j
f The- Hand of rate I!
\ IIiv. over wo:t:;in whose health lift? faii,M. /j
P h asolc.-n:: admonition tdiouhlnou'o vr
A Th.-r- is a wonderful remedy <h
x which will ri's-torv your health, renew your X
? visor, am! bring hack the beauty and fresh- t?
\ tii youth. It is truly woman's best >
^ friend, and gladdens more hearts than a \? 1
^ jini'.titudf of other remedies. Delicate A j
^ women, married or single,whoneed a \ i
true and unfailing, regulating. t?
K _ beautifying and building; \ '
^ gi>. up tonic, will find a * !
Jk thousands as the v>^/a>> " &
V oulv safe and infallible >&
a remedy known for painful.
\ or suppressed penous. ovarian >
0 tains, etc. During change ol life it will ?
> wonderfully assist nature to a speedy and A
" happy close., Do not ^toy^order ^
ff i'rice SI, or a ooxnes lorc.-.sv, prcji^iu ioa:i> r,j j
\ address. If your druggist can not guppty \ I
you, send to C? j
# BELLAMY MFG. CO.. Atlanta.. Ga. $ !
rT*ry 'tJ '...? w w u L?? ^ w ^A> '? - - j
* > *'* CT| *r\ ?T% ^? <*T- ,-.T-_^.-. f?. ?t JTT. <-, , ;. iCiiJj* I
h Mothers |ff| #flj
||Read This.
fj "or Flatulent /$/***% i'' f
y Conc.Btapiicea.^t^g^^^ j' = ;
H Nausea,Coasts, *" :i
p? Cholsralafaattan.Tcetl.^^^^- N
N ing Children, C li o 1 e r a j
Morbus, Unsataral Drains j&:TS|\\'% H
^ &om the Bowels, Paiss, ^&::js!Uigi ? ]
Griping, Loss of Appetite, Izdizzziicu, ; '
P and all Discos of t'nc ?-tcmr.cI: r.~cl I'll
Eo?els, 0_
j] Pitt's Carminative ^ I
N is tlic standard. It carries cliiMrcu ??y. ; !r- j
: . ? ^ Af *Ant^{n<? A?.st J
l.l'.-UIUUI JAaiVM VI tvv-wtllUn,
H oiu:nended by physicians ns the
?3 of .Mother?, Adults cad C!iiMr~*> :a '?*
id ploasaut to the taste, ar.d :n.v? . ..to ii
n five satisfaction. A few doses *.vi'l
53 strate its superlative virtues. I'rice, -0 c ? ". ~'i
<1 per bottle. I'or sale by dru;,'3isU. '
By 11. J0IIXST027, Esq., JuOnc Prolate
117'11 ERE AS, Thomas J. Spunier
YY hath made suit to me to <rrant
him Setters of administration of the
estate and clleet* of Francis M. Spurrier,
These are theieLre to ci;c and. admonish
a!i and singular the kindred and
creditors of the said Francis il. Spurrier,
deceased, that they be and appear
before me, in the Court of Probate, to
be held at Fairfield Court House,
South Carolina, on the 7th day ox [
August r.cxt, after publication hereof,
at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show
cause, if any they have, why tv.e suid
Admiuisttalien should no: be granted.
Given under ray hand this 23 rd day j
of Julv. Anno Domini 1S97.
7-24x2 Judge of Probate.
S tate of south Carolina, j
court of common pleas. i:
, " VT ' '
momns a. ana inomas jjl. j
Ke'chin, Pkiniilts,
Benjiinin L. Glenn, Defendant.
Summons. For Relief. Complaint net i
To the Defendant. Benjamin L Glenn: j
\7GU are hereby summoned and re.-1
X quired to answer the complaint |
in this action, which -.vas filed in the j office
of the Clerk of ihe Court of ;
Common Picas', for tie SiM County, j
o:. the 23rd day of July, 1S97, and to j
serve a c ?i?y of your answer to ihei<
said compkint an the subscriber at j
i- - _ rt? . - \r, > T ?D., \\T I
HIS OLUOCj _\ J. O ,l--.av\ aaugv;, tr mtus- |
boro, S. C., within twenty days af:er i
the service hereof, reclusive of the ,
day a. such service; and if you fail to j
answer the complaint within the time
aforesaid, the plaintiff in this r.c:ion
will apply to the Court for the relief ,
demanded in the complaint.
Dated 23:d Julv, A. D. LSD".
Plaintiffs' AUoruey. <
II. II. Jennings, (J. C. P. [l s.]
To the Defendant, Iienjiuila L. Glenn: I !
Take noticc, that the con;p!.:::i\ (c- j
get her with the fimrnons, (of v,*hieh j
tho forr-ifoing ii acop\), wa; filed In |
the office of the (Jlcrk of the Court of j
Common I'lcas (or Fail field Comity.:
in ihe S'.'ite of South Carolina, y . the j
23:-d da-- of .julv, ISO".
23rd -In!-, 1S07.
J. E McDONALD. . '
7-21-Ct Plsintilh' Astornv..
Having just Received a I'
Lot of
BpdqIi %m M i
liooii iuii?i|i yusu,!
We ealiyonr attention
to the following well- I"
know varieties: - YELLOW
** f T > Y"? /M1P ! :
When out cycling .don't
forget our
T. F-''l)avls & Co, j
' Pride of Fairfield,"
lib. hands high, jei black with while j
noiut?, L'ooti style and action.
' True Blue," j
medium siz?. high-headed and game
Terms, $3.00 >o insure with j
(Choice of cither.)
4-20-1 v MonticeHo, S.C.
Tfi'K N fPQnt\
l- -* * " * - * W ?, il !_/ ,
. -IJJ E]>l)E?j\'\
A. IIi>Ell (r'LOBE.
?.Still another sap:>:>
M Jars m Jelly Glasses.
~f>: *7 :
pi 0 !ji n f? < p p i p. -r; n n v: TT
f'V 5 M \ . Sm* a
i.'? W V*Li-# i A. \V -W w. .*. > J
"" * 7 ..
it m? *
Under Tewsr CIc;% Ciicsier, S, C.
17 dozen Tumblers, first quality, 59
cents per dozen, now at 23 cents.
31 "Water Cottle?, 35 cents, now at
23 cents each.
29 eight-inch Berry Bowls with foot,
25 cents, now at 15 costs car.!:.
120 Crcarn Pitchers. 10 ccnts, tiow at
5 cents each.
10 eight-inch Bjrry Bnvls, 2-3 cents,
new afl5 cents cacl;.
SCO 4r i-inch Berry Diihes. sisali size,
10 ccnts, now at 3 cents end:.
IS set?, Sugar Dish, Cream Pitcher,
Batter Dish end. Spoon-holder, 75
cents, now 35 con is per set.
12 large Water Pitchers, cents,
now at 20 cents each.
144 Pickle Dishes, 5 cents, now 2i
ccnts each.
21 dozen fancy Tu . biers, 75 cents,
r.ow at 05 cents per dozen.
72 Vinegar Pottles, 15 cents, now at
S cents each.
37 Salt and Peppers, s'z?, 10
cents, now at 5 cents per prir.
6 Ice Cream sets, ;liirtee:. pkces,
$1.20, now a' SO cents per set.
42 Molasses Pitchcrs w::h spriiig
bD-5. 35 cents, now at 17 cents euch.
23 deep Olive CotvIs, three-inc;;.. 7
cents, noV cit-i cents each7
dozen Bsrry Saucers, 00 cents, no.v
at 40 cents f.er dozen.
11 dcz:n Goblets, -11 cents, ny\v at
30 cents per dozen.
These priccs are belov/ actual cost.
Terms, net cash. Lookout for o;i?* N
next advestiscmcnt.
lewtoj College
Tiiiiee Courses Iieadixo to Decrees.
Xew Science "with Wqekix<j
Tuition in Collegiate department
S-iO; in Preparatory department $20
to $C0. Entire expenses per session
(exclusive of books,'fuel and clothing)
for students rooming in collcge and
boarding in the Boarding Ilalk Collegiate
"department $100.75: Preparatory
department $80.75 to 890.75.
Next session begins October 1st.
For catalocuc address
GEO. D. CROMER, President,
7-16-2m Xc-^berry, S. C.
DAVIDSON, >:. c.
Siltf-M m, Sept. 9, 1S87.
Tcnvs Reasonable.
ik-n<1 for a Catalogue.
?;-22 President.
T c 3 F p
L' ci = * ^ rs fs-iH? *jrtr '>r*
J P2 "J n F e J f* ? 2 S S ft M
g ? si^H fi MS E5l
3 s " s 3 S : : i j g g s S ii ' is { g M S
: 'i i: ? s 3 ; 3 fs 'J ? S a ? . ! E ;? ? 5 ? p <
y^/ <?/ ...Mi.'rru w? ? ?-" ^
If Yeif Lais, lip; i u.
Exvri'ci:: buildp?:?rs and b.-auiiful
ri'ounu; in a Healthful Location
Jp!cudid climate. Stands at the very
LYout in Female EJuca'ion. Thorin
its Courses. High 3:1 its Slaud:\A
Unsurpassed ii! its high mora!
e and in i:s iutc-IIcctua! a::;"! scciai
Tvventy-cuc oIHeers and teaeiiers.
wry reasonable price?. Send for
.tuloiruc to
7 s 13 Aug
yuu 1/ $jB Psii n ui*U
lillyKlllii uUkiM
S- ptvraber. Largest attendance last
year in its entire Li?lory. Two courses
leading io -he degrees o:' A. B. and
B. S. Total expenses lor the nine
tnoniHS in the ^iiomc"
?SI 15.?
in private families?
Spacious and comfortable ' iloine'*.
m-.lste :tnd equipped with :nod*r:i
:.vei:lei:ccs of i;i h roam?, ?Jcc. Iv.>
i:,uildii!_f he:i*e : by hot water sys:cn).
r?"V/Vi;e far c:ralo<c<:c !<"
\V. M. GlilEu,
7-.S loAuir Presidont.
-e.u T i-1 i-:?i!
V.'I.il :i x;;u v ... iv
C;i?c> f.sul CV-tlliis. cons.fitiiiy <>n h&ud,
a:;d i:s ; ? h?ars when ivquc-i^d.
TiiajiUfii! for | ]> iLronairo an'". -o!;a
i>:i a .share v\ tin- ?ir;in\ i-:
o'd - :t?m.
J. ?J, ELLIOTT & C<\

xml | txt