OCR Interpretation

The Fairfield news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1881-1900, May 03, 1899, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2012218613/1899-05-03/ed-1/seq-4/

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j:nrm'm ?i'J 11 r ?r?i:iii?'><iit?'? ?e. ? i.'wIiT-O'.nt'jyg-MrW
Stephen J. Field the Subject of, 1
Dr. Talmage's Sermon. 5
Laid the Foundation of His Ster- c
ling Character. The Great ]
Divine's Tribute to a De- r
parted Friend. _ . jj
One of the most notable characters of | '
f Dr Talmnse's !
VUi ??u>v M V W. J ~ Vi
ditc^in^e, aud the it-ssous drawn :rr^ ! ?
inspiring; text. I! Samuel iii, 38, j ?
'"K?.ow \e imr thar ther?- is a priuce j ^
aud h ar--aj i-ji-s f:ii;en thi> dav in i d
lt?niet? * " a
t luii.fd c-afafa'que. fn]l<>w- 1
ed b\ Km* D.vi-; auo a fu.stralvration 11
wliioh he at rhe r< mb (,'ou- 1
Ceri>iig \butrr th* grvar Du.vid weeps
out the Mu'e ?p{.r?. pr.atelj tiiaii v
wber? on\n-a::y ut:?*r?-o v,e Dtav now s
at'er this ie><>undin? lxa>? rtation. r
- t
' Know \r not that there ij a prince | *
and ?treat man fallen this day in *
l-ra, ?' I
I< 3l> ;n-?-u'e- 6 *-be ex%Cr j a
hour . u St*1 > f.the S? hath <]*\ and ; c
wh''e ?!" * ? ivh'- >*e?e h?;in* | [
kitj'M'i < i a i;e ><<?) o* Su j-J en J I1
Fie:ti. Unattjet it e ju< gf, the [-a j'
tJi??f. th<- .-la'e.-Uiaii. . hr Christian. as- J
CcndtO it was t-unoovi!> in the home 1
on ponder Capitol hill, as it ?a? >u? a
down <>n all the surrounding hills, but 1
in both cases the Mlnset To b? followed *
by a gloriou* sunrise. Ht-arthe Eastpr 1
anthems still lingering in the air. "The c
trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall 1
rise " c
Our departed friend cameforh a boy s
from a minister's home in New Eng
land. He knelt with fathsr and moth- a
er at morning and evening prayer,
learned from maternal lips lessons of
piety which lasted him ai d controlled
him amid all the varied and exciting
scenes of a lifetime and helped him to
die in peace an octogenarian. Blot out
from American history the names of ,
those ministers' sons who have done
\ulci ? judicial bench and commercial
A *%-rxa lofflolofTjrA ^
VII ' *' AUU ? ?
presidential chair, and you wuuld obliterate
maoy of the grandest chapters i
of that history. It is no small advantage
to have started from a home where
God is honored and the. subject of a
world's emancipation from sin and sor- i
row is under constant discussion. The i
Ten Commandments, which are the (
foundation of all good law?Roman law s
Cerman law, English law, American (
law?are the best foundation upon a
which to build character, and those t
which the boy, Stephen J. Field, so a
often heard in the parsonage at Stock- s
bridge were his guidance when, a half r
century after, as a gowned justice of ]
the supreme court of the Dj?:tcuotatco, i
he unrolled opinions. Bibles, r
hymnfrre^"catechisms, family prayers
- A
^ :^vg*?cospnere saucuneu, arc gwuu oui- b
rounaiags for boys and boys and girls to a
+0* start from, and if our laxer ideas of t
r religion and Sabbath days and home e
training produce as splendid men and a
women as the much derided Poritanic c
Sabbath and Puritcnic teachings have a
produced it will be a matter of congrat- 1
xation and thanksgiving. i
Do not pass by the fact that I have 1
not yet seen emphasized that Stephen t
J. Fieid was a minister s son. Not- c
withstanding that tnere are conspicous
exceptions to the rule?and the exceptions
have built up a stereotyped defamation
on the subject?statistics
plain and undeniable prove that a larger
proportion of ministers' sons ttxn out
well than are to be found in any other
genealogical table. Let all the parsonages
of all denominations of Christians
where children are growing up take the
consol *tion. See the star of hope point
ing down to that manger!
Notice also that our departed friend
was a member of a royal family. There
were no crowns or scepters or thrones
? in that ancestral line, but the family of j
the Fields, like the family of the New ;
iork Primes, like the family of the j
Princeton Alexanders, like a score of j 1
families hac L might mention, if it t
were best to mention theiu, were "the z
children of the Kiug," and had put on o
them honors brighter than crowu* aijd
wielded iL-Sueuce loDger and widertnaa \
scepters. Ti^at family of Fields traces
an honorable liueage back 8U0 years to t
Hubertus de ia Fuid, coadjutor of Wil- c
liata the Couquoror. Let us thauk God t
fnr fiiif 'h families. jreiieratioc after cren- &
eiativ>u on the side of that which is t
right aud good. Four sous of that t
country minister, known .the wo:id over h
for exiraorditiary ujefulness in theii; t
spheres, legal, commercial, literary aud
theological, and a daughter, the moth- *
er of the associate justices of the su- 0
preme court. Such families counter- t
balance for good those families all c
wr>ng from generation to generation? a
families thats tand for wealth, upright- fc
winvk *nt stinsrilv kenror .eickedlA ?
squandered; families that stand for f
fraud or impurity or m&lovolence; fami- s
ly names that immediately come to c
every mind, though through sense of
propriety they do not come to the lip, f
The name of-Field will survive i-entu- p
ries aud be a synonym for able Cbriatian
journalism, as the names of the
Pharaohs and the Caesars stand for t
cruelty and oppression and vice. *
While parents cannot aspire to have g
such conspicuous households as the one t
the name of whose son we new celebrate E
all parents may by fidelity in prayer c
and holy example have their sons and [.
daughters become kings and queens ^
unto God, to reign forever and ever. a
But the work has already been done, v
and I could go through this country j
and find a thousand households which ?
have by the grace of God and blessing j(
upon paternal and maternal excellence c
become the royal families of America, j
Let young men beware lest they by I
their behavior blot such family records 0
with some misdeed. We can all think ^
of households the names of which
meant everything honorable and conse- f(
crated for a long while, but by the deed n
of one sou sacrificed, disgraced and j,
blasted. Look out how you rob your t
consecrated ancestry of the name they i
handed to you unsullied! Better as Q
trustee to that name add something 3
TV? BrcmAt-.MTifr t.r> honor the ?
old homestead, whether a mountain t
cabin or a city mansion or a country v
parsonage. Kev. David Dudley Field, {
though 32 years passed upward, is hon- ft
orea today by the Christian life, the b
service, the death of his son Stephen. a
Among the most absorbing books of t
the Bible is the book of Kings, which o
again and again illustrates that though n
piety is not hereditary the style pf b
parentage has much to do with the style a
of descendant. It declares of King i:
Abijam, ''He walked in all the sins ot \
his father which he had done before 1
him," and of King Azariah, "He did n
that which was right in the sight of the
Lord, according to all that his father \
Amaziah has done." We owe a debt ?
to these who have gone before in our s
L. ,
? ? ? ?- ? -v.? -*
ine as certainly as w6 have obligations 1
o those who subsequently appear in r
he household. Xot so eacrcd is your i
>ld father's walking staff, which you r
:eep in his memory, or the eyeglasses I
hroueb which your mother studied the t
Bible in her old age as the name they I j
K?re, the name which you inherited, f
?eep it bright, I chargc you. Keep it ]
uggestive of something elevated in i
iharaeter. Trample not underfoot that 1
rhich to your father and mother was i
[earer than life itself. Defend their e
iraves as they defended yonr cradle. *
family coat of arms, ascutcheons, en- 1
igns armorial, lion couchant orlion dor- ]
uant, or lion rampant or lion combatant, t
oay attract attention, but better than t
.11 heraldic inscription is afamily name i
rbich means from generation to genera- | i
iou taitb in Una, se'i sacriace, auij | i
>erforu:ed. a life v:< U lived and a death j t
lappily died, and s heaven gloriously
?on. That was the kind of name that \
fu>vice Field auxustnted and adorned i
,?;d pt-nit oia.'ed?a na'i>e honorable at c
ht- cio.*e of t' e eighteenth centun. i
nore honored jo* a;, the clote of the t
line'cath. i
No^Ct- also that our illustrious friend i
fa* ttie-tt m reai-O'-able md jienial dis a
ent. Of ihr 1 042 "pinion ht- r ?.d-r- d i
>one vvas n;r,re i oteut or memorable .?
han ih.'St- rendered while he was in *
mall minority and sometimes i?- c
. u.itioritj of one. A lt-ari?ei .
nd disii L?gui?-l-?-d lawyer of tbi - s
^ifl k?? viAiil?; raih.-r hf i
he anchor of .ludgr Fi'lyV t
gi-vi rh.<i. ro b i }:?r au? hi?r < f ;
in- t.f ill* r-ift d S at?-? c
[*iie tearffiicj is 10 j.o wiih the umi'i- i
U<U, ti'thiirk whal ?.th? r> thilik t" >a\ a
iuu do *Iia? otherscitt S:'an*iiu)f> t? e snajoi.ity
are *rori?. and ir requires
terries to take the D?-*a?ive. ! u: t-> d?> .
hai h-gicaii} and iu huiu<-r re f
iuire* some elemetitsuf aiakeuj?ru?i of t
mi louDd in judicial dis>euiers or, in- \
leed, in any class of men. Thcru an- t
0 many people in the world opposed to I
sven thing and who display their oppo- 1
ition in rancorous and obnoxious wajs t
hat a judge Field was Deeded io make c
be negative. respected aod genial aud i
ight. Minorities u:ider God save the j
Forld aud save the church. An un- J
1 J .V,..,. i
niUKing auu preuipnai-e joi maj uc
topped by a righteous aud heroic 4*ijo.'' c
The majorities are not always right. r
The old gospel hymn declares it: ]
N'umbers are no mark that men will S
right be found; 1
i few were saved in Noah's ark to many c
millions drowned. i
The Declaration of American Inde- ?
>endence was a dissenting opinion. j
Che Free Church of Scotland, under i
Chalmers and his compeers was" a dis- <
entin? movement. The Bible itself, *
)ld Testament and New Testament, is i
i protest against the theories that 1
rould have destroyed the world and is (
i dissenting as well as a divinely in- t
pired book. The Decalogue on Sina:
epeated ten times "Thou shale not." ;f
?or ?ges to come will be quoted from J
- ?1 i- L. T?I
awDOOKS in courtrooms o uowue j^iciu b ]
aagnificent dissenting opinions. 1
Notice that onr ascended friend had J
uch a character as assault and peril i
Jone can develop. He had not come t
o the soft cushions of the supreme ]
;ourt bench stepping on cloth of gold j
md saluted all along the line by hand- ^
slapping of applause. Coanty parson- i
iges do not rock their babes in satin t
iried cradle or afterward send t^iem out 1
nto the world with enough in their <
land to purchase place and power. Pas- ]
-ors' salaries in the early part of this 't
:entury hardly every reached $700 a [
ear. Economies that sometimes cut 1
nto the bone characterized many of (
he homes of the New England clergy- j
oen. JLne youug law^ei ut wuuiu no *
peak today arrived in San Francisco
n 1849 with only. $10 in his pocket.
IVilliamstown college was only introluctory
to a postgraduate course which
?ur illustr Us US friend took while ad- j
ninisteriii? y nice and halting ruffiausm
amid the xoining camps of Caliiortia.
Oh, those "forty niaers," as they
Fere called, through whs.t privations,
hrough what narrow escapes, amid
fhat exposures they moved 1 Adrninisering
and executing lawamoDg out laws
lever has been an easy undertaking.
Leiong mountaineers, many of whom
lad do regard f ?r human life, and where
he snap of pistol and bang of gun were
mt nnn?al reouirad conraue i
if rhe highest metal. s
Behind a dry goons box, surmounted 1
?y tallow candles, Judge Field began J
iia judicial career. What exciting i
' enes he passed through! An infernal c
achine was handed to him, and intid?i a
he lid of the box was pasted his deci- \
ion in the Pueblo case, the decision v
hat had balked unprincipled specula- s
ors. Ten years ago his life would
tare passed out had not an officer of
he law shot down his assailant. It (
ook a long training of hardship and a
b)se at?d misinterpretation and thre:u j
f violence and flash ofassassiu's knife s
o fit him for the high place where he s
onld defy legislatures and congresses [
ad presidents and the world when he <j
new he was right. Hardship is the I
rindstone that sharpens intellectual t
th? sweiids with which r<? .!
trike effectively for God and oneV *
ouutry. 1
The reason that life to so many i* a J
ailure is because tbey do not have op OMtion
enough and trials* enough or u
>ecause they ignominiously lie down to >
ie run over bj them instead of usioi: s
hem for stairs on which to put their a
oot and mount. Tho?e ' born with a
old spoon in their mouths" are apt to i<
ake their last medicine out of a pe?t<r r
aug. Have brave heart m all depart (
nents ye men of many obstacle-! There t
5 no brawn or character without them, a
^he roughs glaring and growling around ;
bout the shed of a courtroom in Marys- ille,
Cal., had as much to do with t
"udge Field's development as Mark a
lopkins, the great Williamstown col i
ege president Opposition develops t
ourage. I like the ring of Martin t
iUther's defiance when he said to the i
)uke of Saxony, "Things are otherwise t
raered in heaven than they are at 1
Lugsburg." i
Notice also how much our friend did v
or the honor of the judiciary. What c
lomentous scenes have been witnessed s
a our United States supreme court, on c
he bench and before the bench, whe- s
her far back it held its sessions in the i
pper room of the exchange at New
^ork or or afterward for ten years in p
he city hall at Philadephia or later in c
he cellar of yonder capitol, the place h
rhere for many years the Congressional f
ibrary was kept, a sepulcher where t:
ooks were buried alive, the hole called t
y John Randolph' 'the Cave of Tropho- p
ius!" What mighty men stood before a
hat bar pleading in immortal eloquence ii
n questions of national import! Ed- o
lund Randolph and Alexander Hamil- e
an and Pinkney and Jeremiah Mason r
nd Caleb Cushing and the weird and a.
rresistible Rufus Choate and George i<
Food and Charles O'Conor and Janus
\ Brady and Francis B. Cutting and .]
len now living just as powerful. f
How suggestive the invitation which d
William Wirt, the great Virginian, t
rrote his friend inviting him to yonder e
apreme court room; "Tomorrow a v
tfeek will come on the great steamboat i
inestion from New York. Emmett ]
md Oakley on one side, Webster and
nyself on the other. Come dowo and |
irar it. Emmett:s whole soul is ia \
;he case, and he will stretch all his j
cowers. Oa.klev is said to be one of the 1
inest logicians of the age, a3 much a
Piiocion as Emmett is a Themistocles,
tud "Webster is as ambitious as Ciesar.
3e will not. be outdone by any man if
t is within the compass of his power to
ivoid it. Come to Washington. It
vill be a combat worth witnessing "
rhe supreme court has stood so high in
Scglaod and the United States that the
he vices of a fevr who have occupied
hat important place have not been
ibie to disgrace it, neither the corruoiou
of Francis Bicon. nor the cruelty
if Sir George McK?. niie. nor the Sabbath
desecration o; L ird Casfclerepgh.
To that highe.-t of ali tribune:? AbraJaitj
Lincoln calicd onr friend, but h~
iveci lung e:?< us;ii to honor the t-uprcrue
(iurt ujure taau it !;ad ev-. r h';n'?rt-(i
.1 - T?\.r tufiro ' ? 1 w>i>r<t h<> v-J r in
hr- presei-Cd of this nauou and of all !
)adur;6 a uiodei juduc. tVarles>uess, J
devuti-u to piiuciple, char- 1
ict?r:z-d hiui h;it)s ever torched j
:i? i.aud. No lindane word ev<.-i j
Caidid his tongue No of
*ron?eter nuvrr- d his ch<ra-.;ter. FuUj
[UaliritiG hfc to have Ms fiamo as.-i> j
iateu iu inn history of count?} j
vit ti ill" tn-zt <-t tin- jud:ci.iry.
As a. li' K itajt by '.*) oji 1 j
iii.i ;.V ia*'* "iS'ipr-f'uco >un J
(viii. a:.*: i i ar>t:>*u ihat tin- I
;huf ju>: ie? <?: ilu- S:.iu . ? a1,il !
*;C ;i->4*oId t< ju-tK'tS ur<* '<e> t *? ril*.*' ,
iu<i all cuU!wo*"> at ibe i>.r at ii ali
.pt-e aiors n>e to gret t tti.-m. a'd ihf-.
Mth lilt- * (_)y<z. <>: ' z.
>\t z!" atiiiuiiiu-o ilia1 ali i> r?<i-.v rea>i*
? - i.w J ^
?ra lit itlliiu tlUU rA? iOJ.fi? r??tv\.
he United S'a c^ of Aii?< fi\-a, s<> I
vifh we c- uia m in a^iiiaii<?? *a li r
?>gfth?-r lizose ftisu h..v? occupied ti*at
li^-h judicial plact.* lu thit> a?id other
a!id>. auu ih"3 uji.vht rttfer. ari'i afivr
he t'allii g i?f stioie mijthiy gav?] had
ieQiaoOcri ai(enti"i; we cnl-s ti-ok up ?:j
hem?Marsha;], the ot American
irisprud?;itc<i. a:id .John Jay. <>f vii?,in
Daniel Webster said in couiUietiioratitia.
When ;he spotless ertuice of trieju
.V ? 4\ 1 ? , T iv ir t*n*if?hi
xivjiai io?.*c it-iJ uu vvnii v?j,
lothilig JtSs spotif!<-> tf'ii/) its-if," atj'J
Kutledge and Cu-h'ug and E.;?wi.rtb
lud Jo-eph Stor?y, called th? Walter
Scolt of collimon law. aud Sir Matthew
Sale ana Lord Elaon and Lord Tester
ien and Sir Jauies Mcintosh and >:. -> :
ield and the loug line of lord ch2 : '
ors and the great judges from -wia
iides of the sea, and after tbey had
aken their places in our quick-ijed
magination the distinguished ca*es of
ienturies which they decided might
igain be called on, after the assembled
lations had ejaculated, '"God save the
o A?? l-i?nA
J UIW2U OUt ICS Ui xiuign^a, \xv? oc ? ^
3reat Britain," '"God save the na.ions."
Ah, how the law honors and sanctiies
everything it touches! Natural
aw. Civil law. Social law. Comnercial
law. Common law. Moral
aw. Ecclesiastical law. International
aw. Oh, the dignity, the impressiveless,
the power of law! It is tl.e oniy
:hing before which Jehovah bows, but
le bows before that, although the law
s of his own making. The law! Byit
worlds swing. By it the fate of centu ies
is decided. By it all the affairs of
:ime and all the cj'cles of eternity will
>e governed. We cannot soar so high,
>r sink so deep, or reach out so far, or
ive po long as to escape it. It is the
;hrone on which the Almighty sits.
P.-? intorrvror law. what a DrofeSSTOU!
kVTiat a responsibility! What an execution
when the judge be a Lord Jeff eys!
What a benediction if he be a
Jh&ncellor Kent!v
In passing let me say that for this
;hief tribunal of our country congress
should soon provide a better place Let
iome of the moneys voted for the im>rovement
of rivers which are nothing
)ut dry creeks and for harbors which
v;ll never have any shipping and for
noDumeni-s 10 some peop.e wuuu it is i
lot all importaat for us toremetuber be
roted for the erection of a building
worthy of our Uui ed Stai.ft* supreme
;ourr. John Raskin, in '"Stones <>f
Venice," calls attention fo th<? pleasing
W roar .Q13 rh A /ti' I
I'enice uev..ted himself to patting up
wo great bui:diai?5?St. Mark's, f?r
,hs worship of God, and a palace for |
idmiciistratiyu of justice to man. In ]
t? appreciation of what is best let nut
.899 Pe behind 813 \Vith such granite j
u our quarries and fuch architect- j
:apable of draftioa sublime structure !
Lud i-U'oii magnitictnt sites on which to j
mild 'et not another year pass bcfoie :
tr? briar the trowel rio<r on the corner- I
tone of a temple r-o br occupied by the
lighest court >;f the land.
Have you ever realized ho v much
xod has honored 1a>v in the fact that
.11 up and do^t, the B'hie he ruJies thudge
a t: pe of hi'i^e f and emoioys theeoe
of a courtroom to >et forth thf
xandeurs of the sr^at iud^Tni-nt day?
Jook of Gepe>is, ''Shall :i<<t th^ ju'ig-*
if all the earth do riaht?"' !5 u.k of
Vuteronotny, "'The L >rd shail jud^tlis
people." B >ok <>t Psa'm>, ''G"ti ;s
I udge himself " i3<>o< of th?' Acs
'Judge of quick and d<.rad " B.>ok of
timothy, 'The L'>rd the risrhteoufudge."
N?-ver will it he uod-isty.'n
low God houots judges and courtroom-4
lltil the tiiulidtmboit. of the ia.-i d*?
hall pound tne opening of theg'-tata*
iz-?the day oi irii!, the day of c'e;tr
.uce, the day of doom, the day ?if jtidiuerit.
The law of the case ou thai ??c
:asion will be read, and the iudietueut
of leu couut>, which are tne Ten
'iimmonri monrc .Tnetii-M veiil nlt-u.H
he ca*e against us, but our fcloriwus
.dvocate will plead in our behalf, for
'we have an advocate with the Faiber
-Jesus (Jurist, the righteous." Then
he case will be decided in cur cl?ar
,nce, as the judge announces, '"There
s now, therefore, no condensation to
hem who are in Lhrist Jesus, unaer
he crowded galleries of cloud on that
ast day and under the swaying upholsery
of a burning heavens aud while the
Ups and Himalayas and Mount Washington
are falling flat on their faces we
rill be able to understand the signifiance
of those Scripture passages which
peak of God as Judge and employ the
ourtroom of earth as typical of the
cene when a-1 nations shall be brought
nto the tribuaal.
To have done well, all that such a
irofession could ask of him. and lo have
aade that pmfeso.ou more honorable by
is brilliant and sublime life, if enough
or national and international, terresrial
and celestial congratulation. And
hdn to expire beautifully while the
rayers of his church were being offered
* V< * Ua/5 f a f Vi a ar*an -
li II ID UCUOiUCj IUC UVUi Vi iit-Cl* wU v/^/cuag
for his entrance as the door of earth
pened for his departure, the sob of the
arthly farewell caught up into rapures
that never die. Yes, he lived
ad died in the faith of the old fashDned
Christian relition.
Youn^ *uan, I want to tell you that
"ustice Field believed in the Bible
rom lid to lid, a book all true either as
octrine or history, much of if the hisory
of events that neither-'God nor
aan approves. Our friend drank the
rine of the holy sacrament and ate the
| bread of which "if a man eat he shall
never hunger." He was the up and
down, out and out friend of the church
of Christ. If there had been- anything
illogical in cur religion, he would have
scouted it, for he was a logician, if
there had been in it anything unreasonable,
he would have rejected it, because
he was a great reasoner. if there had
been in it anything that would not stand
research, he would have exploded the
?..ii e-- i.:_ i.-i> i:r. .r
iuuuc.), lui ma me wua a me ui ru- i
search. Young men of Washington, j
young men of America, young men of i
the round world, a religion that would |
stand the test of Justice Field's pen j
etrating and all ransacking intellect I
must have in it something worthy of j
your confidence. I tell you now that-j
Christianity has not only the h^art of
the world on its Fide, hut the bwin of j
ihe wo-id kIso. Ye who have tried to j
represent the religion of the Bible as
something pnxiliauimous, how do you,
account fjrtbe jhristian faith of Stephen
J. Field, whoi-e f helves of the law
library occupied with his magnificent j
And now mav the God of all comfort i
s?>eak to the bereft, especially to her
w ho .vas ihe ciuccii of his life, from the
day ?-he't as a srrar>g. r he *>vas sho.vn to
lie:* pes- i-. the Episcopal church, to this
time of the br-'iceii hrarc. He chauaed
ehurcho* bur did nor change religions,
fur the cliuri'h in whi.-h he was born j
d the church in which he died alike j
};> !:evo in G<?i ti e Fnther Almighty, j
Maker !' in-av 11 aud earth, and iu -Je- j
fib C-hri-r. iii> .H\ batten S<>ii. a*id |
i:> ihe eo'i.mu i'.'ii of >?iuts, and iu the
ii!? i \ r[ { <> i' g Amen
The hodv of ourfiieud sleeD-; in teni- i
porary ie- i"g p'ace Hf-arts uv?:rwht-i'tieci
with siriel caunot ju3f nowde
cid* ther* lUa -aor.-d and j-He'it. fnrtu
>hili hear fh?- iru.mv-t. that *ate? tile
a i Tn?ew p':ac?.*> ar-j prop^st-d. aod
ail ap.?r..p.iatu S ?..e -;t.? let it be iu
> 111 e <i ?l'.s ai;r- ttrt.ir i his capital, whern
;iif pillo-vsuf .iasf are.1lr.2aiy embroidered
with Spring fl'?kVr;rs. How appropriate
i?e ce'i?er-Hry near 'his
wwicii -vas ?'.) long hi> re-i?leu:e and >o
(M-ar ti.e i-Une vvhtr?* he ?at in judgm
nt. holding evenh' the b.ilaice- that
God put in hi? hand! [t would b-i well
for u> ^o?ietim?-s to go out aud read his
tpii: pb aiid recall Uis virtues. Some hay
let Mm rt.?t om the Pacific slope, where
)>a la r?.r*,.V? (at f'oo CtflfA
liC a^Uirn.U CV XX1WLV.U. IV/A vt tov**vw j
aud fitted himself for so great emi
neoce, and it would be beautiful 10 If
the whole cation bow at his passing ca rJ'alque,
a fuoeral reaching from ocean
to ocean and 3,000 miles long, the Alleghanies
and the Rockies aod the Sierra
Nevadas echoing the thunders of the
rail train taking him to his last earthly
But equally appropriate is another
proposal that he be put to rest amid the
graves of father and mother and renowned
brothers and the New Eugland
friends of the family in the cemetery
at Stockbridge, Mass. After a life of
toil and struggle he needs some quiet
place. Old men who were his schoolfellows
would lean heavily upon the
otoff on Ho woo Krnncrlit.
through the gates of the place in which
they also will soon lie down to rest.
Far away from the jostle and contention
and rush and activities of the great
cities he would sleep the calm sleep of
the just. The hjaciathsand calla lilies
of the snring planted there would
typify the resurrestion, .and the snows
of winder batked there would suggest
the robes made white in the blood of the
Goodby, my dear old friend of more
than 30 years. Your words of personal
encouragement and good cheer give me
the right to otter words or commemoration.
Bat I must leave to others his
place of burial. This city might choose
Rock Creek and Oak Hill, and San
Francisco might choose Lone Mountain
yet if I had my choice I would say let
it be the cemetery at Stockbridge. He
would be at home there, and it would
be a family reunited. But, whatever
be the place, let me sprinkle over the
newly made grave this handful of
K * V? /\t? 4-V/im f Ka l-\ i irVi 1 o n/3 a in
ugaiu^x nui-u. k_/ov\j\J'-A
the hymn which the people of that land
of Andre* Melville and John Kuos: are
apt to sing on their way to the grave of
some one greatly beloved:
Neighbor, accept our parting song.
The r md is short, the rest is loog.
The Lord brought here, the Lord takes
This is no house of permanence.
On br?ad of mirth and bread of tears
'IV pi'grim fed r.bese checkered ypars:
Now, landlord world, shut to the duor;
Thy gv.esc is gone forever more.
Gone to the land of sweet repose,
'Jii comrades bie>s hita as he cnes.
Of roil and moil 'he day was full.
A L ]/ ?/ ,-r-v I. r\ rrr 1 li tx 1C
gvvu jJ uv>? i.? vvv*.
Yea, village b^lls. rine ?"^frly, ring,
-\.uU iri the bles-sed Sabbath bring.
Which fr.'Tn this weary workday tr<st
Awaits GodV folk throueh Je>U:> Christ.
Cose of a Naval Battle.
Ia his arciole ia the April Century
R^ar Admiral Sampson gives some in
tizur^s uoi croii-g tne rtatue
of M.ti?i!a. ;n which th- <f?>t i.f auimu
r.ili >n u?d iti D^ veyV b t:tl- with ^iie
6;'a;ii->h 9*vt i? cumsiuted a ad compared
ii h file anniu'ii io?i and co>t ??f the
' n; t1** with 0 ty-th's fl- et in fr:?n*"- i f
Santiago, in which latter banle *ve brlii.-ve
K-ar Admiral S uiips-m chanced
ro b<- so fj.r in ?h? rear th it h? \ti> not
hbie ro contribute rom-h eirhfr to the
u>e of ammunition or the co^t of the
efcmnter. Kc Says interesting "cal
citations have been made concerning
WA /\P in A
I lie CA]JCUUiiu:^ '/i <? miuuujuiun IU vii.^
action of the 3d of July, and it has
been found that the total number of
shots fired iu that action was as follows:
Texas. 835; Indiana. 1,876: Oregon,
1.903; Brooklyn, 1.973; Iowa, 1,473;
Gloucester, 1.369; total, 9,429. The
cost of thir ammunition was ab<mt $85.000.
It i^ classified as follows; 13-inch,
47; 12 inch, 39; 8-inch, 319; 6 inch,
171; 5 inch, 473; 4-inch, 251; 6 pouu
der, b ooa; 6 pounder, iou; i-pounder,
466; l pounder and 33-mm., 330; total,
9,429 The total number of shots fir'.'d
at Manila is officially criven at 5 031,
and the cost is etima;ed at *;45,000.
The ammunition is c'assilied thus; Sinch,
157: 6 inch, 635; 5 inch, 622; 6pou
i'Jcr, 1.957; 3-pounder and 47-mm.,
uoi; 1-pounder and 3-mm., 1,632; total,
Extremely Sad.
A dispatch from from Wichita, Kansas,
dated last Thursday, says: "When
Assistant Engineer Ebby of the cruiser
Brooklyn, who is on his way to Xew
Haven, Kansas, from New York,
reaches that little western towD, he will
find a grave instead of a bride. En
gineer ED by was to have been married
this week to Miss Nina Hail, a prominent
youn? lady of New Haven. Tuesday
Miss Hall was accidentally shot
and almost instantly killed by her little
brother, from whom the unfortunate
girl was attempting to take a revolver
with which he was playing. She was
buried today. Efforts to notify Ebby
of the tragedy have been unavailing."
"n ' * ~rw?r V. ? ir rln'i- -?i >irmrTT*iT"-*iiri">~' i?*~
- i
j The Fearful Deeds of the Black Fiend
Who Was Butchered.
The full story of t^.e crimes of Sam
Hose, the Xegro who was burned at
the stake and butchered while yet alive,
at Xewnan, Ga., is told in the Atlanta
Journal as follows:
"I was suspicious of Sam and had
i been for a day or two,said Mrs. Cran^
"Tuesday night he knocked on the
door wmch opened into our room. He
occupied a shed room which had previously
been used for plunder. I struck
a light and told Alfred to be careful.
Alfred wect to the door, opened it and
quickly stopped behind. This is all that
saved him Tuesday night.
'"Wednesday night Sam was glum
and didn't have much to say. Yvrheu
he came to the house he had his shoes
off I put aside his supper and Alfred
and in;, self went into the dining room
and began our m;-al. Alfred sat with
his back to trio inside door, but pur_1_.
1? . _ . J 4L. ! T . J u._ I
po-eiy iac^u me omsiue aoor to Keep
an eye ou Sam, as be then suspected the
"While we were eating I saw Sam
dart i'lto the door at trie back of Alfr>
d. He did not make the slightest
uoi-e. ns he wore d<> thoe.-?. 1 saw the
*x u;?|jf t d above his head, ana befrre
I could >crea?u d'?wa came the ax with
t-.ryific foroe. splitting Alfred's bead
wide open, the ax sinking to the eye.
Aifiei threw up his baud and looked
at me for a coed, and then fell forward
afid pitch* d out of the chair to
the ft'ior The suht was s > a*ful, the
b'ackdetu )!! standing over him, that i
M-r- an.ed.
" "If vou just breathe auraiu I'll kill
you.1 cried the N> gro, raising the ax
and h?d ling it over un head.
'"Then he took the ax in both hands
and struck Alfred with all bis might
ou the temple. Asiairj he lifted the ax
and struck until three terrific blows had
beru given, the last two struek after
Alfred had fallen to the floor.
''Then, to make the crime complete,
the N'-ero kicked him viciously.
" "he Negro then rushed over to
^erelwas. He tore my little baby
from my breast and threw it across the
room. Little Mary said.
" 'Oh. don't hurt my poor papa, Sam"
j "The negro slapped her fall in the
face a fearful blow, and the child fell
several feet away unconcious.
" 'If you don't behave,' said he to
Mary, 'I'll kill you too.'
"ThAn ho Aantrhfc me Vitt tTie arm on/1
said: 'I ain't er going to kill you.'
1 "He dragged me into the room,
across the body of my husbaad. Oh,
it is all so horrible. It'll driye me
Then Mrs. Cranford broke down and
wept as a little child whose heart is almost
breaking over its first real disappointment
or angry reproval. '
The assault was made upon the horror-stricken
woman within three feet of
her prostrate, dying husband, a crime
so fearfully inhuman as to arouse even
the indignatson of a vast majority of the
Negroes here, who say -Hose should be
killed the moment he is caught.
"Sam, after that, caught me again by
my arm and pulled me around the room.
He said he wanted my money; and I
told him he could have anything in the
house, just so he didn't kill my children.
''He opened the trunk and took out
some Confederate bills. He thought it
was good money. Then lie caught me
and dragged me over my husband's body
and carried me by force into the room
in whicn the crime of murder was com
. , _1 TT . t f 1 .
rnittea. ne men released me, caugnt
up his supper in both hands, and ran
out of the door, saying: 'I have done
now what I have always wanted to do,
and they can catch me if they can..
I shut the door and walked out into the
yard to see if he wa3 really going away.
I watched him until he was out of sight,
and then I went ia and picked my
bruised little children up in my arms
aud began to run to AL"redrs father's
home, nearly a-mile away.
The Cure for Lynching is the Educacation
of Both Whites and Blacks.
Booker T. Washington, founder and
principal of the Tu^kegee N-trmal and
Industrial Institute, in Alabama, who
while in Philadelphia Wednesday was
questioned le^arding the Georgia lynching*.
He said:
"I would like to speak at length upon
o(riiAriT11 n^^nmnf?oc on/J s\t-VhAi*a /%-P
uuv* v ovig'M vvvui io.u\,vg auvt VbUUi Q vi
a like nature, which ha^e taken place
in recent years, but in view of my position
and hopes in the interest of the
Tu^k^tree lnstirute, in Alabama, and
the education of our people, I feel constrained
to keep silent and not engage
in au\controversy that might r^act upon
the work to which I am now lending
uiy eiiur' B.
"L do not mind addinff." said the
>peaker, '*that I am opposed to mob
vi.iliMice under al!i:ircu'usra'ices. Tho^e
guilty >? crime should be surely. s*iftjy
and reriib.y punished, but, by legal
method*. As a rule the me$ guiltv <>f
the.se outrages are ignorant individuals,
who have had no opportunity toseeure
an tducafioo and mora! restraint.
"'The solution of our present difficulties
i* to be found in the thorough mental.
religious and industrial education
of both races iu the South. It is an
encouraging fact to note that of the
hundrds of Negro men who have been
.j j..j t
euucattsu 111 tuc Luguei" 1 us liluijlu us ui
the 'South riot one has been guilty of
the crime of assaulting a woman."
"Washington Wednesday night, at the
Academy of Music, addressed a large
audience in the interest of the Tuskegee
Institute. The only reference
he made to the Georgia lynchings was
in the introduction to his address, when
he said: ''Id the interest of the more
far reaching and fundamental work
which we are tryin to do at Tuskegee,
I shall refrain from any direct and detailed
discussion of the recent outrages
in the South, which I know are uppermost
in your minds and hearts, and
which make us bow our heads in sadness.
The only permanent remedy for
such crimes as have been recently per
petrated in Georgia, and the only permanent
remedy for mob violence, is in
the thorough education of all the people
of the South?education that shall reach
the head, the hand, the heart."
Four Sales to the Acre.
A correspondent writing from Laurens
recalls the fact that in 1869 a Columbian
made, without fertilizers, four
bales of cotton to the acre on a lot
within the limits of Columbia. This
surely was a "record" yield. It is also
to be remembered that in 1857 Dr. Parker
made there 200 bushels and 12
quarts of corn on one acre, a yield never
excelled in the United States until
Mr. Drake made his famous crop in
Marlboro county a few years ago.
The Confederate Eetmion.
The grand old city of Charleston is
preparing to do herself proud on the oeL
casion of the Confederate reunion,
which'is little more than two weeks off.
Thp Atlanta .TmirnS:! env? Inst. rpur nt
the reunion in that city there -was a
lively contest between Charleston and
1 Louisville for the honor of entertain?
ing the Confederate yeterans this year,
and Charleston won after an exciting
ballot. The honor thus conferred is duly
appreciated by the people of Charleston.
They have made elaborate
preparations for the entertainment oi
the veterans and it is rheir hnne that a
larger number of them will assemble iu
Charleston than ever met at any previous
reunion. A beautiful Auditorium
which will seat 7.000 people, has been
erected for the sessions of the veterans'
association, and the program has been
most carefully arranged. lieprcseDtatives
of more than 1,200 camps of
Uuited Confederate Veterans will attend
this reunion. May 10ch, the anQfr\r?rirr'ol]
uyuiv.ui#r Vi ?v"*i*i o u^aiu?
will be the opening day, and for four
days the veterans will own Charleston.
Among those who will take prominent
parts in the exercises are General Gordon,
General Wheeler, General Stephen
D. Lee, General Hampton, General M.
(J. Butler and General Evans. General
Wheeler will deliver the opening
spf-cjh. The Sons of Veterans, as well as
veterans themselves, will go to Charleston
in great numbers, and will have a
fine program of their own. Charleston,
always beautiful, is must beautiful in
May. Charleston hospitality, alwajs
full of cordialit> ar.d grace, will bestow
iis warmest wvLvnie aud its rarest
grace ujon the \e <rans or n? couiecieracy
We need u<-t >ay that Atlanta
will be largely represented at this reuu
on. Huudred* o' veterans and sons
of veterans and hundreds more, visitors,
will go from this city. The railroads
will give the usual low rates for such
occa.-ions. and we predict that Chariest,
ton, which has been the scene-of many
a historic gaihfjiug will have during
the second week in May the greatest
crowd that ever assembled within her
gates And everybody will be well
taken care of.
Eemember tlie Facis.
Ia condemning the lynching of Sam
Hose, the fiend, all should keep in mind
the facts that lead up to the awfal
tragedy.. No doubt, as the Atlanta
Constitution says "the terrible retribution
which Sam Hose was forced to pay
for his crime will arouse a flood of discussion,
carried on by those who know
the facts on the one side, and by those
who do not care for facts on the other.
But, while the form of the criminal's
punishment cannot be upheld, let those
who are disposed to criticise it look into
,1 <* . 11 o ^
cue iacts?ana oy tnese iacts temper
the judgment they may render. ''An
unassuming, industrious and hard-working
farmer, after his day's toil, sat at
his evening meal, around him sat wife
and children, happy in the presence of
the man who was fulfilling to them
every duty imposed by nature. A*
peace with the world, serving (j-od, and
loyal to humanity, they looked forward
.to the coming day. Noiselessly, the
1 murderer, with uplifted axe, advanced
in the rear and sank it to the hilt in
1 the brain of the unsuspecting victim
1 Tearing the c'uild from the mother's
breast he flung it into the pool of blood
oozing from its father's wound. Then
. began that the culmination of which
has dethroned the reason of the people
of western Georgia during the past
week. As critics will howl about the
lynching, The Constitution will be pardoned
for stating the plain facts. The
1 wife was seized, choked, thrown upon
; the floor, where her clothing lay in the
blood of her husband, and ravished.
Remember the facts! Remember the
dark night in the country home! Re1
member the slain husband, and above
all, remember that shocking degradation
which was inflicted by the black
ninfim omyv??y>to rr in Pion KllC
ucaao, jLLAD VlUtlLU J> u. juu.;
band's warm blood as the brute heid
her to the floor. Keep the facts in
mind! When the picture is painted of
the ravisher in flames, go back and viewthai
darker picture of Mrs. Oranford
outraged in the blood of tier murdered
husband!" .
The Reunion Committee is doing
everything in its power to prevent the
practicing of extortion in Charleston
during tho-'Week the Confederate veterans
are to meet there. We hope the
com-nittee will be successful, though
they have a biz job in hand. The greed
of hotel, bording-house and lodginghouse
keepers seems to be insatiable.
Every old soldier should attend the
the reunion in Charleston next month.
It will be a notable gathering of the old
veterans of the invincible armies of the
J Confederacy
g ^?iS?:piS|
\-\ High TLrm Sewim
g'i Kuliy guaranteed for ten y
| i all the latest attachments, 1
5 i mented wood work.
Price $18.<
53! Money refunded after 30 da
| | is not as good as the $40.00 to
sold by agents.
Send for circulars and state
We are headquarters for Furn
Mattings, Carpets, Sewi
j Baby Carriages, etc.
I Address
j IIIO & III2 Br
- ^ '
. if
ir'h tTT'' S>?ga V^j^VrnTivr'aVi g&OwlcdattSgSaiiM^
Reads like Fiction.
A dispatch! from New Orleans sa3's:
Dr. A. Chapman of Courtland, Miss., j
twice reported dead, has arrived here i
on the steamer Franklin from Blae^fields j
Nicaragua. Dr. Chapman, who was a;
amgeon in the insurgest army, tells a i
'thrilling story of his escape from Pres
:y?u v_i ? ? n_ ? 1
iuciit iuiv;ca. julc wuo w^mi" ;
ed on February 24, near Rama, while |
in the company-of Stephen Powers, an j
. English subject, and also a member of
the revolutionary forces. A courtmar- c
. tial followed the captun, the men being
tried as spies. They were condemnN
ed to be shot. A strange feature of the
J affair was that the sentence was actuj
ally carried out. Stephen Powers fell
! dead at the first fire, hut Chapman was
merely wounded in the left arm. He j
fell to the ground, however, and think-!
ins: they had killed him, the soldiers !
walked 'off. Chapman made his way to j
i Biuefields. Jack Martin, the Ameri
j can gunner of the San Jacinto, who was j
j captured by Zelaya?s soldiers, has beei< j
j tried and convicted. Sentence had coi.
| been finally pronounccd when Chap'j(
| man left. Martin will undoubtedly be |
. shot.
| X
^ ?TO THfc I
-? - (/ \ I
for catalogue. Free scholarships
on easy conditi >ns to
those who write soon. Railroad
fare paid. Cheap board.
Notes accepted. Can pay part
? i 1-2 ..1, "
oi expenses oy woriijmg m m .
college office. Address, men j
tioaing course desired,
; i
TTT C/..1. A L? C (
w e are oiaw; xxgeuu> ioi auu uiaa?
SPECIALTY of equipping improvcc 1
modern ginneries with the celebrated? ^
Hurray Ginning System,
the simplest and best. Cotton ginned 6
on this system commands a higher mar- 1
ket price than any other, and the ma- j
chinery itself is a marvel of simplicity
We control for this State the improved
Murray Cleaning Feeder, which is a
unquestionably the best gin feeder eve
yet invented. Parties contemplating
a purchase of machinery of this kind
are invited to correspond with us.
Machinery and Mill Supplies of
all kinds at lowest manufacturers
Now is the time to place your order j
for a threshing machine; buy the best, j
we sell it?the FARQUHAIt. - i
W. H. 3I3BES & CO., i
State Agents for:?Liddell Co., Eagle <
Cotton Gin Co., A. B. Faronhar Co. 1
"* i
: I
llacfgat's |
School of 11
?AND ?
' j
This School has tbe reputation of b9inz the |
be-1 business institution in tse State. Grad- j
uafes arp holding remunerative positions in ,
:nercantite k?use?, bvikinir, insurance, real j
"sute, railrosd office. &c., in this and rtber; i
^t?tea. Write to W H. Macfrat. Court;
en^Traohor Col'mbii, 3 , for term* etc:'
am 3^?3Z3 E53SK ?*
*32 "<?5^ i j?j& KS2ST H ssa
I Machine ^2
ears^fitted with
! vrhat you want.
itcre, Stoves,
ng Machines, *aB^?|gp|^||
The Padgett Furni
oad Street,
* t
Boiler Floor Mills.,
iioiisii! Oily 11 Works,
)ne of. Sis 1. i i*:.m
Flour SXiil >1 liliij.v u s i j : > 1 icry
and iiia ac jjrij 1 > li '1.11 it*,
I am prepared to build mills on
the most improved plans and at s
prices to compete with any one
iu the trade. We guarantee
the products of our mills to
equal the grades of the best
Western mills. Before
placing your orders
write to me.
I also handle a complete line of Wood
rV'orkiug Machinery: Saw Mills, En
;ines and Boilera, Corn Mills and Ma:hinery
in general.
Having been established in business
lere for sixteen years, I have built up
ny trade by selling the very highest
;ia*s of machinery, and am in a better
jusition to serve the interest of my
iustomers than ever before.
V. fi. Badham,
= Keeley
S. C.' "***? ^
' '
Produce each a disease having defin- vj
te pathology. The disease yields
sasily to the Double Chloride of Gold
treatment as administered at the above '
ieeley Institute.
N. B.?The Keeley Treatment is
idministered in South Carolina
M. V*
-'"5"-' C.a5sf ?.ver: ? Purchaser S*
& , " ' ? ~ g?
& Ml tiocici t? '"
| "
? -*- gfc
fcjfi (wanPEa^w^yKV^ "* ^
|g U?tKt & 'ffi ^
; ;l retime 3??
@S "P& sJve a? ii
^ OSr-:-~''-'' "^V* eadtess en~ 25
gr JH|
ad A Poor Plana ?
h 2
ir*ve en<^es* 25
jgg vexation- ^gj|
iMataushck 11
m. - -
is always booa, axways ?teuaoj?i jy*
?SJ always Satisfactory, always Last- Hi
fSi lng. You take 00 chances fix bay- 8g
^ ft costs somewhat _?ore than a |H
SJ cheap, "poor piano, bet Is much th? M| >
ses cheapeJ, in the end.
jjff No other His:U Grade Piano soldao M
sS reasonable. Factory prices to zetaH ?
fiff buyers. Easy payments. Writc?l> M
B?- Savannah, G?* and >"ew Yarit City. SB
Ldarcss: 1>. A. A.&ect
-^r IMfr
Only $1 UX). 1
Lis 17x17 inch oven. four 8 inch n J|
holes; hrjrv Hues and guaran- 8
d a good baker. We fit this
ve up with forty pieces of ware J
luding- the latest stove ware. '
0 advertise our business we
1 sell this-No. 8 Cooking Stove,
e.-j with -JO pieces of ware for
Rugusta, Ga, ^

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