OCR Interpretation

The Fairfield news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1881-1900, October 11, 1899, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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f; r 111 jj tmw wnw, l THE
news; and herald.
w s and herald company.
On??Ye*r, ... SI.50
31* Months. * *'5
Wednesday, October 11, - 1899
Tue Dewey ceiebiation-? hive been
monstrous ovation*; hat not entirely
ovations to Dewey. II i served as a
splendi i rack upon whic'i to hang
much exabsrant enthuniatn and much
ostentations perambulation. At any
time that the people of New York ofi^r
each magnificent spectacalar attractions
and sach reasonable rates of
travel and accoramoJation they can
draw hundreds of thousands of visitors
for any purpose. Of the million
strangers that are sai t to have flocked
into the city possibly a tentn went
from a single desire to bouor Djwey,
a fourth more to see.him a* one would
<razi at any celebrity, and tb-: i est
went to see, aud be seen, themselves.
The parp se of the promoters of the
parade wa<? partly to welcome the
great admiral, but chiefly te pir
money into their pockets. A still
deeper design may have existed on the
part of skilfal politicians and business
promoters to exalt ths military idea
J ** * our? Or.
3IIQ (JU^UiaiKiC lUiy&iiMiouj ??u
pansion for their ai imate gain. Mer*
are still, by n&tnre, savage in spife of
eighteen centuries of Christianity, and
revert to war and the worship ot war
on the sli^ht^st provocation. Five
year#;ajo a war undertaken bv the
United Sfates was not aaapfig the
possibilities. Oar great boaet was
our lore of peuc3 and oar employment
in commercial measures and enter
prises while th-i old world was harassed
almost beyond endurance by war and
rumor of war. Philosophers grew
enthusiastic over this pacific tendency;
econ )naists waxed eloquent in praise
of it; and thj church was happy in
x anticipation ?f a coining Oiilleninm.
When the swrd was drawn .our excuse
was that it was iateaded to bring
peace and prosperity to Cnba. Bat a
taste of bloodthas made the American
eagle as voracious a? tbe British"4lion.
Peace Congressea^have been relegated
to'the rear; Philosophers have withdrawn
to their closets to study Geometry,
or if they venture into the open
are blackguarded ?and be?plased by
bellicose sous of Belial Even the
church becomes militant acd talks
about introducing * ehristianity into
Mohammedan and heathen lands by
Mohammedan and heathen methods,?
throat cutting and brain mashing and
bore breaking with idumdum bullets.
Under the influence of this savage
spirit, carefully fostered by those who
have scheme? of public plunder,
George Dewey, a |most excellent mar,
a modest gentleman, an able and valorous
captain is suddenly apotheosized
into a veritable god of war; and as he
passes in his chariot with bugles blaring
and trumpets flourishing the giddy
populace is^half ready to cry out,
"Ave Caesar Imperator." In tbis way
Caesar, the plain imperator, or commander,
became ; practically "Caesar
Rex," only the came of king being
withheld as he exercised kingly power.
Augustus {did not seem to contemporaries
to have overthrown the Roman
Republic. He merely combined a
nnmW <vP nflR/vJc anrl iitlpa imnftru.
t>r, pontifex, Consul aud what not,?
until he had gathered all power in his
hands and theJRepublic was no more.
What need then for the empty title of
king? It is not necessary to-day for
Dewey or McKinley or the resplendent
Teddie to be called kin<? in order to
organize an imperial policy and stretch
constitutional lies to bursting. The
millions who cheered themselves hoan-e
on Dewey day did not pau=e to reflect
tnat tney were piaying into ioe nanus
ot those who have elevated war above
pease, th? army above tbe people, and
centralization and imperialism above
borne rule and Democratic principles.
Their little piece of sentimental hurrahing
and yeiiiug may cost theui
something dear in the fatnre, especially
ifGaorge Devey be rushed into tbe
Presidency bv a combination of iingoe
and stock jobber*, ready to grab everything
in sight.
The people will come to the conclusion
after awhile that the dispensary
is wrong in principle Some people |
have thought so for a ion? time. A
fcuiiness that is run by the State must,
in some way, be connected with poli
ties, and political favor3 will certainly
be an element in its management. I;
will nece;s?riiv become a political
machine, and will be used to advance
the interest -of tbose who can control
if. Whether the dispensary has been
a power in politics or not'is doubtful.
Often voters will go against lis influence
because most voters feel that
they mnst show independence and
assert themselves against outside pres
sore. Stiil no one can donbt that the i
attempt is made to make it a power in
The latest thing in the dispensary is
the suspension of Commissioner
Douthit?the result, as usual, of a
row in the board of control. The
whole trouble seems to be that there ,
has been a very loose way of doing:
business. It is not necessary to go
into the details of all the trouble in the
hoard. The point we wish to make is
that there is always a row, and the
public ought to be very tired of it.
Joseph Stockford, Hodgdon, Me.,
healed & sore running for teven years
and cured his piles of long standing
by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve.
Itcnres all skin diseases. McM&ster
a worshipped Idol shattered. 1
The clipping from tbc Charlotte Obsei
ver published this morning expresses
our sentiments exactly. Dewey has
fallen in oar estimation:
"Hero "worship" generally spoils the
hero. It spoiled Hobson. It'has spoiled
Dewey. Anybody else is at perfect
liberty to worship before this naval
idol as much as he or she pleases, bnt
as lor us, onr opinion of the admiral
ha3 fallen below zero. For months
past a committee Washington has
-? il- - U - I
been passing arouna me uai.
Hark, hark, the dogs bark,
The beggars are coming to towR,
Some in rags, some in tags,
And some in velvet gown?.
The beggars have been coming to
town, this time ih3 velvet-gown clad
beggar3 altogether. They have been
begging for a house and lot in Washington
for the hero of Manila to spend
his last days in. Yesterday Admiral
Dewey want befoie tbis committee and
said he not only would accept tbe hou>e
in Washington, but be wanted it quick,
and he wanted it in a certain place,
and be wanted enough left after it was
paid for 10 pay for the bedsteads, the
bed-ticks aud (be bureaus and chairs
which would be necessary to m^ke it
habit aoie.
Vnw ihft admiral is. drawing S13.000
annual sn:ary, has been srcstilig good
wages a:l his life, and for 20 years
has had nobody to support bot Dewey,
his son, w pre-nme,* being able to
take care of himself. He will pooji
receive big prize money for sinkingthe
Span'sh ship3 at Manilla?perhaps
$100,000 And vet he grabs at tbis
gift of $50,000 which ha? been begged
for him, like a dog jumps at a bone
thrown to him. He sa^s if it was a
gifl of the tich people alone he
woulun'- take it, bnt since there are
over 40.C00 names on the list of contributors
he confide; s it a gift from
the people of the Union, and will accept
it. Well, the names of the douor*
that have been published are those of
the Gonads and jioclctvjjers ana me
rest of the millionaires. A great pait
of tbe money comes from them, and
ibe admiral ought to be ashamed intake
For our part, commend us to old
Wade I ampton, of South C.-irolina,
and Gordon, of Georgia. Both these
wbi;e haired veterans of tbe L-^st
J&use recently, after their houses bad
been burned down, refused to accept
new buidinga offered by thtir old
comrades aud admirers.
Ignokance never creates a demand 1
in itseif for education. A wise man
has said that a government may always
assume to be above the average of tbe
people in intelligence and therefore i*
should ^pply them with metns of
instruction. The experience of South
Carolina in tbis respect has been qutte
gratifying. The State ba? opene-i a
full system of primary schools and
four bigber institutions of learning.
All these are full to ore!flawing, while
private colleges have reported a good
attendance. The more education a
State has the more will be given to it.
Some years sgo in Winnsburo there
""" *,/x? r\ rpAria Qtfon/1
YY CiC uui uan a ovuo <*? i.vuu
ing collrge. Now there are about
forty. This increase is found everywhere.
The State instead of crushing
out these private colleges is setting
such a standard of intelligence that
the young people of all kinds fesl impelled
to go to college somewhere, and
they fill all institutions.
The little incident of the fraudulent
cable despatches sent to S'"m;Lern cities
shows how completely the people at
large are at tLe mercy of one great
corporation controlled by a few men
In Jay Gould's day it was charged
that the telegraph lines of the country
were in the bands of manipulaiors,
esnPMftllv ahnnf eltKiion lime, and
that it was impossible to secure impartial
service jor the pres*. Complaints
of unreliable informatijn have nor
b:en so often heard of into, but thev
will now be revived. It i.s criminal
carelessness to say tbe lea*,!. time would j
lead tbe operator to substitute a new
method of reporting without iving:
notice. But tbe most significant J
thought is that at any time tbrongh the
bungling or dishoneflty of a few te!e- j
grapher* a whole land may be financially
bankrupted in a few boars. The
Southern Cotton Exchange sboakl
make a cl-se investigation.
An Orangeburg jury ha? . -ised to !
And a verdict in a case arising under
that c!aas? of the constitution of 1893,
which allow* damages to tha fimily of j
a per3Dn who ha? been lynched, f::
1897 Liw-ence Brown, accused of
arson, was lynched, and hi* administrator
brought suit for damages.
It see:n-r that the fa:t of a lynching
was not defied uniii suit was brought,
and then the county set np as a defeusethat
Lawrence Brovn had com*'
? - i- m.. r I
miiiea su xaa iuji, mn u*?vreuce
Br. -.vn wa' lynched and thai
there wa- noaai.idd >ib)Qt it was
07erwheiui ngly established, and ?,e*.
inihste Mhof th? con*r.itu-.ion a v-;rdiet
was f an J f;>r the dciendant, the
County of Orangeburg Tnis clause j
was in-erte J ia the c ?ristItat'ion to j
prevent Iyuching, hut k jines win
defiantly UioObey it, it tnigh? as well
not be in ihere.
Mr. Charles Abe!l had a frie male
stolen from him 011 it?e or' September
25iti. Di igeut search has been
made but without iuccess.
A church festival givt-n f,r the pur
pose of raising funds forthecompetion
of Z-on M. E church wi'l be
given at he residence of Mr. J S.
Alleu on FrkUy nig-it, October 20ih
All are cordially invited to attend.
The committee cf ladies selected to
wait ori ir.e taoie win uj giau
satisfactory attention to all.
Mr. E. A. Davis, our prominent
country merchant, bas moved ! is family
to Ridgeway for tbe purpose of
giving his children tbe f.dvnntage of
the new school at that p'aee.
Tbe roads in tbis vicinity have been
recently worked and are now in good
conditi >d, but rather muddy.
October 7,1S99 Dixie.
For Over FIftv Years.
Mrs. vinslow's Sootbixg Syrup
has been used for over fifty years by
millions of mothers for their children
while teething, with perfect ?ucces=.
It sooihes tb-.: child, soJtens the sums,
allays a'l pain, <;nres wind colic, and
is the be?t '-emedy for diarrhoea It
will relievt. the poor litt:e .-nffenr
immediately. Sold bv druggists in
every part of the world. Twenty* five
cents a botile. Be sure and ask for
"Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup,"
and take no other kind. 1-1-17
Mr. Editor: The crops are some
better than we thought some time
ago. Mr II C Coleman, one of our
most tho^ough-go'ng and enterprising
farmers. Ins a one-horse farm from
which he picked (en biles of cotton
averaging over five hundred pounds
rt-f (riher The re?t of
v y ui ci vx v/vfcvw. - his"
farm i3 very good. >lr J->hn S
Stone's farm will average leD bales to
the plow.
Several of our farmers bave mowed
their crop of pea vines, which are
very good.
Miss Mamie Taylor, after visiting
ber parents and friends in this community,
will return in a day or two
to Winnsboro.
Mr Thos E Dye, who was sick a
few days ago, is now som# better.
Mr D 1* Crosby, of Chester, visited
Mr and Mrs J S Stone last Sunday.
Mr Coleman Colvin is attending
school in Atlanta, Ga.
Mr David A Coleman is clerking for
Mr John G WolliDg.
Mr Editor, I feel that I cannot close
this piece without saying something
in reference to our county school. I
think the efforts of Eon Johu J McMahan
to build up a higher standard
of scholarship amoDg our teachers
fehonld meet the approval of all those
interested in tbe education of tbe
yonng people of our state. Our county
school, under the efficient management
of Prof Witherow and his accomplished
assistant, Mies Withers,
was both interesting and instructive
to those who attended. I feel safe in
saying, al! the teachers who attended
feel very much indebted to both Prof
Witherow and Miss Withers for the
interest they manifested in our success.
I fully intended to have ofiered
resolutions thanking both of our
fpanhera far their instructions and also
to return thanks to the good people of
Winnsboro for their kindness and hospitality,
and woold have done so had
it not teen for some misunderstanding
at tbe clo*e of the school concerning
the examination which was to have
been held by (he connty board. Especially
we desire to return thanks
to Prof Witberow and family for
their kindness and hospitality which
was manifested in an entertainment
thev gave to the teachers, it left to
the teacher* of our conntv to elect
thdir instructors for,the county school
next year we would unhesitatingly
eiftct tbose under whose instructions
we have been so much benefited recently.
I am confident that the interest
manifested by our instructors and
the kindness thown by the people of
ycur town touches a responsive chord
in the bosoms of our teachers that
vibrate feeling or sooa wni in return
for favors rendered.
I l;ad not atfondtd ^cbooi for several
year-, and had bat little experience in
te^chin^. consequently I experienced
some difficulty in c >ncen?rating my
mind i ti tSje work as-signed us. My
a'tendance at court and other business
prevt-nied me lrom writing sooner. I
Hor-j SO.ne
I J CL V *T (I 1 IL V4 bliium lip 9 ^/v ? %?v*^rv ^ *,w ....
of our more experienced teachers who
wielt a more facile pen and who are
m.-re gifted in the faculty of letter
writing would give your many readers
an account of our summer school.
[ While we have accomplished a good
dea! tLI- year, I believe we will be
able to accomplish much more in the
| future. Algebra, civic?, and physi1
ology have been added to the public
j school curriculum. Those who comJ
pete for certificates are examined in
the above mentioned branches, hencc
the importance of having them taught
in the connty schools in order that
those who are deScient iu those
branches may prepare themselves for
examination before the county board.
I think our teachers might be divided
into time daises?experienced teach
* nnlUna onrt
CI"?, leceui giauuaics nuui wuvgv) <-"v.
those who have never had the advantages
of a collegiate* edncation. If the
siate board of educa'ijn rules that all
teachers shall attend theconnty schools
preparatory for teaching, then the experienced
teachers and aollege gridcases
ou^ht not to be compelled to attend
longer than tvre or three weeks
or a month at longest. If the law
conld be so amended as to enable thoae
nnr attended fiolleare to at
ic..d the coonty schools for an interval
of tw-. months, I believe they would
prove tj be potent factors in the upbuilding
of our public schDols.. If our
country schools were run eight or nine
months, then in the months of May,
June and July, while the children are
engaged on the farm, I heir teachers
could attend the county school preparatory
for more efficient work in
ihe school room. I believe we can
eventually build our public s-chool
system up to as high a grade as that oi
the New Eng'and States. I believe
the time is fast corning when we will
not look solely to our colleges for osr
law-imkTS and leaders of public
. pinion, but ?o those educated in our
public schools as well. I am not oppo
e i to co'iege education, but it ie
n. t h!w us i sscntial to the formation*
"f phn.i, .:>? pr*c?cil application of
? i)i-:n miiih; prove beneficial tom iwki*?fl.
In oojicI 11 i->n, !ft me s*y. it th- re
[arc ftDr **ha f*ii*il in the c> uutv
school, I h.'pi they wii; n I be dis
[ c<nira:eu; um t.nemi aj<uiu nt'-v \ khi .
! I v\ ish th> ?n si' Hicoe^s. It is tny
| ear.'i;s; to do or *?v hti>*r
to nccle a'c the ptogos* o? my fclj
low a:t. It L h-i?! powe-s equal to
;? } I would he ?t-e/u 1 to ?l!
wen u iio arc .-?trujrglirig t> ac 0"*.p ishi
- in- ifci 'j t?r tht-msKlves to order
'hit they tugh' 1>; snort; useful to their
Makt r, t<? ?lie:r c-uairy ni;d to therris-lves.
I ;*iii wiih be-t xTijsh?s for:>;!,
vonr?:iu!v, IMl.I
Oa: b r 7, '99.
' t di>i m* !jmre -rood ihaa an tl.in<f
I in or iwd Mv <'\s>pep?i?, w.i> of
in'-nth-j's:anciirie ; er e-itin^ it wa:terrir>l?>.
No v I ma we 1," writes S
Kroner. li.dsington. Kas , of Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure. It dijreats what yon
ea\ McMastcr Co.
Magistrate C. II. Douglas.-, of Douglas-,
Fairtield County, came (o Rock
Ili; 1 Monday *rm?d with warrants for
Lunce Mc"n>? . G.*o-< o Washington,
Tom Holley and Van J^ck-on, all colored,
chirked with viyi?iii<r their
!f*hr\r i<nnirflch. 5?i tint. IftlY fhf>
farms on which they were employed
without their erapiojers' consent.
Tbev were located aud arrested by
Constable Winsrat ai>d yesterday they
were taken to Fairfield County.? Rock
Iliil Herald.
Red Hot from the Gnn
Was the ball that G- B. Steadinan,
of Newark, Mich-, ia the Civil War.
It canned horrible Ulcers that no treatment
helped for 20 years. Thm Bucklen's
Arnica Sa've cured him. Cures
Cuts, Bruise?, Burns, Boils, Felons,
Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile
cure on e^rih 25 cts. a box. Cure
guaranteed. Sold by McMsster Co.
i. mi i j-> | i ,i ;"i '' rn-rnmm
. - ?- ' f?^ ?~i
I j|S_j
i Atege febJefr epjirattGiiIbr As - \m
\ sictilaUngtheToodandBegula- m
tiqg tteStrnnariis aodBowels of ||
Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- S
ness and Eest.ConfMos neither ?
Opium,Morphine nor Mineral, | ?
JScapc of Old ErSAKUQJmJitJi E
Pumplm Sce?~ -M
AbcScftna * fl
Itochdlc SJts ArJst
Sfrd. * H
Jh Gzrbona&SaZar *
f'rirm Seed Clarified
Saaar .
Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- 8
fion. Sour Stomach .Diarrhoea, m
Worms .ConvubionsXeverish- ?
ncss and Loss OF Sleep. i
| facsimile Signature of
NEW "YORK. | fj
IvvvA-l^ ..- . tfrOKW
I Limestone College Will Establish G. eat
Department of History.
Gaffuey, Septeinbf-r 30.?The trustees
of Limestone Col e*c hav.- determined
to establish a g-i.at department
of history in whii-h, wi.boui in any
wav Heglecthijr other br*ncbe<? of th?
subject, partieu'ar attention wil! b>*
paid to the ii-tory cf ih? Southern
States. It is {T'?p">ped to tuake Limestone
fuller a gt en' cent, r of his'ori j
' cal investijjufon A large hiMonca'
i library i-? tx-iig rapid;}- proviled.
arrangement* hsui.ig b?en made t<>
secure instruction <>f the highe t c mracicr
by men trained in uuiv?-?H'\
methods of original re=ea-cb, and ihe
fruits of thi nudies mate b>ih bv
? ? ^ r, A Ktt /rpo/liiQiu crnrl# n*?
j pruieismrs ?nu uy giauu^ v
, will be paoii-h?d by the colieut- in w
series of histoiijal muifc-graphs. Tin
college proposes to build up a great
'lepirtment where ihe tiuth of hi?torv
win be taught, where Southern girl*
may read with reverence the record of
their fathers' splendid achievement?,
aod where the South may find before
the bar of impartial reason the \ indication
of the great political doctrine of
the right of self-government, for
which she fought the world in arm3.
a h<?^niTfni halt of f.iatorv will be
erected for ibis department. Tbe
building vvill be a gem of architecture.
The new department will be called tbe
Winnie Davis School of History, and
tbe new building will be named the
Winnie Davis Hall of History. Limestone
College desires this grea' work
to be a splendid monument to the
memory of that beautifal woman
whose image is enshrined in every trne
Southern heart. The institution believes
that no tribnte could be devised
more acceptable to the cultured mind
of the daughter of th3 Confederacy
than a great department of a great
college devoted to tbe education of
Southern women.
President Lee Davis Lodge has laid
| the plan before Mrs. Jefferson Davi<
and has received from her a ran endorsement
of the pjoject.
The matter will ba pushed with the
utmost vigor. The greatest enthusiasm
has been aroused at the college.
1 r The friends of Limestone are rejoiced
that their college is going to take up
this great work?a work that must
appeal powerfully to every true man
and woman of Southern blood Every
Southerner will wish to see the Winnie
Davis School of History, what it is
certain to be, a splendid success.
Brave Man Fall
Victims to stomach, liver and kidney
troubles a9 well as women, and all feel
the results in loss of appetite, poison
in the blood, backache, nervousness,
headache and tired, listless, run-down
foeling. But there's no need to feel
like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner,
Idaville, lnd. He sa>*6: "Electric
Bitters are just the thing for a man
when he is all run down, and don't
care whether he lives or dies. It did
more to give me new strength and
gocd appetite than anything I could
take. I can now eat anything and
have a new lease on life." Only 50
cents, at McMasler Oo.'s drng store.
Every bottle guaranteed.
Dr. Olin Siwyer, who has been
"assisting" Dr. Team, of Ridgeway,
spent a few clsys witn the home folks
iiii- wrek. He is on Lis way to refurae
b"n si r.die-< in the S. (J Medical
c ''.lege in Charleston.?Edgefield
President Kin<r, Farmer's Bank,
Krooklvu, Mich , has used DeWitt'n
Liitle Early Risers in his faioi v for
vears. iSa^s they aie the be^. Th<:se
f-mon* iitde piI s care constipation,
i>i l!iou*re-s and all liver and bowel
trouble*'. McMa-t' r ?Jo.
Mr. J>hu M. f/oyce has letanied
fi-oaj a pleasant vi?it to Woodward,
Fairfie'd County.?Yotkville Enqnirer
Perfect Health.
Keep the system in perfect or!
der by the occasional use of
Tutt's Liver Pills. They regulate
the bowels and produce
A Vigorous Body.
For sick headache, malaria, failI
iousness, constipation and kindred
diseases, an absolute cure
with a fall stock of HaRkpts. Ttnrtfll
Cases and Coffins, constantly on hand,
and uso of hearse when requested.
Thankful for past patronage and solici ation
for a share in the future, iu the
eld stand
Calls attended to at all hours.
1 4-17-ly
I m ISj I p in I
ll&tyr s yilifl I
Tor Infants and Children.
ii 11itib ii ~ Tirf ~n rrr-^^- <*
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the f t
Signature ffiw
(\ Jv The!
ryp Kind
\S You Have
as n i_ *
Always uougni.
(E^iablisueu lb2? )
m;ii nenr apc anrl
can do best for yourself. We
you in quality and price. We
cheap and we sell cheap. "T
Money" is our motto. Your
special attention
Dress Goods. We have all 1
also in Silks for Waists and T
We have the most vai
Flannels, Underwear, Hosiery,
Our millinery room is par
We have a large s}ock of all )
will please you.
One of our greatest depa
shoe stock in the county. It i
shoes of any kind to give us a
We have a great attractioi
ter. Gvods that sell at one ce
cents and up. Many things h
It will pay you to trade with u.<
Thp, Mwfill Dm
suv v vii vi aa v< ? j
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
Itartlficially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon.
structing the exhausted digestive organs.
It is the latest discgmied digest*
ant and tonic. No othefc reparation
can approach it in K instantly
relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion,' Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea*
all other results of imperfectdige9tion.
Prepared by E. C. DeWltt & Co , Chicago.
Wmnsboro, S C.
? n ITT
M-riw ware
| AT COST. |
o n . o
Silver-Plated Table Spoons, |
Teaspoons and Medium Forks
that I will sell at
Cost fo Cash, j
To letter them, at cost prices,
Come and see them.
Harness OilFor
greasing and blacking
the harness at same
time?also for buggy tops.
'Flake Oil""
or v^astroiene, iur uaic
grease; a fine oil for the
For sale by
W. E. Aiken,
in the DesPortes Block, and will
I dc pieasea 10 serve oar mauy weiuu
j ers again. |
We have a fine new line of fancy
goods in stock.
Heinz's Pickles and Condiments in
glass and bnlk.
Freeh Cakes and Crackers in twice a
Also a large, fresh stock of Canned
Fruits and Heats of every defcription.
Fin? GJ-roceries.
t Brandt Coming!
R BRANDT it one of the oldest,
largest and mo|f tuccessful Jewelers
and Opticians in South Carolina. He
i?:? _:?u U:?M 4KU *^T\ ttiA ltrjfflt
urmy* wnu uiui ????
sample linr of 148 stock be bas jet bod
oat. "v>
When prices and .quality are honestly
compared, be is ttje cheapen Jeireler
in the State. Sake guarantee to
Write to R. BRANDT if yo i desire
any special information before be
you want to buy where you
believe we can do the best for
buy in large quantities; we buy
he Best Goods for the Least
is called to our fine stock of
the new novelties in Patterns;
ied stock of Domestic Goods,
Gloves, Corsets, etc.
A JL .? / JL ^ x
ticularly attractive this season
new styJes, and fine work that
,rtments is the most complete,
will pay you when in need of
a this season in a cheap counnt,
two cents, three cents, four
ere that are wonderfully cheap,
s. Try it.
1 Goods Company,
Just Arrived
?For Sale.?
and Mn lea A li*'v cm'
(lie and Munie^o ll?>r*e<? I ni l *>;>
them cheap for cs>h t>r xch*???i*'h m
Jur innU s or p!ag h->r**s.
I will p%y the highest c**h price for
good Milch Cows; also for Fat Beef
I hare a few Second-Hand Baggies
for sale; also one Second-Hand TwoHorse
Wiunsbor?, Jj. C'.
For Sale.
laud, ou Little Hirer, belonging to
]). M. Broom, and bounded by lands
of the eMae of R G. Simonton, Stevenson
aod others.
For terms apply to
A. 8. k W. D. DOUGLASS
11-17 Attorneys, Wlnusboro, S. C\
^ ^ ..... . .. v v ?> /
ilia's 1 Tei
Three Rings, Half Mile Race
Phenomenal Acts, 25 Clowns
Trains, 10 Acres Canvas, ic
-1 * tj?
pioyees, o oauus,
15 Open Dens, Hen
$4,000.00 Dailj
r A 1=>TTA T $
The Greatest Performers in the
Great Wallace Shows this
xA/nHrl'c Promii
TT VI 1V4 U 1 I Vim
9 ($10,000 CHALL
nelson ]
tie 1 sms-ii
??TT-rl -4T A -Tv \ T\ 1 T< Y\ TT '
mi HIS Ml-fr
mm- w'*
Our Sw; ?arat.e^
of Art, Money and Good Taste, tacular
Effect, and Greatest Pre
Excursions Bun on Every Line! of Ti
O v.
? $ o CO I
a J ? 5 ^
Q PQ ^ U4 /-s
< < >* 2 2
? H p r C ^3 j
g n I * ?
Stt - ? ?
2 " o
o CO
TOBER 13. |
_ ji
DEST and the BEST of ^
nlnrl Hnfrmnmnnnl
m nyiiupciii
Track, 1,000 Features, 100
, 20 Hurricane Races, 4 1
>,ooo Seats, 1,500 Ems,
Droves of Camels.
is of Elephants,
r Expenses.
W V-/ X FA
p- - - ' i
M M JaHscT^1-.
3,000,000. ?
: known world are with th?
; season, including the
ftr Arrnhats.
ENGE ACT,) f| .
!|& Mi Experts
j^DS?Statuary p Artists.
SCH?Myxterions Gie.
Aerial Bar Extraordinary.
ippie Revolving Trapeze.
io A. M. daily is the cnest
r Dut on the streets. A Sun
st of Splendor, A Triumph
with Lavish Luxury of Spec fessional
Features Conceiva
'o Gambling Devices Tolerated.
uj 8> 2 *JS2\
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