OCR Interpretation

The Fairfield news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1881-1900, December 06, 1899, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2012218613/1899-12-06/ed-1/seq-3/

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"Wednesday, December 6, 1899
?See Supervisor's report.
?Go to F. E. Propst for Hecker's
oatmeal at 10 cents a package.?adv.
?Jast received I A nanasome unej
of open and top baggies at .
m- J. O. Boag'g.
?Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fieaniken
Ktt and family moved into their new home
PPT oa Monday.
?The delay of the south-bound
train on Sunday was caused by the
wrecking of a freight train on this
De'ViU's Little Early Risers purify
the b od, clean tbe li ?er, invigorate
the f-stem. Famons littie pill? for
- --a 1? \f?_
coufiipauon anu uver uuuuico. -u.^Master
?^ , the little son of Mr. and Mrs.
Lon^ ri;etGantt, has been quite sick
foraU?ut ten clave, but it is thought
now thar is is on the mend.
?A;r S. B. Sevenson has moved to
towc 'O lake ^'large oi Mrs. Hes?e
McCa .e 7? store aud not to go into
b assise?* for biin-eif as was stated in
a pre"'?as is-ue.
an enti-3 new lino of
rniliir :*r? g->lf hatf, ail colors; also (
Tarn * >hautas.
Mrs. J. D.McCa:!ey. j
* J H (Mark, Peoria, li?., says:'
"Suri- ">ue wanted to operate ou roe
for (?r:t I cured them wi;h DeWitt'-s
Wiicti Hjzei Salve." li is infa'libl
for piles and skin diseases. Beware
-f counterfeits. Monaster Co.
?The trans were all behind schedule
time on Sunday. The early morning
tr-iia wa$ three hours :ate and the
southoon nd train due here at 10.21
a. m. did not arrive here antil 8 p. m.
?An interesting service was hold at
the Baptist Church on Sunday morning.
-Several young peopie joined the
churca and were immersed. The
pastor, Rev. Mr. Freeman, conducted
the services and a large congregation
was present.
- A school entertainment will be
given at the Milling Academy on the
evening of December 15th in behalf of
the school library. .Doors open at
7.30 o'clock; admission 10 cents. Oysters
will be served. The public are
It lakes but a minute to overcomh
HMrHncr in thfi throat and to stop a
cough by the use of One Minute Congn
Care. This remedy quickly caies all
forms of throat and lung troubles.
Harmless and pleasant to take. It
prevents consumption. A famous
specific for grippe and its after effects.
AieMaster Co.
Mr. George L. DeHines, who has
been quite a prominent: man in his
neighborhood at Hope's, and a usefr..
citizen, we are sorry to learn, has determined
to move back to his old
home at Dawkins in Fairfield County.
?Lexington Dispatch.
?A very delightful tea party was
given oo Friday night by Professor
ard Mrs. Witherow to Miss Mont*
~ * * r JJ t 4! I
gomery, oi uommoia, mr. x>auuam, ui
Columbia, and Miss Bond, of Marion.
Several friends in town were invited
and a very pleasont evening was spent
in this hosoifabie home.
?A cold wave, the most 6evere of
the winter, reached here on Monday
morning and mcreascd in peverity all
day. a biting northwest wind blew
' " 1 J n n
'"ftjajj- ail ua> auu ^euestrisus uiu an uu- |
cDP-.f-i: iabli time. On Monday morning
aho bome ice was seen for about
the second time fbis winter.
Mif~ Annie K. Gunning, Tyre, Mich.,
ears: "I suffered a long timo from
dyspepsia; lost flesh and became very
weak. Kodol Dyspepsia Care complete1
v cared me." It digests what
you ea- and cures all forms of stomach
trouble. It never fails to give immediate
relief in th-j worst cues McAlsste.
?L.-cryone knows how much more
sathfey ory it is to deal at a reliable
store," and til who have ever dealt
with R Brandt have found that he is
reliabi and hi^ customers are always
niaatio.? Up. has established a reDuta
tion for fair dealiDg and fully sustains
5 . Read his ad.
?Re;. J. Croat left yesterday for
Orangeburg to attend the meeting of
confe-ence. While away he will be
the gusst of Mr. D. II. Marchant, of
that city. The..members of his congregation
and his many friends hope
tbat conference will see fit to return
him ') this church, where he has made
such a pleasant impression.
"One Minnte Cough Cure is the best
remedy I ever used for conghs aDd
colds. It is unequalled for whooping
nrwnnrVi PhilrfrPn all ??fce it." writes
WWAtV** VM ? ? ,
H. N. Williams, Gentryville, Ind.
Never fails. It Is the only harmless
remedy that gives immediate results.
Cures coaghs, c-olds, hoarseness,croap,
pneumonia, bronchitis and all throat
and lui;g troubles. Its eirly use prevents
consumption. McMaster Co.
?If you need any drugs or medicines
after a feast of good things for
Thanksgiving dinner McMaster Co.
s-'and in readines3 to serve you
promptly. Their stock is complete
and the artic'cs are constantly being
reuewed so that ;hev are alwa\s
fr-'S'o. Prescriptions can be filled Lere
a;, all hoars.
-Mrs. S. Nathans, of Denver, Coi ,
expected here very soon to visit her
sister, Mrs. U. G. DesPortes. Mrs.
Nathans, who v\ ill be remembered
most pleasantly as Miss Etta Wolfe,
has be-^n living at the West for several
>ear , a: d this will be her first
visit ;o i.er old home since her marriage
Stic will be warmly welcomed
jnL* ;>y idv.j iii-nds.
T ' * ' 'Krtr ^nrftro! nvnmi.
gjjpr - II 1 l- illluicu r.ww..
uenr 'jjiiz.us ot NYiunsboro are Uiiukiugoi
trovi-.g to oiher plnci-s. The^e
repor; have xvx "been c ?i filmed &nd
it is '. . ->i ha; they are wiihont f'oir:datio'.t.
f r the towu can i:l a?Fo:dto
!osj f: -> of h' r ijood ci.izens atiJ ba*ii!e?s
m.'ii. The-e clunks, if t: ey do
take -j.a-*e, is.?i t-e m*de until the
h.'yi ,'in? o: tie vear.
?. ;pi. W. tl. K?rr. of Greenwood,
is aic ' j: lb-' candidate? fwr iheoffi-e
of pr .^'e ]!,.dg?', the p: imsry elect: n
fo>- ?. i- to be h? Id i:> (ireen^Ojd
on S arday. Capt. Kerr hold <. ffice
'1:1 Fa rfi 1.1 for i norohf-r years and
al! -':1 Vs friends i:i h = old hnrae hope
:hats wilt he ?he succcestul cmdvr3
w;!l be !v?eri t,i r?i i.fflrv
wbicu he is frilly competent to fill. I
Sore Throat
Sore throat arc constant conghiiiff indicate
an ati'ecrion of the bronchial
tubes which rr.r develop into pleurisy
wait; but use Dr. John W. Bull's
Cough Syrup at once and be cured.
Cures Hoarseness and Sore Throat.
Doses are sm all and pleasant to take. Doctors
recommend it. Price 25 cts. At all druggists,
?Col. Cadwali&dcr Jones, ot Columbia,
died at the home of his daughter,
Airs. T. C. Robertson, on Friday, in
the S6th year of bis age, and buried at
Trinity Church, Colombia, on Saturday
afternoon at 3 o'clock. Colonel
Joue&' life was quite an eventful on^,
and his war record was splendid. He
has lived with bis daughter since the
death of ins wife several \ ears ago.
A !ari;e family survives him.
I;ch on human cured in SO minutes
bv W-oiJ'ord'6 Sanitary Lotion, Tt.is
never fnMn. Sold by W. E. Aiken,
drugget, 'Vinnsboro, S. (J.
?Thanksgiving day was observed
here by special services in the charches
but was no* observed by the merchants
who kept their stores open all day
The Dank a.id postoffioe were closed
a;;d the beautiful spring-like day wa^
e;goved bv all who were taking holiday.
Young and old went bunting
aud the day parsed ali too quickly for j
even body. Pleasant were the family
gathering?, and abundant the good
things prepared and enjoyed.
?The funeral services of Col. J. B.
Davis were held at i<ine o'clock on
Tuesday tnoraing in St. John's Episcopal
Church, the remains having been
bi'ought from Killians on the morning
train. Camp Raines attended the
funeial in a body and during ihe services
in the church an old battle flag,
sacred to all veterans, was draped
over the casket. Rev. A. K. Mitchell,
of Colombia, conducted the services in
Ihc absence of Mr. Allston. The interment
wa* in the Episcopal cemetery.
?That Christmas is near at hand
was very forcibly bronght to mind on
Tuesday by the beautiful display of
jewelry and silverware which Mr.
Brandt, of Chester, had on exhibition
at the Winnsboro hotel that day. This
is the last time that he will visit our
town before the holidays, and it was
a splendid opportunity to buy Christmas
presents and many people availed
themselves of it. He was busy all day
Knc??Aoc \f * R r*o nHf
a LIU, U1U Cm WUClU^gc JMK9 Uiuuuv
left for Ridge way where he spent
My sod has been troubled for years
with chronic diarrhoes.. Some time
ago I persuaded him to take some of
Cbamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. After using two
bottles of the 25-cent sizs he wa3
cured. I give this testimonial, hoping
some one similarly afflicted may read
it and be benefited -Thomas C. Bower,
Glencoe, O. For sale by McMaster
?The Yorkville Yeoman says that
a firm which has iis headquarters at
Charlotte is buyiDg up a quantity of
dogwood and persimmon wood from
around Clover, for which they pay $4
per cord. The wood is used for making
loom shuttles. T&! paper says
that the farmers are glad to sell the
wood as it is useless to tbem. There
is a quantity of the same wood in
this county and our farraers would be
giad to dispose of it, and it would no
doubt compare favorably with the
quality of the wood around Clover.
It would be a good thin?; if when that
supply is fxhausted the firm would
try this conoty. It would be a great
help to many.
?The Methodist conference wiil
convene on December 6th, at Orange1
1 ~4. a: ? 4Ua
ourg, anu at tins meeuug iuc
will be assigned their posts of duty
for the coming year. In accordance
with the rules of the Methodist Church
the ministers are sent where conference
sees fit and they cannot choose
their field of labor. Rev. Mr. Cront
will attend conference and it is hoped
that he will be seut back to this place.
For two years he has bad charge of
trie winnsooro ana i^resuDnar cuuiches
and during (hat time has endeared
himself to bis people, and they are
loth to give him aod his family up
and are hoping that he will be permitted
to remain here two years
longer, tour yeirs bang the longest
time that they may remain in one
?The Thanksgiving party at the
a:mory on Thursday night was a
great success and until a late hour the
gay young folks enjoyed themselves.
The hall bad been prettily decorated
for the occasion and several tables
were spread wun nice mings wmca
the children did fall jastice to. A
Dumber of older people, the friends
and parents of the children, were
1 scott's i
1 emulsion!
? is a food medicine for the J
hahv thai is thin and not w
^ well nourished and for the J
# mother whose milR doesv
M not nourish the baby. ?
It is ecpally good for the y$
M boy or girl who is thin and M
H pale and not well nourished 9
M by their food; also for the g
8 anaemic or consumptive ?
W adult that is losing flesh ?
} and strength.
g In fact, for alt conditions g
J of wasting, it is the food ^
# medicine that will nourish
|[ and buiid up the body and ?
1$ give new life and energy V
5 when all other means fail. ^
^ Should he taken la sua:ineres
S ?ff
i wen aa rruimi ^
5 50c. and $1.00, all druggists. "fif
^ SCOTT & SOWN'E, Chemists, New York. ^
! present and enjoyed seeing the children
so happy. The evening was
( pent in dancing, playing games and
various amusements and all had a
beautiful time. This pleasant evening
will probably be repeated some
lime during the Christmas holidays
! and the children are now looking for!
ward to that.
?The Sumter Watchman published
I in a recent issue an article from the
j Philadelphia Evening Bulletin of
I "VrtiTomhon 17tfi onnfaininor ft fitpfrh ftf
I the life of Mr. W. E. Mikell, formerly
j of Sumter, now of Philadelphia. Mr.
i Mikell has for several years been an
instructor in the law department of
the University of Pennsylvania and
hasjast been promoted to an assistant
professorship in this department.
Mr. Mikell is a graduate of the citadel
and studied law at the University of
Virgiuia and shortly afterward was
appointed instructor in the University
of Pennsylvania. After he was
graduated from the S. C. M. A. Mr.
Mikell had charge f r some time of
the Biackstuck 6chaji and during that
IIUK won ice Lngueeaiegaiu auu. csicclu
of the people ot toat place. The Dews
of hi? promotion will please his friends
in this county.
Dr. Cady's Condition Powders,
are just vvhat ahorse needs when in
bad condi ion. Tonic, blood purifier
and vermifuge. They are not food
but lneriic-te and the best in use to
put a bui -e ic prime condition. Price
25 cents per package. For sale by
McM aster Co.
Married on Wednesday Dight, November
29rh, at the home of the bride's
father, Mr. John L. Cauthen, Miss
Gertrude Cauthen to Mr. T. Watt
Mann, by Rev. M. L. Banks, Jr.
Miss Lottie C. Thomas, who has
j beeu ill for several months, passed
away on Thursday morning at Mt.
Hope, the home of the Thomas family,
a few miles from Ridgeway. Miss
Thomas was a sister of Col. J. P.
Thomas, of Columbia, and Mr. Isaac
Thomas of Ridgeway, and several
sisters and a large number ot relatives
survive her. The funeral services
took place at St. Stephens Episcopal
Church at Ridgeway and were conducted
by Rev. Mr. Tillinghast. Miss
Thomas was known to a number of
people in Winnsooro and the family
have the sympathy of everybody in
their sorrow.
A Frightful Blander
Will often cause a horrible Burn,
Scald, Cut or Braise. Bncklen'b Arnica
Salve, the best in the world, will
bill the pain and promptly heal it.
Cures Old Sores, F'ever Sores, Ulcere,
Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions.
Best Pile cure on earth. Only
25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold
Dy Mcjaasier urugg?it>.
Last Wednesday evening the "Cooking
Club," which has just been organized
among the young people, met at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Doty,
and bad a most delightful time. Each
girl belonging to the club prepared
something with her own bauds for the
supper and all was as nicely prepared
as more experienced cooks could have
done. The club is composed of about
twenty-four young people, and they
are to meet once a month at the different
bouses of the members. The next
mAPiinor will be held at Mr and Mrs.
W. C. treaty's. This club will be a
very nice thing for the youDg people
and will bring them together most
Bears the Have Always Bought
Mean maximum, 60.5.
Mean minimum, 45.0.
Mean, 52 8.
Maximum, 70; dales, 1st and 23rd.
MiDimum, 33; date, 4th.
Total, 1.73 inches,
Greatest in hoars, 0.70; date, 25tb.
Number of days on which .01 or
more precipitation fell, 5.
Ntimber of clear days, 23.
Number of partly cloudy days. 2.
Number of cloudy days, 5.
***? - f. __ ?-? r :.i.. j u.. if.
JLDe I&rtgOir.g is luriuMieu uy an.
J. W. Seigler, tfce manager of the
local station.
"I was nearly dead with dyspepsia,
tried doctors, visited mineral spring*,
and grew worse. I nsed Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. That cured me." It
digests what ;.ou eat. Cures ^digestion,
sour stomach, heartburn and all
forms of dyspepsia. McMaster Co.
Mr E. W. Hanshan loft Thimday
s night for Charleston.
Rev. Jafccz Ferris, of Ktirsh*w, is
visiting a:no' ghis friends.
* Miss R?phe!a Kerr, of Gieenwcod,
is v:siiii>g Miss Loiii^o Herroii.
Mr R II. j-ni i: gs left yetterday for
j Oh: geburg to at!er;d conference.
Mi.-s LiJ-i Neil sp.-ut a few d-tys
j wi.h her parents. She has charge of
i i school i.ear Monticello.
! Mr. Wesley Stewart has re:arned to
Cc*Inmbi;i after a pleasant vis't to bis
: pue;its at Grietibriar/'
i Mrs. R.J. Stewart, of the GreenJ
- . .
! oiiar ?ectio:i, left Monday tor I o.
lnmbia, and from there to Charleston
: and other Usliio-able winter tesortp.
Miss Kloin tn Recite.
AJiss Klein will recite beie for ihe
: ben fit of Mt Ziou Library ou Decernj
l.-er 13if;. A Sontb Carolina C'ileye
nr-n'Vstfuv iii sueakiup- r-t her. sa\s:
1 "I hntl ihe pknsnie ot h-auntr Miss
; Klein rcci.e ai Wiuthrop. Shu is ?t:
tractive in person, has s modest. ]>dy;
like department and an nnn6ual and
, thoroughly trained voice. Her reci'
taiions in the negro nurse dialect were
i especially fetching, for she wa? reared
on the coast of this Stale and'know9
the lingo.' Her training in Chicago
and olher Noa'hern schools has given
(finish, without destroying the native
j grace of l.er womanhood.
j ,
A GameUetweeii Mt. Zion and Winnsboro
on Thursday.
The college green was the scene of a
very exciting foot-ball game on Thanksgiving
dny. The game was played in
the afternoon and was witnessed by a
number of interested spectators. The
teama were the Mt. Zion eleven and
the Wincsboro eleven, and the following
is the line-up:
Beaty R. E Hinnant
Matthews R T Center.
Elliott, C R G Gladden.
TT ^ f-InAninO'.
BrockiugtOD L. G Habenicbt.
Elliot', T. K L.T Mobley.
Brice L. E Ellison, G.
Davis, B I. B McCants.
Doty, R. II. B. .Robertson, J.
Obear L. 12. B....Elleson, T.
Duvis, Q F. B Brown.
At the clt-se of the game the score
stood 17 to 0 ir: favor of Mt. Zion.
That Throbbing: Headache
Would quickiy leave - ou, if yon
used Dr. King's ]STew Lite Pills. Thousand?
of ?ufferers have proved their
mat<;h!esi merit for Sick and Nervous
Headaches. They make pure blood
and srroiiL' iierves and build np your
health. Eds\ to take. Try them.
Only 25 cents. Money back if not
cure l. Sold by McMasfer Co., drugoiftfs.
December will be the greatest ttorm
mouth of this stormy year, and one
of ti e coldest Decembers on record.
Stockmen should be prepaied to protect
tLei s'ock. 1st to S<d, fierce
storm of rain, snow and wind extending
from i he Gulf of Mexico to Canada,
causing snow blockades, particularly
in tb? Northwestern States; 4th
to 6tb, cold wave; 7th to lOtb, cloudy,
followed by rain or snow and cold
wave; 11th to 13th, fair; 14th to 17th,
prepare fur a great storm, with destructive
gales on the Great Lakes,
snow blockades in the Northwest and
danger of Hoods in the West Gulf
States; 19ih to 21st, cold wave; 22nd
to 24th, moderating and pleasant, followed
by a seow storm along the Atlantic
coast; 25'.h to 27tb, cloud}',
followed by suow and good sleighing
in all Northern States for Christmas;
9firh tn Slaf. cold wave.
O xL. ?3 ? O S3. I .A. .
Bears ths Tto Kind You Hats Always Bought
Of the Fairfield Association to Convene
"Willi tlie TFinnaboro Baptist Church.
Saturday and Sunday, December
10 a m?Organization and devotional
10 30 a in?Hdw may the individual
T - I* A??4 ^/SMVVA Uift V
ounsuaii ucai suvc mo i/uuiuui
Speakers: T A Qaattlebaunj, "W R
Briscoe, C P Wray and J B Carry.
11 30 a m?What are some of the
greatest needs of tlie churches of this
association? Speakers: H K Ezell,
W R Rabb, W II Hartin ?nd B H
Yarborongh. '
12 30 p in?Intermission.
2 p m?Is giving a part of oar public
wu-sbip; il so, how may we best
cultivate the spirit of benevolence
among the c u ch members? Speakers:
E A Vol; .?vel1, B J Qualtlebaum,
W S Dui-.ii Htc1 T j Rabb.
3 p m?How Christian people should
treat their enemies and those who do
them injury. Speakers: J L Freeman,
W R Rabb, E A McDowell, and A B
] ? h n? Rsgular exercises of the
Sun. ? School.
10 3) a m?Sb^rt talks on Sunday
School woik and methods by W R
Briscoe, J Bi'nrry and CP Wray.
11 30 a m - Sermon by H K Ezell or
\V R Briscoe.
J L Freeman,
H K Ezell,
C P Wray,
For Over Fifty Tears.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
has beeu need for over fifty years by
millions of mothers for their children
while teething, with perfect success.
It soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays ail pain, cures wind colic, and
is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It
will relieve the poor little sufferer
immediately. Sold by druggists in
every part ot tbe world, xweruy-nye
cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for
''Mrs. Wioslow's Soothing Syrnp,"
and take no other kind. 1-1-17
?A fall stock of all kinds of furniture,
sewing macliinee, organs, cook
stoves and beaters at
J. 0. Boag's.
A druggist in Macon, Ga., says: "I
have sold a large quantity of Mower's
Friend, and have never known an instance
where it has failed to produce the
good results claimed for it. All women
agiee that it makes labor shorter and lesa
Mother's Friend
is not a chance remedy. Its good effects
are reacfcly experienced by all expectant
? ?></>.? .,oa ; v?4rc oo.i it nassed
**uy UO^ lit .. r _
the experimental stage. While it always
shortens labor and lessens the pains of
delivery, it is also of the greatest benefit
during the earlier mon:I:s of pregnancy.
Morning sickness and nervousness are
readily overcome, and the liniment relaxes
the strained muscles, permitting them to
expand without causing distress. Mother's
Friend gives great recuperative power to
the mother, and her recovery is sure and
rapid. Danger from rising and swelled
;!? Jnna anrair with
| UA tUOlO Id UVUV AVTHjr f**M? .
Sold by druggists for $1 a bottle.
Sad fe* eta tm Hfattrtufl book tar czpeetut ni*iw? ;
To All l
Read the f<
lstsi^t><^L .sCsZf&siZf
[Yours of recent date to hand requci
kidneys. Jly physicians said that I cot
X srallons drawn from scrotum several
fluid. Was unable to get any rest or sl<
able to att-.i'l to my business. I can ]
?l2d to giro it, as 20210 poor euuercr mi
The trade supplied by "
Mr. Editor: Through your columns
I desire to ask if there is an ordinance
on our town books against gambling
and cock fighting? If not do not the
psople of this quiet old town want
eucfran one? Of all the vices young
neonle are tenanted into these two are
the most destructive of moral tone.
An inquiry into what goes on in town
will not fail to show if we have a
gambling den or cock pit for the
amueement of our boys. We arc a!
poor people but one who has always
enjoyed a reputation for decency and
high moral tone. Are gambling and
cock flighting calculated to enstain
this reputation? Tbi3 inqairy comes I
from a Mother.
A UIght of Terror.
"Awfnl anxiety waB felt for the
widow of the brave General Burnham,
of Machias, Me., when the doctors
said she could not live till morning,"
writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who attend
j ed her that tearful mgnt. "An inongnt i
I she mast soon die from Pneumonia, j
but she begged for Dr. King's New j
Discovery, sayiDg it had more than j
once saved her lif.-, and had cured her i
of Consumption. After three sma.l j
doses she slept easily all night, and its j
farther use completely cured her." j
This marvelous medicine is guaranteed !
to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung
Diseases. Only 50c. and $1.00. Trial
bottles free at McMaster Co.'c drn?
In the case ol the Home Savings j
Association vs. Henry Davis, 100 acres j
was sold to TV. D. Dooglae?, attorney,!
for $115.
The Fairfield Loan and Trust Com- j
pany vs. C. N. Bundrick?
73 acres to M. W. Doty for $170.
224 acres to E. B. Kagsdale, attor-1
ney, for $400.
53 acres to M. W. Doty for $55
In the sale of the Turner estate?
184 acres to J. B. Tarner for $900.
i__ a o i
acrutf, uy jx, o. uuugioss iui j
F. G. Feaster for $1,580.
404 acres to W. K. Turner for
189 acres to C. W. Fawcett for $320. j
102 acres tc J. L. Dickey for $300. j
6 acres to J. Y. Tamer for $130.
150 acres to Jas. B. Stevenson for
Town lot and building to J. L. Brrson
and T. W. Lauderdale for $3,200.
In Hattie Broom and otbers vs.
Frances Simpson?
73 acres to P. C. Broom for $155.
6 acres to D. A. Broom fer ?35.
2 acres to D. A. Broom for $1C0.
In the case of DesPorte?, executors,
vs. W. J. Hagood and others, 232
acre?, purchased by J. E. McDonald,
attorney. f--?
Cone d -able personal property wa? i
sold undtr cbauel mortgage?, &?.
V/r\W B a sm j
For Infants and Children.
Hie Kind You Have Always Sough} !
? !
The end of the >ear is uovr i-ear j
npon us, and tbo>e of us who Lsre
doi e business on the farm may balanc?
up fccoui.ts and see wh^re vre s'and.
Had Lot the price of cotton advanced j
this seaeon many of us woul.l i.ow be j
in the "middle ot' Hie road" to shej
ptor bou?e. As it is we do n*t rx-.-ect j
much "Chii-itmas cheer," no egg-nog, j
not even "'tioQmoo beer with ioc:is'?i
in il." You know if is l?>:d with n.<-j
Several have sown considerably of i
small gr.-iiu, ruo>t of which ar? oats, i
So me wheat is also planted. Mr. P. j
r. Mell*ch*!nne I^s the finest ieoking j
(oat* about hero.
An eafrt wind &nd rain Las greeted
jus and reminded la-1 winter's grippe
ipaiienfs and tbe urhenmatiC3" of
| former sufferings.
i Mr. T. E. Smith, the genial and
I tmirl hnmnrpil merchant of Bncklick.
reports the best cash trade and col- j
lections he has knowo. ills prices'
jS? & &
^ d 13 T't&
?74A11W1 VI &
dreadful disease and it \
blowing letter from R. J. B
(LMl/ "
~i^isiz/ falsest 6fe&^? ^
y s y.
& J?-*-?*- -.
sting statement of my case which X gladly g-ive. I '
lid nwt last but a short time. I was UE.ibia u> lie dc
times. I was completely filled at trie timo I 1>
r-ep except wh:l?> and?r the Influence cf an opiate.
iovv rMo my hors?-, a. thins - been unable to d
iy bs benefitted thereby.]
For i
and accommodating disposition has
built up a good tradeTwo
citizens of Chester connty
spent some days on ibe creek among
menus, at ine same izrue pruspetuug
to better their condition. We welcome
all such.
Mr. L. M. Ford, an efficient teacher
of long experience, has charge of the
Flint Hill fchool. His management
seems to please the patrons and benefit
the pupils.
Several of oar neighbors have sent
teams to the railroad and others have
gone themseives to make good a deficit
in their this year's opera-ions It
will benefit others to do likewise.
Oar young friend, Dr. D. M. Provence,
has been verv successtaiin "bag
ging"some fioe re.! horse and german
Hog-kiliiog time upon us, and we
fttill live on "fat b.icki" and collarda,
but expect soon the diet to change to
pork and turnips. Mike.
Dec 1. ;99. ?
Twontr.fiv# Ytars' Constant Use Without
a Failure.
The first indication of cronp i*
hoarseness, aud in a child subject to
ibat disease it may be tf ken cs a snre
sign of tbe approach of an attack.
Following this hoarseness i3 a pecnliar
rough cough. If Chamberlain's
Cuugb Remedy is given a> soon as tbe
child becomes hoarse, orev^n after toe
croupy cough appears, it wilt prevent
the attack, "ft is used in many thousands
of homes in this broad land aud
never disappoints the anxious mothers.
We have yet to .'earn of a single instance
in which it has no; proved effec- j
inal. No other preparation can show i
such a lecord?twento fiv?; yesr-' con - !
??tant use without a failnre. Fur sale !
V ? 4?Vl?JUO. v
Ou laf-t Friday evening the college
wae veiled by ihe L'uiee Brthaa;>
Concert Company, which gave one of
it3 noted baited and opera concerts.
The entertainment iroveu to be one
of the most delightiul given here
during the past (wo or three years.
The many lavorable "press echoes"
bad 'ed us to expect much, and if any
thing realization in this instance exceeded
expectation Ibe company is
composed of artists whose talents are
widely recognized. It is under the
direction of HB Thearle, of Chicago,
13 M Ilanford being the business
manager. The demand for return engagements
w!>ich this company receives
daring its annual tour is sufficient
testimony of its popularity.
Those who make up the company
are as follows:
W Guillame JSanolet, pianist; 0!ga
Schnoll, violinist; vocalists?Forrest D
Carr, baritoue; Louis J Mintz, tenor;
t - OHA* T.anltft
Jessie DUiUiiCU iuumuc, auv,
M Bn hany, soprano. Mr Siuvlet is
an acknowledged musical genius, and
Ms piano pieces were leceived with
much applause, lie played with exquiri'e
expression and his mu*ic irust
have s p'talcd even to those who were j
leas-t appreciative of classical music.
Olga Schmoll masters the violin
wiih ea<c. srace and power. She is
paid to be cnly sixteen and plays remarkably
well for ber age.
Tlie solo<? and duetts by Messrs Carr
and MinJz brough? cut in beautiful
contrast tl.e deep lich tonep of the
former and the e'e r -5 h rK-'es of the
Tfce f.ivorite of the evening was
Louise Brehany, who was recalled
time a? d time again. Sbe responded
to ibe repeated encores graciously and
obligingly. Jessie Monroe sang with
mucn sweetness aud expression.
Pun sccond of the pv-gram was
particularly eDjoyea, it givingm my
oi U.c girls a first iusigtit iuio real
opera. The acfors did credit to tbeai
selve?, and it was with regret that vre
saw the curtain faU for the 'ast ti "
After the concert tie girls woe i?.
mitted to entertain-neT friend* * i
short reception.
Oi r-.t Frldav . -<n'ug Jl
liavu vtci n? sgaiu' John Thomas
Co-cert Company" which visited the
college last year. We have reasons
Pmrn Flf?
^ thousands of desperate ca
vill positively cure you.
etsill, Maj* 18th Reg. S. C. V
* . -> n /
&-C^-n^, />z&*Ls
*7j/[*K*0 S ?**&? f^-e^Pt*
fi^^f-t. /9fra^r7&/l^.
havo beon suffering for three years from dropsy, ge
we except shortly after being tapped, every tissue <
f.;;ar. VAUGHN'S LITHONTrIpTIO, perfectly helpl<
I have used eight bottles o? VAUGHN'S 7 tTEOX"
o lor nearly two years. Ycu may pubil3li -i_ch ci n
"J J ~ J
Columbia, S. C.
io Jook forward -^ith pleasaro to its
seCvjiid visit.
Nov 27, :99. Nr!!e.
Spain's Greatest Xeetl.
Mr. K. F. (JJIvia, 01 JtJarceiona,
Spain, spends his winters at Aiken,
S. 0. Weak nerve3 had ceased severe
paiDS in the back of his head. On
using Electric Bitters, America's greatest
Blood and jServe Remedy, all pain
soon left him. He says this grand
medicine is whit his country needs.
AH America knows that it cnres liver
and kidney trouble, purifies (he b'ood,
tones up the stomach, strengthen the
nerves, puts vim. vigor and new life
into every muscie, nerve and organ of
the body. If weak, tired or ailing you
need it. Every bottle guaranteed,
only 50 cents. Sold by Mc&iaster Co.,
A Visitor toJWlnnsboro Wriies Pleasantly
of Bis Visit.
i Picase publish tfce following beantifal
letter written to me by a Virginia
gcn:leman whom it^was my good for
lUDe reuuutiy^ 1,'J :juve <i iiutci iui <a j
few days. Some of your readerd.may
enjoy it as I have done.
G. II. M.?
EioLmoud, Va., Nov. 21?t, 1899.
After a twelve huurs ;rush through 1
South Carolina, Nor;b Carolina and
Virginia I reached Richmond at 6.30
p. in. and four.d my folks very contentediy
supping on turkey; oblivious
of my "lone wanderings over 1,800
miles of field and forest for 24 daj-s.
We aie like drops of water composing
the sea; when present,"orjabseat, oar
place is not known. Hearty thanks
were rendered for^safe travel an 1 the
wcli-beiug of my Lome.
Grateful and . loving" memy;ics of
qaaim old Winnsboro j-and her kindly
Hi'i!?'e-*oik, h*r C'.'iirteons t.ejjroe-, her
Mo:>e j.vsis and i er deiigbtfu! j>tgling
b. hrds. 1 Wf?ul.l I'. ve t-> iic" here
.' 'nver. h is f iJ-.ir-MeidtaJock jpon,
wJ-rre t;-?!urd is k:?d nrd ''re:?d? are
Jiie.idly, and <* ome.-t ar- ge"?;-.? a;.d
ttr.hbe are ?o-.fideijiial hi d a!! mankind
assure one auoiher, "1 ca e for
y.->u This i? 'rue riche?, racked by
the greedy multimillionaire:*. Give
- id Virginia's love to everybody, but
one by one to your charming wife and
children. Yeur wife'?" wonderful
voice is the only music I heard in the
wh ?le hng journey through three
Busine-s &Dd health made me r-turn
unwillingly and on Sunday. But I
kept tbe day b^ly. L would not iooic
on a Sunday paper, but looking Llone
unlo my best friend, aud it wa? like
attending church. Richmond has
moved rapidly since I left.. October
27th, and threatens to nval Pfizer.
Tbe President of the ^United Scales
was here at the launching, gave reception
at the Jefferson hotel; charmed
ami was charmed H;s favor (mighty
(sear!) makes our land to bu.?9om
aid to bloom like Sharon. He will
have great crui:-er? to .build; enlarged
shipyard, and deep water to thr sea.
Our industries are humming.
,:The sky of our life opea3 o'er of,
i.nd heaven gives aglimpse to its b:ue."
The trades pai\>ue succeeding the
Jaiior' ?ng was a g^cat success the
fireAv-iKS surpassing anything in the
past; aiid iLe unveiling of the Jtff
Davis statue u!i<t the Winnie u&vif
lEonaUiCut was a nicm->r\ tor ? :;t'e
time; unsp; skuM^. Tne Wi<n ia
Dcvitj monum?i:t ivpiesenis ';Tne
Angel or' Gri?-f". v-nre ? hite C rrara
marbie. Thu j?rtisi was so impre~s?-d
^ith the >ceue he *aid it was tbe
Joviiesi cemetery in al! the wor'd.
Indian sammer, sji-s-rt over gre?n
shaded Hollywood, hv tt.e brink of
the roaring fniis of James ttiver.
5G,000 ?-i?t?n? mu :i tides, bo nriu
Oowuzer*, WHU aim MV-: .
to mak<* Ht! d--al
Lut mo k'lovv when and ho v I citt |
Yo ?r* tioiy,
Relief insLc Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder 0;.-=ea^f
reliewd in fix Iimvs by "New
Great South Atucr'cao Kidney ( are."
It is a snrprion on acconut of its
:? ? c tr> roliAvii-t*
CAWCU?II^ JHV4IIJ/...V VI...V..V. ^ Jin
blsddtr, kirin?y? and back, i.- mal*
or fercale. Relieves retention of water
almost immediate:}*. If yon want
quick re.'iet ard cute ilii* is the r.medv.
sold by W.E Aik'-n. druggist, Witmsboro,
S. C.
| Rev. Beijd:niu A'iiston has teamed
from Colombia.
.'.-A' "jl'.ZiSi a.i U^U^e* ti ^hiis.
aSfcfelijfcjjhi ^'V- *^ .'. g ?vi'; :; ?iitsiort -3rsx
KS?'r " . : I'oulhrv 1 ClJorti
f?iii^?r irf T - ?"- * ' "? >* > - ta:r
(.-....: Saig:.1^
sqs of this
su4 .
? ' ' />5 yV ^
0^3 :|
meral anasarca, caused from liver and
completely filled, saturatedfluid;
sss. leira terribly Inflamed and exuding
ITRIPTIC and am now comfortable and
ty statement as you may desire. I &ra
Winnsboro, S. C.
Mnro ^atidftntnpf I
lfiuiu OttUiMOlUlJ
People wbo have traded el sew hero.
People Trho have ordered from ofber
People who have always traded ?.i;h
as, all find it
More Satisfac
tory man
? to trade with
The Jeweler and Optician.
whose Testablishment is now recognized
as one of the largest and
most reliable in the State.
The Watch and Jewelry
Repair Department
has doubled itself ih the last two years, y
/"V?? /am i _
uur reputauuu iui uuc auu uuucnlt
watch-work is weil established
in six counties.
Under Tower Clock, Chester, S. C.
Founded 1842.
/p'lANos f j
"Sing their own praise"
it hd8 NO EQUAL as yon ear?
will last a lifetime; bat we have sev
eral BARGAINS in other makes.
We have taken in EXCHANGE FOli
PIANOS, one, the finest style that firm
manufactures and it is almost new. If
you want this make here are bargain*.
Baltimore, Md.
' *
Factory Branch Ware-Room, No 213
Forth Tryon St., Charlotte, N. C.
C. H. WILMOTH, Manager.
'The^B ow-legged Ghost andOilier Stories."
enjoyed among _ , .
your friends. Contains "The Bow-iegged
iiiiruM OAM/. riw4 Dnoo ?'TV?A \f?n VihA
TT ucu oau^ jr.ii.ov. ?
Couldn't Lau^h," "Possible Titles of Future
Books," "Selling Locks of Hair," "No Woman, No
Fad," "Society Actresses," etc., etc. This first
edition bound in eloth, printed on extra fine
paper, and absolutely the best humorous book published
Wortil $2.50, mailed postpaid for $1.00.
Order at once. Scad for our new special illustrated
catalogue mailed free. Gi res you the lowest
prices on all trood books. Address all orders to
F^bliih.tri sad AkrOU, Ohio.
tThe Werner Conpaay is thoroughly reliable.]?Edilor.
witb a fuii stork of C??kef8, Uarial
Ca? s and Coffins, constantly or
and uso of iiearse trlien request.
Th?if;i:fnl format nr.rrotisge and so!k;?
tatior. tor a m ftuur*, iu tr??
j old ittftod
a!'s ?(?i-!'?Jeci to a aii hoart.
J. 3t, ELLIOTT & ?.
Wfl.fi. ? aad Whliiey Habltt
c g 9 cuacd at tom? witiik
s a JP6S> out pala. Book of oar
I KV?H&9E5S&E3 ill.
I ?Wi?t v*. Office urn. Pxyor st
-" -V- w.

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