r?*ws; Aisa ki*' r ffthlMSMM STMRY W&DXK8DAY -BTNfc w S IN* II R4.L> Oc?MP_J^Y. =?3?e i "..J-JO.T ' - rKKMS. W IDT Oa? Tear, ... 91.50 Lz Hcithf, - .75 WINNSBORC, 0. ^ Wedntsiay, F?& r*ary 14 1990 0JKXA> 1U *r&A*L 1A i,vKo Tht Gsneral Assembly ku pu??d resolutions inviting William J. Bryan to speak in Culnmbia o > his way to Florida. Mr. Brian bat accepted the invitatioa, and will wake a speech there next Thursday. VTe make the announcement bow that it may reach . oar readers in tha country. The hour has aot been appointed^ bat it is supposed that Mr. Bryan will sptak in the afternoon It is likely that special rates will be given by the railroads, and it is probable that a large crowd will ?0 to Colombia to hear tbe great Democratic orator. If the weather is good, we hope that oar Colombia friends will arrange to hare tbe meet* iog in the open air ao that everybody m&j have a chance to bear, though a speaker alwiya appears at a irre?t dia adtantage in tbe open air. It ie very trying on tbe voice to speaK ouicwors. ( However some people nuy eritidire Bryan, bis oratory is admitted, ar.d his wonderful personal magnet is? has been acknowledged by his stroogeel Iopponeats. Foirfi-!d will donbtlew be well reprcseated in Colatnbi* next Thursday. McKIXLET, THX FLOP PER. So many speeches have bean made on the RepnbJican alrg'e gold cuna&ra that we cannot begin to read all of them, bnt we have been specially in* tereated ia the speech of Congressman Bates, of Tennesste. He shows how inconsistent the Republicans have been. For instence, Mr. Blaine in flee Fifty-fifty Congress a?ed thi? lau ttrtavp r " "The ieaticction of silver as money and establishing gold u the sole unit, of Talue mutt bate a ruineas effect oe all forms ef property. except those investments which yield a fixed return ia money. These would be ttiormotuly enhanced in value end would gain a disproportionate and unfair advantage overjevery other species of property." Mr. McKioley'a former position on the money question ia well known, bat tb8 following, given by Mr. Bates, > from the Presidents speech at Toledo, Ohio, in February, 1891, not so lonj? ago, mast be especially embarrascief to him: T "Daring all ?f Grow Cleveland's gf years at the head of the Government he was dishonoriBg one of yoar precinn? metals?one sf vearown produt*? ?diicrediting silver and enhancing wmm^ tbe price of fold. Ho evea before bio iaaugaration in office, to stop the coinage of silver dollars, and even afterwards and to the end of his administration persistently used bis power to that erd. He was determined to contract tke circulating medium aad to demonetize one of the coins of commerce, limit the volume of _1 moaey among the people, make money 1 scarce, and therefore dear. He would have increased the value of money and diminished the valne cf everything else?money the master, everything el?e the servant. He was not thinking of 'the poor7 then. He had left their side. He was not staading forth in their defense. Cheap coat?, cheap labor, and dear money. The sponsor and promotor of ttos? professing t > | stind jsard orrr gthe welfare of the poor and lowly. Was there eTer |-:;L mo;^e inconsistency or reckless assumption?" 'Inconsistency"? Why, yea, yon, i v Mr. McKinler, hare been guilty oi far greater "inconsistencr.*' "He (Cleveland) wat not thinking of 'the poor' iben." Are you, now, Mr. McKiuN-y, thinking of ''the poor"? If what you said in 1891 wa* trae, ttive you * r "left their side?'' Whatever mar be one'* viewt. on the money question, ire cannot se# howanyone can respeefc the opinion of Pre?i.leat McKinley on that question a? of any ralae whatever. Wbat a flopper be has been. THE LAW SUPERIOR. The Democrat# will very likely wiu in Kentucky, and they will do ao by peaceful method*. Tbe Kentucky af fair forcibly illustrate# how it pays to keep within the law, and seek one'* right* isi an orderly and regular way. The country at large did not admire Goebel. He wai considered & regular politician acd tricky, but be had the wisdom to keep him?elf and his follower within the letter of the law. I On ihe other band Governor Taylor deil?d the law. Unquestionably Goebei was ?hot and killed by a Republican, and Taylor tough! to aiake all out of the advantage ,tbus gained. | * The killieg of Geebei and the high handed proceedings of Taylor has enlisted the sympathy of all the decent ?nd law-abiding people.of the country with the Democrats. Th<* bayonet niitn! mlo nnt ?nrinre in tkis csuatrr. It will terrorize for awhile, B bat the law ia the tad will surely surmount it and all those who resort to it. The conduct of the Democrats ia Kentucky shoaid encourage all lawabiding and law-loring citizen to ake obeer, ana it should teach all othera ?1^^ that it never pays to depend npon the rifle to rale a people. Up to this time !?> it appears that Tar lor will hare to give up. We tske it that the agreement reached practically ends the trouble in faror of the Democrat.It Irs agreed that both parties will submit to tbe action of the General Assembly, and that all parties will unite in an rifort "to brisg about rnch a modifies* tiun of the election law as will provide far non-partisan election boards and fair elections." Tke w*ut oi fair election if probably at the bottom of all the tronble in Kentucky, and if the. ? radical proceedings shall lead to an improvement in the election lairs, it will greatly compensate for the dis* ??mm. /. ? 4 Ua Cfflfa T t 1Q |TI^ uiuuguw upuu mc yv?^ farther agreed that the State troopi shall be removed from the Stat# capi- j ?*] "at once." The 8fcate iroops hvre bgen the means by which Taylor has * usurped the State government, and his j representatives having consented to c their withdrawal means a ba^kdow*. i The law has proved stronger than the c rifle. I i THE CO^trCKATIVK SYSTEM. 1 w Li;.t. a:. _ , f VT e paimiB [an m-tj ait from the Charlotte Observer by Mr. 1 D. A. TompkiM letting forih the plan of tke co-operative farmers' banks, it is printed for two rets ? most prc^rnelire place# in the South, owe* a groat deal of its wouderfal progress to the 1 existence in that plaee of the building and loan association. Victors to i Charlotte mmt hare been iuapre*?ed 1 With its attractive cottage;;, snd ia the j building and loan associations we noa ; the secret. Every community de- i pends upon the home. Tb? kind of ' , homes in a eomannur? to a great ? 1 'tent, fix tkt character of tbe place, j We need more home? in Winnsboro, i and for the reason* giren bv Mr. j Tompkins tbe best way to get them is through the building and lean institution. We have eaouga banking in- ( Btitalions, wqi-cq r?uiy ci?aic uu wealth bat exist upon t.hj necessities of the people. * * * * Oar readers amonj* th8 irarmtr* if ill alse find Mr. Tompkin'e Article very e?g;e?tlTe. It sonnds practical, and , we hope tbat it will at least pat then to thinking. What the savings and loan iustitslioQi have been to the clerks, mechanics and all yeung men with small inaemes, th< co-operative fm-mmmyj,} Ka?V-a nDtR thci jtneral plan iftfgostad ,t*oald do fer the farmers. Mr. Tompkins' suj* cation tkat the instalments be mtde parable in the fall ef each year if a good, one, and a vary neoeasary one, lor ifiderthe system of fanning in rue Sonth that's the only s?ason of 'be year when the iarmcr bag any mosey. If one hundred farmers in Fairfield : Coantj w.onid iQrjn^e^pewwKf tiv?, whl m iQ a&out seven years the a?s:>ciati?n would have a ] capital of $500,000. Ia order to do this the 109 stockholder? would have to pay $60 a year, or in other words each farmor would have to subscribe Ivi sharer. Bat>U need not take five 1 shares; some might take more, and some less so that the average would be five shares for eaeh member. With a capital of $50,090, tbe concurn could get all the monev U wanted at 4 o 6 ptr cent. The scheme ia not a visionary one. It would require determination and real co-operation to perfect it, but under proper n&nsg?ment it will succeed, and it can be done j right here in Fairfield. It h rce*eljr j the saving and loin association ap? < plied to tfee farmer, an4 no'h -.r more, j iIa DaIin jiSDog j | j ( ! If so, there must be some j j trouble with its food. Well ? ,, . I babies are plump; only the] , j sick are thin. Are you sure I ] i the food is all right ? Chil-1 ] f dren can't help but grow; j j1 i they must grow if their food 5 *' | nourishes them. Perhaps a \ j | mistake was made in the | j< ! past and as a result the di- I \\ j gestion is weakened. If that j J: ! is so, don't give the baby | j j | a lot of medicine; just use | j! 5 your every-day common = | sense and help nature a| [ | little, and the way to do | | I it is to add half a teaspoon-1 jfulof ||l ! SCUM'S s: | EMULSION | | to the baby's food three or J j ] | four times a day. The gain | ' j will begin the very first day j 5 you give it It seems to 5 ! | correct the digestion and j 1 | gets the baby started right | j1 I again. If the baby is nurs-1 ! I mg but docs not thrive, then | ;' | the mother should take the | !. i emulsion. It will have a j r I good effect both upon the 1 |! j mother and child. Twenty- j 1 z five years proves this fact. 5 ; | 50c. and $:. "ipacia)'* j < taaioeas Fiidsy. ji Parasrs Ce-sjsfatife Bails >B LAV'D LOAJf CKBDIT SOCIETIES. Imw Farmers May AcqaLr# Credit-*Money Borrowed on Their tabor as a Basis of Credit or S?eurity?The Workingmen's Booses Id Philadelphia, Baltimore *nd\ Char lot te-BenoSielal Beau Its of th? Building and Loan As gelations. J. A. Tompkins in the Charlotte Olse: vcr. Th?re wu a tins wiea it wa? hoaght that the man who worked for lar wajes and who had ao aecaasated property was entitled t> no ;redlt. WebocJy woald ihi*fc of loandg most? to working n?n wit boat apital becaute, while tome would >ay, enough woald not do so, aod to in exieat to make ioait to the werk g class alwayi precarie*?. \et it raaapiro that ander a proper system he working people, limply upon thfir abort a; a bes;? of credit or security, i nnov Knrrftc mftn?V tft ftn eXtMf thlt I J be aggregate sam is amply stope^ I ions and to an extant to bnild block { ifter block of working men's horaei,: ?e aggregate ceit extending into mil; ions of dollar*. 3y the aa?e ayateoi hat the wo' king nan eataeliahes for iiimaelf a splendid credit for building i home, he also tarea or accamalates aeoner. The system ia that of the building and loan association. Individually the working man still has icant credit iu the ordinary way. Ia tie building aod loaa association hi> ;reuit ts as good a* that of a capitalist [n Philadelphia where many building and loan associations flourish there are ' * ? "? ?A .nil DI0CI8 JbHU -JUUWU uiuva www miles'of model working men's homes. Philadelphia is a city of homes and :hieflj working man's homes. It is amch the same iu Baltimore. I?. is :omin?to be ?o in Charlotte, N C. [a Naw York thore are few building ma lean awociatfons and r.bere the work people rent space in teiemen' tonnes and are more ?r less disagreeibl; haddied 'ogether. Tne working men's houses bnilt in . Philadelphia, Baltimore and Charlotte ire in ererv resnect model houses. While I TTfvS draughtsman for the Bdthieben Iren Compaay I did much i>pecuiative drawing ia working up the b?.st plan for a model aad economical working zbab's home. These meo in toe chops aad works?machinists, pattern-makers, moulders, blaekimiths, roilerc, beaiera and otbari . who cared to build a home were frequently given permission by Mr. John Fritz, the iD&uager of the works, to bave the plans made in the drafting roam. Mr. Friiz himself used to . sometimes take a hand in these plans. I frequently went home with a machinist or moulder to hear what his wife had to say aboat the convenience or inconvenience of this er that feature There, was a lot of the best " % 11 - ?^ % n raiCDL OQ 10b a no ?iuc M|nuu(u iu developing tLe best plans and a lot of housekeeping experience oa the other hand alio brought to bear. Io going through Philadelphia one may see from the train rows apon rows of the identical houses that were worked ont at Bethlehem while Mr. Fritz was manager of the iron works there. I have no doubt that other designs were made in otber drawing rooms onder the direction of otber food men. It is natural that nnder the same influence the same general conclusion as to a model houee should be reached. Oee of these bonte* was erected at ',L- ? ik. TTa{r ^QJCKfcO a pail VI kUD it vim m ?. and *as exhibited as the type. of the ba4 Americaa working: maa'a home. By means of bailding aad loaa associations the working man has not only established credit for himself bat b9 ha* developed a mods1 home with every possible feature to ouke home pleasant and to make hoosekeep in of Ji^ht for his wife or daughters. Di'ac-i about Bethlehem these botses ?Va.Ii^W 1VOJ. i j & [i vis not the parlor alone tb&t wu kept clean and in cider. The kitchen wu as h-potlttis as the average rich mail'* parlor. The advantage of the building and loan does not stop when a man hai bniic for himself a home. .He may start in on a new series and save ojoney His i?avi?ga are loaned oat at interest for his benefit to some other msu who wants to build a bouse. At the end of the seriee he draws this money back in cash* which he may invest as he like*. The beneficent result?. are maaj fold. Good homes are developed and owned by work people. nf thA rf R?ilfa #f a man's labor while be lives it pot into shape that it may ?erve hi* family after be ia dead. Betw homes make better workmen and better work me* get more and better resnlla. Br this means American commerce is vxteoded, for tbe better article will always have tbe preference in tie markets of the world. Wburerver thn buildings and loau prospers most tkere. the condition of American labor is be?t **? it is from tbase sec ti >ii8 that report iraae 23 Ming mom irve)oped. Tfce whole **cret of thl? ate of labor ** a ba*i? '-of credit ii that the individual i* eliminated. The labor of any 9ht wckiag man it i?t a good batii of credit. But when fifty working eh8b form a society or a&sociation the credit ot the ae?oeiation based upon tbe labor of all is a batii of credit < ?1 > 1- :? wmcn, wucrj luugiou, im n ?ti Liigh perfect. It is like lift insurance. Tue Mfe of an j one man it a very uncertain tbing. Yes ibtinsurance compauifc.i cau tafcp a thousand men and tig are oar the death rate with great iccurtcy. On the basis of this average reeuii isey cai? conduct basinets with , jreat profit to themselves and totbe: *dvactj?je of those who are insured j The building and loan association J ?ocao>idates, na it were, the labor of lity or more working people and<> m^kee a pertec: basis of credit eat of C?? />?j nrkt^Vk f^frui flArtQFtfalr W A n IH LA^(U1 ^ V* N'VU T( b* piaciically ^orthleii. Jim Jones mi^ht jot be willing to loan 8am Sulrta fiva do'iars bQt he has ijo obhcc'vfc to paring five dollar* into a uuhaing and ?oau association &?d then ro.at^s no ejection to the a-socia:>wH' lo?uiac I*, tlong *itb otkerfel \ W ' five te Sam Smith with . roper **c?ri-y to the building atd (OdU. * * * - * - * -i- l? JLf nsea t?- r>e tnoagnc rati, 101 auuui; ; aiera barf xutniag that could be j ui*a?. a bs*ia cn ersdii. It i? stili J to ogUt so i?i -Ara^rioa. In Germi*? nt! bcouaco iKe ueopi? bare foaerl set r.:ffereE?I>. Tas Scotch farmer! borre-w* money a.. 4 per ceat from j feiokd under a svtfeaa known at "catb \ : eiiN." The p>*2 is for tix or sight i ''arrners to {ret together and make a j Mi!, contract Ti'h tome bank for! whai ir:one? ih* crvdif. part-.erihip w. i require t-n ?i.c \- ar. The little in dicate make ttieir own division of fc * oorrowtd utontj and they anasge r. nai each mi8 stall ptsdgs for tbe niViy of the '-rbers. Sometimes aa j *.!' >gciic and -onorable 5>onng feifow vi' be aktn ioto one of these credit wi. hoat any pledge at all ' xccpt the eoiitideBce;th? others tavern .-is ir.iegrif; aod industry. Th? sjoU-m natural.'} defelops both Integra ?-ifi industry. In ca*? of bid Hc?,?.(ch ?% Msinga horse and suffer; sg fro? sicknsss, the syndicate D&tUiaih sUada by its member. At. important factor in this system is that f-ature of Scoteh banking by which a bank may issce motey on its wse:? Ti'is means that they redis- j :ouf4r phper fo- tnemseives by printing ! and laemng inouey on their notes and J 1111 rillM III Tr~ I j j^pisrat Lon for As - j 3 i sttmtetingfoeToodandfiegufci- \m ' >h?Sfnmbs aalBoweb a" jfjS WI twm mm ? ' m 1 ? M I I. _1 I ri 1 &fH Ij^asiiwai^ig j Erosjcfes "Di|es ton^Cheerful- ? tsesagfod l&st.Con tains ndtter % Ctonp>lorptime wt Mrnf.ral m 1?OT Nicotic. liL*, 1 I Wortns'?onH&bns,Feverish- m uess andXoSS OF SlSZR ? lac Sin& Signature of tgj i 1 EXACT copy OF VBAPPBR, . liw I r-fr&ifP lllLLli 1 j; other asset* a* security. The bank can well afford to loan at 4 ptr cent because tb?7 b*ve do intereet to par on rediscounts. The creiit ? ba?ed, however, on the idea that the .credit of half dozen or more men- is Letter by far than theaggre^ate of the credit of each one of th*m taien separately;Thfy hayef upon each ot>er claims and tier by" wti<*h a f >* r. T s; Ph fpfe-Sr '* Si ? * ^ISM < For lat'ants anao^iigreiL fta Kind Yea Haifa Always Bought 4-h/\ u * . i OCGJ.0 I'UO /A / 33 I; Signature \ VT 51 lF ..The. my* Kind \j You Have Always Bought. try have been very unsatisfactory on both 6ides because of expenses like communion*, attorneys' feet, inspectors' feec, etc., whicb always had to b? paid by the farmers besides the interest. Then in turn the farmer feeling that he was being swindled Anyway and having no restraining moiifes as to ihe distant os-r.ey lender would often make gross misrepresentation* as to the ralae and charactsr ot tna land Now if a local co-operative society or association or baak is formed, then this institution as a whole could accamalata money by saving* of its own members to be loaned in town on good security to those of its members who wished to borrow and the society could OVCD uurruw UiUIiO^ liumj uicrugj vt 11tres for use in loaning to its members to mutual ad/aatage jast at local bazjki now borrow monty in New York on an aggregation of farmers' notes. People are naiurally incredalous of any proposition'to extend credit to a poor - farmer. Those acc?itom?d to deal with the individa&l farmer are more or less timid about him in all money transactions. "You will never jet the farmer to pay promptly;" r? i i A ti farmprn wi;J arcn'.JsU < iiyuo. JLX UiUi ivwn ??' lou, Philadelphia and Cbarioti*-, and as the farmer in Germany hi.8 already done. lustead of farmers wa-itiug to borrow money from the commercial lanks, the farmer's co-operative barki vill be reservoirs for savings and will oan money to the commercial basks n times of financial pressure. * * * A successful movement on tbese ines would settle many controverted luestions. it woaia seme ia? con* roveray about gcrtd and silver as a >asis of vaiues. It would settle the luestion of free trade and protec ion, or it would" soon put ns on an export jasis with all onr products, agricultural and manufactured. It ^onld settle be question of centralization i f capial in the moner centres, as the farm:r?' co-oporatire or lan-i loau banks ;ould hare the custody of Ibe bn'k of ;he money at all time?, just as'the working mati'i sa?ino ,8 idle. The One Day Cold Cure. Cold ia head and sore threat cured by Kermott's Chocolates laxative Quinine. As easy to take as candy. *' Children cry for them." WOODTTAKD JTJSWS. Mist Alma King has returned to Chester after paying a pleasant Tiait to her friend, Miss Nanaie Brice, of, tki* place. Mr. Jno. R. Craig, of Blaek?tock, v>?? in nnr ?!>wn several days buying- cotton for Bsath Bros., of Charlotte. R. "W. Stewart baa been appointed to a position iv the railway mail aer- j vice between Charlotte and Jackaonville. He will leave at an early dare to take charge of bis position. The Southern Railway Company have placed a larger engine and pipe at this place, owing to the increase of bn&ine9S on this road. Mr. C. S. Brice, Sr., has been critically ill for the pait few days, but am glad to say he is couralescing new, Mre. S. E.Tho?pson,of Blackgtock, is spending a few day# with her daognter, Mrs. W. Patrick. Mr. W. L. Reid *pent a few day* in Charlotte last week on business. Feb. 12, 1900. Correspondent. F?r ver Fifty Tears. Tvqt nw'c SnnTinv* SYRUP has beea used for orer fifty year* by J Millions of mothers for their children while teething-, with perfect -success. It soothes the child, softenr the gaau, ' allays a' 1 pain, cares wizia :olic, and j is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It j will relier* th? poor iittl* snferer ! immediately. Sold by drajgists is i every part of tb? world. Tweaty fire cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrcp," aad take no other kind. 1-1-17 /iT>?*irDVT11l TT VKf The people of this neighborhood hire bajuu to prepare their lands for new crept. The early crops, wheat, oats and rye, are loeking very promising at present. S Qaarterly conference was held at Greeabrif.r Methodist Chn^ch on the 27th aDd 28th of January, and tbere were good congregations both da>s. Key. E. P. Hodges, tbe presiding elder, was present and gave us excellent aermoni both days. Rev. J. D. j Cront ccnld not attend Sanday as hi? ' wife and child were very ill, Mr. J. D. Dellensy bat gone back to the grade ia Colombia, and is expected to itay nn'il it ii finished. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lv Kobinsoti gare ? piraaiut oclable last Tburtdar tveniog inhenor of their visiting friend, J Miss Bessie Bynnm of Columbia. < * ? * " n -l.i if-.L . 1 Tfie memoers or tsfinei *eioo.iiBi | Church gar* a hot supper ^11 the game Digbt at the home of Mr. John LCauthea; proceeds of same to go to the improrement of the church. The farmerc are making despatati efforts to make a good crop this year, hoping (o regain the losses sustained j last ysar from the unprecedented < drought. Hope tbey may succeed, *s ! th? fchnrt r.ron of ;a. 1\ | AITT #N Wllfl A LAiTitJ 15AL& r j Kidaey Trouble Hakes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the newspapers is sure te know of the wonderful H ,1 cures made by Dr. 1 Kilmer's Swamp-Root, f U^rrT 1 g 4 kidney, liver Ju I bidder remedy. 3 uf eVC; ! js .It is the treat medi > iri' ' Si cal triumph of the nine\ vX. I * iteenth century; dis-| . _____ \ covered after years of j a ijpr Olj. scientific research by ftlr Dr. Kilmer, the emi- j (jjIT ; A^"r " nent kidnqr and blad? der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid troubles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Pi. VIU?'> Cv7?mn.Dn/\t H.insrt po?4. _ CMmctm Pails to iJ??*op? Bray rdEgJ Hair to l Ooior. !0K-3 Cure* sk"'-p * k*ir te?is$ ?3?.fcn^. -.vijS Dtult^l Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. i ? - ? - * * - 3?j.un I Itartlflciaiiyaigescfitrseioouauuiuua \ Nature in strengthening and recoa* structing the exhausted digestive ?? ' ^aas. It is the lateat dlsco^gjgd digest* ' and tcnic. jno otn^fcrepareKw I sao approach it in effH3?rv. It la { staotly relieves and permaneatiyeures Dyspepsia, Indigestion,. Heartbcm, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Kaaaea. Sick Headache, Gastralgia,Cramps, &b* all other results of imperfeotdJgwttea. Prepared by E. C. DeWitt a Co.. C|>l?ogo. McMAS^TER CO. ! WianSfooro, S. C. J SALT RHEUIV Johnston's 1 QUART e JT8T IEE? flight Skin Erntiou are a Waralac The Only safe War Is to Hoe* tho 1 Is the Most Powerful I Nature, in her efforts to correct mis ny if m?? lv? frnm flTIIVH other imperfections on the skin, as & wa haps tumors, cancers, erysipelas or palm yon neglect to heed the warning ana cor Many a lingering, painfnl disease an simply because these notes of warning pure By a right nse of JOHNSTON'S 84 Miss Abbie J. Bande, of Marshall, M "I was cured of a bad hnmor after doctors and my friends said it was salt r] and ears, and then on my whole body, suffered during those fire years, is no us< I did. I tried every medicine that was enough to buy a house. I heard JO praiaed. I tried a bottle of it. I began 1 finished the third bottle I T?as complete! since. I never got any thing to do me tl SARSAPABILLA. I would heartily adi or skin disease of any kind to try it at or trouble, and was run down and miserabl made me all right." The blood is your life and if yon keep sist disease or face contagion fearlessly, fails. It is for sale by all druggists, in ft aCOBZG-AJr UKUO ooac John H. McMaster & Co.; Winnsboro,S. ( W. M. Patrick "Woodward,?. C.; T. G. Pati CLOSE' FOI? CASH Tide are not buntm for tbose wbo 1 tobuswttbwev that are as lo\ can be bouabt Every one who is up * I been a great advance in Cotto kinds. We have many goods' I We ffer a bargain in a few ps Dress Goeds at cost to ter Dress Goods at ci iot of Ladies' Fine SI $2.50 and #3.00; price .3 We have many goods pri price. These are bargains- fo Come tc The Caldwell Dr) .. W=e=? J ' 11 ??r # '|j <11 ol style and wewfll satisfy your < tittkst expense. Gi&K&Cordc pjtsiit kather?take yoot diofc in mxndt&atyotf get the benefi shoe experience in buying of to J ate laying otsr plans to scll yi tongas yoe lfcre. We'd rather || all your KtetbaaiUgpfa || TfcatineaasifttkpftaafiaD^! ALSO SEE MY IM] LS.DIE5' PI WHEN YOU NEEDJAN^ Q. D. WTI Hie Easy Running "uftncrumn" UUUUIIUVW The most modern Sewing Machine of the age, tmbrac ing all the latest improve ments. Unequaled for Dura bility, Range of Work and Simplicity. Dealers wanted in unoccu pied territory. Correspondence solicited. Address, J. H. DERBYSHIRE General Agent, T% * 7 KICHMON9, VIRGIMA. I2-28-iy A PRI6AKA wfll cw CMUliptltas ?U ii? ntmlufliIilwf ?iiria?. trr ? [ich., writes: >ya suffering' with it for fire years. Th* . Tj iieum.- It tame out on my head, new 0jk I wa* perfectly raw with it. What X- | 9 b telling. Nobody would believe me if advertised to cure it. I spent money HSPSTON'S SAKS APA BILL A h>xh? 11 to improve right away, and when l~naa -Ph v cured. I have never had a touch of ijt |j le least pood tilll tried JOJdLKSXUcro ise all who are suffering from hnmaff ; j ice.- I had also a good deal of stamaelt jP e, but JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARlLL* m it pure and strong you can positively rip ' ffli JOHNSTON'S SAHSAPAEILLA neref $ ill quart bottles at only one dollar eadb PAITT, DBrrnorr, lucu# T. W. Woodward &Co., Rockton,S.G,;. jJjfl ick'&Co., White OaK, b. u. . PRICES 1 BUYER3. 1 "" " .Ag q drebtt ttabe, but |1 th? 1 pill name prices 1 # as the same | to the State. J rith the times knows there has ?n Goods and Domestics of all : Js of this class at old prices. ? itterns: , j||? close out; and all Win- . _ jj it prices. Bargain in a loes; small sizes worth J low at 11.50. -M nAtv InwAr than factory CVU HV l? iv?f v* ? --y r you. J > see us, J ' Goods Company. J ?I UICAS If | Shoes? 1 I S **wayi well, to have an I ?' . fleet that it costs you no more, IT " fee- whenthe work-a-day ' ? shoes arc worn out the extras 2 fall into their place and the new pair is kept for chsss. Therms plenty of room for choke ' j . jwntasteat -- SEE Zl-tffaS ^"raflteSok fcrtf *1T am? ?*the shoes Jmtwt th,tyo'",ayw/ ? < iff seizsnoes hi stfottooce. ateyagfeetfhll i mtlrfaction. | mense stock of /| NE SHOES fTHING IN THIS LINE JJFORD. ^n__,||j, Founded 1842. STJEJF F f PIMIVUS ^ "Sing their own praise;*9 If you reckon th-> endle-s joy an-i permanent va n* >ou will ir??i one of ;y 'boss c*?iebra''euh?i skill which* only j ears ot cou?t>i'?i ant! caretn! al~ tenlion i > < ver\ d rnii of ttn-ir c-*t? * traction can command, HUn'i MtSavri. I Tku -f. y~ ? n I _ IAktvn x?/iQ ?c m??* i? uuru^u J VU ^ witk an unuece?saiilv BIG PRICE. Co?Teni*nt FINE TUNING i AND REPAIRING. ^ Chas. M. Stieff, j piaxe ;ha>cfactureb, baltimore, hd. Factory Branch Warp-Room, No. 213 Ja Forth Trvon St., Charlotte, N. C. C. II. WILY!OTH,Wana*er. j ??? . I I I MONEY TO LOAN !% Oa iMtproT'd F*r*? sscri.ed ky first M0rtjsj?-?. lnt- rest 3 rcs*t? f.? iani sot 1?? tban $500, 3 t0 S years. No (vmwissi-ins.- Borrower (>**? sc slsxj siiset. A.. ?. * W. 1) ? F#LAS?. W: 1 *' 9. r J#XK B. PALUWt k 11-24 S. C. / PRESTON RION, Agent PACIFIC FIRE INSTANCE C9MPAKY ' 8F NiW YORI. Solicit? a Suare of the public patron* ag?. MS-ly