OCR Interpretation

The Fairfield news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1881-1900, June 20, 1900, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2012218613/1900-06-20/ed-1/seq-1/

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- - I
Opens at Orargt burg in the Pres- \
ence of a Good Crowd.
Charges Preferred by Some Candidates
Against Oiber Candidates.
The Campaign
Promises to be Warm.
TT,<> firsf rr.eatinsr of the State cam
paign was held at Oracgcburg on last
Thursday in the presence of a good
crowd. County Chairman W. 0 Taturn
called the meeting to orcer a little after
11 o'clock. Rev. W. A. Rogers, pastor
of St. Pauls Methedist church, opened
the exercises with prayer. Mr. Tatum
then introduced Governor McSweetey
as the first speaker.
The Governor said he appreciated all
that Orangeburg had already done :or
him. He served three years as Lieutenant
Governor. He had been endorsed
as Lieutenant Governor. On
the 2d of June last Governor Ellerbe
died and, under the Constitution, be
became Governor. He had tried, he
said, to carry out to the very letter the
laws of the State.; he hai made every
ofceer over whom he has had control to
do hip full duty. He has conducted the
affairs of the State in whavhe regarded
^ ' ?I
as a Dusmess-iuse way, wnuvui
to previous politics. The State is now
enjoying a period of prosperity and
good feeling and po far as he could see,
and as far as he desired, there were do
longer the old-time ana troublesome
factional lines, and in this connection
he modestly wished to lay claim to the
cieditfor having done as much as any
one man in public office towards allaying
this unpleasant and unprofitable
era of bickering, and he sincerely
that the DeoDle would continue
to live without factional politics and
>. not be at dagger's point with each
other. The State was cow moving
along rapidly towards progress and prosperity.
South. Carolina is now looked
upon as one of the most progressive
States. There is no reason for further
political trouble. All of the Stat>j
House officers wilh him have worked
harmoniously. He attended to his own
*" 1 t.??
business, ah uepanmexiLa nave utcu
conducted honestly. He did not claim
to be an orator, but did claim to be a
successful business man, and as such
he had attended to the business of the
State in a business like way. He
wanted to be judged by his record. He
believed in self-government and left
??ivr<T?.lt7 in tVIP fonntv
delegations and acted on their suggestions.
He favored a liberal and
hearty support of the common schools
of the State. He had always been a
hearty supporter of the higher educational
institutions aid he regarded this
- as a most important matter. He has
always been an ardent supporter of all
of the State higher educational institutions
and would so continue and after
' ^ m-ii T
consultation witn Senator Amman ne
suggested an appropriation to look
tip the Black report. This has been
passed and he was pleased to say Senator
Tillman was, with these documents,
on the high road to recovering and
turning $100,000 into the State treasury.
He invited the closest scrutiny
of his record as Governor and thought
it deserved endorsement
The liquor question possibly overshadows
all others. This, he thought,
unfortunate, that one subject should
have so much attention given it. The
dispensary system was the best solution
of the liquor question. It was giving
f>vpr There is
oauoiavw^vu vmmm v v.. ? ?
now no trouble or friction in the enforcement
of the dispensary law. It
is unfair to hold the present administration
responsible for the mistakes or
friction of the past. There was a short
experience of prohibition in the State
during the interim when the law was
tied up in the Courts, and it was an
utter failure. From the very circumstances
and purposes prohibition would
mean in the end free liquor and false
swearing. Prohibition has never been
a success. He was satisfied that the
I'JOT TT5?C T h ft rm'TOOSP
uioyvucai/ A?n ??v.^ vvwv. f-r
of the Prohibitionists and their liquor
allies is to break down the dispensary
law by a combination. Each to get
what he could. The Prohibitionists
come before you with a regular organization.
He came without organization
and advocating what he believed right
and proper, and, standing oa his own
responsibility, and without organization
he thought he was fairly entitled
to the nomination. Suppose a Prohiaft
. 6urance is there that there will be prohibition
legislation and. what good can
be accomplished? At all events there
will not be prohibition. Let the dispensary
law be amended, if necessary,
but stick to the principle. He asked
his auditors to read his message carefully,
and see if it was not right and
liberal. Ec promised at all times to
do his duty and tbat which was best
for the business interests of his dear
nM State, and thankine the audience
he took his seat.
Governor McSweeney had the crowd
cheeriog lustiiy for him. Having theopening
speech he spcke briefly and
generally and genteelly; and his speech
made a good impression, and he was
told that he was all right and would get
w the yotes and the like.
of Greenville, said he was no stranger
1 U/v "?r? AAl1T>tl7
iiCfO. lie littU UttU-LU IU- w-uvj
before atd knew the good people of the
county. He had been here as a private
citizen and knew the people. He never
thought of Orangeburg without remembering
an incident that had taken deep
seat in his memory. TLo day after
the battle of Fredericksburg he sent a
young Orangeburg lad, named MeKewn,
on a perilous mission and he went to
his death. MeKewn came to him as a
stranger and every day he learned to
love him the more. MeKewn was a
graduate of the Citadel and enlisted as
a private, and afterwards he appointed
him sergeant jB3jor, and he made a
fine soldier, ana died as did many
other gallant Orangeburg boys.
Voice: "That's got nothing to do
with this matter."
Col. Hoyt: "I do not think the time
has come to forget these grand martyrs
and soldiers." Col. Hoyt briefly pic- for doctoring
tureu .some of the trials of the old concoctions we
soldiers and why they should not be j white man and
forgotten. Then Col. Hoyt went on to distinction nov
say he wa3 a friend of Governor Mc- the price. Ge
Sweeney and applauded him for all the what the law
good he has done. He had known him like Orangebui
for many years and thought kindly of done away witt
bizc. iiut Uovernor iucoweeney ciaimeu uio i Ui Udugco.
100 much credit .for putting down fac- like Sunday,
tiona'isin. He, too, had done his the sale of 1
share towards bringing about the era of phaticaliy, "Y
good feeling. ''God forbid that I There were
should ever disturb the equanimity rooms in the
and placidity of this State," he went on there are only
to pay. in South Carol
Voice: "That ain't in the diction- ures from Gov<
ary." (Laughter.) 1895, showing
Col. Hoyt went on with his speech a decrease in tl
and some one wanted Col. iioyt to go ot 4< per ceni
on without disturbance frcin the ies- enness .">7
ters. " Ellerbe add
Col. Hojt went on to say that rc- the
9trictive laws were nothing new in 0,it ^G3 repl
South Carolina. Eight years ago a liquor had bee
similar issue was made in the State. no one who W(
As far as there was a vote or ex- prohibition ths
pression of opinion the people voted ?f the county ]
for prohibition, and they are stiH of k*s county whe
that opinion, as he viewed it. Xbe AUI& UC TV VIACU
House passed a prohibition law and about the enf<
the Sec ate brought forth the dis'pen- helped make r
sary. It is to belie the past to say this The cases were
liquor question has never before been by the juries,
an issue and that the people do not my presence ar
want prohibition. Governor McSwee- sheriff, and tl
ney says a Prohibition Governor with- kill out." (R
out a Legislature is worth nothing. He speaking of
does cot know that the Legislature t0D-)
wili not favor prohibition. ~ Canai- was in
dates favoring prohibition will be run operation of tl
m th* various ?miGtiea. Public senti- made a bar ro<
meat is in favor of prohibition be was Qot entit
thoughc, and do one could or would home. It cost
deny such legislation as may bo needed ^ 3*ear to enf
in response to public sentiment. The aDo Low could
Prohibition Democrats submitting without a coi
to every rule and regulawn of the par- Hoyt talks a1
ty, and expected to continue so to do. Don't you kn
He was one of those who in 1S92 people drink li<
was witling to try the dispensary. It Sceil:
has been tried, but its record shows laughter).
that it is not fit nor proper to be con- ^r- Pattersc
tinued. Th? Prohibitionists do not so many peop!
- 1 il
want the State to engage in the sale of ?,uiuS .
liquor. _ Ev?ry oitizen now is a partner the The
in the liquor business, and he, for one, an<* endorse th<
protested against being made a partner "> except t
in this obnoxious business in the name aSe feature,
of the State. He did not propose to aounoed the ?
abuse or viilify any one. He" would ^eir platform
rival the Governor or any one in pitoh- dispensary, ]
ing the campaign on a high plane, for couaty boards
that alone was his purpose. He was ^he result woi
going over the State as a Democrat, carry aruuuu
and any one had a right to differ with "to him.
him and he would not get mad about it, ^~jr* Sneil:
or lose his head. He stood for a princi- .at?t?r3?
pie and as a citizen who was well you get it. '
known asked the nomination. He then r* Snell:
got to joking about how people made ^r)*
up excuses to get liquor. As to en- Patterso
forcing any liquor or prohibition law, every word o* i
a Prohibition Governor would have aD~ Quoted froi
every incentive to enforcing the dispen- 3
sary lav to the letter. He was oppos- aouar? worm
iug the dispensary because he dia not sold in prohib:
beiieve the State should eDgage in the 0Dfr a popalati
liquor business. He gave full credit ?- South Caro
to the good points of the dispensary dispensary
law. It was altogether wrocg, he urged, ras s0^ lawfi
to say that prohibition would lead to Oarolina. Th
high license. The Constitution covers tion State f(
that, and the old bar room system, $1,000,000 wc
.held up as a bagbear, amounted - to Therefore we 1
TKc rtM Kar rrw?ro was' a South CarollDa
dream and_ could never be brought Pensary law, ti
back to this State. He favored high a kw ag
schools. He has differed years ago as ^at ^ have got
to the policy of the State as to the uP?n state
number of higher colleges, but he now Col. Hoyt. I
took it as entirely settled that the great prol
four great State colleges should be an<*> ^though .
liberally supported and favored that was openly vii
line. He was in line with the settled ^at I would fi
policy of the State now as to the State ters> so I went
colleges. He heartily favored com- Attorney Gene
mon schools and their liberal support. This report sue
tiip cunnort of legislation 1898 there wer
and action towards good roads. The for the violatio
county and state government ought to there were
put the appliances at the hands of the kow many vie
people to improve the roads. The roads ^ere ^at nev*
in his own county have not been this by one
worked to advantage. He then urged about have it.
commoa-sense methods in improving .Col. Hoyt's
the county roads. dispensary law
He spoke of a talk he had withPresi- ev^ an<i w
dent Hurtzpg, and that he told him Wltil tlle reig:
that Calhoua was the first to urze 20v- an<^ scallewags.
..1 Col. Hoyr
CliililCUtai V/VUJWl-^UVU Vi 1. UMVlUl JMilB . - .
tory is vindicating the j adgment of Cal- woulc
houn and he wanted fatnre legislators . "a"erso
to think seriously cf the good road " T.
question. . M*vPatters0
He thanked the audience for its attention
and promised to keep Iiimself artftiaT?a?a 4
strictly within the lines of propriety, m
and would enforce the laws of the State nTlf * f ori(j _
if nominated. While Col. Hoyt was aQ(j 0^'erg jy
interrupted at times it was entirely j ffc fc Aat s
gooa natured and the ones for "Hoyt SUt>nlicd,
showed that he had many friends in p
the audience. Then came pafcters
mr. a Howard Patterson, from the invesi
of Barnwell, who waded right, in to who looked in
make the fur fir, and he got things They were de
pretty much excited.. He said in open- tion laws, as
ing he wished to reply to Col. Hoyt's ence of Iowa a
remark that he was a Confederate Vete- has made a fa:
ran. He had a great respect for the dispensary. Ii
old soldiers, but that was not the ques- abolishing the
tion to-day. He had two brothers in of its shortage
Hart's Battery and he himself was too not talk about
rri 1 9 TT,
young to eater me bcrvioe. muu uv iwun xj.\
said he was glad the campaign idea had been killed ir
not been abandoned. He favored the dreds have bee
county to county campaign plan. He Col. Hoyt, ii
felt that he was almost addressing a word about cc
Barnweli meeting, so closely allied faith in coaliti
were the two counties by marriage and and the license
and kinship. He wanted it understood Mr. Snell:
he favored proper support of the col- ingtorunabli
leges and wanted the common schools Mr. Patterso
liberally supported and advanced, such coalitions
Every college would have to be enlarged In the Proi
if the present prosperity continues. Col. Hoyt wro
Although he favored State colleges he by him about i
did not approve of their doing prepara would have suj
tory work. He was also in favor of a he would have
more rigid enforcement of the rules as of such a com
to pay tuition. here to-day thi
Then he took up the support of the a coalition, ar
common schools. More money is need- from his own \
ed. If he were elected he would sug- newspaper, in
gest the appropriation of more money always been s
to the public schools, as the dispensary dispensary law
money is now being diverted. Hoyt on acoou
Then he took up the liquor question tion. In the i
and said the dispensary law allowed in effect: "Le
drink, but the regulations acted as a the dispensary
cheek rein to drink. He wanted to call can; and when
attention to a few good things iu the to destroy the
dispensary law lest they be forgotten the chief impi
in the rush, and then he enumerated then let us s
the strong features of the dispensary plan which wi]
^ ? ?? V? ^ ! ? AAnii] ** A A1W5A/3 A V> ATTA i t Vl A
i&W, WUiVJli lie UCOAlliJ ^UUViOtU.. Hl'utc JUi };aiu Vi wuvx
all it did away with the social treating the common ei
habit. in the State.
He heard a great many men say bet- Now what di
ter liquor was sold before the dispen- who are prohit
sary law. This is not so. Almost Here '.s the cai
every barkeeper had his regular outfit party favoring
bis liquor. The vilest system in some counties and r
re palmed off on the poor tion in others. What is it for?
the nfgro. There is no man who does this simply wants
e m*de in serving and in Charleston, Columbia, Greeovi
nerally for the State look Spartanburg may wish the licer
has done. Take towns tem, and that would be a winnis
g and Barnwell. It has to play.
i rioting and fighting and Now let us see how Qoverai
Christmas now looks Sweeney has enforced the dis]
Has drunkenness and law in Charleston. There are s
iquor decreased? Em-1 be 354 blind tigers in Charlestor
es." how tbere are isu umtea state
over nine hundred bar nue licenses taken out there, a
State in 1892 and now you know bow many constables
ninety-two dispensaries nor McSweeney has placed in C
ina. He then pave fig- ton to enforcee the law with?
jrnor Evan's message in four.
that his replies showed The constables are only reqa
ae consumption of liquor make a few raids, and the indie
and a decrease of drank- are turned over to the police, an
per cent. Governor ripht here that not one indictme
ressed a letter to ever been brought in Charleston
stera of the State; constables of the^State since G<
1 J 4-V.a nf TVT<?^ar?>Ar.f?v in nffinp.
iCD 0~T Ddl'd lug oaic Vi | i'AVkMivwwv; ? ? w ~
n reduced. There was! To show you the mockery of
Duld like better to see J forcement of the dispensary '
in he. He was chairmao ' Charleston by the police I have
prohibition committee ia ' me now a report of the chief of
sn only 23 years of age, to the Governor of thirty cases
day and night to bring he reported in July, J899, givi
jrcement of tkc law and names and addresses of the keej
eports to the grand jury, the blind tigers. All of these
: thrown out one by one were thrown out by the granc
"I saw a man sell, ia Whj? Because in every single i
- ? .1 .* ii i
id io the presence ot tne j tnem tuc same two men wre n
?e grand jary threw this J nesses. On Februrry 24. of thi
lemerubcT Mr. Patterson j Chief Bojle reported thirfy-nii
Barnwell, not Charles- | cases and again only two witness
used. Do you blame tbe grand j
favor of a conservative thro si og iliem out? No. Why
le law, but when a man they haul up reputable citizen
Din of his house then it patronize these places and make
led to protection as a testify? As Sam .Jones said aU
the State over $43,000 ago, when down in Charlesti
orce the dispensary law, could take an Did pointer dog, si
prohibition be enforced his nose with wax, and he w?u
~ * ? i
istabulary force"' Uol. more Dana. ngers xa one nour in;
bout public sentiment. whole police in a month. He
ow nine-tenths of the you blame the police for not en
juor? the law when the aldermefi run
"All of them." (Much tigers? He read here from the
tian Citizen of May 4:
n went on to say with April 21 the building of Ma!
e drinking, it was the Stelling, wholesale grocers, was
in the world to enforce by the State officers. They for
Prohibitionists come out trance to a blind cellar, through
s dispensary, every word door, hidden by a large desk,
hey eliminate the bever- hundred and s?venty-four gall
A while ago they de- whiskey were found and oonfi
,ale of liquor, and now August Mathies, the senior part
calls for a prchiHiino an Alderman of the city, sworn
1 #1 ?1* ^ flAWrt n-rv/3 tllii 1 Q TXTQ f]l.
DIOOlDlllOn C3tate aou acnc auu imu.vv kuw Vii
and all the balance, and municipality. The Feder
old be everybody would thorities removed the collector
with him a pet snake to Custom House for a similar o
Will the City Council remove 1
''I wouldn't carry any." derman? You all remember th
n: "Then how would i of theCuiitem House, used for tl
age of blind tiger liquor, and of
"Make it." (Laugh- worth being emptied into the s
Who was responsible for this !
n said Col. Hoyt wrote the State? It was the Governor
' * ' 1 1 * * 1 * ^ A ~ PnoiAW* 14 An O rt -r*ol/3
tne rronioiiion pianorm tu ii?vc mc vusiuxu iaiu
hi the address. these liquors seized, and if the
imits that over a million resisted, to arrest them,
of liquor a year is still How can you expect the la^
ition Maine, which has enforced with aldermen violati
on of about one-half that law ?
lina. Whereas, under Mr. Josh Ashley: "Do you 1
law, only $1,7SS,425 80 the law can ever be enforced in 0
illy last year in South ton? Don't you think it better t
ink of it. A prchibi- local option?"
>r forty years selling Mr. Patterson: "Yes, it can
?rth of liquor a year, forced. I would do so or step doi
lave more prohibition in out. I do not believe in the tail
i today, under the dis- ing the dog. I tell you why McSi
tan they have in Maine, favors the tigers, and it is becai
ainst tne sale of liquor, tigers control the vote in Char
a higher authority here and he wants that vote."
of affairs in Maine than Voice: "I believe you can be
! have often heard about cheaper than McSweeney was."
libition State of Maine, Mr. Patterson: "What's that
I had heard that the law Voice repeats.
olated there, I thought Mr. Patterson: "You're a ?o<
tnd out from headquar- The applause was loud and M
, and got a copy of the terson went on and said Govern
1?- l TTZl n x_ . . 1 I.
rai s report, xxere it is. oweeney was too siow in seizi.
>ws that during the year Custom House liquor. The Sla
e over 1,600 indictments conourrent jurisdiction. The
n of the law in Maine, sprung his mine and said:
over 1,G00 indictments, While I dislike to bring it u
>iation3 of the law were there is another matter which th
ir came to light? Multi- ernor is charged with by his bi
thousand and you will of the press, and which he has
denied, 8nd it is this: "That si
platform says that the became Governor of South Caro
is responsible for a host has . patronized blind tigers a
rougs. He compared it Here is the paper that makes the <
a of tne carpet-baggers and the editor of it says that if
cies it that he will produce the
"Now, Mr. Patterson, I He then read this:
I read that." "The editor of this newspap
n: "Yes, sir, I will do had letters from different parts
State asking that an editorial pul
n then read the extract, in the Oconee News some time
id the "reign of terror" accusing Mr. McSweeney of di
lpared with the reign of blind tiger liquor, be republished
md carpet-baggers. does not appear to be necessary.
itoDe wanted this section Mr. McSweeney denies the chai
o did Mr. Abercrombie will gi?e the names of those w
[e wished Col. Hoyt had formed us that he did freque
oofirtn ffiA rtnnfltablpS I ViIIti/3 lirrara ?an^ i^rinL- linnnr !
OVV4VM* I^IIUU uuu uiiua ?
jpith their pistols by our night at the Merchants' and Ms
turers' Club."?The Oconee
on then read extracts June 7, 1900.
ligation of fifty citizens, Governor McSweeney rose and
to the liquor question, ly said: "As Governor of Soul
ciaediy against prohibi- olina the people know me and ]
judged from the experi- cord, and as to the charge that
nd Maine. Prohibition ronized blind tigers it is absi
r worse record than the false." And then Governor McS
t was as well to argue the sat down. There was much aj
postal service, because for both. No proof farther thi
is and scandals. Why editorial was offered and there tl
?1,_ u;n: ? . i j j._* i n
luc Aiiiiuga iu txic ujlu iqj enueu wilu tue ueuiai ui vxt
i knew no one had ever McSweeney.
i a dispensary and hun- He is an editor himself; he 1
n killed in bar rooms. his private secretary the presic
a his platform, has not a the Press Association, and wfc
>alition, but he had no formerly bitterly opposed to -tl
on between prohibition pensary, and he has three ne?
! men. reporters upon his staff for Go
"You mean Hoy t is go- Notenly this, my friends, but
ind tiger?" appointed the editor of The
in: "I have no faith in and Courier harbor commissio
i; that i3 all." _ Charleston. Some time ago Th
ibition platform, whioh and Courier came out in an e<
te, not one word is said and stated that the newspaper
?avoring a coalition. \ou doiDg a greae deal of charitable
jposed by readiDg it that for politicians, and referred to t
been horrified at the idea that they had published my am
bination, but I tell you ment. I called them down ar
it he has advocated such them to send in their bill and it
id will prove it to you be paid. In the same editorial
Fords, and that the State Xews and Courier in which it r
Columbia, which, has to my announcement, and th
i bitter opponent of the press was doing so much ohs
, is now supporting Col. work for the politicians, it pra
nt of his'favoring a coali- Governor McSweeney for takm
State, January 5, he says paper in the State and paying foi
:t us all, all opponents of X suppose, of course, that it be
, go together as far as we and the other papera also, that
we have got e far enough n0r McSweeney was paying fo:
great machine, which is papers out of his own pocket,
sdiment to prohibition, such is not the case. For the v<
tgree, as we can, upon a ln the Comptroller ueneral s otn<
.1 give prohibition a ma- that Governor McSweeney has j
territory wrested from his subscriptions to almost ever;
iemy." Col. Hoyt quoted paper iD South Carolina out
Governor's contingent fand. ]
o you thick of this, you taken money from your taxes an
>itionists from principle? to pay his private debts. He '
ididate of the prohibition ?
a return to the saloon , [continued on page 4.]
office. the 1
lie and theii
ise sys- Gov. McSweeney Stands on His 1
;g card state
Record and Administration- enfo:
sr Mc- befoi
jensary book
i; any- and ;
s reve- ende
tnd do xhe Dispensary Law is Adminis- J
Or over- > in th
lharles- ; tsred More Effectually and been
Only : 2nd <
v inriiL i r-i-i:.- XL--. _
v r?un Less rriunun i nan 13 no
ired to wnei
tments Ever Before. 10ar
n/ has v*ew ^act ?oyt cient
by the and Mr. Gary have giren the press the "I
)vernor platforms upon which they will make and <
the race for governor Tuesday upon a^]ec
law Cfn *ledSe ^?7, McSweeney gave ?
before Pre93 following outline of the with,
polioe platform upon which we would ask the natic
which suffrage of the people in the coming the i
ne the notoi
6 ? nnm2rv:
aers ot . , . remo
cases eRterjng tne campaign as a can- j ^
t jury. didate for the nomination of governor "(
one of I expect to stand on my record in the of th
,e wit- administration of the office during the to m
s 'year, time I have held it. Upon that record viola
>e te* I am going before the people and ask was
es were their endorsement. If an administra- nity,
ary for tion has been successful the custom with
did not has been to endorse it by a-re-election, sales
i9 who I invite the closest scrutiny of the "I
> them administration, and if it has not been men
:wd?7S successful and business-like and non- and
on, he political, then I do not expect to ask but ]
nn the neonle to endorse it: but if it has tnrv
K * r ' / - ?
Id find been business-like and free from blun- the c
in the ders; if the affairs of the State have on tl
)w can been administered by me as chief exec- was <
forcing utive in a wise and judicious manner sale
i blind and in such a way as to emphasize the there
Cbris- fact that I have endeavored to be the revei
governor of all the people and have For i
:hies & carried out my promise that I had no in fa
raided politiaal enemies to punish and no po- sale i
md en- litical friends to reward; if factional tion,
a trap differences have been wiped out and ofth
Two the peoplo have been brought together; - tion
I f* I ( 4-1% UAAM nuAdnain^
10113 01 At U1H5H5 ii?3 UCCU jJiVgigoo auu jk/i.vijyvii UJUCII
3cated. ty in the State under my administra- a fai]
ner, is tion; if the law has been enforced and repea
to ob- peace aod good order have prevailed they
e State throughout the State; if these things cure
al au- are and have been, then I feel that I whis]
of the have a right and it is my duty to ask not I
ffence. niy fellow citizens to endorse my ad- good
;he Al- ministration by giving me the nomina- State
e affair tion in the approaching primary. And for tl
ie stor- I believe that the -eense of justice andf
-- " " - ?-1 a. 1
$I,UUU wnicn Ciiarauterjzeu tue jjeupievi ;uuw wuun
ewers? Carolina will give the endorsement I syste
loss to seek. I stand ready to meet any criti- cere
's duty cism of the administration and I desire stop ;
ed and only to be judged by the record. reach
officers "Much has been done during the garyi
past year to restore good feeling among force
r to be our people and to bring all factions to- than
ng the gether and to get all the people in har- "I
mony and working together for the provi
MiVvp progress and development and upbuild- but s
hftr>Aa. ing of the State. the si
o~have "The State has gone forward more partn
rapidly in the past year in material de- of a
be en- ve^?Pment than in several years pre- mean
vn and oe<^Dg, an(* every day wealth is seek- prohi
swine- investinenfc *n our borders and new "I
veeney enterP"ses are g?inS> up in'all portions meet
lse the State. The people are happy with
leston an<^ prosperous. Business conditions
' are good. The administration has the
boucht confidence of the business men and all , .
of the State officers are working in accord
for the achievement and develop- and *
ment of South Carolina. fashi
?? "The management of the*State hos- the i
r' Pat- ^or iQ8ane *s excellent and it so(
or Mc- ecoQomical' varm
ng the "The aSairs of the penitentiary are wear,
ite had in excellent condition, and the superin- rayed
in he tendent and board of directors have feath
managed the institution with J good snoes
p, yet business judgment. torto:
e Gov- 4'Under the reorganization of the
ethren dispensary the management has been c^m
never good and entirely satisfactoiy. The mink
nee he board of directors and commissioners purs?
lina he are working in harmony. tie.
imself. "The chief plank in my platform is such
jharge, that I have honestly and faithfully yet *
he de- tried to do the right as I saw it, and to wear,
proof, conduct the affairs of my office on business
principles and free from politios
er has -and to recognize in county affairs the jyjj
of this right of local self-government. Neither
blished have I assumed to discharge the duties
back, of any other department of the govern- pa*t5
rinking ment, but have referred all matters per- 0f
. That taming to tne amsrent departments 10 2
When which they properly belonged.
rge we "As to my position on those matters (jorg(
ho in- upon which there is difference of opin- ters
nt the I refer to my annual message to
Sunday the legislature. ever
inufac- "The education of the people is the gen
News, bulwark of our form of government. noe
An educated yeomanry is worth more that1
. quiet- to the perpetuation of our government t0 6t.
th Car- than large standing armies or great dorg^
ny re- navies. I favor the hearty and liberal York
I pat- support of our common schools, for it
- * - ' * '1 .i- 1 ;A_
olutely 18 oniy in inese tnac me great majority
weenty of children can be educated. I am
jplause also in favor of sustaining our State in- It
an this stitutions of higher learning?not ex- in Gi
le mat- trayagantly and yet not niggardly. The day i
ivernor policy of the State in this matter is a Be
settled, and it would not be wise now nuis<
las for to cripple or injure them by withhold- ton.
lent of i?g more than is necessary for their man
10 was proper and adequate maintenance. brati
le dis- "In my message I recommended a this :
fspaper small appropriation to mike search for ure c
pernor, the Black report, which was considered chaii
he has necessary to establish the claim of the woul
News State against the general government, addii
ner of This report, as a result of this recom- migh
e News mendation and the appnpriation which lyncl
litorial was made, lias been found and forward- teeln
s were ed to Senator Tillman, and it is hoped 3
work that it will supply the missiDg link
he fact necessary to establish the claim of the ?r
jounce- State and thus enable the State to pay , 41
td told the_ claim of the general government ?,U?J
; would against the State and also have a conof
The siderable balance to our credit. $?U1?
eferred "As to the dispensary, my position
at the on this question is well known. In a p,eaj"
iritable circular whioh I issued in August of 8-5
ised up last year to the magistrates I stated
g every that I believed that the dispensary sys'
* ^ tt o r*r? nri att 16Iu J
r mem, u ilieved,
was the best solution of the liquor f o
Gover- question yet devised. I took the tame ? "71
r these position in my message to the legisla- s?
Well, tare aQd I have had no occasion to ^
juchers change my views on this subject.
;e show Much of the opposition that formerly
)aid for existed to the dispensary system has Tc
7 news- now been changed into its hearty sup- from
of the port, and even many of those who still has
3e has oppose it are willing to give it further whic
id mine trial and have ceased their active oppo- ing f
had no sition.^ with
"I also issued last vear a circular let- fhroi
I ter to the mayors and intendants of the I tore
t .
s and cities of the State asking WILL NOT E!
1 cooperation in the enforcement of
aw. They with one accord promised Th <j & ^
' hearty cooperation, and 1 believe
ecords will bear me out in the Still in Hai
ment that the law has been better ... t ? c
reed during the past year than ever A ^patch from Spa
re since it wa3 put on the statute State says the board
ITT n 11 1
s. vvonora college cas
: reduced the constabulary fores jameg h. Carlisle to a
in the selection of constables have for another year. Th
avored to secure men of character dramatic incidpnt of
standing, and I am glad to say that weckj and the annout
e enforcement of the law there has enthusiasm. Th
no conflict between the constables fhp ffradnatps o^ Wnffi
litizens. The constabulary force this year and their add]
w considerably smaller than it was Class Poem C. C.
11 came into oflice, and X believe lington county,
t truthfully say without making in- 4'John Rusk'in"?B.
ius comparisons, much more effi- rens county.
, , . "The Gospel of Wor
n the city of Charleston, by wise nett) Spartanburg coun
aiaureeii iu?ui*gcuicul. ytc rrci<; cu- "jackson as a jtolllic!
L to show that the United States Fairy, Orangeburg coui
:rs were using the custom house as "Railroads and the
rage for blind tiger whiskies and (JarriS) Colleton county
out conflict between the State and "College Athletics'
snal authorities, and as a result of Fairfield countv.
nvestigation in this case the most "The Ordinary Man'
rious Republican in the State was Anderson count7.
>ved'from office and another, and "Discrimination in
oe better, man put in his place. Lee Darlington county.
)f course there are still violations Qid JEnglish.
e lay, but whenever it has come Maj *>r Greenwood counl
y knowledge that the law was being "Four Types of Gre
on/1 fvio illirtif nf trtiictow \n i.:_ ti7;nr- ?
v?. .. ??j ^uarnu, r? uiiaiuouuig i.
being engaged in, in any commu- "Oar Best ia Letters
I have promptly sent officers there Greenwood county,
instructions to stop the illicit yew Southern P
Rodgers, Orangeburg c(
know there are good and true "Calhoun and the I
and Democrats who are honestly x. Shockley, Spartanbu
sincerely advooating prohibition, "Losfc Leadership"-_am
fully convinced that prohibi- Hampton county.
laws will not promote temperance, "Class of 1900" L.
'bjeot sought by these people; but, ington county.
ie contrary, ifva prohibitory law The following were
jnacted, blind tigers and the illioit speaking: A. D. Gray,
of whiskey would increase and ty W. H. Phillips, Ora'
> would be no maohinery and no j. E.Edwards, Abbevi]
i u <-? ;> A 0, , i - . ,
jug witu nuitu w yix\i a oiu^ w jv. Alter cms mieresiin
this reason many of those who are programme, which was
vor of the open bar-room and the joyed by all present, I
)f whiskey are advooating prohibi- Charleston arose and
and even those who are in favor bronze tablet to Ben^
e license system advocate prohibi- the founder of the colle
because they are convinced in 0f trustees. Bishop Dt
own minds that prohibition will be 0f the board, responds
[ure, and if they can by these means and expressed thanks f
tl the dispensary law they feel .that gift;
will then be in apposition to se- The only degree coni
what they want?the sale of 0f M., on L. L. I
key under a license system. I do cias8 *0f '93.
ielieve that it would be wise or Bishop Duncan then 1
judgment at this time to have the renorfc of the trustees.
torn up by a change of system dearly that the year
le handling of the liquor question, been one of the most
or that reason, if for no other, it suc0essful in the histo
i be better to let the dispensary The greatest feature ai
m stand. If the honest and sin- wag the promptness ah<
advocates of temperance would t^e student. The bis]
and consider I am sure they would ttat tfce |>oar(i 0f truteef
i tie conclusion that the dispen- pr> James H. Carlisle
system, properly managed and en- president of the coilej
d is a better temperance measure ycar. This announceix
prohibition would be. _ . the cultured, sedate
a addition to this, it is not the guch a sight was neve:
nee of the governor to enact laws, fore jn chapel. Pe
imply 10 see tnai tnose piaceu- ou oi(i} maie and femaiei (
tatute books by the legislative de- ousjy an<i lustily. Th:
sent are enforced, afld the ?lection gest aa(j most uniVersaj
prohibition governor would not piece 0f news 0f comm
. necessarily the enactment of a
'1 ? The St. Louis
will attend ail of the campaign
Lng where they do not interfere To ,al* appearances
my official duties." Dessed the beginning o
riotous demonstrations
God Bless the Women- bloodshed that have ch
, street railway strike fo
:ashion book says that belts, gloves past at St. Louis. In n
teckties of rattlesnake skin is now is thought the strike its
onable. We felt convinced that settled. These opinions
attlesnake would have to come to statements of the- chie
mer or later. It is about the only sheriff tnat the critical
int left that the women didn't passed apd upon the fa
i T.rtnia TVonaif AAmnonT
. Think of a woman Deing ar - I j.iuuuiv vviuj/Huj
I in a silkworm dress, ostrich surely approaching a cc
er hat, sealskin sacque, goatskin ^io_n of business with f
i, whalebone stays, kidskin gloves, union men. The in(
ise shell comb, fish scale trim- bodies of the victims <
s stuffed canary bird ornaments, began "Wednesday. T1
fcliell buttons, Spitz dog muff, duced was not of a char,
tail collarette, alligator hide to base a decision as to
i, and a rattlesnake belt and neck- to blame for beginning
Solomon in all his glory was not witnesses disagreeing
a menagerie as one of these, and points. Some placed tl
1 * 11 ? nr>A AfViATO nlanA/1
re love tnem no matter wnat tney ????.? r--?God
bless the women! ers- contradicti
in the accounts of Snnd
Out of Politics. these were emphasized
E. C. Benedict, of New York,
other day was quoted as advocat- Wants Asbi
^"L?t f^UelS t Th? secretary of St,
i President Cl-ebi S- of ^
sew iork DaDers. therefore, sur- ^
d that Mr.* Cleveland would en- w^uu 13 1Jt
i his friend's plan, and sent repor- aDy interestea^may o
to sec him about the matter, eace with Mr. Geiler: ^
cat he says has no bearing what- r ^bestos lsfouna
on me," said Mr. Cleveland. "Mr. lna.snJ as1 wish to b.
idict is able to paddle his own ca- ?Vn - ore.' P^P or P'
' The ex-president stated further
? T or parties wSei
!LIT J?, r lle , hV" Lo?S fibred, soft feelin
Called Him a Boer. or powdei:
is expensive to call a man a Boer Democrats at
reat Britain nowadays. The other The managers of the
i young Irish girl painted "I am ty's national affairs
ter" npon a gate Delonging to a brought into existence i
;ryman at Wick, near Littiehamp- an^ have ready now i
Her reason was that the nursery- campaign a force of 50
did not hang out a flag in cele- organized by election i
on of the relief of Mafeking, but the close States and Cc
means of expressing her displeas- tricts of the country.
tost ncr ?.6, lis., oa. in court. j.ne a contributor totheext
man of the bench said that he campaign fand. Thro
d not be called a Boer for ?100, Secretary Walsh says, t'
ig that the defendant's conduct mittee can get at actu
.t have led to the prosecutor being tions in any part of- th
led in-the present state of public the ^hole country, in a
? " Vacant West Poin'
Black Woman Boanced. Senator Tillman w;
:s. Ruffin of Boston, who was ex- from Washington as fo.
;d from the Federation of Women's been notified by the s<
i ^nnvATitioTi. Milwaukee, on ac- +Vs?ifc T mnet-. namd a. r
t of her color, left Chicago for p0jnt jaly loth. I
on Wednesday afternoon. It ap- tyg appointment by .
i that the dues paid by the Era aminati0n and all can
of Boston for admission to the appointment will rep.
onal federation of women s clubs on July 3d, at 10 a. m
returned to Mrs.Ruffin before she Carolina college. I wi
.Vlilwaukee. In view of this fact, it COunty paper3 will copj
derstood that the VV oman s Era elub ment."
oston will retain the money under
sst, not waiving any rights of mem- One More Re
in t.ho ^ v , t
"* w ice ocaie uoaru or
a -kt rpv- railroad property We<
- A New Tluis. ?p an u/work so far a!
) prevent the stealing of a watch ments are concerned.
a vest pocket a New York man made in the list as orig
patented a safety attachment, was the reduction of th
h can be sewed in any pocket, be- the Fampton and Bram
? Vooirr7 niana nf fohrir- St? (100 Tier mile fcO Sl.C
VI ill 5hi Ul A |/ivvv va awaawj ^ ? - - x ? t
two eyelets in its upper edge, fixed the assessment uj
ugh which the chain is laced be- Palace Car company's I
connecting it with the watch. State at $80 per mile.
raess He Sounds a Note of Warning to
rtanburg to The the Democracy
of trustees of
j. j
ct as president WHICH SHOULD BE HEEDEO.
is was the most ?
icemen^creates The Injustice of Making Charge#
)0rd?ColTege for Against Candidate# When >
Alexander, Dar- Th?y Had no Chance
tt ? , T to Answer Them.
H. Boyd, LauSenator
Tillman was at the campaign
k"?C. B. Bur- meeting at Orangeburg on Thursday and
fcv was received with the old time enthnsi
"J '
*1 Force"?J. C. asm. He began his'speech by sayintf
lty. everyone was hot and tired and he would
U cion''?P. C. not talk long. Someone had just told him
to harry np and get through before the
'?E. H. Hall, dispensary closed. * (Laughter.) Togo
on under any other system there was
E. M. Lander plenty of liquor at any and all times.
There were a great many things he
Ideals"?C. D. would like to talk about.
Voice: "Anything will do."
Pnem"?"R. C. Senator Tillman said he came here in
by. 1896. All that was known of him at
latness"?W. C. that time was from his letters in The
lounty. News and Courier. He spoke at Jerusai"?E.
P. Miller lem Church and in 1890 he~ spoke here
to abont 4,000 voters. This county
'roblem"?C. P. gave him the next largest vote to any.
ranty. There were divisions then, but
'residency"?H. there is no such divison now. There
Lrg county. are now indications of a oat and monkey
-L. E. Wiggins time, but our people have gotten to be
TSTA Vaa* fA
mure tgienuiii tt c uavo uc?u guwg w
L. Hardin, Lex- school in politics and one thing of most
value about reform is freedom of speech
excused from when a man has something to say.
i Laurens coun- Some men think being a Senator is
ngeburg county; easy. He did not go there merely to
lie couaty. draw his salary. He promised to do his
tg portion of the duty and use his pitchfork if necessary,
thoroughly en- and he has done the best he could. He
)r. H. Baer of has punched everybody who got in his
presented the way, using either end. This- session
jamin Wofford, has been his hardest He feels more
ge, to the board like going out in the grass than anymean,
chairman thing else. It has been hard, very
3 annromiatelv hard work. He has attended commit
or the valuable tees, attending the sessions, going to
the departments and ang ering his cor- " ^
:erred was that respondence all session. Nothing but
)antzler of the a sense of duty to you. gentlemen, '
brings me here. Ee wcula be delighted
nade the annual to go all over the State this summer,
, This showed and he wanted to assure everyone he
just ended had had not gotten too big for his breeohes.
prosperous and He took the liberty of advising his
ry of WofEord. friends, because he fathered the prim*
nong the many ary system. First, there ought to be
1 punctuality of no limit on any speaker. No man can
lop then stated speak with a gag in his mouth. Beti
had persuaded ter let every man remain here all day
to hold over aa than gag these speakers.
fnr an nth ar You. gentlemen, now do not know
Lent almost set anything about half a dozen charges*
audience wild, made here. Whenever public men make
p witnessed be- charges it is your business to say:
ople young and Prove it here and now or shut up It
sheered vocifer- is wrong to cut off these speeches.
is was the big- You have an evidence of ambition to
lly satisfactory hold office. The offices belong to you
encement week, people. They used to get them by
hocus pocus and shenanigan in conven- *
Strike* tions. He wonld not speak, at all if he
Wednesdav wit- were P tMs campaign, but he was going ?
ft he e n do f The to help PettoewU South Ho
and scodos of *? ><>? "fr"1! to le?vo his o?odid?y to
aractarized the poople.
Mind von. von neonle took me from
nuartJL jf ^ plough and sent me away, and when -if
y?u set tired of me leave me at home.
J? The candidates'for Governor are til
fTf police^and ?. Hoyt op^me,
a.?f*? i M but is my fnend. He is a clean, high- N.
of minded man and so are they all. But
r i0 oiAmiTT w the Legislature deals with the liquor
ow y question. Y. ou want your candidates
ramlete resump- T T . ir
- * for the Legislature to take a pledge or
? " oath that they will support the dispensary.
You want no sneaks under false
colors. Ask every man: "Wh.t are
?cter calculated 7onfot?" You^tctio buraenMndwoich
side was ?* "{?** * Colombia who deeenot
; hostilities the button. Hieopponentokad
' - onened tid the whole field. He wanted
le blame on the the to eIecfc tteir dispensers.
if- rtr thp ofn't ^ not want the dispensers elected
it or tne striK- by cQunty QJ Sute bowds> He
ay's traee/v and keved in the people at all times. He
in7 J2SSKE "he^ ofT^ wh0 waf
short being sued. That is wrong and
" that is why you all have to keep the
jgtQg, chunks up to the fire.
. Some candidates favored county con*
ite has received troi aQ(j management. It is wrong.
e (^?lier' an There has been more or less scandal at
*-?*. Hamburg, the disp^^ry. If you can't watch
ibiisiied so t&at one \{r State board how can you
pen correspond- watch ibrty? If we had forty we would
"I understand have forty stinks. A great many argue
in South Caro- for the goodey-goodey side. Some say
ay crude asbes- the State ought not to deal In this busijwder,
if quality ncS8. Long ago he asked -himself
id would greatly whether he oould enforce prohibime
addresses of tion and he decided it oould not be
re I can get it. done. Prohibition will not do, simg
white asbestos ply because the old Adan in every man
-free from iron ^ show. You can only persuade by
n also use pulp jaw. He did not want to see the people
go to lying and become hypocrites,
# t t i.l . mmII
_ lor He &new uuc jwupie wial m??c u^uvi
as certain as they will forever love woDemocratic
par- pen. Men are poor, frail mortals, and
say they have it is hard to keep them in the right
in the past year, track. He wanted to impress on every
or the ensuing one here how the Northern Republi>0,000
workers, cans are playing with the South. The
precincts, in all Southern States are moving to disfran ngressional
dis- chise the negro, one after the other.
Each worker is The North is waiting- for us to get
;ent Of to tne lilirvugu ?uu mou u. iuc; lum MB uv>?
ugh this force, House, the President and hold the Seahe
national com- ate they are certain to reduce the repal
local condi- resent&tion from this State. .Mr.
e country, or in Spooner taunted him that 28,000 votes
, few days. were cast for all the Congressmen last
year. They do not want to understand
t Cadetship- the explanation. They say one white
. D, , man here wields as much power as six
ntes ine otate Trntom Thin WAnnnn should
ilows: "I have be taken away by registering and vot>cretary
ot war jn_ avery man jn f e district in the naladet
for West tional election.
desire^to make This is not blowing, but is of vital
competitive ex- importance. The other Southern
dictates; for the States will suffer likewise. He spoke
srt in Columbia 0f j10W be secured four census snper:'
at ooutn visors and most of the enumerators.
ill be obliged it He wanted an honest and clean census.
' ^ls announce- ge aajd be wanted to ask the advice
of the audience as to what he should
, , do. He wanted an expression as to
whether he had better go into other
equalization of close States and work or remain here
j J? it:. DL.i. a
lueouajr nil ID lie VA in uuti Oc3Lc. ouuic uuc a?cu mui w
i actual assess- get that in the papers. You know, he
The only change went on to say, I once said that if The
inally published Xews and Courier supported me I knew
e assessment on something was wrong or I had sold out.
ihville road from Well, it is all right, but I have not sold
>00. The board out, and we are pretty good friends
>on the Pullman now. In conclusion Senator Tillman
business in this expressed his gratification at the continned
confidence shown him,

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