Pickens Sentinl-Journal PUBLISHED EVEIiY SATURDAY MORNING, -BY The Sentinol-Journaa Company, TuOMPsoN & RIoI1I, PRoPs. J. L. 0. THOMPSON, EDIToR. Subscription $1.00 Per Annum. Advertising Rates Reasonable. Entered at Pickens uestofMce as Second Class Mail Matter PICKENS, S. C. : SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1906. NEWS FROM THRIVING LIBERTY. Social, Personal, Business-All The News. There has been organized in the Baptist church a 13. YI P. U, with about 60 nembors and is progressing finely. We hupo it will be of great benctit to this comunltity aS it wil suppliy ia 111c. Ioeded want. '1 be prolraet( I serv ice in p r e . :, as in:r,ihe('1're.-11ytinnanl h r h t h re uu,t week is being largely"\'atteilec,. i he paslt"lr is benIig ass:i;t,rd by) un- Gv Jir. Gr, r;;, t,i 1" lz,r. Thu si,k of oul. 0.1um11 nity ar10 c"011 valescinllg, we ar'e; glaI to saiy. Alr'. 81millo , thu Iirsi, superittnd eIt of the I,Ilerty C-.'t tou Alit), spent, 1 few days heres rt celttly vistiing his friends. We are always glad to have himl return aiontg us. He is a pleas. ant fellow and i.umbers his friends by the score. We have no weddings this week but we do think in the near future they will be sent to you in numbers startling. Just wait until the first week in January or maybe earlier. Our Druggist, Dr. Parkins, hoe just received a beautiful line of Xmas presents for old and young. His clerk, Mr. Taylor, shows great taste in displaying his many hanudsome articles. Come and examine their stock before buying elsewhere. The hardware store is daily receiv. ing useful things for the farm and house and are sending out many invi. tations to the ladies of the county to come to a grand exhibit of the AM jestic range from the 17th to the 22d of December. There will be an ex pert here from the factory who will serve hot ceffee and other light refreshments. Come and bring your friends with you. Mr. Gus Norman, of Walhalla, spent a few days recently with his sisters Mesdames Cal laway and Moore. He Is a live, energetic, busi ness man, who controls a dresden in Walhalla and a drug store in connee. tion. He has supplied his sisters with some rare pieces of Austrian Intaglio and if you wish the hand someut presents to be found in our county see these new designs. They are rare and the very thing for bridal presents. Some of our Baptist brethren have gone to the State Baptist Convention which is in session at Spartanburg this week. The pastor, Rev. P. F. Crawford, and J. H. Brown have gone. The C. M. A. meets every Momb y night and is gr'owing raplidly inl nom11. bers. T'hey initiated seven mw mombhers at their last meeting. Misas J1.hnson11, one of our1' )1 pula teaerset, lo Is gone to attn th.1 fIle umair inge of1 onel of her rinj1. giving at his home inl (;r .. Mr. F'rank (Glenin is apelt1;n1:. this wveek with h's sister, .\Irs. I?essio Smith and othier relatives. Mr. Blair 11as recoven, l frim a brief illness and is at his pheo as sup1erinltendentt of the Libherty (ot ton Mill. Ho seems to be the right "ma in) the right place. The following are those who mad~e an- average of 90 or over for month ending Nov. the ninth. First grade: Inez RaimIv, K> Shirley. Second grade: Daisy Hlillis, Al fred O'Dell, Ellie Bogg*, Pauline Brown, !rene Abercromime, Hace Cartee. Third grad: Bessie Boiggs, Ros col Ohaipman, Alta Callaham, Haldo Hunter Leon Boggs, Hayhmta1 Hutch ings, Loyd Boggs, G' org - Mn: raivy, Fourth grade: Pet Chapman, Sam Griffin, Famil Hillard, John Harris um, G..ee.. Crne h du Fifth grade: Lillie Boggs Selma Smith Essie Clayton, Ralp C Craw ford. Sixth grade: Hugh C apman, Ethel Greer, John Callaham,; Jessie May Parsons, Sammie Skelton, Mae Willis, Dessie Burdette irnun Mc Cravy, Made Byrd. Seventh grade: Zoo Ella Smith Minnie Smith Nevin Crawford. Eighth grade; Adger Smith, Har ry Chapman, Ethel Boggs, Annie Bogge, Annie Belle Brown, Vuran Allgood, Ernestine Rankin, Hillie Hunt, Made Hunt, Cia Smith, Milton Hunter. Ninth grade: Ina Callaham, Ora Hutchings. Elma Clayton Florence Davis Myrtie McWhorter Ella Me Clunahan, Maybolle Hunter, Joe Brown. The Palmetto Literary Society elected the following ofieors for the second teritn ti the last nteeting. Mlr. R'etuben AlcClanahamti President; 1liss I et. CallabaRu Vtco P'resil(Itent; 1\lis; latlvbello lltutter, Sccrot:ry; Mi;ss l'%niocoet Davi., T.reaeureor. Tie iorteeni ((idn of Nw .''.1"Im1m Cu tu c?if t 'i i e \\ ,:t' y Me(thmv debarred paymnnt; and nil persons ndebted to said estate m.st make pay nent on or before the above date to the ldersigned. M. T. Smith, Administrator. 00 LOTS SALE. The Griffin .ands have been mut in to lots and aid off in streets. Ioy are level tnd well located md the sizes vary ron one-hali to ive acres. This .s agol.den oppor unity for you to >wnf a n~ome in he best town or he Pied mn o nt. ieal estate is ad rancin.g rapidly, >ult the prices on hese lots have een made for [Tick sales. First onme, first choice. Por Plats, Prices nd Terms see J. McID. Bruce, otice to Debtors and Credito jOTYIICE is hereby given to all persona hav'ing claims against the estate of D. Stephxens, deceased, they must fl'e 11 Haine1, duly ,,tte'st(ed, with the nmier ~nedl aedministrators, ont or before the thi (lay dii.y of D)ceombIer, 1 9(06, or be relver bai-red. All p)ersonis iude(lbted to id est.:ein must mnako p'ymtent to the ('cutors onl or by the( uIbove) meintioned0( to. LIZZllU STIEPH1ENS L. P. STEPH1 ENS, Nov. 17w4' Executors. Clerk's Sate. ATfE OF S(OUTHI (CAllOINA, County of Pickens. In puni~anieo Of the decretal order 1(de ini the following ilnmed (4nso and1 file in the Clork's oille.e, I will sell to e highest bidder during the legal mrs for aaile at Piekenis court honse, C., on sailsy in De cember, 1 906, o t(ollowmlg dlescribied real estate upotn (3 termis hiereinafter mfenttioned, towit: P. Carey and 0. E. Robinson, PntfTs, C. Kennemore, et al., D)efendanjta. All thatt pieceC, pitrcel orot 1of hmd :Lu.ted1 in L1.e town of PIc*kens, SouIt.h itolina, frontin g or: B3ower. street aind 3tdletonl IanO and known hs Lots os. 75 and1( 91 on the town p1at, co.. iming in) the aggregate two and oe. 11 (2 1-2) acres mor1e or less. 'Terms cash on~ daiy of sale. Pu"-chas must comply with the termq withmn 0 I our1 or t he lpri mnisos w'Jl be resold same (day. Tiho grow ing erops oni these lots are servol un4Jer thtis 4-ale andc d->05 lnt 5a to the purchalUser of said 1ots4. Pnri. aser to pay for patpe an td for ('ecord ; the saime. A. J. IJ(CP, A.K.P1 . Creenville, Dry Goods an We are now showin largest and best sele< Dry Goods we have ev sisting of Cotton Fabr yard to Wool Goods 1 yard. Notwitbetandin higher prices, we have to where we sell you g as little money as hone be sold for. We havo thing you want in niec Our Wool and Cotton ] good as can be had an. money. Our 25 cts. Jc that monev can buy f Wool and Cotton Blan variety from 50 ets. up We have all tbe U want for len, Women better goods than last same price. Hosiery < wayt complete. Me dress llirts, the b(+t Big Stcck neck weir. SH-IEOS! Wel, dots' iter'( . When yout wI of any kind for iniy im funily' ('om loro atnd i Ey rntt(l Owes.A A GO0D C Now is a good time when there in our City, to find out how reasc selling our merchandise and for goods now than the advertised pri< We have still in our always sup isome two and three piece suits whi ably low prices considering the qu L. ROTHSCHILD, BETWFEN Of Coca-Cola and other Ice Col< line of FANCY GRC I can fill your bill for any occasic ners, Picnic or Sociable occasions 4 pany drops in. Send your orders will be promptly filled wvith fresh g the market affords. Country produce bought and sol Your patronage is appreciated. D. F.TP Highest cash price for Chickens J. McD.. Bruce, President. THE PICKE: PICKENS, SOUTH CAPITAL - .. PROFITS - - .. DEPOSITS - - .. -5 Per Cent Interest'Pai DIrectoi J. F. Banister, B. A. H-agood J. M. Stewvart, J. E. Bog T. N. Ilunter, H. '. 1 I have a g. (