OCR Interpretation

The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, April 11, 1907, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2012218672/1907-04-11/ed-1/seq-3/

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The poem, "What My Lover Said," was
first printed in the New York Tribune
many years ago with the iur'n,is "H. U."
appended. The worthy iarners, wtio in
tl'os. days took the Tribune by scores of
thousunds, believed that Ilorace Greeley
wrote,_everything in it, so they naturally
supposed that these initials stood. for iis
nanie. Soon the poeu begIun to appear
in various polleetions of verse with the
name' .of t.realoy appended. Bilt It soon
doveloped that the nameo of thet author
Swas Homer ureene.-Bditor Argonaut.
By the merest chance, in the twilight
In the orchard path he met me;
In the tall, wet grass with its faint per
And I tried to pass, but he made no room,
Oh, I tried, but he would not let me.
2O I stood and blushed till the grass grew
With my face bent down above it.
Wile he took my hand, as he whisper
ing said
<how the clover lifted each pink, sweet
To listen to all that my lover .aid;
Oh, the clover in bloom, t love it!)
In the high, wet grass went the path to
And the low, wet leaves hung over;
But -1 could not pass upon either side,
For I found myself, when I vainly tried,
In the arms of my steadfast lover.
And lie held me there and he raised my
While he closed the path before me,
And he looked down into my eyes and
(How the leaves bent down from the
boughs o'erhead,
To listen to ill that my lover said
Oh, the leaves hanging lowly o'er me!)
Had he moved aside hut a little way,
I could surely then have passed him;
And he knew I never could wish to stay,
And would not have heard what he had to
Could I only aside have cast hin,
It was almost dark and the moments
And the searching night wind found us,
But he drew me nearer and softly said
(How the pure, sweet wind grew still,
To listen to all that my lover said
Oh, the whispering wind around us!)
I am sure he knew, when he held me
That I must be all unwilling;
For I tried to go, and I would have
As the night was come with its dew, at
And the sky with its stars was filling.
But he clasped me close when I would
have fled,
And he made me hear his story,
And his soul came out from his lips and
(How the stars crept out where the white
moon led,
To listen ti all that my lover saild
Oh, the moon and the stars in glory!)
I know that the grass and the leavei
will not tell,
And I'm sure the wind, precious rover.
Will carry my secret so safey and well |
That no being shall over diiscover
One word of the marty that rapidly fell
From the soul-speaking lips of my
And the moon and the stars that looked
Shall never reveal what a fairy-like slell
.lThey wove round about us that night in
the (lell,
Iii the path through the dew-ladent
Nor echo the whispers that made my
heart swell
As they fell from the lips of my lover.
-Ilomer (;reene.
Top Pantry Shelf.
By Grace E. Cody.
Aunt Frances sat in the kitchen with
het ankle prop)ped On a stool while
her niece, Cordelia, briskly mounted
the, step-ladder in the pa,ntry.
"Now you're to give orders, aunty,
while I do the work," Cordelia said,
cheerfully. "I love to clean house,
and I promise not to intrude a single
one of my pantry p)rinciples 0on yotu
not even my top-shelf hobby."
"What is yotur top-shelf hobby?"
Cordelia p)aused, half-way uIp thle
ladder, to smile dow.n at her aunit.
''Oh, sinmply the idea that, in nine
houses out of ten, the stuff that's rele
gated to the top shelf of a closet or a
pantry ought to be destroyed or given
away. We dlon't put things clear' up)
there as long as we're in danger of
using them."
'mn! That doesn't aipply to miy top)
shelf. You won't find any rubbish.
Some of the nilcest kitchen fulrnitulre I
Owni is tup there."
"'What's tis?'' aked Cordelia, pu1z
zled. She hadl r'ileahe thle top shelf,
andl was handing down its contenlts.
"That?" Aunt Frances held( otut aln
eager hland. "0 Cor'delia, that's the~
ctutest (cont1rivanlce for' cutting Potatoes!
You take this little scoop, so! -and
dig it into a raw piotatto, and( give it
some kind of at peculiar' twist, a,nd( outt
drops a little ball of potato, about
thle size of a marble. They're so dain
ty-cr'eamed, y'ou knowv!"
"How nice! Why not keep it in tile
table dlrawVer, where youI can get at it?"
''Oh! Well, it takes a kind of knack
to use it. 'Yotl have to tulrn it juist
8o. andt I've never qulite mas0tereCd it.
Theli balls ('ome( 0out wVithI one side
flat, ever'y time, foi' me. Besides, it
hurts my ha.nd. Youl have to be pret
try strong to work it stuccessftully.
"Oh, I see! hBut here's ainother miys
tery, aulnty."
"'Cordelula M-iller', (do y'ou meanl to
tell mel you've never seen one of thlose
lovely potato-slicers? 'Thiat's the miost.
ingeniousf thing thalt ever was! Let me
take it and1( show youl. Yotu run thle
potato along, this way, and( it malgesC
fluted slices oi' oponwork slices, or any
thing youl want. You ouighIt to have
seen thlat woman111 demonstrating with
it In the store. She went like light.ning
and didnl't hulrt hlerself a bit; but I
can't use it, BnmahaW, Withnnel slicin~
my fingers. I've tried and tried. What
that you're looking at, Cordelia?"
"I was wondering myself what I
might be, aunty." Cordelia was in
specting a large, kettle-like tin whic;
she had just taken from the shelf.
"Oh, yes! It's a perfectly splendi,
egg-poacher. Mercy, how dusty it is
You see, Cordelia, you put the eggs 'i
these little individual dishes with th
hot water underneath, and they com
out as round and perfect as if the edge
had been trfmmed with the scissors.
"Lovely! Let's keep it down an
poach the eggs in it tomorrow morn
ing, aunty."
"M-m--well, the fact is, my deat
your uncle and I don't just fancy th
eggs cooked in it. It makes the white;
so stiff and leathery. We think they'r<
more tender done in the water, the old
fashioned way, even if they don't lool
quite so fine. But that egg-poacher i
great, if one only happens to like egg
cooked in it. I paid a fancy price to
it; I know thr-t."
Cordelia, with a smile, added thi
poacher to the other articles that sh
had stacked on the sink, ready foi
"Is this anything worth keeping
aunty?" she inquired, cautiously, hold
Ing up a small, funnel-shaped tool.
"Worth keeping, child? Why, how
could it get so rusty! My pantry mus1
be damp, for I never put anything awa3
vet. It's a very superior croquette.
molder. You just pack the choppec
meat or potato, or what not into th<
mold, and then pull out these litth
rods, this way-no, this way-well
that's the trouble! The rods nevei
would pull out-they stick so! I'nc
so unprogressive myself, I just roll m3
croquettes in my hands, but-"
"And make the best-tasting ones iI
the world, you might add!"
"I don't know about that," said Aun
Frances, with an apologetic smile
"That's my strawberry huller you'r<
looking at, Cordelia."
"A strawberry huller! I .never hear(
of such a thing. But strawberry timi
is just coming. We'd better keep thi
where it will be handy."
"N-no; that isn't necessary. I cai
climb up for it any time I want it
when I have two ankles. I-don't al
ways use it. It's a clever little thing
but it has a way of leavl.ng half th
hull on the berry, so that you have t
pick it off with your fingers. Still Cor
delia, I'll tell you how I feel about al
these inventions for saving the hand
and finger-nails. I think a woman owe
it to herself to have them-don't you?
But Cordelia had no chance to ar
swer. She had just alighted from th
step-ladder with another armful c
treasures from the top shelf, and eac
one, as she laid it down, evoked a ne
eulogy from Aunt Frances, althoug
each one, for sonic occult reason, ha
been retired from active, every-da
After they had all been washed an
dried, the putting back time begal
Cordelia climbed up and down, carefu
ly replacing tho "cutest contrivance
for cutting potato-balls, the "lovely p(
tato slicer," the "perfectly splendi
egg-poacher," tihe "'very superior crt
quette-molder," the "clever little stray
berry-huller,'' and a host of otht
weirdl-looking utensils.
As the last one was safe o,n the to
shelf, Aunt Frances drew a compjlacer
"I declare I forgot from one housc
cleaning to the next how well-stocke
my pantry is!" she exclaimed.
Cordelia's eyes twinkled, b)ut she rc
membered her promise about keel:
ing her pantr'y principles to her
self. "It's no wonder you do, aunty,
she answered, sweetly. "Now shall w
begin on another shelf?"-Youth'
Vanquished Distance,
The Siun of .July 5 got here fron
New York todaiy, JIuly 6, at 1.30. As
suminug that it left New~ York at:
0''clock in the moraling, it came hal
way aeross the American conitinlent i
thirty-five hours and a half, which ceer
tainily is going some. It hadl t
'hange car's at least at ChIcago, If no
oft ener., andi it p)robably lost half ai
hour' in the p)rocess. Th le Santa F,
tralin it Caime onl is not a limited traini
but a regular passenger train that re
qires'P something ovei' nineteen hour
btetwVeen Chicago and( Emtporia. If t h
paper hadl beeni put on a limited t rail
out of Chicago it would have bee:
here tree hour's s;ooneri.
These facts are piut dlown here t
show howv closely we are tiled togethe
by thle railroads of this 'ouintry.
tmati living in thle Centraml part C
A mericn is only a day and a half fror
thle Atlantic, two days and a half frox
thle PacifIe and a day antd a niighit frot
lie Gulf. lie is otilIy a pait oif a (I;
anid a night fr'om the Catnadian bor
der'I. It is a great. lottnltrmy, thiiis tha
we live in, but one of the greatest ma
ter'ial thinigs in this ('ountr1 y is th
wuoderful wvay in which ('0ommerce ha
destrmoyedh great (list antcc.-Emp:iijori
"la M,~uffler Mgetting a pret1ty fai
"Oh, yes; enmoughi to keep body an
i',, ('arefuli measuirement it has~ bc(
dlet ermiiined that time largest iraind(roI
ar one-fifth of an inch in diameter.
Four Millions a Year for Millinery
Feathers--$25,00,000 For Wirster
a Trips in California-Huge Sums
for Celebrations-New York First
In Extravagance.
Having more money than any other
1 nation, Americans proceed to squander
it in a way that makes foreigners dizzy,
Their extravagances take innumerable
During the racing season they bet a
million dollars every day-and lose
{ most of it. American women spend
about $4,000,000 a year for feathers to
weaW in their hats, and small boys get
an early start as spendthrifts by
Squandering $1,000,000 a mouth for pea
7 nuts and popcorn.
The people of Chicago spend $100,000
every week in going to their theatres,
and they spent- more than that sum
I last fall on the series of championship
ball ganes. A New York firi reports
the sale of $250,000 worth of rugs for
one man's house, a Philadelphia jewel
ler sold a $100,000 ruby to complete
one wonianl's collection of jewels, and
now comes- a New Yorker who spends
$2,500,000 for a site for a private resi
The annual expenditure in this coun
try for little things like golf sticks and
balls is $2,000,000, a.nd golf is a new
game here. When it comes to specu
lation Americans are the easiest of easy
marks. I)uring the last twelve
months the get rich quick element in
the United States has invested enough
money in wildcat mining schemes to
pay off the government debt.
The Atlantic liners have suites of
rooms which cost $2000 a voyage in
the summer, and these apartments nev
er lack for occupants. Americans are
exceptionally extravagant in their
travels. In Cairo, Egypt, the manager
of the largest hotel reports that 70
percent of his guests are Anherica.us.
Fully 50,000 Americans go to Paris
every year.
The keepers of the great shops and
resorts of the Frenc"h metropolis would
think dull times had struck them if the
easy money of th'e Yankee spenders
should stop falling on their counters.
Uncle Sam's tourists are so generous
in their expe.nditures that in most parts
of the world the natives ask them just
as much again as they do travellers
from other countries. Bead sellers and
e curio venders in the West Indies know
that a Yankee will readily pay a half
i dollar for an article that a Britisher
will hesitate to purchase for a shill
h ing.
cI And Americans squander untold nil
y lions on travel in their own country.
It is estimated that the tourists spend
d $25,00u,00o in southern California every
. winter. The number of people who
. visit Niagara Falls during a.n ordinary
year is bet ween 700,000 and 800,000, and
in years when many excursions are run
d from distances the number of visitors
..exceeds a million.
.The amount of money spe.nt here by
*r the tourists is incalculable. They spend
all the way from $2 to $2001) apiece. The
plast estimate may seem very high, but
*t when pleople come wvith theIr retinues
of servants an(l take whole suites, or
several suites of rooms1 in thte big ho
tels, and make large purchases of bric
a-brac, furs and curios $1000 does not
last long.
ntr,attracts upward of 20,000 visi
e tors a year, tile majorIty of whom
s come from east of the Alleghanies.
Railroad fare to and from tIs park to
suchl sightseers means almost as mutch
expiense as a trip to 10urope. The Yo..
semite Valley, inaccessible as it is, is
.visited by 5000 sIghtseers yearly, necar
ly all of whom comle from great dis
1 jThe volume of travel to Color'ado has
- icrease d so rapidly (luring thle last
) few years thait although ('arpe.tetrs
tlhave beenl kept busy thiroughl tIhe ent ire
winter build ing newv hotels each stun
nimer the ac'comlmodatins of' thle state
,are taxed to the utmost. During the
- last year some sixty conventions were
1 held In D)enver.
3 Thousands8 of traveler's go downt the
1St. La1wr'ence every summer and t hous
ands mlore flock to I'loridla in thle wvini
toe'. Although Asheville, N. C., is not
looked upon01 as oIne of the great na
r tional show pllaces It is now atiracting
t 10,000 visitors ever'y year.
f AmerIcans arte enthItuslasts for ('xpo
1 sitions, cel ebrat ions a.nd conu (entions.
1At t he St. Louis expositiont onie morn -
1 ing a gr'oup~ of nlewspaper men't and( of
Sfcials wvere ain.n abhout the money
- that. has been siunmde red in thiis couni
t tiry on3 e'xpositionls. A reploterc asked
- an exposItion ofhicial if it woutl b
e possible to( estimatIe the sumint tc omf-.
Spare it with somietintg. Th'iis was;
I tile reply:
'"Just say that it' all the money that
has been thbrown away oni t expsitions~
ini tIhe United States wats gathere'id to
rgethler' and put in a heap It, would
make a pile sc) highl thait y'ou couldn't
dI fly a balloon over' it.'"
IlTher'e were 18,700,000 paId admis
sbons at St. Louis1, and it is est imated
nthat the visiior's to thle fair spet,t over
s$50,000,000 in the city while thle big
show wvas in progress.
Sir Oliver Lodge declares that the
umlan race is in its infancy.
Bricks made of coal dust are used
)r paving in Russia. The coal dust
conbi,ned with treacle and resin.
The British Admiralty has decided
I discard the reciprocating engines
nd i.n future fit all British warships
-ith turbines.
A new alloy whichserveselectricians
s a substitute for platinum, consists
f 16 1-2 ounces of silver, 4 1-2 pounds
f nickel, one-llalf ounce, of bismuth,
nd fifty-three pennyweights of gol'd.
'he cost is about one-thirtieth of that
'f platinum.
The peculiar brittleness of their tails
s sometimes an advantage to certain
izards. Perching -head downward on
rock the diamond tailed gecko, for
xample, is often seized by a hawk,
vhen the tail snaps off, and the animal
alInly wiggles away to grow an
Artificial silk is made from wood
ull) in Sweden. The imitation is ex
ellent, but it is found that many
resses made from it. have been dis
arled because the creases made when
he wearers sit down do not come out.
t is Pcarcely possible to distinguish
he real from the artificial silk, but this
efect has proved fatal for use as dress
Both burial and cremation would be
bolished by Karl Schott, a Cologne en
;lncer. lie would place the corpse in a
imple coffin-which might be made of
oncrete reinforced with steel--and
vould then fill this with a quick-setting
iquid cernent. The silicic acid and
ime of the cement would bring about
mnimediate petrifaction, insuring pres
rvation superior even to that of an
ient Egyptian embalming. It is sug
ested that utilitarians may go still
urther, and build the cement. blor'hs
lto vast monuments that shall be the
lie future cities of the dead.
The "muscle artist" to whom Profes
;or von Bergmann, the famous Berlin
murgeon, has drawn attention, has such
nastery of the muscles that he can
lova them about as he wishes. He
ilraws ui his abdominal organs, leav
Ing a eavity, then he presses them
down uintil his abdomen 'grows globi
lar; then he dividrs them into right
and left sections, with a hollow be
tween. 110 imakes the iuscles of any
part of his boly tremble and shake like
jelly. lie stops his pulse beating, and
moves his heart at will. .lust how
these singular results are attained is a
Spider That Changes Color of Eyes
Md. W. Stickland of Singapore recent
1'lyihad a strange experience while
sitting in a garden at BuhitenzV/org. .Java.
Watching a captive sp)ider rem'a rk{able
for the po.session of a pair or eyes
which glow like gig lamps amil a
cluister' of smaller eyes, he was amazed
to note that the "gig 'iamps" slowly
changed in color from brown to grass
green and( back again to brown.
Further, as if to inicrease his atonish
ment, the creature p)roceededl to
change the color of its eyes alternate
ly, thereby exercising a most uncanny
fascination over the mere man. There
was something so diabolically deliber
Ite in tihse changes as5 to make1( it
-3eeml thazt the actor took a genuine
pridle in the iwrformnance.
Tihe offer of a substantial reward
ror oilier spleeimens of the same
pecies provedl unav'ailing, bt it was
ist rumniital ini bringing to li1ght a
secondi species, of at grass green colo)r
dashed with yellow, wleih proved in
avery way as expert in the gentle art
>f oglinug as its more sonmbrehy color
'd relative.
So far as Is known this change in
he coloir (If the eyes occurs' only In
tertaina species of duicks,5 and then only
mdoer the influence of fear, while in
lie sp)ider It wvould appear' almost toc
IC voluintary.-Westmiin1ster Giazette.
Extensive Rolling Stock.
Thiotugh eniir iiely new in its pa ttern,
lhe Great Northern motor car that, re
ently arrived In Stt. P'aul from Au.
-ora, Ill., is not the fir st steam moto1 (r
ar th:t~ t thei city hias ever seen. The
rst lccomiot Ivye tha,t was ever plosses
oed by thle old St. PaulI and Sioux City
tailroad, no0w 1)arit oIf the Cilago, Si.
'aul, Minneapolis & Omaha, was a
inot or ea r, the cornbina Ftilon 0f a I oro
not Ive, baggage i'ea andl coneli tls
'ar, was in fact, all t he equipmtent
hat 'hle roadl had whIien in 1ist;5 th le
'0ondway was first (com1plet ed het wee-n
Mend(Otal and1 Shakoper. The front I
nil (if the CIIalrIl rter' reSemblhIed an
:Ildinary steam lacomn otiv'e, withI its
1)>1lot, boiler and 111smokle stack allI pro
jeeting out1 from the rest oif 1he ear.
F'roim the St. PauIl)Dispat ch.I
P'eop)le wvho thIiink rentis are hIgh
will be interested in knmowinlg that a
single room In Cornhmill, -ond(on, re
cently rented for $18,000 a yeas.. Tlho
rents there are the highest on art..
A good illustration of the Ameri- r
:an fondness for going somewhere was
ifforded when the annual reunion of
the United Confederate Veterans was
Leld at Dallas, Tex. At this time the
ensus credited Dallas with a popula
ion of 46,000 people, and the railroads
sold 119,000 tickets to the reunion.
Therefore. the hospitality of Dallas
was taxed with the remarkable re- f
ipo.nsibility of entertaining nearly three
times as many people as it had popula
tion. But Southern hospitality was
equal to the emergency, and before the t<
week was over every visitor was ready -
to throw up his hat for Dallas.
The homecoming week is a new de
parture in celebrations, and there is
:1 good story in connection with its
Drigin. Miss Louise Lee Hardin, a r
rormner Kentucky girl Livipg. in -Den
rer, listened to a band playing "My Old
Kentucky Home" one night and got
the blues. She wrote a leter the, next
miorning suggesting that Kentucky's
wandering sons and daughters be in
vited to return for a homecoming
The suggestio.n was abopted,- and it
'ost 50,000 ex-Kentuckians not less than
$500.000 because a blue grass girl in far
Dff Colorado got. homesick; but every
Kentuckian thought it well worth the
mloney. .
One of the best established and most
p)opular annual festivals in the cou.n- I
try is the Mardi Gras at New Orleons. c
rho Southern city does itself proud on d
these occasions. Four processions, c
\lomus, Proteus, Rex and Comus, cost
$25,000 each.
A ball is given in connection with t
cacl of these processions, the expense
:)f which amounts to $50,000. Other en
tertainmentA illuminations, decora
tions, rich and rare costumes, etc., run
the expense up to $250,000 for the
week's festivities.
New Orleans people figure that every
gisitor who comes to town during the
carnival spends $30 and that the big
show is a paying proposition for all
parties concerned. Other celebrations
almost equally as famous as the Mardi
Gras are the Veiled Prophets at St.
l.oiis, the Priests of Pallas at Kansas
City, Ark Sarben at Omaha and the
fall musical festival at Cincinnati.
New Yorkers are the most extrava
ga:lt of all Anericans, and New York
is the cost!lest city on this conti.nent
to visit. No matter how much the aver
age New Yorker's income is he lives up
to it, and often beyond it.
\lanhattan has so many pace'nakers
in spending that no matter how much
of a splurge you make there is always
sonic fellow ready to go you one bet
ter. In speaking, of the people of
New York some one remarked to the
late Col. Waring: "They devote them
relves to pleasure regardless of ex
pense," and he replied: "Oh, no, they
don't. They devote themselves to ex
pense regardless of pleasure."
A New Yorker's income may increase
i ron $5000 to $10,u00 a year, but he
s,)elds the one sum as readily as the
W\'he.n the Westerner first strikes
I)roadway and comes in contact with
the sky hi'gh inriffs that abound there
it makes the little shivers run right
up and dowvn 1his spine. In Lond(on you
('all (rive in a hansome from tihe llotel
Cecil to the Victoria Station for a
shilling, bagga:ge and all. In New
York a eab for about the same distanicoe
co.sta $2.50. One may stand about
the carriage eat ranice of a Brioddway
hotel or at the (loor of a garage and1( see
a mlonith's salar'y for a United States
senator blown ln for automob)iles be
tween noon and dusk any day.
Look. at the register at any New
Yor'k hotel and you will find the inae
of people from every state in the Union,
peole living on Brcoadway for a fewv
days at the rate of $10,000 at year, when
their expenises at home do not exceed
$2000. They' figure that they don 't get
east very often, a.nd so long as they
are there they might as weli 'see the
wihole show.'"
By thle t ime they arc ready to depart
their' places are taken by ot her people
from the wvest, whod are "just on for a
fewv days, you kno1w." Anad so New
York growvs tat. and sleek.---New York
Streets Paved With Gold.
SAiteorally, the strieet s of Guadalajara,
Alexico are pave'd withi gold. Gobli anid
L4ilver' to the value of $0000, says the
Mlining lteviewv of I-os Angeles, has
just been d iscover'ed( in the a sphalIt
ISavemenOts~ laid there in thle la:st two
years by the Mexica n Asphalt P'avinig
('o1mpaIny. In the preparailoln of the
asph'.tt mixt.ure the company, used
tailings from old SpanIsh and AMexican
r'eii ct ion works in iihe Et za llan d is
trit. A few (lays ago( a bilg shiipment.
of tall ings was ieceive'd foir a ddlit iona
wcark, and whuolly thriouigh cur'iosi ty
thle companyil3' local mianager had a
Inmber of asIsays made. 0 ''I Tese( ie
vealed that. thle tailings ave:rage $15 a
toni ini gold and silver, Alreadly about
100 tons of Cailings hlave been used
ini pavemnti 'consi ruict ion1.
The Terrible Price of Age.
"'(ee, I hope i'll never' get as (o1(
as5 grandpa."b'
''Why, darling"
"Didn't you hear him say when 11e
wa at our1 house5 for dinner on Chruist
ms that h1e was too old1 to eat mince
pie or more than 01ne piece of
turkey ?"--Chicago neom.d-1m..ml

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