4R A 111 SENTINEL-JOURNA. /gI~ FQurei , 1903 4 ?ioienat t3. 0.$ m soocd 010.8mattvro Ander aot of Congress of Marob 8 1879. ~ VQL, XXKVII, 1gz3, 8090H CAROLINA, 1HURSDAT. 11019111% 12 107 Ain't Th Txvwoof the Con Baby THESE ARE BRIGHT FAC We vill publisih 1wo more uext we. k Oau publish the pioturoa. N. D. Taylor will be in him studio in day thOrLater until Dec. 15th. This unlutest. c~bae< December 18 It. 190 The Gatherer. The Comings and Goiigs (f Peopie-t Som - yoa k iaw, a , j y su do't. BY MizsS G HGMtUBBARD O ~ ~ ~~1 411i111eneua ace given iby Meo,4-is. O-c..r ravellv mid Av.-rv Looper, tit tlie residetice of Bailey Robiiinsn, V . ~Ilj iedl bY a ntuimber of younatg pp-ople Those preset -M-ore M itises 0 1 Ivchey-, Dorm IUen. W-k1, Mary Luoio, Nora Jimes, Joeie .Chustaiy,, E'.ize tird, MaId and Hortonse'StansOell uand Meussrs Sam -Craig, John Craig, .Jtck LewiR. Ar 'thur Lew~is.x-irimn and Norman Hol der, Jesse Morris, Furman Morris, Catlile 'Newton, Frank Smith of EmitEl1, Frank D. , f E AeY, E nest iFrerua , Willie Bog,, Frank F"r .gudon Ltov Grandy .J F, K .wn aind Ben Martin. M'W'oh Dow. 11 cal'ed the chanuages. The Pickeno Chap'et Ii.. U. 1) 0. T thad a eall meetitg laa4 welnk Is flih reeidei-ct of Mrs. C E. Robinatn, zand sent Maui Marie Fsolger III re - ruseut the Pickeie. Chapter at thu stat' convention which meets in Camde-u. Mim \I argaret Holder vioitod re.la k To You, Now? 0 Guesses Gotten To? More Surprises in Store for You. MAfNY NEW FACES THIS WEEK. FOR -CARR[(ERS'FRIZE. Ro'ss O')el0, Liberty, 745 R F Herd, Picken. 2010 R TL Henderkou. Pickelin 29)10 Jak, Allgood, Liberty 1010 Middleton Hester, Pickens 3260 C 0 Masters, Central, 4335 Wm Mnllinix, Central 1010 D 0 bumbert, Eaisley 815 B-. F Freeman, Pickens, 4145 - McWhorter, Liberty, 300 Frank Hendricks, Pickens, 6235 Hal lBogga, CallIoun, 1000 - Steele, Central, 500 Mark Hunt, Dausville 600 SCHOLARSHIP PRIZE. Dreamers' Arthur, Liberty, 4680 Miss Lucia Earle, Pickens, 4265 Til!mau Garrett, Hurricane, 2505 Miss Zora Smith, Central, 2465 Mips Lena Balentine, Central 5180 Miss Lida Leslie, Ensley, 295 Miss Essie Kelley. Pickens 1230 Miss Katy Edens, Punpkintown 1005 Misi ElAie Herd, Piokens 460 Miss Viola Gilatrap, - 5340 Misa Pearl Dalton, Hurricane 1470 Miss Ida Elrod, Pumpkinton, 400 Miss B-sai ThOIas, Dacunville, 200 M ins Jessic P .rgonas Liberty, 1000 Miss Maltie Bowen, Easley, 105 FOR TOWNSHIP PRIZES. CENTRAL. Lena Baleitiun 5380 Zora Smith 2440 EASLEY. Mattie Bowen 415 Lida Leslie. 295 LIBERTY Alma Clayton 4980 Jessie May Parsons, 1000 PICKENS Lucia Earle 4265 Esasie Kelley. Pickens 1280 Viola Gilstrap, Pickens 5140 DACUSVILLE. Ridney Watson , 300 HURRICANE Lizzie Garrett 2360 Nora Chapman 1235 Pearl Dalton 1270 EASrATOE Flora Winchester 685 Leona Ch ipmnan 200 Lida Thoman 260 PUMPKINTOWN Idla Elrod 915 Katy Edena 1285 The snowstorm last week as] gn eral all over the state .nd was fol lowed by very cold weather. The American Audit Co. finda the books of the state dispensary in a chaotic condition, and loose methods of keeping them and misapplicatio~n of funds means a heavy Ioss. Antu.rson county is working a novel scheme to get good and relat - able men to serve as jurors. Coerk of the Court Watkina is sending a circular letter to responsible people in each townshiip urging upon them to furnish names of the beat men in each township to put in the jury box. ~')A0od scheare. the holder to 5 votes in ial's Prize Contest. ----- ............Rural Carrier --.. . Township ................ ...... ...... for scholarship.