OCR Interpretation

The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, March 05, 1908, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2012218672/1908-03-05/ed-1/seq-8/

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"There aM few persons who know
tow the name of 'buckboard' came to
)e applied to a vehicle," isays a writer.
'It was away back In the twenties,
-when the transportation of goods,
'wares and merchandise was almost
.uttrely by wagon. A Dr. Buck was
-then in charge of military stores en
route to army posts In the southwest.
an east 'Tennessee much difticultg was
-.-xperienced by reason of the rough
:roatda, and there were frequent mis
itaps, mostly from wagons overturning.
'Dr. Thick overhauled the outfit, and,
.ibandoning the wagon bodies, long
(boards were set directly on the axles
-or hung below, and the stores were
Aoaded in such a manner that there
-were no further delays from break
'downs, and the stores safely reached
-their destinations. In special emergen
.ey, too, the load could be shifted or
taken off in a hurry. Dr. Buck's ex
.QtmplO was followed, especially when
croads were rough, and soon much haul
iug was dope by the use of wheels,
Airies and boards only. Now we have
the buckboard, both in carriage and au
tomobile forms, conforming closely to
the original idea, though few suspect
Athe source of it."-Chicago News.
Technical Swearing.
The late Sir John Millais was a very
ceem ;fisherman. le used to toll a
.6tory of an old man who was his at
tendant during a day's sport In the
.north of England. The old wan was
Vull of local gossip and small scandal,
.and whem the natural supply failed
-him he was ch arly able to manufac
lure enough of his own to go on with.
"I were out with the bishop yester
day," said the old man, referring to a
popular church dignitary, who is also
a good fisherman. "Ah," replied Ml
lain, "he's a good mani" "Well," con
tinued the old fellow, "''e may be. but
'e do swear a bit when 'e's fishin'."
-"Oh. nonsense!" replied Millala. "1
don't believe that." The old man In
stated that he was right, however.
"I'll give you an instance," he said.
"I was standin' 'longskle o' the bishop.
same as I might be aside o' you. and
'e'd got a big follow at the end of 'Is
'ine that was pretty nigh pullin' '1m
off 'is feet, and I turns to 'is lordship
.and I says, ''E pulls - 'ard, don't
be?' and the bishop says, 'Yes. 'e do.'
Well, now. ain't that sweari'?"-Lon
,don M. A. P.
St. Patrick and the Roosters.
St. Patrick's reputation as a snake
,charmer is known all the world over,
.but what he did to the roosters is a bit
,of history less disseminated. rhere u
;a Bmall district in the heart of Count)
Sligo, it seems, which strenuously re
:sented the intrusion of the Scotchnian
Succat (St. Patrick) had become ex
-'eedlngly domineering, and it was do
clded to put a damper on his progress.
lie said to his hostess, "Wake me
when the cock crows." When he had
gone to bed she whispered this com
uand to the neighbors, and all the
populace concealed their roosters un
-der small creels so they could not lift
their heads high enough to crow. In
consequence thereof the saint overslept
himself ani was furious when he dis
covered the trick that had been pilyed
on him. ec laid his everlasting curse
on the roosters of that district, and
they have never crowed since.--Ex
T'he Number Fourteen in France.
So far as France is concerned, it is
'the number fourteen that has played a
conspicuous and generally portentous
part in her history. On May 14, 15M4.
thle Rue (de la Ferronnerie wa*s enlarged
by order of Henri II., and four times
fourteen years later Henri IV. was as
eassinatedl there by Itavaillac-namely,
on May 14, 1610. Henri had lived four
times fourteen years. fourteen weeks
and four times fourteen days-i. e., fif.
ty-six years and five mon ths. Then
H~enri's'son, Louis KhIIL, dIed May 14,
1643 (the same (lay and monith as his
fathers). And 1043 added together
equals fourteen, just as 15S53 (the year
of the bIrth of Henri IV.) equals four
teen. Louis XIV ascended the throne
(1.043, which added together equals
fourteen and similarly the year of hIs
death (1715) equals.
The pootor at Sea,
i , A veteran naval surgeon, speaking of
the odd thigs that crop out in the
service, said that one of the younger
mnedical cranks in the navy discovered
-terwha disasecame on his first ac
tionwasto trowdown the patient's
thrat lage oseof the nauseating
liquid. The crew soon learned to hate
him thoroughly. In process of time ho
%oll overb~oard in a choppy sea, and a
1great bustle ensued. In the midst of it
-the captain came up and anxiously in
.quired the cause. "Oh, nothing, sir,"
replied a tar. "only the doctor has fell
1nto his medicine chesti"
Fooling the Youngster.
-"Mother," said Mr. Popley guarded
* 'Jy to lisa wife, "why not take the
*y-o-u-zi-g-s-t-e-r to the m-a-t-t-imn-e-e to
morrow ?"
"Pa," chimed in the youngster quiet
ily, "there's only one 't' in 'matinee.'"
-I "Agood1 listener Is usually much
nih'1t a l'ter."
"That's so. Hcnpck's wIfe is look
lug for him all the time,"
If you need
See us. We have two for sale.
How H. Did It.
"Wheioi I wais connected with a cer
tain western railway," says a promi
nent oflieial of an eastern line, "we
had in our employ a brakemlan who,
for speelal service rendered to the
road, was granted a month's vacation.
"H1e decided to spend his time in a
trip over the Rockies. We furnished
himi with passes.
"lie went to Denver and there met
a number of his friends at work on one
of the Colorado roads. They gave him T E O
a good time and when he went away
made him a present of a mountain
"Evidently our brakeman was at a
loss to get the animal home with him, t e sa d
as the express charges were v'eryI
heavy at that tirbe. Finally, however,
hitting upon a happy expedient, he lhsrpi sdI V
made out a shipping tag and tied It to blne n aeul ie
the horns of the goat. Then he ifre
sented the beast to the office of the
stock car line.
"Well, that tag created no end of
amusement, but it served to accom
plish the end of the brakeman. it was
inscribed as follows:
"'Tlease pass the butter. Thomas J.
Meechin, brakeman, 8. 8. and T. Ry.'"'
Afcr cmplyin the lhderssdaenl
h:~sFishIscrep'rs usereincdv
"l~ook harancehoaeclacereto theibe
t"Say, old it.p len m a dollar, ovlr -
hashis mm ory rer1 hd"
rowrthef net' mmnt:"oet
"Wel. hii olr No. 2:."a
makes It even. Savvy?"
nty-three years
rd of the South.,
try ton of Tarmers* Bone- <roperly'
I, insuring bigger yields with less acreage
It this trade mark Is on every bag.
Royster Guano Co.
Norfolk, Virginia.

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