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The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, April 02, 1908, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2012218672/1908-04-02/ed-1/seq-8/

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The brumal days wil s >onb
i l etival inl their
ea.d, amd with the clialnge the
,old bacieLr has ibgun to shave
thiri days under the skin, part
his hair in the mi(dl, and curl
.every "kinky' place. On the
-st of April ribbons andI laces
- A.and sh-.4ah oil their faces were
in order for the opposite sex, and
;.the fair, blushing females of
- vAsw Ieg 1' were at their best,
and thed h(41 lChelor, < f course,
alon't won, to be behind in the
tprocession. If the girls would
:alfways look fike they do through
Abe months of April and May,
.ad the 01M bachelor could get
.'MWne, he wouhlhlde as happy as a
'.kinner looks when ho is in a pro
tracted. mzed1ting, Well, it is
\hupe that keeps the world, or
.mtumr the people of the world.
mNovin1g, aiot tie old bachelor is
,101 tising in hope if he dies in
idespair. WVe have heard people
y fit marriage was a lottery,
:md when we see what some
amople draw, we don't care to
Well, by tjhe( Way gual10 "A
heing sold by the diffei'ent
Amlnts, we take it for gtfiAlted
1.uf the farmers are Wging to
make good use of the i law
& year before it dies, and
mak a spoon or )spil the han
- dW e. ke the Old ne'gro wa.9
'ant <Cooking hall of the squir
S''Let us live while we (10
ve."' Well' there's always a
bS1t itut I or antIn anld
"Ore will b41e provided
r7r the lien (l5. Look at the
anny pa i. T h I e )clos1
Men' *aa~lt5 Ont us at New Yo.rk,
it bless your sou1, it wan11
M<I::g before there wee ' smze
'"4 rip-$" afloact, goo d for long
a b ule . Of om- timhes1
m 1(10k prietiy i l, hatI
" O v'1r I e( .ii o v t- per
i."' Ora t .a n10 wr-:. emenr
k#-r. (d roqds hle hink of the
a TF !'eitentIliary ik the!
1au1' for ahi''f an l h--i for a
nrat tht wVon't wtyrk,
ii'I '- iutit h. in i n a b'lacksmithl
( i.lhe, of N *rri.s, has
1uig t ( l. T1. 1 Wh inson 's
ii~ I'al(I-~ hittleton1, of (en
Ali. h'-oinon( has buis andp
,%dt v wcl snhos e hi ad.
up the' railroadi, and* will 'con..
tDiue to sell goods. Sniees too
you, ('ol.
Norris iS now~ 11 a bu sspliVe
shiops, a postollice andi a freightL
denot th:it does mo~re business
;Aani any dlepot bletweeni Sen'leca
:and Eastey. Tier t win' sist.,
'Uat'?ichee, is still in the ring
anwd dloing a lively businies-. E
"tott on mill town.
We were sorry t) see in a late'
Asue of the S.-J,. that T1. M.
Mo.lrris was to miove. to Central.
WJe hoie the gentleman will re
tonsider and remlain among his,
CValeechbee friends.
Mrs. Posey andl Misses Folger
id Olayton', of Central, visited
t Mrr TL I. M. Norris' last iveek.
#fell, we. are0 glad so many
corresponldents ar'e taking an in
teresttin our county paper. We
kn~ow we nexl:act to give- the
Aear old 8.-J. dots as oftenr as
-we should, but n. w. items are
We ae>.'.Old Riddle" hasn't
said anything about the new
top-buggy since the last change
of the moon. Guess the buggy
has got so old she can't see .i
coming. Say, "Old Riddlk," if
you like top-buggies, t'ie old
bachelor has several.
What has become of the
"Blue-Eyed" correspondent at
An infant of Mr. and Mrs. L.
Mullinax died a few days ago,
and was buried In the old Mul
linax graveyard, near Liberty.
Talk about going to Texas tc
raise cotton! Capt. J. C. Gar
rett, of Norris, made 11 bales
from 71 acres of land last
year. He also picked 2,300
pounds of seed cotton from three.
fourths of an acre. Who can
beat it? B.
Mrs. A. Davis is very much
i(np)ved by her fivo weeks
skyVAt Dr. Black's sanitariun
at Greenville. She is wet
pleased with her treatmen1
while there.
Farmers are pushing theii
work for all it is worth this fim
A very ivo and interesting
Sunday swhool has been kept il
at Antioch Baptist church al
wiinter, with R. P. Prince a
B. M, Smith and H. F
Vrfght, of Pickens R. D. 2, vh>
at Dan:ef Winchester's one daj
last wak. '
J. L. Cantroll lately visite,
relatives naTl friends in this
Mr. and MIs.. John A. Wilson,.
who have beei in the- wfest foi
the past year, lou;te-1 at San
Luis, Colo., have' returned hat
to o(1 South Carolina, wi
full dose of the west. They ar
Iocated on Daniel Vinchesten2,
frm near here. Mr. Wilson(
rormecr home was in (conu&
ounty, near Salem.
J.. H. Chapman and family
[Iare lett this section and gYIme
to the Pickens cotton mill. We
regret to give up good farmers
like Mr. C., but we hope our- les
is his gain.
Married, at the residen ce o
the br ide'' father, Johna M. Gil -
4tral, M~liss. Alice Gilstr-ap ami
Robert Girlespie, on1 the 22d uit.
Rev. B. F. Murphrece, in his
bappy mntarmer, per-form UCI t hv
Louple have the best wis-hes- oi
their many fiinds.
Thesongs. of the whippoorw ill
aind dove were heard last week.
'Tis said that when the plaintive
notes of the dlove are heard the
backbone of winter is broken.
I want to ask the read1ers of
the SEN'PINK~arJOURNAL, a <ques
tion? There wvere five Satur'
days in February, 1908, and cami
any one tell me if there has evem
been, or wvill there ever- he, fivt
Sundays in February again
Who can tell?
I have seen several differeni
kinds of washing machines, but
J.. RI. Meece's beats 'em all. 1H<
bought 100 feet of Vinch piping
and attached it to his boiler by
means of valves, etc. He car
pump water through this pipe
into the washtubs, and1 at pleas
nre it can be shut off! The:
turn the steam into the pipe an<
boll the clothes by steam. B3
ti I; nwmans it saves the carryin
or drawing of 'water; saves wooi
and fire. You need no pot,- an
are never bothered byr the po
turning over, putt inlg out the s
fire, etc. The (lathes can be h
boiled in wooden or zinc tubs. ti
If anyone doubts this, jiust cowe 11
up to his sawmill on wash-day lo
and see for yourselves, or he can a
show you how it is worked aiiy p
(ay. i
W. T. Murphree has been on
,a week's visit to lis mot h r aml a
.sister at Cateechee, and other 1
relatives and friends near Da!'. i.
Well, the contest, has been
closed for sone tien. I ha-en't
heard a single ki k and, I , an
truthfully say that I believe it
was carried on'4 as honest, earn
est and faithful as anything i
was ever conducted.
The influence of Females.
"Daisy," your "protest" was
very good, but I diler from you
in regdrd to reforming young.
men011. I think that if the young
ladies would ;; with thel ani
treat the.n right :d ask the:x
to quit drinkin;:., it -oald b1e
better way to reformi them than
to not notice them at all.
If the good pecpie will not no
tice theni and try to influera e
them for the good, then theV
bid people wi use their influ
eice with theilm for 3ril. . ]
We m '- first 1;ChiI thzir con
fidence, then weo will have a
great influence ove them. If
we would be light-bearero, We
ishould ask ourselves the qucn
tion, "Do I pretend to be -t
Christian and carry a mis
leading spirit I"
It is my miissiol to reform
them: but should a young man
-Who drank liquor ask me to leave
my happy home to go with hni
ny answur w"ould be, 'i'he lips
diat teLach li ;uor shall never;
touch me.,
Now, dear'"Daisyr'' please do
not get. offened, for you have
as niu I ..iA toy our Aeas as I
have to . A.
Married, en itf22d ult.. Mass
T Ihe haoy .up
17rnflik Cx. .. oie, tg.
nie ~ ~ ha hi th - 61 b-w.f
.ih s of ta ' i Iy'- l
fest conmei]:.y any1V w.6A e.
Mosc'~t di he ~,fruit i rem3 a.o or
fuill loom, andi they present a~
M ~Vr.. ade1 rs~.. ti. P. Sherif?
visited Ie 1k ni irni~t -ac Sher
iff, at Eml~d'ey, i'M. week.
WeT ar': .. a: line .unt y of raiin
-miore th1 :I..&1he Demeras like to
se at pn1' .weA.
An abudhn;.ii crop. of* meaales
around here.
Chis. Rdiinser is buikling a
storeroomi ait hip h('ne.L i Norris.
"Dreamer" on Watermerons.
Brother-farmer,. l'et me beg of
you to oem-ber the children
whenyou o-toplant youri cropF,
and do't 1 onget to put in a
good-sized! melen patch, - eai
nuts, andi at Vew rows of pop
corn. Mliny times a melon,
patch at homei will keep the
boys out of. their neighkbor's:,
patch. Wattermelons are so'
easily raised, 1Y don't see why
every farmer dlbert have
enough for home use. Water
melons come in after the crops
are laid by, and. what a pleasure
it is to see them.. Take. a lus
clous, red-meated. molen andir go
'out under the shade of a ti- e
'and eat until they say, "I''mn so
full; I wish, mamma, yon' puti
off dinner awhile.;. for I haven't
1room for at right now.'"
I frequently hna townu peonIa '
ty that watermelonS are not I
ealthy, and they don't. want
iwir children to eat them. Per
aps they do cause sickness af ter i
yincg several (lays in the store
ud thumped and rolled and p
r s :d by every boy and negro
1at comies in. I wish all who
link them unhealthy could be
t my home and see them bring
i the day's supply while the
ew is still on. No doubt theyi
rould think that the boys were
ring to market with then.
Ve have a small family, and
[ cannot eat them) yet they
rill consume six or eight large
ielons a day. If we had them
[ buy I am inclined to
uess they would eat a little
earer the rind. All who eat of
ur melons say they are the bi
var. We only buy seed every
wo or th- e years.
Peanuts are another crop eas
ly raised, and all children like
hem. You can put a paiful in
he stove, after you are through
ooking supper. See how the
hildren will enjoy them, after
hey are through with their
Raise your popcorn and buy
L popper. One night you can1
lave peanuts, the next night
)opcern, the next honiem ade
nolasses candy. What i they
10 muss up things a bit? Tlfey
vill look back upon the days at
he old home as the happiest of
heir lives, and think father
11d. miother the best people on
Provide good 1ihks and road
n , matter for y6'F Childrun.
c n ;ult each one's taste, #Itic get
)oks, papers or magazirma6 for i
iach on. Of course, I do not
nean to cater to a taste for dime
1>vo!s or sonsational papers, a3
.hildren are greatly influenced
y what they rf:adL Ye hould
see thcA noithin,. I3shly fall
nto( their hands if yai canM hClp
L. I'nty -oCi inw li,-t afford
ipers and mag1Z't .- tter
star .-. thei,- bodi d than11
Sstavie their niids. i have
a. subscriber f,-r eig T7r
cm y I crr :ead, a il at only)
O% a year. I wi.n qutite sure
e.-a are a gr'::t .r'-lany who
pedrc enough money for thims~
oal just as well dA wth
ai' to paxt rho amount in'&rt 1 d
.erata~re for the fa'ily -'.xA1z
Ll popen that woul: help 1
1ae M .gh-toned, Christ i m'
:l:m&tvs; of their boy.4 and
Ceise. Lcas
1 i. S. o ; u . wp.ec
cfcere le. Jicucoc..n e e . li rents p e
falite. n.~ 10*0en4IIkcc fILLc ~1~ c
I'aba I . - Obi e a tc Fh e a' '.' e ved
ye -O c 'UciIc Yc~c .\N1 leIcc
15. - anel en -b .. i ? MU. . --
I.u I. yS~ etnin in e .'c ccc . }'e.r
tise.: ofl1. 0,1. 3 . P.i a m . .3. c k
S . .i. c' . e ) i eg wi
411ICek IC M ce nre cc-Th i hcr s... i h in
Allas- r c Uch s w riee co. t bemwv'
lerhw 15.'ih.-~y ay Iie beeV te werh
tva lef cc4 a highn t jc.c M ece --nt( ft~
Li, 3)u 't, elis t agher Jig twh- nv bc..noj
:.. pro sec e p Te-- i C .. w'
idney Trouble Makes You Misble.
Alrmost everybody who reads the news
apers is sure to know of the wonderful
cures mad', by Dr.
Khimer's Swamp-Root,
the Creiat hidney, liver
and bladder remedy.
It is the great medi
cal triumuih of the nine
teenth Century; dtis
- 1 covered afte: years of
--K lr, the m.
. --- net kicy and blad
-- " - dcr specialist, and is
' aucce:-1 in promptly curing
ame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou
lcs and Dright's Disea::% whIc'. l. 6h0 wor:t
orm of kidncy trouble.
Dr. 11Uilmer's Swamp-Rot is not Io
>rnmended for everything but if you have ;Id
ey, liver or bladder t:ble it w1ll be found
ust the remedy you need. It has been tested
n so many ways, in hospital work, in private
:rnctice, among the helpless too poor to pur
ha;;c gelcif r.nd has proved so successft'.! in
-.r-- :... that a s:-- al . .;
boon; made by which all readers of this paper
who hav :-.:t already trled It, may have a
i.amplo bottle sent free by rr:Il, also a book
lefing more about Swamp-Root and how to
[Ind out if you have kidney or bladder trouble.
When writi.ng mention reading thi-i generous
offer iII this paper and
send your address to
Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Ding
amton, N. Y. The in
regular fifty cent and nomoor swamp-noot.
dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists.
Don't make any mistake, but rememlier
the name. Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamten,
N.Y.. on every bottle.
Physician and Surgeon.
011ce Hours 10 to 2--4 to 4
NotiCe of Sale
By vi tIue of Pn order of the Prolaid
Jurio. I will >+01 at my re sidence at
iy r4 siden1ce at Norris. on the- 11'I day
0.. oril. 19- 7. to the highest bidder for
cuJd, W' the pelsonal property belong
ing L., I tI le kstate 'f h Is. M. E. Robin
a ,dece'-ined. T. C. Roblason,
T'hes i d'SwItth Carolina.
Coe,-.-v 4 a Pit~l..t n,
a. d, B. & .v -v. Probate Judge:
'Wfit.ens, .1'. P iarc aiul Emeline
Clark huN madefl...itt-, oc to grant them
Ltt - of Adminrt,-t -f hw Ertato
and eff.'c:a (if F. M. (.11r.
Th se a ihertf ., t,-. a i l ad
m. :'h :th ...-- 1 (ingL~":Lr lhe ki,.ral itla
IIIdit 011-fard the11--1 "OG I.2.Cn igde
e 1. th it hey pe -tii 1 I" N' hfore Im(!. in
ti C ot or Pr- La.,.-:' i' 1.l ia Piek.
tnion tiho ,li drv i ->b 19 8. next
- f er iil;C u tbbn i -er.c . O'CIlck in
t e ::,r. ii - . to t!.o-x :-: , if:my ti e -
hai . *. Whyl Lhe 'a* I A~dmiisrtation~
ia n V,1 r mly I Ad i vis .rhii day
ofE N-'rch A-mo( Dini I-0.
.r 'i. Noti.e
1 will c at th - r eman Brhdge on
. - . . -et- to th !cwest biddler
thl. '1l'rh I f aid hi. 0 Plns and
spa)c e4 if A tim laLd 1rnown on Cay of
*Aoi r c sor ng ta'.0' J'liht to r:',jc(t any
,nd a.l o.ds
E. F,13Fi
Fing'ddhl 11 Jack. W~ould &
:hang'fhr pair of good youli;
C. &- R4&W LA ND,
C5emhral, S. C.
h'end Ilion in 1~ii '
No 9 N' i II TlATIONS N'o bo No 12
u.; m ::i0a mn Iv P'ickensg nir 83:'Aamai :i:', Jam
41::: 111 i i'X5 .nm IFeranusolg 8:2."lntrn411 5:lpm
:9..: . ii Ii: I.' .nm *Pa irson's 8: I5amnl.:.it pm
7:111 rm 11 :!aa am *A rnll a 8: l0am M:4r ji
J :2U am 12:0,1 m ar Enstley iv 8:0Jam 411m1ptn.
'FInlg Statlins
..11 train- .aiy ixcept 'linday
N,. 9 conn, w l i h ? iI '-te IiiiiJnilway No*i'
Na, 'i'iet wil' t S o t hi IRilwlay Wo I?
,\ ,. ii,1,1.4ect wvit a o atIihrni R(ailwyy1. No23
N.1 , .i l wit ll utherti 1(alway No i
;* I'mi .,ny itformaotlu~n aipp'y to
H'er Postofice, Andersoll, S. CG
Alc6 in all Courts ID Souuth 090I1aa'
t Ito Youiau co0of '
~' Cesiin lrac &hirli z.

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