T SEN EU JORNA. Entered April 23, 1908 at Pickeus, 8. 0.. as seoond oe as Mtter,. nuder act of Congress of btarob 8, 1879. VOL. XXXVIIII ?ICz~i, OUTH CMOLINA,I ?IDAY ARIL, HQ 1909 NA, 3. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Miss:Maud Ashmore is nurs ing at the bed side of Mrs. T.J Miauldin who is quite ill. Miss - Whitmire, of Green. ville, .is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. A, Finley, in Pickens. Quite a largi crowd from Pick attended divine worship at Six Xile chui-ch Sunday. A large crowd was present. . Rev. Ballinger is meeting with breakers in his effort tc conduct his religious servicee this week. On Monday night, the show, on Tuesday night, the lecture under the Lyceum com mittee, and Thursday night the lecture under the auspices of the Baptist Women's Missionary So ciety. We have not heard what will be the attractions for Friday and Saturday nights to deflect the crowd from the church. ~Verily, it seems that his lines have been cast in hard places. Office of Lyles & McMahan, Attorneys at Law, 1215 Wash ington St., Columbia, S. C., April 13.-Business Manager of Journal, Pickens, S. C.-Dear -ir.-I owe your p-per a bill fhm 1.("02; I forget the exa t amount. Please let me know, as I wish to pay it. I never in tended to neglect it so long. It was for printing an article. I have seen by the papers t1 at you have been boycotted, and I suppose collections of indebted nie.ss would come in well. Yours, JonN J. McMAn1oN. The following announcement has found its way to this office: "Mrs. William Stokes requests the honor of your presence at t'he marriage of her daughter, Anna Moss, and Reverend Len Darby Gillespie, on the after noon of Thursday, the thir tieth of Airil, at four o'clock at home, Early Branch, South Caroline." The many. friends, ini Pickens, andl the county, the 1:ome of his birth, will read the above anouncement with gen iiine pleasure and rejoice that Leo will take unto himself a rih. A pastor is not a good shepherd to his flock until he has an helpmeet. Here's hop ing that peace, plenty and pros perity may shower blessings upon the h tppy couple. Hi6 many friends send congratula tions. The Scott, Silverlake & Con nor Show Co., under canvas, and traveling in their owvn pri v~ate car, hit the town Thursday and stayed until Trusday morn ino.., giving four performnances -which were fairly well patron i ed, but they should have had b ter audiences. Their songs and1 dances were good as wert i heir specialties. Their contor tion work, especially by one o1 tae lady performers, was fine, as was also her "flip-flop" and high-kicking work. Taking 11 all in all it was a good show well worth the money and onm which the ladies and childrer could enjoy. Good crowd: should greet them wherevel they stake down. This aggrega tion ye all jolly good people wh< made themselves pleasant t< everybody, both on and off thi stage, while here, and the: would play to much bigger audi ences should they ever drive peg in this town again. Miss Helen Boggs, of Pickens, is on a visit to friends in Wash ington, D. C. Rev. P. F. Crawford filled his appointments at the Baptist church Sunday niorning and night. Mrs. R. E. Oliv. r, and children of Knoxville, Tenn., are on a visit to her mother, Mrs. N. E. Thornley, in Pickens. Rev. Sam P. McCarty re quests us to announce that he will preach at Fairview, Sun day morning next, at 11 a. i., and Gap Hill, at 3 p. in. Dr. A. C. Spain, a well-known dentist, of Greenville, will arrive in Pickens on April 21st, for a few days' stay. He conies highly recommended. He can be found in Dr. Bolt's office. A good lot of communications have reached us too late for this issue; they will appear next w aek. We appreciate the ef forts of our correspondents to I help us make this a good paper. At a meeting of the Pickens U. D. C. last Friday it was d( - cided to celebrate the third of June by a reunion of the old soldiers and speaking in the court house etc. A good orator will be invited and one moie happy day for all is anticipated. "Every little bit helps" and those of our present subscribers and the new ones, who have come forward with their money have our thanks. We will try to "deliver the goods" to them, and on time at that, from our office in Pickens. J. L. Moon, who was stricken with paralysis last week, is much better, being so far im proved as to be able to go to the table to cat, with a little help, and is getting so that he can talk fairly plain, again. His many friends will read this good news of him with joy. This paper absorbed The Jour nal, a. Farmer's alliance organ, and assumed, as far as was consistent, the policy of th e Journal. Its columns have al ways been open to the farmers for discussion of measures, and is more than ever, standing up for the agricultural interests of our South land. We use, each week, all of the stuff furnished by the Farmer's Union Publicity Bureau and if our readers .care to write anything for this col umn they are at liberty to do so -we will find room for it. The many friends of J. Wal ter Langston and Miss -Dora Hinckle will- learn with pleas ure of their marriage last Sun day morning, 12th inst., by Rev. D. W. Hiott, at his residence in Easley. Miss Hinckle is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Hinckle, of Pickens, and Is a very charming lady, who, by her sweet disposition, has made many friends, who wish her *much joy in wedded blies. As for Walter Langston, every body knows him, and know 'there is nothia~g bad to say of hica and nothing too good lut what it could be e aid. The ha p Spy 'young couple are now at the a home of the groom's pa'ei. s r and are receivin : the congratu .. lations of their many friendsfo Sa long, happy and i prosperous' voyage through life. New Crisp In Full Some pe ple say " thes "Hard times"y are thle be. a little more than her n timies ill the World for 1's more than your monvy's to select from--bought C ASH at the lowest casi offer you Very on all puichases in R1 We have everythitig 11 Notions%._, Ho..siery and Um a Panama r Voilh Dre My prices are all spc You will find e11c inl V for EIG1TEEN YEAi11 A. K WVest End. .Ci Norra.Is B 4 To the Readers of The merchants of Pickens can b( we wish to say to the trading public t] buys goods to sell and not to lie on tl No old goods on hand. Low Prices, Honest Weights and Ballard's Obelisk Flour at $53 Two boxes of Shells for 75c. Everything else in proportion. -Our Millinery Department is con Satisfaction guaranteed or mnone) A 1 kinds of country produce taken. It will pay'those living at a dista Come one, come all, NORAIS. SC Spring Dry I Blast He e are hard times." su it times in the world to io(n'b s worth; and th< to )rIve that We are worth. We have a big since the fall in prici i price, therefore we ai Low Price 0ODS and SHOE at a Lady will need Ierwe"a r, from a 5c. [I, al: "Onc Price TO A est End, where I have . PAK 'een-Frille. - - The Sentinel-our >ycott their own town paper if the' .bat the NORRIS B3ARGAIN HO ie shelves of the store. Fair Dealing is our Motto.4 per barrel. ~pete Ladies cordially invited tc back it you want it. ce to come here for what they wa Yours for business, .RICE, UTH CAROL oodsI re. ppose they are. offer a woman y.are the best giving a little stock for you As-bought for -e prepared to S S this Spring. in Dry Goods, indkerchief to L Lo." (lone business .use. nal r wish, but-right here USE, at Norris, S. C., Prices move goods. inspect our stock. Near Norris depot. .nt. ,IN A.