Is now offered you. so doig we know i Iliberf[ portion of the goods at right prices In fact, our business ai-e aster more busin< We only askc you to b Some folks complain of the panic panic prices, therefore, we can sell tlh place, for you are liable to get "bit." We have a big stock for you to selec - ~ Yc c Clothing We have the biggest stock of Clothing in town. Here you are sure to get a fit and some thing that is new, stylish and up-to-date, and have your choice of the large number of different styles. Everybody that sees this collection will say they never saw anything to equal it,'so if you haven't already bought your spring or summer Suit be sure to see me before pur chasing elsewhere. Shoes This is one of our most complete and attractive lines. Shoes for Men and Women in both high and low-cut, tan and black. Guaranteed to be the best on the market, and at prices that will actually aston ish you. A GOLDEN We are here to deal fair and honest w t makes trade. There is no doubt bu business of the tewn, and if a new ar will be any inducement to the peopli has increased 50 peir cent. within the iss, and we am o now better prepared tl >ok through our line and we feel sure our prices affecting business, but we have done a better business than usua em at panic prices. Try the town and see if our prices are not ro .o While North, I bought one of the most attractive lines of t from and goods to suit everybody. MILLINERY. This is what I want to especially call the ladies' attention to. arry an enormous line of something to suit everybody, in style, qua ,nd price. I have an experienced Milliner with me, one who is right up-to-r )n the styles and who knows her business when it comes to Milli, krt, and it we shouldn't have exactly what you want in stock, an make it up for you. We buy direct from the Northern markets, right where the deas and- styles are gotten up, and. when you wear a hat from here :..n feel sure that it is the newest thing out and also reprdsenting reatest value possible for the money. Give us a trial and you will be convinced. Furniture. I selected this line right from the lactory myself, and we can' please the most fastidious person around here. I also carry a big Iin~e of Buggies and Wagons. Sewing Machines. I am also selling the noted White Rotary and Will C. Free S< Machines, the best made. A great improvement over the old s Some of the Points of Superiority contained in the Machines we 8011: Ball-bearing rc movement, automatic thread controller, rotary hearings, positive self setting need.'e( be set, wrong), positive four motion feed (wihout springs), short needle, ri id feed( being directly under feed points), by test the~ Iihtest running sewing macin in the the most powerful sewing machine made for family purpose. simple, durable and qui KELLE.C IT , ith the people, for by t thatt we are doing a id up-to-date stock of :Iwe hope to do iore. last year. Still, we Lan ever to serve you. will convince you. 1, simply because we bought goods at .k bottom. Don't stop at only one derchandise ever brought to Central. Ve iity ow ery she new you the Dress "~ Fabrics We have endeavored to equip our Dress Goods De partment with everything to suit everybody. Never before has this line been so complete. Here you will find an unex celled assortment of voiles, ranging from 89c to $i .48 per yard. Our 46-inch Voile at $1.28 can't be beat. Panamas and Brilliantines from 48C to 98c per yard. Mercerized Bastile, 2 5c yd. Persian Lawn, 25c per yd. White Mercerized Waist ~wing Goods, J oc, 25c and 35c. tyles, Figured Mulls and Lawns, ~osmio in stripes, polka dots and eaa~in" floral designs, in all the new t"'" ' shades, 25c, 35c, 4oC, 5Oc yd. ITRAL. S. C.