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The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, September 10, 1908, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2012218672/1908-09-10/ed-1/seq-2/

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The 5enPin1400raalQ0pn q
$1.00 Per Annim.
8tieing Hates Reasonble.
as F>StOMeOO a secOnd Clss
Mail Matter
EPTEMBER 10, 1908.
nd Election.
election shows a
-thing like 100,000
ows too, that the
link for themselves
stand for dirty poli
- returns from over
w that in the Sena
,hat Smith has re
, and Evans 36,094;
Education, Swear
Mellichamp, 40,
Com., Caughman,
er, 48,085.
>r Solicitor in this
1am is elected.
nty the State offi
the following vote:
'mith, 1,950.
, 1,506; Swearin
)89; Caughman, 1, -
1,609; Bonhani 1,
on for county offi
-re only two con
and county comu
d Roark, for sher
for commissioner
The vote was as
"'iff-Sennings, 1,
r--Moore, 1,508,
wer 2,900 votes
s election-more
- in the first elec
re got the nomi
ublic QffiglI og
tid lets turn to
three years, and
it- will have
* iither its worth
s.--Athens Ban
tine there is no
ourselves or try.
mnybody else.
is sending out
dof liquor a day
eorgia, but most
* state.
* ~ is reaping a daily
Georgia of thou.
is making hay
ai shines-and la
of liquor int<
I.. -state shipmeniti
1' scale.
tries in Carcilini
to Georgians ii
ar-prohibition -o
n re and sale ii
'e'~i~~hi. here 1i71o6 prohi
alli of bh consuniptiot eo
~I~ ~l~1~' ' and ~tU
n~lf 1ui ture
was thi iid tiger"
law-was enacted. There wi~e
the "blind tiger" no niattr how
stringent the law. The "blind
tiger" is not here reckoned.
The anti-prohibitionists May
join the prohibitionists to curb
the "tiger." It is their duty to
do so, and it is urged that they
do so. But the point is, with
the 'tiger" out of 'business-if
that were possible-there is still
only partial prohibition of con:
sumption.-Augusta Chronicle.
A Short Sketch of -the Life ef Newt
Gresham by His Daughter.
My father, Newt Gresham, the
founder of the Farmers' Union, was
born in 'auderdale CountY., Ala., Feb
ruary 20th, 1856. When he was six
years old, his parents moved tQ Kauf
man County, Texas, -where they soon
died, thus leaving him, at an early
age, to battle against the world and
its hardships. It was, undoubtedly,
during this time that the foundations
of his character were laid. The
strength developed in these early
struggles helped him in shaping and
leading America's greatest organiza
tion for farmers.
He was a member and a leader in
the Farmets' Alliance, and was never
reconciled, after the death of that or
der, until he succeeded in having an
other take Its place.
My father never had the opportuni
ty of attending a free public school.
All the education he received was the
result of his own labor and determin'a
tion. He wgs not a polished scholar,
but by dint of hard work he secured
a good practical education and a vast
amount of general Information.
In May, 1877, with seven dollars in
his pocket, he left his home at Cedar
Hill, in'Kau-fman County, and went.to
Terrell, Texas, where he boarded i
train for Fort Worth, on 'is way to
Granbury, Hood County, Tegs. There
was no railroad from Fort Worth to
Granbury, and not having money
enough to hire a private conveyance,
he walked the entire distance of for
ty miles. He then hired -himself- to
work on a farm at thirteen dollars a
In January, 1881, he married Miss'
Ida Peters, whose home was in Gran
bury. He joined the Alliance in its
infancy, and was the first man in the
State to receive a commission to go
beyond State'borders to do organizing
work. He was the best postelraan re
garding farmers' organizations in'Tex
as. Leaving his young wife with her
parents, he went to the very commun
ity In Alabama in which he was born.
While there he organized a good local
n~t n be 1. ..gr. he State,
'ar aier, ucce e n 8rganls
Ing many thousands into the Alliance.
then went to Tennessee, taking his
fte with him, but remained there
ly a few montihs, having to retuira
Texas on account of his wife's ill
Jaduary, 1894, &e weht inte the
paper -businees -at Granbursy. tIn
k 9he moved -to Greenuville, Traps,
*,he waa- engaged in newspaper
work also. In Jauary, 1902, he moved
to Point, RaIo* .County Texas, ane js
the fall of this year, aitr manny hatt
efforts, he induced nine men of -Ralst
,County to uite. with him and meen#
a charter fromn the State. My fath~,
was made General 'OrgAkisr, abd 1n
the face -of every deour'agement bs
gan the wok ef building up our great
Farmers' Union.
*I gtV, a liat of -the -ns of the
ten meR- who were instrnmestel is
bringing about~ the F. 3. C,.U. of A.:
Newt Greshami, 0. ft. Rho4eu,: ).- L.
Seamster, W. 11.. Cochran, R. P.' )Eon
ris, James Turner, Tom Donelson,
JepAdams, TonV Poudds, w.' n
Myfa4ger was honest, sinoe 'e, a1
sacrificing, al*hys 'seettg 'the
psints in af tllerW min, alud sever'p19
4reg -th h to the bra. He. was a
loving.Ipba and father fte died
the 0t'of April;' 190, 'at- -an ifi
ness of' *ve dags Our egr'nbst-is
*as thai hE tailt ,hpa lived )6
so that'adeOsood r4Sole4 in seein~
great Wron he shrte@ , goins *' en
faithfuly and hqlping all
longed to~ the Nstea organ
Lutte Gretsgam
-Peanuts prow and produce *elI eq~
Elight friab~le lands, aud they wil1
a good price -a bushel almost
1The vines stalge)jedd6 hay
-dreR lovesthe 'E41setid44)ite.'C
get stonwht rlefti 19
54, talsenal)*te,
B gedant businEsb
Sthey helph I
Nntitmn.1 ran zati li eunar
And You Will Do
By culling on us before buying yor a
lisk Flbur (4nd another shipment that
Tobacco, Molasses, etc.
Bring us your Corn, Pease, Beans an
you the very tep of the market for ever
If you, hayen't tried-our Dr. Hess St<
Healin Powder, and Heave Powder, y
11 size.ackages from the 25c. box to t
Our persoial guarantee goes with ev
We also want to sell you your wire ft
Perfect" Fence. Prices from ,oc. per r
Our mol2> is Honest Weights and G;
For every Sev
; spend you. get a Do
an investment that
::-:: TWENTY
Beginning Friday morning Ji
Extra Pano at TAenty- Five Per
for- CASH ONLY and no Alterat
4 and when we offer themat a disc<
$10.oo Suits now '- - $
12.50 " " --
. oo
. oo - ..
2500 -
30.00 " '4 . --. 2
Manhattan and lEa
I reduction.
~A ll1 *nama1~ .1a8s 1
Cerner Msk and ahington
a han alwa
- vepounid Scra)
btting~ for 1u11
atmentis ig
pring supplies. *We have.a
will be here in a lew days),
d in fact any kind of saleabq
>ck and -Poultry Food, Lous<
ou should do so et once. TI
he xoo pound sacks.
ery package.
incing. We are agentsfor C
Ad up. Any height and wei
)odGoods." Come in and s
enty-Fi.ve Cents
lars worth of C]
yields immense
Jly 3rd, we offer all Men's an
cent. Disount, Or '-4 off reg
ons.. Our. goods are marke
>unt you know just what you
7-50 $3.00 Pants now
9-38 3.50 " -
1.25 4-.00 " " -
3-50 5.00 -
5.00 6.00 (
8.7 $i.o0 -
2.50 7-50 "
rle & Wilson Shi
Lt Half Price.
-Straw Hats On(
~find good value ateour store
ns in shortlengths,0fa dt.
i, Bundles, oine yard&ead u~nder
1s, *1.06 )undle. -
Lllcans0%0rt~h $1.50 for $1.2 -
danR, worth $i.25, for
owing machn.ManQ.
lice t of Owt on)
sugar, Coffce, i.d Sd.t
produce. We will give
a Killer, Worm Powder,
ie Stock Food comes in
he celebrated "pittsburgh
ght you want.
'ee uh.
EY 7
you now,
return cf
T 3
dBoy s
lAr M.
d ~m gau' a re
d in paki,& tigume6
are getting.
-- - $2.5
- -2-i.65
- - - 3.O f.
- - - 3-75
- - 4.50
rts at g Ieat
Third Of

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