Newspaper Page Text
r TlE PICKENS SENINI -30ORA. Entered April 23, 1903 at Pickens, S. C., as second class matter, under act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Year PICKENS, S. C., FEBRUARY 25, 1909. Number 47 wow'To I Persons have been known to gainapoundadayby taldngan ounce of Scott's Emudsion. It isstrange, but it often happens. Somehow the ounce produces the pound; it seems to start the dgestive -acsner-y e properly, so tbaf the patientis able to digest absorb his ordinary food be could not do befori of *esh 01 health; if you you can get f 4TT'S LSION, to-ether with name a "wa yu ad&vuesan and we wil send MW of Wd7 409 Pewl, New Y"s mpleted to Bostic. dispatch from Bris Vs: ail on the Carolina, Ohio Railroad, be e, Va.,- and Bostic, ce of 189 miles, The rail was one road with the Bostic. Vir Wili a onday passenger service ated. dge division of nchfield & Ohio t of 3,000 feet with a maxi e-half of one co Carter-Ryan I building the d acres of coal a county, Vir- ' It is esti put of these * cers a day, I n road for some v I rt. n n burg a C field ~ progressing idly." . d MONEY TO LOAN. are money to loan on h Sle farming lands in Pick- I nty. XW~rite us, giving , escription ot'your prop- i value of same, and the ' I t you desire to borrow. .THOMPSON & Co., t Estate -Brokers, t., Charleston, S. C., aking d. no wking kUting e"Making u~;" and Doctor t icines well exemplify this, iends, after more than two pularity. are numbered by s of bhousands. They have "and they have noit made est, square-deal medicine of I ition is Dr. Pierce's Golden very. It still enjoys an in while most of the prepara ve come into prominence in 4 riod of its popularity havet 'rd" and are never more 'must be some reason for pularity and that is to I superior merits. When trial for weak stomach, ood-afectlons, its supe ities are soon manifest; rvived and grown In p-1 scores of less meritorious ddenl y flashed into favor and then been as soon liver with its attendant 'pepsia, headache, per oul breath, nasty coated r taste. loss of appetite. ter eating, nervousness hing is so good as Dr. Medical Discovery. It's are-deal medicine with all ,s printed on bottle-wvrapper .no hocus- pocus hum bug, un' accept a substiut that ma y possihbly make a little big-1 on your right to have call for. t i v Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip epcigit to prove a "cure-all." It alv adivised for woman's special all tin& it makes weak women strong and qic wome n well. Less advertised than sieme preparations" sold for like purposes, tssterling enrative virtues still maintain t p Oiton in the front ranks, wvhere it tf over two decades ago. As an in vt oraylig tonie and strengthening nerv In t is "*luaed. It woni't satisfy those who want - Doze," for there is not a drop Dr.- pierce's Pleasant Pellets, the orig( y Ltta' Liver Pills, although the first 1 o tlheir kind in the market, still lead, d y en onetried are ever afterwards fa as otkea anyoeto ree ose.Muchimitted utnver c2ien's ArnilcaSalve BestSalvo In TheWorld. ng's New Lije Pills bestb In onh= waanld. WORSE THAN DEATH SOLITARY CONFINEMENT A LIN GERING AGONY. Man Who Suffered for Light Yean Tells of the Tortures He Under went in Italian Piace of There has been nuch talk vt -lat In Franee and -esewhere of the sup pression of the death penalty. The guillotine Is to go and solitary con finement Is to take its place. There Is a man In Paris who knows what the ")unishment of solitary confinemenl really means, and it will be of inter est, nsys-the-*ide. AveFlingtand ar, to Ueer what -Aare V10%42 who has underme the 1sm innent Iu taly, has to say about it. Cipriani the king-hater, is an old maa now. Ht lives in Paris, -where his gaunt face and long beard -are as well known oi the boulevards as the Theater des Va rietes itself. He was aetenced wher Znardelliwus ' w"efet tce tc 26 years' solita-onfaement, and hi recalls the $Vase that Sig. Zanardelli uttered if the Italian parliament tc reassure those members of It whc zoothat the guillotine should nol be done away with. "We are abolish ng the death penalty." he said, "but In its place we shall give criminals a punishment which will make then long for it." "And he spoke the truth," says M Cipriani, "for solitary confinement is s thousand times more cruel than a blow from an ax and a leap into eter ity. Solitary confinement in a cell is a lingering agony, after two or three years of which the strongest man must die or must go mad. He is literally buried alive. His food is just enough to keep life in him. He may neither read nor write and gets no news from Dutside, even of his family. He may receive no visits and have no Inter :ourse with anybody. He may not ala,- and it he -does ask a question of Dne of his jailers the jailer does not nswer or answers by a sign. He ever leaves his cell except for the madhouse or the cemetery. He sees mobody and hears no human voice. He toes not even see a doctor if he is Ill. If he breaks into open revolt his jail Drs may do what they like with him. rhey may kill him if they wish, and in [taly they often do so. No one has ver yet lived and remained sane for ten whole years of this terrific punish ment. iem. I shall never forget It. I wr. t mental and physical anguish di ad night for eight years, during hich time I was chained by one leg the wall. The worst of my torture as the feeling that brain, will, trength and health were disappear ig. I felt death creeping on me and ad no power to struggle. There was t a human being who would help me ith a smile or with a friendly word, nd death or madness seemed inevita "I often wonder how I came te be pared death or madness. The happi at prisoners are certainly those who o go mad. Passanante, who attempt d to murder King Humbert of Italy, as been In a madhouse for 27 years. am the only man who has resisted olitary confinement, the only man rho has not gone mad in it after a ew years. My method was a constant sental struggle, a sort of intellectual ymnastics, by means of which I kept my thoughts of by abominable soil ude. I lost all notion of time, of ourse, and I remember asking my aler one day what the year was. He rould not tell me, but neat day as he ras putting down' my jug of water he auttered '1886.' I had been in prison Lye years and believed I had 20 more o serve." Why He Did Not Stop. With the opening of the new Union tation in Washington the desire to ave a similar building in Baltimore 'ises in the breasts of a number of the nhabtnts of the Monumental City. )ne gentleman who feels 'very acutely pon the subject was discussing the natter the other day and told this itory to illustrate his point: "Last summer, while abroad, ,I met i very pleasant Eglishman, and hear ng that he was planning a visit to the Dnited States I invited him to stop off it Baltimore and visit me if he should appen to be passing through at any ie. The other day I met him in ~ew York and he told me he had just rived there, coming from Washing. .on. "'Why didn't you stop in Balti. ore?' I asked. "'Well, I did,' was the answer. 'I got off the train, but, judging by the surroundings, I was afraid I would arre to take a stage into the city, and [ did not feel that I had time for that.'" How to Keep Warm in Winter. The clothiers intend to keep womerl warm if one may judge from the many new "protectors" on the underweai counters. Separate knit sleeves at the knit underwear departments are among them. Then, too, there are Shetland vests with or without sleeves that givi a maximum of warmth with a mini, mum of buik, and union suits of tha same gauzy wool." Bloomers of satin mohair or sateen-some lined with a) batross, are in the same eategory, be ig saug extras for wet or hitte, weather. These bloomews for wel weather for the woman who Is out al all times and seasons are ideal, sinci they take the place of a skirt and I amp hem about the feer ' U1U CS-0EAUVE UNION - E AM --CA A WHO WOULD SWAP? Rains upon the housetops, Clouds obscure the sky. Sitting by the fire, Little wife and I. "'atoes in the cellar, Hogs done salted down. Never mind the weather, Bake .those 'tatoes brown. Nay paked in the barnloft, Crib chock full of corn, Cows give milk in plenty The maiden's not forlorn. Banks are stopping payment, Factories shutting down, Now who would swap the country For starvation in the town? We receive the rain and sunshine From the God whom we adore; We praise Him for the bounty We farmers have in store. We sow our fields in gladness, With joy upturn the sod; We hoe the weeds from life ant field Results we leave with God. --Geo. W. Haynie, in Home and Farm White Bluffs, Tenn. Hen Talk. The poultry business has alway' been looked upon as a "hard times' business by many thousands of pea ple. When times are gpod and monel Is plentiful the poultry business i1 looked upon by many as a "pin-money' affair, but when hard times threater or are at hand, when thousands o people daily being thrown out o' a job, then it is that they begin tt think of taking up poultry. Of all classes the poultry man hai the least to fear from hard times. The poultry business has never been on a better footing than it is now. It is the experience of all the years; the lean years financially are the years when the poultry business grows. This is because, when mePL'w e' 'arei brought face to fac. with the ' bility of losing thei positions'. Y v begin to look around or somep way in whi-:h to invest their -avings so that t will brmgW ' a1i~profitabie income the worst happen, and they ar ..: -up~iegnEn. No busi ness can be started on so small a capl tal as poultry, and yield a livelihood for those who follow it. It takes less capital to get a start in the poultry business, and get it to yield an Income for living expenses, than any other business I know Qf, without having previous experience. Where they are content to start at the >otm rin a small way, and grow n the business, gaining experience as hey grow, and profiting by this expe -ience, and with due attention given o their business, they will rarely find t a failure. *Poultrymen who have stock to sell an find buyers now more readily than would be possible if every one were working and receiving good wages. The average farmer is in position tc get started in the poultry businesE more cheaply than anyone else, as he has plenty of ground and oftentimes ~house room that is idle that might ust as well be making him money. Statistics show that the farmer who always keeps poultry and gives any attention to it at the end of the year has a smaller store account than the farmer who does not. *Farming is a business, and it is a good business or a poor business just in proportion as it Is run well or poor ly. A small business may be run in a model way just as a large one may; or it may be run in a slipshod way, just as magy big businesses are. Plant plenty of pigs, peanuts, poul try and turn the matter over to God. while you get out and hustle. *A split log drag Is mighty good corn pany immediately after a spring rain See that yours is ready for the next shower. Do anything within reason to get a good man settled down in your corn munity. It is the thickly settled corn munities that are most prosperous happy and intelligent. The hot sun that is soon coming is friend to the Implement and vehicle dealer, and he works for his frient through the carelessness of the chumi who leaves his tools and implements out in the weather. Don't vote any more court hous4 taxes until you have done somethini for the public roads. Fine cour houses are mighty pretty to look at but your wife and children get n< benefit out of their looks. Make firs good roads, then build fine things fo: the lawyers and office holders. The pessimist, poor devil, needs dose of liver medicine, and doesn' know it. This is a magnificent country and while It has many wrongs t< right, there is good cheer and hop -i the good things done thus far. Have you taken time lately to helj elean out the flower beds around th< front yard? Maybe that the womes folks are as busy In fixing up thing for summer time as you are, and the. there are the chickens and the garde. ~that take up a good bit of their timE tiettr help them some now. fffi*l:, .4': Exposed fowls are apt to be poor layers. The farmer may not know himself, but he ought to know his soil. Whole oats and wheat and cracked corn make a first-class hen feed. Three requisites to early potatoes Early soil, early planting, early vari ety. It is the early hatched chick which, if properly reared, becomes the profit earner in the fall. Cross-breeding of sheep requires both judgment and skill. Don't at tempt it if you are a novice. Remember at this season of the year that it is important to keep the hogs out of the wet and to keep pens and beds dry. A cow turned out to pasture In good vigorous condition will respond to the fresh feed 50 per cent. better than the animal which is run down. With so many men out of work throughout the country, it seems a shame that farmers are so hard put to it to get the help they need. - I Stingy feeding is fc lowed by scant giving. What have y gained if you have saved a pound f one-and-a-half cent feed and lost a Ipint of five-cent milk? Don't let thiT w warm, bright days of spring make you forget that there will be cold, raw, wet days a 1lenty._ Look otit.for- the stock in such weather. Take a hint from the politicians and begin to repair your fences, if you have not already done so. Look care fully. The stock will find the weak places if you do not. The farmer who has raised sheep and finds them profitable says that the right kind of a flock in the hands of the right kind of a farmer is one of the best kind of investments. The boy who is brought up to feel a personal responsibility in the farm or some feature of the farm and who reaps the direct reward of such devo tion, is seldom anxious to pull away from the farm to the city. Give the boy a chance for a little independent management on the farm. Give him a ram lamb and two young ewes. He can handle them easily, feed them on a small lot and train himself to be a fine shepherd in doing it. You will find the following to be a good ration for young pigs: Three ounces of cornmeal to one quart skim milk. For pigs over 60 pounds give six ounces cornmeal to one quart milk. -When they reach 100 pounds weiglit add eight ounces cornmeal. Keep records and accounts both of the livestock and the crops of the farm. The value of knowing what it costs to produce the products on your farm !ies wholly in the possibility af forded by its use in comparing your system of farm management with that of others. With body rested by the winter let up and the mind stimulated by the lec tures of the farmers' institutes and the studies of the short course at the agricultural school, and the reading of the good farm journal, which of course you take, you are ready for the work of the coming season. Good dairying includes good cows, good pasture in summer and good feed in winter, good shade in sum mer and good shelter in winter, good water and good care all the year round, and good ma chinery to run the separator, the churn, etc. If the far-mer has good eyesight, he can easily see the good points of the above declaration. The heavy horse of the draft type is the horse for the farmer to raise. Prof. F. C. Minkler of the New Jersey experiment station has this to say in reference to the disposition of some farmers to raise road horses: "If you are going to be a jockey and run a r-ace horse stable, it is all right to go into the road horse business, but for the sake of your own success, if you are a gr-ain or live stock farmer, don't meddle with sulky carts and fast horses. It has ruined nearly every farmer who ever attempted it, besides the environment is far: from whole some or even decent. ~It is just like trying to paint a barn with a feather when brushes are pleytiful and cheap, Stick to the dat oe ". Cut out the suckers. The tree to weakened by them. Try a song or a whistle with the chores. Makes them go easier. Sour milk fed to the chickens will be returned to you in more eggs. Arrange the stock buildings so as to minimize the work of caring for the animals. It will pay you to have a feed mill if you are feeding from 20 to 25 bush els of grain a week. Be on the lookout for new ideas. Little danger that you will ever know too much about farming. As the American farmer is knowri abroad-"American butter" is the name given in Syria to oleomargarine. Overfeed or underfeed. irregular feeding or improper feed are mistakes to be avoided if stock raising is tc prove profitable. Be careful and do not let the young horses strain themselves under the heavy spring work. An injury done will be hard to overcome. Use a spring wagon when hauling fruit or vegetables. If you haven't one get the springs for your farm wagon to be used when needed. Make up your mind now that next winter you will take that short course at the agricultural college which you had half a mifid to try this year, but just didn't. Fodder which is scattered on the ground and run over by the sheep is practically waste, for they will not touch it, although perhaps suffering from hunger. Not a had idea as the horses coma into the hard work of the spring to clip them. A heavy coat of wet halt is not very comfortable In a 9old spring breeze. Never think of marketing a thin horse. The food it will take to put him in good flesh will more than come back to you in the better price you will get for the animal. out a scheme whereby you can sell some of your produce direct to the consumer rather than paying most of the profit to the commission mas In pan-raised cream you have the pans to wash and where separator is used you have the separator to wash. Where is the difference? This for those to answer who object to the sop arator because of the work of wash. ing it. Don't go into the hog raising busi ness just because you think a mud hole and a trough full of slop Is all that is needed to produce marketable animals. Right kind of care and right kind of feed are necessary to profib able hog raising. -The two important elements in feed are the proteids, or tissue forming ele ments, and carbohydrates, or fat formers. In breeding and growing stock thought should be had for the foods rich in protein, as clover., milk. oats, vegetables and wheat middlings. A good carriage horse will bring from $200 to $300 in almost any horse market, while scrubs that cost almost as much to raise will bring only half that sum. While you are in the horse raising business breed to a good sire and get an animal that Is worth while. The wise dairyman need not fear tu berculosis provided he systematically fights it. Test the herd at least once a year and remove those found to be infected. Receive no new stock that has not passed the test. This method iIs absolutely safe. It can be con tracted only by contact with diseased animals. Put in the raw material and bring forth the finished product is what the farmer does when he fertilizes his soil and cultivates it and grows his crop. Such a farmer is in profitable manufacturing business. But he who takes from the soil and puts nothing in the place of the crop removed is. like the miner taking riches from the ground and making no return. Asparagus and rhubarb need lots of manure, and scarcely too much can be applied to the soil. Whatever may be said concerning the typhoid bacil lus in horse manure and its dangers to strawberries, certain it is that it does not apply to rhubarb and aspara gus, for the latter plants are cooked before eating so that any germs which might be present would be destroyed. Prof. E. T. Hart of the University of Wisconsin has devised a new milk test for the discovery of the casein content of the milk, and which is of special interest to the cheese maker. His test consists of placing a quantity of milk into a tube with chloroform and acetic acid thoroughly mixed. The tube is then revolved, as in the Bab cock, test 2,000 revolutions a minute for eight minutes. This distributes the ingredients so that the chloroform and the fat in solution are at one end and clear water and the milk solids on the top. The casein is found in a white mass between these two and may be measured by the scale marked on the tube. Lock that Locks "he Burrisr PETAL SmuIe lingle the represents the latest best development in METAL NGLE construction. Highly ,oved and used by the most ex 3nced builders in this section, by Cotton Mills for Cottages. T. BURRIS & SON, I, S. .C. elf their construction, quality SITY! ubscribers! Ar rarieties Growing in One a. Rattlesnake, Eden, lune Gem. Kl reler. Sweethei, Cale's ,arly, S tno, H umnbo, Melver's Sugar, Light icing, Mote rcb, Kolb's Gem, Dixie, King's Grea and :cder, Peerless, irk Icing, Ky. Woder, >f C2., Duke Jones, Florida Favorite, J a. Sweet, Iceberg, Phinney's Eay, Vick' h,._Black Spanish, Pride of the South, 2$ Gold, and others. r or One. - *r4 -r. it by AsoU fi6r'5Oe. Lu Stamnps. Barrel! cot Flour rice at Present. :0 go at ills Prce. u to lay in a good supply. a have just received some of ey are only worth 65c each FOR CASH. BR OS. ash Store. Yield of Fruit rthe result of good mange azrolina rers tis, nitrogen, phosphoric acid n. This truth ha becom so what the tree removes if you :ome an axiom with the best er s fru tree snrespond to es' fertilizers," says Mr. H. 0. yours proved to be the best. na Fertilizer, was just twice as panies' fertilizer was used." lina Fertilizers are cheapest etter satisfaction and quicker le to fruit growers are pub look, a copy of which will be ales offices. C'hemical Co. Sas -sc.UJ B1 altimore, Md. Columbus, Ga. Mntmry".la.S A A S and SH] appi pern also Manufactu'ed by JOHN ANDERSOP See them and judge for yours and beauty. A CURIO To All Our S tic, -o' A GREAT CURIOSITY--" I PA RT ICU.ARS vriet,--sc This melon patch will prove interest- Sweets, Ark. Tra, * *e ud ble. Itenables Early, Triumph. nelons, and determin' .- - :1;- of Jordan's G. Mon: best. A patch with 30 kds of water- Pradford Black B melons will be something -*-ty to look Cut.--non., Pridei at, and afords at same tlr" .u object Old Doinl.7. AJ leston in varieties. Ordinar w- 0 kinds can King, Iron Ct wou!d cst $1.0, or, at 5 c t paper, $1.00, but we, under this special plan, propose to send the One got gleen free with each renewal a or, We will Sell yeu a JaMple ?4 $6.00 a For Best Pal Is a Mighty Good I We flre 75 Barels 1 This is one time it will pay y< What about your chairs. W. he best chairs you ever saw. Th and will not get "rickety'' IT PAYS TO BUY CR AIG One-Price C How to Increase the Increased fruit crops are more ofte ment than of good luck. Fruit trees at supply of Virginia-C Fertili The trees absorb plant foods-tha and potash-from the soil just the sam ence has shown this over and over aga well recognized that " return to the lan< would expect the best results " has be' growers. Apple, pear, peach, orange and ott careful fertilization. But be sure to us " I made a test with other compani Lowry, of Manatee County, Fla., " and The yield where I used Virginia-Caroli much as where the other two como Hundreds of users say Virginiia-Cart because of their good qualities-give I results. Many facts of great interest and v: lished in the new 1909 Farmers' Year I sent free on application to any of our s Virginia-Carolina Sales Ofices Richmond, Va. Irorfolk, Va. Columbia, S. C. Atlanta.Ga. U Sanannah. Ga.Clm Mempliis. Tenna.