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Newspaper Page Text
TIE IA<IL! REHALO BTLLETiHL T. F. GRENEKER, PUB'x. Fair Week, Fridayj October 24, 1879. ..-?E DISTIBUTION. ONE, TWO THREE AND FOUR HORSE ILiBUlRN WA('ON' Vhich gave such universal satisfrtction io customers last season. Bought before erecent heavy advance 'in Iron. andi o0 rbd to ou frIends for nextthirty dai%-* V d prices for cash. Now is your time to t a good wagon cheap. t S. P. BOOZER'S HARDWARE STORE. ARNES8, SADDLERV, &U ne, Two and Four Horse Wagon Iar ss. ingle and Double Buggy Harness. ens'. Youths' and Boys' Saddles. agon and Buggy Cbllars, Wagon and ggy Whips, uiding and Blind 'firidles, die Cloths, Horse Covers, Halters, &c., itending to make a specialty of the above ntioned Goods, 1 have probably the lar t stockl' ever offered in -Newbeiry,and uld ask your attention to the same, feel assured that I can suit you in quality d price. S. P. BOOZER. ational Bank of X wberry, NEWBERRY, S. C. PAID UP CAPITAL $150,0000.0. rplus Profits, $65,000.00. R. L. McCAUGHRIN, President. JOHN B. CARWILE, Cashier. T. S. DUNCAN, Ass't Cashier. YOU WTANTTO ATTEND THE COMY FAIR IN A NICE FITTING Suit of Clothes, -GO TO E. A. SCOTT'S shionable Clothing Store, ere you can be fitted out in the LATEST STYLE at Reasonable Prices. NO. C. WILSON, gent for the Following Guanos and Acids: Pacific Soluble Guano and id. Wando Guano and Acid. 0. L. SCHUMPERT, Offce, No. 11 Boyce Street, NERWBER R Y. S. C. Second Day of the Fair. Thursday morning dawned heavily as did the day previovs, but Newberry and her many delighted visitors were not by any means in a like condition. That the sun was not visible was a dis appointment, but not sufiicient cause to dampen the general ardor. Soon after the gates were opened the rank and file began to gather and it was not long ere the spacious exhibition hall was pretty well filled. About this time the clouds began to thin and show patches of blue, and then the sun burst forth to the great delight ofall, mothers with their little darlings not excepted who apprehended for their precious charges nothing short of a ducking ere the day was over. Luckily the day continued fine and the hope is now en tertained that the closing scenes of this our Second Annual Fair will be en joyed under the influence of fair weather. It was our pleasure to ramble through the halls before the outdoor sports be gan and during the shooting contest which to many was terribly long and gaze long and lingeringly upon the many beautiful pieces of woman's handiwork in the shape of quilts, coun terpanes, crochet shawls, fascinators, sacks, pillow shams, lace handkerchiefs, collars, socks, slippers, and many others in this line; and from that to the House hold Domestic Department where our hurried glance yesterday afforded us glimpses of bread in various forms, cakes, wines, and scores of other delec table table comforts, all the conception and make up of woman-and we will be pardoned for asking here what would wo do without woman, and whatkind of bread and sweetmeats would we have? Happening about while the Committees were engaged in the work of sampling we were allowed to taste, and our judgment is that the specimens were all as good as can be made. Our spaice forbidding more than general mention and knowing that the several committees of ladies and gentlemen will do their duty though the heavens Il, we leave this interesting subject and let the reader wait for their deci Sons. The first thing of the day was the shooting match. The following is the score made. The balls did not break easily; some failed to break after being shot through. With glas balls, instead of "'concrete", the score would have I can better. IBut the fact still rma:inIs thiatihe shocotinig was not good, not near up to the ordinary p)ractice: L.ONG LANE CLUB. Broke. Missed. G. W rooks, 2 10 Broke. Missed. Caldwell, 3 9 W. C. Cromer, 3 9 H1. W. Cromer, 4 8 Cunningham, 3 9 Gibson, 9 12 Brown, 4 8 Total, 19 6a ENOREE CLUB. Broke. Missed. J. A. Cromer, 3 9 F. Brooks, 1 11 Feltinan, 2 10 Hutchinson, 4 8 Keitt. 4 8 Ruff, 6 6 Willingham, 2 10 Total, 22 * 62 NEWBERRY CLUD. Broke. Missed, Bowman, 7 Ewart, 3 9 Fowles, 4 8 Gilder, 6 6 Nance, 3 9 Tarrant, 5 7 Thompson, 1 11 Total, 27 57 The exhibition of horses came on af ter the shooting. For the best stallion, not thorough bred, over 3 years old. F. W. Fant en tered a sorrel; Mr. Hazel, of E.lgefield, a black-Mr. Fant's took the ribbon. Best and second best brood mare and colt-4 entries. J. M. Johnstone's took the ribbon. Two year old colts. D. V. Scurry, J. C. Duckett, W. L. Duckett. The last named took the ribbon. Best 1 year old colt-12 entries Jack Sims, colored. Best colt under 1 year cold-3 entries -Spurgeon Mangum. Best 3 year old colt-Daniel Werts. Best pair matched heavy draft horses -3 entries-D. W. T. Kibler. Best pair matched light draft horses -4 entries-J. B. Clary. Best single harness horse or mare 19 entries-I. N. Gary. Best saddle horse or mare-12entries -Henry Spearman. Best combined horse or mare-9 en tries-J.'F. Schum pert. Fastest pair trotting horses or mares -F. W. Fant and J. M. Johinstone. Fastest trotting single horse or mare -F. W. Fant. Fastest pacing horse or mare-JT. A. Sligh. Best riding by a man-Antine Buz hardt. COTTON BU YER NEWBERRY, S. C. Always Pays the Top of the Market. J. IN. 31ARN. J. It. MARTIN I. N, MRTIN & CO., (Successors to Mayes & Martin,) DEALERS IN GROURIES, GRiANS, IIARI.WARD , &c. Agents for the Piedmont Manufacturing Company. Also, Agents for Buggies and Wagons, and Cotton Gins. NEWBERR Y. S. C. WANTED. One Hidfod Raw ides, WEEKLY, At PINE GROVE TANNERY. MARTIN & MOER, PROPRIETORS. D. B. WHEELER & CO., New Store, Next tj T. D. Cash. FULL STOCK OF Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, Qltting. Trvnk4,,, (ebeettas, IMking Glasses, Cokeey amd Satisfaction guaranteed and lowest prices. Call and see us. J. B. LEONARD, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in 'Wines, Liquors, Segars, Tobaccos, Pipes, Choice Confectioneries, FRUITS, &C. Corner Main and Nance Streets, NEWBERRY, S. C. 1PTROPOLITAN" FURNITURE ROOMS! ROBT. Y. LEAVELL, Proprietor. Black Walnut and Poplar Chamber Suits, Parlor Suits. Piece Goods of various kinds, nut and Poplar Wardrobes, Bureaus, Bed steads. Washistands, Desks, Walnut, Oak andi Maple Cane-Seat Chairs, Patent Bed downSace san( 1ue s WlPictures and Frames. Mirror Plate to lit in Old Frames,~ &c. The Best Goods Made ! Latest Designs! At Prices to Suit! Come and See !