\ Consumption's Cruel Record. I More than two-fifths of >all deaths in this country; !are caused by con sump-; ! tion and pneumonia. This; ! diagram tells the story: j ; Pneumonia and ( ; Heart dlten**.', MKMHB | Apoplexy WMWKM \ ; Cancer p| ( By the timely use of! I Dr. Acker's English Rem-] edy, consumption and! pneumonia are quicklyi and absolutely cured.* Take it at the first sign! of sore throat and lungs.* S 3 Sizes; 25c., 50c., $1. All Druggist). • jtcKEr. Mkihci.se Co. 10-18Chambers.St.N'.Y.i NORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. R U N S fciiilmanSleeping Cars. Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist. Sleeping Cars. (ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, EHJLUTH, FARGO, TO \ GRAND FORKS, I CROOKBTON, ! WINNIPEG, { BUTTE. THROUGH TICKETS TO OHIiJAGO WASHINGTON, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH. Tin*: « 4Ri». No. i West bound arrives 8:10 a. m.: departs 8 20 a. in. Itfo. '1 East bound arrives 10.40 p. ni. departs at 10:45 p. m. Through tfoketr to .lapart and Chins, via Taeoina and Northern Pacific SteaßMhip Co, An American Line. For information, thiw cards, mans, tickets call on or write 11. M, Baldwin Agent, Ok Ellensburg. Wash. a. D. CHARLTON Assist. Geo. Pass. Agt. 355 Morrison St., Corner Third, PORTLAND. ORE. Parmer's, laboring men, merchants, doc tors and lawyers, attention! Have you sc oured one of tbe National Accident Socie ty's popular $12,000 combination accident policies, costing only $20 per year? If not, yet ene :it once from from O. M- Latimer, Ajjent, Room 5", Goddis Block. [Ttf. Warren's Money Chart Is the finest, best and cheapest Populist educators in print; will do more for the Populist party than any other work pub lished. The only wovk published that ♦«tains Wan-en's Bi-Metallic Code, Nfee I/* cents. Fov-ial* by the Daws, Tbe Populists in Victor, Col., won a great victory in municipal election last week. Tbe republicans of Rhode Island have adopted resolutions in favor of the single gold standard. The Oregon republicans adopted the Minneapolis plank of ISD2 and favor sound money or bimctalism. Missouri democrats declared for free silver. Kansas democrat** declare for free silver Missouri republicans are for sound money. Oregon democrats have declared for tree silver. Texas democrats have declared lor sound money. Illinois Prohibitionists have de clared for free silver. Democrats in the following coun ties are for free silver: Jefferson, Whatcom, Pacific, Yakima, Lewis, and Thurston' Those in the following counties have declared lor "sound money/ 1, Skagit, Columbia. READ THIS. We have almost enough money pledged to procure the press, a part of which is paid in, and those who have not paid, are requested to do so at once, as we must order the press as soon as possible. MtETING OF THE COMMITTEE, The Paoplos' Patty County Central C mmittee meets rcenlnrly on the Second Saturday iv each month at 1:30 p. in... at the Populist club rooms, Eael) Commit teem mi is especially requested to attend. Ererybody invited! 1.. A VINCENT. Secretary. Adjustable cook stove backs and dampers, will fit all kinds of stoves, for sale by Hornbeck & Emigh, riifurniMlied Room* in brick building for rent. All modem convenience. Single or double rooms handy for hou*e-keepingj Price ftl, to $i.5(.' each. Eiutiire at the Dawn Office' Go to Hornbeck & Emigh for fishing tackle. Their prices are positively right and do not need fixing. ;;,llt ' No. 1. of a quarterly series under tbe title 44 Voice of Labor," a hand some pamphlet of about 80 pages, is in press and will be ready for de livery about April Ist. Subscrip tionpriee per year. 50c, Send for it at once. Address, S. V. Pernod, Choteau, Mont. The populist national convention will be held at St. Luuis July 22. We want the readers of = THE TDA.XVIST-s= To remember chat we are still doing business at the old stand. No old Goods on Hand, Nothing Misrepresented! Farm produce taken in exchange for dry goods and groceries NEW YORK STORE. s c: v c: n ALL CONNECTION With Trusts, And Patronize a Farmers Mill. We will lake your wheat, make it inio Flour, find you a mar ket for it and Guarantee y