OCR Interpretation

The daily Dakota farmers' leader. [volume] (Canton, South Dakota) 1890-1890, September 11, 1890, Image 2

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2013271053/1890-09-11/ed-1/seq-2/

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(agar to Be Admitted Free Only on
Conditions Proposed by
Mr. Blaine.
•is Tariff Beclproclty Scheme Adopted
in the Senate By
Tote of
87 to 28.
Antl'Monopoly Amendment Re
jected— Consideration
«f the
Bill Completed.
WASHXNOTON, Sept. 10.—The senate
net at' 10 o'clock and resumed consider
ation of the tariff bill. In answer to an
Inquiry from Mr. Edmunds, the presid
ing officer, Mr. Ingalls, stated that un
less otherwise instructed by the senate
the cha£^wouid hold that beginning
with tbcfl|isideration of the bill to-day
the senate would be with­
out debate and that the asking or
answering an inquiry would be debate,
and therefore inhibited. A large num
ber of amendments to the sugar sched
ule were proposed and rejected.
Agreed on Reciprocity.
Mr. Aldrich then moved, on behalf of
the committee, the reciprocity amend
ment offered by him on Sept. 1. Mr.
Evarts moved as a substitute for it the
amendment proposed by him at Mon
day evening's session, and which merely
directs the president to communicate
the facts to congress. Rejected—yeas 80,
nays 34. Mr. Aldrich's reciprocity
amendment was agreed to in the senate
by4 a vote of yeas 37, nays 28. All the
Democrats and .two Republicans—Ed
munds and Evarts—voted against the
reciprocity amendment.
Text of the Amendment.
The amendment, as finally agreed to,
reads as fellows:
That, with a view to secure reciprocal
trade with countries producing the fol
lowing articles, and for .this purpose, on
and after/ the first day of July, 1891,
wheneveao&d so often as the president
shall be]Kfied that the government
of any co^jfftry producing and exporting
sugarsp-ibolasses, coffee, tea and hides,
raw and uncured, or any of such arti
cles, imposes duties or other exactions
npon the agricultural or other products
of the United States, which, in view of
the free introduction of such sugar, mo
lasses, coffee, tea and hides into the
United States, he may deem to be recip
rocally unequal and unreasonable, he
jBhall hBv'e^theupoiwwy-aad: it«t»«ftL Whia [--iwijj&iftjaaaea-in
duty to suspend, by proclamation, to
that effect the provisions of this act re
lating to the free introduction of such
sugar, molasses, coffee, tea and hides,
the production of such country, for such
time as he shall deem just,- and in such
ease and during such suspension duties
shall be levied, collected and paid upon
sugar, molasses, coffee tea and hides,
the product of or exported from such
designated country, as follows, namely:
All sugars not above No. 13 Dutch
standard in color shall pay duty on their
polariscope test as follows, namely: All
sugars not above No. 13 standard in col
or, all tank bottoms, syrup3 of cane
juice or of beet juice, melada, concen
trated melada, concrete and concen
trated molasses, testing by the polari
scope not Above 75 degrees, 7-10 of 1
Tpd and for every additional
action of a degree shown by
feic test, 2-100 of 1 cent per
re above No. 13 Dutch stan­
cent per
degree o|
the pol|
All sugS
dard in color, shall be classified by the
Dutch standard of color and pay duty
as follows, namely: All sugar above
No. 13 and not above No. 16 Dutch
standard of color, If cents per pound.
All sugar above No. 16 and not above
No. 20 Dutch standard of color, 1$ cents
per pound. All sugars above No. 20
Dutch .standard of color, 2 cents per
pound. Molasses testing above 56 de
grees, 4 cents per gallon. Sugar drain
mgs and sugar sweepings shall be sub
ject to duty either as molasses or sugar,
as the case may be according to polaris
copic test.
On coffee 3 cents per pound. On tea
10 cents per pound.
Hides, raw or uncured, whether dry
pickled Angora goat skins, raw, with
out the wool, unmanufactured asses
skins, raw or unmanufactured, and
skins, except sheep skins, with the wool
on, cents per pound.
Other Amendments.
Mr. Aldrich offered an additional sec
tion providing that the sugar schedule
and the bounty paragraphs shall take
effect on March 1,1891, and that prior
to Feb. 1,1891, sugars may be refined in
bond without payment of duty.
Agreed to.
^Various other amendments were of
fered by Mr. Aldrich and agreed to, in
cludinaffie following: Declaring that
all spflbL, taxes shall become due on
July im and on every first of July
thereafter ^Filling the blank lor the
dates on which the duties shall be levied
or articles exempted from duty is the
first of October, 1890. Inserting para
graphs placing a duty of 20 cents per
gallon on maple syrup, and a duty of 10
per cent, on glass beads, loose, un
threaded or strung.
The committee amendment to the par
agraph placing upon the free list all
sugars not above No. 16 Dutch standard,
which had been passed over without ac
tion, was taken up. The amendment
was to substitute No. 13 for No. 16. It
was agreed to—yeas 35, nays 25. The
Republicans who voted in the negative
were Allison, Cullom, Davis, Mitchell,
Moody, Pierce, Sherman, Spooner,
Teller, Wilson of Iowa, and Wolcott.
The Democratic vote was about evenly
Consideration of the Bill Knded.
Mr. Plumb moved an amendment im
posing a tax of 3 per cent, on dividends
of corporations. Rejected—yeas 26,
Bays 81.
..a .a| -fil
Mr. Plumb moved an amendment pro
viding that where the existence of trusts
or combinations to control the produc
tion or. sale of any article is proved to
the satisfacsion of a court, similar arti
cles of foreign production are to be ad
mitted free of duty. Rejected—yeas 27,
navs 88.
Mr. Plumb offered an amendment for
the appointment of a commission of five
disinterested parsons to be known as the
"Customs commission," with a perman
ent office in the City of Washington.
Agreed to—yeas 81, nays 30. On this
vote there were ni party lines observed.
The bill was then reported to the sen
ate and all the amendments that had
been adopted in committee of the whole
were agreed to in the senate.
honlwy Proctor Approve* Sohofleld's
WASHINGTON, Sept. 10. Secretary
Proctor has approved the proceedings of
the recent meeting of the board of ord
nance and fortification, of which Gen.
Schofield'is president, including the al
lotment'of money appropriated by the
current fortification act, to be expended
under the direction of the secretary of'
war. The result of this allotment will
be to permit the bureau of ordnance to
go ahead with the work specified, first
advertising then awarding contracts.
The allotments are as follows: Two
hundred and thirty-five thousand dol
lars for construction of gun and mortar
batteries for the defense of Boston har
bor $726,000 for New York harbor
$260,000 for San Francisco $25,000 for
steel field guns of 3.2-inch calibre $400,
000 for breech-loading rifled sea coast
mortars, cast iron and steel hooped, 12
inch $2,000 for sights and implements
for guns and for fuses $143,135 for me
tallic cartridges for field gun batteries
$100,000 for alteration of ex
isting carriages for 10 and 15
inch smooth bore guns $10,000
for powder for proving 12-inch
sea coast mortars, $27,500 for cast iron
projectiles $10,000 for cast iron projec
tiles for proving 12-inch sea cost motors
$25,000 for steel shells for sea coast can
non $100,000 for steel armor piercing
projectiles for sea coast guns $165,000
for machinery to complete the full ca
pacity of the Watervliet gun factory
$10,650 for washrooms, etc., at Water
vliet $2,800 for railroad sidings, etc., at
Watervliet $3,500 for engine and shaft
ing $32,000 for lathes and traveling
crane. In all the allotments made at this
meeting amount to $2,261,566. The
board also prepared schedules of dimen
sions, weights and other details for the
construction of twenty five 8-inch, fifty
10-inch and twenty-five 12-inch breech
loading steel rifles to be made under
contract. The advertisement for bids
And His Phenomenal Improvement in
Generation—Praise for Haitians.
BALTIMORE, Md., Sept. 10.—Frederick
Douglass, United States minister to the
island of Hayti, was an attendant at the
colored camp in Wayman's grove, and
delivered an address to a small but eh
thusiatic audience. 'He said: "There
was a time when we could not assemble
as we do to-day to debate and contem
plate the relation existing between us
and our citizens generally.
A Great Change Has Taken Place
among the colored race, vast and won
derful has it been. We are living among
scenes that remind us of anew earth.
The time has come when we can look
our fellow citizens in the face and share
in the glory of the country. We who
came through toil and suffering know
Speaking of Hayti, Mr. Douglass said
he was somewhat tonuge-tied, be
cause he was still in office and was go
ing back. In reference to the negro
question, he said that 100 years ago
Hayti was surrounded by slavery, and
the Carribean sea reddened by the
curse. The negro was a slave every
where and under every nation in the
islands of the West Indies. But they
Had the Manhood to Rise
and drive out the men who tyranized
them. These degraded, stupid negroes
were not only able to assert their liberty,
but to organize a government which
they have carried on for eighty-seven
years. They have sent their ministers
to all Christian lands, and Hayti has
never been known to break a treaty.
Three Killed in the B. tt O. Disaster Near
Wheeling and Five IuJ uretl.
NEW YORK, Sept. 10.—Notwithstand­
ing the official report issued from the
headquarters of the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad company at Baltimore to the
effect that no one was killed by the
wreck on that road near Wheeling Sun
day night, The Herald publishes a spe
cial from the latter place which contra
dicts the official statement. The Her
ald's special pronounces the wreck to
have been one of the most disastrous in
the history of the road. Four engines
and fifty cars were reduced to scrap
iron and kindling wood. Three were
killed and five seriously injured.
Caused a Ban on the Bank.
SOUTH BEND, led., Sept. 10.—A rumor
circulated through the city that the St.
Joseph County Savings bank was about
to close its doors gradually gained cur
rency, and when the bank opened at 1
o'clock for afternoon business a run
began, and continued until after bank
ing hours. All demands were met. The
bank is one of the most solid in Indiana.
California's Fortieth Anniversary.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 10.—Tuesday
was the fortieth anniversary of the ad
mission of California into the Union.
There was a parade of the Native Sons
of the Golden West, the pioneers and
other bodies, 15,000 men being in line
There were over 100,000 visitors in the
odt -tmd
JW cbodwra
./raacuwm4! .ajUasoff itmatti In*# *oJ«ir&« telild jUloot™# •.._
STolc-rtl erf iiwnoo wi rtfrfw ,~J.ciaq*iS ssitn
Larger for the Republicans Than Any
Given for Many Previous
Seeds Plurality Nearly Double That
Received By Him Two Tears
Minnesota Democratic Convention in
Session at St. Paul—Wilson Nom
......... luted for Governor.
AUGUSTA, Me., Sept. •.—•
Manly, of the Republican state central
committee, sent at midnight the follow
ing dispatch to President Harrison:.
Maine gives the largest Republican ma
jority, thrown in off years, since 1886,
and a larger majority than given in a
presidential contest since 1868, with the
single exceptions of 1884 and 1888. Gov
ernor Burleigh is re-elected by a major
ity exceeding 15,000. Speaker Reed is
re-elected by the largest majority he
ever received, exceeding 4,500. Repre
sentatives Dingley, Boutelle and Mil
liken are re-elected by majorities rang
ing from 3,000 to 5,000 The Pine Tree
state endorses your administration, and
remains firm in its advocacy of protec
tion to American industries and Amer
ican labor.
PORTLAND, Me., Sept. 9.—One hun
dred and ninety-six towns give Bur
leigh 39,026 Thompson, 26,235 scatter
ing, 2,020. Burleigh's plurality, 12,794.
The same towns in 1888 gave Burleigh
48,443 Putnam,'35,648 scattering, 2,770.
Burleigh's plurality, 12,795.
Forty-three out of fifty-three towns in
the First district give Reed 16,091
Frank, 11,338. Reeds plurality 4,752,
against 2,439 in 1888. The remaining
towns are small and will not materially
change these figures. Cumberland
county is incomplete, but no doubt the
Republican county ticket is elected by
pluralities ranging from 1,500 to 2,000.
Portland gives Burleigh 3,673 Thomp
son, 2.146 Clark, 158j scattering, 366
Reed, 1,517 Frank, 2,188 scattering,
118. Reed's plurality 1,563. The larg
est ever given a member for this dis
trict. One of the Republican represen
tatives to the legislature. Cunningham
is defeated, Guptill, Democrat, winning
by nine votes.
Dingley's Majority.
®wiCrMe., sept. ».—±teirirnS"
from a large part of the cities and towns
in the Second district show that ex-Gov
ernor Dingley is re-elected to congress
by nearly 4,000 over all.
Harrison's Congratulations*
WASHINGTON, Sept. 10.—The follow­
ing telegram was received here:
CRESSON, Pa., Sept. 9.
Hon. T. B. Reed, speaker house of rep
sentatives, Washington:
I very heartily congratulate you and
your colleagues in congress from Maine
upon the generous popular endorsement
you have received.
Malce-Up of the Legislature.
PORTLAND, Me., Sept. 10.—The Adver­
tiser estimates that the legislature will
stand: Senate—Republicans, 28 Dem
ocrats, 3. House—Republicans, 117.
Democrats, 34.
Bis Fences Are Safe.
PORTLAND, Me., Sept. 10.—Speaker
Reed left for Washington at 9 a. m.
The Winona Man Chosen to Head the
Democratic Ticket.
ST. PAUL, Sept. 10.—The Democratic
state convention met at 11 a. m. and
formed a temporary organization by
electing H. R. Wells temporary chair
man. Committees were appointed and
adjournment taken till 2 p, in.
It was nearly 3 o'clock when the con
vention reassembled.
The committee on credentials made a
report showing that there were 471 dele
gates present and entitled to seats in the
Resolutions of regret for the death of
Hon. Eugene M. Wilson were unani
mously adopted.
The Platform
pledges the party to accomp
lish reforms necessary to promote
the well being of the laborer declares
for Cleveland extends sympathy to the
people of Ireland denounces the "recent
attempt of Republicans in congress to
usurp power to inspire unjust taxation,
to stilie proper discussion of public
measures," declares for tariff for rev
enue only congratulates the Republi
can party upon the recent concessions
to Democratic policy involved in the
reciprocity amendment to the tariff bill
denounces the McKinley bill favors
practical temperance laws,but denounce
sumptuary legislation asserts that the
law governing common carriers and the
management of the public warehouses
should be formed in such manner as to
secure equal and exact justice to every
material interest of the entire commu
nity favor asystemof pensions so lib
eral as to relieve from want but would
guard against spoliation of the treasury.
Wilson Nominated.
After the nominating speeches h&d
been made and the report of the com
mittee on resolutions read a motion was
made for an informal ballot.
The chairman then read a letter from
S. M. Owen, the Alliance candidate, re
fusing to accept a nomir.ation at the
hands of the convention., Ed. Durant,
of Stillwater, also withd/ew.
*"vr:'' •'&
EwTii'-niajority. Dr. Ames rose in fiis
eeatSnd'moved that his nomination be
madj^ unanimous and by acclamation.
I^ekiottion was carried,
Political Illness There.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 10.—In the house
Mr.^uchanan, of New Jersey, recalled
a request of Mr. Cnmmings on Monday,
th/i^the absence of the Maine delegation
be excusedon this ground of political
illness."'J In view of the- developments
he tlfought Mr. Cnmmings had made a
misttike [Laughter]. The Virginia eleo
tionneast) of Langqton against Venablo
was^fealled up,' and much time was
wasted by the Democrats: breaking a
quoium to prevent jtsuconsideration.
Wright, at Bosebnd, Says the Bed
Hare Been Getting nations ftr
Large Families.
EAPOLis. Sept. 10.—An Evening
1 Rapid City special Bays': Indian
Wright, of the Rosebud agency,
Whtifyas in the city Friday submitted
to an interview in the Journal relative
to great falling off in the census of
Indians upon his agency and the appar
ent discrepancy between the number of
Indians actually upon the reservation
anduthe number of rations issued. Agent
Wright took charge, of the Rosebud,
agency Sept. 30, 1889, and continued to
rations upon the rolls received at
that* time. He received orders at the
close of the fiscal year of 1889 to take
an ^numeration of the Indians. This
wasEdone, by the assistance of employes
of the agency, upon the 7th and 8th cf
Jul®, the result showing 2,000 less In
dians than were supposed to have been
receiving rations, Be does not assume
to account for' the large discrepancy,
beyond stating, that many have died and
others gone south to .the Indian Terri
tory. Mr. Wright also, mentions the
fact) that many heads pf families have
Sweitiif Rations for More Persons
thai!'were actually in^their, families. He
repels the suggestion! that the rations
excess of the number of' Indians have,
been,' Sold and appropriated' .for thfe
agent's 'private benefit. Other parties
here who are familiar witfr the methods
of ^distributing rations say that the
chief cause of the discrepancy lies in the
practice referred to by Agent Wright—
that' of drawing extra rations. Red
Cloty&iis cited as an instance. He ia said
to d&w ten rations regularly at Pine
Riqgei agency, while his family consists
of pit three persons. The' 'practice is
said to prevail quite generally, though
whether .with the knowledge or.consqqt
nt agent is not stated.
A Bigger Crop In the Northwest Than
Has Been Anticipated.
MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 10.—The potato
crop is turning out quite well in the
Northwest, says the Minneapolis Market
Record. This crop, owing to cheapness
in most years, has gone into wasteful
consumption. The greater part of the
country in the Northwest, in recent re
ports, showed that very little attention
is usually paid to raising potatoes for
sale. Whenever there is a short supply,
however, that brings up the iprice to an
attractive figure, people are surprised by
the amount of potatoes raised above
home wants. When $1 a bushel was
talked of, the whole of this part of the
country discovered all at once that there
were but few potatoes in a hill and
small ones at that. In some sections
that is true. But since the high prices
begin to bring them out the groweis
themselves are astonished that the pro
duction is so large. Finally, they came
to market so freely that the price has
gone down below expectations.
Serious Triple Accident on the Blaelc
Hills and Fort Pierre Komi.
DEADWOOD, S. D., Sept. 10.—The pas­
senger train over the Black Hills and
Fort Pierre railroad ran into a lot of
rocks which had fallen on the track from
an overhanging cliff, about ten miles
this side of Piedmont, derailing the en
gine and shaking up the passengers gen
erally. A telephone message was sent
by one of the road's officials for a wreck
ing train, and another hurried off to
dispatch alone engine for the same pur
pose. The result was a collision and
complete wreck of both engines, and
the injury of some fifteen or twenty of
the wreckers to the extent of broken
legs, arms, bruised heads and bodies,
but nothing more serious. This road is
a narrow gauge, operated between Lead
City and Piedmont by the Homestake
Mining company, and had just been
opened to the public.
Sued the Missonri, Kansas aud Texas.
AUSTIN, Tex., Sept. 10.—The attorney
general has filed a suit in the district
court against the Missouri, Kansas and
Texas railway for forfeiture of its char
ter. It is alleged that the company,
contrary to law, has consolidated with
the West Line, Red River, Trinity,
Dallas aud Greenville and other roads,
and that they have illegally issued bonds P^s- Woodwarr^
on. said roads to the amount of $37,000 a
Three Occupants Killed—The Fourth
NEW YORK, Sept. 10.—A Herald spe-
The ballot was then proceeded with.
Before its annouaeein ent, it being ap
sarent that Thomas jiaon. of W iuona
HAMERSVILLK, Ohio, Sept 10.-R-A ter
rible tragedy occurred here daring lbs
trial of the fcase oif George Barngrovsr
vs. Joseph Hiller, before Justice Vanda
ment. A Mr. Hiler died some months
ago leaving
meh and
York Central at tf p. m. The train was
stopped by a danger signal south of Old
Troy, which is 500 yards south of the
New Hamburg drawbridge. Two min
utes previous the flagman had discov
ered several ties standing endwise in the
culvert near Old Troy, and when he
took hold hold of one of them to remove
it he was fired upon from the bushes on
theeast side of the track. Knowing
the fast express was nearly due he ran
southward and set the danger signal,
which stopped the train.
A Trainman's Story.
A railroad employe who was on the
train says that two men out rowing on
the river near that point saw some men
busy on the tracks, and when they dis
appeared they crawled quietly up. They
found a steel rail wedged in the cattle
guard in the same way as at Albany,
and braced up in the same way by
pieces of flange iron. With all their
strength they could not move it, and
started down the track to warn the
Chicago limited express. They met a
trackman, and he, swinging his red lan
tern, started to stop the train. In an
instant several shots rang out, and one
took eli'ect in the trackman's shoulder.
However, the train was stopped about
100 yards south of the obstruction.
Double Harder In CMrt Xctn 1st
HaramergTille, Ohio, Cansed
An V^JasI Will.
Two New Jersey Ladles Settle a Cass
of Rivalry In Tfcirt/-siflt
BeandPriae Tight
Another Attempt to Wreeft a UvwTM'ft
Central Train FrutrsteA—Tfc*
Trackman fMMt
will in which he devised
most of his property to two of his sons
and two daughters, to the exclusion of
other children. There has been talk of
contesting the will and much bitterness
has been manifested. This was a case
for damages under an alleged breach of
contract between Joseph Hiler and
Barngrover, who was one of the sons-in
law of Mr. Hiler. During the trial Con
stable I. N. Allen, another son-in-law
stepped to the door, when a pistol shot
was heard. Allen
Came Staggering Into the Boom
and fell across the chair, exclaiming:
women. As Hiler rushed from
the'court, room ihtofthe darkness he was.
h6ard£?'X«ffiark: "Ihave
:•'l&Mf .'far Two-More Men."
It "is."' nn&tfstood that he.meant by the
remark John.: Hiler, Jr., Coasin to the
.ma^er$i^(fcud an important .witness in
tK^case^ and Attorney W. F. McBeth,
wn«S fcksxhiirge of the case for the plain
t£BT.C The t^wttis aroused and searching
ithe murderer, who is still at large.
AuMher Attempt Made to Wreck aNew
Vork Central Train.
Pou^HKBBFSiE,. N. Y., Sept. 10.—A
deaaiBrjtta^attfflpt wm made to wrech,
"fKe fast St. Louis and Chicago express,
which leaves New York on the New
Two Daughters of Prominent Jersey Citi
sens Indulge In a Scrap for the Affec
tions of a Young Man.
NEWARK, N. J., Sept. 10.—It has just
leaked out that Mary Herbert and Mabel
Brown, daughters of prominent resi
dents of Pleasantville, N. J., fought a
prize fight in a 16-foot ring, pitched in
au old barn on the outskirts of that v'
lag eat 3 o'clock Sunday morning.
cause of the fight was rivalry for t1
Ito 2ano'*»t
tentionsof a young man named j™—
Woodward. Thirty-eight rou
fought in which both girls we
punished, but neither had th
and the contest was deel-
The combatants were
waist and every part of
—i bore traces
either of the
bodies ex-
?Tke referree "seco" ,of Punishment.
were all female,
of the^iteri-
has gince declarej
to do
Cases of Small Pox Aboard.
iORE. Sept. 10.—Schooner S.
Johnso from Havre, France, has ar
here with several eases of small
cial from New Orleans says that while aboard. One of the sailors came
four men Were out in a small boat ali-
hunting on Lake Fields, La1 some time. He was examined and
gatur uuuuiug ,, found to be suffering from varioloid.
Ferche parish, last Saturday, the How the vessel passed quarantine is a
was struck by lightning. All four mystery.
All four
the men were" also struck by the
three of them being killed. The
and wandered about the streets
Nineteen Horses Cremated.
MARSH 4.LLTOWN, Iowa, Sept. 10.—The
residence and two livery barns of S. P.
ftobb, of Osceola, were burned with all
named, A. M. V. Verdain, was spveIte(y
shocked but recovered.
Atireat «oessitz, Holli-jifl, saJParday,
which destroyed twenty hoascs, was' contents. Nineteen horses were con
caused by boy seeing fire to his suiued in the bams, besides three car
mother's stable, in /evened lor being riages, all th© hnrnesa and fixtures ana
I 1«snn aaMnnw^
pnuished. a large amount of hay and grain.
KBW a«*n
'''^T' T^ff'' ~r"^j$W».
J. aumager of tfea,"
39t~?house, attempts!
e&tefelo mmw financial trouolesi
tibiae a iwi ot poison. DootoM.
IJI ho Trill recover.
•AfrCMccjo, £&» Nellie McMahon^M i.^
years old, committed snicide by
ug in 4ho lake, because her tadtfaea^t:
scolded few Jo? being half an hour lat6'
returning home
"John Hiler did it." Before the terroi® 5^' JeBsiernJle,
ized spectators could realize what had deranged, pandered into th0i
ized spectators could realize what had
happened the murderer was seen stand
ing in the middle of the crowded court
room, and fired a second shot, which'
took effect in the right bieast of George
Barngrover, passing entirely through
his body. The excitement was indescrib
able,the court room being crowded with
The cholera is spreading ir^ jfigypt and
ssasral eases are reported. TOSM.
^t 8edalia, Me., Qtnsds hotel wsa
destroyed by Tbj was fun
of guests in tho tisse smd many had nar
row eseapec, iat all ancc^edtd in reachr
ing places
ot ty.
aannal saedonof
•Tfcicl OS)
the dettt hw
night last week.
Judge W. L. Cook, one of the pioneers
Iowa, psesed away at his home at
Davenport, Monday, aged 86. In 1835
Mr. Cook came to that locality, having
floated down- the Ohio on a raft of Lis
own construction and thence to
Attorney General Martin has filed in
formation against Luxton, editor of The
Winnipeg Free Press, charging him
With criminal libel. Luxtoh's jouin
openly charged Martin with boodliiig
connection with the Northern
entry into Manitoba.
v.. thei
woods and has not been seen since last:.
Thursday. Mr. Boyer is described as itM'
small- man weighing abont 135 pounds*#
black hair, dark mustache and eyes,-"'
dark vest and'' pants. He was in his
shirt sleeves when he disappeared.
_,Alj.the employes of the Northern Pa-*'
cifi&'shops at Brainerd were coming
frOm work one of them, William CaliS
izu,'-^ attempting to get on a switch en
gto# for a rids home, was struck by a
swttG$! signal blade, and, being thrown
unde*the engine, was instantly killed.
The body was horribly mangled.
A fiifirtificate of the amendment of the
articleS ef the Snluth Northwestern
and Winnipeg was filed Monday.
The fire originated
a laundry adjoining the hoteL Lose,
Jasaos O. Wilsor», for Tnany rears a
prcminent banker of Strotor, His., has
mado »n assignment. Tkj liabilities ai«
about $50,000, sad ii claimed by
Wilson ihtt shei a property enough
sight to all ontst ua(ung debts. Th*
assignment m: »y aenonsly affect the
Streato? Build i»g and Loan associatioL.
whos»businee wu trincacted througk
the bank. W ilson, it is said, speculated
and: lost hoav ily is California land.
An infln^ ential section
7tfiy "tea- hem
lstof/5 dtora jy at flew"
m, ai Tirgtain, hss been a»
,... of the depart*
naawraf -the company is changed so as
to read,
Dnluth, Bed Falls and
Northern 'Railway company. The route
of the railway is located by way of
Leach lake audited Falls to some point
Canadian boundary in Kittson
county, Minn.
it Grand Ferks, N. D.,a
Mfeaefed"^'^irlrTitCent^r maTried
Norwegian by ita name of Ed Hanson,
was arrested Monday charged with the
attempted mnrder ef her husband. The
woman in question has baen too lavish in
her affections to other men, and when
challenged by her husband she pulled a
ra3or from her dress pocket and com
menced clashing him. Hanson parried
her efforts tc cut him until help arrived,
thongb h» co&4 sls»7a WAS cut in several
plavis. Mrs. Hanson iailsd in de
fault $800 bail.
f*0 itating theque^tiou of abolisV
mg tne ^toral session and introdncing
Sco'.ch Presbyterian ae-
Sip ^nor Crispi, the Italian prime min-
/, has purchased an estate near Syra-
Sicily, for 1,000,000 francs. His
P' jlitical enemies are taking advantaas
tUia fact to hint at an improper origin
of his wealth.
At the close of a large labor westing
at Ashford, Limerick, yeeterday, an eft
counter took place between the people
and the police. The latter used their
bayonets in dispersing the erowd, and
many persons were injured.
Preparations are being made in Paris
ta welcome the Cossack, Pjeschkoff,who
is making the journey from the Pacific
to the Atlantic on horseback. The trav
eler will proceed thence to Havre,
where his journey, begun in Eastern
Siberia, ends.
The scheme for a general labor union,
based on an amicable combination be
tween employers and ^employed, is re
ceiving careful attention by prominent
business men and stateemen in Eng
land. It is announced that 1,800 leading
employers have signified their approvM
of the proposition.
The Irish registrar's annual report
estimates the population of the Green
Isle at 4,730,566. The number of persons
emigrating to other countries during
the year was 70,477. The death rate
compared favorably with other years,
and an increase in the number of mar
riages was reported.
Local railway traffic in Bussia is ter
ribly blocked and in many places wholly
stopped, owing to the monopolization of
the lines by the military authorities for
the transportation of troops to the South
ern maneuvres. Every effort is being
made to determine how speedily the
forces could be mobilised in case of th*
sudden breaking out of war.

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