NO. 1.
8500 TO THE PAN.
i !
. 1
President. William McKinley
; Vine-President Garrett A. Hobart
Bucretarv of State John Hay
r. Secretary of Treasury....,.-,..,... Lyman J .-Gage
Secretary of Interior.... ,.Coriieliufs N. Bliss
k Vecretarv of War......., ..........Elihu Hoot
.,uretary of Navy.....:v. ,;.......John D. Ixmg
Postmaster-General James A-. Gary
: Attorney-General ..John W. GriKgs
'. Secretary of Agriculture.... ..;..James Wilson
.'.:.Meo. W. McBride
josepn esimon
m. A. Moony
congressmen.. Tho. H. Tonirue
D. K. N. Blackburn
Secretary of State.,
T. T. Geer
F. I. Dunbar
C. 8. Moore
w. H. Leeas
Supt. of Public Instruction J-H. Ackerman
C. E. Wolyerton
Supreme Judges ...... ...F. A. Moor
; '-: l ..-. M...n..o. Dean
v Circuit JudKe:...."::;T..rr:.'...:..W. 8. Bradshaw
Prosecuting Attorney A. A. Jay ne
State Senators j
,...E. B. Dufur
............ John Michell
.......... .J. . Morton
Robert Mays
xtonnty Clerk."..:
D. 8. Kinsey
i. i.N. C. Evans
..A. M. Kelsay
,.i...Robert Kelly
C. L. Phillips
..W. H. Whipple
....C; L. Gilbert
J. B. Groit
W. H. Butts
Sheriff .
School Superintendent
Surveyor .-.
Justice of Peace , .George T. Prather
Constable ..'. K. S. plinger
' . -' v, .. COUNTY COURT.
The County Court of Wasco county meets on
the lirst Mondays in January, March, May,
July, Beptemoer una jNovemuer.
Circuit Court of Wasco county meets on the
third Mondays in February, May ana Novem
ber, f, . ' ' -v . - j .
i r- -. p--J.
.E. L. Smith
...:...C. A. Bell
P. F. Bradford. Sr.
WiUiam Yates
."...:.'...,. J. H. Dukes
J. H. Ferguson
L....". J. R. Nickelsen
George P. Crowell
E. 8, Olinger
" s f y OFFICES. ,
. '." i ".J' ?..' THIS DAUBS. sr. ' " i
.....Jay P. Lucos
..OUb Patterson
,.W. R Dunbar
......L. B. Clough
WALLA WALLA. .... .. .
Reirister John M. Hill
.Receiver Thomas Masgrove
Oregon city,, v .
Itesrister C. B. Moores
Receiver .-..William Galloway
.-TO THEv'.'W-:.''-;
. 111! -A-i'jL'm .
' A"v VIA K fun
DENVEfi, .
- r ,;i VIA. .
. AND - .. . : .
... Dcean Steamer) Leave Portland Every 5 Dajri
Stoamcrs Monthly from Portland to
Yokohama and Hong Kong, via the
. , Northern Pacific Steamship Co., in con
"" uection with the Q. R. & N-
For full Information call on 0. R. A Nl agent
E.'B. CLARK, Hood River, or address '
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Qr.
O. H. & N.' Time Table for Hood River
No. 4. 4-87 p. m. No. S..,,.,.-.. 6:fi7 a. m.
No, 2. I... 10:42 p. m. No. 1.... 4:00 p. m.
Way freight.. 2:45 p. ni. Way freightl0:25 a. m.
The -Regulator
Steamers Daily (Except Sunday) Between
Portland, Cascade Locks, Stevenson,
,. Spraeoe, White Salmon, HOOD
RIVER and The Dalles. v
- $1.29
' THE DALLES OFFICE: First and Court 8ts;
- v , - ' w. C. ALL AW AY, . -v
. , '. . :. General Agent,
- "' , -: " The Dalles, Or. "
"Due at Hood River, eastbouiul, 4 p. m.; west
bound, 9:H0 a.m. . -
Leaves Portland at 7 a m.; Leaves The Dalles
at 8:45 a. m. . . . ... ,
" MAILS. J.'--
The mail arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'clock
a. m. Welnesdays and' Saturdays; departs the
gume days at noon.
For Chenowetli, leaves at 8 a. m. Tuesdays,
Thursdavs and Saturdays; arrives at 6 p. m. -
For White Salmon leaves daily at 1:10 p.m.;
arrives at ft:s p. m.
From White Salmon leaves for Fulda, Gilmer,
Trout Lake and (iieuwood Mondays, Wednes
days and Fridays. . .
From All Parts of the Nevr
World and' the Old. .
Comprehensive Review of the Iuip.rt
ant Happening of the Past - "Week
Culled From the Telegraph Column!
Captain DreyfuB hafe been pardoned
by the council o( ninistera.'
.Colonel .John Jililey, inspector-gen'
eral of volunteers, is dead at Manila.
,c Hawaii will endeavor to secure set
tiers from northern Italy and Sweden,
' . Mark Ilanna says it would be more
than disgrace for us to sell the Phillip'
pines. .v,.;,-. .: ,t. r
At a lumber yard fire in Los Angeles
three men were injured, two' of them
fatally. ; -r? . "
- One battalion of the Thirty-fifth will
sail from Portland on the Elder within
10 days. .: ,! ., ' r, .
- Scheurer Kestner, chief exponent oi
the cause of Dreyfus, died on the day
the captain was pardoned. , ir:'--.'r".
- A prominent Filipino has approached
General McArthur in the matter of
releasing the American prisoners.
The empress dowager of China is
said to be seriously ill , and Earl Li
Hung Chang has been recalled to
jower, tr . r. iry "1. ! .'
1 President Kruger has been informed
that the will receive no help from Ger.
many in the event of war with Great
Britain.' 5 f r ' ;, ; .
'Labor unions have' ordered . all work
in connection with the Chicago fall fes
tival stopped until an agreement if
reached. ni;MC ':ya : ;.'sf ' '
i After a six weeks' siege Jules Guer.
In, the French anti-Semitic agitator,
(surrendered when the army was about
to attack his forfc--- r ,
Mrs. Mary Brooks, who -has been in
a Michigan prison for 23 years has been
pardoned. She immediately married
the man who had her convicted. :
- Representative Dalzell, of Pennsyl
vania, says that both the senate and
house .will present , bills in . regard to
currency legislation at the next session
of congress. , .
C. N. Peck, a prominent farmer Ht
lng near Lexington, Morrow county,
Oregon, died from hemorrhage of the
lungs.,nThe neighbors thought he had
smallpox,' became frightened and re
fused to bury him, and two physicians
performed the task unaided. ',
Over 8,000 persons are " dead and
missing' as a . result of the recent ty
phoons in the" Orient. "Much damage
to shipping is reported Tap appalling
subsidence of th eBesshi , mine in the
island of Shikoku entailed the loss of
650 lives.' Prom some parts of the
south reports still come in of thousands
upon thousands of houses, -destroyed,
while every prefecture counts by hun
dreds its dead. . An . interesting . inci
dent in ' the' ' Beshi mine 'catastrophe
was the final saving of five miners,
who had been imprisoned in the earth
for six days by the caving in of the en
trance. ;..;. . .. y
Cuba in suffering from ; a long-eon-tinued
drought. . -
The Nashville will not bo sent to
Venezuela till needed. " '
China has protested against General
Otis'.exclusion order. '.:' .;.; V
' Japan is being urged to secure rail
way concessions from China. -.'.' i,
..James M. Niiont a once famoas
showman,' is dead in New York.' , .
i .The battleship Kentucky will have
her first run about-the 1st ot October.
' The Indian hoppiokers in Pnyallap
valley, Washington, -are sun dancing..
Almost the entire business seotion
of Farnliam, K. Yi',' was wiped out by
i The "sovereign? grand lodge of Odd
Fellows met in Detroit, Mioh., in an
nual session. ; ;- , ' ' ; ' '".:.
The steamer Alpha bus arrived from
Alaska with 200 passengers and half
a ton ci gold.
The American ship George Stetson
was burned at Loochoo, China. " No
loss of life resulted fioru the disaster.
Major Jones, who has. been quarter
master at Manila, has returned. He
thinks 50,000 men "will be needed in
the islands for-10 years.
Hon.' Daniel Erinentrout, congress
man from the sixth congressional dis
trict of Pennsylvania, is dead. ' H
was serivng his Sixth term. ' fr
Officials eay that Admiral Sampson
will not be suspended by Admiral
How i son and that the newspapers are
making a mountain out of a mole hill.
A boat containing the captain and
11 men from the French steamer Dunra
is believed to have been lost near the
island of Elba in the Mediterranean
sea. ' !- '., . ' ' .-
Thirty transports " are- scheduled to
sail for the Philippines - before Govern-
bre 1, and it is predicted that the sol
diers of . the new, reigments will eat
Christmas dinner at Manila. ' :
Frank H. Hurford, a 15-year-old boy,
has been admitted, to the bar in Guthrie,-
O. T. . ;;-.: ...
Two divinity students'" are" working
their way through Yale by doing job
printing. The nane of the firm is
Clark & Watkins. ' '
" At ' the ooming session of congress
Hawaii will be represented ty William
O." Smith, formerly ' attorney general
of that country. He will be appointed
William Bonney, a noted explorer,
la dead at London. - -
At Key West Sunday 80 new cases of
yellow fever and two deaths were re
ported. -
As a result of religious riots, Ferroll,
Spain, has been proclaimed nnder mar
tial law.
The plant of the Amorican Tin-Plate
company, at Atlanta, Ind., was. de
stroyed by fire; loss, $150,000. ,. s
, i - , . . -i. ."'i . .
i,. Friends of General Masimo Gomel
say they will push the old patriot for
ward in the coming Cuban elections.
- Tho Bteamers City of Seattle and Cot
tage City, which have arrived from
Alaska, had a combinod cargo of $500,-
ooo.' ;.. . ,-:', !:
A French paper says that Colonol
Jouanste, president of the Eennes court
martial, ' Voted ' for the acquittal of
Dreyfus.. ' . . ' " . . ,; - '
.-.The district j,f Adien, in Asia Minor,
was visited by an earthquake, and ac
cording to the latest advices over 200
persons perished. '; i:':"J ; ' g
""- Between 8,000 and 4,000 marine en
gineers on the - Great Lakes threaten a
strike : unless their demand for a 13)2
percent advance is met. :.; i r:(.-' '
The Colombian government . has is
sued a decree closing her ports to Bhips
having the bnbonio plague on . board,
arriving from infected ports. .. . ;
dispatches from Johannesburg re
port a complete dislocation of the Band
mining industry. The exodus con
tinues and all the mines are closing.
The excitement of meeting his chil
dren has , produced j a serious reaction
in the condition of Dreyfus, and.it is
feared that it may be' necessary to send
him to Malta or Madeira. -,Ji v i '
Congressman Ha-wley, . representing
American capitalists, haa . purchased a
large sugar estate in Cuba,' in the prov
ince of Matanzas.' A million and a
half will be expended in improving it.
"Big Dan" Dougherty, a notorious
bankrobber and v murderer, who has
been serving a sentence in Manchester,
England, has been pardoned and is
thought to have started for this country,
..Official reports of. two battles be
tween the Mexicans and Yaquis have
reached Los' Angeles. . The Mexicans
were victorious in both engagements,
but suffered considerable loss. War
is proceeding, despite the official an
noncement of suspension of hostilities.
In accordance with the rights of the
Russian orthodox church, Miss Julia
Dent Grant, daughter of Brigadier-Gen
eral and : Mrs. Frederick Grant, and
granddaughter of General Ulysses S.
Grant, and : Prince Cantacuzene, Count
Spranznki, of . Russia, were married in
New York. . ' : ; '. '""' . ; '"
Emperor William is on a visit to
Sweden. , .....
A big strike for an eight-hour day ii
anticipated in Cuba. - - -.;;.
' A regiment of Canadians desire to be
sent to South Africa in the event of war
with the Boers..
Checks for $5,000,000 have been is
sued by the' government for the antici
pated October interest, ' p ,t. ; .
The permanent organization of the
American Hide & Leather Company
was effected in New York.
' The Crown cotton mills, of Dalton,
Ga.,,, has established a .world's record
by paying a dividend of 93 per cent.: '
The state grain commission of Wash
ington has reaffirmed the grades adopt
ed last year, and made tkem permanent.
The navy department has directed
that the Eagle and Yankee be accepted
at the Portsmouth navy yard by Octo
ber 17. -ir ; ; ; (. , ,
The navy department has awarded
the contract . for building the Ports
mouth dock to John Pierce, of -New
York, at $1,890,000. V . ,v J
Belies of Spanish rule in Cuba are to
be disposed of. I The property, of Cu
bans that was confiscated by the Span
iards will be returned; ; ' .
The insurgent leader, General.de
Castro, is making much progress in
Venezuela. ' He is following the course
pursued- by the revolutionists in 1892.
A passenger train collided with a
freight train 18 miles southeast of Kan
sas City. , Four people were killed and
four others more or less seriously - in
jured.",. ' -. -' :,":'
News has been received from Alaska
to the effect that the front of the Taku
glacier was shattered by a recent earth
quake.: Thousands of tons of ice were
precipitated into the sea. -----r-The
master of the Norwegian cutter
Martha, reports that on "September 9,
on the north coast of King Chalres is
land, he picked up an anchor and buoy
marked '"Andree Polar Expedition."
It is probable - that after the first of
the coming year railroad employes will
have to pay fare when traveling over
any but their own lines. Influential
shippers will also be obliged to pur
chase their tickets.
The steamer Kohn Maru foundered
in a typhoon off the Japanese coast,
going to the bottom like a stone. . - She
had 50 passengers -on board, the major
ity being women and children. Twelve
of these were drowned and two fatally
injured. -...; -. : "-jt
: ; ; ftt y'--:
"Daniel Lamont's private fortune is
now said to reaoh $5,000,000. ; ,
. The navv department has taken stens
for the opening of a naval recruiting
station at Buffalo, N. Y.
The queen regent of Spain has signed
a decree calling out 60.000 men oi the
1899 class for military servioe.
Alexander Henderson, of Syracuse,
has acted as pall bearer at the funeral
of 172 of his friends during the last 50
Works on the Bay of Subig
r -f r Destroyed.
Krnpp Cannon Which the ImnrgeiiU
Were Working Wa blown Up by
Landing Party-Town Took Fire.
Manila, ; Sept. 26. The cruiser
Charleston, the monitor Monterey and
ihe gunboats Concord an$ Zafiro, with
;he marines" and bluejackets . from the
jruieer Baltimore, left Cavite Septem
ser , 19, and, as already t cabled; pro
seeded to Subig bay to destroy an in
mrgent cannon there. . ; ' ;
Owing to the bad weather, the opera
tion was. .' postponed i until "yesterday,
when the warships for three hours bom
barded the town of Olangapo and the
entrenchments Where the gun was situ
ated.'' Men from the' Charleston, Con
sord and - Zafiro were -then landed un
ier a heavy insurgent, fire, proceeding
to the cannon,; which ; was utterly de
stroyed by guncotton, and then re
turned to the warships. . The Ameri
cans .had one matt wounded j during the
engagement." " ' " L . ' ' . .
While waiting in Subig bay for bet
ter weather, the Americans descried
Filipino reinforcements moving toward
Olangapo. At. 6:40 A.. M.( yesterday
the Monterey began to advance upon
the town, which was about three miles
sast of the ; monitor 's anchorage. The
Dhalreston, Concord, and Zafiro. fol
lowed.! At 7:20 the Monterey opened
Bre with her secondary and main bat
teries; the Charleston and Concord join
ing immediately. At 7:30 the insur
gent cannon1 answered the 'first shot
passing close to the Monterey's smoke
stack. The gun was fired twice only.
' The Amerioan bombarding then be
came generaL." At 9:30 the Monterey
advanced to a range of 600 yards, nsing
her main battery. Two hundred and
fifty men were landed about 800 yards
east of the cannon at 11 o'clock, under
a severe Mauser fire. . " ...
The men from the Charleston were
the first to ..reach the beach, but the
Concord's men were the first at the
gun,which they reached - at 11:10.
The cannon was found to be a 16cen
timeter Krupp gun, presumably ob-
tained from the Spaniards rMean while
the warships continued to shell the
shelving beach on the east and west
tide to silence the insurgent fire upon
the sailors from the trenches skirting
the beach. ?'-'Trr:'
Gunner. Olsen exploded 60 pounds of
guncotton in- three discharges in the
cannon, which had suffered from the
fire of the warships. " ' : ."
, The Americans then, wturned to the
boats, the firing inland being kept np
to protect the embarkation. The Con
cord's men were the last to leave the
shore and the warships were reached
it 11:50.
, Cadet Brinzer, with the Concord's
launch, armed with a gatling, did ex
cellent work on the left of the landing
party. Captain Meyers, of the ma
rines, captured a muzzle-loading field
piece. Lieutenant McDonald was in
command of the landing party, and the
movement was splendidly exeouted and
controlled. '. . ; . : ' ! ; i
. The numbers of the Filipinos there
could not be ascertained, and no dead
were seen. . ' '.-' '' - .'
1 The Monterey fired for four hours
81 shots from her 10-inch guns, and 17
from ; her 12-inch guns. , The town,
which was riddled with shells, took fire
it several points.":; y?i W'- ' : '
rrannport Leelennw- Kept Afloat by
Working Her foinps Steadily.
San Francisco, Sept. 26. The United
States transport Leelenaw came into
port today with the pumps steadily at
work to overcome the effect of a hole
in the ship's bottom. The Leelenaw
sailed for Manila September 2, with
a cargo of commissary stores and 200
horses for army use. After leaving this
port distemper was developed among
the horses, and so many of the animals
died that the Leelenaw put into Hono
lulu and landed there the commissary
storse and the surviving horses. The
transport .then started on the return
trip to tlis city. - ; ; -. :''
During the three days prior to reach
ing this port, so thick and constant was
the fog that no observations 'could be
taken, and, having lost her bearings,
the Leelenaw struck a reef hear Mon
tana, 20 -miles south of this port, last
evening. ' She' was for five hours stuck
fast on the rocks, and when she finally
floated off at high tide it was found that
the jagged rock had torn a hole in her
bottom. "'''"'.'" ':l '..
It will be necessary for the Leelenaw
to go in drydock for a considerable
overhauling. In addition to the leak,
the vessel was badly strained by her
experience oh the reef.
i Lumber Barge Sank.
Chicago, Sept, 26. During a severe
wind and rain storm this evening the
steam barge Cleveland, laden with 100,
000 feet of lumber, sank in the harbor
near the. mutho of the Chicago river.
Captain Henry Davis and a crew of 11
men were rescued by tugs with consid
erable difficulty. v - ::
Tragedy in a Theater.
Chattanooga, Tenn., Sept. 25. Julia
Morrison, the leading lady of the "Mr.
Plaster of - Paris" farce-comedy com
pany, shot and killed Frank Leiden,
stage manager and leading man of the
company, at 8 o'olock tonight, at tho
City opera house, on the stage just be
fore the curtain rose for the perform
ance to begin. Three shots were fired
at clsoe range by the woman, all tak
ing effect in Leiden's head." He sank
to the floor and was dead in a few min
utes. .
Snch la the Report From Strike Near
Ashland 880,000 Thin Seanon.
Ashland, Sept. 23. One thousand
dollars in gold was secured in two pans
of rock pounded -up and washed out
one day last woek at the Angle and
Brown strike on Mount Sterling, about
20 miles south of Ashland, and just
over the California line. - An Ashland
man who has just returned, from th
scene is responsible for the statement,
which is not doubted by those who ar
acquainted with the richness of the
lead, which is known as the Klondike.
This claim is located near the Bummit
of Mount Sterling, at an elevation of
nearly 8,000 feet above, sea level, and
was accidentally discovered about a
year ago by Messrs. Anglo and Brown,
the latter being a "pocket hunter" of
experience.; A small piece of rich float
was found, and in tracing it up almost
the first srtoke of : the pick into the
ground uncovered a streak of very rich
quartz and located the claim for them.
They took out several thousand dollars
in gold last year before the snows of
winter drove them off ' the claim, the
(jold being pounded out in a hand mor
tar, i This season it is estimated that
the lucky miners have takon out not
less than $20,000 in like manner, and
how long - their lead will last no one
pretends to know. . ". ; " i T " "
, They have run a cut into the moun
tain for a short distance and have only
followed., the pay. streak thus far to a
depth of 20 feet. r The gold is-found in
a porphyry formation or ledge which
lies on the bedrock and pitches into
the mountain at a considerable angle.
The find has led to a large number of
prospectors - trying to duplicate1 it in
the same section, but as yet without
Freight Train Crash Together With
Terrible Kenults.
St. Paul, Sept. 23. A serious acci
dent occurred on the Omaha railroad
early today near Windom, Minn.,' four
men being killed and ; three seriously
injured, . in a , rear-ond collision . of
freight trains on a bridge. - .'
The dead are Engineer Rasmussen,
fireman Roberts, who died at 6 a. m.;
fireman Stratton and John Roberts,
a traveling man from St. James, Minn.
The injured, none fatally, are: George
Tew, engineer; John Yeomans, engi
neer, and Thomas Morrill, fi eman. s
The Omaha special freight train,
standing f on the bridge over the Des
Moines river, near Windom, at about
posed was a misapprehension of orders,
was crashed into by another freight
train drawn by two engines . and oom
posed.ofgg heavilyloaded cars. -Ihe
bridge wont down,, carrying the en
gines and part of both trains, and as
the water in the river was but four feet
deep, the debris caught fire, and heavy
damage resulted, while four men met
death in an - awful form." Conductor
Williams, of ' the '' train "wihch : was
struck, fled after - the accident, after
telling conflicting "stories as to its
cause. -.. ' . " '
Aitgutit Commerce. v .
Washington, Sept. 23. The foreign
commerce of the United States in the
month of August 1899, is the largest in
the history ' of that month.' , The ex
ports are nearly 25 per centh higer
than those of, August of the phenomenal
year 1898, and 33 per cent higher than
tho average August in the years 1894,
1895 and 1896, whilo for.the eight
months, of the calendar year ending
with August they are the highest in pur
history., The total . exports ' for the
eight months . ending ; with . August,
1899, were $792,595,832, against$778,-
632,207 in the phenomenal year 1898.
V- .. Dreyfus la at Carpentraa.
Carpentras, France, Sept. 28. Ex-
Captain Dreyfus arrived here this
morning, and went to the home of M.
Valabregue, his brother-in-law. Al
though the arrival , of Dreyfus at the
home of his relative, who has been es
tablished as a cloth, merchant here for
a quarter of a century, was soon known
no demonstration occurred. Mme.
Dreyfus is expected here tonight.
While Dreyfus' health does not permit
of his receiving visitors, it is hoped the
limate will restore his strength during
;he next few ' months, which he is ex
pected to spend here.
Immigrants for Hawaii'
New :York, Sept. 21. A special, to
the ; Herald from Washington says:
Immigration from the north of Italy
and from Sweden is to be invited to
Hawaii. , The. Hawaiian - minister of
finance was at the treasury department
today to consult officials. He said
that he was on- his way to .Europe to
secure immigrants from among the bet
ter classes in Northern f Italy . and
Sweden to Hawaii. . -
Struck for Spree Money.
Joliet, 111.. Sept. 23. Five hundred
laborers on section 18 of the drainage
canal struck today.' , The contractors
have been paying them twice a month,
but, owing to the frequency , of the
sprees, which resulted from this, it wai
decided to pay monthly. , The men
objected, and struck." They are largely
foreigners, and trouble is feard.
l.ost in the Morgan City.
Washington, Sept. 23. General Otis
has informed the war department that
six or eight bags of mail, sent by the
transport Morgan City, were lost in
the wreck of the vessel.
Gold From Europe.
New York, . Sept. 23. Reports aw
current in Wall street that the impor
tation of gold from Europe is about to
begin, r It is ' said that 100,000-or
200,000 in gold has already been pur
chased in the open market in London
for shipment to New York. It is said
the National City bank is arranging to
bring $5,000,000,000 in gold , from
Europe and -"that Lazard Freres will
probably import a large amount from
Paris. . ; , .
A' Mammoth Exhibit of the
Products of the Northwest.
The Fair, Opening September 28. Will
.. Kun Xay and Kveiting Until October
J88 Attractions Numerous.
' . ... . . ' ' ' . .
The Oregon Industrial Exposition at
Portland this y ear is ' going to be a
crand combination of fair, band con
certs and thrilling performances by
world-renowned performer's." ' '
1 All the products of the entire North
west will be-, attractively; exhibited.
Drains, grasses,, fruits, flowers, vegeta
bles, etc., will all be shown, and man
ufactured articles- will be attractively
prranged. :' ' " ; -.
i. The amateur photographers of the
world will , make - a . display of their
work, and cash prizes" ranging from
$5 to $25 will be - awarded. .This art
exhibit is. going to be a great feature,
and amateurs everywhere are invited
to contribute to it.; . ,-::: Cm"
. ' The music at the exposition at Port
land this year is going to be of the
very best. Bennett's full . military
band will give both classical and popu
lar concerts every afternoon and even
lug, and its music is really grand.'
While the exposition at Portland has
all the best features of a fair, the dull
and uninteresting features are carefully,
cut out, and everything is made : bright
and interesting. . The: amusement fea
ture comprises performances ; by the
great Florenz troupe, this being their
first . appearance ,.in America." ' The
wonderful sisters Macarte will' give
thrilling performances every evening,
and Major Ganz, the smallest man in
the world, will be on, exhibition, and
there will be , an immense merry-go-round
for the Children. There will be
no lack of healthful amusements. .. ..
- The immense 6xposition building has
been made as . pretty as a picture, and
you can imagine what a scene of splen
dor it will present when illuminated
by its 3,500 electric lights, y ,; "
A new feature this year is a repro
duction of Multnomah falls, the pride
of all Oregon. It is 80 feet high, has
the same rustio bridge as the original,
and is worth coming miles to see.
- Portland is a fine city "to visit, and
M""" J1 iiifflntigii tfi ri
and you can see many of them for 5
cents by riding all over town on the
electric - cars, which run" everywhere.?
The price of admission -'to the exposi
tion is kept down to 25 cents, and all
the railroads and steamboats will carry
people during the fair at specially low
rates. : .'.- - V "...' .
The - Oregon Industrial Exposition
at Portland is going to be one of the
events of the year, and it is first-class
in every respect. It spares no expense
in being interesting and attractive, and
has solid business men behind it. Its
general committee of management
comprises the following . well-known
gentlemen: w
. H. C. : Ereeden, president; I. , N.
Fleischner, vice-president; R. J.
Holmes, treasurer; -W. S. Struble, sec
retary; E. C Masten, assistant secre
tary; II. ; E. .Dosche, auditor; George
L. Baker," superintendent; J. P. Mar
shall, Ben Selling, II . L. Pittock, D.
Solis Cohen, C. B. Willams, Dan Mo
Allen, A. B. Steinbach, J. E. Thielsen,
D. M. Dunne, R. C. Judson, L. M.
Spiegl, Sig. Sichel, H. D. ' Ramsdell,
B.- S. Pague, General O. Summers, Col
onel I. N. Day, George Fuller, E. S.
Edwards. v - j
Six Companies Return on tho Transport
- Zealand ia. - -. - -
- San Francisco, Sept. 25. The Uni
ted States transport Zealandia arrived
from Manila via Yokohama today, hav
ing on board six companies of the First
Montana volunteers. ;,- A noisy greeting
was extended to the returning soldiers,
whose safe arrival was' announced by
the blowing of steam whistles and the
discharge of cannon, 'i -:
Notification of the Zelandia's com
ing was promptly given, and tugs went
out to greet the transport.. One tug had
on board a number of officials of Cali
fornia and of San Francisco, and mem
bers of the local reception committee,
reinforced by a brass, band. The oth jf
carried Governor Smith, of Montana;
United States Senator. Carter and a
party of Montanans, who were vocifer
ous in their joy at beholding their sol
dier kith and kin once more. . '
r The health of all on board is excel
lent, and there was but one death on
the voyage, that of James Ashton,
Fourth United States cavalry, who died
September 19 "of pneumonia. ; Aside
from this case there was no sickness on
board the transport during the trip. .
.Otis Becomes a Catholic.
New York, Sept. 23. Apropos of th
charges - of vandalism in Catholic
churches in the Philippines by Ameri
can: soldiers, a correspondent of ; the
Times calls attention to the fact that
in a recently published book issued by
a Paulist father a : list is given : of
' 'American Converts from Proteastant-
ism," in which appears the name of
Colonel E. S. Otis, United States army.
- The Venezuelan Revolution.' "'
TIfi-w York. Rent! 25. A disoatch to
th TTftTfl.ld from Port Soain. Trinidad.
says: The Venezuelan government ii
concentrating its eastern forces at Guy
ara to meet he revolutionist troops un
der General Mata. A decisive engage-
mAnr ia fixnented to take nlacft verv
soon.? : It is reported that the reason
President. Andrade returned to Caracas
was that he ; feared treachery . on the
nart of two generals who are believed
to be in sympathy with the re volution'
IStS. ' ' ., ' :.
Loss on Buildings and Grain - About
. S1SO.OOO..
Salem, -Or., Sept. 25. -The mill and
elevator warehouse of the Salem Flour
ing Mills Company, looated at the
cornerpf Commercial and Trade streets,
were destroyed by fire at 4 o'clock this
morning, r, The ; total loss is about
$150,000, a large part of which will
fall -on farmers who had 'grain stored
at the mills. There was over 125,000
bushels of wheat stored in the build
ings,, only, about 25,000 bushels of
which belonged to the mill company.
The fire was caused by a dust explo
sion near the cleaners on the third floor
of the mill, and it spread rapidly.
The insurance oh the mill , company's
buildings and machinery,' which are
almost a total loss1 is about $60,000,
while their value is placed at about
$75,000. -Only about 30,000 bushels
of the stored grain was insured, so the
loss to the owners is great. . Consider
able of the grain not damaged by water,
it is thought,' can be cleaned and sold
for about half price, and the mill com
pany will take immediate steps to save
all that possibly can be saved. ' -"
The mill, which "was run as an in
dependent concern by men interested
in the Portland flouring mills, may
hever be rebuilt, as the Portland Flour
ing Mills Company owns another mill
in Salem. The fire was one of th
largest ever seen in Salem. ,
Bays Ooldwln Smith, Who Thinks
Dewey Is Overestimated. .
7 Toronto, Ont., Sept. : 25. Goldwin
Smith, writing in a local paper, says;
"Nothing could show the' extent to
which the head of Columbia has been
turned by the war.more than her ador
ation of the hero Dewey. What did
the hero Dewey and his comrades do?
They sat in almost perfect safety and
destroyed at long range a' line of help
less tubs, with some hundreds of the
poor Spaniards who manned them,
and who alone had any opportunity of
Rhnwinff hfcmiam rm thft np.nfl.sinn... . . fin
perfectly secure did the Americans feel
that they adjourned to breakfast in the
middle of their sport. There was
among them a single casualty," and had
they all gone tiger hunting one casual
ty at least "probably would have oc
curred. ' " .-';' " '
"For this, however, Dewey, is de
clared to be the equal of the great sea
men who conquered in the terrible days
of Aboukir, Copenhagen, Trafalgar. If
he were so inclined he might probably
be elected president of the United
" Canada "Tjannot possibly take part
in the celebration of Dewey's triumphs
without evidence of discourtesy" toward
Spain, a . friendly nation, which has
done Canada no wrong. . Spain, let it
be remembered, though deprived of her
possessions in this hemisphere, is Btill
a Mediterranean - power, decayed at
present, but capable of restoration.
The British government will hardly
thank the Canadian government for
making her an implacable enemy." 4
Jerry Simpson's Praise of Agulnaldo
Was Too-Much for His Hearers.
Kansas City, Sept. 25. A dispatch
to the Journal from Wichita, Kan.,
says: -r-. : "- '
. Ex-Congressman Jerry Simpson was
hooted off the platform here this even
ing while addressing a local G. A. R.
reunion. : Mr. Simpson said t . .
""I glory in the spunk of Aguinaldo's
men. They are simply fighting to re
gain the land the Catholics took from
them. A local paper has asked: 'Who
is John Brown's soul marching with
Otis or Aguinaldo?J I believe John
Brown's soul is marching with Agtti
naldo." f. :;,,.-;'..- ;'-'(?. .:; v. r:f
Mr. Sipmson" said in substance ' that
he would rather be with Aguinaldo
than with General Otis. : An old sol
dier in the audience rose and said? (that
the speech was drifting too much into
politics. This was applauded and
greeted with cries of "Throw him out!"
and."Kick Simpson off the platforml"
Men and women arose and hissed", and
the men kept crying, "Put him out!"
. Simpson appealed to the crowd to sit
down. . "I am coming to my perora-.
tion," he said, although he had been
speaking only 15 minutes. Cries came,
"Take your peroration to Aguinaldo."
Simpson attempted to go on, but no
one could hear him 10 feet away. ' The
band struck up "The Star Spangled
Banner," and Mr. Simpson left the
platform;" His retirement was greeted
with prolonged cheers. . .
' Edmonton Relief Expedition.
- Seattle," Sept. , 25. Moved at last by
the appeals of ,the relatives and friends
of the misguided men, so many of
whom met death or encountered hard
ships and sufferings almost beyond hu
man endurance, Canadian officials have
dispatched a relief expedition over the
Edmonton trail route. .The rescuers
left Dawson early in September. It is :
a splendidly equipped body, led by
Corporal - Kerving and Constable Boke.
The voyage will probably require seven
months. The expedition left Dawson,
going down the Yukon to the mouth of
Porcupine river. Thence the voyagers
go ' up the Porcupine to the postage of
Bell and , West Rat rivera, where they
cross the mountains to the Pelly river,
thence portage to the Mackenzie and
down that stseam to Fort McPherson.
- : Uncle Collis Got It. : - - ' '
San Francisco, Sept. 25. The Chron
icle says: Definite and reliable infor
mation sent to the Chronicle from the
East sets at rest the rumors about the
sale of the Crocker holdings of South-.
ern. Pacific stock, and ends speculation
as to the purchaser. The Crocker
shares, numbering 340, 000,- and valued
approximately at $10,000,000, have
been bought by.a syndicate pf - which
C. P. Huntington . was the promoter
and is the head, and of which the
Speyers, of New York, are the bankera.
by President Dole.
.. . - " ' ; - . . : .""?."!....