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HOOD RIVER SUN, Subscription Kates: - Olio year. ...$1.50. Six mouth ; 1.00. Three months .75. (strictly iu adranoe). ' Advertising rates made known on spplk-aMon. HOOD - RIVER, OS., SEPT.. aS, iSgg. SALUTATORY With this issue the 8un casts its mi i u. 1. ii! v.: t . .. - tiful wtirM. "with malice towards ! none and charity for all." Our little paper ia not here to crowd anyone off the earth, hut we believe that the genus homo is so wonder fully and fearfully made, psychic ally, ; morally, , and mentally, as well as physically, that there is room in this garden spot the para , disc of America for two well meaning but wholly different' week lies. During our fifteen years , newspaper experience in Oregon we - 1 ::..11 l...l .. 1 located at this - particular place. Our longings at last dissipated in full fruition and we congratulate ourselves that our lot has at last hpt-n cast with the neonle of our choice the inhabitants of Hood ;.: River valley! " : :;'.';.- ' - ; ' The Sun will be interested in whatever concerns the upbuilding f this community , or the : better- ment of the condition of any or all of its "people. In national politics " we; are, and will be, republican. We both worked for and voted for McKinley at our last election. , We believe in sound money the gold standard. We are in favor ' of .. ' ' . . . the Philippine islands. We believe our country is enjoying a greater degree of general prosperity under r.hi nruBpnt. r-Aniiblinfl n aflministra- - i . i tion than ever before in its history, and we believe that its future pos- 1 ' ' A-J-.. J. 1 , summes- ior augmeiiieu greatness lie chiefly along the lines of repub lican policy. In local matters -we .:n a 1 iu u.i 8pective of religious Qt political affiliations, as we have always done in tbe past. Finally, we pledge our new friends and neighbors our . best efforts in the line of our chosen 1 11 ' ii ri ii worn anu DespeaK ior ine oun ineir loyal support and generous patron- ' age -. ; . .Vjwi.'w'-'' Sloan P. Shutt. HOOD RIVER VALLEY. :"' . -I..." - ' II 1 J - i 1 iL ii la- generally conceaea, oy inose whose travel render thelF opinions valuable,, that toe mountains oi the Pacific coast,, from Alaska to Mex ico, do not hold in their embrace a more beautiful, salubrious and fer tile valley tharr that of Hood River. N more delightful or healthful nlarw of residence crmld he honed :.r- 1 - t for, and none where nature v more willingly lends her aid to the efforts of man to- surround himself with the beauties,, luxuries and food pro ducts of the vegetable world. The iriver is a stream of pure mountain water,, flowing- northward, from its fountain! head amid the melting snows and elaciers of Mt. Hood". , &nd;es roaring over the rocks with a urn ia 4 t t- -i ha haavH Vi y j mountains above, till it finally sinks to rest in the bosom of the Columbia, about midway between the cascades and the dalles. Along its length, tigat through the heart of the Uas cade mountains, lies a valley of re- of tlbe most charming, healthful and enjoyable summer resort tf ii.- tj- ti MK7 I'll til t; wunu. iiie IUUUI1MUUB abound in large and small game. and the river and its associate streams are noted for the excellence and abundance of their trout, many of which are from 20 to 28 inches long. ' The waters, fed by the and cold during the entire summer that the fish taken from them are ' hard and delicious." To the north, across the Columbia, can be seen from town White Salmon iriver, heading among the snows of Mt. Adams, and winding through tor- iiTOiia wn vti nut fchi'mitrri . ihe mrmn- . e r-. tains,, and lashing itself into foam . T 1 11 if 11 ?1 A J I over nuge oouiaers, un ii enters me Polij.mbia.. On eit.Vier side of White Salmon river, running up from the CWutrrbia, are mountains rising from 20(10 to 3f)00 feet, with ln.rfe patches of prairie, dotted with farms and ' pastured with stock. . The cene is grand, and to a poet, sim ply inaiscriDaoie. Many an invalid has restored his health, and many a man infirm with age has almost renewed the tigor of his youth, by surrendering himself to the full enjoyment of the pleasures ' the mountains and stroams afford, and by breathing the life-giving atmosphere. Dur-1 ing the summer, the wind comes in strong, mild breezes up the Colum bia, direct from the ocean. Hot, relaxing weather is - not known here. The country . and climate seem to be fascinating. People sometimes settle here for a time, when their migratory instincts in duce them to go somewhere else; but they almost invariably return. The railroad crosses the river near its mouth, and a short dis tance above is the charming little city ot Hood Kiver, built m a natural grove of magnificent oak and trees. It is a thrifty vil lage of about 600 inhabitants, with perhaps 2000 industrious settlers in the valley immediately surround ing the town. This is the shipping and supply point for the many prosperous settlers in the valley, and enjoys a good and rapidly in creasing trade. The Valley is" re nowned for its wonderful fertility, for the size 'and quality ; of its vegetables and the superior excel lence of its fruits and berries, be ing noted from ocean to ocean for its production of strawberries and apples. Peaches are superior in flavor to those of California. Soft shell almonds are equal to the fa mous ones of Chili, and apples are of such superior size and flavor, that even the Willamette Valley, that famous land of "big red ap ples," has to take a back seat. The air is of such crystal clear ness that Mt. Hood, 22 miles south west and Mt. Adams, 40 miles to the north,' both . glistening with eternal snow, and both in plain view of the town, appear 'as though they were only a few miles distant. The tourist seeking a few days of rest in a paradise of nature, the overworked business man seeking a relaxation . from mental toil, the sportsman and the invalid, will all find all that heart can desire in Hood river valley; while the immi grant, seeking a place where patient toil and intelligent industry may build a home for himself and family, will need to look no further for the golden opportunity. . . V - There are many magnificent homes in and around Hood River, notably those of Dr. W. L. Adams, W. P. Watson, Capt, H. C. Coe, Hon. J. W. Morton and Capt. A. S. Blowers, about which the Sun will have more to say later on. , - Among the grandest and most beautiful .homes in Oregon is that of Dr. Adams, just west "of : town. The Doctor is an old pioneer, hav ing driven.his own ox team across the plains in 1848. After several years of travel through North, Cen tral and South America, taking in the Sandwich Islands, and Califor nia, he selected Hood River valley as the most desirable place for a home he had yet found. To sum it all up, in the words of an intelli gent lady artist from Australia, "I have been all over the world, and I never saw as beautiful a place as Dr. Adams has in Hood River val ley." : Hood River has a gravity system of waterworks, which are supplied from a large, never-failing spring, at an elevation of 250 feet above the town. The water has been analized and pronounced to be the purest and best in the world. ' vThere has as yet been no electric light System established here, but likely will be soon. There are, how ever, a number of individual acety lene gas plants in operation. Hood River's social advantages are as desirable as can be found anywhere. There are three beauti ful church edifices here Congrega tionalist, Methodist and United Brethren all strong, vigorous and healthy societies. Our graded school, of six (depart ments, is one of the very best in the state,the magnificent new build ing costing nearly $10,000, and the school isunder the supervision of as able corps of teachers as can be found. - Hood River is an ideal place of residence; a lovely little city of homes, churches and schools. . . Owing to the dense population around;. Hood River, this section has been favored with the rural free delivery daily mail system, a distinction - not enjoyed by any other place of its size jn the western country. Credit for this great con venience is due Hon. E. L. . Smith, one of the. most respected and prominent pioneers of the' town, who has been for many years prom inently identified with local and national politics, and who is very popular with the administration at Washington. All lines of business are repre sented here and those who are best able to judge, confidently predict a very rapid growth for Hood River, from this time on; and that it will doubtless double in " population within the next year All who are interested in the up building and advancement of Hood River and vicinity should do all in their power to encourage good citi zens and newcomers who come here to reside and spend their money making improvements, - thus en hancing the value of our own prop erty. Do not let us impress the stranger with the idea that, because we were fortunate enough to locate here first, no one else has any right to come here. . . Such selfishness never built towns or cities. Let us extend a welcome hand to the new comer, and in helping him we help ourselves. ' : -- .rvi Hood River is already one of the best towns on the Pacific Coast, and is sure to become a .great deal bet ter town in the near future. It is pronounced by' those who : have traveled the world over, to have the most delightful elimate in the world, not even excepting that Italy; it being a happy medium between the extremely dampclim ate west of the Cascade mountains and the extremely dry climate east of the mountains. . lhe place rightfully termed "The Paradise of America." There are always many annoy ances and unlooked-for difficulties encountered in getting out the first issue of a paper. The Sun , has been "up against" every one on the list, and added others. No apology will, therefore, be made for any de lay or specified defects in this num ber. " CLIPPINGS. News of Local Interest From our Nearby Exchanges. -. Times-Mountaineer. , Hans lage, one ot the prosperous liirmers oi nuuu jviver vauey was iu uie city Monday. Married At the home of Mrs. fc. G, Uanaon j.. tk.'o oit.r lrnt OA 1 COO M . IX.llnll 111 VlltO Ul l.f J T V. JJ lm 4V, A U. 1' mil Harry Hackett and Mrs. Emma Crap- per. lhe groom is a prosperous younj farmer of Hood River, where they wil make their tuture home. Edward A. Johnston, who is employed by Davidsons in their large mill at Hood River, was in the city last week, He states that the lumber was piling up to such an extent in the yards that the mill had to shut down for a few days in order to give the men time to store it properly so that it would not be ruined by careless piling. Captain Davidson has proven that he is. an experienced mm man ana nas one ot tne nnest min ing plants in the state. A. J. Douglas, of Dufur, was in the city Friday. He states that since the city council of the ' town of Dufur have passed an ordinance . closing bowling alleys and pool rooms in JJufur he thinks very seriously of moving to the Palouse country where he will have an equally good field to operate. Jifs large steam thresher, a good country to farm and a municipal corporation where a bowling alley and billiard room can be conducted without the council passing ordinances against - such innocent amusements. Mr. Douglas is one of the best citizens in that community and such a man can be iu spared from any place. . ,. ., .. Goldendale Sentinel. i Miss Emily Palmer, of White Salmon has been visiting friends in Hood River, John Dethman, of Bingen, H. D. Cole, of Fulda, and Postmaster Stadelman, of Trout .Lake, are attending court. ' C. WMoore, of Trout Lake, has now the contract for carrying' the mail be tween White Salmon and the lake. He has done a very good business the past summer, as the tourist travel this season has been quite large; ; Four candidates are mentioned for the census enumeration in the west end of the county". T. M. Whitcomb, of Lyle, H. C. Cook, of White Salmon, C. M. Moore, of Trout Lake, and H. D. Cole, of Fulda ; any of whom would be satis factory to the general public. Commissioner Wm. Coate, of Trout Lake, ' has a handsome new dwelling just nearing completion. The Coate Bros, are doing a big dairying business. Their separator and churn are run by water power taken from the White Salmon. They have just finished har vesting their second crop of red clover hay, which grows nicely in Trout .Lake, ' Antelope Herald. : M. E. Miller, formerly editor of this paper, left Monday with his wife for Canyon City, where they will reside. Mr. Miller now conducts a stage line over there. . .. : - At last Tuesday's council meeting Bob Greer's application for liquor license was granted. Antelope will have hve saloons in full blast, lust as soon as Bob's building is completed. -: ; . ; The Dalles Chronicle. V "' The blackberry crop of Hood River was not more than half a crop, owing to the canes being injured by tne severe winter.- Prices held up well, however,' selling for f 1.50 per crate. . While we have but a half crop in this vicinity, the difficulty has been mostly with the berry, the cold and sunless days prevent ing their ripening and making them dwarfed and flavorless. Dewberries, which are such favorites for canning, are simply out of the question this year. t ' . , Stevenson Pioneer. : , D..W. Mann, of The .Dalles, has pur chased the Ginder place at Home Val ley, and will make his future home in Skamania county, meanwhile ye editor will retire from the farming business. ' . ,' Dufur Dispatch. Miss Mellie dinger, who had been visiting in Dufur for some time past, has returned to her home in Hood Kiver. - Prineville is in the midst of a building boom such as has not occurred for years. It is not the result of speculation, but of tne growtn ot business and the surround ing country", says the Crook County Journal. - - " 3 '.'V.JPO.R RENT. " Several houses for rent on the Para dise farm, also comfortable home and large orchard. The right mjtft can make money raising fruit. A good place to winter; Will take a portion of pay in work. Apply to Dr. Adams. - riNB PAINTING. R. Lane, of Hood River, is prepared to do all kinds of Artutic, Decorative, Sign and Land scape Painting at the most reasonable prices. uivv uiui a 4.1 iui. RECIPROCITY Is still in the field Fresh and Bacon, Groceries, Flour and Feed f In Every Nook and Corner of Hood River Valley. NEW AND FRESH GOODS . ' f Largest Retail Business in the Valley. . "Miss us and you are not in the swim." "Quick Sales and Fair Margins of Profit" Suit Here are some samples: ' : . 'i Picnic Hams. . Lard. , . ... Rolled Barley, per Shorts, per sack. . Cream Wheat Mush, 3 packages for 25c Pyramid Washing Powder, per pkg . . 25c Pearline, Six 5-cent packages for . . . . 25c We doliclt your patronage. Goods' CLYDE T. ' If You Appreciate a Good Thing, -':..'' .-:: , :'- GET A" ' J HARTFORD CYCLE, $35; VEDETTE, $25. The Royal Tailors have clothed six million men, and have made a record of value-giving and J- Artutic Fitting. We are showing their superb samples in the most elegant colorings pro- uuuvu. x uu win rn.iv. yuuraeu 11 you uoii i. Men's Wool Pants, Ready Made, Cheaper than Anywhere. -.v...--.-: mmm . - ? - WE GIVE THE VALUES. THE PEOPLE'S STORE, - " Hood River, Oregon. '-; - " " o OFFICE OF o RAND &. STEWART, Dry Goods, - xl 1 paney Goods, : 7 I Boots and Shoes, Afi&Pdoaare, fv'-' 7 Groceries, - Crockery. Hood River, Or., Sept. 21, '99. To All Bay era: Our , System, "Buy and Sell - for Cash,'? has shown wonderful possibili ties. Oar immense cute on " Dky Goods, 10 to 30 per cent." Stoves, 25 per cent. '. 'J ' Cbockeby and Glasswabb, 20 per -- : cent. -- -.:. . Boots and Shoes, 10 to 50 per cent - -Jewelry and Silverware, 50 per ;'. f cent., to close out, Toilet Articles and Perfumes, - i 50 per cent. , to close out, Clothing, 30 to 40 per cent., to . close out, - - Mill and Loggers Supplies, 30 per cent., to close out, has proven that it can be done and make money. Because the credit merchant - Pays from 2 to 10 per cent, more for goods; : Pays a book-keeper good wages ; Loses 5, to-8 per cent, of accounts, which you must pay ; ; Loses the cash discounts in buying ; Forgets to charge items sold, making a , total difference in favor of !' 'Buy and Sell for Cash" .of 6 to 18 per cent, - Consider this and our LOW , EXPENSES and you know why we meet PORTLAND CASH PRICES minus freight) AND MAKE MONEY. The complete success, of our effort justifies our decision to include AI,It GROCERIES on the xsw percentage basis. To m&ke oar reasoning plain compare following prices with credit purchases. also CASH BILLS FROM PORTLAND, Extra C Sugar, 18 tts. . . ...... DGran. " .- 17 lbs. . .......... . $1.00 1.00 Washine Soarj. full weiorht. 7 bars .25 Pearline Wasn. powders, 1 pkg. ... - .05 Monkey Soap, 3 Dars... ., . .. . .25 Yosemite Coffee, 1 tt." ....... . .10 Arbuckle " . 21b. . . .v.V, 25 Mocha and Java, 1 fc. ....... . ... , . ; .30 Sun dried' Japan Tea, 1 & ; .45 Star Tobacco, 1 lb . ....... , i -. .45 Battle Axe " 1 .';. ... .... . -. . ... ' .45 Scalping Knife, 1 tt. ', .36 BigNickle, 1 fc. ................ .. .30 White Beans, S3 lbs. ;.". ..... . . . i 1.00 Pink or Black Beans, 30 fts ....... 1 .00 No. l'Riie, 16 fis... ......... ..... 1.00 No. 3 .y-i k 20 lbs;; . . . ; .v. ...... 1.00 G Diamond Flour, warranted, bbl. 3.10 H. O. Mush, pkg t .-. ............... .10 Grandma's Mush, 3 pkgs. . . , . . ; . . . .25 Feed--Cash Market. .- Pyramid Washing Powder, 4 lbs. . . ; .20 Lard, 68..- .45 " 10s... .90 Calumet Baking Powder, "per can. . .25 Folgers . " " .. .35 Prize ,l " " .. .40 Salmon. ' . " " .. .10 Tomatoes, ; " - . -'.10 Corn, " . . .10 Sardines, " .. .10 Condensed Milk, " , . .15 Pickles, per keg. ... ...... 1.05 Pickles, per bottle ................ .20 Syrup, Ex. Heavy Drip, per gal.. . , .60 Lemon Sugar, per can .20 Peaclies, - " ' . " . ...... .10 String Beans, " . ............. .10 Peas, - " '. 10 Assorted Jellies, per glass. . . . Dairy Salt, 501b sack . : . .-j.--. : -. . .60 Table 101b " - 10 A full line of Fancy Groceries, Can dies,-Spices, Crackers and Mushes at CASH PRICES. All salable PRODUCE accepted as CASH, v "..-' .. . " Does it pay yon to buy on credit? Does it pay you to buy in Portland t Not while we live and remain Yours truly, RAND & STEWART. of action and selling Cured Meats, Lard, AT "RUSH ALONG" PRICES us. ..lie .50 and 90c .... ..90c ..85c , . . . sack . . . . . . delivered. . Store opens 6:30 a. m BONN EY. see mora unm aiier oruenng eisewnere. BUSINESS LOCALS. Sofa pillows at Sherrill's. . Buy your school shoes from Bone & McDonald. Take your picture to Sherrill's to get iramea. Try our famous Lustro Roast Coffee, ZUc. per lb. Bone & McDonald. People say those new center tables at fil.OT.vill 'a am iunr- yinrit - If you wear shoes, The People's Store is interested in you and gives very best aeai. : - - . - ,,. , Bone & McDonald will sell you baking powder for 12c. per Mb, Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Stop at Sherrill's and examine that new combination dresser. Just opened up a fine line of ladies' Mackintoshes. - Call and see them, at Hone & McDonald s. f Young people should be sure the win dow shades are drawn down in the even ing. Buy them at Sherrill's. WHEN YOU WANT First-class painting and paper hang ing, call on E. L. Rood, at Hood River. Paper hanging '; and kalsomining specialty. - - HJ F. SHAW, Physician and Surgeon,' HOOD RIVER, ORKOON. , Office: Over Everhart'' Store. 'Phone 81 Residence 33 and Central. F. WATT, Physician, and Surgeon,' HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Telephone: Residence 81; Office 33.' Surgeon for O. R. & N. Co. C. BROSIUS, Physician and Surgeon, Office over Williams' Drug Store. Telephone V Main 112. - HOOD BITER, - OREGON. P. F. Bradford, Manufacturer of All Kinds of BOXES -And- Fruit Packages. HOOD RIVER, ORE. EVANS & RUSSELL, BARBERS, HOOD RIVER, ORE. First-ClasB work at the moderate rates of 15c a shave and 25e for hair-cut. .- ' . - Razors Honed. ' Give Vs a Call. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE EVENING TELEGRAM, Of Portland, Oregon, and '. ' secure its splendid premium,'-; "EXCITING EXPERIENCES IN OCR WAR WITH SPAIN AND THE FILIPINOS," Edited by Marshall Everett and profusely illus trated. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: - 1 Month,......-.'... .60; With Book ..81.26 8 , " . .......... 1.35; '- " ' " .......1.75 6 2.75; " " .' 8.00 12 " .... 6.00; . - 5.25 Book by mail ot express twenty-five cents extra. MT. HOOD HOTEL . HOOD RIVER, Of. C. A. BELL, Prop. First-class in Every Particular. Moderate Rates. ' Table Supplied With the Best in the Market. E. S. Olinoer. J. J. MT. HOOD STAGE CO. Daily Stage Between Hood River and Cloud Cap inn. First-class Turnouts for Tourists and Commercial Travelers, Competent Drivers, .Good Conveyances, Moderate Rates. General livery, delivery and The best of care taken of transient Bring Your Fruit to The Davidson Fruit Co." tto .And Get the Highest Prices. When markets warrant, we ship the fruit, otherwise handle it in our cannery. We aim to merit your patronage by providing the most remunerative markets possible for your products. WE SELL FRUIT BOXES AND CRATES OF HOME MANUFACTURE. Agents for Studebaker Vehicles, Canton Clipper Plows and Cultivators, and other Agricultural Implements and Garden Tools. The best ' at moderate prices. Hood River, : : : - : : - : Oregon. ALEX STEWART, -DEALER IN- Ge neral M erehandise . . OF ALL KINDS. MOSIER, : : OREGON. Country Produce Taken : ' O - Don't send away for what you can buy at home just as cheap and just as good. IF YOU WANT GOOD SEASONED LUMBER OF ALL KINDS AT REASONA BLE PRICES, CALL ON ' Davenport Bros.' -DBALERS IN- LUMBER, WOOD, POSTS, ETC. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. THE DALLES ... . R. H. WEBER, Prop., The Dalles, Or., Grower and Fruit, Shade TREES . AND Ornamental Evergreens, Roses and Shrubbery, Hyacinths, Tulips, Lilies, : Dahlias, Peonies, Etc. Nnrsery and Packing Grounds half mile east of Fair Ground! Agents for the Myers Lever Bucket Brass Spray Pump. . , Remember our Trees are Grown Without Irrigation. Send tor Catalogue. ' Telephone 830 - - - P. O. Box 292. ' Ed Williams. WILLIAMS & BROSIUS, -Proprietorsam HOOD tlVER PHAmflCV, hood rivizr; or. Prescriptions a Specialty Filled r Night. Stationery, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Mtc. FUR WIT TJRE Store With a Full Undertaker and Embalmer, Paints and Oils Building Material, Wallpaper, Mtc. ; - - : "We are not given to sputtering around about what we are doing, but ",; are here every day in the week, selling goods too, at Portland prices. ' S. E. BARTMESS, R. E. FEWEL - i- Dealer in choice brands of KEY WEST AND DOMESTIC CIGARS, TO- BACCOS, Etc., All Kinds of Soft BEER BY THE GO TO. T. L. Blodgett -FOR- Harness, saddles, -bridles, whips, collars, Stirrups, Everything Usually found in Good hand-made harness. Carriage trimmings. Repairing done. A. B. Foley. dray work of every description. stock, and satisfaction guaranteed. in Exchange for Gcsds. jLumoer l-o., NURSERIES Dealer in Grape Vines AND Small Fruits. Dr. F. C. Brosic. and Complete Stock: HOOD RIVER, OR. Hood River, Or. Drinks, Hats, Etc. KEG OR BOTTLE. . Robes, and a First-class Harness Shop. Luck by.