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VOI> i SEW AIM), ALASKA, MONDAY EVENING, NOVEM IJEK Di, 1005 NO. S5 _ - - ■ — ■ — ■■■■ " -1-1 ?-. ... l^^ ==: ■ ■ ' -" 1 ■* RUSSIAN JEWS PANIC STRICKEN! Wholesale Slaughter Threatened and Crowds are Leaving by Every Boat and Train. ! By Cable to the Gateway St. Petersburg. 1J The Jewish ]K>p-, ulation of Russia i> panic-stricken and Jews are crowding every boat and train to get out of the country in fear of massacre. Handbills were scattered throughout the city Saturday declar- j inu that a conspiracy had been formed [ to inaugurate a general s a lighter ot j Jews on Sunday, No outbreak occurred 1 owever, a> martial law is in force in all the large cities, and the police and troops rigidly repress every symptom of disorder anil permit no large assemblies in the ^t reels. It U said that fount Witte has tend ered his resignation to the c/.ar and the latter refused to accept it, W itte is much discouraged at the prospect, and disappointed that the liberal party does not come to the support of the government at a time when it promises free and orderly government and is making every effort to establish con stitutional rule. It is reported that large numbers of working men have agreed to fight with the .lews in case a general mas sacre of the latter is attempted. The Jews are arming throughout the coun try and bloodshed is not likely to be one-sided in case of an antWowish out break. In Poland, it is said, the na tionalist leaders are deserting the Jews because the latter are inclined to favor Russian rule. London, Nov. Iff- A dis uitch from St. Petersburg ^rat *s that every street in the Jewish 4 uirterof the capital .city was packed with troops yesterday morning to prevent the massacre which was scheduled for Sunday, All was tjuiet in tin* early morning. The cabi net at midnight declared martial law, which was practically in force before. To Resist Hubbell Transfers By Cable to the Gateway Seattle, Nov. Iff The Rank of Cali fornia and the Seattle National have brought suits to set aside the transfer of *ffffd.dOO worth of property to his wife by Frank R. Hubbell, the real es tate speculator who committed suicide in the Washington hotel by inhaling gas two weeks ago. The deeds were made two days before his death and the consideration named was love and affection. Hubbell owed the banks named anti owed other large sums. It is claimed that the deeds were not delivered in his lifetime and that the consideration of love and affect ion was insufficient under the circum stances. Hearst Men Mold Big Meeting By Cable to the Gateway New York, Nov. l.*> Hearst follow ers to the number of 40,000 assembled in the Academy of Music Saturday night to demand a square deal in the election for the party of municipal ownership. The determination to push a contest on the mayoralty was uttered by all the speakers and wildly ap plauded. Lawyers employed by Hearst claim that they have much evidence of fraud and assert that Hearst was elec ted by 20.000 majority. E. Vogel was moving today into his new store room in the addition to the Northern building on Washington street. He will add men's furnishing goods to his stock of notions. I No Doubt Remains That Fdward Spencer’s Body lies in Crev asse Beyond Tunnels. I ' ialwai’il A. Spencer, timekeeper on the Alaska Central, left tin* tunnel camp last Thursday evening to go to the guiding camp on mile .V) and has not since been seen, although large : parties of men have been searching the ' intervening region since Friday after noon. No doubt is entertained that Spencer's body is lying in some deep ; crevasse of tin* glacier which the trail ] crosses between the two camps. When Spencer left the engineers' camp just this side of the Rich & Har ris camp on mile ~>2 at 5 o'clock Thurs day evening Walter (1. Jones, chief of the engineering corps at the camp, tried strenuously to dissuade him from j going, telling him that it was extremely \ dangerous to travel the trail in dark ness, and especially for one man alone. It was then almost dark and the heavy weather insured a night of intense blackness. Spencer disregarded Jones' protests and started without a lantern, * sa\ ing; *• I'll get through all right. Don't worry about me." The next afternoon a man came through from mile -V) to the tunnel and was asked if Spencer had reached there tin* night before. IIis negative re sponse roused the camp at once and men were summoned from all directions to join in the search for the missing man. The search has been kept up steadily ever since without a trace. Kvery crevasse within 200 feet on cither side of the winding trail which leads between the tunnel camp and camp -V) has bet n peered into carefully, but no sign of Spencer has been found. Not even a footprint leading away from the trail has been observed. Spencer has disappeared as com pletely as if the earth had swallowed him up and closed after him. It seems certain that in the intense darkness lie wandered off the trail, perhaps for a considerable distance, *and then fell into a crevasse. If lie broke a leg he must have died of exposure before this time. No hope of Finding him alive re mains. but the search h r the body still goes on over a wider area. Spencer came to Seward in August from Oakland, California, where his father is a well-known business man. He was a graduate of the Oakland high school and an ex-student ot‘ Stan ford university. Before coming to Seward he had held an important post on an Oakland electric line. General sorrow is felt among the railroad men over the young man’s un fortunate end. He was very popular with his associates, who credit him with making his fatal journey only through a sense of duty. He was carrying important papers to the front which required urgent dispatch. American Jews to Aid Russians By Cable to tha Gateway Seattle, Nov. 13—A big Jewish meet ing was held here yesterday to raise funds to aid Russian Jews to get out of that country. The meeting pledged $10,000 to such a fund. Similar meet ings were held in all cities of the United States. Charles Bennett Jumps from Baft at Head of Arm and is Swept from Sight. Charles Bennett jumped from a raft on which he, with several other men, was crossing a swollen stream which Hows into Turnagain Arm on mile 1)2 of the Alaska Central. It was at the mouth of the stream and the rushing water carried the man out into the water where he disappeared before any effort could be made by the other men to rescue him, as it required all their strength and skill to manage the raft. Whether Bonnet jumped from the raft in sheer panic as it was tossed about in tin* plunging water or deliber ately committed suicide is not known, % but the former is assumed to bo the case. It is not reported that he had exhibited any mental symptoms tend ing to suicide and it seems probable that the precarious journey of tin* 1 aft momentarily deprived him of judgment and that in fear that the raft would capsize In* leaped into the water with tin* idea of swimming to the shore. The current was one which no swim mer could breast and Bonnet was swept away like a stick and disappeared almost in a moment. Jit* never came to the surface in sight ot his com panions and as In* was carried by the rush into tide water the body must have been drawn swiftly awa\ by the tide far out ward. Commissioner Goodell finds No Proof of Homicide in Testi mony at Preliminary. Martin Welch, railroa 1 contractor on Turnagain Arm, was discharged 1 v (Commissioner (loodoll at the closer of tin* preliminary hearing to determine the measure of his responsibility for the death of August Nilson, a laborer in his camp, in an altercation October Id). The commissioner found, as did the coroner's jury which he impaneled the day after the tragedy, that Nilson died of heart disease, caused by excite ment. The hearing closed at Sunrise Wednesday night. All the doctors testified that Nilson's heart was in such a state that he was liable to drop dead at any moment through undue excitement or exertion. At the inquest Commissioner Goodell and the six jurors examined Nilson’s body and found no marks of violence. On this fact, the testimony of the doc tors as to Nilson’s condition, and the testimony of the majority of the eye witnesses that Welch merely slapped Nilson, the commissioner based his de cision that no probable cause existed* which would justify him in holding Mr. Welch on the charge of homicide to answer in the district court. Nevertheless several laborers in the, BY FLYING ROCK Joe Smith Struck by Fragment While Standing With Others 330 Feet From Blast. Joe Smith was killed instantly hy a rock from a blast while standing with three other menff'lo feet from tin' blast, on mile 40 of the railroad yesterday. Mis head was crushed by the rock, which dropped squarely upon his head, and brains oozed from tin* fractured skull. The unfortunate man saw tin* rock an instant before it fell upon him and , ducked in an effort to evade it. Instead he thrust his head directly under it. i His companions think that if lie had stood still the missile would have hare- ; ly grazed him. All four men had run t to what they deemed a safe distance after lighting the fuse, but the frag ment which ended Smith’s life seemed to receive an unusual impetus, and sail ed far and high, falling with deadly precision upon its victim. Smith had been here only a short time, having come on a late boat from Seattle. Nothing is known here of his relatives or friends. He was buried I near the scene of his death. Doctor I Applewhite went out as soon as the news was telephoned in yesterday to obtain facts for a report and record. Mercury Below freezing Point The thermometer was down to .’>1 this morning at 7 o'clock, and a sheet of ice about the thickness of window glass covered the surface of still water. Most people express satisfaction at the cessation of rain and would be glad to have even colder weather as a sub stitute. It is snowing in the hills this afternoon and the prospect is good for snow in town. Oregon Sailed Saturday Steamship Oregon sailed Saturday from Seattle. She will come by the outside passage to Valdez, and should reach Seward Thursday, as most of her cargo is for the railroad company here, and she will not tarry long at Valdez. SEWARD STEAMERS Oregon; sailed from Seattle 11th: due in Seward Kith. Bertha; sailed from Seattle 10th: due in Seward 20th. Santa Clara; arrived Seattle, 7th. Santa Ana; arrived Seattle, 9th: sails Kith. Portland, sailed from Seward, 9th. Excelsior; sailed from Seward 12th. camp testified that they saw the quarrel and that Welch knocked the man down, and some said Welch kicked him after he was down. This was abso lutely denied by the men who were close by, as well as the assertion that Nilson’s face was bloody when he fell. Mr. Welch is expected in Seward this week. He is coming over the trail to the railroad. Mrs. Welch, who has been with him in the railroad camp all fall, went to Seldovia on the last boat, and will come to Seward on the Dora, it is understood that both are going to Seattle. 8 I Under Comptroller’s Riilino Town Will Receive $2300 for Teachers’ Salaries. Seward will receive S2500 for school purposes this year by virtue of a new ruling by the comptroller of the cur rency, which reverses the previous ruling of the auditor of the interior de partment The auditor held that a limit of $500 was placed upon school expenditures in unincorporated towns. The comptroller rules that there is no limit to the amount for teachers' saia ries, A letter from Gov. Brady to K. K. Gray, secretary of the Seward school board, explains tin* effect of the ruling as follows: “j have this day reee \ da communi cation from the secretary of the in terior in reply to mint* of September 20 requesting his personal attention to tin* matter of the Alaska school fund with a view of securing a rescission of the ruling of tin* auditor, and there is enclosed a decision of the cotap.rollei ! of <)ctober 15 wherein the decision of the auditor is disapproved, and in which the comptroller holds that the law limits the amount for building hat does not limit the amount for tin wages of teachers to any specified sum or the payment of the wagesof teachers for any "specified period hut that tie terms of the provision only fix the minimum number of teachers and the minimum time for which they are re quired to be provided. ‘*L have also received a communica tion from the auditor < f the interior ' department that under the above de j cision the sum of $2500 is due the treasurer of the school board at Seward, and that a draft for this sum will ho promptly issued payable from the Alaska fund and forwarded to the treasurer.v — Temperature at 3 p. m. today- 37. I — All Alaskans iroimr to Seattle on bus iness or other purposes at * cordialb invited to have their mail addressed to themselves in care of the Industrial Bureau of the Alaska Central Railway Company. Lumber Exchange Building. Seattle. Wash., and to make their head quarters at the Bureau while in that city. * ALASKA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. CIRCULATING LIBRARY At Richards’ Sicre The elegant collection of book© in this up-to-date library should appeal to every intelligent person in Seward. At the low price of *>0 cent* {*r month you can read the latest and bast books published. MEN WANTED By 1\ Welch & Company, contract ors on the Alaska Central at Turn again Arm. Station men, rock mem, ax men and laborers. Steady work all through winter and next summit’. Top wages paid. For the best and cheapest recreation in Seward, subscribe to Bichards up to-date library. Only 50c per month to read as many hooks as you wish. New books arrive on every boat. Don't overlook the Troy Laundry for up-to-date and first class work, ladies' and gents’ work a specialty. Nanaimo Coal; $15 a ton. Delivered to any part of the city. Seward Fuel Company. Will build house to order for anyone advancing few months rent- or will lease ground—corner lot—Adams street —address M. H., Gateway otlice. A new stock of Lowney’s candies just arrived at Seward News Co.