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t w • «' < •*'- — — . > © i MINERS SUPPLIES AND HARDWARE >/ »,.'»■* * - “T.\ i i ... *— Twentieth Century Heating Stoves Reynolds' Patented Hot Blast Draft, Air Tight Stoves. J| n ACE: SEWARD AND ■ L_a Va II M EL I CORDOVA, A’KA. .pi *|% C.**> ?\J ** if i * V flP , 1 * »( f ‘ % VP t Coleman Absolutely First-class. Geo. Sexton, Manager i - . | • ' - t / M - . *7 * *4 )0' Electric Lights and electric Bells in every Room Rates, per day, - - from 50 cents to $2.50 Fourth Avenue, Seward, Alaska xj \ \ 1 t i #» n- ' • * * ' ' ■ ** Have Established a Station at Susitna, at the forks of the Susitna and Yentna rivers, and will carry a full line of miners’ supplies OTHER STATIONS AT UNALASKA, KODIAK, KARLUK,. KAGUYAK, AfOGNAK, TYOONOK AND. SUNRISE. f " GENERAL OUTFITTERS We solicit ~{GATEWAY T° th® WlllOW| INDIAN CURIO I SNOW SHOE Creek QUARTZ District and orders Order* | al| Pojnts In Susitna Valley L—!!^_ CAS BOAT CONNECTIONS PACK HORSES FOR HIRE Knik, > . i .O* O* HERNING. Manager. > wae Alaska* SAFETY COURTESY PROMPTNESS wr - *' *1** i * 1»*31 M BANK OF SEWARD F. 0. HALE. President. F. M. HALE, Cashier. Don’t Worry. Be Happy, r 4 .v,. kpv * ** *-j i Keep Your Good Money in a Good Bank Seward Water and Power Company JOHN A. NELSON, Manager. ' OFFICE—Bank of Seward Building, Seward, Alaska. New British Patent Law i > 1 * *' • * * ; *'■•••• *** * '* ‘ 1 * ' *• The new British patent law declares the forfeiture of* patent# issued in the United Kingdom to foreigners, unless the patented articles are manufactured on British soil. . _ ,rftr ; :i i' vi *< r * .!■ Cigars and tobaccoes at the Seward Drug Co. * " — NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR U, S. PATENT No. 08. U. S. Land. Office, Juneau, Alaska. July 8, 1908. NOTICE is hereby Riven that Louis Green baum, whose post office address is San Fran cisco. California, by C. A. Fletcher, his attor ney in fact, has made application for a United States Patent for the Lode Minin* Claim com posed of the Alaska Lode. Alameda Lode, Cali fornia Lode. Carleton Lode, and Ti*er Lode, the said lodes bein* conti*uous, and bein* respectively Mineral Surveys Nos. 292. 293. 294, 295 and 296. situated in the Un*a Minin* Dis trict Alaska and more particularly described as follow s: ALASKA LODE—SURVEY NO. 292 I3e*innin* s't corner no. 1. at the intersection of lode line with n. k. end line identical with corner No. 4 of Empire lode Survey No. 291, whence U. S. Mineral Monument no. 2 bears north 63 de*. 45 min. east 1339 feet distant; thence south 47 de*. 30 min. east 176 feet across creek 500 feet to corner no. 2. identical w*ith cor ner no. 3, of Survey no. 291. a post marked S. 292 no. 2; thence south 67 de*. 00 min. west 75 feet across creek 170 feet across creek 1500 feet to corner no. 3. identical with corner no. 2 of California Lode. Survey no. 294. on top of rock rid*e, a post marked S. 292 No. 3; thence north 47 de*. 30 min. west 300 feet to corner no. 4. on lode line identical with corner no 1 of Survey No. 294, 6C0 feet to corner no. ;J. identical with corner no. 6 of Survey no. 294. a post marked S. 292 No. 5; thence north 07 de*. 00 min. east 15CD feet to comer no. 6, identical with corner no. 5 of Surven no. 291, a post marked S. 292 no. 6; thence south 4 7 de*. 30 min. east 300 feet to cor ner no. 1, the place of be*innin*. The area is 18.80 acres. Variation 20 oe*, 30 min. east. ALAMEDA LODE—SURVEY NO. 293 Beginning at corner no. 1, identical with corner no. 4 of Survey no. 294, whence U. S. M’aeral Monument no. 2 bears north 66 de/. (3 m n. east 4338 feet distant; thence south 47 do/. r.o min. east 300 feet to corner No. 2. a post nv "ked S. 293 No. 2; thence south 67 de/. CO u)’*\ west 1500 feet to corner No 3. identical t/Vi corner No. 2 of Carleton Lode, survey No. 295. on westerly slope of mountain near summit, a post marked S. 293 No. 3; thence north47 dez. Seattle’s t T * W . , . * \ . t * Commercial , # Hotel 5 THE EUROPEAN PLAN $1 UP * CHAS. PERRY, Manager i , i * 4 " t U ' »■ ' GATEWAY PUBLISHING w , % v % * COMPANY v «.; * - • * » 1 * » • s Does all kinds of print ing and job work. Prices reasonable. All • work given careful attention and finished quickly and neatly. Mail orders looked after promptly f +* 9 J f* | A 4 + * * % 0* # \* y * • • SEWARD, ALASKA. ...... . . i. «■■■■■- ■■ im\ 30 min. west 300 feet to corner No. 4-at lode Une, identical with corner No. 1 of survey Noi 296, 600 feet to corner No. 5. identical with corner No. 6 of survey No. 295; thence north 67 deg. 00 min. east 1500 feet to corner No. 6, identical with corner No. 5 of survey No. 29-1. a post marked S. 293 No. 6; thence south 47 deg. 30 min. east 300 feet to corner No. 1. the place of begin ning. Area, 18.80 acres. Variation 20 deg. 30 min. east. f CALIFORNIA LODE—SURVEY NOT 294 Beginning at Corner No. 1, identical with cor ner No. 4 of Alaska Lode, survey No. 292, whence U. S. Mineral Monument No. 2 bears north 65 deg. 28 min. east 2838 feet distant; thence south 47 deg. 30 min. east 300 feet to cor ner No. 2. identical with corner No. 3 of survey No. 292; thence south 67 deg 00 min. west 620 feet across creek 1500 feet to corner No. 3, identical with corner No. 2 of Alameda Lode, survey No. 293, a post marked S. 294 No. 3; thence north 47 deg. 30 min. west 300 feet to corner No. 4 at lode line, identical with corner No. 1 of survey No. 293, 600 feet to corner No. 5, identical with cor ner No. 6. survey No. 293, on east slope of moun tain, a post scribed S. 294 No. 5; thence north 67 deg. 00 min. east 1465 feet across creek, 1500 feet to corner No. 6, identical with corner No. 5, survey No. 292; thence south 47 deg. 30 min. east 300 feet to corner No. 1, the place of beginning. Area, 18.80 acres. Variation 20 deg. 30 min. east. CARLETON LODE—SURVEY NO. 295 Beginning at corner No. 1 at lode line, identia cal with corner No. 4 of Alameda Lode, survey No. 293, whence U. S. Mineral Monument No. 2 hears North 66 deir. 15 min. east 5836 feet dis tant; thence south 47 de^. 30 min. east 300 feet to corner No. 2, identical with corner No. 3 of survey No. 293, a post marked S. 295 No. 2; thence south 67 dejr. 00 min. west 1500 feet to corner No. 8. identical with corner No. 2 of Titrer Lode, survey No. 296, a post marked S. 295 No. 3; thence north 47 detf. 30 min. west 300 feet to corner No. 4 at lode line, identical with corner No. l of survey No. 296. 600 feet to corner No. 5. identical with corner No. 6 of survey No. 2C3, a post marked S. 295 No. 5; thence north 67 detr. CD min. east 715 feet across creek 1500 feet to corner No. 6. identical with corner No. 5 of survey No. 293; thence south 47 dejr. 30 min. east 300 feet to corner No. 1, the place of betfin nintf. Area. 18.80 acres. Variation, 20 de?. 30 min. east. TIGER LODE—SURVEY NO. 296. Beginning at corner No. 1, identical with cor ner No. 4 of survey No. 295, whence U. S. Min eral monument No. 2 bears north 66 deg. 25 min. east 7334 feet distant; thence south 47 deg. 140 min. east 283 feet across creek 300 feet to cor ner No. 2, identical with corner No. 3, survey No. 295, a post marked S. 296 No. 2; thence south 67 deg. 00 min. west 15 feet across creek 1500 feet to corner No. 3. a post marked S. 296 No. 3; thence north 47 deg, 30 min. west 300 feet to corner No. 4, at lode line, 600 feet to corner No. 5, a post marked S. 296 No. 5; thence north 67 deg. 00 min. east 1500 feet to corner No. 6, identical with corner No. 5 of survey No. 295, a post marked S. 296 No. 6; thence south 47 deg. 30 min. east 300 feet to corner No. 1, the place of beginning. Area, 18.80 acres. Variation 20 deg. 30 min. east.! The several notices of locations and re-loca tions of the different claims are as follows; Those of the Alaska Lode are of record in Unga Mining Distr’ct Records, designating said claim uuder the following names, to-wit: Name Date When and Where Recorded Central No. 2, May 16, 1887, May 30, 1887, Book A, p. 47. Eagle, June 17, 1891, June 18, 1891. Book B, p. 44. Eagle, Mar. 30. 1893. April 1, 1893. Book B. p. 77. Alaska, Jan. 1, 1896, Jan. 1, 1896, Book B, p. 123. Those of the Alameda Lode are as follows: Name Date When and Where Recorded Consolidation, May 16, 1887, May 30, 1887, Book A, p. 45 Oakland, June 17. 1891, June 18. 1891, Book B, p. 46. Oakland, Mar. 30, 1893, Apr. 1. 1893. Book B, p. 79. Alameda, Jan. 1,1896, Jan. 1. 1896. Book B, p. 125. Those of theCalifornia Lode are as follows: Name Date When and Where Recorded Central, May "6 18T.7, May CD. 1877, Book A. p. 46. Union, Juue L, 1891, June 13, 1SJ1, " B, p. 45. Ui^oo. Mar. CD 189:1 Apr. 1, 1893. “ B, p. 78. California, Jao. 1.1SQ Jan. i 1896. B, p. 134. Those of the Carleton Lode are as follows: Name Date When and Where Recorded Union. May 16 1887. May C) 1387, Book A, p. 44. Pacific. June 17, 1891. June 13. 1891, M B, p. 47. Pacific. M«'r. CO. 1893. A,) ‘1 i. 1893. “ B. p, 80. Carleloo, Jao. 1, 1896, j. o. V 1896, “ E, p. 126, Those of the Tiger Lode are as follows: Name, Date When and Where Recorded South End, May 16, 1887, May 30. 1887, Book A, p. 43. Last Chance, June 17,1891, June 18. 1891, Book B. p. 48. Last Chance, Mar. 30, 1893, Apr. 1, 1893, Book B, p. 81. Tiger, Jan. 1, 1896, Jan. 1. 1896. Book B, p. 127. Said group of contiguous claims are south westerly of and adjoining the Empire Mine. U. S. Mineral survey No. 291, Louis C4reenbaum, claimant. There are no other claimants ad joinig. Any and all persons claiming adversely the mining ground, vein lode or premises, or any portion thereof so described, surveyed, platted and applied for, are hereby notified that unless their adverse claims are duly field according to to law, and the regulations thereunder, within the time prescribed by law, with the regis ter and receiver of the United States land office, at Juneau, Alaska, they will be barred by virtue of the statute. JOHN W. DUDLEY. Register. It is hereby ordered that the foregoing notice be published for the statutory pe riod in the Seward Gateway, a daily newspaper printed at S'eward, Alaska. JOHN W. DUDLEY, Register. First publication, July 27, 1908. Last publication, Oct. 5. 1908.