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TO OUR FRIN S AND PATRONS At the urgent request of our many patrons we have opened a BANKING DEPARTMENT in connection with our Mercantile Establishment and will do a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Buy and sell exchange, buy and ship gold dust, accept deposits and make collections, etc. The same careful business methods that have made our Mercantile Es tablishment a great success will be adopted in our banking department. We take this occasion of thanking the Public for its lib' eral patronage in the past and hope to enjoy a continuance of the same. Legal Notices No. 031 In the United States Land Office at Juneau, Alaska. July 23 1908. Notu k is hkkeby oivKN. that in pursuance of an Act of Congress, approved May 10th. 1872. Crow Creek Alaska Hydraulic Gold Mining Company, by and through its regularly at> pointed president and attorney in fact, whose l>ostoffice address is Sunrise. Alaska, has made application fora U. S. patent for the * Annex . the "Omega”* the “Little Gussie" and the “Alpha *, placer claims, hearing gold and other minerals, together with suface ground as allowed by law. lying, being and situate in the Recording Precinct of Valdez. District of Alaska, anil described by the official plat and by the field notes of U. S. Mineral Survey No. 53. on tile in the office of the Register of , the Juneau Land District. Alaska., as fol ows, to-wit ANNEX PLACE It Beginning at cor. no. 1 identical with X. W. cor. of the location, a hemlock post 4V* feet long. \ ins square, set two feet in ground, scribed 1-4-753 U. S. L. M. No. 14. bears N 23 deg. 42 min. w. 1711.02 ft. distant: thence e. 1320 ft. to cor. no. 2: thence s. 000 ft. to cor. no. 3. a hemlock post 4H ft. long. 4 ins. sq.. set 2 ft. in ground, scribed 3-753: thence w. 1320 ft. to cor. no. 4. a hemlock post P2 ft. long. 4 ins. sq. set 2 ft. in ground, scribed 4-753; thence n. oooft. to cor. no l. the place of beginning. Var. at all corners27deg, 39 min. e. Area 20 acres. The location notice of said mining claim being duly of record in the office of the District Recorder at Sunrise. Alaska, in Book 1 at page 309. of the records of the Recording Pre cinct of Cook inlet. Alaska. This claim is hounded on the north by the Omega placer claim: on the south by unknown claimants; and on the east and west by unknown claimants. OMEGA PLACER • Beginning at cor. no. 1, identical with the N. W. cor. of the location, a cottonwood post 4l« ft. long, 4 ins, sq., set 2 ft. in ground, scribed 1-753 V. S. L. M. no. 14 bears 7.) deg. 31 inin. w. 355 feet distant, thence E. 000 ft. to cor. No. 2. a hemlock post 4Vs ft. long. 4 ins. sq., set 2 feet in ground, scribed 2-753; thence s. 1320feet to cor. no. 3. a hemlock post 4H ft. long. 4 ins. sq., set 2 feet in ground, scribed 3-753; thence w. 000 feet to cor. no. 4. identical with the s. w. cor. of the location: thence n. 1320 ft. to cor. no. 1. the place of beginning. Var. at all corners 27 deg. 39 min. K Area 20 acres. The location notice of said mining claim being duly of record in the oftlce of the Dis trict Recorder at Sunrise, Alaska, in Book 1, at page 368. of the records of the Cook inlet Pre cinct. Alaska This claim is bounded on the north by unknown claimants, on the south by the Annex placer, on the east by unknown claimants, on the west by unknown claimants and by the Little Gussie Placer. LITTLE GUSSIE PLACER Beginning at cor. no. 1, a basalt boulder 10x0x4 ft. above ground, scribed 1-753, whence U. S. L. M. No. 14 bears n, 22 deg. 50 min, w. 74.5 ft. dist,.; thence w. 000 ft. to cor. Xo 2.. a hemlock post 4H ft. long. 4 ins. sq.. set 2ft. in ground, scribed 2-753; thence N. 660 ft. to cor. no. 3, a hemlock post 4% ft. long, 4 ins. sq., set 2 feet, in ground, scribed 3-753; thence w. 660 ft. to cor. no. 4. a hemlock post 4Vs ft. long. 1 ins. sq.. set 2 feet in ground, scribed 4-753: thence N. 600 ft. to cor. No. 5, a post 4H ft. long, I ins. square, set 2 feet in ground, scribed 5-753: thence w. 1320 feet to cor. no. 0. a hemlock post \V% ft. long. 4 ins. sq.. set 2 ft. in ground scribed 6-753: thence n. (500 ft. to cor. no. 7, identical with N. w. cor, of the loca tion: thence k. 1980 ft. to cor. No. 8, a hem lock post 4'e ft. long. 4 ins. sq., set 2 feet in ground, scribed 8-753: thence s. 000 ft. to cor. no. 9. a hemlock post 4^a ft. long, 4 ins. sq. scribed 9-753: thence k. 0(H) ft. to cor. no. 10, a hemlock post 41? ft. long. 4 ins. sq., set 2 ft. in ground, scribed 10-753: thence s. 060 ft. to cor, no. 11: thence k. 660 ft, to cor. no. 12. a hemlock post 4Vo ft. long. 4 ins. sq.. set 2 ft. in ground, scribed 12-753: thence s. 1320ft. to cor. NO. 13, a hemlock post 4H ft. long. 4 ins. sq.. set 2 feet in ground, scribed 13-753: thencew. 600 ft. to cor. no. 14. a hemlock post 4H feet long, 4 ins. sq., set 2 ft. in ground, scribed 14-753: thence N. 660 ft. to cor. no. 1, the place of beginning. Var. at all corners 27 deg. 39 min. E. Area 80 acres. The location notice of said mining claim being duly of record in the ofilce of the Dis trict Recorder, at Sunrise. Alaska, in Hook one, at page 370 of the records of Cook Inlet Pre cinct. Alaska. This claim is bounded on the north by unknown claimants and by the Alpha Placer: on the south by unknown claimants: on the east by unknown claimants and by the Omega Placer and on the west, by unknown claimants. ALPHA PLACER Beginning at cor. no. 1. identical with the s. e. cor. of the location, a stone 24x20x16 ins., marked 1-753; U. S. L. M. no. 14 bears s. 45 deg. 35 min. E. 2731.74 ft. distant: thence n. 660 ft. to cor no. 2, a basalt ledge scribed 2-753: thence west 1320 ft. to cor. no. 3, a hemlock post 4H ft. long. 4 ins. sq. set 2 feet in ground, scribed 3-753: thence N. 66(4 ft. to cor. no. 4; thence w. 660 ft. to cor, no. 5, a spruce post 4% ft. long, 4 ins. sq., set 2 feet in ground, scribed 5-753: thence N. 1320 ft. to cor. no. 6. a pine post 4H ft. long. 4 ins. sq., set 2 ft. in ground scribed 6-753; thence w. 660 ft. to cor. no. 7, a pine post 4% feet long. 4 ins. sq.. set 2 feet in ground, scribed 7-753: thence south 2640 ft. to cor. no 8. a sandstone 36x12x6 ins., 18 ins. in ground, marked 8-7514; thence e. 2640 ft. to place of beginning cor. no. 1. Yar. at all corners 27 deg. 39 min. E. Area 80 acres. The location notice of said mining claim being duly of record in the office of the District Recorder at Sunrise. Alaska, in Book one, page 371 of the records of the Recording Pre cinct of Valdez, Alaska. This claim is bounded on the north by unknown claimants: on the south by unknown claimants and by the Little Gussie Placer; on the east and west by unknown claimants. The survey covering said mining claims be ing designated as Mineral Survey No. 753, Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion of said mining claims or surface ground, are hereby required to tile their ad verse claims, with the register of the U. S Land Office at Juneau, Alaska, during the sixty days period of publication thereof or they will be barred by virtue of the statute JOHN W. DUDLEY. Register. It is hereby ordered that the forego ing notice be published for the statu tory period in the Seward Gateway, a daily newspaper printed at Seward, Al aska JOHN W. DUDLEY. Register. Date of first publication August K 1908. Date of last publication October 23, 1908, Agriculture in Alaska It is claimed that there is a farm be tween Valdez and Fairbanks and about 1;10 miles from Valdez, of which fifteen acres are under cultivation, and that the produce of the farm this year will readily sell for $10,000. Meet me at the Branch. * Good things to eat at Brov^i: & Hawkins— Swift’s “Premium” bacon and hams and strictly fresh ranch eggs. * SOLDIER S ADDITIONAL H. A. ENTRY NO. 390 In the United States Land office, Juneau. Alaska, Feb. 28,1908. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Northwestern Fisheries Company, assignee of Mary Rollins, being entitled to the benefits of Sec. 2306 of the Revised Statutes of the United States granting additional lands to soldiers and sailors who served in the War of the Rebellion, has made application to this office to make proof and entry under an Act of congress approved May 14, 1898, for the lands embraced in U. S. Survey No. 390, in the Dis trict of Alaska, described as follows: Beginning at cor. No. 1 a point at ordinary high water mark on the left bank of Kvichak river at the junction of said Kvichak river and Graveyard Slough, from whence cor. No. 4 Sur. 540 bears N. 28 Degrees 05 minutes E. 20 chs.; Peak of Sugar Loaf mountain bears N. 84 degrees 14 minutes E.: thence meandering high water mark on left bank of Kvichak river up stream, 1st course N. 58 degrees 20 minutes W. 1.80 chs.; thence 2nd course. N. 76 degrees | 39 minutes W. 9.20 chs.; thence 3rd course, N. 41 degrees 30 minutes W. 6.50 chs.; thence 4th course. N. 8 degrees 15 minutes W, 2.50 chs. to cor. No. 2; thence N. 47 degrees 5 minutes E. 1.06 chs. to cor. No. 3. from whence Cor. No. 3 Sur. 72 bears N. 2 degrees 56 minutes W. 20.84 chs.; thence S. 42 degrees 45 minutes E. 17.90 chs. to cor. No. 1. the place of Keginning Va riation at all corners 23 degrees 10 minutes East. Area 6.94 acres. As additional to Mary Rollins’ original home stead entry No. 1785, at Bonneville. Mo., made May 30,1865. Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion of said lands are required to file an ad verse claim in this office during the period of publication of this notice, or within thirty days thereafter, otherwise proof and entry of said lands will be made by said Northwestern Fisheries Company, applicant. JOHN W. DUDLEY, Register. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the forego ing Notice be published for the full period of 60 days in the Daily Gateway, a daily newspa per published at the town of Seward and Dis trict of Alaska, which is hereby designated as the newspaper pubMshed nearest the land described. ^ , John W. Dudley, Register. Date of first publication. October 3. 1908 Date of last publication. December 14. 1908. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION NO. 271, In the District Court for the Territory of Alaska, Third Division. Zenia Kaiser, plaintiff, vs. Charles Kaiser, defendant. The President of the United States of .Amer ica, greeting: To the above named defendant: You are hereby required to appear In the District Court for the Territory of Alaska. Third Judicial Division, at Valdez, within thirty (30) days after the completion of the publication of this summons; to-wit. within thirty days after the 16th day of November. A. D. 1908, and answer the complaint of the plainti IT liled in said action, or judgement will be taken against you in default of such answer in accordance with the prayer of plaintiff in her said complaint. This said action is brought against you. the said defendant, by the plaintiff to obtain a de cree of divorce dissolving the marriage rela tion heretofore and now existing between you and said plaintiff. . An order for publication of summons in tins action was made by the Honorable Silas H. Reid. Judge of said Court on the lirst day of October, A. D. 1908. Witness the Honorable Silas H. Reid. Judge of said Court, this lirst day of October. A. D. 1908. and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty third. O. A WELLS, —— Clerk of the District Court for the \ ) Territory of Alaska, Division Num |SEAL f ber Three. By JOHN H. BURTON, Deputy, Date of lirst publication October 5, 1908. Date of last publication November 16, 1908. THE PALACE OF SWEETS THE NEW CANDY STORE FINE CONFECTIONERY CIGARS AND TOBACCO BETWEEN POSTOFFICE AND HOTEL McNEILEY --—. — - ■ ■■ ■ ■■: * 1 ' Notice of Application for U. S. Patent* No. 09. u. S. Land Office. Juneau, Alaska, July 8. 1908. Notice is hereby given that Louis Greenbaum, whose post office address Is San Francisco, California, by1 C. A. Fletcher, his attorney in fact, has made application for a United States patent for the Lode Mining Claim, composed of the King Lode and the First North Exten sion of King Lode, the said lodes being con tiguous. and being respectively Mineral Sur veys nos. 297 A. and 298. situated in the Unga Mining District. Alaska, and more particularly described as follows. KING LODE—SURVEY NO. 297 A. Beginning at corner No. 1, a i>ost center point of northeast end line of King Lode, whence U. S. Mineral Monument No. 1 bears south 23 deg, 10 min. west 1545.7 feet distant: thence north 47 deg. 30 min. west 300 feet to corner No. 2, a post marked S. 297 A No. 2; thence south 62 deg. 30 min. west 1500 feet to corner No. 3, a post marked S. 297 A No. 3; thence south 47 deg. 30 min. east 300 feet to corner No. 4. at inter section of lode line and southeast end line, a post marked S. 297 A No. 4. 6oo feet to corner No. 5; thence north 62 deg. 3o min. east 15oo feet to corner No. 6. a i>ost marked S. 297 A No. 6: thence north 47 deg. 3o min. west 3oo feet to corner No. 1, the place of beginning. Area, 19.42 acres. Variation at all comers, 2o deg. 3o min. east. FIRST NORTH EXTENSION OF KING LODE—SURVEY NO. 298. Beginning at corner No. 1, identical with cor* ner No. 1 of King Lode of this survey, whence U. S. Mineral Monument No. 1 bears south 2o deg. lo min. west 1545.7 feet distant: thence north 47 deg. 3o min. west 3oo feet to corner No. 2, identical with corner No. 2 of King Lode, a post marked S. 298 No. 2; thence north 72 deg. oo min. east 15oo feet to corner No. 3 a post marked S. 298 No. 3; thence south 47 deg. 3o min. east to corner No, 4, at intersection of lode line and northeast end line 72 feet distant on N. a. slope of mountain, a i>ost marked S. 298 No. 4. Goo feet to corner No. 5, a post marked S. 298 No. 5; thence south 72 deg. oo min. west 15oo feet to corner no. 6, whence mouth of open cut bears north 17 deg. oo min. east 72 feet dis tant, a ]K>st marked S. 298 no. G; thence north 47 deg. 30 min. west 3oo feet to corner no. 1, the place of beginning. Area. 17.98 acres. Variation, 2o deg. 3o, min. east. Total area embraced in this application. 37.40 acres. The several notices of locations and relocations are as follows, to wit: The original notice of location of said King mine is of record in the ottice of the Recorder of the Unga Mining District, at Unga. island. Alaska, in Mining Record “A”, at page 7 of the records of said district, and the notice of re location is of record in Mining Record "A”, at page 17, of said records. The original notice of location of the First North Extension of the King Lode is of record in the office of the Recorder of the Unga Min ing District, Alaska, in Book “A”, at page 9, of said records, and the notice of re-location is of record in Mining Book "A”, at page 19 of said records. Said group of contiguous claims are bounded on the northwest by the Pearl Lode and un known claims, on the s'outhwest by the Olgen Lode and Apollo mill site, and on all other sides by unknown claims. Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion of the above described mineral ground, lode or premises are hereby notified that unless their adverse claims are duiy tiled according to law and the regulations thereunder within the time prescribed by iaw\ with the Register and Receiver of the United States Land Office, at Juneau, Alaska, they will be barred by vir tue of the provisions of the statutes. JOHN W. DUDLEY, Register. It is hereby ordered that the forego ing notice be published for the statu tory period in the Seward Gateway, a daily newspaper printed at Seward, Alaska. _ , JOHN W. DUDLEY, Register. First publicatio July 28. 1908. Last Publication October G, 1908, NOTICE OF FORFEITURE Seward, Alaska, September 10, 1908. TO J. BROWN: You are hereby notilled that there has been expended in the years 1905, 1906. and 1907. the sum of one hundred dollars each year jn labor and improvements upon the J. R. Number 2 Placer Claim commonly know n as the Morgan Claim situate on Lynx creek in Kenai Record ing Precinct, Territory of Alaska. The same being the amount required by the laws of the United States governing the location and hold ing of mining claims necessary to hold said claims for the calendar years 1905. 1906 and 1907, the said work having been done by your Co-owner Nathan P. White. And unless within ninety days after the com pletion of the publication of this notice, to-wit; within 90 days after the 12th day of December. 1908 you contribute your proportion of such annual assessment as Co-owner to wit:—$75.00 for the said J. R. No. 2 Mining Claim, your in terest in said claim will be forfeited to and become the property of your present Co-own er aforesaid. NATHAN P. WHITE. First publication September 11,1908. date of last publication December 12. 1908. We sell our Eastman Kodak goods at list prices. Seward Drug Co. THE SEWARD LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY (Incorporated November, 1905, under the laws of Alaska) MAIN OFFICE AT STATION UPTOWN OFFICE, with Lamps for sale and Telephone conbectlon with Station, at BROWN & HAWKINS.