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Newspaper Page Text
YOL 7. SEWARD, ALASK A. WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 1, 1 >Li_>■’<>• TARIFF BILL | PASSED BY THE HOUSE Washington, Oct. 1—By a vote of 254 to 103 the house yesterday after noon passed the democratic tariff bill, as agreed upon by the conference com mittees of the house and senate. The bill now goes to the senate and is certain to pass that body by a nar row margin of votes. fn conference, the senate's amend ments to the original house bill were accepted with slight opposition. HIGH COURT’S RULING FAVORS GOV. SULZER Albany, X. V.. Oct. 1—The chief justice of tlie New York state supreme court handed down a decision in the Sulzer case, in re the status of the impeachment proceedings now on in the state senate. The decision holds that the prosecu tion, in the pending impeachment trial cannot introduce evidence tending to prove that Governor Sulzer traded sect ional legislation for votes in favor of legislation which he was advocating, such as the state primary law. The decision in other points is also favorable to sulzer, and it is believed that the impeachment proceedings will hing solely on the charge that the governor misused campaign funds. Sulzer’s friends and supporters are jubilant over the decision. They say it will be impossible to impeach him under the court's ruling. INFORMS POLICE OF HOLDUP PLAN New Orleans, Oet. I—Conscience stricken, a would be train robber un folded the details of a train holdup in which he was to be a leading factor, to the police authorities yesterday. Thus warned, the police prevented his pals from carrying out the plan. Man Lost From Victoria Seattle, Sept. 30.—Leslie Smith, a deckhand on board the steamer Vic toria. was washed overboard and drowned while enronte from Nome to this port. A violent storm was raging at the time. The tragedy occurred 500 miles out at sea. The \ ictoria ar rived here last night. Meet me at the Branch. Life preservers at J. L. Graef ’s. * Meet me at the Branch * Budweiser beer at the Branch. * BOLD GOLD DUST ROBBERY OCCURS IN THE KLONDIKE Dawson, Oct. 1—A sensational gold dust rubbery occured here last night, ; and mounted policemen are today scour- j ing the hills for the perpetrators, j The robbery took place on a Guggen-, heim drenge, while the night force was at work. Masked bandits silently appeared on the scene, near the mid night hour, gagged the members of the crew, and looted the sluice boxes, j securing about $110,000 in dust. The robbery was well planned and executed. WOODRUFF IS A PARALYTIC I -- ! New York. Oct- 1—Timothy L. Woodruff, long a prominent figure in repulican politics in New York, suffer- J ed a stroke of paralysis yesterday and is in a very precarious condition. BANDITS DERAIL RUSSIAN TRAIN Rostov, Russia, Oct’. 1—Brigands 'derailed a train near here last night, whicn resulted in the death of forty persons. The bandits looted the ex- j press car and made good their escape. Mainz, Germany, Oct, 1—Grand Duke Hesse of Germany today decorat ed Adolph Busch, the St.Louis brewer, with the order of Philip, the Good, on account of the beer maker's many be nevolences, of which Germans were chief beneficiaries. FED THROUGH A BORE HOLE I Centralia, Oct. 1—A coal miner who has been entoomed ?n a mine since Fri day is receiving nourishment through a bore hole, pending his rescue. _. Fishing tackle at J. L. Graef’s. X Finch’s Golden Wedding rye at the Branch. _ * Evinrude motors $75. at J. L. Graef’s. \ Twenty-gauge, 1913 model shot guns at J. L. Graef’s. X Mr. Evans, of th6 Carstens Packing Co., will have for specials this week fresh moose, fresh spareribs, fresh boiled haras, fresh cooked ox tongue. * - •> . » From Railway and Marine News, a very reliable Seattle publication, we take the following list of vessels that have a grave in the waters of Alaska during a period of 35 years. This does not include ships that have been dam aged and repaired: Vessel i Year Place Sch St George.1878...Kodiak Isl Sch Kodiak.1878.. .Geese Isl. Bk Wm YVallaston.. 1878.Arctic Bk Vigilant.1879.Arctic Sch Henrietta.1881.St Lawrence Sch Sappho.1882.Arctic Bk Amethyst.1885.Arctic Bk Montana.1885. .Bristol bay Bk Gazelle.1885 .Arctic Bk Rainier.1885.Arctic Bk George and Susan 1885.Arctic | Bk Mabel.1885.Arc.icj Bk Napoleon.1885..Bering sea Sch Clara Light... .1886.Arctic Bk John Carver.1886.Arctic! Sp Western Shore. ..1886.. Bristol bay Bk Young Phoenix.. 1888.. Pt Barrow Bk Julia Ford.1888.Karluk Bk Ohio.1888.Pt Hope SS Lucretia.1889....Ilerold Isl Sell Jas A Hamilton. 1889..Bering sea SS Ancon.1889. Loring ; S*Ji Silver Wave_1890..Pt Barrow Bk Thomas Pope-1890.Pt Hope j Bkt Korea.1890. . .Ka gin Isl Bkt Lizzie Williams.1890. .Tugidak LI SS Orizaba.1890. .St Michael Bkt Oneida.1890. .Alaska gulf j SS Wm Lewis.1891..Pt Barrow Bk Abraham Barker. 1892 .Arctic Bk Ohio.;.1893..Nunivak Isl Bk Jacob Howland . .1895.. .Strong Isl Sp Raphael.1895.Karluk Bk Jas A Borland.. .1896. .Tugidak Tsl ; Brg Hidalgo.1896.Arctic i SS Mexico.1897.Dixon’s Fntj Bkt Jessie Freeman. 1897...Pt Barrow i SS Orea.1897. ..Pt Barrow Sch Rosario. 1897...Pt Barrow SS Nevarch.)897 Arctic Sp Sterling.189^. Bristol bay SS Clara Nevada-1898.. Lynn canal SS Brixam.1998. Clarence St SS Laurada.1899..Bering sea Bk Wildwood.1899... Bristol bay S p Mormon.1900.K a r 1 u k Bg Colorado.1900..Wrangell N Bk Hunter. 1900..Bering sea Bk t Catherine Sudden 1900.. Bering sea Bk Alaska.1900. .Bering sea SS Balaena.1902..Bering sea SSChas D Lane.1902. .Nunivak Isl SS Discovery.1902 Yakutat SS Islander.1902.Gastineau C SS Cleveland.1903..Bering sea SS Sadie. 1903.. Bering sea Sp Star of Russia-1905.. .Chichagof Sch Balclutha.1905_Geese Isl Sp Servia.1905... Kodiak Isl Bk Nicholas Thayer. 1906. Kodiak Isl SS Oregon.1906. Hinchinbr’k SS Mariechen.1906. .Chatham S SS Themis.1906. Hardigan it Sp John Currier. 1907 .. Bristol bay Sch St Paul.1907..Sukhlish Isl Bk Wm Bayless. 1907 Arctic Sp Lucile.1908 Ugashik Sp Star of Bengal... 1908.Coronation I SS Saratoga.1908.. Bush by Isl Sp Columbia.1909.. .Unimak P SS Ohio.1909. ..Heikish N Bg Quacsmo.1909.. Dixon’s Ent Bg enlarger.1900... Karta bay SS Fatal Ion .1910.Ilia ran a SS Portland.1910 Katalla SS Olympia.1910 Bligh Isl SS Cottage City.... 1911. .Seymour N SS Ramona.1911. .C Decision Sp Jabez Howe.1911 .... Chignic Bk Hayden Brown.. 1912.. Montague I SS Yukon.1913 Sanak Isl SS Curacao.1913... Warm Ck SS State California.. 1913.Gambierbay BENGAL YOUTHS KILL OFFICIAL Calcutta, Oct. 1—Three youths of Bengal shot and killed the head cons table here yesterday. They lied ti e city. The killing is believed to be the result of politics. followsThTef DOWN CHIMNEY Philadelphia, Oct. 1—A policeman, chasing a colored burglar, followed him down a chimney into a house and took him into custody. The Ladies’ Aid Society will meet tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mrs. Karl Vaughan. John A. Herbert, the Seldovia mer chant. is in town. Try the new five cent sizes of stand ard cigars at Gordon’s. Little Tom’s, Lovera, Baby Webster and Henry George. They’re the go now. * • _ Long distance telephone booth at the Branch. * SERVIAN WOMEN FIGHT ALBANIANS - *# Vienna, Oct. 1—In large numbers Servian women are shouldering musk ets and joining men in their war on the encroaching Albanian army. Twelve hundred Serb soldiers were killed and 300 were taken captive in the battle preceding the evacuation of the city of Dibra. SENATOR LODGE SERIOOSLY ILL Nahant. Oct. 1—Senator Lodge- of Massachusetts is seriously ill at his country home here. He suffers from a gastric ulcer. * w A large assortment of the latest pho nograph records just received on the Sampson. At Gordon’s. • $ 1 f Lilly’s fly killer at J. L. Graef’s. * _ ■ Savage 22 High Power rifles at J. L. Graef's._J Meet me at the Brancn. 4 *