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VOL 8. I'uiH'e'Miino' A la*ka, 1 resident ii >or. in hi* me**a”v to Ho consfi't 'S, said: ‘*A duty faces u* with retravd to Alaska, which seem* to he very press ing ami very imperative. Perlites 1 should *av h double duty, for it con cerns both political and material de velopment of the territory. The peo ple in Alaska *hould be ni\en a full territorial form of government, and Ala*ka as a storehouse *hould be un locked. Railways Is the Key *'Thc key to unlock that storehouse ts a system of railways. These the government *hould control in the in tei-est of all who wish to use them for the servict and development of the country and the peonle. Hut the con struction t• f railway* is only the ht*i *trp: it i* the thrust in if it of the key to the storehouse and throwing back the lock and opening the door. How the lempiinsr resource* of the country are to be exploded i* ano'her matter to which i *hal take toe liberty from time to time of ca it*- >°ur at tenth n, for i: i* a policy «i eti mu*t he worked out t»\ well considered statfv*. not up on theory, hut Upon hue* *** nrac* i i» expeu ency. P is a part ot our ip-ueral l»r,a, ..n of • *1’ ton. 'lust I Sw Resources. **\\ *• i ,u*i i *e H *» r*-*oiuct * of tie* country. not lock th*»m i p source* !u iju* *t - ! *’ U*i he d.M d. hut not destroyed or wa*fed: u*ed hut rot monopolized upon many narrow ideas t»*| nd; vidua I rights as against the ahiihiur interests of the communitles That a polio can he worked out b\ conference and concession which will release these resources and \et not jeopard or dissipate them, I for one j j have no doubt and it can he done on , lines of regulation which need be no j ies> acceptable u> the people and yov* ernments of the states concerned than to the people and government of the' national larjfe, whose heritage these j resources are. V\ e must bend our counsels to this end. A common pur-J pose oujfht to make agreement easy. Concerning ilexlco, t'oncerninc Mexico the president , said: “There is bill one cloud or. < ur , iiorizon. That has shown itself to the south of us and han^s over Mexico. ! 'There can t>e no certain prospect in ! America until (leuera! Iluerta has sur rendered his usurped authority in! Mexico. Mexico has no government. J The attempt to maintain one at the t’jty of Mexico ha^ broken down and a *mere military » » ,*poli>m has been m*1 up. It oria iirtevl in the usurpation of Victoriano llu u ta who after a brief attempt to |> a\ the part <>t constitu tional president has at la**! cast aside even the pretense »t itts lecal r;ifht and h:i" dec a red bun^elt dictator. Hut he |u»> no’ >Ucceeded. ! I • * J *. i for* hop'd t he »vsp* U alHl tie* n,i)l sllp jHiit evt-l) of fia-e who Were.’;' one tint willinc to set I mu succeed. L,U e hv little evei \ t :»> > power an ;■« s tafe are ei iimblinr and theco‘?*o > not faraway CHOATE APPEALS FOR LOYALTY TO THE PRESIDENT Now York. Joseph H. Choate. Orator, diplomat and lawyer, address ing the New York Chamber of Com metre recently, voiced the following" riot ic sentiments: “All American-* should stand by President Wilson in hi-* Mexican pol icy, through thick and thin/* Continuing Mr Choate said: "I should like to discuss America s Mex . ica't policy if l knew "hat it was: bu; on 1 v one man knows it, ami be " ill Certainly keen bis own *oune»!. *'lt is a Irving anil mo-t dangerous sit uat ion.** cot t mueu M.. Choate. “but one real thing i Know, and for that one thing 1 appeal to the heart and the head of every man present here, that in this trying situation there is but one duty for ail o! u>. and mat Is ti* Hiut.d hy the Presiceut of the I mi d SratP- He U entitled to that mm us., regard «.> ol party or creed. Washington, 1'resident Wood row Wits *n has written a note to Joseph 1 i iu»ate. ih; nkii g h tu for his pairoiltc expressions at the New \< rk^f ointntr cial Club e“*et dig. About t\\enl> ii»eu»*s «»t' tne beauti fy I»‘il > Sew aid, be I ween the hours of 4 in.(I b o’clock thi> monilUif. Fresh Lake I rout at the Commerce, Cate. Meet me at the Branch Los! One oO share *tock certificate j Alaska Klectric t o. Kinder please re*! turn to Samuel 1. Silverman. Pabsts blue ribtiOQ beer at The, Branch. ___ Bud reiser beer at the Braaeb. [ S A I Delegate Wiekersham on Trmr-d*i\ introduced a bill in tin* House to do wa;, with the fax of $1<M) a mile now ii»MM sed on Alaska railroads. It has lot»tf been felt that this tax was an injustice and a seri ns drawback to tie* develoorm tit of t he ten itory. and ( ’on eivs> ha* siyn<lied a wiliii.itness to re move his huio»*nson»e handicap ’o Al aska t runsuorit iot . The cah}e>hij> Kurns'd** picked up and buoyed one end ot the broken cable lint* yesterday, when a storm came on and the vessel tied tor shelter. < darence Whittles lias received a mrs>aj>' coo vovi 11 g tin* sad news ot t he <!**aih of hi* tnot in*r, which occur red at Monmotuh, Maine. Jack Johnson is in from tin* Skeen* le ciiiu r mine. H<* n tmrls tin* stamps cropping without c* station. Jack " ili depart in a ft*v\ t;a\> tor the Kenai river country. Mrs. Frank Roscu ft is m from the fnile ’Jb roaoito !'**. She is suffering tVoiu an attack • I . hemnat islli. A! Roberts' launch, the Rat. made its ta"i trip tor the season on Ketia Lake yesterday. Lake Kenai is frozen over from the lower end to point opposite Quart.' creek. _ .Service for 10c up and meal tickets that last forever at $7. Commerce Cafe ljong distance telephone booth at the Branch. * Community silver, Sheriton. La Rose and De Luxe pattens. George the Jeweler. A vary interesting article concern ing t he restaurant business i: a recent issue of the Mod Monthly, a tol lows: It ha- been said. and with much show , o! truth, that there are more failures in the restaurant busintss than in an\ , oilier line of trade in the lulled Stales. \Ve have been asked to give, reasons for this. l-'fom our point of view t hoi e lire! man) reasons, and the great majority j can tie expressed in the one word ‘‘m- j experience,” of those who go into the j business. It looks easy. Tue man and wife with a few bun- ; tired dollars capital to invest, think j thev set* a tug prolit in a restuuiant 1 between cost of raw material and the serving of prepared foods, it is a bus iness where t he wife can help the bus- ; band, or the husband help the wife, whichever wav nou look at it. A tootu is rented, tilted up, fur i nlshtd, kilchen equipped, fuel and food ; j bought, help hired, doors opened and ! i the business spirted. Usually things run smoothly fora; tew it av s; ever) tiling new*, clean, at-; tractive: customers pleased: prolit j seemingl) in hand. In a little while, however, clouds up- : pear on the horizon, not bigger than a man’- hand, at first, hut gradual?) eo, eri 1 g the sk \. A patron kicks. thing go wrong W lilt t he help*, ii 1- no cas\ job to keep t he place eit an: some things art done slovenlx; 'he pconh* >,\ ho run the pi ace begin to n ■?.<- o* *a; .. anti in, i, uo, expenses ’. »• pr viol - \ , , c, ; loom up a- < g a* a mot,,! tarn. I * h, ■ vi * e x i - • * n >• *s, or o \ e i’ll e ad C11.1! g es are -rldom -e* n by the patrons, who Iniuk they arc heiping to make the j t*«-tuuruui u an rch. \\ e will con* -ider on i n a ! * w of them: 1 vei.', i ? g»11, , ; ucat, fuel for cooking, wages for cooks, pant 1 \ people, waiters, scruhoers, and i cleaners, launtlry lor table cloths and 1 napkins, free food for emoioyes. re-I plenishnient ot table wares and linens, cost of hills of fare, too’fi picks, salt, pepper, catsup and other condiments furnished tree; po-Mble io-ses from underchecking and iroiti stealings, spoilage ot t.nstild perish.ahie toovis; the j expense and labor 01 Keening tn five ot roaches, an* «. idc- and other vermin, tne cost ot operding vintilat-, iijir fan- tin* list might he continued j mdetinil ei \. IViis oi thousands of peop.e have j vein ured into 1 in* restaurant business ami learm-d from hitter experience that “things are not what they seem. Th*>\ Imve fought aga'iiM tremendous odds. In m.«n\ a restaurant vs here the proprietor meets \ou with a smiling face, tin: smile hut conceals a tragedy, the wreck of hopes, the loss of the sav ings oi \ears. t Ho smiles heroically after he has discovered his unfitness for the busi in*"s. lie steps down and out, a sad- ; del* and a *v iser man. And someone else ventui es. The restaurant business requires genius of a very high order in order to j operate successfully, 1 tie man oi woman who engages in it must cum* i bine qualitiss tiiat would make them millionaires in almost any other bnsi- ( ness. It they do not have these quali ties the\ are very sure to make a tail- j me. A ml tin* possession of these com bined qualities is found in only the : verv lew who make a pronounced sue-j cess of the restaurant ousiness. Notwithstanding the ups and downs of the restaurant business, aspeeiallj ( in Alaska, Krnie Levin, of the Com- j meree Cafe, will be found at the old > stand conducting a business which he established in 190o. Sourdoughs and cheehakos, you are invited to the Commerce Cafe, j Service every hour in 24. Sleds for boys uud girls; sleds for men. At J. L. Gniet s. Tin* latveo miiii.i..’ oeal ttiat ever tools place m r M j - section of the Alas ki* is the taking over. h> hi if ; 111 n i i. representeti In .lames .ourrux. ot the entire holdings ot thet ache t reek Mining Company in the Cache creek mining liistrict. I lu* propertx takes in nearlv of Cucht creek ami the con* sideration, on terms, is said to he $»n0, ooo. Mr. Murray and .lames McAilister, the former a dredger man of larirt* ex perience and the latter a sitcessful min* iijM; man formerly of N nii.‘, passed the summer *r, \\ . • 11 a fo; re II iners, nri t\ iny sin i*xi ri’si \ *• t ey. »»! the ymuod. Idn- test* (moved more than sitKfact »»r , disciosiny values ilia! run success fully he recovered h* tin* use of dred ye rs. It is tin* |»lan of the new control, the (Jatewav is rehaidi iidorim»d. to install a hiy dredyer next season. The < 'ache ‘ reek Mininir * ompany has expended some on the pro perty. An eliort was made to w«r.< it hy the hydraulic method, but t ho yround proved loo 11 it lor lids process. NATIVES TO SEEK RiGliTS Juneau. Delegates from seven dif ferent Native 1 iidian sett hunt nts m»* t in convention at l o clock this aiiet noon in the Native l reshvlet inn i hu rch. to lake the initial steps in the. lortnaiion ot a sAiciety to be known as the Alaska Native Brotherhood., ! in* main nlea B t o mule all * I t he S-ttivea of A>aska in om common bro il • * r hood : u< i *n amp < »<* t 111 oa 1 re hit ions -.villi tin. nil i mate object oi demand ini: • u. rights a t citiz : -b p. 'I'hev have avlopled as tneii slogan. “NoTaxu’ion w it h->ut Uepn*sA*ntat ion. £>aid out ot the best known 1,1 th'*« j delegate*: “Kvery member of the bro therhood that is to he formed will he j eligible to cit izenship so tar mocais land education are concerned. Ae I hold that, to tax us without the rights 'of citizenship is unjust and tin A inert can. The convention is liable to lav, sev 'eral du\s or until the object is at tained. Delegates from the following , r,.*tt lemenis are now here: Sitka, Killisnoo, Klawock, Shakan. Wrung* >. !vIukwan. Hoonah, and Haines. It is expected that other delegates from other sections will arrive in time to i t ike part in the deliberations of the : meeting. WHARF LANDS BIS CONTRACT Lighteen* thousand tons of coal to be used annually by the Alaska Gust ineavi Mining company from the 1 ort Graham coalmines, ha* been contracted for by ; the company according to President YVhorf, of the company, who is now in Seattle. Whorf declares coal vessels of large tonnage will be operated itom i p.irt Graham to .Juneau ar.d that the j contract is only preliminary to others until every port in Southeastern Alaska will be consumers of Alaska coal. He says shipments will start | next February.—Juneau Dispatch. i The thermometer registered 14 de j epees below zero at Kenai lake j yesterday morning* At the Skeen ! Lech tier mine it was v* below. The wireless line must also tie j broken. Leastwise, the Gateway failed 110 receive its daily dose of outside | # i nesvs._ Three meals for One Dollar. Open i day and night. Commerce Cafe Field glasses at J. L. Graef ’s. Ice creepers and ice skates ut J. L. Graef’s. SEWARD WILL HAVE COMPLETE Councilman C. <i. Boe, of the Sew ard Iron Works, is purling tin* Iir;i■**h :ng touches to an ox\mcety ieue weld ing plant which he has constructed. By a combination of two gases a heat of 0,000 degrees fahrei belt can be ob tained. As 1.000 degrees fahrt nheit w ll melt p'.ainum, tin* hardest of all metal-, it eat: readily h»* *e* p that the apparatus will saect *-!•..< * weld any «»f l lie met a is. The welding nlant w ill In* a pro nounced benefit to tin town. * Hd «*n* gin»*s ami bo h r». ui tier orpin;* y eon* dii ions about read) for the scrap heap, can I»** repaired and made as good as n»* *, at a moderate cost. It should bring much outside work to Seward. JACK CURLEY IN TROUBLE Cordova Alaskan .lack Curley is under arrest at Chit ina and .1. C. Lafortie is an inmate of the hospital here as the result of an aitereat ion at < hitna t heot her evening. Iaiforie is suffering from a severe cut r in flie abdomen and another on his i left hand, said to have inflicted by l Dries during t he row. Dr. Chase who is attending the wounded man. states that his injuries will not prove serious unless com pi i - i cat ions set in. Curley will be given a hearing by ; Commissioner h'lfeirr.v at Chitinu. A traveling salesman died suddenly • " and was taken to ills home in the Wes*. His relatives telephoned tho nearest Mores!, seme miles distant, to make a wreath; the ribbon shorn! he extra wine, the inscription, "Rest in Peace,” on ln)th sides, ami. if there was room, "We shall met . m Heaven.” The Horest was away and n.s assistant ! handled the job. It was a startling j Moral piece which turned up at the | funeral. The ribbon was extra wide [and bore the inscription: “Rest in Peace on Roth Sides, and if There is Room We Shall Meet in Heaven.”— Lip pint ott's. The Gateway lenders a vote of thanks, on behalf of the walking pub lic, to the Alaska Transfer, for break ing trails throughtoiit the town. Bread for sale—10c a loaf or 12 for $1. At Commerce Cafe For reliable information write Can non, Pioneer hotel, Knik, Alaska, f Meet meat the branch.