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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
SEiYAHD DAILY GATEWAY GATEWAY PUBLISHING CO. SHAW & JJDSO.M. - - LESSEES SU8SC«'?TlON RATtSi O'* Oou-ah Pi r Month; Tin Cents a Copt Reward, Alaska, December 12. 1^13 Two Oklahoma chaps. rVrris ami ! >a\ onport. who probably -dipp *b into cone;re» while no bobs \ as lookhur. compost' t;. * ♦ wo t»! tiic nineteen members ol the house commit tee on territor* • *v who i>pp4>s * th * A1 iskii rah way hill, Wln'ii tin* hill eona*s t > a voti*, this ratio of opposi tion will probably obtain in tin* Imni\ 4»1 the 1HMist1, Inhabitants <>; that town, with ; commendable loyalty, S4*4* nothing but (’unuA';i as a proha ole coast terminus of the gov ernment railway. Endowed by nature with manifest superior advantages for the purpose in view, Seward looks with un perturbed feelings and with an amiabh' and l^'iiiirn iienmanor 4»n the playful pretenses ami assumed cheerfulness 4>t com petiup: towns. Seriously, how* »*ver. we do not anticipate that tin* (lenunratie aditiinistratii n will enter into any allium e whatever with tin* Mor.Lan i iu^i'iiheim syndicate. WHEN GOING TO VALDEZ VISIT THE BIG PLACE Al. White. Propr. PIONEER MARKET I . W. Small, Propr. ALL KINDS OH FRESH MEATS Hams. Bacon, Butter and E££S A New. Clean. Lp to-Oate Market mm 9NINV313 aw \naNavi 3won Ad 0'niniT A. 15. Hull OLD CROW OLD HERMITAGE OLD WINES ONLY MINERAL CABINET WHERE? AT JACK’S J. P. Stotko - Proprietor m in I'I I DR. CHARLIE T. DAGGLTlj Brulv*#* t'/orlt uO'J Porcelain Specialist Siitt'*1 n Ciifl' in All Hr*in h*** <>i I) . u>H H n IV!«*ph.*rv* m is - j .«•«»«« ——I—wmmm% mnmmmm—i>ri>J>wl> J LINOLEY GREEN LAWYER « *\« t II n ’ oi Stnvnrd Savvanl. Maska P I O N EER HOSPITAL . OF SKWAHO Or. J. II. Koinig, - Director Kales, $.1.50 per Da;. ViillUliv Hospital lickeis $1.50 I'acli Minin it Contracts Solicited j Location Notices at Ihe Gateway SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE Wt AIM HERE TO STAY EVERYTHING TO 151 HAD IN A MUST €1 ASS MAiM I AND AT THE RIGHT PRICES. V. A. .Myers. - - .Yanajjer F^AI TING ANli pape:rha\ging Seward Water and Po wer Com pc n/ John A. Nelson, Manager Office bank of Seward building SEWAHl), - ALASKA ---» C.KRtfTINQ & BUILDER American rail roads are the fastest and safest in the world. The American trainman counts his time in seconds. Foreign railroad men carry no such watch as the HOWARD. Official inspection of railroad watches exists in no other country. HOWARD Railroad Watches (left setting) are officially certified and adopted by *he time inspectors of one hundred and fortvof the leading railroads of America. Better than that, their daily performance is finer, more accurate than the most exact ing railroad requirements. The balance-wheel of the HOWARD y Watch is made of special hard-tempered steel—will not knock out of true with the jar and vibration of railroad service. Every HOWARD is made and ad justed as a fine watch. Cased and timed in its own case by the HO^ ARD watch makers. The price of the HOWARD is fi/fl —railroad models 55® 5*4®—* printed price-ticket attached. We carry this distinctive watch and would like to show it to you. George A. Mirlach, the Jeweler FURNITURE AND HARDWARE COAL MINER'S AND Ml D MINIR'S SURPLUS I lours and Windows Lang's Ranges 1 X L I *arlor I icaters (lasoline Stoves ('ook Stoves i amo Stoves Air Tight !leaters (>il Stoves Alcohol Stoves Spark Plugs Jump t oils Batteries Granite Ware Aluminum Ware Asbestos P cc B Paner Malihoiu Rooting Tar Paper Deafening felt Weather Strips < J.-imjI ine t >i I (hi" Knsfi ne * )il Marine Knifine Oil Val ve < >i 1 Blaine < )i! Kloor < )il Linseed < >i I t 'up (Jrease Paints Lacqueret Paint Asphaltum Paint Brushes Varnishes Turpentine Japan Denatured Alcohol < 'oal Par Lamps Lanterns Tents PHONE BLACK 4 1t i 11e * SI ot (inns A mm mit ion i* iMiini*' Tackle Giant I'owilcr <’ap* Fuse Gench Forces Glacksinit h’s ( 'oal Gel low* Wheel Harrow* ('ut ier\ Fire ('lay Fire 1 trick Lime ( ement Glass 1 tope Mercury Seine Twine J. L. GRAEF ...PIONEER HOTEL... F. B. CANNON. PROPR. Newly Furnished and Renovated. Twelve Comfortable Rooms. Nicely Furnished Ladies’ Sitting Room. Family Accommodations as Good as Can Be Had in Alaska. KNIK - - ALASKA THE SEWARD LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY Incorporated November 1905 under the Laws of the Territory of Alaska S. M. GRAFF, President and General Manager ■>>uJ ^.:‘7nfl j :;‘™ TTH * ; it tu CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN Electric Supplies and Appliances OBW: Atth^Suiionl ~ TELEPHONE MAIN 123 _^ Dealers in Fin'1 Stationery, Imperial Confectionery. Standard Frauds of Cigars and Tobaccos. Ail the Host Magazines and Periodicals. Seattle, San Fran cisco and Eastern Newspapers. Popular Copy rights. School Hooks and School Supplies. MAIL ORDERS FROM THE WESTWARD AND INTERIOR PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Phone Main !i Sam I. Silverman. Mgr. .. i ' s ty/rv*™ WkwlTTn /*7r r'* 'Vr ■.iS»*K*wr7 n v-»• - MBVA.VW a*v: Successors lo II. E. Ellsworth SAMPLING MILL If STS ASSAYING * Office and Works, Fourth Avenue, near Alaska Northern Ry. Dock HOTEL OVERLAN I K. L. WHITTEMORE, PROP. Headquarters for Mining Men SEWARD, - - - ALASKA The Coleman FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. GEO. SEXTON, PROP. Electric Lights Electric I Sett Haft's Heasuuah/e Alatlera Hath Honin FOURTH AVENUE SEWAHD, ALASKA Hotel Seward W. A. M'NEILEY. PROPR. MODERN CONVENIENCES RATES $1.00 TO $2.50 PER DAY HOT AND COLD WATER BATHS ELECTRIC LIGHTS The Seattle Bar Chas. A. Ken.sen <5; Co., Proprietors. OLYMPIA DRAFT AND BOTTLED BEER, LIQUORS, CIGARS Elegantly Furnished and Steam Heated Rooms in Connection _ Travel East OVER THE “MILWAUKEE” The Newest and Shortest Line to the East Crossing the Cascade Mountains, the Kittitas \ alley, the ( olum bia River, the Bitter Root Mountains and Montana Canyon, trav ersing a country of surpassing scenic grandeur, historical interest and wonderful development. TWO FAST THROUGH TRAINS DAILY “The Olympian” and “The Columbian The NEW ALL-STEEL TRAINS to BUTTK. MILES CITY, SIOUX CITY. MINNEAPOLIS. ST. PAUL, MILWAUKEE and CHICAGO /l Jl J ib ‘ i** OITq J ' *.( 'i j t • 1 * - j . t . t V 1 I > , ' « ' < t # t For further information regarding fares, train service, reservations, etc.f cap bn or address City Ticket Offices, Alaska Steamship Co. or Alaska Coact S. S. Co. Seward, Alaska City Ticket Offices, Chicago, Milwaukee k St. Paul Railway o . 443 Hastings St. West, Vancouver, B. C. Second Ave. and Cherry St., Seattle , J - 1 H 1 ’ ^ _HI_