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Newspaper Page Text
Only Fair Fo' Farther. In n trni) the other day. >a.\s a <»laa pow News rories|miidei»t. I overheard two sehoolt our hers dwell with a ' i‘i tain fondness on the pranks ol a hoy whom they ended .limnde I roil Id gather that this lad was full of sweet siniplieify and a d«*«*p root»sl ohjoetlon \ to edu» ation l»espite his dilaionness. how ever, he was a general tavoiite. line of ttie dominies m whose elass Jimmie now idles ins time remarked that on a reeent mortinn: ttie hoy had handed in an exeroise m arithmetie wlneh. h> i*s neatness and freedom from errors, simply huwted “Father. Jimmie was in a simmei ol exritenient to see what mark lie would sret. In ordei to surprise him into sayim; someth me I he teaeliei had serihhled on the eop> hook Fair” instead of “Kxrellenl. ‘ a* it should have l»een A mtirmtll ol dismay was exported Horn the tH»>. Ihi? instead lie ehnek'ed with elet* Mini remarked! “(Ml. I in £hld. Fa it tier s only eMt tan efter a his nontiein !** London 8 Ucpy Man. Krjink t>urt m his u*minis<vncos tells h story «>t 4iit exceptionally ugly man. wen Known in Loudon society, whose name lie suppresses. He had It from Lord Lytton. who had it from l^ord Heacoiisficld '*1 saw nun on«*e.” said Beaconstield. “It was when we were living at Gros venor Gate W lien his card was brought up I was extremely busy, and i said to Lady Beaconstield. *My dear, you must reeel re this gentleman for me' i ought to tell you that Lady Beaconstield was very rond of seoiug remarkable people, ami I said to her. ‘Mv dear, l know he is a remarkable man; I cannot tell von for what reason he is remarkable, hut you may take it from uie that he is remarkable Ladv Beaconstield tripped downstairs, and I was turning to mv work when I heard a tad and a scream I rushed down. Lady Beaconstield had fainted She thought she had seen Mokanna. the roiled prophet, without his veil! Methodnt Stamps. Senator X s daughter, who is beau* tifnl, religious and unsophisticated, went into a Washington drug store recently to purehase some stamps •‘Ten cents* worth of stamps, please.” she said timidly The drug clerk, who had an eye for feminine beauty, was struck with her Appearance. s<» he gave her an engag ing smile and urbanely asked: “What denomination?** Disconcerted by his open admiration, she looked at him In astonishment, then, remembering the Scriptural 1n Junction fo he “prepared to give a reason for the faith that Is within you.” she replied. “Methodist '* There was a moment s pause: then her face became suffused with angrv blushes, and she continued. “Rut I do not see what that has to Jo with my stamps ” — Llppincott's Story of t^e Vote In Fiji. The Indian merchants in T1.1i in mu nicipai elections vote solid for the wealthy storekeeper and landowner, who says Kail Stiwk in “t'ontesslons of a Tenderfoot “ represent vested In terests and <»«> them money. On one occasion that is fresh In the mind of every one in Suva, ttiese In diiui merchants were rounded up ami driven to the polls like sheep, well primed beforehand to- vote for-we shaP say Johnson and Jacobson These Instructions had been so Impressed upon them that their vocabulary for days consisted of nothing hut “John son and Jacobson “ “Move up there.** said the clerk of a polling booth on the great day to a line of apprehensive In dians “D’.vour hear? Move up!** “Johnson and Jacobson.*’ answered the latter as one man Curious English Dialects. Our English dialects are probably as diverse as anv l*ut a Cornish miner and u Northumberland miner together for the first time and each would only have a faint glimmering of the mean tng of the others speech What would the Cornlshman think of “What mak* <V vau Is sba?” He would express the same meaning In “What he her like, then?’ The ordinary English, of course, la. “What’s she Hkev* I have known a Londoner, fresh to the fine Dorset dialect, completely bewildered by a farm laborers talk He could only get a glint of meaning here and there.— London Chronicle Room For th# Doctor. Landlady Ho applicant for rooms*— Beg pardon, sir. but what business do you follow? Appthaot— I am a doc tor of music. Landlady-Oh. then, we shall be glad to have you with ua. and Ftn sure you'll do well here, for there’s lota of music In this locality that needs doctoring - Ijnndon Tit-Bits. v — % * A Hard Loser. “Whatever became of that woman ffho was married on a betr V*She I* now giving her time to a cm M<1e flgnlnst gambling."-Judge. T '..A,- •• "V* % NOTICE OF DELINQUENT TAX ROLL FOR THE YEAR 1913 UPON REAL PROPERTY IN THE TOWN OF SEWARD, ALASKA NOTICK IS UKKKItV (iIVKN: |t\ direction t»f tin* Common Council of the Town of Seward. Alaska. 1. the undersigned. C. .1. Cotter. Town Clerk. I*y virtue of the pro visions of See, '.Vi of Ordinance No. It. of tluj Ordinances of the Tow n of Seward. Alaska, j DO HKKKHY (J1VK NOTH'K that the delin quent tax roll of real property for the year pain in tin* Town of Seward, \laska. has been eompleted. tn duplicate, and is open for 'tr s|H*etionat the oOlee of said Town Clerk: That on the second tlay of February. A. ldlt.oras soon thereafter as counsel may he heard, said Delinquent tax roll will be. pre sented to the District Court for the Territory i of Alaska. Third Division, at Valdez, within said division for adjustment and for OKDKK ] OF SALK. "Durinu the time of the publication of not ice j anil up to the time of order of sale, any person ; may appear and make payment on any pieceor ^ tract described hereinafter, together with penalt v and interest.’ The following is a description of each tract of tea property on the roll on which the tax for the war l1.1 i:t has not been paid, the amount of the tax. penalty and interest thereon, and to w horn assessed F. .1. COTTKK. Town Clerk Delinquent Real Estate Taxes of the Town of Seward, * Alaska. November 28, 1913. r < -- =? X — X Do “ *1 1 c e _: — c < ? " i : : g 5 r • ; ft * * * . • ^ • / ... Block l John K Balkiine 16 $ 150 .90 .05 01 ** 17 150 .90 .1*5 01 •* 18 150 .90 .05 01 *• 19 50 .30 .02 Block 3 I Kobert Ashland 5 1000 * 400 8.40 . 42 08 • 6 1250 7.50 ,38 07 7 250 1.50 .08 02 Block 6 George Turner 1 300 UW .09 02 *• •* 34)0 1.80 .09 02 t > 4; Lahrree 3 25»> 1-.8I .08 02 1 254) 1.50 .08 02 4 iconre Turner 30 5<» J*) .02 31 | < to .60 .03 01 John K Ballainc 34 250 1.50 .os «*2 :5.*i 254» 1.50 os o » :u; 25o 1.5»» os o» 3; *5** 1.54) J)S «*2 3> •*»;>(» |.5i* .os 02 Block: John K Ballainc in 3n0 1.80 .09 i»2 1! 304* 1.S0 .01) 1*2 Northw si Trust 28 hi* 2.9* .12 **2 «v Safe Dei«osit 29 404* 35o 1.54* .23 0.5 4-0.. Trustee ... ** 400 2.40 .12 02 Block s John E Ballainc 6 54*4* 3 in» .15 «*:? W J Roberts 7 54M 3.4*4* .!.» «>.? s 5oo 3.0i* .15 <)3 ' John E Ballainc lo 500 3.00 .15 03 U .504* 3.00 .15 03 Robert A Gwynn 12 504* 3.1)0 .15 03 i John K Ballainc 13 54*4* 3.oo .15 <»3 Kmilie V Kickfonl is 54*o 3.00 .la os John E Ballainc 19 ’y) ,3o 02 .1 M Moore 24 600 104** 9.60 .48 10 i Geo LaMontaiune 25 6<>«* 3.6o .18 04 26 600 100 4.24* .21 04 Hubert A Gwynn 29 64*0 3.60 .is t*4 E L Crawford 32 600 3.64) .18 04 ! •• 33 600 3.64) .is i*4 1 Cath ri’e Roycroft.35 Oin* 700 7.80 .39 08 Block 9 W \ McNcilev tl 700 1000 10.2i» .51 10 ] • 7u* 454*0 31.20 1.50 31 1 \lafar Lowell 24* HX*U 4000 30.00 1.50 3»> 1 K L Whittemure 21 1254) 4000 31.50 1.58 32 and 22S't50o loot) 9.0** .15 «*9 Leo Marallies 24 1000 3000 24 (** 1.20 24 25 10i>4) 54)4*4) 36.00 1.80 12 A M Churchill 32 1000 1000 12 00 .60 12 Kobert Ashland 33 I'd** 54*4) 9.00 .45 <*9 Block 1(» Napoleon Wells 12 100«» 54*4* 9.04* .45 no ! John K Ballainc 26 55n 3.3o .17 03 31 550 3.3«* .17 4*3 32 554* 3.30 .17 0i? 35 55() 3.30 .17 03 36 554* 3.34* .17 03 37 550 3.30 .17 03 Block II Northwest Trust 5 l»*n 2 4»* .12 i*2 \ Safe l>cposit 6 404* 2.40 .12 <»2 4‘o . Trustee 7 40i* 2.4<* .12 <»2 8 ItN* 2.4«* .12 02 I John K Ballainc 11 44*0 2.40 .12 «»2 12 44*4* 2 44) .12 4*2 16 4«*0 2.44) .12 «*2 •* 18 too 2.44* ,i;» 02 *• 19 8*4* 2.40 .12 02 •.*3 3»*o 1.84* .01) 02 •>1 304* 1.8«* .09 4*2 •J7 300 1.80 .<>•.* 4*2 •* •> 3041 1.84* .0*.* «>2 29 300 1.80 .4*9 «*2 33 300 1.84* 09 4*2 34 34*0 1,84* .4*1* 4*2 35 300 1.8<* .09 02 ! Christine wosness 36 3»*t* .yio i.s«t .24 «*.> :t8 300 5oo 1.84) .24 4*5 • 39 360 2.14) .11 4 >2 Alfred Rosness 4<> 450 2 70 .14 03 Block 12 I John K Ballainc 3 250 1.50 .(*8 02 | George Turner il 254* l..y» .08 02 12 254* 1.54* .08 02 •• 13 250 1.50 .08 02 - It 254* 1.50 4*8 02 15 254* 1.50 .08 02 16 250 1.50 .08 02 17 254) 1.50 .08 02 18 250 1.50 .Of 02 19 250 1.50 .418 02 *• 20 300 1.84) .09 02 Block 13 John E Ballainc 1 30o 1.80 5*9 02 2 300 1.84) .4)9 02 ACBlumcr W 300 150 2.70 .14 03 John E Ballainc 21 300 750 6.30 .32 06 •• 22 900 1.24) .06 01 A A T hod ay 25 200 1 20 .06 01 ME Gilson 20 200 150 2.10 .1J 02 J Hoagland and . Lewis Solanes 30 200 150 2.10 .11 02 John E Ballainc 37 200 150 2.10 .11 02 38 200 1.20 .06 4)1 - 39 2M) 1.20 .06 01 “ 40 200 1.20 .06 01 Block 14 John E Ballainc 1 4**0 2.40 .12 02 404) 2.40 .12 02 “ 3 400 2.40 ,12 * 02 - 4 4(X) 2.40 .12 (Si ** 5 40(1 2.40 .12 02 •* 6 400 2.40 .12 02 I John E Ballainc 24 300 1 80 .09 02 25 300 1.80 .09 02 26 34)0 1.84) .09 02 K’nn’th'M’Donald 21) 300 1.80 .00 02 Pet r N Anderson 32 300 1.80 .09 02 33 300 500 4.80 .24 05 ! John E Ballainc 34 300 1.80 .09 02 | ’* |5 A 34*0 vs 1.80 .09 (Si Mrs W E Bart hoi f #6 ' 800 * l.Hd .09 02 Block 15 «• Vc. I Goo LXMontaitrne 1 650 4 % 3.90 ,20 04 t 630 8.90 .20 04 John K Ballainc 3 650 3.90 . 20 04 “ 14 750 4.50 .23 05 15 750 4.50 . 23 05 V 25 450 2.70 .14 03 •* , ~ 33 -*50 V2.70 .14 03 ** v 4 34 7 450 , 2.70 14 03 44 * *35 '450 * 2.70 .14 03 ** 36 450 2.70 .14 03 ** 37 450 2.70 .14 03 ✓ I4Jorkl6 vt - * * John E Ballai&c n W ’ 4j0Efc 2.4$ *12 02 • i 400 * * •>*# 02 Northwest Trust <fc Safe Deposit Co. S 7 4110 2.40 .12 02 \v M Killings w*h 13 450 2.70 .11 03 •• II 450 2.70 .14 03 *• 15 450 2.70 .11 03 Alaska N U> Co 16 »50 2.70 .11 03 17 1.8> 9778) 1)1.20 3.06 61 *• 18 150 9750 61.20 3.06 61 *• 10 150 0750 61.20 2.06 (VI •• 20 750 97:8)63.00 3.15 63 John K Ihillaine 30 678) 3 oo .20 <M ** 10 6.8) 3.90 .20 01 Block 17 John K Ballainc 3 3im» .00 <>•> 1 200 1.80 .(8.) 0* '* 5 200 .O'.) 02 6 3U0 1.80 .(8) 02 Northwest Trust «!s Sale Deposit Co * 8 300 .<>0 02 Trustee • 9 »»*» !•*> ')0 02 John K Ballainc 10 3(H) 1 so .00 02 Northwest Trust I 14 ::<m' .00 <12 ^ Safe Deposit 115 3oo .09 02 Co Trustee 16 »*' l-8't J19 "2 [ 17 3oo l .so .09 02 John !•: Ballainc is 3ih> .09 02 26 :nn• .(8» 02 37 300 I..09 02 \ \V Mvlroie 3s :too .on 02 30 200 l.SO .oO 02 •• 40 :too .00 02 Block is North west Trust 1 27s 1 I . ,0 us o-» Safe Deposit 2 2.8) I..8) ,<*■* oj Co. Trustee 3 250 l,5o .us o-» 4 250 1.50 .08 02. John K Ihillaine 6 250 1.50 .os 02 •• 7 250 1 .'8) .OS 02 •* 8 250 1.50 .08 02 •* 12 250 1.50 .OS 02 •* 13 250 1.50 .os 02 - II 278) 1.50 .08 02 “ 15 250 1.50 .08 02 •• 26 3'H 1 1.80 .09 02 •• 27 2'M) 1.80 .00 02 28 30" t.80 .(8* 02 •• 20 3'H) 1.80 .09 02 •• 31 2<H) 1.80 .<8* 02 •* 32 JUKI 1.80 .04* 02 *• 33 :bH) 1.80 .Oil 02 •• 34 3(H) 1.80 .'8* 02 *• 2i) 3(H) 1.80 .09 02 40 3(H) 1.80 .09 02 . Block 19 I A \V Mvlroie 1 S» 1.50 .OS 03 2 250 1.50 .08 02 *• 3 250 1.50 .08 02 Kuirenc H West 4 250 1.50 .os 02 John E Ballainc 8 250 1.50 .os 02 •* 9 250 1.78) .08 02 •• 10 250 1.7)0 .08 02 •* U 250 1.50 .OS 02 *• 12 250 1.78) .08 02 •’ 13 250 1.78) .08 02 It 278) 1.50 .08 02 15 250 1.78) .08 02 •• 16 278) 1.50 .08 02 IT 278» 1.50 .08 02 *• 23 278' 1.50 ,08 02 “ 21 278) 1.50 ,08 02 * 25 250 1.78) .08 02 “ 26 2.8) 1.50 .08 02 *' 3] 278) 1.78) ,08 02 “ 32 250 1.7x1 .08 02 “ 33 278) 1.50 .08 02 ** 34 250 1.78) .08 02 *• 35 250 1.50 .08 t)2 36 278) 1.78) .08 02 Seward Light & *39 250 30(H) 13.50 .68 11 Dowel* Co '4'* 278) 17xh» 10.78) .78) II Block 20 John K Ihillaine 3 250 1.78) .os 02 *■ 1 2.50 1.7s) .08 02 •• 5 278) 1.50 .08 02 *• 6 278) 1.50 .08 U2 7 250 1.50 .08 02 8 27s» 1.50 .08 02 - II 278) 1.7s) .08 02 12 27s) 1.50 .08 02 13 27s) 1,78) .08 »>2 II 278) 1.78) os 02 17 278) 1,50 .08 02 • 18 278) 1.50 .08 02 21 2.50 1.78) .08 02 •• 22 2'H) 1.20 .06 01 •• 23 2(H) 1.20 .'Hi 01 21 2(H) 1.20 .(Hi 01 28 2(H) 1.20 .'Hi 01 •* 29 2(H) 1.20 . 06 01 31 2'H) 1.20 .'Hi 01 •• 32 2(H) 1,20 .'Hi 01 •* 33 2'H) 1,30 .06 Ul 34 2'H) 1.20 .06 (II 35 2(H) 1.30 .06 01 ** 30 2*0 1,20 .'Hi 01 Da irk M Mullen 40 2(H) 1.20 .06 01 Block 21 John E Ihillaine 1 200 1,20 .(Hi 01 do 2 do do ilo do do 3 do ilo do do do 4 do do do do do s do do do do do 9 do do do do do in do do do do do 14 do do do do do 15 do do do do do 16 do do do do (jo 17 do do do do do 19 do do do do do 2o do ilo <lo do do 23 do do do do do 21 do do do do do 25 ilo do do do do 27 do do do do do 28 do do do do do 29 do do do do do 3t) do do do do do :tl do do do do do 32 do do ilo ilo do 33 do do do do dn 31 do do di) do do 35 ili) do do do do 36 do il«) do ilo Block 22 John K Ballainc 1 2(H) 1.20 .06 01 do 2 ilo di) do do (jo 3 do do do ilo do 4 ilo ilo do do do 5 do do ilo ilo do 6 do do do do do 7 do di) di) do do In ih) ili) do do do 16 do do do do do 17 ilo d° do do A W Mvlroie 18 do do do do do 19 do do do do do 2o di» do do do do 21 do do ilo do do 22 do do do do do 23 do do ih) do do 24 ilo do do do John E Ballainc 27 do do do do do 28 do do do do (jo 29 do do do do do 31 do oo do do do 32 do do do do do 33 do do do do do 34 do do do do do 38 do do do do do 39 do do do do do 40 do do do do Hlock ii»l John E Bullaine 1 225 1.85 .07 01 do 2 do do do do do 3 do do do do do 6 do do do do do 7 do do do do do 8 do do do do do 9 do do do do do 10 do do do do do 12 do do do do do 13 do do do do do 16 do do do do do 17 do do do do do 18 do do do ilo do 21 277) 1.65 .08 02 do 22 250 1,50 do do do 23 do do do do do 24 do do do do do 25 do do do do do 26 do do du do do 27 do~ do do do do 31 do do do do do 32 do do do do do 33 do do do do do 34 do do do do do 35 do do do do do 36 do . do do do Block 24 W M Ktllintfsw’h 1 300 1,80 ,09 Q2 do 2 250 ; 1,50 .08 ,92 do 3 do do do do do 6 do do d° do do 7 do do do do do 8 do do do do do 12 . do do do do do 131 “do do do do John E Bullaine 16 u do. do do . do do 17 v do do do do do 18 do do do do An&a F Ballainc 19 do do do do do20 300 1,80 09 do Meet me at the Branch. * Finch’s Golden Wedding rye at the I j YV M Killin-sw’h 21 330 2.10 II Go tlo 22 300 1,80 09 <lo do 23 do tlo tlo do do 21 do do do do do 25 dt> tlo do do do 20 tlo tit) tin do do 27 do <lo do Go I John E llallaim* 2X tlo tlo do tlo YV M Killinjrsw h 7474 do do do do do HI tlo do do tlo do H5 tio tio do do do 746 tlo do tlo do Block 25 Win B Poland.S'-. Id iso I os .05 01 do II H5o 2.10 .11 02 .1 .1 Einne^an.S2oft IH 2H0 tioo i.os ,2.5 05 do \20ft 11 210 l.ll .07 ol John K Ballaine 17 7450 2.1 o .11 o2 do IS do do tlo tio do 19 do do tlo tio do 20 15o 2.70 .11 OH do 21 250 l.5o ,os 02 do 22 2<>o |,2o .00 0| do 2H tlo tlo ‘Io do do 21 tlo <lo do do do 25 do tlo do do do 20 do do do do do 20 do do do tlo do HO do do tlo tlo do HI do do do do do H2 tlo do do tlo do HH do tlo do do do HI do do do tlo do 1C» do tlo do tlo do 740 do tlo do tio Block 2tl John E Ballaine I 200 1.20 ,<« «»l do 2 tlo tlo do do do H tlo tlo do do do I do tio do do do 5 tit) tlo tl<* do do <> d" tlo tlo tlo do 7 tlo tit) tit) tlo do S do tlo tlo do do 9 tlo tlo tlo do do Id do do tlo tlo do is do tit) dt) tit) do 19 tlt> dt) tit) tlo do 20 tin tit) tin tit) Block 27 John E Ballaine 3 150 .90 .05 01 do 4 do do (It) dt) do 5 tlo (It) dt) do do 6 dt) do do do do 7 do do do do do 10 do do do do do It do do tlo do do 12 do do do do do IH do do do do do 16 do do tlo do do 17 do do do do do IS do do do do do 19 tlo do do do do 20 do do do do George Turner 21 loo .60 .oH ol do 22 do do do do do 274 tlo do do do dn 21 do do do do (in 25 (In do do do dn 26 dn do do do do 27 do do do d«) dn 2H dn dn do dn do 29 dt) th) do do do .*40 do tlo do do dn HI dn do dO do <ln .‘42 dn do do do dn HH dn dn do dn dn HI d<> do do do (In H5 do do dn (in dn HO do do do (to (in H7 do do do do do HX do do do do do H9 do do do do dn 10 do do do do Block 28 John E Ballaine 1 150 .90 .05 01 do 2 do do do do dn H dn do do do do 4 dn dn (In do dn 5 dn do do <!•) do 6 do do do do dn 11 (in do d<> do do 12 do do do do do IH do do do do «|n II dn do do do dn 15 do do do do do 16 (io do do do do !7 do do do do do IS dn do do do (in 21 do do do do dn 22 do do do do dn 274 do do do do do 24 do do do do do 25 do do do do do 26 do do do do do 27 do do do do (io 740 do jlo do do do HI do do do do do 742 do do do do do 7474 do do do do do 747 do do do do (in H8 do do do do (in 749 do do do do do 10 do do do do Block 2.) : John E Ballaine 4 300 1.20 06 01 dn 5 do do do do do u do do do do do 7 do do do do do 8 do do do do do 9 dt) do do do W M lvillintfsw h IH dn do do do do 14 do do tlo do (in 15 do do do do dn 16 do do do do do 19 do do do do do 20 250 1.50 .08 02 John E Ballaine 21 200 1.20 .00 01 do 22 15o .IH) .05 01 do 274 do do do do do 21 do do do do do 27 do do do do dn 28 do do do do do 29 dt) do do do do 740 th) do tlo do (in H74 do do tlo tlo do 17 200 1.20 .06 01 (io 18 do do do do do HI 150 .90 .05 01 do 35 do tlo do do do 748 do do do do dn 749 tin do do do do 40 do do do do Block 74o John E Ballaine 1 150 .90 .05 01 do 2 do do do do do 74 do do do do do 4 do do do do do ft do do do do do 6 do do do do do 7 do do do do do 8 do do do do do 9 do do do do do 16 do do do do do 17 do do do do do IH jlIo do do do Robert A Gwynn 21 250 1.50 ,08 02 do 32 200 1.20 .06 01 John E Ballaine 274 do do do do do 24 do do do do do 25 do do do do do 28 do do do do do 29 do do do do do 740 do do do do do 31 do do do do do 32 do do do do do 37 do do do do do 38 do do do do do 39 do do do do do 40 do do do do Block HI ; John W Godwin 21 150 90 .05 01 do 22 do do do do do 23 do do do do do 24 do do do do do 25 do do do do do 26 do do do do do * 27 do do do do do 28 do do do do do 29 do do do do do 30. . do do do do John E Ballaine 31 do do do do do 32 do do do do do 143 do. , do do do K' 'do 744 do do do do do 745 do * Jo do do do 36 do do do do do 37 do . , do do do Louvre Block For Sale Situated on Lot 20, Block 9, Seiwarri, Alaska, for the sum of three thousand dollars. Terms: Ealf cash and balance one year thereafter at legal interest; Good Title. No incumbrances. No Agent. Inquire of the owner. Mrs. A. Lowell, Knik, Alaska. block 32 John K bullaine 5 I5u .<»•’» « do IS do do do oo do 7 do do do do do M do ill) do do do 9 do do do do do In do do do do do 11 do do do no do 12 do do do do do lij do do do do do IT do do do do do I s do do do do do 19 do dodo do do 2n do do do do 21 do do do do do 22 do do do do . do 25 do do do no do 26 do do do do do 27 do do do do do 2* do do do do do 2*9 do do do do do 32 do do do do do 33 do do do do do it I do do do do do "7 do do do Ho do it' do do do do do it.I do do do do do in Ho do do do block :si{ (icorifc Turner I 2on 1.20 .<>6 nl do 2 do do do do do It do do do do do I do do do do do 5 do do do do do I* do do do do do « do no do do do S do do do do do *9 do do do do d<> |o do do do do do II do do do do do 12 do do do do do lit do do do do do II do do do do do 15 do do do do do lit do do do do do 17 do do do do do IS do do do do do 19 do do do do do 20 25n |.5n .ns ini block its John K bullaine 17 inn .6n .03 ni IS loo .(V) .03 nl 19 inn .60 ,03 01 20 100 .60 .03 01 21 ion .60 .03 01 22 I0n .60 .03 01 block 35 j John E bullaine II 5o .30 .02 15 loo .60 .03 ol 16 loo .60 .03 ol 19 ion .60 .03 01 20 loo .Ik) .03 01 21 Inn .60 .03 nl 25 inn .Ik) .03 01 26 100 .60 .03 nl 27 5n ,30 .02 block 36 John K bullaine 25 Inn .t)n .03 nl 26 Inn .Ik) .03 nl 27 50 .3n .02 block :s: John K bullaine II 50 . 30 .02 15 100 .60 .03 01 16 inn .60 .03 ol Ellen b Haight 17 100 .60 .03 ol I* inn .60 .03 nl 19 Inn .Ik) .1)3 nl •jo inn .ik) .03 nl 21 inn .60 .03 01 “ 22 100 .Ik) .03 01 2it loo .Ik) ,03 01 21 100 9k) .03 01 John K ballaine 25 loo .60 .03 nl 26 (On .61) .03 01 27 50 ,30 .02 block 3s John E bullaine is 100 ,60 ,03 01 do 20 do do do do do 21 do do do do do 22 do do do do do 23 do do do do do 21 do do do do do 25 do do do do do 26 do do do do do 27 50 .30 .02 block 39 John E ballaine II 50 . 30 .02 do 15 100 .60 .03 01 do 16 do do do do do 17 do do do do do IS do do do do do 21 do do do do do 22 do do do do do 25 do do do do do 26 do do do do do 27 50 .30 .02 block 40 John E ballaine 11 50 .30 .1)2 do 15 loo ,00 ,03 u| do 16 do do do do do 1T do do do do do 21 do do do do do 22 do do do 1(0 do 23 do do do do do 21 do do do do Alaska Northern Railway Co All of the land lying and being south of the north line of Railway avenue and the south line of r. S. survey No. 726 south, ac I cording to the F. S. patent to Frank L. Hallaine and the map and plat of the town of Seward, territory of Alaska. Area, seven acres. Valuation. $24,500. Amt. taxes. $147. Penalty *7.35. Inter est . *1.47. Alaska Northern Railway Co One and forty one-hundredths acres which lies lies between the line of mean high tide j on Resurrection bay and the cast line of the right <>t wav of the Alaska Central Railway and in front of 17. S. survey No 720 S. and 720 N.. F. L. Hallaine soldiers additional homestead location. I 4(M(X) acres, valuation. $4.*00, Amt, taxes. $2*.St). Penalty. $1.14. Int. $0.2*. i Alaska Northern Ry Co Twenty-eight one-hundreths acres, described as next above. Valuation of land, $5tio. Amt, i taxes $3,30. Penalty $0.17. Int. $0,014. I Edmund Rudolph Edmund Rudolph homestead claim. IT, S. survey No. 931. Valuation of land $1*00. Imp, $500, Amt taxes $13.00. Penalty $0.09. Int. $0.14, ; Fredrick William Low. William H. Po land claim No. 241 . U. S. survey. Valuation of land $3000. Amt. taxes $1*. Penalty $0.1*0. Int. $0.18. Alaska Northern Railway Co—The land occupied and claimed exclusively as right of way for railroads by railroad companies and corporations, together with the buildings and all the sub structures and super-structures sup porting the same, situate within the town of Seward, Alaska -two miles — ! valuation $30,000. Amt tuxes $180, Pen alty $9. Int. $1,80. Alaska Northern Railway Co The wharf known as Seward Dock within the town Seward including the super structure and piles driven into the ground for the purpose of supporting the same. Valua tion $10.(XX). Amt taxes $60. Penalty $3. Int $0.60. Summons for Publication In the District Court for the Territory of Alaska. Third Division. .John Kapsimalis. plaintiff, vs. John Lechner and F. P. Skeen, defendants. The president of the Uni ted States o America, greeting: » To John Lechner. one of the abov named defendants: You are ^hereby required to appear in the District Coart for the* Territory oi Alaska. Third Division, within thirty days after the completion of the service of this summons up on you and answer the complaint of the aboro named plaintiff. The original of said com plaint is on tile with the Clerk of the above Cdurt at Valdez, Alaska, apd unless you at>pear tq answer, the plaifrt-iff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This action in brought to recover the. sum ol three thousand dollars and interest from the above named defendants, John Lechner and F< P. Skeen, and this summon# is served upon you bv publicationtheroof imrsuant to an order ofi the above Court made and'entered on the 25th day of September. A. D.. 1913. Witness the Honorable F. M. Brown, judge of said Court, this 25th day of September in tht year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirteen and of our independence one hum* ) died lb^$V-eighth. * VjF Ot* (SbaUKa “l ARTHUR UlKU. f I " Clerk. By Thos. S. Scott, Deputy Clerk. First pOWietttfcTfi September 27. 1913, Last publication November#. 1913.