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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
THE GATE TO THE NELCHINA! 1)0 YOUR OUTFITTING AT Groceries Clothing Dog Feed COMPLETE STOCK PRICES REASONABLE SAVE THE HAUL! ALASKA ?o°„?AT Steamers via the INSIDE PASSAGE calling at Ketchikan, Juneau, Yakutat, Katalla, Cordova, Ellamar, Valdez, Latouche, Seward. Cook Inlet Points and Kodiak. Steamer Jeanie, with mail and freight, will leave Seattle Dec. 10. ' ■ : ■ r. in (’onnect ioi ■* Ala>ka * Pacific Steamship!, o. _»ht re>erved tc change >chedule without notice. B F. WATSON, General Agent. WAYNE BLUE, Agent USE THE PHONE ALASKA ELECTRIC COMPANY 5. M. GRAFF, - President and General Manager Practical Coite? Con'in'). “Father,* asked flu* :r!!*- who was rn!ng to marry a peer man. “do vnn think I ought to take a course in , household econeudes? Thev otter a | lovely one at Briny .Moore for “ •No ” replied pater grimly. *W on will get one for uotbiug after you are uih rried.“ —Judge. The Request. •*Pid Baron Fucash ask you for m.v In.nd. father?” asked (iwendoUn. "No.” replied Mr. Cumrox “lie call ed to discuss a marriage settlement, lie didn't ask for your hand. He ask ed tor my pocket hook” - Washington Star. Keeping Them Down. Stenographer W’hat is wrong. Mrs. Grim hat tie? Mrs. (JrlTiihattle- Motive spelled Henry with a capital “FI.* Don’t you know that Henry is a mere man’s name? New York Hlohe. For the Girls. The girl who Is as pretty as a pic ture should never allow herself to get j in an ugly frame of mind.—Chicago News __ . Belief is the acceptance of a map Faith is taking the voyage. Cheering Her Up. Stic 'after the quarrel* i will send hack four ring and other presents to morrow. He Ob. there s no hurry, i .ton t e.xpeoi tu tie engaged again for a week or two Boston Transcript. i Certain Difference*. *l)1d they never forget their differ etaes ?' "Why. yes. in a way He forgets tnal tie s a gentleman, and she forgets fhut stie s n indy. ’ ftxehange MaWmg Facet. Saiaee » saw a man in h window making taees toiiav Sympie What was tie doing that for: Sam-ee hur a run pie ol cloek* He Is a leweiei Putting Them to Sleep. She He» inishand pots the babies to sleep He mats easy. He was a prizefighter before he married tier.— j Tow n Topies. / due bad example spoil** many good preeeptS. "Let tne loan be laughing going hoiueM—i. e.. treat well what is hor j rowed is an o»d proverb Tw ent v-gauge, 11)13 mod**! shot guii> at ,!. L. Graef’s. 4- j __■— j ..WASHINGTON STREET..! BOARDING HOlSf! “They All Eat There!" GABRIEL SANTOS. • PROPR. “ Wealth can only be accu mulated by the earnings of in dustry and the so rings of frugality.'' THIS BANK IS WITHIN THE REACH 'Of EVERY MAN AND AT HIS SERVICE His account is invited and will lie given the same careful attention as that of the Largest Depositor. THE BANK of SEWARD SEWARD, - - ■' ALASKA Commerce Cafe E. LEVIN, PROPRIETOR Established in 1905 and still under the same management. STEAMSHIP CO. SAFETY SERVICE SPEED Sailings every Six Days for Valdez, Cordova, Skagwav, Juneau, kelckikan and Seattle Ki^hi reserved 10 change this M'hednle without noticed F. H. TUAGV, General Anent ( • L. (,l FI lLG. A C. HENNING Agent tor the Famous fred. Kauffman Clothes The best of everything in Tail ring Ladies and Gentlemen's Clothes cleaned, piessed. repaired and altered. Satisfaction guaranteed. =|THE I” WINES LIQUORS CIGARS BOWLING ALLEY BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES Seward, - Alaska I r--— Be the Mode! for Your Own Clothes! Rarely does a man who wears ready-made clothing look right in It was not made for him, ana no matter how well xi may .itiy fit, the fact remains that when the suit “settles” and loses its ironed false form, it will cave in here, bag there and wrinkle somewhere else. Clothes made-to-measure by Ed. V. Price & Cc. Qferchcnt 1 ciiors are not “just-as-good” as the “store-box” kind—they are unqualifiedly BETTER in fit, individuality and style. But the price is reasonable. See our new woolens and leave • your measure with us NOJV! We have large and complete assortments of HOLIDAY GOODS Among which can be found giffs suitable for all For men we offer the following suggestions: Hath robes, priced from . Smoking jackets at.*b. <_.o( and >. Hath slippers.... per 1),IU Fanev vests in washable fabrics and in wool, and silk and wool, from.S’J to KUO Military brushes. in leather cases, at .S’’. 4.00 and P.oOset Dressing cases, at. ..\ Docket books and bill folds.. ..»Oe to S.. .a Lauel watch chains, cuff buttons, with scar) pins to match, at.*>'10 f') Cigar cases and playing card sets in leather casesjM tomi '1 lie new Darker laundry bag sets.>•> per set Hole- pvool si x in beautiful Christmas boxes. six pair. tfuarunteod for six months.p< 1 5(>x Initial handkerchiefs, line linen, three in a box....M box Plain pure linen handkerchiefs.-5c. *><■ ard A e each Neckties, all kinds..... •; ' ■ •'°c to -°° House slippers. Dent gloves. suspcndei s and gai ter sets: Gillette razors, traveling bags.and cases and indestrueto trunks.. All moderately pru-'d Appropriate gifts h r women include _carymg sets Iron1 SiJ.TO to 15.00: percolators. S!.5o and 4 aO; eiderdown .mills at $12 and $1P each: large size phiul wool-knap blankets. $4.50 pair: all-wool white blankets, bl- oair: bath rugs. each: suit cases. >•' to $1$. and manicure sets ....Gcncrsl Mci ch&nts.... SEWARD, - ALASKA