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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
?. II OY IMHVlflOF ALASKA. Htndft, mi4 t<r?irn?av Oraa* ui?ni* Whf? While Mm ( Anoof Tk??> The great Si wash tribe of Indians of the gre it Northwest coast of America, who paint ?d carve every object of their be long' -3? who paint and literally carve ?he:r< wn bodies, were wearing bracelets if twi-ted cedar bark, bracelets of wood, tvnr, hom, be.irs' claws, birds' beaks, vaN' eeth, shells and copper when the white nan found them. They had pond* eruu> wristlets hammered from nuggets of puic ( pper and inlaid with abalone shell, .ind otheis of twisted copper wires. They in^ lv on bracelets as soon as the traders hr .-light them that metal, and they learn ed to oxidize copper by heat until it re ><n;l>lrJ Iron. When the miner Invaded the f r traders' realm the indians be? t? receive actual monev, to sell in steid barter their furs. They have never emed to value or covet gold In its reTati. tosilver^md they hoard the white , metal ke Hindoos. One Tlinkit woman | amaxr . in official by bringing out 9,000 and o>! i silver dollars to be counted. They hnd t. metal doiiar a more convenient artivfc- ? handle and store than the blan ket 0 eaver skin, which were the former units value and the current coins. Half the si er coins that go into Alaska are convr d into bracelets, and the native , artisa - used to carry out some of their clever -t Ideas 111 this soft easily worked me'al 1 h irst silver bracelets were broad ! band- tched with the totems of their j owue >. their rude heraldry- ordered bv as | sever id arbitrary rules as in any Eur ope ti 'lege of such arts. One tinds the st-an y conventionalized raven, eagle, bear, >lf and whale of the great clans mo^t umirably drawn and arranged on su- :i ad, barbaric old wristlets. One of th< two animals approach in profile from iier end, the bears combining in one e grated full face, with the storied skils. - ceremonial nuts, piled up in a crowi <>r column of glory. On another t <; o mimal seems to be split in half below the head and and stretehed around t;.e ci:r\ ed surface. It took a whole dollar t< n ... such bracelets as the-^, and by custc::: ')>e silversmith was p.iid twice the value >; the coins used in this work. ?ii ick;:i:x :ni\?ux uick. Representatives of a m.?ss meet in.; h >ve gone to Seattle to urge the im e construction of a wagon road from G -.-non to Teslin lake, and say that un it > It is done tne Stickeen route will be abandoned. The river fleet has already be;a tied up. the men going in via Skag u;iv. The Stickeen trail is In fairly Rood w ditian.but impracticable for the trans portation of good. .u other words the summer trail Is good t' talk about but untit to use ? and it mat te's little if one talks good or ill about it ? It .vouid admit any Impeachment. , H kut'i Ihr flatter With Mkawuuy. The government will commit a great 6- :nder :f it decides to spend fQ 5,000 out or ihe $100/300 appropriation for public baildincs in Alaska, at Sitka. It will be that much money thrown away. In many instances public buildings become too sm ill for purposes for which they were original Iv in ten J? J, and they have to be enlarged : r sold to ni ike wav for better ones. When th:s happens it is often possible to sell the t^uiiJingto i vantage. If these new build ings were v.uated in that part of Alaska which is cowing they Mould have an ascertained . due, but the growing capaci- ] lyl >?( Si .us limited. There are undoubt edly good mines in that district, but they are .14 yet ideveioped. Around Juneau the coun ry is rich, and enormous enter pnses are being conducted. Where the volume o" iness is, there litigation will originate, .1:1 J the convenience of the people and exigency >f the public service demands that the ourt house should be built here also other public buildings for the proper and conve: tn: transaction 6f the business yf the terr torj .?Alaska Miner. For fcv.. ? Thoroughly equipped nt- aurai t d >lng a tine but?ine?A on j?r< ininent sti est. Inquire at this office. 1 ? CoKi I., mouadf at -lie Lit' ? star. Broadway between Mood and V. Clnney. * >a^er <t Uilfj cijjar manufacturers. Wt.olrsalf j. era a specialty. Broad way and First Avenue. Best bet t town at the Tivoli, on fti^aJwav. -.uassner and Geisler, pro prietors. U tsche Haus. For sta1' iry call on N. K. Wilson, Druggi?u iiilly Are., near State street. Comer i.ot vith boarded tent, bunks, (.coking titencils, etc., can be bonght for a sCi 2 as o\wwr has to go inside. Rossa & ?\ itker AWiJamin Hotel. FOR Pi at? Nicely furnished cabin on 7tr. avet ie. Owner would like toard \?uih tenant. Apply at Marshal's office, ? Occidental hotel. His Little Son.? What is a wfcite lie, Papa? The Bjitor.? Oh! it a lie that does no harm *to anybody. His LJttle Son.? Like a circulation ?<ateinent,\ Papa? LOT FOir SALE.? Lot 4, Blk. 106, sc by ioo, An i8th St., betv/een Broadway aT J State, f Inquire of Dr. Lepper, corner Kaiser and IMaine. Parties going inside, *r J must sen . . KEEA Has Barrels of Honey tv Sells at Auction toys Second Hana Goods tnd Everything. Loans Money. Sells Everything uys and Sells Mines I raeipne trmmms ; Real Estate and Lumber. 500 Window? and 500 Doors at Cost Oftices and Houses to Rent. Buildings Erected to Suit Purchasers. 310 BKOADWAY, SKAGIT AY, ALASKA. GUS BROWN & CO Clotliier? cinci b"*urnj?herm THE MOST COMPLETE OUTFITTERS ON PUGET SOUND * ii? 515 Second Ave., Cor. Yeslcr Way, .... SEATTLE, WASH. PHIL. ABRAHAMS (NOTARY PUBLIC.) Real Estate Dealer. RENTS COLLECTED and Collections of all kinds made. Prompt jeturns. 17, Bond. THE Hackers' Headquarter? Musio Hall. 6th Ave. bet. Broadway & Runnalla. JESSE JAMES, Proprietor. Finest of Wines, Liqnors and Ci jars. . w' & ?M,^Ty)CK' k. c. SMITH, l*r?Mldeut. Secretary and Treasurer SKAGUAY BREWING CO. Manufac urers of Steam and Lager Beer. Sole ArviiU for the XORTHRUP & STURGES COMPANY'S Carbonated l!e vera pes. Ciders, Srrupn and Extract*. SKAGUAY, ALASKA. C. W. Everest. General Merchandise Storage, and Commission. Corner Broadway and Bond Street. ITHS CASH STORE Market St. Ferry, S. F., Cal. ? KLONDIKE SPECIALS Folding Rockers (ask for circulars) $10, 12 Yukon Folding otoves (new) f6.oo, 7.50 Yukon Gimp Stoves, best #}.75? S-?o Large Fur Sleeping Blankets 12.00 Evaporated Potatoes, warranted, to the trade. Canned Fruits and Meats of best quality. Heavy wearing apparel. Send for pamphlet on the Klondike free. The Ppovidenee Fw Go Providence, R. I. Wants all Kinds of Raw Furs, Skins, Gin seng, Seneca, etc. Prices quoted for next sixty days are as follows: Price list on all other furs and skins fur nished upon application. Full prices guar anteed, careful selection, courteous treat ment, and immediate remittance on all con signments. TUIIQ JADPR ts kept on file at E. C. n I O t Mr dlV LAKE'S Advertising Agency. and 65 Merchants Exchange. San Fran cisco. California where contracts for advertising can beraade for II. Silver Fox Bear Otter Martin Beaver (per lb.). Wolf Red Fox Mink Skunk Gray Fox Rat $15 00 to 5150 00 . 5 00 " 25 00 4 00 " 9 00 2 00 " 9 00 3 00 " 3 50 1 00 *' 2 00 i 00 41 2 00 o 75 " 2 00 0 25 " I oc o 50 " O 75 0 20 " o 25 | ilaDGg's Musis Mall lacd ilofi Rooms. Illprjto Finest Liquors and Oigare in the city. FRANK CLANCY, Manager. cTfic. el Sound 5Io 9iu&e?b 'FlouR? ' Olympic and Rainier Flours have been the standards on the Sound for years (see fac similes of the sacks herewith). They have now reached the first place in Alaska. A sack of either will make more loaves of GOOD LIGHT BREAD than will a sack of any ther flour in the market. When every man and ^oman in Alaska knows this there won't be any other flours used, sale by the leading merchants. PUGET SOUND FLOURING MILLS CO. Crack ' Toof and Stouts Snag Proof Mining Boots See that the Heels and Knees are st nped as per cuts, as none others are genuine. OIL CLOTHING Belting, Packing and i Rubber Clothing ?SUVmGKlNTOSHES-W Rubber floods of Every Description q <b ^ rrJ o SNAG __ (TKADE HAKK) f l| ? PROOF R: f n CJ I: a PATENT'* Goodyear Rubber Co. It. H. l'EASE, Vlco-l'res. <t Manager 577 & 570 Market St., SAN FRANCISCO. 78 A 75 First St., PORTLAND, ORE. MbXL ?Minnie ?AGENT? D & B Building Paper D & B Hoofing . . . P & B Paint ..... OFFICE IN THE PIL- BOX Broadway, near Bond, Skajjuay, Alaska ! N? OUTFIT" Is complete without P & B BULDING PAPER P & B ROOFING P & B PAINT tbe bottom of yoar boat Ask your dealer or address PARAFFINE FAINT CO.. gale Maker. SAN FRANCISCO. OFFICERS: ELY E. WEARE. Pres., J.J. HEALY. Vlce-F"r??. & oen. M(tr. W. W. We?i?. Second Vict-Pms. C. A. WEARE. Press. C.H. HAMILTON. Sec. St Triflic Mpr. E. A. GAG I;, Auditor. North American Transportation and Trading <2o.^ Operating Steamers TRADIflO POSTS: FORT GET THERE. Si. Michael, Island Hamilton. WEARE, Alaifca, . CIRCLE CITY. Alaika FORT CUDAHY. N. W. T. DAWSON. N. W. T. ALASKA HEADQUARTERS: Fort Gbt Them, 8i. M Ichaf Island. Mouth of Yukon River P. B. Weare, 1 H. Hamilton. J. J. Heaty, ft & Power, Mn dudahY and Klondike. Carrying Mjtht to all points on Yukon Rlvor GETOMRL MEM?HHTODSB.oooc CHICAGO OFFICE :-Room 290 Old Colony Bldg. PACIFIC COAST OFFICES :~S California St., San Francisco, Cal.; 618 First Avenue, Seattle, Wash. ATLANTIC COAST OFFICE 303 Produce Exchange, New York City. First steamer for the Season of 1898 leaves Seattle June 1, and steamers every two weeks thereafter. Carrying passengers and freight direct to the Yukon Gold Fields. For rates or further information write or apply to any of the Company's offices. ? ' ~