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FORT NEWS -f -•.» • .f*-»rw VOLUME 111 OLD FORT, N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1930 NUMBER 14 rHE OLD FORT NEWS The Old Fort News is pub lished each week in connection with the Marion Progress. MISS GERTRUDE DULA, Editor and Business Manager. GOODBY, OIJD YEAR Goodby, old year1. i Goodby! "We have been happy—you and I; We have been glad in many ways; And now, that you have come to die, Remembering our happy days, 'Tis hard to say, "Goodby— Goodby, Old Year! Goodby!" Goodby, Old Year! Goodby! "We have seen sorrow—you and I— Such hopeless sorrow, grief and care, That now, that you have come to die, Remembering our old despair, 'Tis sweet to say "Goodby— Goodby, Old Year! Goodby!" —James Whitcombe Riley. ALUMNI BANQUET The Old Fort Alumni Association lield their annual banquet and busi- j Tiess meeting in the dining room of the Home Economics department of the Old Fort school on Saturday evening, beginning at 7:30. This was one of the most import ant social affairs of the holiday sea son. The president, Albert S. Nob litt, was toastmaster. Speakers of the evening were Horace Early, Mrs. Lula D. Sandlin, Franz Strick land, Robert Hughes, Kimball Mil ler, Prof. S. B. Smithey, William Treverton, Robert Wilkinson, and Catherine Finch. The meeting was a decided suc cess, and was voted as one of the most enjoyable ever held. Members of the Alumni Association number 106. Albert Noblitt was re-elected president of the association at the business meeting; Miss Marie Sabom was elected vice-president, and Miss Millie Kanipe was elected secretary and treasurer. "A larger and better association" was the outstanding thought ex pressed in the talks of the evening. Of much interest was the letter written to the association by the founder, Prof. Geo. B. Strickland, of Pine Level, who expressed his re gret at not being present, and his interest in the association. HENSLEY - HENLEY Edgar Hensley of Old Fort and Miss Myrtle Henley were married Friday, December 20th, at the home of J. R. Harris. Rev. C. L. Taylor performed the ceremony. Oilly a few special friends were present. Mr. Hensley is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Millard Hensley and Miss Henley is the daughter of Mr. .and Mrs. Joe Henley, who live east of Old Fort. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hensley are graduates of the Old Fort High School, Mr. Hensley of the class of 1926 and Mrs. Hensley finishing with the class of 1928. They left by motor for Richmond, Va., where they will visit relatives. CRAWFORD - BRICE Of much interest to their many friends in Old Fort is the announce ment of the marriage of Mr. Joe Crawford of Old Foil and Spartan burg and Miss Frances Brice of Fort Motte, S. C.. The marriage was sol emnized at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wade Brice, at True Blue Plantation at Fort Motte, S. C., on December 6th. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford are spend ing the holidays with the former's mother, Mrs. J. R. Crawford, in Old Fort. They will be at home to their friends in Spartanburg after Janu ary 10th. Mr. Crawford is employed as court stenographer for the Seventh Judicial Circuit Court of Spartan-) burg. MANY CHRISTMAS TREES The cedar trees which were plac ed on the streets last week, in front of the business houses, were covered with snow on Christmas eve and created a wonderfully effective dec oration for the holiday season. The placing of the trees was under the direction of Mrs. P. H. Mashburn, chairman of the civic department of the Old Fort Woman's Club. LAVENDER - MORGAN The marriage of A. W. Lavender | of Crooked Creek township and Miss j Ada Morgan of Swannanoa was: solemnized on Christmas day at the , home of Rev. C. C. Grogan in Old Fort. | BRIDGE PARTY GIVEN BY MRS. HART TAYLOR " * The Christmas motif was empha sized charmingly in the delightful bridge party given by Mrs. Hart Taylor on Thursday evening at her home on Main street. Four tables were in play. The high score prize, a lovely bridge set, was won by Miss Maud Crawford. Mr. C. W. Gray beal -won the gentlemen's high score prize. A delicious salad, Japanese cake and Russian tea was served for refreshments. Those present were Dr. and Mrs. Harry B. Ditmore of Marion, Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Mc intosh, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.< Gray leal* Mrs. Effie Mashburn, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Mashburn, Mrs. George Moore, Miss Maud Crawford, Mrs. George Sandlin, Miss Gertrude Du la, li. J. Whisnant, F. M. Bradley, and Donald Mcintosh. HONOR "ROLL FOR OLD FORT GRADED SCHOOL Grade IB: Violet Bryson, Kather ine Epley, Utha Mae Johnson, Mil dred Tanning, Jot Miller, Billy Oats, Hershel Robertson, Arnold White. Grade 2: Paul Harmon, Jr., Clyde Raymer, Lois Early, Mabel Harris. Grade 3B: Jack Mason. Grade 4: Harriett Long, Len Smithey, Archie Mcintosh. Grade 5A: Beverly Curtis, William Troutman, Aubert Nesbitt, Caroline Sandlin, Mary Sue Young. Grade 6: Exam Manick, Maude Allison, Codel Camp, Bertie Suttle myre, Mary Margaret Johnson. Grade 7: Elizabeth Settlemire, Estellina Young, Clara Eller, Edith Lackey, Nannie Sue Sandlin, Myrtle Kerlee, Katheryn Kanipe, Virginia Jones, Gladys Haynes, Dorothy El ler, Nellie Curtis, Mary Allison, Juanita Adams, S. B. Smithey, Jr., Dweyer Umberger, Harris Curtis. 10th Grade: Julia Padgett. MR. AND MRS. CURTIS ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Curtis of Old Fort announce the marriage of their niece, Miss Fay Curtis, to Mr. Paul Smith of St. Joseph, Mo., which took place in Greenville, S. C., on Christ mas day. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will be at home to their friends at 116 Sand Hill Road after Jan. 15th. M. PADGETT FUNERAL RITES HELD MONDAY Funeral services for Mr. M. Pad gett, who died Dec. 22nd, were con ducted by Rev. C. L. Taylor at the Old Fort Baptist Church on Dec. 23. Interment was made at the Old Fort cemetery. Surviving are the widow, three sons and two daughters, Reba Padgett, Loretta McPeeters; Baird, Leroy and Edgar Padgett. MISS CAROLYN M'INTOSH ENTERTAINS AT DANCE Following the Alumni Banquet given at the high school on Saturday evening, Miss Carolyn Mcintosh was hostess for a dance given at her home on Main street. The Christmas season was delightfully emphasized in the decorations. A large group of members of the younger set enjoyed Miss Mcintosh's hospitality. MRS. M'INTOSH ENTERTAINS Mrs. D. M. Mcintosh was hostess for two tables of bridge Wednesday evening at her home on Main street. Mrs. Hart Taylor won high score prize. The home was beautifully decorated in keeping with the Christmas season, and a sweet course was served for refreshments. Guests for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Roughton, Mr. and Mrs. Hart Taylor, Miss Maud Craw ford, Mrs. Geo. Moore, and Mrs. P. H. Mashburn. LETTER OF APPRECIATION FROM A SOUTHERN SOLDIER Eight of the old boys who wore the gray and fought for the cause that was lost, were made glad when they were each given a Christmas box of good things to eat by the Old Fort Chapter of the U. D. C. May God bless the good ladies of Old Fort. One of the eight. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM The Christian Endeavor of the Presbyterian Church gave a Christ mas program on Tuesday evening. The program was under the direc tion of Miss Mary Will Greene. Miss Frances Artz had charge of making and filling the gift boxes for Santa Claus to distribute to the children, who greatly enjoyed seeing and hearing this genial personage. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Alec Wil liams, on Sunday, Dec. 29th, a son, , LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS OF INTEREST Miss Elaine Mashburn, student nurse at the Aston Park Hospital, attended the alumni banquet of the Old Fort High School last week. J. H. Ditmore of West Asheville, who has been spending the holidays with his daughter, Mrs. Geo. Sand lin, left Tuesday for St. Petersburg, Fla., where he will spend the winter months. Mrs. Eddie Ragle is visiting rel atives in Franklin, Ga. Mrs. Annie Graham of Asheville, was a visitor in Old Fort Monday. Miss Aleda Gilliland of Asheville and Tom Gilliland of Winston- Sa lem spent a few days this week in Old Fort visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gilliland. Miss Emma Allison, instructor in Domestic Science in the Jenkinsville High School (S. C.), attended the alumni banquet here last Saturday. Harry Noblett, Donald Mcintosh, Robert Wilkinson, Kimball Miller and Charley Stirewalt motored to Franklin, N. C., and Tiger, Ga., on Sunday. Miss Gertrude Bryson of Ashe ville spent a few days in Old Fort the past week. The Duke Power Company will furnish current to Old Eort at a re duction of the present rate after this month. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Roughton and children of Columbia, S. C., were guest$ of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore for several days the past week. Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Grogan and family spent the Christmas holidays with relatives at Cruso in Haywood county. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Stepp are spending a few days with the for mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Steppe of Old Fort. Miss Elizabeth Young of Connelly Springs has returned home after a visit with relatives in Old Fort. Hart Taylor is spending the holi days with his family in Old Fort. Franz Strickland and Earl Nes hitt of Lake City, S. C., attended the alumni banquet here Saturday evening. Miss Edith Rowe Grady, instruc tor of music, returned to Old Fort Friday after spending Christmas week with her parents in Wilson. Among the out of town members attending the alumni banquet were Miss Natalie Epley of Asheville, Miss Olive Whitmire of Biltmore, Mrs. Johnny Rockett of Narrows, Va., and Miss Elizabeth Strickland of Pine Level, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Haynes and Miss Ruby Haynes spent Friday in Asheville. Hubert Kanipe, a student at Duke University, is spending the holidays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Rhinerardt were shoppers in Marion Monday. Miss Lillie Oakley spent Christ mas with friends in Old Fort. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Silver spent Tuesday in Asheville. Miss Geneva Early of Asheville spent the holidays with her parents. Otis and Ewart Grant spent Tues day in Asheville. Burgin Walsh of Marion was in Old Fort Tuesday. Mrs. W. S. Burgin spent Friday in Asheville. Miss Anne Porter, who is teaching at Marion, spent Christmas with her parents. Miss Susan Allison of Asheville visited her sister, Mrs. C. T. Steppe, last week. Miss Louise Porter of Salisbury spent Tuesday and Wednesday with her parents here. Misses Arwyn and Nellie Allison, students at Asheville Normal, are at home for the holidays. Mrs. R. A. Padgett of Marion was in Old Fort Friday. Miss Laura Curtis of Flat Rock spent several days Jast week with her sister, Mrs. G. W. Sabom. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rockett of Narrows, Va., are visiting relatives in Old Fort. Miss Nell Hemphill of Salisbury is visiting1 her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hemphill. Crawford Fortune, of State Col lege, is spending the holidays with his mother, Mrs. F. J. Fortune. Donald Mcintosh, of Philadelphia, Pa., i.s spending the holidays with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Mc intosh. Miss Nellie Blankenship is spend ing several days in Asheville with friends. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Turner and Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Carver spent Sunday in Forest City as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Grant. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Burnette were in Marion Monday. D. Y. Grant, who is working in Blue Ridge, Ga., spent Christmas with his family Miss Margaret Marley, a teacher in Lenoir School, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Marley. Roy McDaniel spent Christmas day in Newland. Misses Natalie Epley and Marion I Nelly and Harry Saunders of Ashe ville were visitors in Old Fort on Christmas day. James H. Taylor of Charlotte is visiting friends in Old Fort this week-end. Miss Myrtle Lytle of Spencer is spending the holidays in Old Fort John W. Artz of Columbus N. C., visited his parents during the holi- J days. ! Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crawford of Spartanburg, S. C., are spending several days in Old Fort with Mrs. J. R. Crawford. Miss Viola Grant, who has been | visiting friends in Ernul, N. C., for j the past month, has returned to her! home here. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Silver and;i Mr. H. Early and Mr. Roy Early at- j tended the funeral of the sjnall j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Pad- j gette in Marion Sunday aftei'noon. j Mrs. Geo. Bradley of Forest City was a visitor in Old Fort Sunday. \ Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Bailey of Rainbow Springs are spending sev- i eral days with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. i Burgin. Miss Emmarie Giles of Hickory is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Le- ■ Fevre. | Clyde Miller, Jr., who has been j employed in Mexico, returned here Christmas week to spend the holi- j days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Miller. Waterfall That Dwarfs Famous Niagara Falls Where is the highest waterfall in j Europe? It is in France. More than ten times as high as Niagara falls, and i the third highest in the world, but that | of the Gave de Pau at Gavarnie has j recently been especially recommended to tourists. Only the Grand in Lahra- ; dor, and the Southerland in New Zea- j land have a longer fall of water than its 1,383 feet. When the season is wet, ; the cascade drops in one uninterrupt- ! ed veil, though in the dry summer i months it strikes a ledge two-thirds of ! the way down. The immediate set ting for the fall is extraordinary. It descends into the amphitheater known j as the Circue de Gavarnie. This is a basin more than two miles wide which is shut on three sides by moun tains rising from 7,000 to 9,000 feet. The proportions of the place are mam moth, in keeping with the singular j characteristics of this waterfall. Ga- j varnie is in the Pyrenees, not far from i either Pau or Luchon.—Exchange. Exclusive He—How do you like my Christmas j present, dear? Modem Flapper—Mother says I should never accept inexpensive pres- j ents from boys. Ready to Tackle The New Year Subscribe for the Marion Progress —the home town paper. ; New Beauty for the NEW FORD Added to the Proven Perform ance of the Model A Car makes it the preferred investment in the Automobile World. On display in our show room. You are cordially invited to in spect this wonderful little car. Fisher Motor Co. OLD FORT, N. C. OUR 1930 CHRISTMAS CLUB IS NOW OPEN Join now in one of our classes ranging from 10c to $10.00, payable each week, and have your Christmas Money all ready next year. It's not what you earn that makes you rich, but what you SAVE. WISHING YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS. THE BANK OF OLD FORT OLD FORT, N. C. J. S. BRADLEY, Pres. F. M. BRADLEY, Cashier P. H. MASHBURN, Vice-Pres. SEE and HEAR and enjoy 'Gold Diggers of Broadway' The most beautiful and enter taining picture ever made for the screen. at Marion Theatre Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Jan. 6, 7, 8. A NEW METALLIC HAT will add much to your pleasure during Christmas. Bargains in Stylish Felt Hats. THE DULA HAT SHOP