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TOWN TALK Marion Hudson spent last week at Virginia Beach, Va. Talton O’Bryant of Norfolk, Va., spent the week end here with Mrs. J. B. 0‘Bryant. Miss Bernice Hitchens and Miss Viola Glover have returned from Chapel Hill where they have been attending summer school. Miss Merle Bell has returned from Lawrenceville, Va., where she has been spending some time with Mrs. Walter Crowder. Miss Kuth Glover, Miss Fannie Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Col lier have returned from a vaca tion spent at Minnesotte Beach. Misses Alice Merritt, Nita Har ris and Lena Johnson spent the week end at Ocean View, Va. Mrs. A. D. Glover and Mrs. Irene Merritt spent the week end at Ocean View, Va. Mr. and Mrs. George Gregg of Burlington are spending some time here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Johnson. Miss Ella Gooch Glover of Hen derson, N. C. has returned home after spending some time as the guest of Misses Ruth and Viola Glover. Misses Ruth Glover and Merle Bell motored to Chapel Hill for the week end. Mrs. Clarence Grimmer and chil dren Winfield and Beverly have returned to their home in Conn, after spending some time here with relatives and friends. Many of Mrs. Grimmers friends enter tained for her while here. Miss Kathleen Craddock who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. David Traynham returned to her home in Christiansburg, Va., Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dean spent the week end at Virginia Beach, Va., as the guest of Mrs. Job Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Job Taylor sp it a few days here last week. They will keep their cottage at Virginia Beach open through September. Mrs. Howard Pruden and son Bill have returned from Virginia Beach where they were guest of Mrs. Hugh Camp. Mrs. Cooper Grizzard and son George spent several days this week in Courtland with her sister. Mrs. Lawrence Clements has been spending sometime in Smith field, N. C. with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Heath Lee and family spent Labor Day in Mon roe with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hall and' children, Laura and Alfred, Jr., have returned from a two weeks visit to Columbia, S. C. and' Augusta, Ga. j MRS. JARMAN HOSTESS Mrs. F. G. Jarman honored Mrs. Clarence Grimmer with a bridge party on Wednesday evening of last week, ^(background of lovely flowers was effectively used for the three tables of players. At conclusion of six progressions the scores were collected and Mrs. George Hayes was found to hold high, she was awarded a double deck of cards as a prize. The guest of honor was also given cards, a salad course was served at ten thirty. The players sharing hon - ors with Mrs. Grimmer were: Mes dames Alfred Martin, W. P. Tay lor, George Hayes, Frank Wilson, Frank Hawley, T. W. M. Long, Paul Heydenrich, Tom White, Misses Betty Grey Long, Ruth Transou and Maria Long. John Miljan, Mae West’s “men ace” in “Belle of tlie Nineties”, will be given a new way to die in Mae’s script of her new Para mount drama of the mauve decade. SALE OF LAND for TAXES In compliance with the law and in order to satisfy the collection of Roanoke Rapids Graded School District and City of Roanoke Rapids taxes for the year 1933, I will sell at public auction the property of the following on Monday, September 10th., 1934, at 12 o’clock noon, in front of the Halifax County Court House, Halifax, North Caro lina. „ „ . P. A. REID, School and City Tax Collector. WHITE School City Atlantic Mortgage Co., 2 lots, Jefferson St.- 12.20 12.20 Bank of Northampton, 12 lots, Roa. Ave.- 41.32 41.32 Bank of Weldon, 2 lots, Roa. Ave. and 1 lot, Horner Town - 18.92 7.72 Central Investment Corp., 18 lots, Washington and Hamilton Sts. _- 106,60 106,60 Clark and Nash, 4 lots, Roa. Ave. and Hodger Town__ 12.80 12.84 General Baking Co., 1 1-2 lots, Hamilton St.- 15.40 15.40 Hub Store, 1 3-5 lots, Hamilton St.- 36,27 ■Joyner Motor Co., 9 lots, Roa. Ave., Belmont, Weldon Road - 188,78 187,18 Langston, Lewis and Leonard, 1 1-2 lots, Wash St. 11.80 11.80 Marks, Fannie and others, 4 lots, Roa. Ave. and 2nd. St. - 201,00 201,00 Marks, Fannie and others, 2 lots, Roa. Ave.- 10.60 10.60 Mortgage Service Corp., 1 lot, Roa. Ave.- 13.00 13.00 N. C. Mortgage Corp., 1 lot, Belmont- 17.80 Paragon Development Co., 4 lots, Roa. Ave.- 20.20 20.20 Realty Sales Corp., 3 2-5 lots, Roa. Ave.- 153.00 153.00 Realty Sales Corp., 2 lots, Roa. Ave. - 81.00 81.00 Roanoke Avenue Dev. Co., 27 lots, Roa. Ave.- 106.12 106.12 Roanoke Rapids Lumber Co., 12 lots, Henry St. — 128.65 128.65 Roanoke Rapids Properties, 543 acres and 381 lots, Jefferson, Washington, Jackson, Hamilton Roanoke Ave., Clinton, Littleton Rd., Show Ground, Belmont - 610.07 375.48 Roanoke Theatres, 2 1-2 lots, Roanoke Ave.- 180.00 Tillery, Wells D. Co., 4 lots, Roanoke Ave. 101.00 101.00 Weldon Bank and Trust Co., 6 lots, Roa. Ave.- 46.76 46.76 Alston, Boyd, and Hicks, Trustee, 5 lots, Roa. Ave— 17.80 Ameen, George, 1 lot, 2nd. St.- 41.00 41.00 Baird, J. R., 10 acres, Simmons Land- 12.35 Balmer, D. L., 2 lots, Wash. St- 5.26 4.76 Barnes, N. S., 7 lots, Weldon Road- 6.12 6.12 Barrett, E. J., 1 lot, Jefferson St.- 7.15 7.15 Bell, H. L., 10 acres, Belmont-_- 21.85 Blanton, D. D., 3 3-4 lots, Clinton St.- 14.30 14.30 Bounds, Mrs. S. J., 1 1-3 lots .Hamilton St.- 25.00 25.00 Bradley, Jesse A., 3 lots, Ninth St.- 15.40 15.40 Bradley, T. A., 3 lots, Monroe St. -—— 8.20 8.20 Brickel, R. E., 2 lots, Hamilton - 5.80 5.80 Brooks, Emma (H. C.), 2 lots, Hamilton St.- 4.40 4.40 Brown, Mrs. N. B., 2 lots, Jefferson St.- 15.40 15.40 Brown, Tom S., 5 lots, Roa. Ave. and West Rose- 18.88 9.00 Bugg, H. H., 1 lot, Hamilton St.-—— l7-67 17-67 Byrd, Mrs. Pattie, Estate, 9 lots, Henry St.- 25.00 25.00 Cannon, Mrs. Lena, 2 lots, Vance St.- 8.80 8.80 Clary, R. P., 3 lots, West Rose- 10.24 Davenport, L. E., 2 lots, Hamilton St.- p.^b Davis, Charlie B., 1 lot, West Rose.- 11.65 Dickens, J. K., 2 2-5, Roa. Ave.- 41.34 41.34 Dobbins, H. E., 8 lots, West Rose.- 10.30 .5.80 Dobbins, J. E., 2 lots, West Rose.- 1.80 Draper, H. C., 3 lots, Monroe and Jefferson- 16.01 16.01 Edmondson, Bruce, 2 lots, Hamilton S.t- 3.00 3.00 Edmondson, Mrs. R. T., Estate, 1 lot, Hamilton St. — 8.44 8.44 Edwards, B. P., 2 lots, West Rose.- 7.16 Edwards, Dolph, 1 lot, Roa. Ave. - 17.40 16.90 Edwards, E. G., 4 lots, West Rose.- 8.74 Edwards, M. F., 1 lot, Belmont_ 7.80 6.10 Edwards, R. L., 4 lots, Bolling Rd.- 2.80 Elmore, E. W., 2 lots, Charlotte St- 8.80 6.80 Emry, C. R., 10 acres, Ivey Land, 2 lots, Wash. St. 5.25 4.75 Enn-y, Mrs. lone T., 61 acres, Tilgbman’s Cross Roads, 39 lots, Jackson St., Roa. Ave.- 321.55 292.27 Fayed, Tucker, 8 lots, Roa. Ave., Hamilton St. Littleton Rd. - 80.37 80.37 Fligel, Mrs. Ida., 4 lots, Roa. Ave.- 25.00 25.00 Frank, Max, 4 lots, Wash. Roa. Ave., Horner Town 15.88 15.88 Glasgow, T. C., 3 lots, Roa. Ave.- 14.18 Glover, Mrs. Florence T., 2 lots, Hamilton St.- 21.25 21.25 Grant, J. T., 2 lots, Wash. St.- 14.44 14.44 Grantham, V. H., 6 lots, Roa. Ave., Hamilton St.- 66.55 66.05 Guppey, Mrs. E. J., 2 lots, Hamilton St.- 6.60 6.60 Harden, P. L., 2 lots, Washington St.- 7.36 6.86 Hargrave, W. W., 6 lots, West Rose.- 12.93 Harris, S. P., 15 acres Belmont, 2 lots, Belmont- 43.71 Harrison, D. B., 2 lots, Hamilton St.- 15.28 14.78 Harrison, W. D., 32 acres, McGee Land- 13.32 Hasty, L. R., 2 lots, Monroe St.- 8.95 8.45 Hawkins, J. H., 1 lot, First St.- 3.75 3.75 Hinchey, H. H., 2 lots, Franklin Road- 12.58 Hinchey, J. S., 1 lot, Weldon Road- 4.05 3.55 Hockaday, W. S., Estate, 9 1-2 acres, Simmon Land— 3.77 Holladay, J. J., 1 1-2 lots, Washington St.- 14.50 14.00 Homer, W. F., 4 lots, Hamilton St.- 22.60 22.60 Howell, Miss Irene, 2 lots, Monroe St.- 4.20 4.20 Hudson, B. F., 2 lots, Washington St.,- 12.55 12.05 Hudson, H. M., 1 1-2 lots, Washington St_ 11.30 10.80 Hyman, Mrs. L. A., 3 lots, Jackson St.- 8.20 8.20 Johnson, W. D., 1 lot, Littleton Road_ 3.40 8.40 Jones, Mrs. Alice, 4 lots, Homer Town- 11:32 Jordan, S. H., 2 lots, Washington St.- 10.36 10.36 Keeter, R. L., 1 lot, West Rose- 4.08 Kennemur, J. H., 2 lots, Washington St.- 18.18 17.68 School City Kidd, C. T., 3 lots, Hamilton St., Belmont- 16.10 14.10 Kidd, Mrs. C. T., 2 lots, Hamilton St. - 13.00 13.00 Kidd, Mrs. S. W., 1 lot, Washington St.- 9.80 9.80 Langston, J. L., 2 lots, Wsahington St.- 16.69 16.69 Leitner, H. C., 6 lots, Horner Town- 14.91 Lewter, W. E., 2 lots, Hamilton St. - 32.70 32.20 Lipscomb, J. A., 7 lots, Washington St. - 23.75 23.25 Long, Dr. T. W. M., 2 lots, Roa. Ave._ 9.16 9.16 Love, Mrs. T. L., 1 lot, Hamilton St. - 7.24 7.24 Lyerly, C. A. 2 lots, Washington St.- 2.76 2.76 Lyles, Arch, 2 lots, Monroe St. - 5.11 4.61 Lynch, June, 3 lots, Wash., Jefferson Sts.- 24.01 23.51 Lynch, W. G., 1 1-3 lots, Hamilton St._ 17.11 17.11 Marcher, Mrs. L. E., 90 acres, Simmons Land- 38.67 Marks, Miss Fannie, 9 lots, Roa. Ave., Hamilton Sts. _ 71.85 71.85 Marks, Marcella, 3 1—2 lots, Jackson St.- 25.00 25.00 Marks, Mrs. M. F., 4 1-2 lots, Hamilton St._ 63.82 63.82 Matkins, J. H., lot, Hamilton St. - 37.16 37.16 Matthews, A. R., 4 lots, Washington, Charlotte Sts.__ 17.14 16.64 Matthews, J. E., 15 acres and 23 lots, Washington, Jackson,, Hamilton Sts. - 79.80 79.80 Matthews, S. H., 5 lots, Hamilton, Washington Sts., Belmont _ 58.38 57.60 McFarland, W. B., 4 lots, Belmont- 12.26 McGee, John E., 3 lots, Washington St._ 21.88 21.88 McGee, Richard, 6 lots, Hamilton St.- 57.16 57.16 Moody, L. R., 1 1-3 lots, Hamilton St.- 21.02 21.42 Moody, W. L., 5 lots, Wash., Jefferson Sts.- 29.04 Moore, J. L., 19 acres, Simmons Land- 32.15 Murphrey, Dr. W. E., 94 acres, Tillery Land and 4 lots, Roa. Ave., Hamilton Sts._ 58.22 36.61 Myrick, R. G., 2 lots, Horner Town- 18.62 Nash, F. L., 2 2-5 lots, Roa. Ave._ 20.68 20.68 Needer, B., 2 lots, Roa. Ave. _ 7.90 7.90 Newsome, W. W., 4 lots, West Rose.- 11.72 Northington, G. A., 3 lots, Hamilton St.- 70.01 70.01 Odom, K., Estate, I lot, Henry St.- 12.20 12.20 Owens, C. P., 1 lot, Monroe St.- 23.28 23.28 Parker, J. B., 2 lots, West Rose. - 4.20 Peel, Mrs. Nannie, 2 lots, Washington-;- 5.00 5.00 Pope, Mrs. Eliza Jane, 1 1-2 lots, Wash. St.- 7.92 7.92 Pritchett, C. W., 2 lots, Jefferson St. - 13.60 13.60 Rainey, Mrs. Jennie, 2 lots, Wash. St,- 9.23 9.23 Rainey, Miss Ruth, Estate, 2 lots, Hamilton St.- 17.00 17.00 Ransom, P. E., 16 acres, Weldon Road- 147.35 Ray, P. W., 2 lots, Monroe St.- 15.51 15.51 Riddick, Hubert, 2 lots, Hamilton St.- 2.76 2.76 Rightmeyer, F. M., 2 lots, Hamilton St.- 5.00 4.50 Robinson, James, P., 1 2-3 lots, Roa. Ave., 2nd. St.— 82.80 82.80 Robinson, R. R., 1 lot, Wash. St. —-- 15.80 15.80 Ross, R. B., 1 lot, Bolling Road- 11.45 Shaheen, N., 2 lots, Weldon Road - 6.02 6.02 Shaw, J. A., 3 lots, Belmont- 10.80 Shearin, N. M., 1 lot, Jefferson St.- 2.20 Sheffield, W. O., 1 lot, Jefferson St.- 13.00 13.00 Shell, R. E„ 3 1-2 lots, Hamilton St.- 41.00 41.00 Short, Willie, Estate, 1 lot, Weldon Road- 6.20 Smith, Mrs. Ada R., 2 lots, Jefferson St.- 4.20 4.20 Smith, John C., 10 lots, Roa. Ave., Hamilton Washington Sts. - 102.10 101.60 Spain, L. H., 4 lots, Washington St.- 13.80 13.80 Speight, H. B., 1 lot, Jefferson St. - 17.59 17.09 Stainback, E. S., 1 lot, Jackson St.- 11.15 11.15 St. Sing, T. J., 3 lots, Jackson St.- 43.69 43.69 Taylor, B. B., Estate, 2 lots, Horner Town- 9.80 Taylor, L. M., 2 lots, Washington St.- 18.26 17.76 Taylor, Mrs. Sallie R., 1 lot, Horner Town- 8.60 Thompson, Mrs. S. M., 2 lots, Monroe St.- 25.31 25.31 Tickel, H. M., 2 lots, Hamilton St.- 18.60 18.10 Todd, R. O., 2 lots, West Rose.- 1.80 Turner, J. O., 2 lots, Belmont- 5.00 Twisdale, Mrs. H. T., 1 lot, West Rose.- 3.80 Vaughan, Mrs. Bessie, 4 lots, West Rose.- 7.65 Vest, John L., 9 lots, Hamilton St., Old Show Ground _ 27.29 27.29 Vincent, J. M., 4 lots, Hamilton St- 25.39 24.89 Webb, B. S., 15 1-2 lots, Jefferson, Jackson, Roa. Ave., Belmont, Hamilton- 157.79 156.90 Wheeler, D. W., 2 lots, Jefferson St.- 17.00 16.50 Whitaker, R. A., 8 lots, Old Show Ground- 6.38 6.38 Whitby, J. H., 1 lot, Clinton St.- 6.86 6.36 White, M. F., 2 lots, Charlotte St.- 8.03 Whitehead, W. T., 16 lots, Madison St.- 39.40 39.40 Williams, Mrs. G. E., 2 lots, Hamilton St.- 28.00 28.00 Williams, Tommie, 2 lots, Horner Town- 10.71 Wrenn, Mrs. Annie R., 1 lot, Hamilton St.- 16.20 16.20 Wrenn, J. R., 5 lots, Wash. St., Bolling Road- 16.44 9.70 Wright, K. H., 3 lots, Jefferson St- 5.56 6.06 Wyche, Mrs. Lynn J., 27 acres, near Hodger Town , and 4 lots, Weldon Road- 28.36 Zollicoffer, Allen Co., 3 lots, Jackson St.- 59.40 58.90 Edmondson, T. M., 1 lot, Roa. Ave., 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933)_ 21.16 10.22 Marks, Fannie and others, 2 lots, Roa Ave., (1929, 1930, 1931, 1932) _ 49.00 41.80 Northington, G. A., 3 lots, Hamilton St. (1932)- 86.01 61.00 First National Bank, 1 lot, Roa. Ave., No. 246 (1929) _ 726.67 COLORED Bowser, Willis, 1 lot, Hodger Town- 1-72 1.72 Brown, Rosa, 2 lots, Hodger Town- 5.80 Burton, Oliver, 2 lots, Hodger Town- 5.80 6.80 Connor, E. J., 5 lots, Hodger Town- 17.69 Daniel, Andrew, 2 lots, Hodger Town- 6.36 Daniel, Hubert, 2 lots, Hodger Town- 3.81 Daniel, Jim, 1 lot, Hodger Town--- 4.20